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HomeMy WebLinkAbout702 Lake Boone TrailA4iV NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment' and Natural Resources Pat, McCrory Governor June�6, 2014 Joel New 702.Lake'Boone Trail Raleigh, NC-27607 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject:, Surface Water Determination.Letter NBRR0#144 86 'Wake County Determination Type_ Buffer Call! Isolated or,EIP Call ® Neuse,(1'5A NCAC'2B .Q233) Start@ ❑'Tar - Pamlico "(1,5A NCAC 26 .0259) ❑ EphemeraUlntermittent /,Perennial Determination USGS ❑ .Isolated Wetland Determination' ❑ Jord6h'(15A NCAC,26, .0267) to Buffers Project Name: 702 Lake,Boone Trail „Raleigh - L'ocation/-Directions: Subjectproperty, is =a privately owned,tractlocated at project address; ,SubjectyStream:, UT toSodthwest_Prong'Beaverdam Determination Date: 6/6/2014 Staff: Sara Knies Stream, E/l/P* 'Not Subject Subject Start@ Stop@ Soil USGS to Buffers to Survey Topo Buffers A P X Throughout Throughout X X *E111P. = Ephemeral' /Intermittent /Perennial Explanation: The feature(s) listed, above�has,or have +been.located on.the Soil,Survey of Wake County; North Car6lina,or1he most,recent copy, of the USGS Topographicamap at a 1':24,000, scale. Each,feature.thacis checked "Not, Subject” has been determined not to be'a stream or 'is not present on;the property. Features,that are checked "Subject" have been located.on the,property and possess characteristics that,qualifyEit to lie a stream: Tliere may be ,otherrstreams located` on your property that do,not,show upon the maps referenced,above but, still maybe considered jurisdictional according to the US,Army'Corps of En giiieefs:and/or to the Division,ofWater Resources This on- siterdetermina'tion shall expire five:(5) years from the, d'ate ,of `this4etter. Landowners,or affected partie&4hat dispute a determination made by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority-may request a determination by the Director: An appeal request must "be made within si`xty.(60) days of date of this letter or,from the date't_he affected party, (including.,downstream and /or'adjacent, owners) isbotified,of this letter. ,A request. forla, determination by the Ncc6 a Carolina Nka rallty North Carolina,,b vision of Water Resources 1628�Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC,27699 =1628 Phone (9 19) 791 -,4200 Jnternet www newaterguahty orq Location- 3800 Barrett Drive {Raleigh,'NC 27609 Fax (91,9) 788;7159 An Equal .Opportunity /Affrmative.Acton Employer = 50% RecycledMd %`'?ost Consumer. Paper 702 Lake'Boone Trail; Raleigh 6/62014' Page 2`,of 2; Director shaftbe_'_referred -to the Director in writing, c/o Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1656 Mail', Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699: This, determination is final�a_nd binding unless, as detailed above,,you askforl a. hearing or appeal within sixty(60) days. The owner/future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any,other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this,dec §ion, concerning�any'fu'ture correspondences regarding the subject property ('stated above). 'This project may require,a Section 404401 Permit for'the proposed activity. ,Any-ingtiiries should be directed to the Division of Water - Resources (Central, Office) at (919)- 807 -6300, and theUS Army Corp of'Engineees ,(Raleigh,Regalat6ry Fiel'd,Officey at,(919) -554 =4884. . If you�have questions,regarding this,determination, please,feehfree to contact °Sara KnieS�at (9.19) "791 -4258. Sincerely,, �vr Dan y mith, Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Center cc: RRO DWR File Copy :w344? ° et2« /{ /9@ =e gg »=000��oK=M *IDIDT tt%EG / / /E(§ 2J#k� -= >E m= > zmo & § }@m CO �ID a =�=== :maw - = ±mee /& \NJ cL = =,o »z 2 Ems.. = = > -=oEE ®m° a ƒƒ CD m =2223, /2Moor- 9, CL CL \G -© N ,k `!`& q�°mo,.�,�$�E2000„ )§0 032. ]m§kk <&2 -10 U)v) / « Izzze $ Gw- §£ / / \) °Sva = °� } \)& } CD f (0CM0M®CD >R\\ m »_ _ >&% z _ ._�2 r- * �/( { \` /C$ \C: t o _ / \/[ E I/� 2 i) / ƒ[ \ / ) \\ m 3 0 z > 9k /]\ § ƒ 0) m § z ® ■ _ { > / - - .111, ilk MIN SIR r IT Alp $ ly, limb , b Ad Fill vim A 0,04 �., - - ad Opp �T ter. -►♦ •f � � r s �� oil TH $ 1 v /�� /6/2014 4:09 PM (Joins sheet 49) (Inin,c chP-f AR)