HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05648_Well Construction - GW1_20220610 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-11 For lntetnal use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: i .. Z01Y�.c.....:» ;:» Alfred Kiesljng Sr , .. , > FROM TO D)^c('Rt1rf'10� Weil Courmetor Narr e 2670-A /1 t'Tt ft. NC%Yell Contractor Certification Number <Vl/. ca9eijsej)s'`OS1 ERER B & K Well Drilling inc FROM TO DIAMETER IH1ClGtiE55 MAIERLAL 10 ft. I J Z ft. 6 1/4 in SDR 21 PVC CompanyNnme :?; 'E TfSENf':E : >z :i '. 2.Well Construction Per•mit;*•E �'o g� rizoM UlA\1EfER Tu1CKnrSS MArERI:+t • ft. 1 tt In. Lirr all applicable well construction pcnrits .r.UIC'.Corurty.Stare.6an*aircc.elc.) ft- ft. in- I 3.Well Use(check well use): Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNIMS MATERIAL ❑Agricultuta! ❑�MunicipaUPublic k. i ft ia. CGeothermal(HeatineiCoolin ,'a g SipPly) <dential Water Supply(Single) ft. fL in. OlndusLrial/Conntercial ❑Red• e ttal Watt-Supply(Share L) a iGlifi! •;;:. z: :. EASPLAC '\T METHOD& MUUNT C Irrigation ❑W el Is>100,000 GPD FRU'tI TO rL�TERL�I. h Nun-Water Supply Well: 0 fL 20 ft Bentonite JPour CNlonitoring ❑Ra:oecry ft. ft. Injection Well: ft. Ir. l7AquiferRecharRe 0CirouudwaterRemadiatior. � �} CAquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier FRo3I To MATF,RIAI. EMPI-ACEMENT METHOD CAquifer Test ❑Stormw'ater Drainage fr. ft OExperimentak Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ft. oGeothermal(Closed Loop) :FR'BRi LiNG;fI]t 'stt:cha DESCRIPTION ...... ❑Tracer FRO TO DE-SCRIPTiO�teobr.Gardners© k -.•.sr�sza acl QGeotbermal(Heatine/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks) ft. ft. 5- 4.Date Well(s)Completed. 2.Well ID# ! ft. ft. / 0 li/ 0 ft. ft. Sa.Well Location: fc. Facilityto"er Name- Facility M#(ifapplicable} 60 R. r ft. ft / Le IL ,rW CV✓>c 64 i ft. n .����',�Q Physical.Address,City.and Zip _ G '04 g 1 S l3 county Parcel Identification No.(PLN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifv.•cll Tidd,one 1at71ona is sufficicni) » �Il'`fOfi r�'�'+-1 ?i 'Cw ';� Ung Certific on: r tv w J'. �f�t2G c 6.ls(are)the well(s): nPermanent or ❑Temporary Situ rCnined well Contra or Date dr sr^rinS tiio}Dire.J iterei!t'reni!i,that rhr+mll(sJ,vas(ivrroJ<onstrurred in arcardmx-e:pith 7.is this a repair to an existing well: GYes or nNo ::.,VC C p'C.OJOr ar 75.,.NCaC 02C.n2on Well Cactmtcra,:Standards and that a rim' V'rhis is a repair.fill out kno-r.weli cnnslnd rz;ma in(oaratinn and ern!oir.th"aarurr of rm of trtir record has beer,proi-ided to rhr vrll owrer. repair under#21 r_mra:ks section or on the back ofzhis loan. 23•Site diagram or additionaFwell details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction-only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of v.+cils (add'See Over'iu Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 1 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 24 5_ O Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: Fur mulripir hills list all depilu if ckfferral(,rumple.-3tSC,00 RRdl 1(4000 10.Static water level below top of casing:40 24a. For All Wells: Original's form to Division of Water Resources (DWR). (ft) Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC.Raleigh.ATC 27699-1617 t writer level is abot-e casing.use"+" il.Borehole diameter:6 1/$ (in-) 24b.For Iniecfioa Wells:Cody to DW'R Underground Injection Control(IL1C) Program,L636 MSC,Raleigh,i�C 27699-1636 12-Well construction method:Air Rotary 24c.For Water Supply and Opera Loop Geothermal Return Welts:Couy to the (i.e.auger,rotary.cable.direct.push,etc.) county environmental health department of the colmry udtere imstaned FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Welts producing over 100A0 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 1611 MSC.Raleigh-NC 27699-1611 13a.Yield(gpm) :117 Method of test: Air Lift Permit P ogrrm, Tabs . 1 1/2 Lbs 13b.Disinfection type:Chlor. Amount. Form GW-1 Nonh Carolina Dcpanmrcnt of Emaon=ntal Quality-Division of water Rcvoiucc: Rc�iscd 6-6-2019