HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161268_Public Comments_20131031ff- PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR m^,'E STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION October 31, 2013 MEMORANDUM To: Post Citizens Informa4opmerntSe rkshop 1 eting Attendees From: Rob Hanson, P.E. Eastern Project Deve cti on Head ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY Subject: Post Citizens Informational Workshop Meeting for Proposed US 17 Hampstead Bypass, New Hanover and Pender Counties, State Project 40191.1.2, STIP Project R -3300 Post - Citizens Informational Workshop Meeting Summary A post - citizens informational workshop meeting was held on September 25, 2013 in NCDOT Structure Design Conference Room B. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the input received from the public following the August 15, 2013 citizens informational workshop for the subject project. The following people attended the post - workshop meeting: Johnny Banks Mulkey Engineers & Consultants Kin Gillespie NCDOT —PDEA Rob Hanson NCDOT — PDEA Mason Herndon NCDWR (by phone) Emily Hughes USACE (by phone) Benjetta Johnson NCDOT — Congestion Management Liz Kovasckitz Mulkey Engineers & Consultants Gary Lovering NCDOT — Roadway Design Nora McCann NCDOT — Transportation Planning Branch /Wilmington MPO Jay McInnis NCDOT — PDEA Bobby Norburn Mulkey Engineers & Consultants Edith Peters RS &H (by phone) Jackson Provost NCDOT — Division 3 Jamille Robbins NCDOT — PDEA /HES Brad Shaver USACE (by phone) Kim Gillespie opened the meeting and asked for introductions. Liz Kovasckitz followed the introductions with a brief summary of the citizens informational workshop. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919 -707 -6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 CENTURY CENTER, BUILDING A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WEBSITE: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER HTTPS:// CONNECT .NCDOTGOV /RESOURCES/ENVIRON RALEIGH NC 27610 RALEIGH NC 27699 -1548 MENTAL/PAGES/DEFAULTASPX T T T T T T T T T T TT T TT A citizens inf ?rmatiopa� workshop Nys held on Tlyugdat, August 175, 2g1�in the effeteria of .l. Topsail High SfITol+i lianlpstead. Thn purpcTe of thylwork�iop wp to present inforrtatiyn about cITn#eslto the US 1� HarralpsaeacrBypass7design. f hese deign c�anges, in++ng the T T additief of an iralterchapge nottlalof the TfopjailpS�ools complAlx, valertdeyelopedj�f response to public concerns about access to existing US 17 at the northern end of the project. T T T TT T T T T T T T T The worhsblop was7conducte +in en openlhouse- styler format, afd J. CDOT 1preseniptives yereT T availably to answer vestiofs and riceive cornaprits reglarding the pyopose l pr+ct. Them Nyas fo formal preefntation. all displays showing thf rivvised preli?iinarly design werelpresented at tby T woykshop. Worklshop materials also inyudpd an aut(Inatedplide presftntaltionrdisplay bpar4s, and an informatiotal handout sumnyifinglthe propoyed design changff. All 3019 codes of thcTT informational+andept provided at +e worklshop wereldistribute+. Citizens wade informed a T SupplefnTtal Draft, Ettvironyital JmfagStatgnent addressing the proposed design changes would be available for review in the fall of 2013. T T T T T T TT T U T T T One hundrq eighty- tlalree citizyns registered heir attenhaoce f the worklsh?p..lCitivfns+ad thn T oplaprtunity torsubmityritten coromepts a4 questions f the workshop or7via rail and e -mq aftfr the workshop f roygh September 231720113. Twenty hsix car ter commentslwere submitted ac he workshop and one written comment was submitted during the subsequent comment period. T T T T T TT T T T T TT T T T T A.yitizyn withfproperty direct ,fffTed by the groposed projeq setpp a diyplay andfliscussionlarea in the schpol ITgway outside Tf the entmncalto dale yofkshol?TThe citizen provided woyks�op T attendees.yith a+andoutland regyefedlthey sign ap to xeceive ma b-ggs aqd inforrylatioy onlfuture T meetinfSTSole citizetslarriving atlthe workphop were confused by this, thinking they had already signed in and received a workshop handout. T T TT T T T T T T T T T An E+ecudAte Summaly of tlale deci"s madfdnring the.nost- workshop nytingyoncerping the T main issuet pfesenTd by the qublic isklow. A summary of the comments made by the public, and responses to those comment, follows. ❑ Executive Summary of Post - Workshop Resolutions 1. NCD fDT will confrgn aff€leted prop fty owners fre on the jna*ng+st to recelive lettirs tefnotia thA fn surveyors alqd other Wsonnel performing field work for the proposed project may need to access private property. T T T T T T TT T T T T T T T 2. During frn� desigry attempts will be made to minimize the impacts from the Hoover Road temporary detour. Written Comments: T T T T T T T 1. Rick Spillane, 111 Dunlin Court, Hampstead, NC U T T T T T T T T T U T T T Co,rMal. Spillanelstated the rmrtherpfinterchanffe "does yt. na�e sensy." 7He noted f e T reasortforlthe nor+ern i4ttfchlange design should berpfesente4 to& pu�lic forldiscussion an+ input. 1+. Sp+rwr stated alf thy nffthern interchange is needed the design should accommodate through traffic on existing US 17. U T TT T T T TT T T T TT Res o e: NC1?OT protoses to cnnstruelt an iriterchanee yrt�[,of thel.Topsail �cho+ compley.tt address citizens' concerns regarding access along existing US 17. These concerns were presented by 2 T T T T T T T T T T T TT T the publa during the Drfft Efvirlonrfental Itnflact Statement J)EIS) comwnt period. and at thf corridor public �earipgslheld forstherpr�ect in Ofto�zr 2011. If rrpjation regarding propoted design charf¢� and the reasyns foq.the chanyes,,Fas presented ayhkf citizensinformational T T workshops + Sopplewntad DT includingthis inforTationrv,�l btavailabie forsilublic review arad T commentlin fall 2�1+ T+e new�ntejchangejproposed nor+ of the syhools uses a deduced desigp to minimile impaTs to tholhuman ind tatural environfnents,dnclud�ng red- cockfLded Yodpeclfr T (R+W) hahitatss+o+ utilixlies, ind neigdborhood access,"main"ng access for local traffic to existing US 17 and taking into account traffic operations and safety. T T TT T T T T T T T T T Tht interclalangp nft� oflthe Tppsfil Sfhoplsleomplex cannot direcdylacfommodle throw *h trafl c on existing IdS 17, aslwals d?ne for t�e US 17 W+ningtAyn Bypast /YS 17 Busfness (Mprlct Strict) interchingesbopuse of the.fdyced interfhatge desigf �eq+ed to Tinifnize impacteto RYW habitat and x fie community. In addition, thgocatijon of thee fisting US 17JLeeTard Laile T intersection 1privTts,th+wfrchangP designIfrom in+dingfa nova boufdIramp dirfctly.Ifrof .F existing US 17 to the US 17 Bypass because Leeward Lane would have to intersect with the ramp. T T T T T T T 2. Kevin Piacenza, 624 Hughes Road, Hampstead, NC U T T T T TT TT T TT T T TT Co m : Ar. Piacapza jndiwted the US f Bypass is bjy needed xlo solyeltrafflipfoblems the area. He supports the plan as presented and indicated it should be built as soon as possible. U T Response: Comment noted. T T T T T T T 3. Ken just, 403 Headwaters Drive, Hampstead, NC T T T TT T T T TT T U T TT CoT� . Ar. Jupt iryifatq he is against the interchange west of Grandview Drive. He said it will cost too much and is not needed. U T T TT T T T T T TT T T Re onse:sThe in terchange sou�h offie schoo+ (,fpproxiTalely,10.7 mile vest of Grandview Dive) was show op thespubl� hyaring TapIproented tit citizats ft the Oct+erjOl I cwridpr I?ublias T heatings. AxnthT tirri, the desigp +d dot provide access q the byplass for e+ting US 17lnorth pf T the schoolsTIo.thedr co4fments at-phe hea&g1s, the puhliclstryngly specified ntintfining aces on T exiting UV 7,Fayfry'Worta-tt locally. Io.rewonse.tlo the p+ic� demarald for coptinued acicessT on existir# US 17, a loleal ac,�ew intfrchangp waWded nwth of f eITopsail Schools complex. The proposed+iterchange forth ofsthyclpols uses a r1ducq design terminimize iropactsltyecds T coded wood1jecker lybiTt and tW cofmuniV.TTh� additfonaynterthangelnorth of the scho+ wilynclease the Tst of +e project. f he results (# theld jign year 20135 traffic aralal+s condilcteld T for the groppsfd proj�ct indicatf tlw interchange west of Grafdv�w Drivle 4puft be retainyd soItlwt existinglUS 17 in the vicinity of the Topsail Schools complex will operate at an acceptable level of service. 4. Steve Mitchell 324 Tall Shi s Lane Ham stead NCT T TT T T T T TT T TT U T T Co!pmenp Mr.sMitchelll it not suw * intefchaogelwest of Grandview I?rivesis nege+ He stated the trfffresstpdy, should b "dated vtm4e sure t�e per"agolof traffic thatlwouldlbe divfrted TT from US 17sto the bypass es correct. Mr. M} clpll stated. f ojyer 50 pelrcett of triffrc wtuld Evert toT the bypcss, thin f CDOTSshould fnove -up the schedule for building the bypass rather than building median strips on existing US 17. U T T T T T TT T T T T T T T T Res o e: fhe traffic volifnetand pftternsluse(Ynithe traffic analysis fir thelUS 17THampstead Bypass were obTainq fr,?m1he traffic m ?del used to dfvelop tlf current Long Ranger U T Transp(rtatioitPlan forrtherWilm#igt(f Me%@p+an Planningl )rg#ytion OFCarea.. the T cur ent xaffic ipodelIis fir fialture yearl203 T Imethodcallogy usef t traff� forecastl for this project used the best available data and is standard practice in the State of North Carolina. T T T T T T T T 5. Cyril Rice, jr., 604 Wildwood Road, Hampstead, NC T T T T T TT T TT T T T C" ent:'IMr. Ricerislliceted thelintercha-pge west -pf Crrarylviq Dive is anfnnecessary Wense, in particular because of the limited distance between the NC 210 and northern interchanges. U T T TT T" TT T T T T T TT T Res o esl The proposes US1.17 Bypass iffter+nges agNC 2110 andlthe northerp en f of thf T. project aT afprpximatelly five m4es 1part. Thelnorthefri ocal acyss+nteffhagge wasladldedlin T response tp the Rublic's 4emand forlcogtinyed accession exisprig US +7. Fhe results,?f thef&pign year 2035 trlaffic apalysif cynducte(�f y thelproposid pfoyctin jicate thr igter�hange -test of T Grandview Drive mutt+e fetained solthat fx+ting %7 in the vicinity of the Topsail Schools complex will operate at an acceptable level of service. T T T T T T T T 6. James Dyer, 207 Golf Terrace Court Hampstead. NC T T T TT TT T T T T T T Comment:1mr.,pyr asked N�DOTV h1tenjo +mpstea� rlidents whefre fg"t the T T inter+ange weft of f rar�dviTv Drive. lie said not building the interchange will save money and gives residents what they are requesting. 'III' T TT TT T T T T T T T T Res se: See response to Comment 3 regarding the need for the interchange near Grandview Drive. 7. Edward and Mary Weingart 334 Creekview Drive, Hampstead, NCT T T T T T T T T TTT T TT T T T 4mmetit: N�. Ind Mri, Weingprt sai+the bypassfhbat not all of.+e cpnnActiotp to exista'g I S 1i7, is needed new toir+ve existinf.trafff congestion infgamVaeald. MTf ay Mrs. We*art s�dThe interchfi westiof Gran4vi w Dive woffldldeeltroy a lake T +block lqS 17lthrou#h trlafgc byl, T forcingIll traffic throuth ap extrf signal. if the igterchapgq.is lee+dl thgy wou+ike to hear the reasons why; however, the extra signal on US 17 should be left out of the design. 'If T T T TT T T T T T T T T Res se: See response to Comment 3 regarding the need for the interchange near Grandview Drive. TT T TT TT TT T T T TT T T TT It ishnotpjssible to avoid all +pVs to surrofnding areas fhep designing a freeway facility soh f the US 1T+mpstepolBypef s apl Vsociatq intexfharlges, but +" northerniinteiThenges aril, desigrTdr reiquire as Ye lard as possilble wye still.ppetating atatyaccept+le JevV ofterviee'T Basedlon the projefte traffic vloluipes, traffic signals erelneyed onlexisting US 17 near both of these interchanges so that they will operate acceptably in the design year. T T T T T T T 8. Mary Weingart, 334 Creekview Drive, Hampstead, NC T T T T T TT T TT T U T Comet: Ms. feingart inicate l ti e intercliange west elf Grandview Driule is ncf r ed d. e T said the northern iterchange andlthe NC 2101.intelrclTnge providt a&qulate accesslto t�e area..IMs.T. V�+gart+ic�cated toe additional interchange will cut Hampstead in half physically and socially, and is a waste of money. U T TT TT T T T T T T T T Res se: See response to Comment 3 regarding the need for the interchange near Grandview Drive. T T T T T T T T 9. Keith Buckindail 1459 Royal Tern Drive Hampstead, NC Comment: Pr. nckin� ail thafked NC )gTTfpr a+d ng heTporlthern �terchagge all?wfa T T T sout bou l trlafficlonto fut e business 17 lout said should belmovq Ijiirtlfr nort� to,,NC 21 Ott Surf City. He alsolin(4cated the inffrcl nge west Ayf Grap+rievrDrive islnot needed apd +elievesr T trafficlprpjecltions yepvcfstatTd. fr. Buck in+dl a+e +if njAv foraging habitat could be created for RCW so the needs of the birds and people can both be met. U T T T T T T T T T T T TT Res on irBecausf o£rfrnanciabfn+environmTtal copstraintsrthe cnrrerjprojnet limitt will npt beT changed. o includelthe.exinsionlof Hampstffdpypass fjrt�erinorth. T+ololly Shelter f-ame Laid prevelts exte?sion of �ie bypass wthwardTIn additioTt4tits function at a recreation resource, Holly Shelter onxfins hab�at fora rfcovey liopylation �f red foclfdedfwnodpecker. T T T Improvements to sections of US 17 north of the current study area may be considered under future projects. T TT TT T T T T T T T T T T See respopst to Comrift 3 regar +nglthe nofd for the interchange near Grandview Drive and response to Comment 4 regarding the traffic projections. T T T T T T T T T T T T TT In devlellping the current +sil f1r therproposed Bypass, Nf-YOT analyzed ppterpial impaT to T RCW in ceprdinatiVnlwith toe VS Flisl -.and fildlifolSerr ice. It was +terminedlthy proposed deign minimfes impacts tolRG)V, as vj�1 at other npturel ancdfcgmrnunity re&urces, to the maximum extent possible while still serving the purpose and need of the project. 10. Tim Rootes, 608 Castle Bay Drive, Hampstead, NCT T T T TT T TT TT T TT T T T Cqmrnen • , Mr., ootys aske+why Tnty intercharfretIis propqsed tolbe b1ilt in wetlands r*erlhan at HooverlRoadq Mr. Rotes noted fn into f+nq at Hoovet RoadTwit� abated repairf and widening, would provide secondary access to the elementary school and be less expensive. U TT T T T TT T TT T T T Resq Constructing anlrntetchaege for the,JSl17 Hampstead Pypafs at HooverfRpad instfad of woet of G�andv. w Drive has not cpriyidered jet several reatonsr An +er+angelat Hoovel. Road woulld caupe substaptial impacts tv existing devyopmerf ayd would alsp affect fetbfdT T Secondly, somerpropefty owlners lalong*oover Road oppose an interchange because they do not want increased traffic along their road. T T T TT T T TT T TT T TT Tl e proposed *teryhange wesyl Grand+w Dive pTvides a dirt clnnect on to misting U� 17 in Harppstea f. An interlehapgolat HooverrRoadlwoulld not provjderthiy direct.fcTssTWithof direct aef ess to e�isting+JS 17;fdditional traffic and congestion in the vicinity of the Topsail Schools complex would result. T T T T T T T 11. Harold Eller, 653 Sawgrass Road, Hampstead, NC T T T T T T T T T T T TT Comment;rMr. r itylicated�e liked the northern interchange but the interchange west of Grandview Drive is not needed. U T TT TT T T T T T T T T Res se: See response to Comment 3 regarding the need for the interchange near Grandview Drive. 5 12. Paul Woodin, 15 N Burningtree Drive, Hampstead,. NCT T T T T T TT T TT T T TT CoT Mfrr. Wpodin+-Yicate+the intlerchenge w€Ist pf Grandvlw Thrive is fot neededland is T too extensive. He stated it would isolate large blocks of residences and impact emergency response times. 'If T T T TT T T T T T T T T Res se: See response to Comment 3 regarding the need for the interchange near Grandview Drive. T T TT T T T TT T T T TT T T Tly tnterciprile wfst,?f (;jtandvieT D�ve willlrequirla new Vff}c signal andra mind re,Ialignmatt T of existiry USJ7,+ut +e corridor;WM temain iryactr The Y 1� Hampstead Blypass will pTvide apf alto" rpute fc r firpt reyondefs. �i adcjitioip t�e Bypass will dfvlt throu#h traffic frtm existing US 17, sVaf€� will flow l ettat anditl erefU be los congystifn tp irnpejle emafgelncylresponse T vehi 4es.TTlis interchange wasrpart of thaf previous deign for the ;VS 17rBypass in-the Hampstead T area and its ifflpacts, including residential and business relocations, were previously presented to the community. 13. Bob Murphy, 128 Burleigh Drive, Hampstead, NCT T T T T T T TT T TT T T T Co me • +1r. ljurpl tated tip naly interchange west ( *Grodvlw+)rile is qot neegd poT, but coin berbuilt lattrlif needed. �&. Murthyindicited herdoes notlsee the njed for die US 17T T Byftassr Ve believes t sa+factorytolionito trafft issyslwould be. nstalling conelrete medians on US 17 in Hampstead and allowing left and U -turns only at signalized intersections. U T T T TT T T T T T T T T Res e:,r ee iTsp?nserto.- onment:T3 fegarding. ae ned for,phe interchangalnear Grandview T Drive. ;'heeed for the USjjBypass l explained in the Draft Environmental Impact Stater ent, Section 1I3.TTThis doyunjenpis available at4wwT�ov /prsiects /us 17.hampsteadla, ass /. T Mehians on jxist}ngVS 17 oul+improvetafety aril pro,�d -4 shAyrt-frT traffic +)w imprefvefnents, but mediansfwill jot aglrass f e long -tertp capacity nydslof the USr17 corgdor- fiyluding 1P the T Haanpstea +arep. Tone 4 thof1ternatill analyled for the itrotose j project.fas tp impr'Tiverpoftions of existing UST 7 ythef than buil kng a byftass golpletyly qn neT locatipnl The refs+ oflthe T traffic analylsis Tfotlth� alterfative+ndiefted tlafyt last fivp lams wild be needed in each direction on existing US 17 to serve design year traffic in the Scotts Hill area. 14. Kama Goodrid e 113 Olde Point Road Ham stead NCT T T TT T Ir T T TT T TT T T C me : Msr Go(�dridye asked. f an)rthou *t hsf befrn givyn tolthe impactsloflincTfatedrtrafficr on SlopFp P+t Roadfnd Country Club Road. She also asked why existing US 17 has to be closed north of the schools. U T TT T T T T T T T T T T T Res o : T+e USr17 Hampstead Bypass slpuld draw t�flfic twfy from Slop Ploint load ydTT Country Clib Road because iaotoristls whore destination is not in these arVs f ill likelyltraiel on aT. high- sgeed, cpntrolledfccelss. aci�ty rathar thin op neighborhood strfets. In addix on, the pfised T desigt at +efnorthert end of thTPlypass..e., the additional tjolhep intarclfngy) resoles a design issue wit a pfevioutalVmative. i Which northboTd traffic q the nc rth-pf the f otsa+Sc�ools complex was forced t? cytinue qn Leeward Lane rather than having the option to use the interchange to access the Bypass. T T T TT T TT T T T T TT T T Existing USI17 wil]Ibe closq nIrthlof the Telpsail School complex bycause of the reduced T. interchange design required for the northern interchange to minimize impacts to red - cockaded IN T T T T T U T T T. T T ur woodpelker h+itlt and thf sotn�ingfomTuoty. TrThils 4sign cannotichrectly accpnatnodate T throughltraffic.?n existing U# q, as wasyonf for th" 17I.Wilmiyot. Bypass /USI17 Bisiness (Market Streft) inter+an#e. In additifn, thellocat on of thG,+sting US 17l/Leeyard Late T interse+nlprivef ts Itheli iychani designlfrom in+dingra nov�boupdIramp dirpctlyTfro4p existing US 17 to the US 17 Bypass because Leeward Lane would have to intersect with the ramp. T T T T T T T T 15. Maryann Aponte, 112 Fox Run Drive Hampstead, NC T T T T T T T T T T Compnt: MV . Apoptyxpysed frust*onithat homgowfers were Pot elontactedPefpre Forkfs started ftlacingtak -s o4t them pro rties. Slf extylainq +e i iarchasfti heir proftertyrfor the oaif T country set ng bzft will.?ow �avela highwfy veryfclose to her home. She wants her property to be completely taken rather than just partially taken. 'FT T T T T T T TT T TT T T Res ons • Iq accorilance wit NCDOT golicyF lettefs yrolsent to prpperty Tvnerslto n" therrar surveycys and otlrr p€Irsonnel perf�rn+g fieldyor� for thelprppsq projecx mitht need to accesls privlate prpperty. T +e Dfpartmelnt will copfirT Monte is in the maili?g+stTOnce dfc+ions are made regarding filal design, N�,DOTIwilllhave arplaccuratepsessmePt of theriTpacts T T propoidesr N DOT right- of- waylagents will contact inapaq -ed property o- tnelrs to discuff thgr rights and the N�DOT pr rams intyn4e+to minimize therinconvrn�nc'r of relocaltion. The T T Departmeqt will purclhase arprloia fr. n its ingretyif somerpottion of t4e proplosq right lof,Iway yr easepentt tqu+ tl c home orrif, as a resultlof the projelet3ltholhomT np longer �aslacco s or doels not mfet 41 of the m"m requirements esyl+shfd by the stlatelor q?tlform to loH housing codes ind oidinances forrexistjnWtructuref. If +elacquisition pfpnly t poriop of a prgpeftyT would-leave a remaiping piece ,?f property whic� is �eterriipf d to hauls htf e or no valy to the T ownerr(unef oymic re1nnfnt�, the Deffartmertw+ offer to piffchay the unef onomi remnarAr T alogg with, ie Vor f on of therpropery needs l forlhe 1?r*ct. Aqy proRertf directly impaled by the project will be appraised and fair market value will be offered based on the damages. 16. Randy Aponte, 12 Fox Run Drive, Hampstead, NCT T T TT T T T T T T T T T T T Comnmgpt: +fr. Aponte staled t.highwaypn his piTpfrttwill disvpW thf quiet fouttry s tinglan� U wildlife. Mr. Aponte would like his entire property to be acquired if the bypass will take a part of it. U T TT T T T T TT T Response: See response to Comment 15 regarding the acquisition of property. 17. Maureen Fer 110 Azalea Drive Hampstead. NCT T TT T T T T T T T TT T T Comment: Ms. Ferry is concerned about the noise levels from the US 17 Hampstead Bypass. 'I' T T T T TT T T T T T T T Response: In accordatce with NICDOT lnc�yr a none stu4y wacrconducty for tl�e Daft r En *onmgt4 Impact gtatarn€ft (I)FfIS). f he pEIS nose stay idenyified horfes tndlbusinessot that wol[d be iVactfd due tp traffic rise and potenti l npist barrier 1qJc+onP for the proposed r projelTDuring final 4e�gn, iTp�cte4 noise yTtors,1vill be eAaluated ittherDesignlNoise Stydy. Once a dityninati ?n s m* on thelocati,?n of noistbarr ers, NCI40T willVntaclt residynts T expect,fd ti.relceive at 1" 5 dlibfls nViseyeduftion faith proposedlbafriers. Fac� owner an*/orT tenagwill be fro; idjd a ballot stthey elqt vote their preffrenef f. r or Igainst thf noise wall. The noise barriers tvilllbetonstrAfctedTnley a simple majority vote by these property owners /tenants indicates they do not prefer noise wall construction. T 7 18. Cathy Sanders, 110 Fox Run Drive, Hampstead, NCT T TT T T T T T T T TT T T T CoT TMf, Sanders ifconfernfd hrr hyme will bTlocate vefy close y the+ypalss right -qf -wayr but will not be purchased. She said this will negatively impact her property value and peace of mind. U T T T T T T T T `1T" T T T Res on : See tesoonse tp Y�nmrnt 15 reardingracq+ on-pf groperty. Witivfespect-1 OT property,falues,Ithe Effect pf a new rgadTay. acility su+ op ty US 17 Vafnpyead Bypats on T property values dill differ, depen+ng on tbf profimity of +e protertyfto the tyopospd roa*ay, local conditions, and any benefits resulting from improved access and reduced travel times. T T T T T T T T 19. Simon Sanders, 110 Fox Run Drive, Hampstead, NC T T T T T. T T T T T T, T U T T T Co e Mr,TSan f erf state the bypase wgbe located J00 feet from hi, dick..IHelstfed +eT T noife and-traf�c rill �e ayfe, tht pfoject will diminish h� prylytylvalue, �e will nogDe mile to sel his house atd herwill notrbt able to let hid grfndchf dren playlin thr woodsl ymore. *r. Sanders questioned why impacts to woodpeckers are more important than impacts to people. U T TT T T T T T T TT T T Res ons See reeponse V Cofnment 17 retarding trafficpoisp and response to Cf?mmaPYf regarding property values. Our pepaftr engacknoyedgef Mr. Sanders' cjncrrns. Wliile,� is T unfortunate, loge -scale projects sych as the Byfass cause impaf ti, to bgth1he human ind n Rural T environniee,. NC )OT's projectldevelopfent j?rocessgvI jch fs based or.federrl and staxl-laws, is intended to avoid, minimize, and mitigate these impacts to the maximum extent possible. 20. Richard and Melanie Catley, 104 Fox Run Drive, Hampstead, NCT T T T T T T T TT T TT T T Co e • Mr. and.ys. Cfley in+catfd the inter+angevest of Grtndviow Drive a not Teeded and isftoo epenstve. T. qy believle the intercltffnga1vorld epcourape hear yaffic to coTelinto T torn ratheyhan. ivfrt it troond Hafpstfq. Mrran� M , Carley stated an intThangris peeded on Hoover iRe d to serve d)t scirolTndio allow thcrere department imprloved pcfess for. T resftondin� to emergatcies..T Mf, ar�d My Caf eylsai+a currfnt community study iernpeded becauef the traffic projections used are too high and do not reflect actual growth patterns in Hampstead. U T TT TT T T T T T T T T Response: Sap response to Coimpnt 3 reg+iny toe needlfor the intyrcharTe neer GranEivier T T Drive. TraTc an+sesli*cqte the preposed US if �"asyw"ergrafficlfror? existing U� 1� in Hampsladpnlyf s thft is�phe intepde� dest�ation, so t�ere will by less traffic apd ctngestion of existing 14S 17. TWs will benefit the entire community including school traffic and emergency response vehicles. T TT T T T T T T TT TT T T See reponse to Cotnment 10 regarding Hoover Road and response to Comment 4 regarding the traffic projections. 21. Frank Novak, 101 Cottage Walk, Hampstead, NCT T T T T T T TTT T TT T T Comme : Mrj.Ngvakrved th€rnexv nortl crrynterchange is a good solution to previous public concerns about the lack of access to existing US 17. If T T Response: Comment noted. T T N. 22. Andy Furr, 16581 Hwy 17, Hampstead, NCT T T T T T T T T T T T TT T U CTS N�. Firr cTmmetyedrthat the Payne `pld lFgheaay lyphoul+be ffart of Business q. He alsojhinks NC 2I10 shod be widerpd to our lams acrd made f major road into Hampstead, and the interchange west of Grandview Drive should be removed. U T T TT T TT T T TT TT TT ResponsegOnef the US +7 Harpead Bypass is completed, existing US 17 will be renamed in accordance with NCDOT Policy. T T T TT T T T T T T T T 'If T See respose tp Cemment 3 refardini f f e need �or the ratff-change radar Grardview•)rfve.TThar T proposed N�r210 intefchange serves &Idiffarept portion (A, soutl ern Pender CrountyIto the westofl. HarppsteadT. Nyithout the ifrterchapgatrweft of Grandview Dive, e jhbou traffic originating inr the portion of HaTpftea4 seyed +y�his it tercpange Vuld+ave to.traael a considerfbl distence T along eri+ng U'Sr17,fnd Nf 21� to. each Bypasp. This yotgd add onsadeeably to tr vef tira?es, as well atreduce tl e tfafff flow andievel ofaervic"efrts fef exist US 17,provide+by the Bypass. Widening of NC 210, when needed, would be studied under a separate project. T T T T T T U 23. Jennifer LeRay, 205 Hoover Road, Hampstead, NC T T T T T T T T T TT T CoT t: N�. LeRfy�kesrthe neF ralorthernitefchffigeprovid #g efsierpccgs y Hampstea�T andlalleviatigg,raffrc bT the s fhool orte +ing U� 17. Vs. I fRay +o lies .,iat an ipterfhanga. is T not p�nned at +ovego4 becalse she doesi�t went none traflic near tlhegschool, ker home and,, other ,teeidenop them. Ms. LeRaylcomrgented tv US 17 Bypass s�oul4 be elevats over Hoover Road to avoid heavy construction traffic and the temporary detour that would take residences. U T T TT T T TT TT T TT T Res o e: D�arinqrprelin �nayy desiggrit was dgermiaedphat it would he less expensiae Wlevaj T Hover Road.?ver thtUS 17 lass. +ldalough here are impacts aloraf Hoover Road at a rest of the teraporarly detouyegpired torbuil� the bridge ovff the Bepassrthe impacts andfosJw,?uld bf T higher frofn lyidging f e Dpasy over HlooverrRoad. Ding frs design, attempts will be made to minimize the impacts from the Hoover Road temporary detour. 24. Sandy Smith 329 Do ood Lane East Hampstead. NCT T T T T T T T T T TT TT T Co.rMs. Snigh thanked NC.1D(+T f(y the timely and infor aafvt meetaag, asrweT as for T T listeninvo residents $nd vovidipg the ritw northernfingrchaage foTas of to close oq Brfinessrl7 through Hampstead. Ms. Smith salid fheyanderstoo4 the neell f. r Vhird interc+angesbut she is E conaernedY+oufprovidi_pg acyesyo lthe businysses aflfeated by thf Grandviy"ve intIchange..R She asked if the Sawmill Grill will be provided access to keep the restaurant in its current location. U T T T T T T T T T T T T Resprnw,Pased orr- hf.yurretf ptelirpinary design, the shop&ing cer#er ontainiplg the Sa)" T Grill yil�be rellocated as a. ress It of thegprloposed ifftercharalge. Pilring frnalldfsiq, attempts will ber mac to avoid rylotatigg +is buildi4fg, if pospible. Ao�esy wT be pr(Avidp+if t�e buiVing remainsr but exiating USf17 will be rea�gnyd +rough a portion pf the paring lot —. his could suIstanti4ly T reduce Barking opportunities for the �usinesys inthis baildiag. ?lCDOTfight- of -wpy agents] vWT contact irapaeted property olvners to discy8yheir rights fnd the NCDOT programs intended to minimize the inconvenience of relocation (if applicable). 25. Michael Spahr 47 Millard Lane Ham stead NCT T T T Tr T T T T T T T T T ConjWrw Mr.. p+ ci?mmented� hat therproprrty "yaclf" shown along Millard Lane on display map 5 are wrong for the properties labeled 1675, 1676, and 1677. G7 U T TT T TTT T T T T T Res se:,JnfornaOon for all impacted properties will be verified based on surveys conducted during final design. 26. Woody Sullivan 108 Ro al Oak Drive Ham stead NCT T T TT T T T T T T T T Count: Mr. Sullivan requested a copy of the six R -3300 Citizens Informational Workshop maps. U T T T T TT T T Response: The requested mapping was provided to the commenter. T T T T T T T 27. Toanne Ferguson, 2633 Hastings Drive, Wilmington, NC T T T T T T TT T T T T T CoT NIp. Ferguson alskeld why l%Jew Hinoy County islissuing bu4dipg p1mit for hoysesT andlapprp glubdivisipns onputnap Drive at�d Torchwood Boulevard in what she thought was the path of the Military Cutoff Road Extension. 'If T T T T T TT T T T Response: T1Xe Preferred -I�terpage followslthe Cityrof Wilpingtyn's adopt4offY4 T T traniportatiop cgrridor mat fof thr propose4 Militareutoff Rtad f xtensiyn. This is tPe corx dorT. that therCity hall preserved fcy the propotsed project. However, thetsurrept prelin+ary design tpayT. exte d+eyond the ftroteTed c.?rridorTtn some locatapnsTN�DOT, NlewrHanover CTou4fty,.pnd the City of W+mingtop have +een ellosely coorlhnating, and will continue to coordinate, on the proposed Military Cutoff Road Extension. 10