HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140558 Ver 1_Application_20140603Cor��s Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide the lollowing info: 1. Project Nauie: Bridge No. 164 on SR 1338 (South Mills River Road) 2. Name of Property Owner/Applicant: NC Department of Trausportatiou 3. Name of Consultant/Ageiit: N/A xAgent authorization needs to be att�ched. 4. Related/Previous Action ID nuuiber(s): 5. Site Address: N/A 6. Subdivisiou Name: N/A 7. City: Mills River 8. County: _I Ieuderson 9. Lat: 35.37211 ° N Long: -82.62934° W (Appros. Project Center) 10. Quadrangle Name: Pisgah 1^'orest 1 L. W�terway: Oueeu Creek (DWR Class: WS-II, Tr, l�QN) 12. Watershed: Freneh Broad River (HUC 060L0105) 13. Requested Actiou: X Nationwidc Yermit No. 3 General Perinit # Jurisdictional Determination Request Pre-Applicltion Request The follo���ing infoi•mation will be completed by Corps office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assigu nuuiber iu ORM Begin D�te Attthorization: Section 10 Sectiou 404 Yroject Descriptioi�/ Nahu�e of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Wateis Name: Key�a�ords: PAT MCCKORl' Govew�oa E �o. � p�� � ��� ���p,�� �_-� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF "1RANSPORTATION June 3, 2014 Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCD01' Regulatorp Projeet Manager U. S. Army Corps of Ettgineers I 51 Yatton Aveuue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 2880 ] -2714 AN�I'HONI' J. Tr1TA Secxtr.aR}� Subject: Nationwide 3 Permit Applicatiou Replace Bridge No. 164 oii SR1338 (Soath Mills River Road) ovei• Queen Creek Henderson County, North Cai•olina WBS rlemeut No. 17BP.14.R.28 Dear Ms. Beck�vith: (DWR Minm• Permit Pee 5240.00) The North Caroliva Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace the subject bridge due to deterioration aud insufficient widtli. The e�isting struchu•e is a 17' L a 21' W timberjoist and decked bridge with vertical abutments. The proposed replacement structure will be a 40' L s 35' W cored slab bridge on esisting location. A temporai}� onsite detour will be constructed just upstream of the existing bridge in order to maintain traffic on this dead end road duriug constrnction. Please find enclosed a PCN application, Rap�nos Jurisdictia�al Detennination Form, SHPO forms, plan sheets, vicinity map, USGS topographical uiap and pl�otographs. The North Caroliva Natural Heritage Program lists 35 species with federal status for Henderson Counry that are kuowu from curreut recoi•ds or were known to occur i�� tlte coanty liistorically. One species, �vl�ite fringeless orchid (Plntan/hern in/eg�•ilnbia), is a caudidate species and is k�iown fi•otu historical records. The bog turtle (GI}�ptenrys mirhlenbergii) is listed as tlu�eateued due to similarit}� of appearauce ��vith the nort�ern bog turtle. Seven species, Caroliva nortliern flyittg squin�el (Glrtttcontys snbrinars colornitrs), Appalachian elktoe (Alnsinido�rtn rt�renelicnta), swauip pink (Helonins bullnln), small whorled pogonia (Isoh•in medeoloides), bunched ai��owhead (Sagittarrn fascicalntn), »lountain sweet pitel�er plant (Sarrncenia jo�iesii) atid ��vliite irisette (Sis�n•rnclritmt diclroto�nunr) are listed as tlu�eatened or endangered. Tlte small whorl pogonia is luiown ti•om historical records. Therc are no federally tlueatened and endangered species records in the Queeu Creek wateished. 1'here are records for the Appalachian elktoe downstream iu the Mills Rivei; ho���ever, tlie�� are appro�unately 7.2 river miles from tlie project site. The slippersliell ntussel (,llnsnritlontn riridrs), a State listed species, wliich is known to oceur with the Appalachiau elktoe, is found Founcenth Divisiou Oflicc 'fcicphone: (8?8) SRG2141 253 \Vebsler Itoad, Sylca, Norlh C�rolina 2877) P.�.e: (82S) �56-4043 Bridge No. 164 Page 2 June 3, 2014 approximately 3.5 miles do�vnsh�eam of the project. Queen Creek is not of safflcicnt size, aud probably too cold, to provide habitat for tlie Appalacl�iaii elktoe. Given the limited scope of tlie project and tlie distance to kuown records of App�lachiau elktoe and to associated inussel species, impacts to Appalachiaii elktoe or its liabitat are not espected. The terrestrial habitat in the viciuity of the bridge crossing has been disturbed by the bridge and related maintenaiice, a private drive�vay, aud acl_jacent agricaltural operations. Riparian Iiabitat downslreaui of the project and along the Soutli Mills River, approxiuiately 100 feet away, is composed of mature deciduous trees, rhododendron and other sln�ubs. Tl�cre is some woody vegetation upstream of the site, but the riparian area is cleared immediately at the bridge and it is narrow fiirther upsh�eam due to cleariug around adjacent agricultural fields (see �ttached aeri�l pl�otograph). S�vamp pink aiid motintau� sweet pitclier plant are the ue�rest reeorded listed species to the site (>5 miles SE), but these plauts are associated with wetlands. Similarly, bimehed arrowhead is considered a subuieiged aquatic pla�it tl�at is assoeiated �vitl� very lo�v flow seepage areas. Wetlauds and seeps aie lacking at tlie bridge site. White irisette habitat is found on mid-elavation slopes with open dry to mid-inoisture oak- hickoiy forest. Tl�e habitat is typically on rocky steep terraiu with shallo�v soils. "I'he habitat at tlie bridge site lacks tlic characteristics requirecl by the white iiisette. Sniall whorled pogonia habitat is considered variable in North Carolina. Typically, this plant occiirs in open, diy, deciduous �voods �vith acid soil, thoug� habitats can include slopes along streams. It is also known to occur iu rich, mesic forest in associ�tion witl� white pine and rhadodendron. The area to be �ffected is uot cl�aracteristic of the open, dry deciduous forest or mesic forest with white pine aud rhododendron. The sheam is not along a slope, but tln�ough relatively flat terrain. The nearest smTll whorled pogonia record referenced iu the database is appro�imately 16 iniles fi�on� the project in Trausylvania Counq�. Dae to the limited scope of this project aud tlie proposed BMPs, the potential for adverse impacts to downsh�eam aquatic habitat should be ininimal. Terrestrial habitat does not appear to be characteristic of auy of tlie listed terrestrial species and I�as been disturbed in tlie vicinity of the project. Tl�ere were no threatened or endaugered species obseived during Uie field scopiug process. For these rcasons aiid tliose discussed above, w�e recommend � determinatiai of "no effect" for tlueatened and endaugered species. 1'liis project was reviewed for cultural resoucces by NCDOT's Human Enviromnent Unit in 2012. It �vas determined that no suiveys woiild be required for historic arcl�itecmre. A survey was conducted for archaeology witli a determination of �io effect (see attached forms). Erosion and sediuientatioii control measures that uleet Design Staudards iu Sensitive Watetslieds (15A NCAC 04B .0124) will be used for this project. Tlie construction foremau �vill revie�v all e�,osion aud sedimentation coutrol measures daily to ensiu•e erosion and sedimentation is being conlrolled effectively. If tlie devices are uot fiinctioning as intended, they will be replaced invnediatel}' with better devices Bridge No. 164 Page 3 June 3, 2014 Iiupacts to Watei•s of tl�e Uuited States Queeus Creek (DWR Class: WS-tI, Tr, HQW) is shown on the USGS ropograpliic map as a perennial stream. Tl�e channel is well deYiued with a substrate of cobble, gravel, saud/silt and is appi•oximately 10-15 feet in width. The streaui supports fish and other aquatic life. Queen Creek flows approximately 100 feet from the bridge to the South Fork Mills River. The Sotith Fork Mills River then tlows appiroximately 3.8 miles to the Mills River. The Mills River then flows approxiinately 6 miles to the French Broad River. The Frencli Broad River meets tlie definition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasons, we believe that Queen Creek is a Relatively Penuaueut Water and is under tlie jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Carps of Eugineers. In order to construct the project, it will be necessa�y to impact �vaters of the United States in the Freiich Broad River Basin (HUC 06010105). Speciflcally, NCDOT is requesting ta repl�ce Bridge No. 164 with a cored slab brictge. Listed below is � sununa�y of the proposed impacts. Site No. �iisting Condition Proposecl Conditio� Net Statim� Im ncts IT L x 21' W Timber Site 1 Bridge �vith Coucrete 1� 40' L s 35' W Cored Slab Bridge 0' Abutmeuts Impervious Dike and Flow Diversion to Site lA Free Flowing Streaui �emove Old Bridge Abutments 75 Site 2 Free Flo�ving Sheam Z� 60" x 28' CMP for 28, Tew �m•a��� Ousite Detotu� Site 2A Pree tlowing channel Impervious Dike and Plow Diversiai 75' Site 3 Free Flowing Streaul E�cavate Road FiII and Install Riprap 60' Bank Stabilization under Ne�v Bridge Total Permanent Strea�u Impact fm• Bj•idge 0' Total Permanent Sh•eam Impnct fm• Bank 5t�bilizatiou 60' Total Tempora��- Stream Impact for Ousite Detow• 28' Total Temporaiy Stream Intpact for Intpervious llikes and Flaw Diversion 150' Permits Reryuestecl NCDOT is hereby re�uesting authorization under Section 404 of tlie Cleaii Water Act to proceed with tl�e construction project outliued above. By copy of this letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordi��ator, of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Convnission (NCWRC) to ca�mieiit directly to you concerning tlie 404 Nationwide Perniit request. I am also requesting authorization under Section 401 of tlie Clean Water Act fi�om the North Carolina Department of Environment aud Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resources (DWR). In additiou, I am asking Ms. Chambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Enviromnental Field Operations Engiueer (NCD01'), to conLUent directly to me concerniug this permit request. Bridge No. 164 Page 4 June 3, 2014 If }�oii have auy questioi�s or need additional iufonnatio�i, please contact me at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josh Deytoii, PE, al (828) 488-2131. Your eatly revie��� aiid considcration will be appreciated greatly. Sincerely, % '/-��/��/ `ii�� Mark S. Davis Division 14 Enviromnental Program Supervisor Enclosures cc: Ms. Am}� Chapmau, Divisiai of Water Resources, DENR, Raleigh Mr. Kevin Barnett, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Asheville Mr. Jasou Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Sei•vice, Asheville Ms. Marla Cl�ambers, R�esteru NCDOT Review� Coordinator, NCWRC, Ableivarle Mr. Joshua B. Deyton, YE, Division 14 Bridge Management Engiueer, NCDOT Mc. I3en DeWit, EI, Ro�dside L'uviroumental Field Operations Ei�gineer, NCDOT ,I 1 i���i o��/F W�A'T•F9O O\��� ,�`��JY �:�, Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Consti•uction Notification (PCN Form A. Applic�ut Information 1. Processinc� 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 3 or General Perrnit (GP) number: 1a Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all lhat apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Aulhorization 1 e. Is this noti(icalion solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because wrilten approval is nol reyuired? Certificalion: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for miligation � yes � No of impacts? If so, altach lhe acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is lhe project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the projec[ located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 164 on SR1338 (South Mills River Road) over Queen Creek 2b. County: Henderson 2c. Nearest municipalily / town: Mills River NC 2d. Subdivision name: NA 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 17BP.14.R.28 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. NA 3c. Responsible Pariy (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: (828) 586-2141 3g. Fax no.: (828) 586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis@ncdot.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicanl is: ❑ Agent ❑ Olher, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Streeladdress: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AyenUConsultant Infonnation (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5a Street address: N/A 5d. City, slate, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. PropeAy identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1 b. Site coordinates (in deciinal degrees): Latilude: 35.37211 Longilude: -82.62934 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: NA acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Queen Creek; Tributary to South Fork Mills River proposed projecC 2b. Water Quality Classifcation of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: WSII, Tr, HQW 2c. River basin: French Broad (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe lhe existing conditions on lhe site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of lhis application: The landscape is primarily forested with open fields and a few single family residences. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on lhe property: N/A 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (inlermiltenl and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Replace an obsolete bridge with a new cored slab bridge. 3e. Describe the overall projecl in detail, including lhe lype of equipment to be used: The erosion and sedimentalion control measures will be installed. The impervious dike and pipe will be installed as needed to divert flow around work areas. The temporary culvert and detour will be installed. The old bridge deck and abutments will be removed and lhe new footers, abutments, rip rap protection and deck installed. The detour and temporary pipe will be removed. The road will be regraded and repaved. Track hoes, dump tnicks, bulldozers, cranes, paving equipment, water pumps, diversion pipe, various hand tools will be used to accomplish lhe work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / � yes � No ❑ Unknown project (including all prior phases) in lhe past? Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made lhe jurisdictional determinalion, what lype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdiclional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, lisl the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinalions or Slate delermina[ions and attach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" inslruclions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposedlmpactslnventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all lhat apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Consiruction 2. Wetland Impacts If lhere are wetland impacts proposed on the site, ihen complete this question for each welland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem orar T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P 0 T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. T'otal �vetlnnd impncts N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3 b. 3c. 3 d. 3 e. 3 f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impac[ Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermitlent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Bridge Replacement Queen Creek � PER � Corps �0-15 0' ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Irnpervious Dike and Queen Creek � PER � Corps 10-15 75' Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ S2 ❑P � T Temporary Culvert Queen Creek � PER � Corps 10-15 28' ❑ INT � DWQ S2A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike and Q��een Creek � PER � Corps 10-15 75' Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ S3 � P❑ T Bank Stabilization Queen Creek � PER � Corps 10-15 60' ❑ INT � DWQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Totul Permnnent Siream :md Tributary lmpacfs — Bridge 0' Total Perm�nent Sh•enm Impact fm� B�nl< Stabilizntion 60' Total Tempm•a�y Strenm Impact fm• Onsite Detow� Pipes ?g� Totnl Tempora�y StreTm Lupacl fm• [mpercious Dilces and �lo�v Di��ersions l50' 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Deceinber 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of lhe U.S, then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody lype Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or Tem ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P�T 4f. Tolal open water imp:�cts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 Sf. Totnl 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N!A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construclion: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an impacts require mitigalion, lhen you MUST fill out Section D of ihis form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Stream name mifigation (s uare feet or Tem ora T im act re uired? q � (square feet) 61 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A O Nos N/A N/A 62 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Totnl buPfer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken lo avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. A spanning bridge is being used for the new crossing to avoid permanent stream impacts. The temporary detour will be consVucted upstream of the bridge in order to maintain Uaffic during construction and to reduce disturbance of riparian areas along the South Mills River. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction lechniques. Flow will be diverted around the construction area to minimize sedimentation to downstream aquatic habitats. Best Management Practices will meet requirements for "Design In Sensilive Watersheds". 2. Compensatory Mitic�ation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No impacts lo Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, miligation is required by (check all Ihat apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigalion bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation oplion will be used for this projecl? ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program ❑ Permiltee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitic�ation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation eank: N/A 3b. Credils Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is altached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: N/A linear feet 4c. If using slream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑ cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigalion requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland miligation requesled: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify ihe square feet of impact to each zone of ihe riparian buffer lhat requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Tolal impact Mulliplier Required mitigalion (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private miligalion bank, permiltee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does lhe project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, lhen is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: NA ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250. Additionally, because this project is in an ORW watershed, a stormwater plan for construction will also be implemented. ❑ Certi(ied Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stonnwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certi(ied Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdicfion is this project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all lhat apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwaler Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No altached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties � HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all lhat apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been allached? (Not Required) ❑ Yes � No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requiremenls? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does lhe project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or lhe � yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does lhe project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requiremenls of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (Norlh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review f>een finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA fnal approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requiremen4) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The project is for ihe replacement of an existing obsolete bridge on a rural secondary road. The road is not being upgraded. Therefore, the project would not be expected to result in any siginificant secondary or cumulative impact. 4. Sewage Disposal (DW4 Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail lhe ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from ihe proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. NA Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 5. Endan�ered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � No habital? ❑ Yes 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � No impacts? � Yes ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate lhe USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5c1. What dala sources did you use to determine whether your site woulcl impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and onsite investigation during the field scoping process. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area Qesignated as essential fish � No habitat? ❑ Yes 6b. What data sources did you use to defermine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habital? N/A - There are no marine or estuarine habitats in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Reyuirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that ihe state, federal or lribal govemments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to detennine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was reviewed by the NCDOT Human Environment unit in 2012. Based on the review and/or surveys, it was determined that the project would have no effect on his[oric or archeological resotuces (see attached forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirernent) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? � Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Project was reviewed by the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit in coordination with FEMA and the NC Floodplain Mapping Program. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain detennination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis � ) Division 14 E�ivironuiental Supervisor 7���� ��� �_� _�� � ApplicanUAgenPs Signature Date AppllCanUAgOnt'S Pflllted Naf71B (AgenPs signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version en � ;� G C � � � o z � � S� � a � � M � a �` �.,� K N � g'+ 0 w O L �w � � � �° � Q < � o� ��= �� Q F ,., iLF P�c�� i \'O p1E� = � � �P�tN C/� i � ' (': �� � �` (' J U U Y S�c O �� �Q o �,,� � � zG � c� . � Q� � LJ 0 L!J w� . I � J f�� C � �I'��il �o N W O � N � � �,� � N __ Z U O ��Z �� !- QCJ = J � m> � �s cN Q J� ���� C� C� iL J � ~- �� — � -� �; N a _ m J�� �. N i m ��� � �y r�`- V � � � 0 � � �� a, � � � � �° � c �o U � oZ n o n� � � � y� _� � � .; � �� ,� � �I .0 J � � �ry-��` :Q \ �,,i�"�'� � N U C +' ¢. 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Rj� .S. , ,`� r �:'` -'�c a+�,a;G�� a, ' �! • t �.!; � „ e,�� � r c � � � , �. '�'� iNY:� �� ' ,3 s _, �.�( � ' � ^w l.�:nr+ .• �.�. i:��l i f�.'�. �"�„_���'�} y_.�cc1�6'���� i� � Y.: r,1 '�' � //: , �z}` . / , ..r't. / � � m � N c 3 0 0 3 a� > B a � 't C � � O Z N . � U m v c in (�j J C N C% �N y N � O � O O N N '/� a`��'� .` � @ m � H � � 0 0 Z U Z � Y� ` a � � ` �nro �o U rn o � N ^ (� c U� v°' z ,� vv � 'U °n y m � L (� C U O ,y�� � - E n v i o � o � v � 'w a0 � ON F� O° = N a� U F m � � I NO SURV�Y Ii�QUIIZ�ll P'ORM PROJECT INP'012MATION Projec! No: Projec! Tincking No. Qnlernnl UseJ r (HA)12-08-0081 -1 L_— — J Co7o,ry: Henderson WI1SNo: 176P.14.R.2S Dnc:uueftt: F.d. No: Federn! (U.SACE) Perrni� Required? I�urnlrnA• X State X Yes ❑ No Perniit Tj�pe: NA Federal P�•ojectDesc�rptron: Replace Bridge No. 164 on SR 1338 (South Mills River Road) over Queens Creek (presumed no off-site detour planned), SUMMARY OT CULTOfiAL R�SOURCLS 12�VICW I3riefdescriplion ofrevieiv ac[rvr[ies, resi�hs of re��ieu�, nnd condusiof,s: HPOWeb reviewed on 23 August 2012 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Henderson County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a partly wooded APE with cultivated fields and cleared residential parcels (viewed 23 August 2012). Several houses dating to the late twentieth century and early twenry-Flrst century stand in the APE. Constructed in 1958, Bridge No. 164 is neither included in the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey, nor representative of any distinctive engineering or aesthetic type. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of critical historic structures or landscapes in the APE (viewed 23 August 2012). No architectural survey is required for the project as currently defined. Brief Gaplann/ion of u�lry Ure nvnilnble irtfm•n+nlrox provides cr relinb7e basrs foi• � ensonnbly pretlrcling /Gnt lhere n��e no +nririeritrfied l,isroric p,•ope,•ries rr, tbe APC: APE extends 200 feet from each end of the existing bridge (N-S) and 100 feet to either side of the SR 1338 (South Mills River Road) center line (E-W) to encompass proposed construction. County GIS/tax materials and other visuals support the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register-listed or -eligible properties are located within the APE, including the Federal perrnit area. Should any design elements, including detour improvements, of the project change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTATION scc anlched: location map FINDING 13Y NCDOT CULTURAL R�SOURC�S PI20r�SSIONAL NO SURVEY REQUIRED — Historic Structures •.Nn Sun�. i� Roqulrrd"/onu for hfiaor Prtmrpnnnrio�i YroJech ns ¢rull�rd in IAe 2001 Yrogmnuumir Agn2ment. NCDOfArdmrnlo�� R� Nlsmr ic Ardihremie Oraups � Z 0 � � W O Z w _ � •��9 ..� � — �R� k ��� 1!� �J�GY '���.. � �a- _4. - _ �=, i a �r • ( - - _ _ �T...,.i !� i _ % � , ,�i � �� �� — - (– � '� q �e ., /�, � � � >>-�� � _ f- � s �— �ao�,i>�"' :� ti� , _�� l d � � // � :� -" / �� a� a� � 0 0 a� 0 i � R'ojerl Trnckiny No. (buernnl Use) 12-08-OOR1 NO PItEHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PR�SENT/ArT�CTED P'ORM YROJECT INI'ORMATION ProjectNo: Str.#440164 I PBS No: F.A. No: 17BP.14.R.28 ❑3 Fecfernl (USACG) Permrt Relrrired? Project Descriplron: Counq�: Docuiuent: Henderson Miuinnuu Criteria Sheet Funding: � State ❑ Federnl � Ycs ❑ No Pernzil Tjl�e: N WP 14 and 401 WQC The project cnlls for 1lre repincernen! of Bridge No. 169 wt SR l338 (Souil� illills Rirer Roarf) oi�er Qt�ee�i Creek in Henderson Counlp. The m�chneological4ren ofPolentinl EJJecIs (dPE) Jorll�e projec7 is defrned ns a 400-Joot (121.92 nt) long corrir/or runni�rg 200 feet (6096 m) nordt m�d 20� feel (60.96 rii) soulh along SR 1335 T•an ei7her enr/ ofL3ridge No. 16�J. The co� � idm• is nppro.rinralel�� l00 feet (30.48 nr) mirfe esfertdiug SO Jeel (]5.2d n�) nn eilher side of SR 1335 ji�om irs presenl center. SUMNIARY OP TINDINGS Tlie Nmlh Cru•olina Depm7meiN of TransportrUion (NCDOT) revieired tl�e subject project nntl deleruiined• Archaeology � There are no National Register-lisled or Study Listed properties �vithiu the project's area oFpolential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigatious are rcquired for this projcct. � SuUsurface investigations did not revcal Ihe presence of any �rchaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of auy arclineological resources considered eligible for Hie Natio��al Rcgistcr. ❑ AII identified Archaeological sitcs locnted �vithiu t�c APE hnve beeu co�isidered aiid all compliance for nrchneological resources �vith Section 10G of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(n) has been completed for this projec[. � There nre no historic properties preseut or affected by this project. (Annch any notes or documents as neerlerQ ..�A'n Hisrmir Pr-opr»iesYrasent"(onu for,t/inm' ]'mnsparmlion ProJrr�s n� QualiJ'red in rhe 1007 Prnqranmmlic dgreemenr. \'CDOT.Ir. hnrologv S I{lelorlr.l r'rAilcrlivz Grm�ps 12-OS-0081 SUMNIARY OT CULTURAI, RI:SOURC�S RI:VIC�V BrieJ �lescription ofrevie�v nclii�ilies, resu!!s o(rei�ieiv, mvd conclrrsio�rs: Bridge No. ] 64 is northwest of Hendersonville, west of Mill River, and soutl� of Ihe Blue Ridge Parlovay in the north�vestern portion of IIcuderson County, Norlh Caroliva. Tlie project area is plotted ii� tlie northenstei�i� comer oCthe Pisgah Foresl USGS 7.5' topog�aphic qu�drangle (Pigure 1). A m�p review auci sitc Gle search was conducted at thc Office of State fuchaeology (OSA) on August 9, 2012. No previously rccorded archa¢ological sites havc been identified �vitliin or ndjacent to the APE, but tliece Imo�vn sites (311IN5�}, 31 HN51, aud 31 HN88) are wilhin a mile radius of die bridge. Iu �dditioii, no existing Nntional Registrn� of Historic Pllces (NRHP), St�te Study Listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Detenuined Eligible (DE), or Sw�veyed Site (SS) properties are within or adjacent to the archneological APE. Topograpliic maps, USDA soil suivey maps, aerial photograpl�s (NC One Map), aud historic maps (North Carolina maps website) �vere utilized to gage enviroumental factois thTt mny have contributed to historic or prchistoric settlmnent withiii the projcet limits and to Tssess the Ievcl of ground disturbaucc. An �rchaeological field aud reconnnissaiice survcy was coi�ductcd on August 15, 2012, to l�clp assess the project are�. Bridge No. 164 �nd SR 1338 cross Queen Creek roughly uortli to south. Tl�e stream conflueucc wilh the South Fork Mills River is immediately west of the bridge. These waterways �re part of the French Broad dcaivage bzsin. The APE is si�uated �vithiu Ihe Floodplain witli the South Fork Mills River rumiing �long APE's e�steru baundnry (Figure 2). The noilhwest nnd south�vest qu�drnnts are mostly in cidtiv�tioii witli dense vegetation present �long Queen Crcek (Figures 3 Tnd 4). Wolfpack Trail intersects with SR 1338 in the northwest qu�drant as wcll. To the northeast, the river rm�s close to tl�e ro�d, but a small intact ITndfonn is found near the bridge (Figure 5). Whilc in the soutl�e�st quadrant, soil crosion is heavy as tl�e lauciCorm is gullied. The USDA soil survey map indicates th�t tl�e APL' consists of Swicook Loamy sand (Su) to the norlh nnd Ashe stouy sandy loam (AhG) to Ihe south (Figure 6). But, the Ashe stony sandy loam is not actually present witl�iu the APE. lt is found only on steep side slope and is situated on the castside of the Soutl� Pork Mills River. It is more likely thnt the eutire APE is composed of die Suucook scries. This serics is cl�aracterized �s excessively drained and nearly IeveL The water table is deep at 3 to 6 feet (09 to 1.8 m) below the surt:�ce. The soil is �Iso sabject to fi�cquent but very bricf iloods. This serics is ideal £or prehistoric aud historic setHement activities due lo being well draincd, nenrly level, and close to fresl� wnter. For tliesc rensons, a field iuvestigatiou �vas recommended. Prcvious arcl�aeological work iu the arca has been prim�rily conducted to the north�vest by archneoiogist with the U.S. Porest Scrvice, but most oC their investigations are over a nule away. Closer work to tl�e cast and soi�tliwest were by the University of Noith C�rolina at Chapel Hill (UNGCH) �ud the Westem Division of OSA. Within a mile of tlic bridge, tluec sites (31HN54, 31HN51, and 311IN88) hnve been reported by these hvo groiq�s. Sites 31 HN51 and 31HN54 �vere ide��tificd by UNGCl�I in 1972 dariug tl�e Cherokee Arcliaeological Project. Tl�is project included Inrge-scale surveys nnd salvage excavltions, as �vell as intensive iuvestigatious of late prehistoric and l�istoric Che�nkee sitcs throughout t�e south�vestern region of tlie state. Both sites Tre prel�istoric lilliie and ceramic swtter datiiig to an unidcnti6ed period. 1'l�cy are situated aloug the Soutli Fork Mills River floodplain on well draiucd Comus fiue s�ndy loam (Cu). Tl�eir eligibility for the NRHP is im�ssessed. Site 31HN88 was reported by archaeologist �vith the Western Divisiou of OSA iu 1981. It is �lso � preliistoric site dntiug from u��identiCed Archaic and Woodland peiiods. It is situated ou tl�c Sowh Pork Vlills floodplaiu as �vcll, but on poorly drained ToxTway silt loam. Sites found on this soil type are uucommo�� due to persistent �vetness. Tl�e sites eligibility is imassessed. Tl�is revie�v suggests the possibility of arcliaeological sites iu the area, but furt�er tesling aloug the Soutli �ork Mill River tributaries is iiccded before auy conclusions cau be drawi� oi� the predic[nbility of sites in this portiou of the counry. '.�A'0 7/Isrorir Prnpervics P�aseat "Jarnilm,llinm�Trwuporlulimi NnJ�-rn ac QuulifrcAin rAe 2007I'rogmnnnntic,lgreen¢-nr. . XCOOTdrehaco(oyr&I/isrorir.IrrhilzrinraGmups 12-08•OOR] A l�istoric map rcvicw �vas also conducted for the project �rea prior to field work. The carliest maps to depict the aree witl� any great delail are the 1892 aud 1905 USGS Pisgnh topographic maps (Pigures 7 nnd 8). The 1892 map sho�vs n rond siwilar to SR 1338 �vith n crossing over Qucen Creek. Ho�vever, this crossing �ppears to Ue illusuated �vcst of the current bridge. Reg�rdlcss of its location, the map plols uo liistoric struclures, but the subsequent 1905 m�p does. On tl�is later map, the 1ligument for the road remains similar, �ud all structures are shown well �way from project area. Therefore, it seeros very likely that no signiCicaut foruier structure will be encountered within the APE. The �rchacological field iuvestig�tion cousislcd of hvo sl�ovel test placements (S1'Ps) (see Pigures 2 and 6) and a surF�ce iiispection. The frst STP �vas placed in tlie northeastcru quadraut along the smnll intnct landt'orm next to the river (see Figure 5). '1'l�is S"CP consisted of recent alluvial sediment. The entire soil profile is composed a dark yellowish brown (lOYR 4/4) lo�my sand with pockets of lightcr s�ud that extend to at least GO cm (24 in) below the sw face. Largc rocks and rwts hnit excevalions. The second STP was pinced iu the south�vestern quadrant at the edgc of the field (see Figure 4). An �ttempt to excnvate tlic STP uearer to Queen Creek was made, but dense vege�atiou and a falleu h�ee made this impractical. 1'l�e soil profile for Ihis STP consists of two layers. The upper is a bro�vi� (IOYR 4/3) s�ndy loam that is approximTtcly 35 cm (14 in) Ihick. This is considered a plo�vzone. Tl�e sccond is a stro��g browu (7.SYR 4/6) loamy clay subsoil that e�tends at lcast 45 cm (18 in) below thc surface. Both STPs �vere negative f'or cultural material. No STPs �vere excavated in the soulhe�st quadrant due to disturbnnce from heavy soil erosiou. While in the uortl�wcst, surface visibility was at 100 percent (see Pigure 3). The corn field in this qu�drant wTS inspected with a walk-over, but uo cultural matcei�l was recovered. From this iuvestigation, it appenrs very uulikely for any significant �rchaeological sites to be imp�cted by Il�c proposccl bridge replacement. The defined archaeological APE Cor Ihe proposed replacement of Bridge No. 164 is located on Hie Soulh Fork Mills River floodpl�in �vith the riverjust east of the roed. Tl�e arclmeologicnl subsurface invcstigation Tnd surt:�cc iuspection identified uo archleological sites within the APS. Iu �ddition, t�e �istoric m�ip revie�v identified no hisroric structures in lhe vicinity of tl�e bridge. As z result of thcsc investigations, it is wilikcly for siguificnnt and int�ct arcl��cological deposits to be cncountered within the APE. As long ns impacts to the subsurface occur wi�hiu tlie defiued APE, no further archaeologicnl work is recommeuded for thc replacement of Bridge No. 164 in Heudersou Counry. [f constructiai s�ould affcct subsurface arens beyoud tl�e defiued APE, further arch�cological coi�snitntion might be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUNILNTATION Sec attached: Map(s), Previous Swvey l��fo, Photos, Correspondence, Photocopy of notes from survey. Signcd: , ... r:.`�'J,1-f:..... L�� .,__,_.,. 8/28/12 C. D�ntov Jones Cultural Itesources Specialist, NCDOT '.T'nHlrmncPmpmYiesP�vsenl"/omifnrS/inorTrnnspanotlwi!'rojrc).nsQuulllledlnrGr'Oq7Hogrn m�oticd3rernirnr. ,\'CDOT dr.lrneolog�� & Hi.mrio drehilenurr Grmrps Date 12•OS-0081 � � �_: i-�. ! � - �,..TRN.P ..� i.\ .�� �. � ` c - � � •� .. - � � . : l I `Y/ '� L � �� �:". :,7 �', � � �` ��� !�� � i i ) L L\..,. � � ', r i�}�� �11( Lo7r.� � II�\ -: �. i. �� �One Mde Radius (�iadedy `� ��/ � � ; � � ' � ��- t � � � �\ �1�, '� , � J_ t �� ��\� fvoundProjec[Area �1�' "` ��<<� ���i��\ ltr+��\�� � �IS)�' ��\ �` � ; � i �.il� i ��'I �(� ii/ 'l� �i�\ / r; Z' : ♦�� -�i ` `� � `. �� .. �� i � � . \ 1 J �i I ? �� � � . . � � �i / � I I\� �l � � 1t�.? %' / i - e � U11 11 � . . � �, i � , - , , , l, � , . � . ��1�j����i ���� i �l.. � l��Z��� ��:�' �)) , i /, I�ii+I�/�4Jdt�j1� I141 t�� �� ��,1 � t � .. l � . ;�.,� � �. 11 +ll �.1% � �� � �� � iil { � u� ��I. / . �_ � �, �'� � 1 � � % i� lll( �. � I �� / t i . `( ,l �,r� \� ���1� < < �Uil'(� �_ \ �Ui �'i1 i !� S' i .))l� ` �/i) � � -��t � �;! �� �� �// I� liil�k�e i� � � � �� � i,V � .�� �..i 9v i��� i i� , L� �_. � �• � .A � � ��� i/ ;��� �'} {M�I9"�l� � -' {` . � � � \ 1 � i�, ��'� f \ � � � � i ( 91i .� ; `' ; �\ !t ` i1 \ �. f i 1 1 i � I / '3 `�\\ . f � ��� . �� l . , �� � �, � A � � � � ( / �.. . �AI � i� �:� : � � �� +�l l ,� ( � �. � �� �� � \��� ��.'� ��,�� 1i��)���� Z`�t�i�nitg'R � � � � �.✓{ � � . � � < � � r�� � ��� � � �� � ).�� %l �� � �'i�i �� �a`� (� f' ti �� i ���� `� �����N��'�I�����1)� � il.�.,�( ����_..��A '1�� f�� i� �� !�l��\ �lli' � k�� � .���� � •\�� � \ 1 �'�Y I � 1\ �%�/� �i .f;/i )i��`` `�� ��...: i .� '��� ;;\�, il\��.1' ���?/ 1'�� -�����1,, �-,llf''I\ '�' � � �,''� 11 \1 �c �. 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I �r/1 / 1 'f ' �� I��� L �I��.��i�� i'l � � � L � .. 7� i'�� ,1�". .'r � �Y; ' S i I l�: /, I �L�I 5 . I� �/�� �•i �i USGS 7.5 f.iinute Quadiangh GJap 0� I PisyaA Faest. Ounernwe Cloantairz N S4yfand, arx! Hwe? SROe, Nr; Mies �r , 0 4.Oi]D . Y 1. � '�� ��� W E 0 Feet � � Nerafa�son Coi�nty �.tel?rs S Figurc 1. Topograpliic Setting of Projcct Arca, Pisgah Forest (1965; phororeviscd 1978), Duusmorc Mouutain (1967), Skylaud (1965, photorevised 1991), �ud Horse Sl�oc (1965, photorevised 1991), NC, USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadra��gle. "A'u flemdc Propenles Przreru"/onn for ElDim�Tiansponorlm� l>gans ns QuoliJicJ n� rhe 2an7 Noy unmioriu dy�rnn.vu. NC�OT drdmrologv.4 Huronc d�.Lirenurr Gmups � 12-OR-OOR1 Figurc 2. Acrial photograph of the APE showiug developmeut, laudforms, nnd STPs within the project area. •)A'n Hi.roAr Po�opri>les Presar!"Jomi/nr',Vlnar �'anrpormlinn P��ojecG us QneHJieAin �Ae 2007 Progaunnrntlr,Jgraeuienr. NCD07.IrrAueo(agv.@ //islnrirdreAilrcmreGrovps 12-OS-0081 Pigure 3. Gcner�l Vicw of the cultivated field iu thc uorll�wcst qundrant, facing north, �/ _br�� i� t � � ,` , i �<<_� ��e � � �.; � � -i xS: 1 J � i; 1 r � r� °�� � �:r ��� ,, !t, ;� :: ,•; � ✓ � i� � , ', � ^�, ��; k ,, � % <�- , � .' :�.?tv.,; �,+ � iy� . '.y' �y�r ;.y�� . -n e� .. �� ��' ii ` � �� ->. � r;r� ,; q �: I ��� t ,�.i � S�t.�..u. .. ...;' �t_ .w,�./:L'!�n'}�'�����C ".� t i V."�� d .'�y � 1 s�i 'y �v V— g� .��'� % . ' �f ' a I �- f t,� � � Z'f �F. ` � � d � . ,' L�� . . �� y i -. r-.�--» ,.n � Pf3 , . � ; , ' < ,c r�.,�; '�^� � +i � !o!J .' i . � §.$.�_ .f y'.-; �°'� _ � � f � �� � ��{��y ; � �•*. .,� ��aa'F„ �i✓ �„�a` > � 'a s �"'H d . -±� i� � �.. 'la') � '�' K �' �v �� �� saJ� +6� . .� -� i� A� F�r , � Y�q� :��f�,.� t� .} r'� .:� Y�i �+._ 1Y$'r .tt.. � �` K'� o'�.� .. �.: -� -, � '�: " "''{�' y �-,f�y.#i vii, G� � � < �'�iF �i. ic� ' ' ��,.' � �� -.� ' ��'^rj�.r� i �� � c � ' ._ � .� � . i �i�� Figure 4. � .. . , .. . ,. �Ny f'�''� . i � • .. �Y:�v � . . I . ' . . ' . . . I � �. �>- of dense vegetation ne�t to ficld iii the sou�h�vest quadraot, facing southwest. .•,A'o Hurmic Propcnl��s PrrsenY' foi ni fm'.11lnm'TranrPmmrimi l'rnjecis ns Q�mliJ]ed in Nre?007 Progrmnninli¢ d8i'eenuv�l. ,\'CDOT.IrcrAueo(ngr R Hi�mrie dmhimnurr Groups � 12-08-0081 � (� �rc' i 1 .�1 rs •e, I q •pl ,C"". � `A '+'< � .i.7 . � i ; :'�+{(� .� 4,r�q..�yr.�. . t� ti+� � ' � �i r ., .i'�a\ � . s ��.�j.?r 'K� � � � . `.i � ' �'tTJr . � . ;' +{ l. , 1 , n ti r +•� � � : . ... ♦ +1 . � ,.1 � >' ` .K �j a S. a a .. . .�i. , vL ... i t �v �' ii , '�:�� 3� �� ��' • '�Y�i~r`�. � L::1 ' ,�. � 1 .. �� �uj jF I � �` ` . ; ` . f� � I x i.�_ t.�� Y� ;'/;+i� �s.A% �Sy`.t �',, � �� rr, . � r '� ,� t G ' � � ' .� ' i�. ��q � � ��r; � ( Ey �� . �� b� -- }� �5��))c � ��(��!�).<_ �� �.�'�4 T.� a � 1- if . .:. c � {� K�E:t ,� ''T-/± . �� �l� �i�`� S ' 1 • x� �o'�" a?��0� . , �i�� + - iR� t�n ��y,� � r�6��. f . . . �$�." �F'� .���7�T"! ' + "! � 1 1 � -.�''t(' � �..i . �-'� �.;"s`i �����Sy �_ � i. d,'�vj � ��}, f�+ �.� 1 �� .. i i �"'�+�t ltf okM tf � �! L . . 1� 'tr � � "` '-_,� y* . ,. ��,..1 �r*}�'" �c,� f ,�.e.;�, ' i �� $ �i �y �/M1 I� 1 �/ �l ., J' t �' N 1'. CS ;i `Y � q� w" t✓ -� I iy ���� � � � � ���� � ; � ' ��,� °; �,j ,,���� ��� r: , ' ' �, j ,� r � � ~"f >_. � � �. r'.,�.i I � , ' • � -� J l. ♦ 1 I.. ' � / �.�: ��� . � %, ' • `: \ �� % �1 \ � " � ^ ��' . ` � 1_ . .'� . ,..� itt%� 1,�' 'I� . ✓ � , �' A V ( �1 1 . ' \�j��X�� I �l� • � {; I�4I� •� �d'i) • u r.'. i � �� . .� . . ��'.�, ♦ . � ' � � � �.�14`i�� �; ��'j vi.:r i ?.' Y\/�.�`' a�iy { � :r" ,. :7 � c '>I ' �, / ��.� � 9 ,] A + �: ` � '..f y'`tii ` t + 5 1 � � . �' ! �-, �( > � A �� � P � .,[ i � , .. d�` , � , ;, , , n : � , � , � �Y r., �, , j � 1'.� �� '.t. t�� < y-' i 4� :�. I Jl-. �'�1�'^ �,h.. � �f / �y' r �^I << � � }V T,�7\ � 4iln`y� ll �� y �, . �i . � . rJ�♦ 1.' , 1�.i � ,�` •���` Figure 5. Gcucral View oClandform in the nortl�east quadi��ut, facing soutl�. ..,A0 [/eroric Pmpunles R':�cn�"fam fm'Alinor' 71nu.pmlmimi Cr%erx o� QunliJieAin rhe?OU9 Progrnmmoric dgrsauavr. ACDOT.b'zhueolo�' K H1slmie.L'diircrlure G�oups i ..�A'nHinorirPmpenle�Prc�enr"fom�Jw�,llirzm�]YanspminlinnA'njecrsusQuullfedlnrhal00lProgrn m�oliedSrermnrt. ,PCOOT d�cAaeo[ogv R Hisrorie drehirec�in � Croups � 12-OR-0081 t� 1 1��. 1 1(. �t, �; _�' � � .� I; y:� r ti�r� i' i � • ' . � � �� � . Project Area .�,, �� � i , �; ,�� t:, " ! i � , , � � ' � 1 '; '�--�..�'s:•.��� � � ! t,� '� � r j l �;` ' ��' ; r�'� . � �� �. 1.` . � , - � ,, � ;',� ��\ ,,'�� . ' �, ';��,���� � ,� ;,,• � � ` ��r \ , �y \' `\ •. `�.�,� 1 � � I` '�I ;rl .�� �i 1 `�'/ �� � 4 , ,� ; ' ;; , �'_�_j; ��, � ( c ' ' � � _ i �� I� � ,r�. ..` I , , ,{ i '; �" �- � r � �, '1 � _ ! �..i � i �� � l , ' , ! : J ,, � . � �.� _. � � � '"�. '�� ' '1 1 _ / • i� , • I� � , �,, � ' 't ::` , (; l , f:/` ' �'. igure 7. ] 892 USGS Pisgah topographic iu�p showing the project arc�. ' ,'/.� � �� ��' • � �`V � . � r 4 �� \ ; �\ t �•� . (�~1 � � 1 / � . * 11 _ L . ,�.c.�:Jc � �`��.`� , � � � � `�� � i -; r'�. ,1 � , � �, � - �_ -1 V- ' ''� � �� Project�Area`u1 r �.�, �'!- , •�.--1 _' �� i r�,ii �.I�li. )a 1 _. _ �� � ' ��1 � t. � � � ■ : . . �� , 1 I 'I 1 `' : �' � � ;'' �l .'�.�::r f�,�� •,`�'`,� ;-.� -"`-�- °__�_ I-.;� �I �t�. � .. 1 , : '1 �� . � ` ' t� ��,, .�_ -.�z;.� �� ��,,�I� ��� , ��� ,' • „. , � '�� � �. t ' !��` i, � l, e ;, ' ; `� � ; \�t. � ��`v /ri�l ��� •� � ' ,;) `I ` .'-r`� _ � � y,��� I ,' �_ . � ,)I„ �;��; � � �. , �i. ,,!ii. r � �`.� � Figure 8. 1905 USGS Pisgah topo��pl�ic map sho�ving the project area. .SV'o Hislonr Propenies /'rr.rnl "fnnn Im' d/inm' T'nnsponmim� R�oJreh. ns Qunli,/!rd in rha 2009 P�oSrnninmNc dgreeni�ru. �\'CDOTdreAueo(ogr & Hisrmir drdiireeh�rr Gmups � APPROVEU JURISDIC7'IONAL Dli'PERDIINA'PION PORi�I U.S. Army Cm�ps oC Engineers "I his form should be completed by follo�cing Ihe ins�ruc�ions pro��ided in Section IV of the ID Fonn Instn�ctional Guidebook. SCCTION 1: 6ACKGROUND INPORDI.\'1'ION A. REPORT COnIPLE'PION DATC �OR APPROVED JURISDICf10�AL DE'I'ERDIINA'1'10� (JD): B. DISTRICT O�f ICC, GILE �Ai\iC, AND NU�IBI;R: C. PROJEC"C LOCATION AND BACI<GROUND INFORVIATIOY: 2eplace Bridge No. I64 on SR 1338 over Queen Creek Stato: NC County/pnrish/Uorough: I Iendcrson City: nlills Rivcr Center coordinates of site QaUlong in degrce decimal formnt): LaL 3�372I I° N, Lon�. -32.62934° R'. Universal'I'r�nsverse b(erca�or. Neme of neares� �ca�erbody: Queen Creek (\VS-17. Tr, I IQAV); Oo�cs lo Sowh Fork V4ills River (\VS-ll, Tr, IiQAV) Nnmc of nearest "frnAi�ional Navig��ble \Vn�cr (TN\V) ln�o �vhich (he nquntic resource flo���s: French Broad River Nnine of ���atershed or Hpdrologic Unit Cade (HUC): 06010105020030 � Check il map/diagrnm ol reaie�c nren and/or po�en�ial jurisdictionnl nrens ivure nvailable upon roques-t. ❑ Check if other sites (e.g., otisite mi�igution sites, disposul sites, em...) �re associateA �vith this aetion and are recorded on a difterent JD form. D. REVIE\1' PI?R�ORi�IED f'OR SITE EVALUATION (CHGCK ALL TIIAT APPLI'): � Office (Desk) Delenninn�ion. Da�e: Junc 3, 2014 ❑ Field Detennination. Dn�c(s): SGCTION II; SUDIDIARY OC' �INDINGS A. RIIA SECTION 10 DCTERVIINATION OF JURISDICTION. Therz Are �w °�mviga6le inn�ers ojdie il.S." ���i�hin Rirers nnd Harbors Ac[ (RHr\) jurisdiction (as dcfined bp 33 CC2 part 329) in �he rerie�v �ren. [RequireclJ ❑ lVa�ers s-ubject to the ebb and Flow ol the tidt. ❑ Naters nre presently used, or hnve bcen used in the pnsl, or mny be susceptible for use lo trnnsport intersmre or foreign commeme. F,xplain: . 6. C�VA SGCTION 404 DETER�IINA7'ION O!' JORISDICTION. Thcrc Are'-irnters o% die U.S." �vithin Clean AVater Act (CAVA)jurisdic�ion (as defincd b}� 33 C�R part 328) in Oie revie��� nrea. [HequiredJ 1. �5'aters o(�hc U.S. n. Indicnte presence o(woters of U.S. in rerie�r nren (checl<all thnt apply): ' ❑ 'I'NVA's, including terri�orial seas ❑ lVeUanAsndjacenttu'fM1's � Rclatively permnncnt �vaters� (2PlVs) Ihat Ilo�c directly or indirectly into "INVVs ❑ Non-RPAA's tha� flo��� dircc�ly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ lVeUands directly ubutting 2P1Vs �het Oo�v directly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ R'etlands ndjncent to but not directly abuuing RPIVs that flo��� directly or indirec�ly into'IN Ws ❑ Nctlands ucljncent to non-RP\Vs Ihnt ilo�v dirzcUr or indirecUy into TN\Vs ❑ Impoundmenls of jurisdic[ional �vaters ❑ IsolntcA (intenwle or intrnstnte) ���aters, including isolnted ���etlands b. IdentiPr (estimnte) size of wnters of tlie U.S. in the revie�v nren: Non-�cetland waters: I>0 linenr feeL 10-IS �vidth (ft) and/or acres. Wetlands: acres. c. Limits (boundories) oPjurisdiction bnsed on: Cstablishcd by OH�Vi�I. 81eva�ion of estnblished OI RV�4 (if kno�vn): . 2. Non-regulntecl �ratersAvetlands (check if npplicnble):' ❑ Potcu[ially jurisdic[ional �vaters and/or �eotlands ���ere assessed �vithin Ihe rcvie�r area and dc�cmiined [o be no� jurisdictional. Espinin: � Boses checkeA below shall be supported by emnple�in� Ihe appropriate sec�ions in Section 111 belo�r. ' Por purposes of�his fonn, an RP1\' is dzfined:s a Iribu�np� Ihm is not a Tt�\Y and Ihnt lypicnlly (lo�rs yenrvmund or hns conlinuous Oow at Icmi "seasm�ully" (e.e., Iypicall�� 3 inon�hs). ' Supporting dacumen�n�ion is prrseNed in Sec�ion III.P. SCCTION lll: C\\'A ANALI'SIS A. TN�Vs AND \YE7'LANUS ADJACCYT TO TN�Vs Thc ngcncics ���ill assertjw�isdictiou ovcr TN\1's nnd weHnnds adjacent to TN\Vs. If the nquatic resource is a TN\\', completc Section 1[LA.1 and Section III.D.I. only; i(the aquatic resource is n wetlnnd ndjncent to n TMV, complefc Sections III.A.I nnd 2 nnd Section III.U.I.; othern�ise, see Section 111.B below. 1. TMV Idenli�y TN\V: Suuvnarizc rationnle supportinc delermination: 2. \Vetiand adjacent to TN�V Summarize rationale supporting eonclusion �liat �eetland is `adjacent°: 6. CIIARACTERISTICS OF TRIQUTAR]' (TIIAT IS NO'P A'1'NR').1NU I'1'S AUJACEYT R'ETLANDS (I� ANl'): This section summarizes informntiou regnrding characteristics o(Hie iributnry nnA ils ndjncent wellnnds, if nny, nnd it hclps determine ���hether or not the stnndnrds fm-jw�isdicfion esfnblished under Rapmmshm�e bcen met. Tlie ngencies will assert jurisdiction over non-nnvigable tributnries oPTYR's �vhere Hie tribidaries nre "relntirely pa�mnnent �rnters" (RP�Vs), i.e. tributnries �hn[ typicall}� Oow year-iround or Imee cantinuous Oo�r nf Ienst sensonnlly (e.g., typicnlly 3 roonths). A wetlnnd tlmt directly abuts an RP\\' is nlsojurisdictionnl. If the nquntic resource is not a TN\V, but has year-rowid (perenninl) Oow, skip to Section III.D.2. If ihe nqimtic resource is n wetlnnd directly nbutting a tributary with perenuinl Oow, sl<ip to Secfion IILD.d. A wetlmid thnt is ndjacent to but that does imf directly nbut nn RP�V requires n significsnt ne�us evahiatiou. Cm�ps districis nnd GPA regions will include in ihe record nny nvailoble infm�mntion ihnt documeuts the existence of a significnn� necus bchveen a relatively permaneut iribidnry thnt is not perennial (nnd its ndjncent �vetlnnds if niq') nnd n trnditionnl nm•igable wnter, eren thaugli n significnnt necus finding is not required ns m m�fter of Imv. If the wnlerbody' is not nn RP�V, or a wetland direclly nbutting nn RP�V, n JD will require ndditionol data to determine if the waterbody hns n significnnf necus e�iH� a TNR'. If the �ribufnry hns ndjncent wetlnnds, the significant nezus evnluation nu�st consider the tributary in combinntion with nll oPits adjacent weHands. This significant uezus evnluntion thnt combines, Por annl��ticnl purposes, ihe iributmy nnd nll o( its ndjacent wellnnds is used whether the review nren identified in the JD request is the h�ibutnry, or its ndjncent �retlands, m� both. If tlie JD covers n tributa�y wifh adjocent weHonds, complete Section III.6.1 for the h�ibutary, Seetion ]II.[31 for nn}� onsite wetlands, nnd Section II1.6.3 Por nll �vetinnds ndjncent fo thnt h�ibutm�y, both onsite nnd o(fsite. The determinntion �rhether n signific�inl necus e�ists is determined in Section IILC belo�r. L Characteristics of nmrTN�Vs ihnf Ilow directh� or indirecth� into TNR' (i) Cenernl Area Conditions: VVntershed size: Piel< List Dminngetata: Piel<List Aeerage annual rainfnll: inches Avcragc nnnunl sno���fnll: inches (ii) Physicni Chnr�cteristics: (a) Relationshiu with'I�R': ❑ Tributary Flo�vs directly into TNVV. ❑"I7ibutary �lo�vs through Picic List �ributnries before en�ering TN\V. Project ���atzrs aro Picic List river miles Gom TNIV. Projec� �enters are Pick List rieer miles ITom RP\V. Project ���ater, are Picl< List aerinl (straight) miles from'f\1V. Projec� ���nters nre Pick List aerial (s�raieht) miles &om RN\V. Prolec� �caters cross or serve ns stnte boundaries. E�plain: Idenlif�� Flow route to "I�N W`: Tribul�ry stream order, if kno�vn: ' No�z �hnt �he Ins�nictional Guidebook contains addilionnl infonna�ion reg,utlin� s�r�les, dilches, �r:shcs,:md crosionnl fcntuccs senc�ally nnd in tl�e ncid lVes�. ' Flow eoutz can be Aescribed bv identitpinc, eg., tri6utary n, �chich flo�cs �hrough fhe re�•ie�c are:� lo tlo�c inlo Iribulnq� b. �rhieh 11ien Ilo�c� into TN\V. (b) General'I'ributan� Charac�eristics (check nll tha� a�lr)� Tributary is: ❑ Natural ❑ Ar�ilicial (man-mndc). Bxplain: ❑ V�tanipulaled (man-nitcrcd). E�pinin: Tribidnry Properties �rith rzspect ro top ot6ank (es�imate): Avemge ���idth: fcct Avcrnge dep�h: feet Averagc siAc slopes: Pick List. Primaq� tributnq� substrate compusilion (chcck all that epply): ❑ Sills ❑ Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ biuck ❑ 6cdrock ❑ Vcgc�a�ion. Type/%co��e% ❑ Other. 8�plain: . Tribulary condition/s�ability [e.g.. highly eroding. sloughing bnnks]. Espl�in: Presence ofmn/riflle/pool complexes. E�pl�in: . Tributary geome�q�: Picl< List "fributary gradient (approximatc nverage slope): % (c) Plo�r: Tributaq� provides for: Pick List F,stima[e a��eraee number of Flo�c o��ents in revie�c nre;Jyeac Pick List Describc flo�r regime: . Other informa�ion on dura�ion and ��ulume: . Surfacc tlo�v is: Pick List Ch�ractcristics: Subsur[ace Ilow: Picl< List Cxplain Ilndines: ❑ Dye (or other) test pertonuad: . TribWary has (check nll thn� apply): ❑ Dcd mid banks ❑ OI IAA'�I° (chccA all indica�ors thnt npply): ❑ dear. na[ural line impressed on Ihc bnnk ❑ chanees in the chnracter ol soil ❑ shelving ❑ vege�a�iom m�ttcd do�vn, bent. or �bsent ❑ leaf litler disturbcd or �vashed a�rm� ❑ scdintcntdepositinn ❑ lCFil2C SlflII11i1�, ❑ other (IisQ: ❑ Discontinuous OHNM.' Explain: . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ � the prescnce of litter nnA dcbris destruction of tarrestrial regetntion the presence of �vrnek liue sediment sortine scour multiple observed or predicted Flo�c crcnts abrupt change in plan� commm�iq. If factors other than the OI IIViA4 wen used to Aetermine Intei�al estent of CAVAjurisdiction (cheek all Ihu� appl��): ❑ Iligh TiAc Line indicmed by: ❑ hlean High VA'ater blerk indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ surecr �o available dntum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposiis (foreshore) ❑ phrsicnl mn�kings; ❑ Physical markings/chnractoristics ❑ reeelation lines/changes in vegztntion types. ❑ tidnl gauges ❑ othcr (IisQ: (iii) Chemical Chnrnctcristics: Characterize tribulnry (c.g., water color is clenr, discolored. oily film; ���ater qunliq�: genoral watershed charac�eristics, ete.). Espl,tin: . Identitp specific pollutnnts, if la�o�vn: . °A natuml oc mm�-in�tle dixonlinuity in �he OI IR'\4 does no� necessnrily szvzr I��risdiction (e.g., ��hcre the slreain tzinporarily Flo�SS undereround. or �chere Ihe OHWAi hus been removed 6y develupment or nericuhucal pr�clices). 15'here Ihem is a breaA in Ihe OHl1'til lha� is unrclnted to �he �rnterbody s Oo�c reeime (eg., Oo�c nrer a rock oWCmp or Ihrough a cidven), thz aecncics �cill look for indimtors of ilo�c n6ove and btlo�c tl�e break. 'Ibid. (ir) Biologicnl Chnrncteristics. Ch�uwel suppm�ts (checl<all tliat apply): ❑ Riparian corridor. Characteristics (q�pc. nver�ge width): . ❑ \VcUnnd fringe. Characteristics: . ❑ Habitnt for: ❑ Federally Listed specics. Bxplain �indings: . ❑ Fis-h/spa���n areas. Gxpinin findings: . ❑ Oiher enrironmcn�nlly-sensilive species. Bxplain tu�dines: ❑ Aqualic/�vildliCc di��crsity. E�plain lindines: . 2. Chm�ncferisfics of wetlands ndjacent to nmi-TN�V that flow directly m• indirectly into TN\V (i) Physical Cliaracteristics: (n) Genernl \Vztland Characteris�ies: Properties: Wetland sizr. ncres Netland typc. 8apinin: . VVctlmid qualiq�. Eapluin: . Projecl ���eUnnds cross or serve as s�a�c boundnries. E�pinin: (b) General Flo�v ILelationshiu ��'ith Non= IT'VV: Plo�a is: Picic List C�pinin: . Surfnce tlow is: Pick List Chnretcleristics: Subsurfncc tlow: Picl< List Esplain lindings: ❑ Dye (or o0ier) tes� pertormcA: . (c) AVetland Adiaccncr Determii��ation �vitli Non-"I'uR': ❑ Dimctly nbu�ting ❑ �bt directly abut�ing ❑ Discre�e �cetlnnd hydrologic connectiun. Explain: ❑ Ccological conneclion. Esplain: . ❑ Separated by benu/bnrricc F.�plain: . (d) Proximitr (Relationshiul �o TNIV Prqject �vetlands arz Piel<List ri��cr miles from 1N1V. Projec� �va�ers are Pick List aerial (straighQ miles tiom TNIV. Plo�v is fYom: Pick Lisf. h'stimate approxinmtc location of �vetland us �cithin the Pick List Iloodplain. (ii) Chemicnl Chnracteristics: Charncterize �etUanJ sps�em (e.g., �vater eolor is cleur. bro�sn, oil film on surlace: a�a�er qualily: genernl watershed chai.uteristics; ctcJ. H�pinin: . Iden�ily specilic pollutnnts, if knoo�n: . (iii) Biologicnl Charncterisfics. �Vetlnnd suppm�ts (check all that npply): ❑ Riparian bufYCC Chnrneteris�ics (type, avera,e �vidth): . ❑ Vegeta�ion type/percent eover. Esplain: . ❑ Hnbitn� for: ❑ Federally Lisied species. B�pinin tindines: . ❑ Pis-h/spa���n arcas. Bspinin fndings: . ❑ O�her en�°ironmenlnlly-scnsitive species. Explain Ilndings: ❑ Aqantichvildlife diversity. Gxplain tindines: . 3. Chnracteristirs of nll �vetlmids ndjacen[ to the irib�rtmy (if nny) All weUand(s) 6eing considered in the cumula�ive analysis: Piek List Appro�imately ( ) acres in to�al are beine considered in �he eumulative nn�lysis. C'or cnch �cetlnnd, speciCy the follo�eing: Directh� abws? (YM) Size (in lcresl Direclh� abuts? (Y/M Size (in acres) Summnrize overaill biolugical, chemical and physicnl hinctions bcine perPormcd: . C. SIGNIFICANT NEVUS DETCRiAIINA'f10N A significnnt nezus nnnl��sis will nssess tl�e Ilow chnrncterisfics nnd functions o(the h�ibutnr}• itself nnd tlie functions perPormed by nny wetlnnds ndjacent to the tributnry to determine if thcy significnntl�� nffcct the chemicnl, physicnl, nnd biologicnl integrih� of n TN�V. Ra• each o(ihe follo�ving situntions, n significnnt nezus ezists if the tributnrp, in combinetion �riNi all of its adjncent �retlands, hos mm�e ihnn n speculntive m� insubstantial effect m� the chemical, pliysical and/m� biological integrily of a TN\V. Considerntious �vhen evnlunting significant ne�us inchide, but nre not limited to the rolwue, dw�ntion, nud frequency oP�he flo�r of water in ihe Iribufm�y nnd its proximity to n TN\\', nnd ihe functions performed by the tribulnry nnd nll its ndjncent wetlnnds. If is not nppropriate to determine siguific�nt necus bnsed solcly on nny speci�c threshold of distmice (e.g. beh��een a h�ibutnrti� and its adjncent wetland m� bctwcen n tributniy and the'PN�V). Similarly, the fact an adj�cent wetland lies within m� outside of a(loodpinin is not solcly determinafive oPsignificant ne�us. Drn�r conneclions bet�reen tl�e fe:itures documented nnd the c(fects on the TMV, ns identified in the Rnpmros Guidnnce end discussed in H�e Instructional Guidebook. P'nctors to consider include, for e�ample: • Does the tributnp�, in combinn�ion �cith its adaceni �vetlands (if any). have the capaciq� to carry pollutnnts or flood �cnters to "I'V�A's, or �o reduce the nmount of pollwants or Ilood watcrs maching a TNVV? . Does the tribufary, in combinn�ion �cith its aeijacent �cetlands (if any), provide habitat and lilecycle support Cunetions for �Tsh and other species. such as fccdine. nesting. spa�cning. or reuring young Cor species that are present in Ihe Tl�AA'? • Does Ihe tribWan�, in combination �vith its n�jncent ���etlunds (iCuny), h�ive Ihe capacity lo Iransfer nutrients an� orgt�nic carbon that support do�vnstreain (ood�vebs? • Docs Ihe tribu�ap�. in coinbination ���iih its ndjacent �veUnnds (if any), hnve other relationships to the phpsical, chemical, or biologicnl in�egrity of tlie TIVR'? Note: the above list of considerntions is not inclusice �nd othrr functions observed or luiown to occur shoulcl be documented belo�r: 1. Significmrt nesus findings for non-I2P\V thnt hns no ndjncent wetlnnds nnd Oows directl}� m� indirectly into TN\\'s. I'.splain findings of presence or absence of signifienn� ne�us belo���. based on the IribWaq� i(self, �hen �o to Sectiun III.D: . 2. Significant nesus findings for non-RP�V mid its ndjacent wetlnnds, where the non-IiP�V flows directly or indirectly into TNR's. F.splain fin�ings of presence or absence of significnnt nesus belo�v. bnsed on the tributnn� in combin��tion ���ith ull of its ncijuceni �setlnnds. �hen go to Seetion III.D: . 3. Significnnt nesus Sndings fm� weHnnds ndjncent to nn RP�V but tiint do not directly nbut the RPW. Explain lindings of presence or nbs-ence of signifcant nexus belo�v, bnsed on the tributni}� in combinntion o�i�h ull of its acijncent �retlands, �hen go to Section [II.D: . D. DE"PL;IiD1INATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL ['INDINGS. THE SUBJECT VA'ATERS/�5'ETLANDS A2E (CHECI( ALL THAT APPLI'): 1. TN�Vs mid Adjacent VVetlands. Check all that npply nnd provide size estimntes in review �ren: ❑ �NVA's: linear feet ���idth (d), Or, ncres. ❑ \Vetlands adjucenl to TNVVs: neres. 2. RP\1's that ilo�r directiy or indirecth� into TN\Vs. � Tributnries ot`IN Ws ���here tribularies q�picallp flo�v ycarvround nre I��risdictional. ProviAe dnta and rntionnle indicn�ing �h�V trihulury is perennial: The stream is sho�cn on �he USGS topographic map, soil map. and on Oie Floodplain Mapping Pro@ram. ❑ TribWnrics of'IN�1' a-here tri6utaries have continuous [lo��� "scasonnll}" (e.g., [ypicnlly Ihrec monlhs cach ycm�) are jurisdictionnl. Dnin supporting ihis conclusion is provided at Scction III.d. Proridc rationalc indicnting that Iributnp� tlo�vs sensonal Ir: . Provide estimates for jw�isdiclional �c�iters in the revie�v �rca (check all tha� apply): � Tributaq� ���aters: I50 linear feet 10-IS �vidih (fQ. ❑ Other non-�cetland walen: acres. Idcntity lype(s) of ���nters: . 3. Non-RP�Vse thn[ �o�r directh� m� indirecih� into TN�Vs. ❑V1'nterbody thnt is not n iN\V or nn 2PAV, buf Flo�vs directly or indirectlr inlo a TNVV, and it has a significnnt nexus �vi�h n "IT�V1' isjurisdie�ional. Dnta supponing this eonclusion is provided nt Section L[LC. Proaide es�imaies for lurisdictional �vnters �ci�hin the recie«� nren (check all that apply): ❑ Tribwarp wnters: lineur fee( widlh (fl). ❑ O�her non-���e�land ��mters: acres. Iden�ily type(s) ol' waters: . d. R'etlnnds direcHy abutting an RPR' thst ilow directly or indirectly into TN\\'s. ❑ Wetlands directly abut RPVV nnd thus nre jurisdic�ionnl ns adjacenl �vetlands. ❑\Vetlands directly abutting an RP\V �t�here tribu�nrizs q�pically �lo�c year-round. Provide dntn nnd rn�ionale indien�ing Ihat Iribulaq• is perennial in Section [II.U2, above. Provide mtionale indicating th.it �cetlnnd is directly abutting nn RPIV: . ❑AVetlands- directlp ahutting an RPAV �chere lributnries j•pieally Ilo�c °eeasonally." Provide dnln indicaiing th.�i tribumq- is scnsonal in Section IICB and raiiunale in Section IILD2, nbovc Pro��ide ralionale indictuing �h�t �veUnnd is dircclly abul�ing an RPN: . Proride acreage estima�es ti�r jurisdictionnl �ve�lnnds in Ihe revic�c area: acres-. 5. ��'etlands sdjacent to but imt directly obuttiug an RPAV thnf Ilow directly m� indireetiY into TMVs. ❑VVe�lnnds Ilmt do not directl�� abut an RPAV, but ���hen considered in wmbination �vith the tributary to �ehich �hey are adacent and �cith similnrlr situnted ndl�cent �vetlnnds, ha��e a signilicant nexus «�i�h n'INVV nm I�irisidictional. Dala supporting this conclusion is provided at Seclion I ILC. Provide acrenge estimntes forjurisdictional �retlands in the rzvie�c �iren: neres. 6. \Vetlandsndjncent to non-RP\\'s thnt flow direclly m� indirectly into'PN\Vs. ❑\Vetlands edli�cent to such �cnters, nnd hnve when considered in comhina�ion �vith the tributnq� to �ehich tliey are acijecen� nnA �ri�h similady situated adjacent ���etlands, have a significnnt nesus �vith a 7`iVVl' are jurisdictional. Dntn supporling �his conclusion is provided n[ Scction IILC. Provide estimates forjurisdictionnl �vetlends in Ihe rzvie�v nren: acres. 7. Impowidmenis ofjurisdictional �raters.' As a general mle, tlie impoundmen( oCtijurisdic(ionel Iribut�n� remains lurisdictional. ❑ Demonstm�e �hai impoundment �cas crea�ed Gom "�vaters ot the U.S.," or ❑ Demonstrn�c that �vntcr iucc�s Ihe criteria lor one o(the categories preszntcd nbo�•c ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrate �hn1 ���ater is isolnled «�i�h n ne�us lo commeree (see E belou�). C. ISOLA'PEU �INTERSTATC OR INTRA-STATG� \VATCRS, INCLUDING ISOLATED \1'ETLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATIOY OR DESTRUCTION OR �VHICH COULD A�fCCT INTE2STATE CODI\IERCG, 1\CLUDING ANY SUCII R'ATfRS (CHECK ALL THAT APFLI'):10 ❑ o�hich are or coulcl be us-ed by interslate or foreign travelers for recreational or o0ier purpos-es. ❑ from �vhich fish or shell�lsh arz or could be taken and sold in inters�n�e or forci�n convnerce. ❑�chich arz or could be used for industrial purposes by induetries in inter,tate commerce. ❑ Inrerstate isolated ��•a(ers. Esplain: . ❑ Other fac�ors. Ezplain: . "SCZ Foolnolc Y 3. ' To comple�z ihz anal}'sis refer to Ihz ka}° in Sec�ion III.D.6 of Ihe Instruclional (;ui�ebook. "' I'rior �o asserting m� declining C�VA jurisdiclion based solely on Ihis enlegnry. Corps Uistricls �cill elecnte Ihr acliun tn Cnips and GP:111Q for rcric�r cnnsislenf �cith Ihc proccu drscribcd in Ihr Cm�pc/LP:1 J/emornuduui Rcyardinp CII:I ,IN J�visdirliai Follmring Rnpanos. Identify wntcr body aud summnrizc rntionnle supporting determinntion: Provide estimates for jurisdictional �va(ers in �he revic�v ama (check ull th�� npply): ❑ Tribulnn� �calers: linear (eet �cidth (ft). ❑ Othcr non-�retlsind n�aters: acres. Identily q�pe(s) of �vntcrs: . ❑ VVctlnnds: acres. F. NON-JURISDIC�IO�AL �VATERS, INCLUDING A1'ETLANDS (CHCCIL ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ If potential ��-etlnnds �rere assessed �cithin �he mvic�v nrea. these arens did not meet Ihe critcria in the 1987 Corps of 8ngineerrs Wetland Delineation D4nnual and/or appropriate Region�l SuppleineMS. ❑ Revic��� nma included isolntcd �vaters �cith no subs-tantiul news to intersta�e (or fomign) commerce. ❑ Prior to the I,�n 2001 Suprcnre Couri decision in "SII;lA'CC;'the rtvie�v nrea �vould hnce becn regulated based so�c�v on Ihe "Migratory Bird Rule" (\1f3R). ❑AVa�ers do not mee( �he"Significnn� Ne�us" stnndard. �vhere such n findine is required forju�isdictioo. F,spinin: . ❑ Othec (espli3in, if no[ co��ered abore): . Provide nerea�e es�imates for non jurisdictional �caters in the reric«� area. �chere �he sole puten�ial bnsis ofjurisdiction is the A9BR factors (i.e., presence oCmigra�op� birds, presenee ol endangered specics. use uC�cuter for irrigated �gricul�ure), using 6est professionnl judgment (check nll thn� apply): ❑ Non-�retland �cn�crs (i.e... ri��ers, s�rcnins): lincar �iet �vidth (ft). ❑ Lakcc/ponds: acres. ❑ O�her non-�retland ���aters: nercs. List iype ul aquatic resourcr. . ❑ 11'etlands: ncres. Provide nercaee es�imntes- for non-jurisdic�ional a�a�ers in Ihe reric�v area that do not mce� the "Sienificnnt Nesus" stmidnrd. ���hcre such a finding is- required tor jurisdic�ion (check nll �hn� npply): ❑ Non-�cetland �saters (i.c, rivers, streams): linenr fect, ��idth (ft). ❑ Lakcc/ponds: ncrzs. ❑ O�her non-�rctlnnd ���a�ers: acrca List t}�pe ofaquatic resource: . ❑ Netlands: acres. SGCTION R': DATA SOURCCS. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Dat� reriewed Cor JD (checle nll thnt opplp - chceked items shall bc included in cnse filc nnd, �vhere checked and mques�ed, approprintely refimnce sources belo�c): � b(nps, plans, plots or pint submitted br or on behnlf of thc npplicanUconsultnnt: . ❑ Da�a sheets prepared/submitted br or on bchall of the applicnnUconsultani. ❑ Otfice concurs �vith data shee�s/delineation rcpon. ❑ Offwe does not concur ���ith da�a sheets/delinea�ion report. ❑ Dntn shcc�s prepared by thc Corps: . ❑ Corps nnvienblc �vatcrs' sludy: . ❑ U.S. Geological Survcy Hydrologic Atlas: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit 1 NC maps. � U.S. Geologicnl Surrey map(s). Cite senle �C quad name: L2d,000 - Pisgah Porest. ❑ USDA Natural Resourees Consen�a�iun Service Soil Sun�ey. Cimtion: . ❑ Nntional wetlands inveirion� mnp(s). Cite name: . ❑ Stntc/Local �vetland incentoq� ivap(s): . ❑ FE\drVFIR\�(mops: . ❑ 100-pear Fbodplain Glcra�ion is: (Netionnl Gcodcctic Verticel Da(am ot 1929) � Photogmphs: ❑ Aerinl (Nninc ft Date): . or � Other (Nnme �C Dnte):bridee si�e \dnrch 2012. ❑ Previous dc�cnuinafion(s). File no. nnd dnte o(response letter: . ❑ Applicable/supponing case lan�: . ❑ Applicable/suppoRingscicn�i'icliterawre: . ❑ O�her inlonuatiun (plensc specity): . 6. ADDITIONALCODIDIENTSTOSUPPOR'1'JU: � c 0 a T 0 0 0 � � a 3 0 c i m � 0 0 i � _ 0 oi 0 0 � 5- ° ° o0 o�: n o�- ��i "'�J � � � � � � W � � V O � A h U � � O V See SMe� 7-A Fa� Index of SMefs See Sl�ei 1-B Fa� Convenilonol Symbols See Sl�el 7�C Por SurvE� Cantral 1342 1333 _ f K„�, �� � � . 1338:,. a MILLS RIVER / 134\ — , ` o, i�t��� .. � !y � o' Ceme�p / ������ n� �' ����'� / �� �- - �7 / L ����ac �5��?. R�ve�R�ad I � . ._ � �T� b�338. 3��0 GC �.���" J .a � , l , PHOJECT � � 144 � _ LOCATIOV ' � �� � 11'6S llIIBI7.1228 � ; �� - zzao ��' \ , CP � ' �� � �� � /��VI �V ����_, > 280 � ��1�� � i�J� � �.1 a � . �•Y j ��`V�� �°� � , _o.r, � y - i z� o��� � - __ -� _ �i� � �� [2 + 00.00 �'T' f�'JT'E (O�' N(�1Z�ll�I-I C�' f�I�i(O1LIl�tr� 1 �I�I�1C�i1�� �T �IIC�1�5'���YS HE1�lDERS011t COUI�TY LOCATIOIV: BRIDGE 1V0.164 ON SR 1338 (SOUTH MILLS RIVER ROAD) OVER QUEEIV CREEK 0.9 MILES WEST OF JUNCTIOIV OF SR 1340 TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, AND STRUCTURE � � /� I �� i U i // � - / i io o� ----_ � � BEGIN BRICGE -L- 57A/2+gqg5 _ s� _-n—__ __ — _n--- _. -- _ — _ — -�s-- �- RNER .—��s� � SoUTHtA1LLS /sl --� THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES THERE IS NO CONTROL OF ACCESS ON THIS PROJECT CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II GRAPH7C SCALLS 50 25 0 50 100 `1�11�= -f— J PlANS 50 25 0 50 100 �1�11 —� — PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 70 Y DESIGI�' DATA ADT 2003 = 100 ADT 2025 = 200 DHV = % D = % T = 6 % ' V = 35 MPH • (TTST b% + DUAL 0°/) FUNC CLA55 = RURAL LOCAL SUB-REGIONAL TIER PROJECT LENGTH LENG7H ROdDiI'AS' PROJF.CT I{BS I7RP.M.ft28 = 0.036 ,IIILES LENG7f7 S7RUC7(IRE PROJECT IV6S llBP.M.R28 = O.00S,SfILES ror.�r, cc,��crt� rno�%cr nvs nnr.��.x.zs = o.oaa ,tiu�.cs NCDOT CoNud: JOSHUA B.DEYTON,P.E. L"i � ��i o� �S� END CWlSTRUCTlOI! D BRICGE \ �'-� � ` STAs3+25J5 \I:SR�338S��T _�-- _n____..-�s �hfICLSRIVFRRO � �. \ s-� Pre{arcd !n lie Ol(lce W DRMP,INC. 5950 FAINViEW ROPD, SWiE 320 CHARLOiT61tORiH LAROLRlA 2ffiIO 289 NC LILE srcc�rrcano.cs RIGNT OF IYAY DATE:I J�EO£Ei BECK P.E._ LETTI�\'G DATE: I MIKE HAGE, EI Pfl0/ELI D£SIG\' E\GI.\'icw 17BP.14.R.28 � �..,�aM,o ....ad.a I .�,.�.,-. -Ir STi1.14+30.00 r0 ndllCS RIVFR HYDWI ULICS ENGI�'EER ROdD1151Y DGSIGN LNGINEER P£ srczan�nc: INCObiPLETE PLANS � FOS R/v w PRELIDIINARY PLANS UII7SlON OF HIGHIf'AYS ST�ITE OF NORTH CAROLINA � 2, 2 2 _ 2 _ 2 2 -L- CUR✓E DATA o PI Slo 10+59.07 PI Sta 12+q892 Pl S�a 13+09b2 �= 20'S547.5'(LTl �= 2236'33J'fRTI �_ 1408'S0.0'!Rr! 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