HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201515_Merger Process Documentation_20130308NC 87 IMPROVEMENTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING WBS Element No. 34466.4.1 SECTION 404 /NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP Project No. R -2561 March 20, 2013 AGENDA 1. Meeting Purpose 2. Project Information 3. Merger Process History 4. Project Study Alternatives (CP2) 5. Public Hearing Summary 6. VOA Concept 7. Riegelwood Shallow Bypass Concept 8. Next Steps MEETING PURPOSE The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on the project since the last Interagency Team meeting (held November 9, 2010) and to discuss evaluation of two conceptual alternatives; VOA Concept and Riegelwood Shallow Bypass Concept. PROJECT INFORMATION Description - The proposed improvements include the widening of INC 87 from US 74 -76 in Columbus County to the INC 87 Bypass (Elizabethtown Bypass) in Bladen County. A state Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared for the project. Exhibit 1 shows the project location. Purpose & Need - The Project Team concurred on the following Purpose and Need Statement on May 24, 2007: "The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and reduce travel time along the NC 87 corridor between Elizabethtown and US 74 -76. " MERGER PROCESS HISTORY The project has progressed through Concurrence Point (CP) 2A. Table 1 provides a list of concurrence meetings to date. TABLE 1: Interagency Team Concurrence Meetings Concurrence Point Date Results CP 1 5/24/2007 Concurrence on Purpose & Need (described above) (Purpose & Need, Study Area) CP 2 5/22/2008 Concurrence on Study Alternatives A & B. Also on (Study Alternatives) specific widening segments (east side vs. west side) to be carried forward. CP 2 concurrence revised at CP 2A meeting to further eliminate some segments based on more detailed design information. CP 2A 8/31/2010 Concurrence on hydraulic structures. Also revised (Hydraulic Structures) (Field) CP 2A to further eliminate some segments based on 11/9/2010 more detailed design information. (Office) 11 Page NC 87 IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 34466.4.1 TIP Project No. R -2561 INFORMATIONAL MEETING SECTION 404 /NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING March 20, 2013 PROJECT STUDY ALTERNATIVES (CP 2) Exhibits 2a and 2b show the study alternatives as described in the CP 2 form, which was revised during CP 2A discussions November 9, 2010. The study alternatives are Alternative A which follows NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74 -76, and Alternative B which is concurrent with Alternative A from the Elizabethtown Bypass to NC 11, at which point the new route follows NC 11 to US 74 -76. The project has been broken into twenty -two segments in order to evaluate design options (widening to the east or west side). The project involves widening NC 87 and portions of NC 11 to four lanes with a 46 -foot, grassed median and grass shoulders. The section through Riegelwood is proposed to be four -lane, 23 -foot grassed median with curb & gutter. The facility will have partial control of access with super- street intersection configurations. Table 2 lists the study alternatives by segment and corresponds to the November 2010 CP 2 form (revised). TABLE 2: Design Options for Detailed Study (CP 2 - Revised) Sections Common to Alternative A & Alternative B Section 1 East Section 9 East Section 2 East Section 10 East Section 3 East Section 11 East West Section 4 East Section 5 East Section 12 Section 13 East East rmm. Section 6 East Section 14 West Section 7 East West Section 15 East Section 8 East Sections Specific to Alternative A Section 16 East - Section 17 East Section 18 West Sections Specific to Alternative B Section 19 East Section 20 East Section 21 East Section 22 East PUBLIC HEARING SUMMARY Two combined public hearings were held: January 31, 2012 in Elizabethtown, and February 9, 2012 in Riegelwood. Together the hearings were attended by 329 citizens. The breakdown of comments received is listed below: 21 verbal comments were transcribed at the hearings. 83 written comments were received during or after the hearings. Three petitions were received after the hearings totaling approximately 1,500 signatures. 2 1 Page NC 87 IMPROVEMENTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING WBS Element No. 34466.4.1 SECTION 404 /NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP Project No. R -2561 March 20, 2013 Comments received in favor of the project noted factors such as improved economic development for Bladen and Columbus Counties and safety benefits from providing a median - divided facility. Comments received in opposition to the project noted: direct impacts to the Riegelwood area, direct impacts in the vicinity of the East Arcadia Elementary School, and concern with the majority of potential relocatees being older residents. Many comments that were opposed to the project (including three petitions totaling 1,493 names) stated support for evaluation of a new location alternative. The new location alternative is generally referred to locally as the "Voice of America" (VOA) Alternative, as it crosses land previously owned by the Voice of America. VOA CONCEPT Exhibit 3 shows the VOA Concept which was requested in several public comments and petitions submitted before, during, and after the 2012 public hearings. Public support for the VOA Concept is based on the avoidance of the Riegelwood area and avoidance of property impacts along NC 87 south of the VOA Concept terminus. Traffic projections were obtained for the VOA Concept when it was first suggested by the public at the 2006 citizens informational workshop. The decision was made not to study the VOA Concept any further at that time because the traffic projections showed very little traffic using the new road and cost estimates indicated building a new road would be more expensive. Due to the interest expressed in the VOA Concept at the 2012 hearings, cost estimates were updated for the concept. The latest cost estimates indicate the VOA Concept would be less expensive than widening existing NC 87, but traffic projections still show that very little traffic would use the new road. Improvements would still be required along existing NC 87 in Riegelwood, even with construction of the VOA Concept. NCDOT does not intend to study the VOA Concept any further. RIEGELWOOD SHALLOW BYPASS CONCEPT Exhibit 3 shows the Riegelwood Shallow Bypass Concept. This concept was developed as an option to minimize the impacts through the Riegelwood area associated with Alternative A. This concept also serves the highest traffic area; the immediate vicinity of the Riegelwood Paper Plant. NEXT STEPS In response to public input received at the hearings and based on continued evaluation and study, NCDOT is evaluating the following elements regarding the study alternatives: • Design revisions to minimize residential and school property impacts in the vicinity of East Arcadia School • Proposal to add the Riegelwood Shallow Bypass option as a study alternative • Prepare a revised SDEIS based on new study alternative(s) • Consider not carrying the VOA Alternative forward due to traffic service 3 1 Page NC 87 IMPROVEMENTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING WBS Element No. 34466.4.1 SECTION 404 /NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP Project No. R -2561 March 20, 2013 • Discuss Interagency Team's view of carrying Alternative B forward. • Further design minimization (interchanges) A citizens informational workshop will be held in the spring of 2013 to discuss with the public the project status and present the Riegelwood Shallow Bypass option. A merger team meeting will be held following the informational workshop to discuss any issues raised by the public and the possibility of revising Concurrence Point 2 to add the Riegelwood Shallow Bypass as a detailed study alternative. 41 Page Horseshoe Am rnc�ri I I lake Nhite Oak LADEN Jones Lake \St Pk 12 ■ LAKES Turnbull Creek ,10 Educ. St. Forest 8 .X - STATE ]lin White Lake 4 1 21 Lock 4 The * 2 3t -f 2 ^� 2 �. 1 1 ., 101 l oro 8 • -� $ DeIYYa 1 /Ga 01- I Legend w � ~ 4 Alternative A 5 Alternative B ,{ 141 ills- 3 8 Tomahawk .� .1 41 Kerr i 8 4"h it Bay Tree Lake Lake 15,t Ivanhoe E6R E :•- .gar. ,Singletary Lake E St. Pk. • r �-v N 210 � A�ki�on 11 Rowan OF NOkIx �I NC 87 Improvements Study Area and from US 74 - 76 in Columbus County to the Preliminary Alternatives Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen County NTS Y' TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit 1 �; mac• 4 Clarkton 19 4 ir 12 211 Cs Carver 3 ?.�. 10 4 • 4 ,�eaD Lock �1 210 , Council No. 6 ,r►'� 4s co4 �. East Arcadia 58ndyfield ieelwood ..�•�� =_ 74 Hallsboro j$ 15 3 cmei 3 76 30 4 Whltevllle 4 5 Luke 14 6 Bolton 1 6 FrAeman Delco �Brunswlck Waccamaw Lake W'a Inset See Exhibit 3 • 4 Sandy.Creek 1 mar_r►� { OF NOkIx �I NC 87 Improvements Study Area and from US 74 - 76 in Columbus County to the Preliminary Alternatives Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen County NTS Y' TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit 1 Turnbull Creek Section Breaks 1 -10 East NC 87 West White Lake NC 53 Singletary Lake c s NC 53 Lagoon � Elizabethtown 0 70 V i4C 87 Singletary Lake State Park et c h Ra.: tia�e Ghur � . C %0 Site #1 River C,e Pemberton Cal a t �a °r� oa Vo F °ca hv^( ee G� Airport Rd. Branch o Is" p M 1a o— a 0 90 l< san no y ) Ry -o n Mars m� 0 � Qum d � Cross = Morsh R Geeµ Pond grown d �, O��OC U Old Rosindale Ra. SR 1708 SR `' NC 53 be F°b� Revd Run Site #20 ® r ° p ® Site #3 0 w 0 s a Westbrook ® m tea. ; z °a s o r G o7 CiarVers Bladen Springs 's ti o °� '` a o� o• Q-a �i q //e �a• Joy 4� v n Legend East Widening Scenario G °rye West Widening Scenario Q Municipal Boundaries Streams s� 1 9 Baltimore Section Number W Site #0 Major Drainage Structure Ccc R SP Lisbon 2� Oi _ n� W tea• ,�� v; NC 87 from US 74 76 in Columbus Count Improvements to Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen Count Stud Alternatives y Analysis Sections - Y the YP Y Scale: 1" = 6000' TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit 2a 10 Section Breaks 10 -18 (NC 87) East NC 87 West Section Breaks 19 -22 (NC 11) 19 19©0 2021 21©2 2 East NC 87 West c °no\ Golf Course Ind t trial ■ a Ve SR 1539 o f le��a atmore Church Rd �I � 0 7 18 NC 9 ' 16 1 �� Acme � NC 6� a Kelly pok C °no\ o a CO iLO�N,°� wh`te , 7 c CSC so 0 0% \ is ��o a ,o I Zo 15 16 uct NC tj $0 ��� f mNC 873 1 1 SR 1538 Cassius Smith Rd. 14 - C, 8 , J K1n9s NCt 61 quo `''i Riegelwood creek �a Q` @) 14 ' 19 11 Site #9 stop l Site. #11 l rv�n9 �ed, o e°veV4Om C 61 79. ArrY�COua. DeICO 13 B 2p ve SR •� rr 12 O Y Creek �Q o o Elwell Ferry r Site #8 1:9 o ?� S �a 1 Site #10 ti e 4 Nc g7 o�c o 76 9 10 ` 6 dry 03A v "Site #7 t0� 3° East Arcadia y0. Pt? 1 �� °' m 3• -i Site #S `� 0 Ra o° oPJ o` E _E ° etOSn i o °so Ay LL 2 10 j � 1742 c GrObPr" r°< Ra o �a o �o a Hall Branch f �F sJ v a # 7 s v J y�o NC 87 W Site 5 �� y� or span 6r °n`b A> >A c Freeman r_ N 5 Z _ a oc w SR 1744 a w ci m ,�,� Site #4 Brighten Rd. G J `t ° C Dobbs ° Millpond m �� / D c 0 Do wood yR N e �a. / a Byrdville o swim Stand Rd. SON �Oa / 'OJ � 8 a a �O \ \�°°a 7s o�Ge �rvingstOn Creek• Fithugh Horseshoe R William Ln• ton Cbope\ Rd Iv\n s Study Alternatives NC 87 Improvements 'y from US 74 - 76 in Columbus Count to the Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen Count Analysis Sections Y YP Y Scale: 1" = 6000' '01 T0.AN5�4 TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit 2b Legend East Widening Scenario West Widening Scenario Municipal Boundaries Streams ® Section Number Site # O Major Drainage Structure 10 Section Breaks 10 -18 (NC 87) East NC 87 West Section Breaks 19 -22 (NC 11) 19 19©0 2021 21©2 2 East NC 87 West c °no\ Golf Course Ind t trial ■ a Ve SR 1539 o f le��a atmore Church Rd �I � 0 7 18 NC 9 ' 16 1 �� Acme � NC 6� a Kelly pok C °no\ o a CO iLO�N,°� wh`te , 7 c CSC so 0 0% \ is ��o a ,o I Zo 15 16 uct NC tj $0 ��� f mNC 873 1 1 SR 1538 Cassius Smith Rd. 14 - C, 8 , J K1n9s NCt 61 quo `''i Riegelwood creek �a Q` @) 14 ' 19 11 Site #9 stop l Site. #11 l rv�n9 �ed, o e°veV4Om C 61 79. ArrY�COua. DeICO 13 B 2p ve SR •� rr 12 O Y Creek �Q o o Elwell Ferry r Site #8 1:9 o ?� S �a 1 Site #10 ti e 4 Nc g7 o�c o 76 9 10 ` 6 dry 03A v "Site #7 t0� 3° East Arcadia y0. Pt? 1 �� °' m 3• -i Site #S `� 0 Ra o° oPJ o` E _E ° etOSn i o °so Ay LL 2 10 j � 1742 c GrObPr" r°< Ra o �a o �o a Hall Branch f �F sJ v a # 7 s v J y�o NC 87 W Site 5 �� y� or span 6r °n`b A> >A c Freeman r_ N 5 Z _ a oc w SR 1744 a w ci m ,�,� Site #4 Brighten Rd. G J `t ° C Dobbs ° Millpond m �� / D c 0 Do wood yR N e �a. / a Byrdville o swim Stand Rd. SON �Oa / 'OJ � 8 a a �O \ \�°°a 7s o�Ge �rvingstOn Creek• Fithugh Horseshoe R William Ln• ton Cbope\ Rd Iv\n s Study Alternatives NC 87 Improvements 'y from US 74 - 76 in Columbus Count to the Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen Count Analysis Sections Y YP Y Scale: 1" = 6000' '01 T0.AN5�4 TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit 2b h EOt NOgmC^PO' NC 87 Improvements Estimated Costs for Alternatives from US 74 - 76 in Columbus Count, to the Elizabethtown B ass in Blad Ct and Concepts o `� yp en oun y Not to Scale OF LRA M TIP No. R -2561 Exhibit yfNF`'�F