HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220388 Ver 1_More Information Received_20220609Strickland, Bev From: Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS <MMeasday@ecslimited.com> Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 5:26 PM To: Cohn, Colleen M Cc: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil; Mark Mayhew Subject: [External] RE: Pines at Wake Crossing DWR#20220388 Attachments: 22VAR03 PARLIER DRIVE Staff Report.docx; 220516.typical stream xsection showing proposed excavation.pdf; 49-14384 Pines at Wake Crossing - Stream Photos.pdf; 2202.Parlier Dr Crossing - Impact Exhibits.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Colleen, Thank you for your comments. See below for responses. Thank you, Michelle MICHELLE SAVAGE-MEASDAY, PWS I Environmental Senior Project Manager T 919.861.9910 I D 919.861.9821 I C 919.441.2437 5260 Greens Dairy Road I Raleigh I NC 127616 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP www.ecslimited.com THE NEW ASTM PHASE I STANDARD IS HERE - Contact us to find out more. Instagram I Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. From: Cohn, Colleen M <colleen.cohn@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 4:10 PM To: Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS <MMeasday@ecslimited.com> Cc: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil Subject: [EXTERNAL] Pines at Wake Crossing DWR#20220388 Good afternoon, I am reviewing the above referenced project, and in order to complete the review, some additional information is required: 1) Please provide additional information on avoidance and minimization of wetlands impacts. Based on the included FEMA letter dated December 21, 2020, there are two other options available, including removing a culvert or adding a culvert. Option 1, removing the culvert, was stated as the best option. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] The two other options were discussed at length with FEMA and subsequent to FEMA's letter of 21 December 2020 it was agreed Option 3 would be the best scenario to proceed with. As was explained to FEMA, Option 1, Remove existing culvert, is not a viable option given the safety issues it would create to the public and impact to first responders due to the creation of two dead-end roads. Removing the culvert would require removing and i relaying the existing public utilities such as water, power and communications from under the roadway to UNDER the stream bed. Removing the culvert would disconnect the roadway stormwater management system and prevent stormwater from reaching the detention basin on the north side and hence from being treated prior to stream discharge. Option 2, Add an additional culvert would disturb approximately the same amount of wetlands and buffer due to the need to regrade (lower) the flood fringe to direct water into and out of the culvert, add appropriate riprap and to provide construction access to the upstream and downstream areas. 2) Please provide additional information on how the proposed excavation of wetland will not cause a violation of water quality standards. [15A NCAC .0506(b)(2)] The construction techniques shall be conducted in accordance with NCDENR standards. Temporary and additional erosion control measures shall be maintained throughout the construction process. Silt fencing will be placed at the bottom of the slopes to deter sediment and control erosion during excavation activities. Temporary erosion, sedimentation, and pollution controls will be installed prior to and maintained during the entire construction duration and until final stabilization is established. Refer to Sheet 5 of the impact exhibits for the grading and erosion control plan. Refer to Sheet 4 for the revegetation plan to stabilize the disturbed area. No excavation is proposed below the OHWM. See attached stream section showing limits of excavation and stream photos. 3) Please provide additional details on the buffer impacts. This area appears to be under the Town of Apex's jurisdiction, but it is unclear what item in the Table of Uses you are proposing the activities fall under. [15A NCAC .02B .0267] The Town of Apex has reviewed and will be issuing a variance for the riparian buffer impacts. Upon receipt of the variance, a copy will be sent to you. The variance is expected to be approved at the next Apex Board of Adjustment Meeting in June. Attached is the Town of Apex Staff Report on the variance request. If the variance request is granted by Apex, the applicant will then move to the NC EMC for approval for the Zone 1 impacts. 4) If the US Army Corps of Engineers requests any additional information, please provide the Division with a copy of your response to the USACE. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)] Will comply. Thanks, Colleen Cohn Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 380o Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: 919-791-4258 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 0 Uzi 320- 315- 310- 305- 300- 295- 2,44A9 ri; 2c),5:0 .15- —+— .05 + .15 V11r. OHWM 292.3+/- 290- 500 600 2202 Remediation Plan: 2202 Remediation 100yr Future 12/30/2021 Sta 6315.7 k 700 Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) shown per observations by Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS, ECS Southeast, LLP, 13 May 2022. .ufer-- LS 1,A 1-M•t&L. -T-7) 4cc Station (ft) 800 900 10100 Legend WS Future 100-Yr WS Existing 100-Yr Ground A ineff • Bank Sta 1 in Horiz. = 40 ft 1 in Vert. = 4 ft BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT #22VAR03 May 17, 2022 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Application: #22VAR03 Location: 0 Parlier Drive Applicant/Owner: Ted Pease, Toll NC II LP./Green Level Crossing Community Assc. Inc. PINs: 0733133605 & 0733049008 Current Zoning: LD SF-CU (#05RZ22) Current Use: FROM UDO SECTION 4.3.1(N), Single -Family Residential Town Limits: Corporate Limits ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Application 3. Master Subdivision Plan 4. Final Subdivision Plat 5. Riparian Buffer Map BACKGROUND: p,P `Jiffy TrAWAWAWRIIMIMP Ty =• �o The subject properties include portions of the platted Open Space surrounding Parlier Drive for the Pines at Wake Crossing Phase 2 Subdivision. This subdivision sits south of Roberts Road, east of Green Level Church Road, north of Greenmoor Subdivision, and west of Interstate 540. The Construction Drawings for the Master Subdivision Plan, then known as The Hunt at Green Level Crossing, were approved in 2007 and platted, as The Pines at Wake Crossing in 2017. A significant portion of the subject properties lie within the 100' Riparian Buffer required by the Watershed Protection Overlay District. • July 16, 2007 - Master Subdivision Plan approval • July 23, 2007 — Property sold to Toll Brothers, LLC • August 23, 2017 - Final Subdivision Plat recorded • August 1, 2000 - UDO Adopted • March 23, 2021 - UDO Amendments to Section 6.1.13.E.2 Watershed Protection Overlay Districts, Modifications by Variance, Standards • February 8, 2022 — Property deeded to Green Level Crossing Community Association, Inc. • April 11, 2022 - Applicant submitted variance application VARIANCE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 6.1.11.G Uses Permitted Within the Riparian Buffer to allow for improvements to provide corrective action to address the FEMA floodplain violation associated with the culvert construction. The corrective action involves the removal of approximately Page 1 of 4 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT #22VAR03 P�. �!;4 I111111 w 1,200 cy (cubic yard) from the floodplain. The excavation will lower the base flood elevation rise created by the previously constructed road crossing over Clark Branch. The proposed remedy will create additional flood storage adjacent to Clark Branch, which is the preferred alternative, supported by FEMA. The FEMA violation must be remedied to meet requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), in which Apex is a participant. A major component of the NFIP is regulating development in the Special Flood Hazard Area and more particularly regulating encroachments in the floodway and non -encroachment areas. The excavation impact will result in the temporary disturbance to approximately 0.17 acre of forested wetland. No impervious surfaces will be introduced into Zone 1 or Zone 2. Following the excavation activities, the disturbed area will be graded to create a reasonably smooth and uniform surface and reseeded with the NC Piedmont Riparian Mix (Ernst Seed Mix — ERNMX-307). The construction of the project will not necessitate the use of any specialized construction techniques. Standard construction equipment such as cranes, excavators, dump trucks, and similar vehicles would be used for the project. Proper erosion and sedimentation control measures would be employed throughout the project. Typical materials and machinery will be used on -site during the construction process. The applicant proposes to minimize impacts through construction techniques. The construction techniques shall be conducted in accordance with NCDENR standards. Temporary and additional erosion control measures shall be maintained throughout the construction process. Silt fencing will be placed at the bottom of the slopes to deter sediment and control erosion during excavation activities. Temporary erosion, sedimentation, and pollution controls will be installed prior to and maintained during the entire construction duration and until final stabilization is established. The floodplain seed mix will allow the area to re-establish itself. Zones 1 and 2 shall remain vegetated. Section 6.1.11.G of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) reads: 6.1.11.G Uses Permitted Within the Riparian Buffer. This Section shall apply to activities conducted within, or outside of with hydrologic impacts in violation of the diffuse flow requirements set out in Sec. 6.1.11.E upon, a riparian buffer regulated by this Section. The Town shall issue an approval for new development only if the proposed development will avoid impacts to riparian buffers regulated by this Section or, if an impact to any such buffer is proposed, in accordance with the requirements in Sec. 6.1.11.G.1 or 2 below, as applicable, the applicant has demonstrated that: (i) the proposed activity is exempt, (ii) the proposed activity is allowable or allowable with mitigation, and the requirements of this Section for proceeding such designated use have been met, or (iii) a variance authorizing the proposed activity has been obtained. An amendment to Sec. 6.1.13.E.2-3 Watershed Protection Overlay Districts, Modifications by Variance, Standards was approved in order to allow property owners to request a variance from the standards of the Watershed Protection Overlay Districts regardless of when the property was purchased. The previous standard required the Board of Adjustment to find that the property owner did not purchase Page 2 of 4 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT #22VAR03 May 17, 2022 p,PE the property after Sec. 6.1 was codified with the adoption the Unified Development Ordinance in 2000. Below are the March 23, 2021 amendments to Sec. 6.1.13.E.2-3: 6.1.13 Watershed Protection Overlay Districts, Modifications by Variance E) Standards 2) In order to approve an application for a variance permit, the Board of Adjustment shall make a finding of fact as to whether the standards of Sec. 2.3.8D.1-3 Variance permit, Standards are met. 3) The Board of Adjustment shall make a finding of fact as to: a) whether the variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Town's Watershed Protection Overlay Districts and preserves its spirit; and b) whether in granting the variance the public safety and welfare have been assured, water quality has been protected and substantial justice has been done. STANDARDS FOR VARIANCE REQUESTS: To approve a variance permit, the Board of Adjustment must find that all the following standards as listed in Sec. 2.3.8(D) are being met. In the alternative, to deny the variance permit, the Board of Adjustment must find that any of the following standards are not being met: 1) Unnecessary Hardship. Unnecessary hardship would result from the strict application of the ordinance. It shall not be necessary to demonstrate that, in the absence of the variance, no reasonable use can be made of the property. 2) Hardship Results from Peculiar Conditions. The hardship results from conditions that are peculiar to the property, such as location, size, or topography. Hardships resulting from personal circumstances, as well as hardships resulting from conditions that are common to the neighborhood or the general public, may not be the basis for granting a variance. 3) Not Result of Action by Applicant. The hardship did not result from actions taken by the applicant or the property owner. The act of purchasing property with knowledge that circumstances exist that may justify the granting of a variance shall not be regarded as a self-created hardship. 4) Consistency with the UDO. The requested variance is consistent with the spirit, purpose, and intent of the ordinance, such that public safety is secured, and substantial justice is achieved. Page 3 of 4 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT #22VAR03 PEx Z Ji..y°'°�1`�L Q May 17, 2022 STAFF ANALYSIS: The Final Subdivision Plat for The Pines at Wake Crossing Phase 2 was recorded on August 23, 2017. The existing structure has remained since its original construction serving residential development. The property was deeded to applicant February 8, 2022. The applicant purchased property subject to the Watershed Protection Overlay District. The Watershed Protection Overlay District has been in place since the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) August 1, 2000. The UDO was amended by Town Council on March 23, 2021 to allow for owners of property located within riparian buffers to apply for a variance. The applicant filed the variance petition on April 11, 2022 in an effort to remedy the FEMA violation. Should no improvements be permitted on the subject site then it will remain in violation of FEMA regulations, Town of Apex Floodplain regulations, and may not meet requirements for participation within the NFIP. According to Water Resources staff, the proposed improvements are the overall least impactful solution for mitigating the violation of FEMA regulations. If the variance is granted, the applicant will then move to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (NCEMC) for further approval for Zone 1 impacts. Page 4 of 4 May 16, 2022 ECS Southeast, LLP 1 - Downstream view 2 - Upstream view ECS Project # 49:14384 May 16, 2022 ECS Southeast, LLP 3 - Evidence of slight undercutting of channel at approx. 3.5 to 4.0 feet bl TOB 4 - North facing view of stream bank ECS Project # 49:14384 May 16, 2022 ECS Southeast, LLP 5 - Streambank 6 - Closer to Culvert ECS Project # 49:14384 ?‘ N \\ EXIST. STREAM (1,285 LF ON PROPERTY) SS f` \ sar SS / / 133 �! / N / ` \ \\ SS \ \ \ SS \\ SS\SS\ \\ \ \\, \ SS \ \ SS \ SS \ SS -_ ///1j$11,/.2/;/// /� I\\\\y l \\\\A"( \ �o 1) ;Kk\\\ - N 7. . 411:11: \\3 \ " \/ \\\\ N\\ • • o'c'-'27. EXIST TOP OF BANK (TYP.) co M 4* 32 / 4.2 / / / / S / S / / /' �� 12f� ••� 1� • �ti ' SS / / / 129 / SS \ \ SS SS \ \ \ SS \ \ \ SS ss SS � S \ EXIST. WETLAND (TYP.) n_ \ Tn r NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE N 40. 1"=40' N F- Z F- J VI Z 0 V w N w EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 1/21/22 11"=40' BMM JKNB 2202 1 1 6 EXIST. STREAM (1,285 LF ON PROPERTY) fi EXIST TOP OF BANK (TYP.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +_ + + + + + + + + + \ \\ \ \ \ N \, N\-- ...... 3B \ - _ 1"=40' Z J J N Z 0 V w w J t rra Z Q O " O 0 Wz Q z >0 I- U Q w Z_ >- L 0 U DATE: SCALE: 1/21/22 1"=40' SHEET NO.: 2 OF 6 a� I \ \I \ 140) EXIST STREAM (1,285 LF ON PROPERTY) 1 WETLAND IMPACT AREA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE Vl Z J J N Z 0 V w w 1/4 1 SHEET NO.: J 0 Z Q 0" 00 Wz Q>z 0 I-U < w - Z_ L Q U 3 OF 6 \ \ \ \\\\\. ss 7 \ N — \ M FLOODPLAIN SEED MIX \\\ / LoD <o d� r L, 'off 1 , / #4410,414.1., ±/ :::::::$4414:4:$141447:444$71::::: 4414-4* // frotoz /:\://:// ::::: o 1 - `� r�O.fpI*O��♦IO��♦I�r` **4141 / ///4//a4.1/ J- //, ///7(4?.- // (\\ 31B • NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE N = = = 1'=50' + NC PIEDMONT RIPARIAN MIX ERNST SEED MIX - ERNMX-307 (OR APPROVED EQUAL) Mix Composition 29.9% Sorghastrum nutans, 'Scout' (Indiangrass, 'Scout') 20.0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype (Virginia Wild rye, PA Ecotype) 20.0% Panicum virgatum, 'Carthage', NC Ecotype (Switchgrass, 'Carthage', NC Ecotype) 10.0% Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype (Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype) 5.0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 5.0% Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 3.0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, FL Ecotype (Partridge Pea, FL Ecotype) 2.0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 2.0% Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf Coreopsis) 2.0% Rudbeckia hirta (Blackeyed Susan) 0.5%Juncus effusus, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Soft Rush, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 0.4% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 0.2% Helenium autumnale, NJ Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, NJ Ecotype) SEEDING RATE: 20 LB PER ACRE (WITH GRAIN RYE COVER CROP AT 30 LBS PER ACRE SEPTEMBER 1 TO APRIL 31). \, ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE OF THE FLOODPLAIN SHALL USE THE NCDEQ STANDARD PERMANENT SEED MIX: PERMANENT SEEDING NOTES SEEDING SCHEDULE PERMANENT SEEDING DATE MAR. 1 - AUG. 31 SEP. 1 - FEB. 28 TYPE WATER STAR TALL FESCUE SARAH BERMUDA UNHULLED PENSACOLA BAHAIGRASS DURANA CLOVER RYEGRAIN WATER STAR TALL FESCUE SARAH BERMUDA UNHULLED PENSACOLA BAHAIGRASS DURANA CLOVER BROWNTOP OR FOXTAIL MILLET PLANTING RATE 20 LB/ACRE 50 LB/ACRE 25 LB/ACRE 10 LB/ACRE 10 LB/ACRE 50 LB/ACRE 20 LB/ACRE 10 LB/ACRE 10 LB/ACRE 15 LB/ACRE CONSULT CONSERVATION ENGINEER OR SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING OTHER ALTERNATIVES FOR VEGETATION OF DENUDED AREAS. THE ABOVE VEGETATION RATES ARE THOSE WHICH DO WELL UNDER LOCAL CONDITIONS; OTHER SEEDING RATE COMBINATIONS ARE POSSIBLE. "NURSE CROP/TEMPORARY - RESEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM SEASON FOR DESIRED PERMANENT VEGETATION. DO NOT ALLOW TEMPORARY COVER TO GROW OVER 12" IN HEIGHT BEFORE MOWING, OTHERWISE FESCUE MAY BE SHADED OUT. SEEDBED PREPARATION . CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL THREE INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. . RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO SIX INCHES DEEP. . REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. . APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE MIXTURE). . CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL -PULVERIZED, FIRM REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED FOUR TO SIX INCHES DEEP. . SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. • MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. . INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, RE-ESTABLISH FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. REQUIRED GROUND STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZE WITHIN THIS MANY CALENDAR DAYS AFTER CEASING LAND DISTURBANCE TIMEFRAME VARIATIONS (a) PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES, AND PERIMETER SLOPES 7 None (b) HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) ZONES 7 None (c) SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED (d) SLOPES 3:1 TO 4:1 14 -7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50' IN LENGTH AND WITH SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4:1 -7 DAYS FOR PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES, PERIMETER SLOPES AND HQW ZONES -10 DAYS FOR FALLS LAKE WATERSHED (e) AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4:1 14 -7 DAYS FOR PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES, PERIMETER SLOPES AND HQW ZONES -10 DAYS FOR FALLS LAKE WATERSHED UNLESS THERE IS ZERO SLOPE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N F— z F— J J N z 0 V N W r 0 0 REVEGETATION PLAN jl1/21/22 11"=50' j1 IBMM IKNB 1 [2202 I 1 4 6 134 N ALONG STREAM (TYP.) (SEE DETAIL SHEET 6) i 1 2857(T+ 292 N LEGEND // /// J 11// ��� / //� \\\ / /fC / / i f \\\N`NN, \\\ \), \ / \\N x ///// S\\\\ \NN : F3\ \ \ PROP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE \ \F� \ \\\••' \ 30 (SEE DETAIL SHEET 6) PROP. SILT FENCE/TREE �\\\\\\\ PROTECTION FENCE COMBO (TYP.) (SEE DETAIL SHEET 6) 2878 EXIST. TOP OF BANK (TYP.) z EXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR EXISTING INDEX CONTOUR PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR PROPOSED INDEX CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION SUPER SILT FENCE SILT/TREE PROTECTION FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 99 _1100 r91 n +29731 + 290.2 SF — SF/TP - - LoD- \\ \\\ \\\ / SS,9\ c;t4 • 8:. 91.66 // \ \ � = / J ,_ - 'tip" \ �1 94.0 +SS 293.0 • 291 ear 'L// 295 � 1///,/ -PROP. SUPER SILT FENCE - / f /, ALONG STREAM (TYP.) (SEE DETAIL SHEET 6) \ \ \\ \\\\ \\ \ \/ \\11 \ � , LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE = 31,954 SF (0.73 AC) 125 4.0\ / 29819�. ASS �291.23J6 2 7+291.2 24 293.3 •241.4. 296•.0``` 127 �0a � I 30640.„ / \ PROP. STOCKPILE AREA PROP. LIMITS OF - DISTURBANCE (TYP.) PROP. SILT FENCE/TREE 1 PROTECTION FENCE COMBO (TYP.) (SEE DETAIL SHEET 6) EXIST. WETLAND (TYP.) ( �?26 /1- 292 08+ 91.61 \ \ 2.915 o NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE S ENGINEERING • PI J N 1"=40' t DATE: SCALE: 1/21/22 1"=40' SHEET NO.: 5 OF 6 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ESE CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING • ENVIRONMENTAL ESE of North Carolina, PC 5400 Trinity Road • Suite 204 Raleigh, NC 27607 T: 919-321-4800 License St C-2973 * ALTERNATIVE SILT FENCE TO BE USED AT LOCATIONS WHERE STANDARD IS INADEQUATE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CHAINLINK DIA * USE #57 WASHED STONE FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, AND FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT FENCE IS PROTECTING CATCH BASIN. 8' MAX MIN. 10 GA. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 11 •■ LINE WIRES NOTES: II.■■■■■■■■■■■■■" 1. USE SILTAAREE A OEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT MEM■■■■■■■■TIN\ III ■■■■■■■■, > IM►MIN. 12i GA. EXCEED 1q ACRE AND NEVER IN II ��, >�a`.■■■■■II•M INTERMEDIATE I� WIRES CONSTRUCTION FENCE ^! I 10' MAX TOP RAIL I"-2" GALVANIZED POSTS TOP AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. �■■.I ate ..M GRADE 2. END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE II,,TI¶II TURNED UPHILL. 1 3. WRAP THE SILT FENCE AROUND I, ALL EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS SO THAT THEY ARE FULLY VISIBLE 1" FROM THE ROADWAY. t 4. ALL SILT FENCE MUST HAVE A " SILT INSTALLED WIRE : FRONT FENCE FABRIC TO SECOND FROM TOP VIEW '__ - u n n-T_-7T 1r jj �I nn 7 m II i =.1 RAIL 1Vu�(X a Se - - 4' POST MIN SILT ASTENERS 6" BETWEEN (TYP) r FENCE 7 EXTENDED SILT FENCE MINIMUM OF 5' OF CLEARANCE FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT. 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL OCCUR WHEN NECESSARY. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REPLACED EVERY 6 MONTHS AND POSTS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE 3' STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND ALL MAINTENANCE ISSUES SHALL BE CORRECTED AT THAT TIME. 6. SILT FENCE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM THE TOE OF SLOPE. 2 " STEEL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE 32" MIN. FILL SLOPE ' RApE " MIN. COVER OVER SKIRT* FABRIC WIDTH SIDEWALK — -• SF SILT FENCE PROPERTY <'.:� LINE HYDRANT URB AND GUTTER 2.3 INTO TRENCH g" :. SILT FENCE FASTENERS IT OVERLAP FABRIC 6" BETWEEN = 6" MIN AT ENDS (TYP) III IIII — 8" 1 " =1 = 8"X4" TRENC EXCAVATED UP SLOPE FROM POLES, BACKFILL AND COMPACT of DESCRIPTION SIDE VIEW ANCHOR SKIRT DIRECTED BY AS ENGINEER* FH INSTALLATION TOWN OF APEX STD. NO. TOWN OF APEX STD. NO. STANDARDS TEMPORARY SUPER SILT FENCE 400.01 STANDARDS TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 400.01 EFFECTIVE: MAY 5,2020 SHEET 2 OF 2 EFFECTIVE: MAY 5, 2020 SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTES: FILTER OF # 57 WASHED STONE FLOW DIRECTION + + 1 + PLAN 1. PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION FENCE UP.. TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. SILT FENCE FABRIC TO OVERLAP HARDWARE vh .., -' •, ` t Ft EXISTING ROADWAY L 2. IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITES ARE SUCH THAT THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE 1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS PINES AT WAKE CROSSING CARY, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CLOTH BY 12 INCHES • STEEL FENCE POST Ili %h;1i%Ii, tl,THE x, a '. ate. 1 �. TRAVELING OVER THE STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF VEHICLE MUST BE WASHED BEFORE ENTERING PUBLIC ROAD (SEE DETAIL 400.06 W SHEET 2 OF 2). 3. IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO DEPOSIT MUD AND DEBRIS ONTO THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE TOWN WILL CLEAN THE AREA AND INVOICE THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. WIRE FENCE PLAN VIEW STEEL FENCE POST HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER OF # 57 WASHED STONE FLOW DIRECTION, NOTE: 1. APPLICABLE 2. USE 18" 3. BURY AS WIRE FOR DRAINAGE AREAS NO MORE A REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. FENCE, HARDWARE CLOTH, AND SILT THAN 1/4 ACRE. FENCE FABRIC 6 INCHES. - ENTRANCE TYPE L W STONE SIZE I'']IP -rl= I1 Lµ � HARDWARE 12" OVERLAP CLOTH STEEL FENCE POST WIRE FENCE 12" OVERLAP GENERAL 50' 25' 2-3" RESIDENTIAL* 25' 12' #57 1 SIDE VIEW 11 - 2' MAX.1 - * INDIVIDUAL SINGLE FAMILY CROSS SECTION U NEW CONSTRUCTION— SILT FENCE FABRIC EXISTING ROADWAY 1 __ f L J GRADE ... _.. 6" MIN. 'FABRIC UNDER STONE u 1`1 1.1 6"J 1. U U FRONT VIEW U DATE. 11/21/22 SCALE INTS 1 TOWN OF APEX STD. NO. TOWN OF APEX STD. NO. DESIGN: BMM DRAWN KNB STANDARDS CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 400.06 STANDARDS TEMPORARY SILT FENCE OUTLET 400.02 JOB NO.: 2202 FILE NAME: EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 21, 2010 SHEET 1 OF 1 EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 20, 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEET 6 OF 6