HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2553 Kinston Bypass (6) STAIp q, i�a+.m vas STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY ANTHONY 7. TATA GOVERNOR SECRETARY MARCH 12, 2014 CP2A FIELD MEETING FOLLOW-UP To: Interagency Merger Process Team& Other Meeting Attendees From: Bob Deaton Date: April 14, 2014 (Revised April 17, 2014) Subject: STIP Number R-2553, CP2A Field Meeting Follow-up, Kinston Bypass, Lenoir County,North Carolina, WBS No. 34460 A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) Concurrence Point (CP) 2A Field Meeting was held Wednesday March 12, 2014, with minutes from this meeting attached for reference. The purpose of the meeting was to visit crossings identified by Merger Team members during the February 20, 2014 CP2A Office Meeting including five bridge crossings and seven box culvert crossings. Outcome of the field meeting included for the most part acceptance of the minimum hydraulically required structures; however, additional information was requested for two crossings: 121 and 149. While it was agreed during the field meeting that a Merger Packet would not be required prior to the April 17, 2014 CP2A (follow-up) Office Meeting, NCDOT determined the additional information requested should be made available for Merger Team review prior to the meeting. Please note, the requested information shown below will be reviewed in greater detail at the April 17, 2014 CP2A (follow-up) Office Meeting. Crossing 121 is a proposed crossing of Southwest Creek with wetland limits extending just beyond the proposed bridge limits. There was concern over the current height of the proposed 945 foot long bridge as there is a large riparian corridor along Southwest Creek. The corridor would function better for wildlife if the height of the proposed bridge were raised. Additional evaluation was requested to determine the effects of either: • Extending the proposed bridge to the south to allow for additional vertical clearance, or • raising the proposed profile to provide a minimum of eight to ten feet of vertical clearance to allow for wildlife crossing. As a result, NCDOT has performed the requested evaluation with the corresponding designs and evaluation attached. The Crossing 121 information includes: 1. A composite Plan/Profile sheet which shows both the proposed design reviewed during the field meeting and the design prepared as a part of the evaluation of raising the proposed profile, 2. the proposed design reviewed during the field meeting, MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-707-6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 CENTURY CENTER,BUILDING A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WEBSITE: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27610 HTTPS://CONNECT.NCDOT.GOV/RESOURCES/ENVIRON RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 MENTAL/PAGES/DEFAULT.ASPX R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING FOLLOW-UP April 17,2014 Page 2 of 2 3. the design prepared as a part of the evaluation of raising the proposed profile, and 4. the evaluation summary. When considering the two options suggested above, NCDOT ultimately felt raising the entire profile would function better for wildlife and therefore did not evaluate extending the proposed bridge length to the south. As a result of raising the proposed profile, the construction cost is expected to slightly increase, while the impacts to wetlands are also expected to slightly increase. UPDATE On April 16, 2014, additional evaluation was requested by the USACE on the proposed bridge presented at CP2A and reviewed during the field meeting. It was determined evaluation to minimize impacts to wetlands at this site should also be considered; whereas the original understanding from the March 12, 2014 CP2A Field Meeting was to better accommodate wildlife crossing along the Southwest Creek corridor. Per the April 16, 2014 request, additional evaluation has been performed to extend the proposed bridge presented at CP2A and reviewed during the field meeting by I span and by 2 spans. As a result updated graphics and tabular data have been prepared and have been added to this packet. Crossing 149 is also a proposed crossing of Southwest Creek with wetlands extending approximately 400 feet east of the proposed bridge limits. There were concerns over wetland impacts that would remain even with the proposed 1,025 foot long bridge. Additional evaluation was requested to determine the effects of either: • Shifting the proposed alignment and bridge to the north to reduce wetland impacts (however, it was noted during the field meeting that the location of this crossing was utilized in order to avoid other, larger adjacent stream and wetland systems), or • shifting the current proposed bridge to the east to minimize wetland impacts. As a result,NCDOT has performed the requested evaluation of shifting the bridge and also evaluated two additional scenarios: extending the proposed bridge length by 1 span and extending the proposed bridge length by 2 spans. The Crossing 149 information attached includes: 1. A composite Plan/Profile sheet which shows both the proposed design reviewed during the field meeting and the designs prepared as a part of the evaluation, 2. the proposed design reviewed during the field meeting, 3. the design prepared as a part of the evaluation of shifting the proposed bridge, 4. the design prepared as a part of the evaluation of extending the currently proposed bridge by 1 span, 5. the design prepared as a part of the evaluation of extending the currently proposed bridge by 2 spans, and 6. the evaluation summary. Extending the currently proposed bridge by either 1 or 2 spans would result with an increase in construction cost and reduction to wetland impacts; however, there is opportunity to shift the proposed bridge length of 1,025 feet to the east approximately 125 +/- to the edge of the western wetland limits. This shift would require the FEMA Floodway to shift with the bridge which could be accomplished through coordination with FEMA(CLOMR Process) during final design. RECENT MEETING MINUTES STAIp q, i�a+.m vas STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY ANTHONY J. TATA GOVERNOR SECRETARY MINUTES FROM THE CP2A FIELD MEETING ON MARCH 12, 2014 To: Interagency Merger Process Team& Other Meeting Attendees From: Bob Deaton Date: April 7, 2014 (Revised April 17, 2014) Subject: STIP Number R-2553, CP2A Field Meeting, Kinston Bypass, Lenoir County,North Carolina, WBS No. 34460 A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) Field Meeting was held at 8:30 AM, on Wednesday March 12, 2014. Meeting attendees listed below, met in the Walmart parking lot in Kinston,NC. Amy Curillo NC Division of Water Resources Bob Deaton NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis (PDEA) Dave Johnson NCDOT NES Gary Jordan US Fish and Wildlife Service Chris Manley NCDOT NES Leilam Paugh NCDOT Natural Environment Section(NES) Tom Steffens US Army Corps of Engineers Jay Twisdale NCDOT Hydraulics David Wainwright NC Division of Water Resources Morgan Weatherford NCDOT NES Travis Wilson NC Wildlife Resources Commission Chris Werner URS Corporation(URS) Susan Westberry URS Kory Wilmot URS Purpose of Meeting The purpose of the meeting was to visit crossings identified by Merger Team members during the February 20, 2014 CP2A Office Meeting including five bridge crossings and seven box culvert crossings. It was agreed to by the Merger Team that the primary focus would be on the bridge crossings, and the box culvert locations would be visited as time permitted. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-707-6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 CENTURY CENTER,BUILDING A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WEBSITE: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER HTTPS://CONNECT.NCDOT.GOV/RESOURCES/ENVIRON RALEIGH NC 27610 RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 MENTAL/PAGES/DEFAULT.ASPX R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING MINUTES March 12,2014 Page 2 of 4 Merger Meeting Summary The list below shows the crossings in the order they were visited as well as a summary of the discussion held. Crossing 305 • Neuse River floodplain behind Lowes,no issues with proposed bridge length or location. • The presence of a stormwater pond behind Lowes was noted. • NCDOT Hydraulics Unit to check if it is a permitted stormwater pond. Discussions concluded that if the alignment was chosen, avoidance measures could be explored during preliminary design. If avoidance is not possible, the pond can be relocated. Conclusion: Proposed bridge length of 7,115 feet is sufficient. Crossing 167 • Crossing of Falling Creek behind Sanderson Farms. • Proposed bridge length will span the floodplain. • There was discussion on the potential for increasing the proposed bridge length by approximately 400 feet to the north side of the bridge to span the 50-year flood limits. Ultimately, it was decided this extension was not needed, as the 50-year flood would bring water over the road surface. Additional bridging would not facilitate floodwater movement. Conclusion: Proposed bridge length of 390 feet is sufficient. Culvert 172 • Crossing of Whitelace Creek. • Aerial photos indicated that a hardwood drain may have been present, but the area has been logged since the photos were taken. Conclusion: Proposed 8ft x 6ft double barrel box culvert is sufficient. Crossing 139 • Crossing of Whitelace Creek west of NCEEP mitigation site. Conclusion: Proposed bridge length of 85 feet is sufficient. Crossing 121 • Crossing of Southwest Creek. • Tom Steffens noted that the wetland line extends beyond the bridge limits and the current location of the bridge limits would involve the use of a large amount of fill material. Mr. Steffens requested that wetland impacts in this area be minimized if possible. • Travis Wilson expressed concern over the height of the bridge. There is a large riparian corridor along Southwest Creek. The corridor would function better for wildlife if it were raised. • It was requested the proposed bridge either be extended to the south to allow for additional vertical clearance, or raise the proposed profile to provide a minimum of eight to ten feet of vertical clearance to allow for wildlife crossing. R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING MINUTES March 12,2014 Page 3 of 4 • Discussions included the potential to shift the proposed alignment further west to reduce wetland impacts. Complications with shifting the alignment were discussed; as a result, raising the profile or extending the proposed bridge to the south would be preferred as opposed to shifting the alignment. Conclusion: With the proposed bridge length of 945 feet, Merger Team members have requested to either extend the existing bridge length to the east which would allow an increase of the vertical clearance for wildlife crossing and minimize wetland impacts OR to raise the current proposed profile to increase the vertical clearance to a minimum of eight to ten feet for wildlife crossings. Crossing 149 • Crossing of Southwest Creek. • Discussions included the potential to shift the bridge to the north to reduce wetland impacts; however, it was noted that the location of this crossing was utilized in order to avoid other, larger adjacent stream and wetland systems. • The potential for shifting the current proposed bridge to the east to minimize wetland impacts was also discussed. After additional office review, there is some opportunity to shift the proposed bridge length of 1,025 feet to the east approximately 125 +/- to the edge of the western wetland limits. This shift would also require the FEMA Floodway to shift with the bridge which could be accomplished through coordination with FEMA(CLOMR Process) during final design. • Merger Team members would like to see the structure extended over the system to the edge of the wetland. Conclusion: With the proposed bridge length of 1,025 feet, Merger Team members have requested consideration to shift the bridge location to the east to minimize impacts to the wetlands OR extend the proposed bridge length to minimize wetland impacts. Culvert 154 • Crossing of Strawberry Branch. Conclusion: Proposed 6ft x 6ft double barrel box culvert is sufficient. Culvert 176 • Crossing of Whitley's Creek. Conclusion: Proposed 8ft x 6ft single barrel box culvert is sufficient. Culvert 202 • Crossing of Whitley's Creek. • It was noted this is an existing culvert that lies on the edge of impact area and likely would not be impacted. Conclusion: Existing 6ft x 6ft double barrel box culvert is sufficient. R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING MINUTES March 12,2014 Page 4 of 4 Crossing 175 • Crossing ofNeuse River; upstream of Crossing 305. • Site was viewed as another example of what the Neuse River and corresponding natural area and floodplains look like within in the project area. Conclusion: Proposed bridge length of 3,480 feet is sufficient. Action Items • NCDOT will evaluate potential options for sites 121 and 149 as discussed above and present findings at the CP2A Office Meeting in April. Minutes prepared by Susan Westberry, URS. If there are any questions or edits, please contact Chris Werner,URS Project Manager, at(919) 461-1470 or christopher.werner(c�urs.com. CROSSING 727 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-255,3 co ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 - CROSSNG 1Z ( SOUTHWEST CREEKS DATE: APRIL 2014 TOTAL DA = 32.1 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 2,500 CFS I NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK ® E2402363.46 E523645.55 � a �Tye-i u i v WIPu a uuuuuuluuumumuuuuuuu VIII � u � V r/i✓prj i. ,,,, �, � , l H i c / it ✓ l " 0 �,�'�'l�/i �( p,. '✓,� Bill O �r „ W LEGEND ,f ,$ u I PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100–YR FLOOD FRINGE d � 500–YR FLOOD FRINGE J �� WETLAND BOUNDARY STREAM 100' 0' 100' 200' — — — EXISTING GROUND — — — SLOPE STAKES SCALE: Ill= 100' 90 90 BRIDGE LENGTH 85 60 BRIDGE - 85 RI DGE LEN13TH 265 ,II 05 /• RI 3 B DG G Z Q 4 m l I. 80 80 2 9 lk l PROPOSED ROADWAY GRADE JU 3 3 8 8 -+1029S 75 5 /. 75_ ,o . .�� o o (+J0 ..3 S P R T T S 70 70 65 65 _ R Y 50—Y -100 R _ _ = W E 61.8 WSE .62.2 60 60 P MAX 60 S A CHANNEL BOTTOM AT ES M ED 55 5 5 A __F B SED ON EM A L00 PROFILE --------------------------------------------- AND 63, 1 I I I I L I I L I I L I I L FEMA FL0 DWAY i I I I 0 I L I I I I I I I I 92250 I I I I ----- 50 --------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------- ------------------+--------+--------+----- --+--------+----- --+--- ---+--------+-----------------+-------- -------------------------+-----------------+-------- --- WETLAND HORIZ. S I _A LE.. I_–I00 71 – 2 VERT. GALE. I 5 Composite 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 20 + 00 22 + 00 24 + 00 26 + 00 28 + 00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-255,3 co ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 - CROSSNG 1Z ( SOUTHWEST CREEKS DATE: APRIL 2014 TOTAL DA = 32.1 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 2,500 CFS �I NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK ® E2402363.46 E523645.55 r�l , �� � a �r T++ u Y II Wll��u a uuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu VIII MINE d/ �� J� U, !;I jliij�lj ✓X1 �N M I1 d qmp po /ry � J ✓ J�W""� �M 0 �{ W LEGEND �� PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100—YR FLOOD FRINGE " 500—YR FLOOD FRINGE WETLAND BOUNDARY STREAM 100' 0' 100' 200' — — — EXISTING GROUND — — — SLOPE STAKES SCALE: I"= 100' 90 90 r i 85 - 85 BRIDGE LENGTH r 80 4 80 2 9 / lk l PROPOSED P ROADWAY RA 0 __ GRADE 75 PR 75 / .�� + o 0 c X0..3 70 SUPERSTRUCTURE= - 70 xr _ / i 65 65 _ _ -� Y R Y 50 -100 R WE6 .8 WSE ..62.2 60 MAX 160 SPAN 60 j CHANNEL BOTTOM 55 ESTIMATED M A_T_ E_D 55 SED OFEMA--t FLOOd PROFILE WETLAND i 1 63 I I I I I f ... . :.FEMA FLO 0 DWAY 922 50 50 HORfZ S ALE- I"=100' WETLAND 1 e LEe i Ii I I Ii I I I I I I L L I I I I I _ 1 71 e _ _ 2 VERTe CALEB III " "Original 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 20 + 00 22 + 00 24 + 00 26 + 00 28 + 00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-255,3 co ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 - CROSSNG 1Z ( SOUTHWEST CREEKS DATE: APRIL 2014 TOTAL DA = 32.1 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 2,500 CFS NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY ® � PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK ® E2402363.46 E523645.55 OEM �,r r J � I z r / W LEGEND ,f PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE 00 OYRW FLOOD UFRINGE 500—YR FLOOD FRINGE 1. WETLAND BOUNDARY STREAM I00 0, 1 00' 200' — — — EXISTING GROUND — — — SLOPE STAKES SCALE: Ill= 100' 90 90 BRIDGE LENGTH / 960 85 - 85 / r 80 PR P OSED ROADWAY / 8 O .. ... 8/ J 9 l 029..... 75 JO 338 75 / 70 SUPERSTRUCTURE / i 70 x5� MAX PA 60 SPAN 65 65 -� Y 00 R Y R 50 I - - — 60 WE6 .8 WSE 62. 60 i j CHANNEL BOTTOM AT ES M ED 55 5 5 A __F B SED ON EM A L00 0 LE WETLAND 63, 1 I I I I L I I L I I L I I L FEW FL0 0 DWAY i I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I ... 922 .. . . . . I I I i I I I I ► I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 50 ---------�---------�--------+---------�--------+---------�--------+---------�-- ----------�--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+----- --+---'---+--------+---------�--------+-------- --------�---------�--------+---------�--------+-------- -------- I ► I I L I I I I I I I I I HORIZ S A . I"=100' WETLAND L- e LEe I I I I I IC_ 2 71 VERTe CALEe B l _ 5 Raised. Profile 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 20 + 00 22 + 00 24 + 00 26 + 00 28 + 00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-255,3 co ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 - CROSSNG 1Z ( SOUTHWEST CREEKS DATE: APRIL 2014 TOTAL DA = 32.1 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 2,500 CFS I NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK ® E2402363.46 E523645.55 Will IN , �� �Tye-i u i v I WVu a uuuuuuluuummuuuuuuuu VIII i! / g' � ✓X1 (M / � V%f 111Yu i'gg'((7qq M� 111,ii l i o ti �i r �{ W LEGEND � PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100—YR FLOOD FRINGE �rr� 500—YR FLOOD FRINGE � WETLAND BOUNDARY STREAM 100' 0' 100' 200' — — — EXISTING GROUND — — — SLOPE STAKES SCALE: I"= 100' 90 90 r r 85 - 85 BRIDGE LENGTH r 80 945# 80 2 9 / lk l 75 PROPOSED_ R ROADWAY GRADE DE _ 75_ / 6-/O-/7t + o 0 (+)0-3 P R T S Inc 70 70 / xrs�_ i 65 65 r _ _ -� Y R Y 50 -100 R WE_6 .8 WSE 62.2, MAX_ 60 SPAN 60 60 - - - -\ /- - — j CHANNEL BOTTOM AT ES M ED 55 ___ _____ 5 5 A F A BASED ON EM L00 0 LE WETLAND ------- - 63, 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 L I I L I I L I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 FEMA FL0 0 DWAY 1 I I I I I I I I I 92250 I I I I ------- 50 --------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------- ------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+----- --+--- ---+--------+-----------------+-------- -------------------------+-----------------+-------- — WETLAND HORIZ e S I _A LEe e I_—I00 71 e _ 2 VERTe CALEB III Original 1" " 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 20 + 00 22 + 00 24 + 00 26 + 00 28 + 00 r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. / / / / / ~ / . / / u/ ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 CROSSNG 2 � ( SOUTHWEST CREEK ) DATE: APRIL 2014 NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK E2402363.46 E523645.55 LU LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100-YR FLOOD FRINGE 500-YR FLOOD FRINGE STREAM 0, 100, 200' 90 90 BRIDGE LENGTH 80 80 PROPOSED ROADWAY GRADE 75 75 70 �,J-(+)0-30007- StPERSTRUCTIRE_, 70 60 MAX 160' SPAN 60 CHANNEL BOTTOM ESTIMATED 55 BASED ON FEMA--t ------t ------t 55 t FLOOE PROFILE t WETLAND t t t- FEMIA FLOODWAY! 5 0 92 50 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ---- / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | | | | | | | | / / / / / | | | | | | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ---- / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Plus 1 Span / /------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-255,3 co ALTERNATNE � 5 / � 6 - CROSSNG 1Z ( SOUTHWEST CREEKS DATE: APRIL 2014 TOTAL DA = 3201 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 2,500 CFS I NEUSE RIVER BASIN - � lain FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK ® E2402363046 E523645055 rail , WE�, ���� �Ty!-I u I v ��� I �� WV��u a uuuuuuluuuuuuumumuuu VIII i! „� ill i% � ✓IU � .. !i fX l ((MM I ^� �,r r Y' J � I z rr / W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT BRIDGE STRUCTURE FLOODWAY BOUNDARY o , 100—YR FLOOD FRINGE 500—YR FLOOD FRINGE r WETLAND BOUNDARY STREAM 100' 0' 100' 200' — — — EXISTING GROUND — — — SLOPE STAKES SCALE: I"= 100' i i i . .. .. ... .. .. 90 � 90 ,0000 0000spo / 85 __ _ _ -- 85 BRIDGE_DG _ LEND T / 1265' i 80 80 2 9 k l l i .. PROPOSED ROADWAY GRADE_ 75 i o I + c 0X ..3 o 0 P R T T 70 70 , xr _ 65 65 ,1 —Y — YR 50 R 1 00 — WSE— W E 6 .8 .62.2, MAX 160'60 SPAN CHANN L BOTTOM ESTIMATED ED 55 BASED 5 5 __F ON EM A L00 PROFILE WETLAND i 1 63 I I I I I f ... . :.FEMA FLO 0 DWAY 922 50 50 I WETLAND 1 HORIZ. CALE: I'= 0 i Ii I I Ii I I I I I 71 VERT I L L I I I I I — 1 _ 2 . GALE:. I 10 0 + 00 2 + 00 4 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 0 + 00 2 + 00 14 + 00 6 + 00 8 + 00 20 + 00 22 + 00 24 + 00 26 + 00 28 + 00 Plus 2 Spans Crossing 121 (Southwest Creek) Bridge Evaluation Alternatives 35/36 As proposed in Total length after Total length with 1 Total length with 2 Functional Designs raising profile additional span additional spans Bridge Length (LF) 945 960 1,105 1,265 Bridge Area (SF) 75,600 76,800 88,400 101,200 Change in Wetland Impacts (AC) 0.30 -0.97 -1.74 Change in Wetland Impacts $ 38,730.00 $ (77,460.00) $ (135,555.00) Increased Bridge Cost** $ 126,000.00 $ 1,344,000.00 $ 2,688,000.00 LBridge cost per acre wetland saved $ 1,305,711.34 $ 1,466,922.41 * Based upon NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) mitigation fees for Riparian Wetlands, lower fees ($38J3O). Assumed minimum increments of(l25and impacts towetlands are at 2:1 ratio. (Source: NCDENR-Mitigation Fees) Assumes bridge cost of$105/SF. Note, bridge cost as proposed in functional designs is approximately$7,938,000. CROSSING 749 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. AUTERNAT VE / 2 / 3 / 32 / 5 / 52 / 63 / 65 - CROSSING 149 ( S0UTHWEST CREEK ) R-253 TOTAL DA = 43.7 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 3,000 CFS NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4522 & 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK E2420451.25 N532149.89 jig �n n N Z O N W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT °° BRIDGE STRUCTURE ^ °^ °^ FLOODWAY BOUNDARY ------------I 100-YR FLOOD FRINGE ----- ---- --- 500-YR FLOOD FRINGE ------------- WETLAND BOUNDARY ----- STREAM --- EXISTING GROUND 100' 0' 100' 200' ------------ SLOPE STAKES SCALE:I'= 100' IP LG[ T Vi l O ._..._.. ___.. _..._..m.m.m.-.-..m.m.m...m.m.m.-.-..m.m.m...m.m.m.-.-..m, m.-.�.. C RUGI° n h'N(I III 4 75 . � � IIO� CPPoUGF f ttIVC;CkV ------ t taouGwm 4 E NI,r 1 =_ -- - -- - -- - - -- --- 1Cr -- -- .PROP SED ROADWAY (.:GRADE :: :: r0 _w Itl' RSTR G,T RE 0 __ 65 65 EXISTING G OUND 60 60 AN(?.:_____.�„. 55 55 50 -- R 100 Y42 50 -sa - __ ___ ___ _ _ w E=41B -_W,E-7 Ir 45 -- - — -- - -- - -- 45 - -�T - -- - -- - - -- - -- - 1 1 40 I r 40 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- ----- -------- ------ -------- ------- - =---�b -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- EST IM TED BASED ON 11 FEMA IFLOOD PROFILE J5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FEMA FL ODWAY-971'I 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1... .�5 + - + - + - +- + -+ - + - - + - t - � - + - + - + - + + + - + - + - +- -+ - + + - + - - i LAND 1 I 1 WE�T43 ND I 1 : i :. i : 1 " HORIZ.SALE: l, 10011 VERTCALE 5 i . ... ........ .... ... .. ........ . ....... .. .... ... . y '-5'_.. Composite, 0+00 2+00 4+00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 2 0+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. AUTERNAT VE / 2 / 3 / 32 / 5 / 52 / 63 / 65 - CROSSING 149 ( SOUTHWEST CREEK ) R-253 TOTAL DA = 43.7 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 3,000 CFS NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4522 & 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK E2420451.25 N532149.89 °t Illllllllw IIIII N Z O N W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT °° BRIDGE STRUCTURE ^ °^ °^ FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100-YR FLOOD FRINGE ----- ---- --- 500-YR FLOOD FRINGE ------------- WETLAND BOUNDARY ----- STREAM --- EXISTING GROUND 100' 0' 100' 200' ------------ SLOPE STAKES SCALE:I'= 100' 7 5 102.'a' ::: : ::: ::: ::: :::: .. .. :: ::: ::: :: 5 PROP SED ROADWAY fL.GRADE Ir11re,rR,r;Tt,RE (0 __ 65 -------- -------- -------- -------- --=--_ ° ------- -------- -------- -------- -----t-- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 6 5 EXISTING G OIIND 60 60 -- --- --- -- — - --- --- --- --- - -- --- --- --- -- — -- --- --- --- --- - - r -- --- -- --- --- - - AN(? -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- ------ ---- --- ------- -------- — ------ ------- -------- --- ---- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 50 -- >- R OO Y42 50 - ___ ___ _ _ W L=4e:8 -_wSE-50 Ir 45 45 -- — -- -- -- -�T -- -- -- - - -- -- - 1 1 40 .)5 - 4. 0 ESTIM TED AED -414-i FEMA IFLOOD PROFILE I L WAY-_ 5 61AND I J. I 1 WEBT43 ND 1 I : :. HORIZ.SALE: I'-1001 ... ........ .... ... .. ........ . ....... .. .... ... VERT. CALE:.1'-5'_.. Original 0+00 2+00 4+00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 20+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 °- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. AUTERNAT VE / 2 / 3 / 32 / 5 / 52 / 63 / 65 - CROSSING 149 ( S0UTHWEST CREEK ) R-253 TOTAL DA = 43.7 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 3,000 CFS NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4522 & 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK E2420451.25 N532149.89 I Illllllllw IIIII Aww z I 0 N W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT °° BRIDGE STRUCTURE ^ °^ °^ FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100-YR FLOOD FRINGE ----- ---- --- 500-YR FLOOD FRINGE ------------- WETLAND BOUNDARY ----- STREAM --- EXISTING GROUND 100' 0' 100' 200' ------------ SLOPE STAKES SCALE:I'= 100' BRIDGE LENG�H PROP SED ROADWAY fL.GRADE — -- — -� — .- - ------------------------ " „— .. .. p-MM-N'�CA(M3L {)EP fNi f'_ 6 _ 65 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ EXISTING G OUND 60 — - u r— r u T r - - - u ua H uw: MAX Nm u u u I u u S �N____—____T u u 55 —�— ------r -------- — ------ -------! -------- -- u = -------- — 55 r 5 r r H � � � u � � % - - h l T -: - p -� = w E=41a 45 45 -- --- --- -- - --- --- --- -_ -_ --------- - ---'T -T ----------------- - --- --- --- - - --- -- --- --- - - 1 1 40 ------ I r 40 -- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -- ----- ------- -------- ----- ------ ------ ----- — -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- —STIM BASED — FEMA IFLOOD PROFILE FEMA FL ODWAY--97 - . 5- + - + - + - +------------------+ - + - + - +------------------+--------+ + - + - - � kTLAND I I I WEBT43 ND I I : i :. i : i _ I I " HORIZ.SALE: I'-100'.. 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I z I 0 N W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT °° BRIDGE STRUCTURE ^ °^ °^ FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100—YR FLOOD FRINGE ----- ---- --- 500—YR FLOOD FRINGE ------------- WETLAND BOUNDARY ----- STREAM --- EXISTING GROUND 100' 0' 100' 200' ------------ SLOPE STAKES SCALE:I'= 100' RRmCSGE 0..�.k CiV18 PROP SED ROADWAY fL.GRADE r0 SUPERSk CBURS 70 -- ----- --- -- --- --- --- -- - --- ----- --- --- DEPTH V—P 65 65 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- - --- - ---- -------- ------- ----- - -------- -------- ----- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- .. / EXISTING G OIIND 60 60 -- --- --- -- — - --- --- --- --- - -- --- --- --- -- — -- --- --- -- --- - - r------------------------------------------------ - MA Nfid3;: 55 S AIV 55 50 -- IOO Y42 50 -sa- — ___ ___ _ _ -�n Ir 45 -- — -- -- -- 45 --�T -- -- -- - - -- -- - I I I 40 I i 40 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------- - =---�b ------------------------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- EST IM TED BASED ON FEMA IFLOOD PROFILE I .)5 + - + - + - +- + -+ - + - FEMA L I ODWAY-----I - . 5 - + - + - + - + + + - + - + - +- -+ - + + - + - - i 61AND I J. I WET43ND I : :. _ I _ I I " HORIZ.SALE: I'-100' B .. . ... ........ .... ... .. ........ . ....... .. .... ... VERT. GALE:.I'-5'_.. Plus 1 Spa, 0+00 2+00 4+00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 2 0+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. AUTERNAT VE / 2 / 3 / 32 / 5 / 52 / 63 / 65 - CROSS NG 49 ( S0UTHWEST CREEK ) R-253 DATE: APRIL 2014 r_ TOTAL DA = 43.7 SO. MI. CALC. 050 = 3,000 CFS NEUSE RIVER BASIN FEMA DETAILED STUDY PANEL 4522 & 4502 SOUTHWEST CREEK E2420451.25 N532149.89 r Illllllllw IIIII N Z O N W LEGEND PROPOSED ALIGNMENT °° BRIDGE STRUCTURE ^ °^ °^ FLOODWAY BOUNDARY 100-YR FLOOD FRINGE ----- ---- --- 500-YR FLOOD FRINGE ------------- WETLAND BOUNDARY ----- STREAM --- EXISTING GROUND 100' 0' 100' 200' ------------ SLOPE STAKES SCALE:I'= 100' PROP SED ROADWAY fL.GRADE 7 0 SUPERSk CTURE — 70 -- ----- --- -- --- --- --- -- - --- ----- --- --- r-+Jo-.�c�a� DEr�xu� - n-I" �� -: - -- - 65 65 -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------ -------- ------- -------- -------- ---- - --=-- - ------ ------- ----- --- ---- -------- ------- ----- - -------- - ------ ----- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- EXISTING G OLND 60 60 -- --- --- -- — - --- --- --- --- - -- --- --- --- -- — -- --- --- --- --- - r------------------------------------------------ - WiAX N60' 55 S FAN 55 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------------------- ---- --- ------- ----------- ------ ------------------ --- ---- -------- ----------------- -------- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------.. 50 -- k Y4 50 ___ ___ _ _ W�L=�e:a -_w��E-,n Ir _ _ _ 45 45 -- - — -- - -- - -- - - -- T -- -- - -- - - -- - -- - I 4 0 -- -------I 40 -- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- - ------ - =---�b -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ESTIM TED BASED ON 1 I�1 .:: FEMA IFLOOD PROFILE 1 .)5 FEMA L ODWAY-----I .- - I I _. . 5 - + - + - + - + + E+ - --------43 1 AND I J I 1 B .S :: - VERT. CALE '-5' Plus 2 Sp In 0+00 2+00 4+00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 20+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 Crossing 149 (Southwest Creek) Bridge Evaluation Alternatives 11/12/31/32/51/52/63/65 As proposed in Proposed bridge Total length with 1 Total length with 2 Functional Designs shifted 125' east additional span additional spans Bridge Length (LF) 1,025 1,025 1,185 1,345 Bridge Area (SF) 82,000 82,000 94,800 107,600 Change in Wetland Impacts (AC) - -0.56 -1.23 -2.48 Change in Wetland Impacts ($)* - $ (58,095.00) $ (96,825.00) $ (193,650.00) Increased Bridge Cost** - - $ 1,344,000.00 $ 2,688,000.00 Net cost - - $ 1,247,175.00 $ 2,494,350.00 Bridge cost per acre wetland saved - - $ 1,013,963.41 $ 1,005,786.29 * Based upon NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) mitigation fees for Riparian Wetlands, lower fees ($38,730). Assumed minimum increments of 0.25 and impacts to wetlands are at a 2:1 ratio. (Source: NCDENR- Mitigation Fees) ** Assumes bridge cost of$105/SF. Note, bridge cost as proposed in functional designs is approximately$8,610,000.