HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2417AA Sanford Bypass North Carolina Department of Transportation Erosion and Sedimentation Control/Stormwater Report Roadside Environmental Unit Report Type WA Routine F�PCN Immediate Correctlive Action Q ICA F-]ECPAR ICA Ex 1st ICA Ex 2nd This project does not comply with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation ❑CICA-SWO Control laws.Immediate Corrective Action is needed to resolve the situation to fall compliance with the Law:(T15A:04x.0000) Project Information Project Number: 34431.3.7 Date of Inspection: 06/05/2014 Evaluator: Tommy Chapin Location: US 421/US 87(Sanford Bypass)from west of SR 1400 to west of US 1/15/501. Project Type: Contract County: LEE Division: 8 TIP Number: R-2417AA Length of Project: 4.40 Disturbed Acreage: 33 HQW Zone: N Trout Zone: N Protect Evaluation Installation of Maintenance Effectiveness Plan Overall Project Length Section Description BMP's of BMP's of BMP's Implementation Evaluation 3.80 Remainder of Project 8 7 6 5 6 0.60 Permitted Area(s) 8 7 7 6 6 Grading Scale: 10=Excellent 9= V. Good 8= Good 7=Fair 6-0:=immediate Corrective Action Needed ICA Comments: Project is out of compliance due to failure to provide groundcover as per NCG01 soil stabilization requirements and failure to perform needed maintenance especially in the required NPDES timeframe. Remarks and Recommendations: Project was reviewed by Roadside Environmental Fields Operations Technician,Tommy Chapin. Rode thru project with asst.res.engineer,Andy Hussey,and made the following observations and comments. Found the project out of compliance due to failure to provide adequate groundcover as per NCG01 soil stabilization timeframe requirements and failure to perform needed maintenance.There are approx.9 acres that are past the 21 day seeding requirement. Past reports have encouraged contractor to address vegetative stabilization needs including repair/supplemental seeding needs.The last time any vegetative stabilization work has been performed is March 28 of this year.Contractor has gone through most all of the spring period which is a prime window to address seeding needs with no work accomplished.Contractor needs to address seeding needs in areas that are past or close to 21 days.Temp.seeding may be an option that the contractor should consider to accomplish this. Also encourage contractor to address repair/supplemental seeding needs throughout project.Recommend that CEI/DOT inspectors prepare a list of repair/supplemental seeding needs.Contractor has already missed the spring period to perform this. There are still maintenance needs that have not been addressed since we had the 5"rain event several weeks ago.Contractor needs to address weekly e.c.list and maintenance needs noted on this report! Note corrective actions: Permit Sites- 1)Quadrant B-Storm water basin has been completed and vegetatively stabilized. Permanent groundcover(bermudagrass)has established well on slopes. High priority,along quadrant B,remains to keep exposures to a minimum and continue with use of PAM upgrade of storm water basin. Address temp.seeding needs to comply with 21 day seeding requirement-esp.stockpiles. Permit site 1-sta 21+00 to sta 22+001t of L-Need to repair seed/mat washing on fill slope. 2)Permit site 4-Sta 48+00 to sta 55+00-Permanent slope protection has been installed both sides of Cumnock Rd.bridge. Need to permanent stabilize under bridge S.of Big Buffalo Creek.Sta 48+00 to sta 50+001t&rt-Need to temp.s/m fill slopes. Past 21 days! Sta 53+501t-Repair seed/mat fill slope next to slope protection.Sta 54+001t-Outlet basin 6.11 F needs baffles. Need to replace the baffle thats in place and install two more.Sta 53+40 to sta 55+00rt-S/M top of slopes behind c/g. Past 21 days! 3)Permit site 6-Sta 118+00 to sta 121+501t of L-Need to finish slopes and permanent s/m. Past 21 days! Basin 12.1 F-Need to seed/mat slopes of recently repaired basin. Need to seed/mat bare areas between basin 12.2f and creek. 4)Permit site 9-Sta 177+00rt-SSCF needs maint. N.of creek.Supplemental seed/mulch any bare areas between basin and creek. 616114 8:44 Page 1 of 2 Remainder of project- 1)Waste Site#2-Contractor is working to close out site.Grade and seed/mulch in a timely manner. Need to reinstall measures removed because of recent grading activity,i.e.slope drains. 2)Sta 45+00 to sta 51+00med-Temp.s/m. Install measures,per plans.Close to 21 days! 3)Sta 54+00 to R/R bridge-Need to grade,repair seed/mulch median where construction traffic has killed off permanent groundcover. Past 21 days! 4)Sta 98+00rt of L-Outlet basin needs maintenance.Clean out basin and install baffles. 5)Sta 100+00 to sta 110+001t of L-Final grade and permanently stabilize. Past 21 days! 6)Need to grade and seed/mulch behind shoulder berm gutters throughout project. Past 21 days! 7)Sta 105+901t of L-Repair seed/mat wash above pipe. 8)Sta 118+00 to r/r br.lt&rt-Grade and permanent s/m fill slopes behind c/g sections. Past 21 days! 9)Sta 134+00 to sta 139+00rt of L-Temp.s/m td. Past 21 days! 10)Sta 137+50 to sta 142+00rt of L-From along MSE wall to along R/R tracks need to s/m recent repair work. 11)Sta 143+00 to sta 145+001t of L-Repair ditch erosion. 12)Sta 144+00 to sta 150+00rt of L-Temp.s/m bare areas along td. 13)Sta 160+00 to sta 176+001t&rt of L&from Sta 188+00 to Sta 205+001t&rt of L-Need to vegetatively stabilize bottom of ditches. 14)Sta 168+00 to 176+001t of L-Grade and seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 15)Sta 168+00 to sta 178+00med-Grade seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 16)Sta 183+001t of L-Need to remove spoil material from recently cleaned out basin. 17)Sta 185+00 to sta 187+001t of L-Repair s/mat washing along toe protection. 18)Sta 196+00 to sta 197+00rt of L-Grade and seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 19)Sta 195+00 to sta 198+00med-Grade seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 20)Sta 202+20rt of L-Need to maintain basin 18.5f and seed/mat inside slopes. 21)Sta 201+00 to sta 210+00rt of L-Grade seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 22)Sta 208+00rt of L-Need to clean out basin 19.2f and freshen filter stone. 23)Sta 206+00 to sta 210+00med-Grade seed/mulch! Past 21 days! 24)Sta 197+00 to sta 205+00rt of L-Install measures,per plans. 25)Sta 207+001t of L-Need to maintain basin 19.1f. Desilt and maintain baffles.Seed/mat slopes of basin. 26)Y1 rpb-sta 10+50 to sta 30+00-Need to s/m. Past 21 days! At lower end of ramp need to veg.stabilize inside slopes/berms at skimmer basin.Slope failure at sta 18+001t has been repaired. Need to maintain sscf prior to seeding. 27)Need to maintain/replace wattles as needed and maintain rock checks throughout project,esp.from Buffalo creek to EOP,as there are many in need of maintenance at this time in td's,outer ditches and medians. NPDES was reviewed.Most recent report is in the computer.Primary need is to complete routine needs within 5 days.Continue to perform weekly NPDES reviews and after each 1/2 inch rain event.#Continue to update e.c.plans. 616114 8:44 Page 2 of 2