HomeMy WebLinkAboutThunder Swamp Phase II Ledgers -5/19/2022Transaction Number Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name HUC of Project Pounds of Nitrogen Acres Pounds of Nitrogen Acres Pounds of Nitrogen Acres Local Gov't Requiring 1 5/19/22 3,754.739 1.652 3,754.739 1.652 DWR 2 5/31/22 Scannell Properties, LLC Slater Road Office (D2100105)03020201 415.59 0.183 3,339.149 1.469 City of Durham 3 5/31/22 Scannell Properties, LLC Slater Road Office (D2100105) Assigned to the City of Durham 03020201 20.78 0.009 3,318.369 1.460 City of Durham 4 5/31/22 Self-Help Ventures Fund Beacon Point (SPR-0253-2021)03020201 590.70 0.260 2,727.669 1.200 City of Raleigh 5 6/1/22 KL Raleigh Development JV LLC Tower 5 N Hills East (SPR-0198-2021) PARTIAL 03020201 8.869 0.004 2,718.800 1.196 City of Raleigh 6 6/24/22 RD TTC Raleigh, LLC Town Dr Apts (SPR-0264-2021) PARTIAL 03020201 2,718.80 1.196 - 0.000 City of Raleigh 7 6/30/22 5,006.319 2.203 5,006.319 2.203 DWR 8 8/15/22 SunCap Property Group, LLC Midway West (SPR-0142-2022)03020201 1,721.00 0.757 3,285.319 1.445 City of Raleigh 9 8/25/22 Lennar Corporation - Raleigh Division Hunter's Pointe (SPR-0016-2022)03020201 2,088.20 0.919 1,197.119 0.527 City of Raleigh 10 9/12/22 Christopher T. Sanders Cardinal Self Storge Expansion (SPR-0146-2022)03020201 368.72 0.162 828.399 0.364 City of Raleigh 11 10/17/22 Watt Development Corp.Bailey Meadows Subdivision (PLG-003862-2022)03020201 136.07 0.060 692.329 0.305 Wake County 12 10/18/22 McAdams Corners at Brier Creek Townhomes - South Amendment 2 (D2200314)03020201 74.65 0.033 617.679 0.272 City of Durham 13 10/18/22 McAdams Corners at Brier Creek Townhomes - South Amendment 2 (D2200314) Assigned to the City of Durham 03020201 3.73 0.002 613.949 0.270 City of Durham 14 11/7/22 Holly Tree Grove NC LLC Holly Tree Grove (21-054-P)03020201 331.90 0.146 282.049 0.124 Johnston County 15 11/30/22 2,503.160 1.101 2,785.209 1.225 DWR 16 12/5/22 Pulte Group Carolina Overlook Phase 1F, 1G, 1K (2020-80-SDM) PARTIAL 03020201 282.049 0.124 2,503.160 1.101 Town of Clayton 17 12/9/22 Taylor Morrison of Carolinas, Inc.Forestville Station (SPR-0155-2022) PARTIAL 03020201 2,369.180 1.042 133.980 0.059 City of Raleigh 18 12/13/22 Singh Development, LLC Griffin Weston II (21-DP-6337)03020201 133.980 0.059 - 0.000 Town of Cary 19 5/15/23 03020201 2,503.160 1.101 2,503.160 1.101 DWR 20 10/6/23 New Bern Harmony Housing, LLC New Bern Crossings (SPR-0101-2023) PARTIAL 03020201 500.000 0.220 2,003.160 0.881 City of Raleigh 21 8/27/24 5,006.319 7,009.479 0.881 DWR 22 11/4/24 MEJM Properties LLC Leesville Rd Towns - (SPR-0094-2023)03020201 109.100 0.048 6,900.379 0.833 City of Raleigh 18,773.697 11,873.32 6,900.379 Task 5 & 6: Credits Released (20%) ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC - RES 2022 Phase II UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Thunder Swamp Phase II, HUC 03020201 Nutrient Credit Ledger 2/5/2025 DWR Bank Parcel Project Number: 2021-0306v2 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold from Bank Nutrient Credit Balance Task 4: Credits Released (10%) Task 3: Credits Released (10%) Task 2: Credits Released (20%) Task 1: Credits Released (15%) Total Credits Released to Date: 18,773.697 lbs Transaction Number Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name HUC of Project Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Local Gov't Requiring 1 5/19/22 52,435.473 1.204 0.000 52,435.473 1.204 DWR 2 6/3/22 DR Horton - Terramor LLC Winston Pointe (20041488 v9)03020201 10,856.000 0.249 41,579.473 0.955 DWR 3 6/7/22 Highfill Infastructure Engineering, P.C.Big Branch Sewer (20200597 v2) PARTIAL 03020201 45.720 0.001 41,533.753 0.953 DWR 4 6/17/22 1258 North Main Development LLC Richland Creek Outfall Replacement and Short Extension (20220223) PARTIAL 03020201 13,484.753 0.310 28,049.000 0.644 DWR 5 6/30/22 69,913.963 1.605 97,962.963 2.249 DWR 6 7/19/22 Lennar Carolinas, LLC Cayden Cove (20210782) PARTIAL 03020201 23,025.000 0.529 74,937.963 1.720 DWR 7 8/3/22 Duke Energy PNG Line 142 Pipeline (20210364)03020201 69,913.368 1.605 5,024.595 0.115 DWR 8 8/17/22 Bonaventure Property Company, LLC Angier Avenue (20211730)03020201 5,024.000 0.115 0.595 0.000 DWR 9 11/30/22 34,956.982 0.803 34,957.577 0.803 DWR 10 1/25/23 Pulte Group Saunders Farm (20220011)03020201 606.000 0.014 34,351.577 0.789 DWR 11 5/15/23 34,956.982 0.803 69,308.559 1.591 DWR 12 5/31/23 Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries LP Novo Nordisk Site Capacity Expansion (20150465 v2) PARTIAL 03020201 34,351.577 0.789 34,956.982 0.803 DWR 13 8/8/23 John Mascho Porto Fino Lots 88-91: Driveway Widening (20201046 v 2) PARTIAL 03020201 1,815.800 0.042 33,141.182 0.761 DWR 14 8/31/23 Town of Knightdale Connector Road, Old Crews Rd to Old Milburnie Rd. (20230420) PARTIAL 03020201 25,487.200 0.585 7,653.982 0.176 DWR 15 11/9/23 Sound Timber Management LLC Project Ocean - Eagle Crest Industrial Park (20221796) PARTIAL 03020201 7,653.982 0.176 0.000 0.000 DWR 16 7/25/24 Lennar Carolinas, LLC Cayden Cove– Partial REFUND for non-compliant credit sale dated 7/19/22 03020201 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 DWR 17 7/25/24 Bonaventure Property Company, LLC Angier Avenue (20211730) – FULL REFUND for non-compliant credit sale dated 8/17/22 03020201 5,024.000 0.115 5,025.000 0.115 DWR 18 8/27/24 69,913.963 1.605 74,938.963 1.720 DWR 19 10/1/24 BCUS Acquisitions, LLC Ammons Development (20220972) PARTIAL 03020201 1.000 0.000 74,937.963 1.720 DWR 20 10/21/24 Rex Vick, Jr. and Eagle Rare, LLC Gatsby Station (20240928) PARTIAL 03020201 13,487.063 0.310 61,450.900 1.411 DWR 21 10/31/24 Ashcroft Partners, LLC Ashcroft Subdivision Phases 7 & 8 (20240854) PARTIAL 03020201 17,992.900 0.413 43,458.000 0.998 DWR 267,202.363 223,744.363 43,458.000 Task 5 & 6: Credits Released (20%) ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC - RES 2022 Phase II UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Thunder Swamp Phase II, HUC 03020201 Buffer Restoration Credit Ledger 2/5/2025 DWR Bank Parcel Project Number: 2021-0306v2 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold from Bank Buffer Credit Balance Task 4: Credits Released (10%) Task 3: Credits Released (10%) Task 2: Credits Released (20%) Task 1: Credits Released (15%) Total Credits Released to Date: 267,202.363 square feet Transaction Number Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name HUC of Project Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Local Gov't Requiring 1 5/19/22 4,311.947 0.099 0.000 4,311.947 0.099 DWR 2 6/17/22 1258 North Main Development LLC Richland Creek Outfall Replacement and Short Extension (20220223) PARTIAL 03020201 4,311.947 0.099 0.000 0.000 DWR 3 6/30/22 5,749.263 0.132 5,749.263 0.132 DWR 4 7/26/22 Jeramie Kyle Hockman 1306 Wicklow Drive (20220677)03020201 765.000 0.018 4,984.263 0.114 DWR 5 8/3/22 Duke Energy PNG Line 142 Pipeline (20210364) PARTIAL 03020201 4,984.263 0.114 0.000 0.000 DWR 6 11/30/22 2,874.631 0.066 2,874.631 0.066 DWR 7 12/13/22 Richard and Stacy Jones Jones Backyard Bulkhead (20220131 V2)03020201 1,221.000 0.028 1,653.631 0.038 DWR 8 5/15/23 2,874.631 0.066 4,528.262 0.104 DWR 9 5/31/23 Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries LP Novo Nordisk Site Capacity Expansion (20150465 v2)03020201 1,653.631 0.038 2,874.631 0.066 DWR 10 11/9/23 Sound Timber Management LLC Project Ocean - Eagle Crest Industrial Park (20221796)03020201 2,874.631 0.066 0.000 0.000 DWR 11 8/27/24 5,749.263 0.132 5,749.263 0.132 DWR 12 10/21/24 Rex Vick, Jr. and Eagle Rare, LLC Gatsby Station (20240928) PARTIAL 03020201 5,749.263 0.132 0.000 0.000 DWR 21,559.735 21,559.735 0.000 Task 5 & 6: Credits Released (20%) ENVIRONMENTAL BANC & EXCHANGE, LLC - RES 2022 Phase II UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Thunder Swamp Phase II, HUC 03020201 Buffer Preservation and Enhancement Credit Ledger 2/5/2025DWR Bank Parcel Project Number: 2021-0306v2 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold from Bank Buffer Credit Balance Task 4: Credits Released (10%) Task 3: Credits Released (10%) Task 2: Credits Released (20%) Task 1: Credits Released (15%) Total Credits Released to Date: 21,559.735 square feet