HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220139 Ver 2_Draft Salem Nutrient Offset Plan_20220613Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20220139 Version* 2 Select Reviewer: * Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 06/13/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 6/13/2022 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name: * Catherine Roland Project Information ID#:* 20220139 Existing ID# Project Type: Project Name: County: DMS • Mitigation Bank Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Wayne Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Plans File Upload: Signature ............................................ Print Name: * Signature:* Email Address: * catherine@waterlandsolutions.com Version:* 2 Draft Salem Nutrient Offset Plan.pdf Existing Version 13.39MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Catherine Roland Salem Nutrient Offset Banl< Bank Parcel Development Package DWR #2022-0139 V2 Wayne County, North Carolina Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) June 2022 /5/22, 9:29 AM Wayne Count 4 y asr b`` k k 'ate -. . p� .! a • P �� r, ,a Prepared by: WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 7721 SIX FORKS ROAD, SUITE 130, RALEIGH, NC 27615 (919J 614-5111 waterlandsolutions.com Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Project Location 4 1.2 Project Description 4 2 Project Area - Existing Conditions 5 2.1 Ditch Descriptions 5 2.2 Existing Wetlands 5 2.3 Soils 5 2.4 Existing Vegetative Communities 5 2.5 Threatened and Endangered Species 6 2.6 Cultural Resources 6 2.7 Constraints 6 2.8 FEMA Floodplain / Floodway Mapping 6 3 Proposed Neuse Riparian Restoration Plan 6 3.1 Parcel Preparation 7 3.2 Riparian Restoration Activities 7 3.3 Planting 7 4 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan 8 4.1 Monitoring Protocol 8 4.2 Performance Standards for Vegetation 9 4.3 Photo Reference Stations 9 4.4 Visual Assessment 9 4.5 Reporting Performance Criteria 9 4.6 Conservation Easement and Long -Term Management Plan 9 4.7 Adaptive Management Plan 10 4.8 Financial Assurances 11 5 Mitigation Potential 11 6 Citations 17 Page 2 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 Figures Figure 1 Project Location Map Figure 2 Geographic Service Area Map Figure 3 USGS Topographic/FEMA Map Figure 4 NRCS Soils Map Figure 5 Existing Conditions Map Figure 6 Nutrient Offset Conceptual Plan Figure 7 Proposed Monitoring Features Appendices Appendix A NCDWR Determination and Viability Appendix B Photo Log Appendix C Model Conservation Easement & Engagement Letter Appendix D USFWS IPaC Letter & Species List Page 3 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 1 Introduction Water & Land Solutions, LLC (WLS) is submitting the Salem Nutrient Offset Bank ("Site") under the WLS Salem Nutrient Offset Banking Instrument ("NOBI"). The proposed Bank is being developed as a private nutrient bank in conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources ("NCDWR"). The Site will be planned and designed according to the NOBI 15A NCAC 02B 0.703, which became effective on November 1, 2015. The project will meet the general restoration and protection goals outlined in the 2010 Neuse River Basin Restoration Priority Plan (RBRP). This Site is proposed to provide nutrient offset mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts due to development in the Neuse River Basin, United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201. The Site's nutrient mitigation service area is depicted in Figure 2. 1.1 Project Location The Site (35.456793, -77.993107) is located in Wayne County, North Carolina, between the Town of Pikeville and the City of Goldsborough (Figure 1). The site boundary is within the 8-digit HUC 03020201 and is located in Buck Swamp- Little River subwatershed (030202011604). To access the site from Raleigh, NC, follow US Interstate 40 East towards Benson/Wilmington. Take Exit 309 for US-70 East towards Smithfield/Goldsboro. Continue onto US 70 bypass East. Then take Exit 356 for US-117 towards Goldsboro. Follow Belfast Road to Salem Church Road, turn right onto Salem Church Rd and the site will be on the right. 1.2 Project Description The Site encompasses land along six ditches that flow into an unnamed tributary to Hook's Mill Creek in Wayne County, NC, and is characterized by active fields. The project ditches have been maintained for agricultural drainage. Currently, the land use and ditches act as sources of nutrient contamination to the project watershed and the Neuse River. The project will involve the restoration of Neuse buffers to help reduce non -point source discharge of contaminants into streams within the Neuse River basin. The project area is comprised of an easement and is approximately 12.32 acres. The Site drains to Mill Creek and then into the Little River which is listed as 'Class C' and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (C; WS-IV NSW), according to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) (2019). From the Site Hook's Mill Creek flows 1.5 miles southeast to its confluence with Buck Swamp. Buck Swamp flows another 2,000 ft until its confluence with the Little. The Little River drains southeast to its confluence with the Neuse River in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Within the 12.32-acre conservation easement, 12.32 acres will be restored for nutrient credit. NCDWR performed an onsite Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset on February 4, 2022 (letter dated April 29, 2022) for the Site (Appendix A). A corrected letter dated June 9, 2022 was issued to correct the errors on Figure X and Figure 1, the corrected letter can be found in Appendix A. Page 4 4 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 2 Project Area - Existing Conditions 2.1 Ditch Descriptions This site has two ditches (Ditch 1 and Ditch 3) that were determined viable for Nutrient Offset. Ditch 1 flows north and then takes a ninety degree turn west and feeds directly into Stream A. The top of Ditch 1 is surrounded by agricultural fields on both sides. When Ditch 1 takes a ninety degree turn the left bank is an agricultural field, and the right bank is residential parcels. Ditch 3 flows north and feeds directly into Stream A. The left bank of Ditch 3 is residential parcels, and the right bank is an agricultural field. 2.2 Existing Wetlands Based on preliminary site investigations it was determined that there are no jurisdictional wetlands present within the proposed project. 2.3 Soils The Site is in the Rolling Coastal Plain ('65m') US Environmental Protection Agency Level IV Ecoregion and the North Carolina Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. As shown on the NRCS Soils Map (Figure 4), there are three main soil types on the Site: Dragston loamy sand, Rains sandy loam, and Weston loamy sand. Table 1. Project Soil Types Soil Name Dragston loamy sand (Dr) (24.7% of easement) Rains sandy loam 0-2% slopes (Ra) (71.9% of easement) Weston loamy sand (We) (3.4% of easement) Hydric Description No Somewhat poorly drained soil on broad, smooth, flats of interstream divides. Slopes from 0 to 2 percent. Infiltration is moderate and surface runoff is slow. No Poorly drained soil in oval depressions and on smooth flats in broad areas between streams. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. Infiltration is moderate and surface runoff is slow, with ponding water in some places. No Poorly drained soils on smooth flats and in depressions on broad inter stream divides. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. Infiltration is moderate and surface runoff is slow, with ponding water in some places. 2.4 Existing Vegetative Communities Land use surrounding the project area has been primarily agricultural for several decades. Before anthropogenic land disturbances, the vegetation community likely consisted of Wet Pine Flatwood in the project area (Schafale 2012). The existing vegetation within the project area is active agricultural fields. The project area is primarily bare ground with some shrubs and herbaceous cover adjacent to the maintained ditch network. Page 5 9 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 Table 2. Existing Site Vegetation Understory & Woody Shrubs Herbaceous & Vines Common Name Scientific Name Black willow Salix nigra Sweetgum Broadleaf cattail Switchcane Soft rush Liquidambar sryraciflua Typha latifolia Arundinaria tecta Juncus effusus 2.5 Threatened and Endangered Species Based on a review of the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) database, there are currently seven federally listed threatened and endangered species known to occur in Wayne County: (E) Red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), (E) Dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), (E) Tar river spinymussel (Parvaspina steinstansana), (E) Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus), (T) Yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), (T) Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni) and (T) Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi). WLS submitted a self -certification letter through the USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation database (IPaC) (Appendix D). The project implementation is not likely to adversely affect any federally protected species. 2.6 Cultural Resources In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, WLS investigated and confirmed that the proposed project area and property do not contain nor are they adjacent to any properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (NCSHPO). There are three survey -only sites (Brown House- WY0353, House- WY0352, and Herring -Mooring House- WY0351) located 600 feet east of the conservation easement. These sites are not currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places, nor will there be any ground -disturbing activities. 2.7 Constraints There is an existing power line that runs east to west on the bottom edge of the parcel. This powerline will not be in the conservation easement and therefore is not a concern for the project. 2.8 FEMA Floodplain / Floodway Mapping This project is not located within a FEMA-regulated floodplain. 3 Proposed Neuse Riparian Restoration Plan Riparian restoration adjacent to the ditches approved by the NCDWR in their letter dated April 29, 2022 and corrected letter dated June 9, 2022 (Attachment A). All restoration activities along the ditches will begin from the tops of the banks and extend a maximum of 200 feet perpendicular to the ditch where possible pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015). Figure 6 depicts the restoration plan based on existing conditions. The restoration of the Site will require converting existing agricultural Page 6 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 land use practices into a dense and diverse vegetated riparian forest. The riparian areas will be planted with appropriate native tree species. The restoration will provide stabilization and improve water quality to tributaries that drain directly into the Little River. 3.1 Parcel Preparation The current land uses adjacent to the ditches are primarily active farmland (Figure 5). The riparian restoration areas will require limited site preparation due to current tilling practices and a lack of hardened plow layers. Prior to planting, soil samples will determine if soil amendments are needed to support the planted trees. 3.2 Riparian Restoration Activities Riparian restoration is proposed for both sides of Ditch 1 and after the ditch turns ninety degrees the left bank on Ditch 1 and the right bank on Ditch 3. All ditches have stable banks, and no bank stabilization or earthwork is required. The revegetation plan for the entire riparian restoration area will include planting native bare root tree species. WLS will utilize herbicide and hand pruning to control invasive species and other undesirable vegetation during the monitoring period to promote the growth of the target community and achieve success criteria. If mowing is necessary by WLS during the monitoring period, WLS will receive approval from NCDWR prior to any mowing activities. If necessary, WLS will develop a species - specific control plan. 3.3 Planting The specific vegetation species composition planting selection is based on the community type, observation of the occurrence of species in riparian buffers adjacent to the Site, and best professional judgment on species establishment and anticipated site conditions in the initial years following project implementation. Tree plantings at a density sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in Rule 15A NCAC 02B 0295 of 260 hardwood trees per acre will occur at the end of five years. Proposed plantings will predominantly consist of bare root vegetation and will be planted at a total target density of 680 stems per acre. No one tree species will be greater than 50 percent of the established stems. Planting is scheduled for Winter 2023 and the list of potential species is shown in Table 3; however, the actual planting list will be provided in the As -Built report. Page 7 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 Table 3. Tree Planting List Scientific Name Common Name Proposed for Planting by Species Riparian Buffer Bare Root Plantings—Overstory (Proposed 8' x 8' Planting Spacing @ 680 Stems/Acre) Wetland Tolerance Fraxinus pennsylvanica Betula nigra Quercus phellos Green ash River birch Willow oak Quercus laurifolia Platanus occidentalis Quercus alba Ulmus americana Carpinus caroliniana Laurel oak American sycamore White oak American elm American hornbeam Quercus nigra Water oak Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay magnolia Persea borbonia Redbay 3% 12% 10% 10% 15% 8% 8% 8% 10% 8% 8% 4 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan FACW FACW FACW FACW FACW FACU FAC FAC FAC FACW FACW The performance criteria for the Site follow the approved performance criteria presented in the guidance documents outlined in the Consolidated Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295). Annual monitoring and semi- annual site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the finished project. The riparian restoration project is assigned specific performance criteria components for vegetation. Performance criteria is evaluated throughout the five-year post -construction monitoring, the components as outlined below. 4.1 Monitoring Protocol Permanent vegetation monitoring plots are installed and evaluated within the riparian restoration areas to measure the survival of the planted trees. Riparian vegetation monitoring will be based on the Carolina Vegetation Survey -Ecosystem Enhancement Program Protocol for Recording Vegetation: Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only Version 4.2. Annual vegetation monitoring will occur each year for a minimum of five years on the riparian restoration areas and will be conducted during the fall season with the first year occurring at least five months from initial planting. Nine vegetation monitoring plots will be installed, and will be 100 meters squared in size, and will cover at least two percent of the 12.32 acres of the riparian restoration area. Plots will be randomly placed throughout the planted riparian areas. The approximate location of the plots is shown in Figure 7. Photos will be taken from all photo points each monitoring year and provided in the annual reports. All planted stems will be marked with flagging tape and recorded. The following data will be recorded for all trees in the plots: species, common name, height, planting date (or volunteer), and grid location. The total number of volunteer woody stems will also be documented and reported. Appropriate native volunteer stems of native hardwood tree species may be included to meet the performance standards upon NCDWR approval. Page 8 4 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 4.2 Performance Standards for Vegetation The measures of vegetative success for the Parcel will be the survival of at least four native hardwood tree species, where no one species is greater than 50 percent of the established stems, established at a density of at least 260 planted trees per acre at the end of Year 5. Appropriate native volunteer stems of native hardwood tree species may be included to meet the performance standards upon NCDWR approval. WLS shall submit the annual monitoring report to NCDWR by December 15Y of each year for five consecutive years. 4.3 Photo Reference Stations Photographs will be taken within the project area once a year to visually document stability for five years following construction. Permanent markers will be established and located with GPS equipment so that the same locations and view directions on the Site are photographed each year. Visual inspections and photos will be taken to ensure that preservation and enhancement areas are being maintained and compliant. 4.4 Visual Assessment Visual assessments should support the specific performance standards for each metric as described above. Visual assessments will be performed within the Site on a semi-annual basis during the five-year monitoring period. Problem areas with vegetative health will be noted (e.g., low stem density, vegetation mortality, invasive species, or encroachment). Areas of concern will be mapped and photographed accompanied by a written description in the annual report. Problem areas will be re-evaluated during each subsequent visual assessment. Should remedial actions be required, recommendations will be provided in the annual monitoring report. 4.5 Reporting Performance Criteria Within 30 calendar days after the Site has been completed and all nutrient offset areas have been planted, WLS will submit a written notification to NCDWR that documents that all nutrient offset activities have been committed and that the conservation easement has been marked. Complete monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each monitoring year and submitted to NCDWR. Annual monitoring reports will be based on the most recent NCDWR Template. The monitoring period will extend five years beyond the completion of site plating or until performance criteria have been met. 4.6 Conservation Easement and Long -Term Management Plan The Project will be protected in perpetuity by a recorded conservation easement. The conservation easement will allow for annual monitoring and maintenance of the Project during the monitoring phase. Upon final site approval and project closeout, the Project stewardship will be transferred to an approved long-term stewardship program. WLS has partnered with Unique Places To Save (UP2Save) as the long- term steward for the Project site (See Appendix C for conservation easement template and engagement letter). Page 9 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 Unique Places To Save Attn: Michael Sisco PO Box 1183 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 803-553-1644 info@uniqueplacestosave.org This party shall serve as conservation easement holder and long-term steward for the property and will conduct periodic inspection of the Project to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld. Any endowment funds for the conservation easement and deed restrictions shall be negotiated prior to transfer to the responsible party. Funding will be supplied by the responsible party on a yearly basis until such time and endowments are established. The use of funds from the Endowment Account is governed by NC General Statute GS 113A-232(d) (3). Payments and interest gained by the endowment fund may be used only for stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable. The management activities will be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approved NOBI as agreed to by WLS, USACE, and the IRT. Conservation easement boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure a clear distinction between the Site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by a fence, marker, bollard, post, tree blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundaries will be marked with signs identifying the property as a mitigation site and will include the name of the long-term steward. All boundary markers will be installed prior to the submittal of the As -Built report. The easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities, and the conditions as well as any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports. The land required for riparian area planting, management, and stewardship of the mitigation project includes portions of the parcel listed in Table 4. An offer to purchase the property was signed on January 4, 2022, with a settlement date of June 15, 2022. Water & Land Solutions will purchase the parcel from the seller. Once WLS purchases the parcel a conservation easement of 12.32 acres will be established on the parcel and be recorded at the Wayne County Register of Deeds. Table 4. Existing Property Owner Owner of Record N/F PIN County Site Protection Deed Book Acreage Instrument and Page Protected Numbers Michael Warrick Privott MaryClair Privott 2692828741 Wayne Conservation Easement Book: 1937 Page: 429 12.32 4.7 Adaptive Management Plan In the event the site or a specific component of the site fails to achieve the necessary performance standards as specified in the approved Plan, WLS shall notify and coordinate with NCDWR to develop a remedial action plan. The remedial action plan should describe the source or reason for the failure, a concise description of the corrective measures that are proposed, and a time frame for the implementation of the corrective measures. Page 10 4 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank DWR #2022-0139v1 4.8 Financial Assurances Following approval of the Salem Plan, WLS will provide financial assurances in the form of a Performance Bond from a surety that is rated no less than A -"as rated by A.M. Best. Financial assurances will be payable at the direction of the NCDWR to its designee or to a standby trust. The initial performance bond will be for 100 percent of the implementation costs, but not less than $150,000. In lieu of posting the performance bond, the Sponsor may elect to construct the project prior to the first credit release. After completion of the construction and monitoring devices, a monitoring bond for $100,000 will be secured to implement the monitoring and maintenance of the riparian restoration areas for a minimum of five years. Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed to cover the next year's monitoring period, with confirmation of renewal provided to NCDWR with each annual monitoring report when applicable. NCDWR reserves the right to alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted without proof of bond renewals when applicable. 5 Mitigation Potential Out of 12.32 acres that will be protected with a permanent conservation easement, 11.17 acres (486,565.2 ft2) are proposed to generate nutrient restoration credits. The total potential nutrient credit that the Site will generate is summarized in Table 5 and is 486,530 square feet which yield 25,387.786 nutrient credits. Nutrient Offset credit is proposed from 0'-200' along Ditch 1 and Ditch 3. These areas are not convertible to Riparian Buffer Credit per the NOBI. The nutrient offset credit generating area is entirely cleared active agricultural land (unforested) and includes a 0.05-acre deduction on each side of a non - diffuse flow entry point into the proposed easement, per NCDWR Buffer Interpretation/Clarification 2008- 019. Page 11 Table 5. Proposed Mitigation Credits Table 5. Salem, 2022-0139 V1, Project Credits Project Area N Credit Conversion Ratio (fe/pound) P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) Neuse 03020201- Outside Falls Lake 19.16394 N/A Credit Type Location Subject? (enter NO if ephemeral or ditch') Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min -Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (ft2) Total(Creditable) Area of Buffer Mitigation (fe) Initial Credit Ratio (x:l) %Full CreditRatio Final Credit (x:1) Convertible to Riparian Buffer? Riparian Buffer Credits Convertible to Nutrient Offset? Delivered Nutrient Offset: N (Ibs) Delivered Nutrient Offset: P (Ibs) Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0-100 D1 235,875 1 100% No — Yes 12,308.273 — Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 101-200 DI. 197,202 1 33% No — Yes 10,290.264 — Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0-100 D3 32,513 1 100% No — Yes 1,696.572 — Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 101-200 D3 20,940 1 33% No — Yes 1,092.677 — Totals (ft2): Total Buffer (ft2): Total Nutrient Offset (ft2): Total Ephemeral Area (ftz) for Credit: Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ftz): Enter Preservation Credits Below Total Eligible for Preservation (ft): 486,530 0 Ephemeral Reaches as % TABM Preservation as % TABM 0.000 25,387.786 0.000 0 0 486,530 N/A 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min -Max Buffer (ft) Feature Name Total Area (sf) Total (Creditable) Area for Buffer Mitigation (fe) Initial Credit Ratio (x:l) %Full CreditWidth Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Riparian Buffer Credits Preservation Area Subtotals (ft): 0 0 TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Restoration: 0 0.000 Enhancement: 0 0.000 Preservation: 0 0.000 Total Riparian Buffer: 0 0.000 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Nutrient Offset. Nitrogen: 486,530 25,387.786 Phosphorus: 0.000 4 6 Citations Lee, T.L, Peet, R.K., Roberts, S.D., and Wentworth, T.R. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2. http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocolv4.2- lev1-2.pdf. NC Environmental Management Commission. 2014. Rule 15A NCAC 02B.0295 - Mitigation Program Requirements for the Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers. (RBRP) Division of Mitigation Services, 2010, amended 2018. Neuse River Basin Watershed Restoration Priorities (RBRP). August 2018. Schafale, M.P. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR, Raleigh, NC. United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina (County Listing). Wayne County. 2017. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Division. 1994. Soil Survey, Wayne County, NC. Page 17 Figures Figure 1— Project Location Map Figure 2—Geographic Service Area Map Figure 3 — USGS Topographic/FEMA Map Figure 4— NRCS Soils Map Figure 5 — Existing Conditions Map Figure 6— Nutrient Offset Concept Map Figure 7— Proposed Monitoring Features Legend Q Proposed Conservation Easement • Project Location n Parcel Boundary Existing Stream Q HUC-8 HUC-12 Wayne County NC Counties 50 100 Miles Project is located in: HUC8 - 03020201 HUC12 - 030202011604 ,a9" 1,600 Hhnnant 116 F aT 5 mil`—^ 10 Miles 35.456793,-77.9931071 Site Access Stin Pow etor Greene County La Grange Lenoir County WATER & LAND'HUC8 SOLUTIONS Salem Mitigation Project Upper Neuse 03020201 Wayne County, North Carolina Project Location4 Map Figure 1 Map Projection: NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date: 6/9/2022 Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Inlermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), NGCC, (c) OpenSireelMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Springs Fuquay- Lillington Walkertown ring Lake Coats Buies Creek 0 4 8 16 1 inch = 8 miles Miles Wake Forest err. Knigh '' ale Clayton Wendell Four Oaks Louisburg • Site Location r HUC8 - Neuse 01 (03020201) Rerl Oak Site Location Wilson WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS Salem Mitigation Project HUC8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Wayne County, North Carolina Geographic Service Area Map Figure 2 Map Projection: NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet Date: 5/13/2022 Service Layer Credits_ Sources_ Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri Chine (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), NGCC, (c) Open StreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community S UNFI d y.EW f]R Q Proposed Conservation Easement Q Parcel Boundary FEMA Floodzone 100-yr (Zone AE) %/ 100-yr (Zone AE Floodway) 500-yr (Zone X) (USGS: Northeast Goldsboro) 0 500 1,000 2,000 1 inch = 1,000 feet Feet WATER & LAND SOLUTIONSHUC Salem Mitigation Project 8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Wayne County, North Carolina USGS Topo FEMA Floodplain Map Figure 3 Map Projection: NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date: 6/9/2022 1972 Soil Survey of Wayne County, NC - Map 10 Q Proposed Conservation Easement Parcel Boundary Dr: Dragston loamy sand Ra: Rains sandy loam We: Weston loamy sand 0 200 400 1 inch = 400 feet 800 Feet 4WATE R & LAND SOLUTIONS Salem Mitigation Project HUC 8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Wayne County, North Carolina NRCS Soils Map Figure 4 Map Projection: NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date: 6/9/2022 Ir./4 1. .,,...i...34.87,rixtv...,..:,,,,...,: , :;14:,. ..:.&,41.,,,,,-;ixtwzsammovir-f.T-4'.-_!'... .lre,. . • .,,,.. ,,..„..,;..„. , ..., ...„ , ..., .,...„ .. ,f..., s� rt Q Proposed Conservation Easement . 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'` •• x.7. !•';: �-.�fir., ^q • r.d.- .: rx: ::,' 3: Feet \ •r.. ..'•,-- : .,3::._„.', •• 1 inch-400 feet Salem Mitigation Project Figure WATER & LAND HUC 8 Upper Neuse Existing o Wayne County, North Carolina Conditions Map SOLUTIONS5 Map Projection:NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date:6/9/2022 ,d..„ee.f.i.,4..,.,,7_,t_,:a7.,0r,,iI.-,.,4,•Pi... ,'..,-Ii1.--:.'t,•,ar'-,t•:",..)V':.'-:41.14-4'WL,-:-'1-.'-4':1r„/,L,,:].'‘1...d..•.,,..7.'.'''7.7',,.yi'4-f:.t,,-,..r''.t4'-',-',.%''4:,•,',-'4.-.-7,'-.'..?,.':,'—.,:.:.,:;'l'1,''.,.'.''i'•-•....•••ti:,..,,.-_;,rt',.[,i.,..k,:4.!). r : _': a ; 7,..-,,,g.,4,.4.7l.%,,A..' Q Proposed Conservation Easement • V-„Lr",.-r.f L=,;ii,,:,.4*V.<,,-''.-,i,e-vti..:'.''':'-,')t....0/,'';-e•,' 0''?",-,"'t-.,..'.,K.",,.,i.•l,rk,,,0::,:!..0.,A'':.'..-.,-,.. .'4.:.'., -':4.''•'‘%'::'A4'.1„4y,::- /-,-:,.:-.-‘1,C-;4'.-it...-..'.i i-t 5<..::1r.*-17:$7.:._t':7• u j ,' des ;' -S_:,'-v,0-,.11:_5-::..d,,.• ./:.`I71L ,i.ri44.,-,.-7./g :lt— I •., �. .., l� •� :�`:� �: �;��.. . ,,. Q Parcel Boundary ,� ` f r;. , ter• Nutrient Offset t':'4,ai'-N4,.;'Y.:W;1.-4,t',,.-0'''i..,,•,,t,:.•,,,a .,{ a 0-100 ft (6.16 ac) •.:'ASS: .:: .a ! �:_. '• 1'�.':• ;: ' i .• k:. �, ,,% y:; 101 200 ft (5.01 ac) va R.. #' _ ,ems. `E *. ti' Ol • f.•: ;Ditch 3 Ditch 1 s k ..� ,,a• ,� ,. aa- , �S yr a. - - . ... .'t,A, -',,... k . - -7.-:-.- --- •- / ram. fSiS ` Ditch 2'° 'f f r ,,,,...,,,,.....„.. ,,,,......_, i?.."'- ," `<� - �_R�nryw.�.. a'y.�'r r� ›- •y ,�3., ^ 'F� 7 �':.: �,4 `-:7$i� �- - .p. •.� :.sra`.pax-- d _ .-_ ... ,._ gyp' �9..,- ,.ate ��y£ n•:i. � �.T.w:. •.. Ay 3. r,q.Yj' .fYJb' .. �•,•. • et'-'" =.`-'+C,a•! E �• ;3: :� `fit.. i R-.... = - .... ... `��, ,�:, .�': r.c�'�: ,; .� -,s' =�s, v S'• •'2 .:"_ `ram- •:'-r. 2' .�s;;'„ :�:' � is w5-;;' A::• .r r' �: .. �.: e ,, 0 200 400 800 ._• cc - - Feet .5. �y�% -iryh r r .. F".� 1 inch=400 feet N Salem Mitigation Project Figure WATER & LAND HUC 8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Nutrient Offset 4Wayne County, North Carolina Concept Map SOLUTIONS6 Map Projection:NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date:6/10/2022 i ' ;i ice ,. ,`•a":k '.: =: ' • Q Proposed Conservation Easement A "^. _ ::; Existing Ditch 41140 ❑ Proposed Vegetation Plots F. :. :'9. f". ° .< ^.: r. �h + ti; �' Proposed Vegetation Transects 4 ,,,. °.,.:,r.•, �' A. 1 a. ,7 Q Parcel Boundary `.. ay.. ::, s� s,.. v • ' •w'�lr ems. :: 'a • ...-' Ste, k ' � '. .�� .. ! .. , f s. 3 - i A r '^ 4 C� r , .: �rDltch 3 ❑ r- F t. • �DitcFi'1 ; R ' "-- D - -. .,, ,.. of , i .. -----L....„....„ _ i � , y.. I' Ditch 4 ❑ • t ..- Ditch 5 ❑ l.li,t k?,•-•.,,, ..,"- *-"‘O,,'.N.-•F,.0.',1—'-'.•,.-$•7 04,._•4,•T..i*.A1.0.,...,-f.'.:./.'.1'-N_'.C,,'..,:','''''', a4.. r: r ;e: ... -`.,:_ Ditch 1 5 • �.•�.�• - max. .a ,.SA;• go 4434,,,,w. . i% _. iy Rnx 'r Ca , itt, " ... a k � ' '=a x? :: -n'" " A 0 200 400 800 ., d : Feet .......\ �s. 1 inch 400N Salem Mitigation Project Figure WATER & LAND HUC 8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Proposed Wayne County, North Carolina Monitoring Features 7 SOLUTIONS Map Projection:NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date:6/13/2022 Appendix A NCDWR Determinations and Viability DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director Adam McIntyre Water & Land Solutions, LLC adam@waterlandsolutions.com NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 11, 2022 Project 20220139 V1 Wayne County Subject: Applicability to the Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0714 Project: Privott Property Buffer Site Address: Old Salem Church Rd., Goldsboro, NC 27530, Wayne County Location: Lat., Long: 35.456332, -77.994253 Dear Mr. McIntyre: On February 4, 2022, Shelton Sullivan of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an on -site review of features located on the Privott Property Buffer Site in Wayne County to determine the applicability of features on the site to the Neuse River Basin Riparian Area Protection Rules, Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0714. Katie Merritt with DWR and Adam McIntyre with Water & Land Solutions, LLC accompanied Shelton Sullivan during the site visit. The enclosed map(s) depict the feature(s) evaluated and this information is also summarized in the table below. Streams were evaluated for being ephemeral, at least intermittent, and for subjectivity to the Neuse River Basin Riparian Area Protection Rules. Streams that are considered "Subject" have been located on the most recently published County NRCS Soil Survey and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic (at 1:24,000 scale) map(s), have been located on the ground at the site, and possess characteristics that qualify them to be at least intermittent streams. Features that are considered "Not Subject" have been determined to not be at least intermittent, not present on the property, or not depicted on the required maps. This determination only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules within the proposed easement and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. There may be other streams, wetlands, ponds, or other features located on the property that appear or do not appear on the maps referenced above. Any of the features on the site may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and subject to the Clean Water Act. GDE Depot -Mont of rnVllnnnlentaf auai;� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 Page 2 of 3 Privott Property Buffer Site Project 20220139 V.1 The following table addresses the features observed and rated during the DWR site visit. See attached maps with DWR labeled features listed below. Feature ID Feature Type: stream (ephemeral, intermittent, perennial), ditch, swale, wetland, other Subject to Buffer Rules Start @ Stop @ Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS Topo Stream A Stream- at least intermittent Yes Start Point indicated on map, Ditch 1/Stream transition, Just above confluence with Ditch 3 Continues downstream, beyond project boundary, across Adler Ln. Yes Yes Ditch 1 Ditch No Northern property boundary Confluence with Stream A and Ditch 3 Yes Yes Ditch 2 Ditch No Eastern side of project Confluence with Ditch 1 No Yes Ditch 3 Ditch No Western property boundary toward Alder Ln. Confluence with Stream A Yes No Ditch 4 Ditch No Not evaluated Not evaluated No No Ditch 5 Ditch No Not evaluated Not evaluated No No Ditch 6 Ditch No Not evaluated Not evaluated No No * E: Ephemeral, I: Intermittent, P: Perennial This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute this determination made by the DWR may request an appeal determination by the Director of Water Resources. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter to the Director in writing. If sending via U.S. Postal Service: Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 Page 3 of 3 Privott Property Buffer Site Project 20220139 V.1 This determination is final and binding as detailed above unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter. If you have any additional questions or require additional information, please contact Shelton Sullivan at shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov or 919-707-3636. This determination is subject to review as provided in G.S. 150B. Sincerely, —DocuSigned by: �e 141,0 Oki 949D91 BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Attachments: Site Map with labels, Photo, USGS Topographical Map, NRCS Soil Survey cc: 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Laserfiche File Daniel Ingram, daniel@waterlandsolutions.com Catherine Roland, catherine@waterlandsolutions.com Michael Privott., PO Box 1767, Mooresville, NC 28115 Filename: 2 02 2 013 9 V.1_StreamC alls_PrivottPro p erty_WayneC o. DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 DWR Map, Privott Property, Shelton Sullivan, 2/4/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 Privott Property, Stream A Start, Ditch 1 transition to Stream A, just above confluence with Ditch 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1C9871D9 8,9 • . 64) USGS Map r. DocuSign Envelope ID: AC29253E-6E54-4A55-8C9E-F13A1 C9871 D9 NRCS Soils Map &WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 500 1 Mph - 5001.1 Fee[ 1,00❑ Privott Property HUGS Upper Neuse 03020201 Wayne County, North Carolina Wayne County Soil Survey (1974) Map Projection: Nll3_19&3_StatzPlaneHo_FlP 0_32113_Fe& Date: 112a2l 22 Figure DocuSign Envelope ID: 5825F08E-F665-424A-A32D-32FAD3DAB97F ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April29, 2022 Adam McIntyre Water & Land Solutions (via electronic mail: adam@waterlandsolutions.com ) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset — Privott/ Salem Site Near 35.455161, -77.990106 off Salem Church Rd in Wayne, NC Neuse 03020201 Wayne County Dear Mr. McIntyre, On January 28, 2022, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Water & Land Solutions (WLS) for a site visit near the above -referenced site in the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset within a proposed conservation easement boundary, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled "Figure X, Easement Map" and prepared by WLS. The proposed easement boundary in Figure X, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part of the mitigation site. Features are labeled on the attached map provided by DWR and labeled as "Figure 1: Feature Map". On February 4, 2022, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site. Staff with WLS were also present. Ms. Merritt's evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200' from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703. £D_E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Duality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5825F08E-F665-424A-A32D-32FAD3DAB97F Privott / Salem Site WLS April 29,2022 Feature Classification 1Subiect Riparian Land uses Buffer 'Nutrient 4'5Mitigation Type Determination w/in onsite to Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset riparian areas (0-200') Viable Viable Rule A (starts above Confluence with Ditch 3) Stream Yes Left bank is mostly non- forested agricultural fields with right banks primarily development Yes (non- forested fields only) Yes (non- forested fields only) Non -forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 1 (starts where A ends) Primary Ditch >3' depth No Left bank is mostly non- forested agricultural fields with right banks primarily development with managed lawns until the ditch turns into the fields No Yes Fields Only - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 2 Ditch >3' depth No Non -forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 3 (See map for start point) Ditch >3' depth No Non -forested agricultural fields on right bank No Yes Non -forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 4 Ditch No Non -forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 5 Ditch No Non -forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 6 Ditch No Non -forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 'Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated April 11, 2022 (DWR# 2022-0139) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment 4 Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). 7The area described as an Enhancement Site was assessed and determined to comply with all of 15A NCAC 02B .0295(o)(6). Cattle exclusion fencing is required to be installed around the mitigation area to get buffer credit under this part of the rule. Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure X with features labeled according to Figure 1. The map representing the proposal for the site is attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on April 29, 2022. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary as well as any site constraints identified in this letter, could affect the Site's potential to generate buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5825F08E-F665-424A-A32D-32FAD3DAB97F Privott / Salem Site WLS April 29, 2022 This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load -reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on April 29, 2024 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 88BFFC85168F4E4... for Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch PW/kym Attachments: Figure X: Easement Map, Figure 1: Feature Map cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:5825F08E-F665-424A-A32D-32FAD3DAB97F / c Legend 0:14)ALL 010111 . sip- - ke,P "' /P1111116. pPL . 7 r . • 0. „... . fr - . .,.. . . „4.,,,, . 1 . ir- EEt : :nt e • 116(1368 ac) t� % . •'4 or 1.Irr 4 Illie tch (3,141 ft) ` 4 w �. r .C4: ; 41 , tilb' 41.- 14 • ' ';'."4- a ,.:. • DO rilhr^.•wit• .t ' �■ -.� sl PR . .�` , +II/AO 4 - :i ,4.r ,,, . 4., J..�.�. a 41111111' ' 0 - 6 lall'i 14.11Pri!! a /,„ a. 0. eibili • 6 6 — +• ^*. ,* ' PRIVOTT MICHAEL WARRICK i'7.:&141. b ,--a_A.A.,/ ,. ;' .4 r , 5 .r ► _ 5'''• 11 F. r 2692828741 r , _ ► ' ►"� 440401/4 4110‘. e Niolk-L. /4i..' . '--- - 1 • . .., r .. it o 11 v if., 44,jat' • ••• Ow, p. ' 4- i ... .to • . ,, ... .rigio$ iv, . . . ,,,,,,: lar ,.. ,.. . . _ . -:te dif Ve. fis •4".......... "Oil .4. f se r � .h... ' 4. b ., • 17; , '.,. 6..- t' ' ' 6 ., -.5,1 /..NC1 `r r - .0 410,04, etv it . ilia, t.. 1 O.)111:041 t t F 1.; r• it Alit ' Wilitisse , ritopir_ em .a...• 4 ' '. .0' . t f . 1. r .ig i ,..14. ...,41,. 1 ...jirir ,......:. : itordeiike-: 41:4.#1,,,, ' • ,....,,,,,.41.....„...f. IP' (i, .. ,, .0-. .. ...., .iw- . . Li...3 f.„...19 Pt 11,-4 .. . -r.. '-'0..i-disje,e;oft. ,c,.... . . •,. - - , „ III') .i i1/' .... iy.7.-_. . •' .."!-. _ . _ . . 4ite ___... /' r • ;:. 1 4,•'‘tt.••••-'.,1O!.°-,.,.'dt‘.0t e..*.N 4.i. l- m .*.-,.` / 30' Offset 01 . •' - r 4 , f. lA lkI.;';st'i,.,- .:ale • i,i.,-- ,ii„ ..6!4.I ,•....,a „ 4 .t ` : ter.- . 4 • :„.„ .• . iprri-w , ,.- . : 7' ,,. r ii .... v ... . ,.. 4, ,.‘ #. 0 .. 4 . . I . , ..., 4. .. , c. • .0 . • 1 +• . - l::a. 4, L wr ,F.i. ! — . - ,•. . ... i. .: - •0 - • _ _ . , . . ,... • ..#1.0-... . , .,.. . ,,, , . .. , *I' ' ll tr i_ , ,i:-It.y. ,•A.lli'i*4/.1411 0'I r....Y, .,.. , N. 1 pilkil'A- ,il irl-.- 114 `)' r V y I. •. %1 P.44., " ;e ,+ fir" , * L 0 .- r • Pi' At. . t •• ,, 4410 4 : ,". , _ 7t : . '. , . Lt., . .... • ,I.. .- .4 Note: Parcel boundary from Wayne County GIS. This data is approximate and not from survey. - '" 4. .. t*isi iMIIIM..-7_. frkilA. 'L.- '.,:r .; it...L.A.' 2_ ' ill. Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Figure 4 WATER & LA N DTM Feet HUC8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Easement 0 250 500 Wayne County, North Carolina Map SOLUTIONS N 1 inch=250 feet X Map Projection:NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date:3/1/2022 Service Layer Credits:Source:Eon,DigitalGlobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographies,CNES/Airbus DS,USDA,USGS,AeroGRID,IGN,and the GIS User Community DocuSign Envelope ID: 5825F08E-F665-424A-A32D-32FAD3DAB97F r. DWR Map, Privott Property, Shelton Sullivan, 2/4/2022 -- -46.1214;;; � r Stream A Start Downstream of Ditch 3 is not contiguous or continuous Ditch 6 Ditch 1 Ditch 4 Figure 1: Feature Map Ditch 2 i DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C7D72BA-CCCF-4C5A-B557-1 B83B0B8B450 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director Adam McIntyre Water & Land Solutions (via electronic mail: adam@waterlandsolutions.com ) NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Jun 9, 2022 (corrected letter dated April 29, 2022) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset - Privott/ Salem Site Near 35.455161, -77.990106 off Salem Church Rd in Wayne, NC Neuse 03020201 Wayne County Dear Mr. McIntyre, This letter was originally issued on April 29, 2022 and had errors on Figure X and Figure 1. This letter replaces the original letter with the only corrections being to Figure X and Figure 1. On January 28, 2022, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Water & Land Solutions (WLS) for a site visit near the above -referenced site in the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset within a proposed conservation easement boundary, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled "Figure X, Easement Map" and prepared by WLS. The proposed easement boundary in Figure X, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part ofthe mitigation site. Features are labeled on the attached map provided by DWR and labeled as "Figure 1: Feature Map". On February 4, 2022, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment ofthe subject site. Staff with WLS were also present. Ms. Merritt's evaluation ofthe features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top ofBank (TOB) and landward 200' from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703. D_E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental aeal� North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality I Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C7D72BA-CCCF-4C5A-B557-1 B83B0B8B450 Privott 1 Salem Site WLS June 9, 2022 Feature Classification 'Subject Rivarian Land uses Buffer 3Nutrient 4•5Mitigation Tyne Determination w/in onsite !2 Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset rivarian areas (0-200') Viable Viable Rule A (starts above Confluence with Ditch 3) Stream Yes Left bank is mostly non- forested agricultural fields with right banks primarily development Yes (non- forested fields only) Yes (non- forested fields only) Non forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) I (starts where A ends) Primary Ditch >3' depth No Left bank is mostly non- forested agricultural fields with right banks primarily development with managed lawns until the ditch turns into the fields No Yes Fields Only- Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 2 Ditch >3' depth No Non forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 3 (See map for start ooint) Ditch >3' depth No Non forested agricultural fields on right bank No Yes Non forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 4 Ditch No Non forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 5 Ditch No Non forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream 6 Ditch No Non forested agricultural fields. No No Not directly hydrologically connected to a stream ' Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated April 11, 2022 (DWR# 2022-0139) using the 1: 24, 000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment ¢Determination made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even ifno credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). ?The area described as an Enhancement Site was assessed and determined to comply with all of I5A NCAC 02B . 0295(0)(6). Cattle exclusion fencing is required to be installed around the mitigation area to get buffer credit under this part of the rule. Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure X with features labeled according to Figure 1. The maps representing the proposal for the site are attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on April 29, 2022 and June 9, 2022. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary as well as any site constraints identified in this letter, could affect the Site's potential to generate buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C7D72BA-CCCF-4C5A-B557-1 B83B0B8B450 Privott1 Salem Site WLS June 9, 2022 This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load -reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on April 29, 2024 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 949D91BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch P W/kym Attachments: Figure X: Easement Map, Figure 1: Feature Map cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:8C7D72BA-CCCF-4C5A-B557-1 B83B0B8B450 Legend . si, . , f .,,� u Approximate Property Boundary I' '. . .46' V /•14!* / r �,�•, . , *,,,, • , •;� • '� M Proposed Conservation Easement (13.68 ac) 411 « 4;) 0,0.. • - �"� _, � 0, Existing Ditch (3,141 ft) _ �►� ti fir!Y0140;4. vikrlt._ A _ be ,, is /` • to r� ,i, ' - ', _da' i� 1''°y t ; » .. �, .. . 0 sli Y 4 0 lik PI *el al v. ......pp • 4; irr ,\ P. ilt If4. ' �, % ♦ + • Irk- _.4. , all.r J. - - - t a- Iiik` ,/, i - • PRIVOTT MICHAEL WARRICK '# a s'' • " C3 - .' ,�; 2692828741 :,. w " _ I a/4N "..., 0 „. , :414ip '114., filir , • c".) , -----_,.. • . .0 I" " - 4 i , _ Awe z. ;Ai,..,lit AA.- vrioi tiki, A --"' • '. 'r 6 ....„ , i . • ..... , -2'----4 4k. , - Nit lortif 4 . _. 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''Trtipi " . .!tk ornyA ,,tolio• tt, 0 .. .A -, itx- - %It .1,, ,iiiirt. ' .:Tatas_ . . . P*.ic , piff " ifr tie . , 7- . . . .... , 4. ... . ,.. . • at i . . . ! Note: Parcel boundary from Wayne County GIS.This data is approximate and not from survey. ,• ,-'' ' '• WATER & LAND"' 0 250 50o Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Feet HUC8 Upper Neuse 03020201 Easement A Map Figure Wayne County, North Carolina SOLUTIONSN 1 inch=250 feet X Map Projection:NAD_1983_StatePlane_NC_FIPS_3200_Feet Date:3/1/2022 Service Layer Credits.Source.Esn,D191talGlobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographies,CNES/A1 rbus DS,USDA,USGS,AeroGRID,IGN,and the GIS User Community DocuSign Envelope ID: 8C7D72BA-CCCF-4C5A-B557-1 B83B0B8B450 DWR Map, Privott Property, Shelton Sullivan, 2/4/2022 Downstream of Ditch 3 is not contiguous or continuous Appendix B Photo Log �` rj►� 415/22, 8:53 AM'. 4 ,/5/22, 8:59 AM `� ® ii Wa ne Count Wa ne Count A ,,,,, t: >� it a am." gsgn a ' " 0' . , ..„..i.. 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Y .... yf.'° "s . ?p .:/r.PK �;k i m.Y..,>`t f: ti I e — . • •• i Ditch 3—facing north 4/5/22, .:9:18 AM 415122, 8:51 AM Wa ne Count Wa ne Count t ^F' 'S^z " xc -"q } A D� �,t� Ir i. -F� 'S'i - 7 ems, k_ _ .ate -." ... 4 r� A { 3 r r �s is • • x3 s.az ram, f*' � 'T .:k `"{i� C „p „jn. 3k8 ;.-� _ ..=_z `r$",' a•d'w�F ,, ,-"'' ;.. �.-.' �cPY'� t '� .^S �, i ar a j,, I. s uc i. ,?. �Y'�T � 2 .:1'�' �. 4`W:r. �,.''. 'e N, '4a , ,} ",,.' k 7..E ,,kh4`,,.s7 .. :,,ti .. 1 py `: v` ,, y, V. - J�ig�..` 3 •'C. k.4 'r. ?y Y 'MA`e - �__� ,sue •- &.- � .r.w.--•1 _ ,:.. 4 ar.r'?Yq-x '` w} t�X{�., ,.,.� ��" "bra. .. rrt.F't-, ... ...,,. < .�.` h:' M4 `,. Top of Ditch 4—facing north • Ditch 4—facing north • W MIWri ,/5/22, 9:22 AM ,/5/22, 9:07 AM Wa ne Count „, ,, Wa ne Count t: n s: t rAILIE AV f ^ ;v ��-� ,k p r� gp�4�7.. ,a 4Ib 0 w.Z 'z r '.�`- . m" V „ft • 3 _ ". r ^ .^ :' _; .!. . .1:7-41'.40,'°;:lre''',..'"! , '445-14-i,.'-i';,56.:,';`,W,74-V v'''','4,`.`. 'Qk' " '�� °x F `°�'d'a _ ' ram t� 1's', : " p.` d ` "'+ ,r a-. A-,`, e 5g s2_^ 1,4 ,.. 7. ,:_err ` _ .� y� 'A.t� o-��L ; • r A, gn c /�L :I '. "4L _ i �c _ 3 %� 'A 7Ukt- d am, f ^ t eL .lug. � '?n.,..,.. � - , .k W7.'..,. ':Y ice, ...' i�;af.0 i"'�SR_ ' � . '. -- ...1, :.._ ..� -'' ' ,'. -,.'"� �_ ... Ditch 5—facing north Salem Project, agriculture field Appendix C Model Conservation Easement & Engagement Letter RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ("Conservation Easement") made this day of , 202 by and between ("Grantor") and _ _ ("Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying and being in County, North Carolina, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"); WHEREAS, Grantee is a charitable, not -for -profit or educational corporation, association, or trust qualified under § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of 1 the Internal Revenue Code, and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq., the purposes or powers of which include one or more of the purposes (a) — (d) listed below; (a) retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open -space aspects of real property; (b) ensuring the availability of real property for recreational, educational, or open -space use; (c) protecting natural resources; (d) maintaining or enhancing air or water quality. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation, scenic, natural, or aesthetic value of the property in its natural state, which includes the following natural communities: [add or delete as appropriate: coastal wetlands, non -riparian wetlands, riparian wetlands, perennial and intermittent streams and riparian buffers]. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to maintain streams, wetlands and riparian resources and other natural values of approximately acres, more or less, and being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated fully herein by reference (the "Conservation Easement Area"), and prevent the use or development of the Conservation Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of its natural condition. WHEREAS, the restoration, enhancement and preservation of the Conservation Easement Area is a condition of the approval of the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) and Mitigation Plan for the Mitigation Bank, Department of the Army (DA) Action ID Number SAW- , entitled "Agreement to Establish the Mitigation Bank in the River Basin within the State of North Carolina", entered into by and between [enter Sponsor name] acting as the Bank Sponsor and the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps), in consultation with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (IRT). The Mitigation Site has been approved by the Corps for use as a mitigation bank to compensate for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts authorized by DA permits. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee agree that third -party rights of enforcement shall be held by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ("Third- Parties,"to include any successor agencies), and may be exercised through the appropriate enforcement agencies of the United States and the State of North Carolina, and that these rights are in addition to, and do not limit, the rights of enforcement under the NCDWR Project ID # and Department of the Army instrument number SAW - ("Mitigation Banking Instrument"), or any permit or certification issued by the Third -Parties. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grants and conveys unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Conservation Easement Area described on Exhibit B, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof, as follows: ARTICLE I. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, lessees, agents and licensees. ARTICLE II. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Conservation Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Conservation Easement Area shall be preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any introduction of non-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited. B. Construction. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Conservation Easement Area. C. Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use. Industrial, residential and/or commercial activities, including any rights of passage for such purposes are prohibited. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, animal husbandry, and horticultural use of the Conservation Easement Area 3 are prohibited. E. Vegetation. There shall be no removal, burning, destruction, harming, cutting or mowing of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area except as provided in the Mitigation Plan. Mowing of invasive and herbaceous vegetation for purposes of enhancing planted or volunteer trees and shrubs approved in the Mitigation Plan is allowable once a year for no more than five consecutive years from the date on page 1 of this Conservation Easement, except where mowing will negatively impact vegetation or disturb soils. Mowing activities shall only be performed by [enter Sponsor name] and shall not violate any part of Item L of Article II. F. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails or walkways on the Conservation Easement Area; nor enlargement or modification to existing roads, trails or walkways. G. Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Conservation Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area, signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Conservation Easement Area and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the Conservation Easement Area. H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. I. Excavation, Dredging or Mineral Use. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Conservation Easement Area, except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns. For purposes of restoring and enhancing streams and wetlands within the Conservation Easement Area, [enter Sponsor name] is allowed to perform grading, filling, and excavation associated with stream and wetland restoration and enhancement activities as described in the Mitigation Plan and authorized by Department of the Army Nationwide Permit 27. J. Water Quality and Drainage Pattern. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or 4 wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. K. Development Rights. No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. [Not required, but may be added if Grantor and Grantee agree:] L. Subdivision. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the Conservation Easement Area currently consists of within separate parcels. The Grantor may not further subdivide the Conservation Easement Area, except with the prior written consent of the Grantee. If Grantor elects to further subdivide any portion of the Conservation Easement Area, Grantor must provide the Grantee the name, address, and telephone number of new owner(s) of all property within the Conservation Easement Area, if different from Grantor. No subdivision of the Conservation Easement Area shall limit the right of ingress and egress over and across the Property for the purposes set forth herein. Further, in the event of any subdivision of the Property (whether inside or outside of the Conservation Easement Area) provision shall be made to preserve not only Grantee's perpetual rights of access to the Conservation Easement Area, as defined herein, but also Grantee's right of perpetual access to any conservation easements on properties adjacent to the Property which form a part of or are included in the Mitigation Plan. Creation of a condominium or any de facto division of the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. Lot line adjustments or lot consolidation without the prior written consent of the Grantee is prohibited. The Grantor may convey undivided interests in the real property underlying the Conservation Easement Area. The Grantor shall notify the Grantee immediately of the name, address, and telephone number of any grantee of an undivided interest in any property within the Conservation Easement Area. M. Vehicles. The operation of mechanized vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, dirt bikes, all -terrain vehicles, cars and trucks is prohibited other than for temporary or occasional access by the [enter Sponsor name], the Grantee, its employees and agents, successors, assigns, NCDWR, and the Corps for purposes of constructing, maintaining and monitoring the restoration, enhancement and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area. The use of mechanized vehicles for monitoring purposes is limited to only existing roads and trails as shown in the approved in the mitigation plan. N. Other Prohibitions. Any other use of, or activity on, the Conservation Easement Area which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant, the preservation of the Conservation Easement Area substantially in its natural condition, or the protection of its environmental systems, is prohibited. 5 ARTICLE III. GRANTOR'S RESEVERED RIGHTS The Grantor expressly reserves for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns, the right to continue the use of the Conservation Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Conservation Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish, and hike on the Conservation Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift or otherwise convey the Conservation Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference, this Conservation Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor, its successors and assigns, including [enter Sponsor name] acting as the Bank Sponsor, the right to construct and perform activities related to the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area in accordance with the approved Mitigation Plan, and the Mitigation Banking Instrument described in the Recitals of this Conservation Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor, its successors and assigns, the following rights in the areas labeled as "Internal Crossing" on the plat [insert plat name and recorded plat book page number] in the Conservation Easement Area: vehicular access, livestock access, irrigation piping and piping of livestock waste. All Internal Crossings that allow livestock access will be bounded by fencing and will be over a culvert. ARTICLE IV. GRANTEE'S RIGHTS The Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps, shall have the right to enter the Property and Conservation Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Conservation Easement Area to determine if the Grantor, or his personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantee, [enter Sponsor name], and its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, and the Corps shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Conservation Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. ARTICLE V. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES 6 A. To accomplish the purposes of this Easement, Grantee, the Corps, and NCDWR are allowed to prevent any activity on or use of the Conservation Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Conservation Easement Area that may be damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have 30 days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after 30 days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. The costs of a breach, correction or restoration, including the Grantee's expenses, court costs, and attorneys' fees, shall be paid by Grantor, provided Grantor is determined to be responsible for the breach. The Corps and the NCDWR shall have the same rights and privileges as the said Grantee to enforce the terms and conditions of this Conservation easement. B. No failure on the part of the Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. C. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Conservation Easement Area resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Conservation Easement Area resulting from such causes. ARTICLE VI. MISCELLANEOUS A. Warranty. Grantor warrants, covenants and represents that it owns the Property in fee simple, and that Grantor either owns all interests in the Property which may be impaired by the granting of this Conservation Easement or that there are no outstanding mortgages, tax liens, encumbrances, or other interests in the Property which have not been expressly subordinated to this Conservation Easement. Grantor further warrants that Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all the benefits derived from and arising out of this Conservation Easement, and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the Property against the claims of all persons. B. Subsequent Transfers. The Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area. The Grantor agrees to provide written notice of such transfer at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the transfer. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Conservation Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Corps. C. Assignment. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder pursuant to 33 CFR 332.7 (a)(1), N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. D. Entire Agreement and Severability. The Mitigation Banking Instrument: MBI with corresponding Mitigation Plan, and this Conservation Easement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. E. Obligations of Ownership. Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes, assessments, fees, or charges levied upon the Property. Grantor shall keep the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances for obligations incurred by Grantor, except those incurred after the date hereof, which are expressly subject and subordinate to the Conservation Easement. Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership, operation, insurance, upkeep, or maintenance of the Property, except as expressly provided herein. Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal, state or local laws, regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights. F. Long -Term Management. Grantor is responsible for all long-term management activities associated with fencing. These activities include the 8 maintenance and/or replacement of fence structures to ensure the aquatic resource functions within the boundaries of the Protected Property are sustained. G. Extinguishment. In the event that changed conditions render impossible the continued use of the Conservation Easement Area for the conservation purposes, this Conservation Easement may only be extinguished, in whole or in part, by judicial proceeding. H. Eminent Domain. Whenever all or part of the Conservation Easement Area is taken in the exercise of eminent domain so as to substantially abrogate the Restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, Grantor and Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking, and all incidental and direct damages due to the taking. I. Proceeds. This Conservation Easement constitutes a real property interest immediately vested in Grantee. In the event that all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area is sold, exchanged, or involuntarily converted following an extinguishment or the exercise of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to the fair market value of this Conservation Easement as determined at the time of the extinguishment or condemnation. J. Notification. Any notice, request for approval, or other communication required under this Conservation Easement shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses (or such address as may be hereafter specified by notice pursuant to this paragraph): To Grantor: [Name, address and fax number] To Grantee: [Name, address and fax number] To Sponsor: To the Corps: US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Regulatory Division 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 K. Failure of Grantee. If at any time Grantee is unable or fails to enforce this Conservation Easement, or if Grantee ceases to be a qualified grantee, and if within a reasonable period of time after the occurrence of one of these events Grantee fails to make an assignment pursuant to this Conservation Easement, then the Grantee's interest shall become vested in another qualified grantee in accordance with an appropriate proceeding in a 9 court of competent jurisdiction. L. Amendment. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the conservation purposes of this grant. M. Present Condition of the Conservation Easement Area. The wetlands, scenic, resource, environmental, and other natural characteristics of the Conservation Easement Area, and its current use and state of improvement, are described in Section of the Mitigation Plan, prepared by Grantor and acknowledged by the Grantor and Grantee to be complete and accurate as of the date hereof. Both Grantor and Grantee have copies of this report. It will be used by the parties to assure that any future changes in the use of the Conservation Easement Area will be consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement. However, this report is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence to establish the present condition of the Conservation Easement Area if there is a controversy over its use. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signatures of the Grantor and Grantee in appropriate form] 10 AuthentisignID: 17352A25-2AD1-EC11-B656-501AC586DF9D Unique Places To Save May 9, 2022 Catherine Roland Water & Land Solutions 7721 Six Forks Road, Suite 130 Raleigh, NC 27615 Dear Ms. Roland, This letter confirms that Unique Places to Save ("UP2S"), a 501(c)3 not -for -profit organization located in the State of North Carolina, has preliminarily agreed to act as the conservation easement grantee and long-term steward for the Salem Mitigation site ("Site") located in Wayne County, North Carolina. The Site consists of an approximate 11.35- acre conservation easement area. As the conservation easement grantee and long-term steward, UP2S shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the Site to ensure that the terms and restrictions required in the conservation easement are enforced and maintained into perpetuity. Specific responsibilities include: • Monitoring of Site is conducted on an annual basis. • Visits to Site are coordinated with the landowner and annual monitoring report are sent to the landowner when possible. • Signage for the easement boundary is maintained. • Ensure fencing is maintained (if applicable) by the landowner to prevent encroachment into the conservation easement area. • Violations and potential violations of the conservation easement deed are addressed following protocols contained in the conservation easement deed and UP2S Conservation Easement Violations Policy. UP2S shall receive a stewardship endowment from Water & Land Solutions, the Site sponsor, to ensure annual Site inspections occur and the terms of the conservation easement are legally defended into perpetuity. Jeffrey FSher 05/11/22 Jeff Fisher, Board Chair epresentative Signature Unique Places to Save Water & Land Solutions Printed Name Justin Mondshine Date May 10, 2022 PO Box 1183 • Chapel Hill, NC 27514 • 585-472-9498 info@uniqueplacestosave.org Appendix D USFWS IPaC Letter & Species List Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Biological Assessment Prepared using IPaC Generated by Emily Dunnigan (emily@waterlandsolutions.com) April 7, 2022 The purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) is to assess the effects of the proposed project and determine whether the project may affect any Federally threatened, endangered, proposed or candidate species. This BA is prepared in accordance with legal requirements set forth under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1536 (c)). In this document, any data provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is based on data as of April 7, 2022. Prepared using IPaC version 6.72.3-rc7 2 Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Biological Assessment Table Of Contents 1 Description of the action 6 1.1 Project name 6 1.2 Executive summary 6 1.3 Project description 6 1.3.1 Location 6 1.3.2 Description of project habitat 7 1.3.3 Project proponent information 7 1.3.4 Project purpose 7 1.3.5 Project type and deconstruction 7 1.3.6 Anticipated environmental stressors 10 1.4 Action area 11 1.5 Conservation measures 12 1.6 Prior consultation history 12 1.7 Other agency partners and interested parties 12 1.8 Other reports and helpful information 12 2 Species effects analysis 13 2.1 Atlantic Pigtoe 13 Justification for exclusion 13 2.2 Carolina Madtom 13 Justification for exclusion 13 2.3 Dwarf Wedgemussel 13 Justification for exclusion 13 2.4 Monarch Butterfly 14 Justification for exclusion 14 2.5 Neuse River Waterdog 14 Justification for exclusion 14 2.6 Red -cockaded Woodpecker 14 Justification for exclusion 14 2.7 Tar River Spinymussel 14 Justification for exclusion 14 2.8 Yellow Lance 14 Justification for exclusion 14 3 Critical habitat effects analysis 15 4 Summary Discussion, Conclusion, and Effect Determinations 16 4.1 Effect determination summary 16 3 4.2 Summary discussion 16 4.3 Conclusion 16 4 5 1 Description Of The Action 1.1 Project Name Salem Nutrient Offset Bank 1.2 Executive Summary The project involves hand planting native shrub and trees species througout the project area. The project area is currently used as agricultural land and will be removed from active agriculture with a permenant conservation easement. The project will be a mitigation bank for nutrient offsets within the watershed. Effect determination summary 1.3 Project Description 1.3.1 Location 6 LOCATION Wayne County, North Carolina 1.3.2 Description of project habitat Agricultural field with ditches, no habitat present 1.3.3 Project proponent information Provide information regarding who is proposing to conduct the project, and their contact information. Please provide details on whether there is a Federal nexus. Requesting Agency Water & Land Solutions FULL NAME Emily Dunnigan ;TREET ADDRESS 7721 Six Forks Road Suite 130 Raleigh PHONE NUMBER 2699086306 1.3.4 Project purpose Nutrient offset bank STATE NC 7 27615 E-MAIL ADDRESS emily@waterlandsolutions.com 1.3.5 Project type and deconstruction This project is a restoration planting project. 7 Project map 8 LEGEND ❑ Project footprint r - Layer 1: Restoration planting L . 9 restoration planting Activity start date January 01, 2023 Activity end date March 31, 2023 Stressors This activity is not expected to have any impact on the environment. Description hand planting native species througout the project area. 1.3.6 Anticipated environmental stressors Describe the anticipated effects of your proposed project on the aspects of the land, air and water that will occur due to the activities above. These should be based on the activity deconstructions done in the previous section and will be used to inform the action area. 10 1.4 Action Area rT 4-- (4 ‹}- Li 11 1.5 Conservation Measures Describe any proposed measures being implemented as part of the project that are designed to reduce the impacts to the environment and their resulting effects to listed species. To avoid extra verbiage, don't list measures that have no relevance to the species being analyzed. Flo conservation measures have been selected for this project. 1.6 Prior Consultation History No previous consultations. 1.7 Other Agency Partners And Interested Parties NC Division of Water Resources is the regulatory angency involved. Katie Merritt email: katie.merritt@ncdenr.gov Phone: 919-707-3637 1.8 Other Reports And Helpful Information N/A 12 2 Species Effects Analysis This section describes, species by species, the effects of the proposed action on listed, proposed, and candidate species, and the habitat on which they depend. In this document, effects are broken down as direct interactions (something happening directly to the species) or indirect interactions (something happening to the environment on which a species depends that could then result in effects to the species). These interactions encompass effects that occur both during project construction and those which could be ongoing after the project is finished. All effects, however, should be considered, including effects from direct and indirect interactions and cumulative effects. 2.1 Atlantic Pigtoe This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed. 2.2 Carolina Madtom This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 2.3 Dwarf Wedgemussel This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 13 2.4 Monarch Butterfly This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 2.5 Neuse River Waterdog This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 2.6 Red -Cockaded Woodpecker This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 2.7 Tar River Spinymussel This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 2.8 Yellow Lance This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion no habitat present and no destruction of current site conditions are proposed 14 3 Critical Habitat Effects Analysis Vo critical habitats intersect with the project action area. 15 4 Summary Discussion, Conclusion, And Effect Determinations 4.1 Effect Determination Summary SPECIES (COMMON NAME) Atlantic Pigtoe Carolina Madtom Dwarf Wedgemussel Monarch Butterfly Neuse River Waterdog Red -cockaded Woodpecker Tar River Spinymussel Yellow Lance SCIENTIFIC NAME LISTING STATUS PRESENT IN ACTION AREA EFFECT DETERMINATION Fusconaia masoni Threatened No NE Noturus furiosus Endangered No NE Alasmidonta heterodon Endangered No NE Danaus plexippus Candidate Excluded from analysis Excluded from analysis Necturus lewisi I Threatened No NE Picoides borealis I Endangered No NE r Elliptio steinstansana Endangered No NE Elliptio lanceolata Threatened No �NE 4.2 Summary Discussion The project will have no negative impacts or effects to the overall project area, species, or habitat. Activities are expected to improve habitat by increasing native plant species cover. The current farmland will be planted and taken out of agricultural use. The project will be protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement. 4.3 Conclusion The project will have no adverse or negative impacts to species or habitat. 16 KYE.p T {Ds ry - United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Project Code: 2022-0029288 Project Name: Salem Nutrient Offset Bank April 07, 2022 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The enclosed species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). If your project area contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species on this species list, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. If suitable habitat is present, surveys should be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of this species list and/or North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. The purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend may be conserved. Under sections 7(a)(1) and 7(a)(2) of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 402 et seq.), Federal agencies are required to utilize their authorities to carry out programs for the conservation of threatened and endangered 04/07/2022 2 species and to determine whether projects may affect threatened and endangered species and/or designated critical habitat. A Biological Assessment is required for construction projects (or other undertakings having similar physical impacts) that are major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2) (c)). For projects other than major construction activities, the Service suggests that a biological evaluation similar to a Biological Assessment be prepared to determine whether the project may affect listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat. Recommended contents of a Biological Assessment are described at 50 CFR 402.12. If a Federal agency determines, based on the Biological Assessment or biological evaluation, that listed species and/or designated critical habitat may be affected by the proposed project, the agency is required to consult with the Service pursuant to 50 CFR 402. In addition, the Service recommends that candidate species, proposed species and proposed critical habitat be addressed within the consultation. More information on the regulations and procedures for section 7 consultation, including the role of permit or license applicants, can be found in the "Endangered Species Consultation Handbook" at: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/TOC-GLOS.PDF Migratory Birds: In addition to responsibilities to protect threatened and endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), there are additional responsibilities under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) to protect native birds from project -related impacts. Any activity, intentional or unintentional, resulting in take of migratory birds, including eagles, is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a)). For more information regarding these Acts see https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations.php. The MBTA has no provision for allowing take of migratory birds that may be unintentionally killed or injured by otherwise lawful activities. It is the responsibility of the project proponent to comply with these Acts by identifying potential impacts to migratory birds and eagles within applicable NEPA documents (when there is a federal nexus) or a Bird/Eagle Conservation Plan (when there is no federal nexus). Proponents should implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize the production of project -related stressors or minimize the exposure of birds and their resources to the project -related stressors. For more information on avian stressors and recommended conservation measures see hops://www.fws.gov/birds/bird-enthusiasts/threats-to- birds.php. In addition to MBTA and BGEPA, Executive Order 13186: Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds, obligates all Federal agencies that engage in or authorize activities that might affect migratory birds, to minimize those effects and encourage conservation measures that will improve bird populations. Executive Order 13186 provides for the protection of both migratory birds and migratory bird habitat. For information regarding the implementation of Executive Order 13186, please visit https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/ executive-orders/e0-13186. php. 04/07/2022 3 We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Code in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. Attachment(s): • Official Species List • Migratory Birds 04/07/2022 1 Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 04/07/2022 2 Project Summary Project Code: Event Code: Project Name: Project Type: Project Description: 2022-0029288 None Salem Nutrient Offset Bank Mitigation Development/Review - Mitigation or Conservation Bank The Salem project is located in Wayne county, NC. The site is approximately 13 acres of actively farmed fields and farm ditches. The proposed Bank is being developed as a private nutrient bank in conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources ("NCDWR"). Activities include planting in the winter of 2023 with native species of trees and shrubs. The project will be protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement. Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// www.google.com/maps/@35.4566442,-77.99342221506696,14z T a a Counties: Wayne County, North Carolina 04/07/2022 3 Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 8 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesl, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. 1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Amphibians NAME STATUS Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi There is final critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6772 Fishes NAME Carolina Madtom Noturus furiosus There is final critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/528 Endangered STATUS Threatened STATUS Endangered 04/07/2022 4 Clams NAME STATUS Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masoni There is final critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5164 Dwarf Wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/784 Tar River Spinymussel Elliptio steinstansana No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1392 Yellow Lance Elliptio lanceolata There is final critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/4511 Insects NAME Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 Threatened Endangered Endangered Threatened STATUS Candidate Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. 04/07/2022 Migratory Birds Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act1 and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Actz. Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. 1. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. 3. 50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a) THERE ARE NO FWS MIGRATORY BIRDS OF CONCERN WITHIN THE VICINITY OF YOUR PROJECT AREA. Migratory Birds FAQ Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the AKN Phenology Tool. 04/07/2022 2 What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets . Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering, migrating or present year-round in my project area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may refer to the following resources: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds Bird Guide, or (if you are unsuccessful in locating the bird of interest there), the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Neotropical Birds guide. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 2. "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non -BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non -eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical 04/07/2022 3 Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Loring. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ "What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. 04/07/2022 4 IPaC User Contact Information Agency: Name: Address: Address Line City: State: Zip: Email Phone: Water & Land Solutions Emily Dunnigan 7721 Six Forks Road 2: Suite 130 Raleigh NC 27615 emily@waterlandsolutions.com 2699086306