HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051967 Ver 6_Approval Letter_20140610NCDENR North Carolina Department ofEnvironment and'Nafural Resources Pat McCrory' Governor June 10, 2014 SLF II NC- Watersstone, LLC Attu: Randall Hearne 5949 Sherry`Lane, Ste. 1750 Dallas, 'TX 75225, ,John, E. Skyarla, II I. :Secretary DWR # 05- 1967v6 ,Orange County Subiect: APPROVAL OF 401 WATER QUALITY "CE_RTIFICATION,WITHADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Cates Creek Parkway Extension -Dear Mr: ,Hearne: Th'is,401W-,ater Quality Certification (WQC) dated June 10, 2014 replaces the, WQC dated August 15, 2013. In this replacement WQC, 'the, stream ,impact 1'engths,,at Site' #1 and' Site #2- have'been revised. You.,have,our approval for'the[impacts listed "below foi-,the purpose described in y,our�application dated May 28, 2014 and received by the Divi'sion of Water,Resources (Division) on, May'28, 2014. These impacts are covered ,by the attached Water Quality G'enerai,Certification Number,3886•and the conditions listed,,below. This certification is associated'with the, use of Nationwide Permiit Number 14,once it is issued to you by'the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please, note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with yoi r,project, including those required by '(but'notlirnited.td);Sediment and''Ero'sion Control, No`n- Di'scharge,aand'Water Supply Watershed regulations. We understand that ^When Cates Creek Parkway as part of 'the Waterstone Subdivision was originally permitted in 2006; the applicant purchased the required ,mitigation, and therefore, no additional mitigation is required at,this,time. This approval requires yowto follow the conditions listed in the en6losed' certification and the following add'it'i'on'aLcondit' ions: 1: Th,efollovving.impacts are hereby' approved provided'that all,of the, other =specific and general conditions of the Certification, General Permit and/or Buffer.Ru'les-are met. No,other impacts, areapproved; includ_ing,incidental impacts. NoAhCarol - Natural, North Carol na'Division,of Water,Resources� 1628 Mail Service,Center Raleigh,'NC 27699=1,628 .Phone (919) 791 -4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwa`terquahty org Location p3800 Barzett Dive Raleigh, NC' 27609 Paz (919) 788 =7159 1- 877- 623 -6748• ANEqual,OpportunifylAffirmative Action,Employer'— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Cates Creek Parkway DWR #,,05- 1967v6 '401'APPROVAL Page 2 of-4 Type,of Impact 1 t Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) 'Temporary Wetland 0.025 (acre) 0 (acre) Stream 141 '(linear feet) 0 (linear feet Site 1 Stream 0,(!i -near feet) 68 (linear feet) Site 2 - 2. ;No Waste. SpoiJl. Solids, or Fill of A-ry Kind No waste,,Lspoil, solids, o-'r fill of,any kind,shall: ;occur in,wetiands, waters for riparian areas beyond the,footprint of the impacts depicted'in the Pre - Construction Notification. All construction activities, including,the, design ,;installation,,op'eration,�and maintenance of sediment'and erosion control Best Management - Practices, shall !be performed s_o'that no violations of state water quality standards,, statutes, or rules occur. 3. Protective Fencing The outside' uffer., wetland or water,boundary and along`the construction cor6clor within these boundariessa "pproved underthis - authorization shall be clearly marked with orange .warning, fencing (or similar'high visibility material) for the areas that have been approved to Weinge within,the buffer,, wetland or water prior.to any land disturbing aefiuitie °s to, ensure com,p'lia_nce with 15 NCA, 02H .0500. , 4. This approval isforthe purpose, and design described' in your ap,pli'catioh, The plans and specifications for'this project are incorporated.by,reference as part ofihe Certification. If you, change., you r- project,, you must notify.the,Division and you ,may be,requ''ired to,submita neW application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is -sold, the' new owner must''be given ,a copy of'this,approval letter anclten'eral Certification and is responsible for•complying with all conditions: 5.. Thi's approval,and its�conditions,are final and, binding unless,contested, This Certification can 'be contested as provided in Articles3, and'4.,of General Statute 150B by filing; a Written petition "for,an administrative hearingto the Office of Admiriistrative Hearings (hereby known as OAH). A, petition formmay be obtained from the'OA_H,at http: /_ /www.ncoah.com/ or by, calling the OAH Clerk's,Office at (919) 43'1- 3000,for• information. Within thirty 410),cale_ndar days o,f�receipt.of`this notice, a petition must be,filed with the OAH. AA petition'istonsidered,fil'ed when the, original and one (1) copy along,with any applicable CIAH filing fee,i's irec6ived inAN -- OAH during'normal office hours (Monday through Friday ,between 8:00am Cates Creek Parkway DWR# 05 ,71967v6 401APPROVAL Page,3 of 4 and 5:00pm, excl"uding,official state'holidays). The petition ,rnay be°.faxed to th-e'OAH at (5 9)A3173100, provided the original -and' one copy of the petition alo_ng,,With, any- applicable OAH filing,fee' is_ received �by the,OAH 'within five. (5), business ,da,ys',following.the faxed transmission. Mailingaddress for the OAH4:. If sending by First,Class Mail 'via 'the `US Postal Service., - Office of Administrative i Hea'ring`s 6714 Mail_ Service Center Raleigh, NC-27699-6714, Iftsending via deli.veryserv'ice, (e.g. UPS, FedEx) Office ofAdministrative�Hearings 171'1 N;ew Hope Church Road , Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 One (1)' cogy of the petition must al's_o'be served to DENR: Lacy Presnell, 6eneral Counsel' Department of "Environment, and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service. Center Raleigh; NC 27699 -1601 Please,serid one,(1) copy.of'the, petition to DWR:S If sending,by, 'FirstDass Mail via,the US Postal Service:• Karen Higgins' NC,DENR -DWR — Webscape Unit 1650'Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 If sending via deliveryservice (e.g, uPs, PedEx);, Karen Higgins. - NC DENR-DW,R`— W6bscape bhit 512 N.Salisbury Street Raleigh,'NC 27604, Thi's'letter completes`the review of'the, Division under section 401,of the Clean Water Act. Please contact Ch&ri'Smith �at 919 -791 -4251 or cherri'ar6ith @ncdenr.goV.,if,you have, any'guest'ioris or concerns. Sinc rely; Danny.Smit Supervisor, . 'titer Quality ,,Regional Operations Section; Enclosure: 3886 Cates Creek. Parkway DWR# 05- 1967v6, 401 APPROVAL Page 4 of 4 ce U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Raleigh Regulatory Field :Office; 3331 Heritage Trade. Drive,, St. 105; Wake Forest, NC 27597 Bob' Zarzecki; Soil & Envi'ronmental Consultants; 8412 Falls gf Neuse Rd.; Raleigh; NC' 27615 DWR, RRO-401,f"iles M