HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0028666_Monitoring - 03-2022_20220502 (2) SUBMIT'FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY tom!./mtpluil GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and :«€> ; COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Plea e Print Greedy or type PERMIT Number. 0 0471'": Explratlon Date; I - Q Facility Name: CCininCrISCnike - jrJr°'6 . Eon-Discharge LAC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address; /Oy' " .2 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED (Ye s °t4— 20-5 County nit tet, 4` 0 Lagoon ❑Remediatlon: Infiltration Gallery none, a' 0 Spray Field 0 Remediation, Contact Person. C 'S toe Aar 4, Co/11'115 Telephone• sta)? —07 0 Rotary Distributor 0 Land Application of Sicdge Well Lacetion;'Site Name: ,,,,r 1 1-4/._-- No of welts to ce sampled: Ci 0 Water Source Heat Pump Other: ,21 gale- I ;/1 ti SAMPLING INFORMATION lf WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): W'i Date sample collected 3--/s--2.1. FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth ft. Well Diameter" 2 in. pH oo4co. .9 units Temp. 0000 to. /4 °C DRY at s time 1f_ Depth to Water Level aaosa�s f ft. below measuring point Screened Interval, ft. to m_-._..ft, Spec.Coal.0009 is - ilmhos_ sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation: ft. Odor 0408 : check Volume of water pumpedfloailed before sampling: 0 gallons Appearance barer ! Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES 0 NO and field acidified. 'YES 0 NO 1 LJ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample anaayzed. 3-15-20.2.1. Laboratory Name: T I toifirOCuipeitY1 Certtfication No, 9 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00336 mg/L Nitrite(NO2;:as N 00615 f0 ;ng,'L Pb-Lead 0tuss ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal ztsie <i .1OC}mL Nitrate(NO0 as N 306200 0,05 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 rng/L Coliform: MF Total 3i604 llOOmL Phosphorus;Total as P coe65 ciao," mg/L (Note rr ote: MPN method to t r nn.tx11,17741k41 Orthophosphate 7o507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds arid Concentration lrnits): eiss/sived Solids Total io3ao /10 il molt Al-A:uminum 31.10,5 moil pH(Lab)C0403 . ,93 uaats Ea-Barnum 0103? ug/L TOC coees 2,9 mg/L Ca-Caicium oasts mg/L Chloride 00940 mg; , Cd-Cadmium o co ug,L Arsenic 01002 ugtl Chromium Total o nr. ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 nag/I Cu-Copper 01042 rng/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GDMS,RPLC) Phenol 32730 ugiL Fe-Iron maks ug/L (Specify test and method ff.ATTACH LAS REPORT,) 1 St/late croaks rng/L Hg-Mercury 7scc ugiL Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) 0 No(at pecrfrc Conductance ores iit uMhOS K-Potassium 00,937 rng/L VOC 787 Z ,method# Total Ammonia oasis <o,2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 3092? mg/L ,method (Ac7; a Mi%•gerv,Nei,ev.N;Ar=vrcnrsx J1=open 7.7700 Mn-Manganese 01055 ugtL. ,method# TKN as N 00825 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For e:Nation Syetems Only(Attach Lab Reports); Influent Total VOCs: ingit Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% E=kitYtts: .tta�a.id-.,t e� � a kat1i, i4,.:,a a#ea 601'FAIN:;+$i iEs7 it,1571,.. h# -.�i �,z. Yre,e',�s OMu,saitA'to,grot�* Ct�.�Natz.,,e r v a ryfm;,F l, i g+te o.xiovvvi s:tIvi ?7rtd 4,,tc7c t ct anallinio- � trM'm1 reci L�irar4 0 Cat,env 3h,t titrsrr a[t.L c rua°rr i0r''art rrnl r 9 f<tl;0 rrdwo hero ,s;ccoJrr t >P�� €oy #w , r3 ra # x+ ,r tax ir0cow ,r r,bhno' t � 1 � IS zip c ! , , � � )- �'er, , eab for Authovived Agent)Name o d 7 dye-F'teeeae mint or typo Sauevtefcxn c a oarentttoe nor Aulhoriz d Alters) (note) SW-59 Rev 05-02-2017 1 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail orrgiriai GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: . . and 1 copy to: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Reese Print Clearly cr Twe PERMIT Number 0-9.0.'' ' '''''r Expiration Date: 8' - a Facility Name: C cul.11015 GO'd 0" &cite— --,, id. Non-Discharge UIC Pemiit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: q/0/ Nil/Y .2 H TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Newfirt (WW1 A/e- 2,SW County eqf ferc-f- 0 Lagoon 0 Remedlatton: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field 0 Remediations „,..i Contact Person. Cn-- os Terher A, Coll in 5 Telephone#: eicr)2 79-079‘-t 0 Rotary Distributor 0/Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: 41141— .2____________ cL Naweits,10 atd:ilam ,,,_q 0 Water Source Heat Purrip Ini Other/941h ieciie- ..PI r,I t4 ht, (from Perrot) § MPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): 4/tri-.2 Date sample collected: 3-6-.Z0).7 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 20 ft. Weil Diameter 2 in pH oc,400 22units Temp. anotip /54 °C DRY at — time of__ Depth to Water Level 67646: 5' ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: ft to ft. Spec.Cond. 00094: pMtlos sampling, Measuring Point;s 0 ft, above land surface Relative MP Elevation: ft. Odor 00095. check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling. 20 gallons Appearance here: Samples for metals were collected unfiltered EZIYES 0 NO and field acidified: Cii'YES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: 3--15-)42?- Laboratory Name: fil v i rocAe4Y) Certification No. 9 q PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N costs <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead oiost ug/L Conform: MF Fecal 31818 (1- liCOmL. Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 /, o/ mgIL Zn-Zinc 01092 ring/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P ocass <a oy mg/ (NOW Use uPN method for Nighty turbid sionles; Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ::fissolved Solids Total 70300 iia? mg/L Al-Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 61),) units Ba- Barium clop ug/L TOC ocsao /03 rrig/L Ca-Calcium owe mg/ Chloride oostto <.5 mg/L Cd-Cadmium o1027 ugft.. Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L. Cu-Copper 01042 mgq.. ORGANICS:(by GC, GCTMS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ED Yes(1) 0 No(0) 6pecific Conductance owes ,µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 ,method# Total Arnmonia Maio <0.? mgil. Mg- Magnesium 00927 mg/ ,method# (Ammonia Megan Nt-t,eti N.APTITer;a Ngrogen,Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 ugit. ,method# TKN as N 00825 mg/L Ni-Nickel(ACV ugtL ,method# For Remediatlon Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mg/L Effluent Total VOCs. mg/L VOC Removal% I,,,c 1,,:i.,.•,,, .:0. :.,1,,,,I, ..w.,,,,,,:ik.:1,,,, ,f,,,, w.,,,..d,u, •,,t,,. 4.:'III III o:o'l-,i'l''.,l''', ''''''' I) -'''I','''','"' '' 'I'4 IP', i'll'oi,ll'': '-''',I,:t1'loli:1 I..,,),,(itocktoog u)',,,I,, ',".'''',T"'•'''I'l'"'A.''''IP,'',I ti ,‘ ;.-;,Ni: t.0.1‘,-,LI Lit\4 41,,),i ,,, ,,,,,), g,.,,t(tp,,..arc,•,,,^ki h•.,,x,I 1,11,11.4i.tn,WY,;lri HI littl'ol 1,,,.,,oil,V01,1b,i 1,k,r1.,:,1,.1• ••,1,:y'....!I+, ','I'' .' ','.,,, '.5 tt:Vsitnezq vri,a3piti)., At,4 /Pt- hfi'S to/her A. Coll,n' Si Crz9k1 /216,1491;aervr 61---- 1...--- J/17 ;`.°)."7- ,PerrflThae(or Authorized Agert)Name and Title-Please print or type Signature of Perrnittee(or AutSorired Agent) (Date) Glni 59 Rev 05-C2-2017 I , SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to. COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACIUTY INFORMATION Pease Pin!Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: "'"J." . Expiration Date: 8141 Facility Name: Ccvma-LS Gc4fe get. &Ice_ --cnind. Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 4/10/ HIV y 2'1 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED rwwfirt- .)ivl 4/C— 24KX County CO(lere..4-- 0 Lagoon 0 Remediation: Infiltration Gallery (ci,y, ,i3,11 o i;rv1; EI Spray Field 0 Remediatlon: Contact Person. Chris tap Aer 4 Collin 5 Telephone#: efel)779-0?9'-ir 0 Rotary Distributor 0iLand Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name Al V7,3 No, of wells to be sampled: g D Water Source Heat Pump Hi Other:/6,4 legit ..,roi 1;/1/06A ttromi,e-nti) $AMPLINQ INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): A114/-.3 Date sample collected: 36".20.24.7-- FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth, 2 0 ft. Well Diameter: .2 in pH o0400 ?di units Temp.000te, 12,3 uC DRY at time of m Depth to Water Level 82648: / -C ft,below measuring point Screened Interval: ft to ft. Spec Cord: oo& I4Mtlos sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft. above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation: ft. Odor 00065: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: ..1.0 gallons Appearance here-1 Samples for metals were collected unfiltered V YES El NO and field acidified- E 'YES -0 NO 1 LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: 3-/52011 Laboratory Name: Ffl Viti9C-iterol Cert,fication No 9q PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg& Nitrite NO2): as N oasis <0,02 mgtL Pb..Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31818 <1 Li(JOrnt Nitrate(NO3i as N 00e20 O.ay mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Collform: MF Total 316o4 /1 00rnL Phosphorus:Total as P ao6e5 6,CX-1 mg/L (Note. use UPN method tor hlgelly Ovoid bar:ples; Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids Total 70300 243 mg(L Al-Aluminum 01105 mg.1 pH(Lab)00403 7.if units Ba-Barium 01007 uglL TOC coeso ie,7 mg/L Ca-Calcium oars mg/L ' Chloride 00940 I 6 mg/L. Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 uglL Chromium: Total 01034 uglL Grease and Oils 00652 mg/L Cu-Copper oloaz mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ugh L Fe-Iron 0'045 uglL (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ugfL Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) 0 No(C) Specific Conductance 00095 'pMhos K-Potassium war mgil. VOC 7873 ,method# Total Ammonia oosio 0,2, mg& Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (A:mottle elietcen,Woo N.Arnrnenla Nitrogen iota') Mn-Manganese elm ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00825 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01087 uglL ,method# For Remedlatton Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOC a' mg/L VOC Removal% to,.0 1,.,v,,,41.,,,,, V.vi• ,vvvv Av.. v;v:v:V It,v::v:".,io::Vvvv.i.140.::vVis.!pt-rt .1 It 1,,no,<Bit-,,9!.e,,-161);vIv.virt vvv 1r1;10,11vivj,Inv I.v.P71;t1)1,.,..4 1111.4,,ar),I voli1i,..,,I09.,q,:q I,,,..,1 . 1i..1-.A.,..... 0 A At-, (1:h o's*apher A. Cal I 1 rs 049/41 kvil ei9/. /etyy&pe. /.),, (,---t...--- L... 1-7 A•2?72.0 2 ,3 Perrfr4(or Authorized Agent)Name rod Title-Please print or ill.> Sionetom of POMilte0)in'A utts0i+Zed ACION) rt3Htel GW-59 Rev.05-02-2017 • SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: - • COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM • , FACIUTY INFORMATION Please FrInt Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: "1 :.44r " Expiration Date r-? Facility Name: CcinnaiS Gc4 fre q 4. Bay-e— - kia Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(it different): NPDES Other Facility Address: tI/o/ Ni4/Y 241 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED /Ye- '21.0 20 County CC(letc.4-- 0 Lagoon 0 Remediatton: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field EJ Remedlation: Contact Person: Ciiri5tCri1er 4. Collin5 Telephone*. e/d)7 79-07961 0 Rotary Distributor 0/Land Application of Sludge Welt Location/Site Name: M 14/--- y No. of wells to be sampled' C? 0 Water Source Heat Pump [ Other 41(S4 AA, ,Tet 0 t,,,mipk from Porreii( SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): Mk/-41 Date sample collected: 1-15-)Q.241- - - FIELD ANALYSES: Well Depth: 2,ft Well Diameter: 2 In pH 00400: 7.// units Temp. cam: a 41 °C DRY at Depth to Water Level 82646' 6 ft. below measuring pc:nt Screened interval: ft. to h. Spec.Cond,ocio04: - - µMhos- sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft. above land surface Relative M.P Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling. 20 gallons Appearance here Samples for metals were collected unfiltered gf YES El NO and field acidified: 521'YES El NO LABQRATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed* 3-15-.1.0),a Laboratory Name. rf)V 1(OGA€4101 Certification No, 9 41 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO )es N 00515 <0,ea --,„ret-------pb-4,aci_4.01,______ ,erg& . Coiiform: MF Fecal 31816 (1 i100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N wen 0102, mg/L Zn-Zinc o C92 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31604 /1 00mL Phosphorus:Total as P miss <6°,01 mg/L (Note Liao UPei rrielned ler Nghty turbid sentzleb) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) Dissoived Sohds'Total 70300 eto mg/L Al-Aluminum 0 s105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 7.if units Ba-Barium(r.co7 ugiL TOO coin If..2 mg/L Ca-Calcium 00215 mg/L Chloride C0640 9 mg/L Cd-Cadmium Pion ug/L Arsenic o1002 ug/L Chromium. Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils o0652 rrig/t. Cu-Copper 01042 mg/ ORGANICS:(by GC,GUMS,HPLC) r Phenol 32730 ugfL Fe-Iron oic45 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate oosas mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) CI No(0) (Specific Conductance owes -'Athos K-Potassium 00637 mg/L VOC 7873 ,method$t Total Ammonia cosio I,I mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mgiL ,method# (Ammonia NterOW Ni-i,es N,Ammonia Nampo,%lel Mn-Manganese olosS ugfL ,method# TKN as N 00826 mg/L Ni-Nickel otos7 ug/L .method# For RemedIstion Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg& Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% ,, 4 t,,,,,,I.,,,),..,i•09,,,oui 1-,,i .0 (,,, ,,,,„,,,,,f,, -,,a.,,,,tt,,-;,,,1,,111,,:,,I:•,t.,,, .,,,:..,A, :IMF C.-0')(4.'.1(: .P,!r.,•1 II,, I 1!,0,.1'q) :..0%,!!'.11 1,1!:4,s,1',i!.,-..tio,, ,,,,,, ,A.1.,,,,i,r,,,,..,?' ,,I,,,,,,,,,,,.::.!,:. 1) ," ,-1,11.,0 i ,— s'Of I' I;,1.' OvV,I,0 1,',31 41,e'!,.-4,, `.-,g.:1,,,01,,, 110,,) ,,,o)/dot,,,,!,,,p,t,,"i ,v,oi toe10,111,l!!I,,pG.;111,41.%•.?,tii,.. xi:1. „, ',,,i,,,,,,t 1,4 hitr,....iril...i,.14,,, n 1 49y4 At-, Chos*other A. C011615; Ccask 1 rz.t )oncil ,v;sof c--1---- ( ---- Y/.2 2/.2,..)2 Pertfittee(or Authorized Ageni)Name end Title-Please°Mit or lyre S1,r me urti or Permitlee(or AtiMm•Ized reratent+ (Dote) GW-59 Rev 05-02-2017 • 1 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: . 1 1 t COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM and copy o: FACILITY INFORMATION P:ease Prrnr Ceerry or Type PERMIT Number 0 0' : " • Expiration Date: ri - 02 ., Facility Name: Cconcri$ Gcl fre c -0- 13,5rx, _,c^,cind, Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address 1-1/0/ Nii/Y 241 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED 7YeWArt. NC Us-70 County Cq I"teir—t- 0 Lagoon 0 Remedlation. Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field 0 Remediation: Contact Person e1v-i:S1af3Aer 4, Collin5 Teletchone#: ela)?29-0?? 0 Rotary Distributor Of Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: 41 W"-- 5-- —11C tr'ffettS'tb besarriplect--9- - --—-D WatefsSource Heat Pump-Elli Other1-164,,Ade-,,T.0 /44J-icay.,„ .., Mom Peron) SAMPLING INFORMATION if WELL 'WELL ID-NUMBER-Tfrom Perrin 'lite/ S. Date sample collected 3-/5--•20•12 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS , Well Depth: 2 00 _ft. Well Diameter .2 in pH 00400' G.o3unqs Temp 00313 fi 2 'C DRY at — — Depth to Water Level 92546: 3".__ _ ft.below rreasurtng point Screened Intery — al: ft. to ft. Spec.Cond, ocos4. p,N,Itics --- sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft above land surface Relative M.P Elevation: ft, Odor oces5• check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling, 2.0 gallons Appearance here: —i Samples for metals were collected unfiltered fiZr YES 0 NO and field acidified VYES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed 3-/5-20,22. Laboratory Name rtlVirOC-Ae-n1 Certification No. 96/ PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00815 <0,0a mg/L Pb-Lead°lost uglL Conform. MF Fecal 31816 < I- /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0, i 9 mgiL Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Conform:MF Total 31504 Pi 00mL Phosphorus: Total as P ooses <C'o"-f mg/L (Not• ul•11PN rnelrlod kw hotly tumid serrcieh; Orthophosphate 70507 mg/I.. Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units), )issolved Solids Total 70300 q9P0 soil_ Al-Aluminum Icy tos mg/L pH(Lab)00403 6,v3 units Ba-Barium oi 007 ugll. TOC 00680 ZOIti mg/L Ca-Calcium 00916 mgiL Chloride(km /..2. mg/L Cd-Cadmium wort ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Cnromium Total clo3-4 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper otoiz mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GCTAS, HPLC) Phenol 3273o ug/L Fe- Iron elm ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L, Hg-Mercury 71900 ugil., Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) 0 No to) Specific Conductance 00095 'Athos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7973 ,method# Total Ammonia Goal° Oil mgiL Mg-Magnesium man mg/L ,method# (Ammonia MO no rt,Nfri,al Nr,A rrinonle Mtrogion,TOTA4 Mn- Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00925 mg& Ni-Nickel 01087 ug/L ,method# For Remediatlon Systeme Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mga Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% t,I.,,,, ,,,,c.-;,..,,,,,,,i,„,,..4.,,,,,!,..,,,,,,i ot,,,[ ;J,,,f.•114,'Al(li•.,,t,,,-I,t•''I,ill••••:•14 •,i•,i, e,•orA• ..I,A-.7,-.r0, , .0, I-i0rt,I),I),,til ,,,,,•XI I'i-.1,1,1z,,V,11 WOO,: ., . ,,,,t,i ',.1,,,,,, „,. (Jr, *per A, e;11 Ins, Crzsm iP_EI0,-,91_,,,,vs,„.- 4_.,--- 0,21430). ,Peolrfttee(or Authorized Agent)Noma and Tile 0 Floes°print or typo Sionaturo d PorroZtteit(or Authorlzed Aoerw) (na(e) GW-59 Rev 05-02-2017 , • SUBMIT-FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY . . - . GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: anti 1 copy to. 1 COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Ctearty or Type PERMIT Number: 0 ce, :" - Expiration Date: 3• Facility Name: Ccinticn.5 6ci fe q ?clue_ .... 7and, Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 4/0/ /Ai Y .2"I TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED /Ye Wfirfr (,,,,o) 2-$.5-20 County CW"lera-t 0 Lagoon 0 Remediation. Infiltration Gallery ICItyi ;:,lagof ,J.$1, 0 Spray Field 0 Remediation. Contact Person: C hr151-of iw- 4. Coil In 5 Telephonett- eia)729-0?? -t 0 Rotary Distributor CiLand Application of Sludge -----WilaroclifirniVh-Isliiiiir—Mlil— 6 NO ot weliSlo be sampled:' q 0 Water Source Heat Pump g' Otherliish i RCP r,. .T.If-,/1.4..hoos , ,, ,,,,..„,, 'APAPLANO INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): Al W-6 Date sample collected: 3-15-.2o,2.1_ FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth. _2 0 ft, Well Diameter: 2 in pH 00400 G,48 tmits— -Tereveeete---12-5 °C DRY at _ Depth to Water Level 8.264e: H ft, beiow measuring point Screened interial: ft to ft. Spec.Cond.00004: 1.1MOS - - sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft above land surface Relative M P Elevation: ft. Odor 00085 check Volume of water pumped/balled before sampling 20 gallons Appearance here :— Samples for metals were collected unfiltered E;ZrvEs 0 NO and feid acidified. 2/YES D No LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: 3-/S-,20.2.2 Laboratory Name: ,E-r)Virc:>C-ite-ir Certification No. 9 q PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00336 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N costs <0,0.,,/ rng,t, Pb-Lead otosi ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31016 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N ooszo 0,07 mg/L Zn-Zinc()ION mg/L COliforn: MF Total 31604 11,00mL Phosphorus:Total as P 00515 <Oi ex-1 mg/L (NOW Use filFiiN method to/flighty turbid serves; Orthophosphate 70607 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) Dissolved Solids Total-Moo 209 mgtL Al-Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH(Lab)duos 4 .W units Ba-Barium 01037 ug/L TOC oosso 2 Z I mg/L Ca-Calcium oasts mg/L Chloride oos4o I f mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper oloaz mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GCMS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe- Iron ofo45 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate GO945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 719c0 ug/L Lab Report Attached? EJ Yes(1) EJ No(0) specific Conductance 00095 ' .tMhos K-Potassium oo837 mg/L VOC 7973 , method# Total Ammonia 00610 a,44 rrigfL Mg- Magnesium rxen mg/L method# iArernom ogen,N1-1,es N,Ammons Nitrogen 1 ow Mn-Manganese otoss ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel o1087 ug/L ,method# For Remedlatlon Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports); Influent Total VOCs mg/I_ Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% i T1,, A,,I.I I nom;aye and 1,01,0.it),5/4,5,,a5,.5,5.s-,,t),11111.01 iii 1111i tf.1••••! ..*•••• v. Ve. 4..,‘••• 11•1."1.,,,;111.11-,11 010 1•10•••;15', •.1. 1 .•*•.1.•1 W;i,pi00,1:7•:':'*-. , to,r1 .,it.51'.J1.:':'11.••151.5;.1--•.5 I,•11,:•x.5111,1..4.1 5,•••t••1n1.5 I.1111,.•,1•0•5`ti''i'111,1,.1.1•-•1..14:11111•..t.a pt,f1•1111 10, C.,1..••51•11•1.1 1,111.%••/,.•••I••01 ••,..1•••)•1,..11..);741/114.5,..1f•;••:.Or'''•1,.. •••• '•1 1 i.(••.F.5•Arl!, ...•••J.1155..•5, A At'', ni rts i-oflher A. Call I/is; Cctisk 1 kirv'eingl;oefv&,{ ------.C.-- - 2 Perr'ittee(or Authorized Awl,ni)Name mei nee-Pleeee core cv type Slonetioe of Pwrnittem(cv Authorized Aced) (Dale) GW-59 Rev.05-02-2017 , • I SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Moil cififyi.i;,1 GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Frirt Cleerly or Type PERMIT Number 0 0/ Expiration Date' 3',1 - 02 Facility Name: Ccilmon5 Goike q-k Bejce_ .-cweie Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 11/O/ 1-110V)1 .2(1 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ,ve.... 2is7 County CCV tece-t 0 Lagoon 0 Rernediation: Infiltration Gallery C,Ityl I;f3,0,31 W,r; 0 Spray Field 0 Remedlatlon: Contact Person C iv-15 tato her 4, Call 1115 Telephoneff, elo)779-075"-1 0 Rotary Distributor D/Land Application of Sludge - , AA.i tE Well Location/Site Name irt or— i NO. of wells to be sampled: (7 0 Water Source Heat Pump lit Other:/bj4 gcok, - rliet,hett ()tarn Perrit) SAMPLING INFORMATION 1 If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): Al kt-? Date sample collected. 3-15--202-1 FIELD ANALYSES: 1WAS VVell Depth. ,2.0 ft, Welt Dtameter 2 in. oH 00410O 4 trrunits Temp °dot° t 7. tirni)Of — Depth to Water Level 82546' W ft below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. Spec.COfW. 00094: lirtfics sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft above land surface Relative M.P Elevatlon: ft. Odor ocotw check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 20 gallons Appearance here:n Samples for metals were collected unfiltered i2f YES 0 NO and field acidified. adYES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: 3-15 Ao.2 .. Laboratory Name. fil Vii0C--Aemn Certification No, 9 41 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg& Nitrite(NO2)as N oceis <0,0 , mg/L Pb-Lead olosl ugit. Coiiform: MF Fecal 31616 <1- /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 30820 0.04 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Colifomt MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P ooss5 0 I/‘ mg/t. (Note. um.kiPtiil method tor nighty harticl sarnoiosi Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) )Issolved Solids.Total 70300 16,3 mg/L Al-Aluminum altos mg/L pH(Lab)00403 5.1i units Ba-Barium oi N7 ug/L TOC 00680 2 A q mg/L Ca-Calcium cosi e mglL Chloride 00640 10 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ugn. Chromium: Total dim ugiL Grease end Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC`MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-MerCUry 71900 ugiL Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) C No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 i'uMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 ,method# Total Ammonia 00610 ail mg(1. Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Macon, HaiN N.Ammonia Nitrogen Tola) Mn-Manganese cross ugil. ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel o1d67 ug/L ,method# For RemediatIon Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): influent Total VOCs: mgil, Effluent Total VOCa: mg/L VOC Removal% Li iowli oiii.-..-,-,,,,hi 1,0 'IK.,',4'L.;1:41`Y,1 •,"t,it,-1U0,1.1 I.,-,.!,,I i",:. IC' ,:k 0,..:i..CWII,I,I, Or, t''li thv IIIil...1,,,,.rl 0,4:,J, 1,4,1.V.1',1),.)0V,,,,i'll',......,,j 10;4,0,.1 i.:•-•1!,:s,t,oi.6.),p,,,,%1 i 1.,Y,Vi',nt116,,1!AI, .,I.„,-;, I.tt' :',.V.t1, :'•,,Z 11,1,', .1, '...,;''I, 1,,',,,,flts111,.:',10'',,,,,-1,',1:,i'''1,14,2,11'sNi1,11,1.,,0.,,,tyl'I'-,,,"r.,,.,.1,1,1,1y',,,f 61,',.1,,:/,11j),S0:10,1,11 fi.,i 1.•M.O.:14,qt VIftik4110,1, A At-, h o's tor),er A. Callos (- -5*-1 ,216191- forivisor (.__ (----- e//,22/t101, Patreftlee(or Authorized Agent)Name and rile Please print or Eyre Slone/luta oit Percolitoo(or Authorized Auere I (Data) GW-59 Rev 05-02-2017 I • SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail originai GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM , - , .• FACIL.ITY JNF9RMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number 002 :'f ' Expiration Date. 8-- - 02 Facility Name: CCOnCr15 691-e c0- a,,Ge___ - ,ei Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 1-1/0/ Iliti Y 2'1 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED (Yev/Ret reot) ,VC' .2-$.5-20 County Cc(tere-f 0 Lagoon 0 Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field 0 Rernediation. Contact Person Chri:slarher 4, C0111115 Teleprionet eta)729-0?7"1 0 Rotary Distributor EJ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name 41 w-- r------ -- -- - - ---Nii ofWeiliblietiirripied:" q 0 Water Source Heat Pldr0 Ili Other//4,4 kok.... In r Thr-ttcr (eon,irerml) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): Mkt/-g Date sample collected. 3'15'2 7 Z'L' FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 20 ft. Well Diameter 2 in, pH owe.6,2c1 units Temp.000to: /2 / °C DRY at Depth to It/afar Vater Level 82546: 41 ft. below measuring point Screened interral: ft to ft. Spec.Cord. Ilmilas 00094: sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft. above land surface Relative M P.Elevation: ft, Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling 20 gallons Appearance here.7 Samples for metals were collected unfiltered SZrYES 0 NO and field acdified. 'YES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed. 3-15-.2.02.). Laboratory Name: rftV/W9C--ile-ni Certification No. 9q PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD nom mg/L Nitrite(NO.,?)as N poets <0,0..2 mg/L Pb-Lead cr.osi ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31816 </ /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0,83 mg/L Zn-Zinc o1os2 mg/L. Conform:MF Total 31604 /100rnL Phosphorus:Total as P 00885 (a.041 mg/L iNcto Use URN method tor hrghly;urbld tierztes; Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 70300 59,0 mgit. Al-Aluminum or los mg/L pH(Lab)ooitoo Cr 29 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC°Gee° 5,$ mg/1, Ca-Calcium owe mg/L Chloride cow cc mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic o1002 ug/t. Chromium: Total 01034 ug/L. Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ugIL Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 7i soo ugiL Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) 0 No(0) Specific Conductance Doris , pMhos K-Potassium oos37 mg/L VOC 7873 ,method# Total Ammonia ooeso CO,2, mg/L Mg-Magnesium oos27 mg/L ,method# (A.tmoms Niircgen,Ni-i,at N,Anznonie Nitrogen,'rote() Mn-Manganese 01655 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 ragiL NI-Nickel 01007 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: rnsiL Effluent Total VOCs. mg/L, VOC Removal% ;.ly t,,,,,',1•'Jr.,w!0,1f Itx.:,,f,,,,...o,e,;::,,brulei...1,,i It: .i'f.,t— !, h• .t,L.1-0, L5,,,Ii.t*:,10,.:, 0,"'.1.4 t1l..7 1.1?)0,11,,=,ir..t1ih0 1.4.1.,1,0‘,(0,,,,n,,s,..) Icok, ,I , ,.I ,,,';. •,,..• .•;II. •I[.,r11•Uy i 1(0..,•;.14,' ,'It Pl.:,.):,-.,,..,,Irlii”..,..,'1.4=',0.1{11.0t,$0,CO. ittimq 1,r: a.1..,.,•.,(,,u, .;',W.9 ri.r.p.)-•>,.).34,,',4 ilit.`, I1s,1 ti-W1',..,V,,,..!Ur(:.(u,,,,,us! 119, 4. n , G h cis*oriper A. Collins,, CczsA-I 1216.1Q1. 10efvee, .62,,,e____ .______ 7/) 7/„I, Perrfettee(or Authorized Agent)Name end Title-Reese pen'or type Sinture el Premier,.(or Authorized Agent) (Dote) GW-59 Rev 05-02-2017 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to ,COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM .• • FACILITY INFORMATION Please Frrnt Cl.enrty Or Type PERMIT Number: 0 eta — Expiration Date: 8^1 - Q Facility Name; Cc-int-ions Gqi`e ci4. &3c' •- '4itle Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other , • Facility Address: 1-1/0/ 1-AVY 2 41 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Newfari- JEfi .4/4- 24CCX County Cot lerc-f- 0 Lagoon 0 Remediation: Infiltration Gallery (Coy, :fa40, kz.,-,1 C3 Spray Field El Remediation: Contact Person t C Iv-is tap Aer 4. ColliA5 Telephone/. 6/4)771-0?9'1 ' 0 Rotary Distributor DiLand Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: AI W— 9 No. awes to telerVeCt- e- earPump BotOther iit&y/t-gork.---.14,--Ftbsti4t44, ,------,- (from Pe-mt) . -... --- - IAMPLINGJNFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permtty 41 J- 9 Date sample collected 3-15--Z0a3- FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 2.0 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH MOO: 6,4tunits Temp,00010; /S; 7 °C DRY at _ Depth to Water Level 82646: 5 ft below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft. Spec,Cond. 00094. -ATMS sampling, Measuring Point is 0 ft. above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation; ft. Odor moss check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling. 2.0- gallons Appearance here7 Samples for metals were collected unfiltered IYES El NO and field acidified: 1321YES E.1 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: 3-ts-20.1 . Laboratory Name. 4;1 Viroc-iie-rvi Certification No. 9'-? PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00336 mg/ Nitrite(NO2)as N oosts <0,0.2 mg/I.. Pb-Lead otosi ug/L Coliform. MF Focal 31610 2 /100rni. Nitrate(NO3)as N coax 0409 mgiL Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 11COmL Phosphorus.Total as P 00865 c0,Ol mg./ (i,01,,- t.,,,,upni metros tor rivr8y tuft:kJ terVev, Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids Total 70300 2.SeLl mg/L Al-AluminUM01105 TWA.-- pH(Lab)00403 6.42- units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC ooeao 13.,4 mg/I. Ca-Calcium oats mg/L Chloride oos.o it mg/L Cd-Cadmium my ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total oto34 ug/L Grease and Oils 00652 mg/I. Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method a,ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(1) 0 No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 ,i.Mhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 ,method# Total Ammonia oosiz• (0,0), mgiL Mg- Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen,Nt-toet N,Arnmante Nitrogen,Totst) Mn-Manganese 01055 ugh.. ,method# TKN as N°ens mg/L NI-Nickel 01067 ugh.. ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% ,.i r,,iiiil,i,1.0,-,..,r1---1 I I i,c.)i., 3uvf ',('' : .,,, ,,,,,t t,- .t I,t,, -, -.;Iy1; ,fi /;,..2Iv'I'•INtRil};11;'1.1,;" ; ;,p,'0.1;;:i.1;01'1,',:; .1.0 11Y•,;', I /2 ' A9, 4 At-, ht-i -i-ofilec A. Callinsi Cs / Efor)91. ,etyvi,,,r c--- Pereittee for Auttiortzed Agen()Name end TiVe-Mecum print or fyi‘o Stijnotwe ce Permittee(or AtithoOxed A.:MN) (Da(e) GW-59 Rev 05-02-2017