HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220241 Ver 1_MMM NCDWR Response_20220610AkMartin Marietta May 13, 2022 Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 450 W. Hanes mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem, NC 27105 Dear Ms. Homewood: Thomas Brown East Division Wetland Specialist Please reference the Request for Additional Information from your office, received by email on March 23, 2022, associated with SWR#20220241. A response to the request can be found below, with the questions/comments from the request underlined. 1. If the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requests a response to any comments received as a result of the Public Notice, please provide the Division with a copy of your response to the USACE. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(c)1 Martin Marietta received comments from the Corps of Engineers on 5/11/2022. The Division will be copied on our response to these comments. 2. Please provide a copy of the most current DEMLR approved mine map with the proposed pit expansion areas and haul roads located on the map. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1) and .0502(a)(9)] Please see attached current approved mine map associated with Permit 67-01. The Mine permit will be modified once 404/401 permits have been issued. 3. Please clarify whether the "pit" limits shown throughout the application materials depicts just the limits of the pits or the limits of the outer most proposed disturbed area necessary to mine within the pit area, such as disturbances for associated activities such as access roads, berms, sediment/erosion control measures, safety features, etc. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(1) and .0502(a)(9)1 Martin Marietta East Division 2235 Gateway Access Point, STE 400, Raleigh, NC 27607 m. (919) 268-5297 e. Thomas.Brown@martinmarietta.com www.martinmarietta.com Page 2 The Pit limits shown in the application depicts the limits of all disturbance. There will be no additional impacts to wetlands and waters associated with roads, berms, sediment/erosion control measures, safety features or any other activity not described in the application. 4. Please provide a site plan that shows the entirety of the proposed haul roads for the Bender Pit. The Division is unable to evaluate the project for avoidance and minimization without a complete understanding of the entirety of the proposed haul roads, including how the various pieces connect and where they terminate/begin within the pit and connect to other roads within the facility. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(9)1 Please see attached map (MMM Belgrade Bender Haul Road Map). Roads in high ground may be slightly re -aligned due to other permitting requirements, safety requirements, or construction requirements. 5. Please provide detailed plans for the stream relocation around the North Pit. The plans must include plan and profile details, accurate dimensions (including proposed side slopes and floodplain access), any proposed buffers, proposed bed and bank materials and construction sequence/details. Please provide specific information regarding tie in locations with the existing stream. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] MMM is providing the attached plans for relocating the stream around the north pit. The designed channel will mimic the bottom width of the existing stream. Side slopes on the proposed channel will be constructed at no more than a 2:1 slope. Where the existing stream connects to the created channel, the existing stream will be plugged with clay or other suitable material and the bank in this area may be armored with rip -rap. The created channel banks will be stabilized and vegetated with a riparian seed mix. MMM is providing four cross sections of the existing stream profile, along with photos of each cross section. These cross sections were taken as follows: Site 1 was taken upstream of the proposed relocated channel tie in. Site 2 was taken just downstream of the proposed upstream channel tie in. Site 3 was taken upstream of where the proposed channel will tie back into the original channel. Site 4 was taken downstream of where the proposed channel will tie back in to the original channel. Spoil piles exist on the south side of the stream where it was excavated before MMM controlled the property. A photo of the feature upstream of the road culvert is also provided to show active agricultural impacts to the system. 6. Please provide detailed plans and profiles for the proposed haul roads, as well as detailed construction sequences for each site. Please ensure that the plans clearly document that the proposed culverts will be installed to ensure equilibrium between the unimpacted portions of the wetlands and provide aquatic life passage. The plans should also include a detailed construction sequence demonstrating that the construction will be conducted "in the dry" and showing limits of all erosion control measures necessary to protect the adjacent wetlands. Please also clarify if any additional vegetation clearing will be needed adjacent to the proposed road for construction access. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)1 Page 3 Please see attached plans and profiles for the proposed haul roads. All Roads will be constructed in the Dry. Culverts will be field located in the lowest points to ensure equilibrium of the reach and flow of waters. The culvert in the stream crossing associated with the overburden road will be buried 1ft to allow aquatic life movement. Erosion control measures will be installed prior to construction. These measures will be designed and approved in the NC Mining Permit process. 7. Please provide additional detailed information regarding the need for the second haul road, the "Overburden Road," which is proposed to cross a large wetland complex between the existing mine facility and the proposed Bender Pit. While the Division recognizes that this road has been located in the narrowest portion of the wetland system, the direct impacts are still substantial and indirect impacts do not appear to have been considered. It is stated that "having a direct path" would reduce each trip, please provide maps with alternative road locations that were considered and the associated distances for each alternative to further justify this statement. Please provide further explanation of "necessary for operation efficiency and safety under the circumstances" and "substantial savings". [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] Please see combined response to 7 and 8 below. 8. The Division needs to understand the projected volume of traffic that will use the Overburden Road in order to further evaluate Avoidance and Minimization. How many estimated trips will trucks and/or other machinery take per day over the proposed Overburden Road during: 1.) initial site development and 2.) mining operations. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)1 During a normal operating day at the site, approximately 4,500 cubic yards of overburden material per day will be hauled from the Bender Pit, using 3 trucks, for a total of approximately 130 truck trips per day. At the same time, approximately 4,000 tons of product will be hauled to the plant from the Bender Pit, using 3 additional trucks, for a total of approximately 80 truck trips per day. The road as proposed and designed will allow a direct path from the proposed Bender Pit to the southern end of the existing pit, where we are planning to deposit overburden material. As shown on the attached "Haul Road Map" without this road, overburden trucks would need to travel north on the same road as the product haul trucks, and then loop back south on the existing road. Measuring this distance, trucks would travel approximately 0.7 miles farther each way, or 1.4 miles farther each trip, resulting in an additional 182 miles traveled each day. These additional miles are costly in fuel, truck maintenance, and time. Additional travel distances also equate to more emissions. Furthermore, using the product haul road to transport overburden material would place 6 off road trucks traveling the same road, along with the numerous passenger trucks carrying employees, not to mention loaders, drills, mechanic trucks or other equipment that travel to and from the pit at various times during the day. MMM therefore believes that a single road to the pit would create an unsafe condition and is not a practicable alternative due to these reasons. The proposed overburden road is located in the narrowest portion of the wetland system in order to minimize impacts to wetlands. MMM considered placing the road in other areas of the wetlands, and even considered constructing two one lane roads which would allow overburden trucks to work in a one-way loop traffic pattern, but we did not consider this to be the least environmentally damaging alternative because of the additional wetland impacts and therefore Page 4 did not propose it. An example of the one-way loop road system is shown on the attached map (MMM Belgrade Bender Overburden Road Alternatives). 9. Please explain why a narrower road with traffic controls (e.g. the use of a flagger or remote light to control traffic) are not a practical alternative to the proposed designed with two travel lanes. (15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)1 The proposed overburden road must be designed to MHSA standards. For the trucks currently in use at the Belgrade Quarry, the requirements are as follows: A safety Berm that is taller than half the tire height, a minimum 10ft distance between passing trucks and a minimum 10ft distance between trucks and the safety berm. Proposed impacts with a two-lane road are 100ft wide. Using the same required safety standards, a one -lane road would still need to be approximately 70ft wide and would only impact approximately 0.25 acres of wetland less than a two-lane road. MMM believes that the use of a one lane road would not only cause a hazardous condition, but would also cause trucks to sit and wait for another truck to pass, reducing the load count per day and increasing emissions and fuel use while idling. Because of these reasons listed above, in this situation a single lane road it is not practicable nor is it the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. 10. Please explain how the roadway runoff will be captured/treated. Will any stormwater from the roads discharge into or adjacent to any wetlands or streams. (15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)1 Stormwater runoff from the roadways will be captured at each end of the road by appropriate BMPs or directed to flow into the mine pit. These BMPs will be designed and approved during the mine permit process. 11. Please provide an analysis of expected indirect impacts to the section of stream between the road and the portion to be rerouted around the North Pit. This section of channel will be further removed from downstream waters and be located between two impacted sections of channel which has the potential to further degrade the functions within the channel. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] There are no expected indirect impacts. The stream originates as low energy ditches in farm fields across the road from the site. Flow rates in this section of stream will not be restricted or increased by this project. As such no negative morphological effects are expected. Moreover, the section of this stream in question was altered in the past by channelizing for agricultural purposes and the existing NCDOT Culvert. For the reasons listed above, re-routing the stream around the pit is not expected to cause any negative impact to the section of stream between the road and the proposed channel. 12. Please provide a mitigation plan which will meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0506(c). Please note Item (c)(7) indicating that no more than 25% of the mitigation requirements may be satisfied through preservation. (15A NCAC 02H .0506(c)1 Page 5 In order to meet these requirements, MMM proposes to purchase mitigation credits at a 0.75:1 ratio along with preserving the Woods Property as described in the application. MMM is currently working with a Bachelor's Delight Mitigation Bank to secure 674 stream credits and 6.72 wetland credits. A copy of this Credit Reservation will be forwarded to the Division once it is received. Preserving the Woods Property will provide wetland preservation mitigation at a ratio of 11.6:1. Furthermore this proposal would also preserve a buffer on one side of approximately 4100 linear feet of the White Oak River. This combined mitigation plan far exceeds the DWR required 1:1 mitigation ratio. 13. Please provide information to include a map showing any residential wells within 500 feet of the new pit boundaries. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3)] There are no residential wells within 500ft of the Bender Pit. Martin Marietta is currently unaware of any wells within 500ft of the Northern Expansion area. The attached current mine map includes known offsite wells. All groundwater concerns will be addressed with DWR's Groundwater Management Branch via the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area Permit (NCG02005) during the Mine Permit Process. 14. The Division is concerned that indirect hydrologic impacts will occur in adjacent wetlands as a result of mining activities. Please provide a detailed hydrologic analysis/modeling of mining activities, including pit dewatering, on the adjacent wetlands. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3)1 MMM appreciates the conversation with Sue Homewood to talk through this issue on 5/6/2022. As explained in the call, the cone of depression normally shown in limestone mining is in relation to deeper ground water and not surface ground water. As seen on maps and NCWAM forms provided in the application, high functioning wetlands exist approximately 70ft from our current pit area. These wetlands are separated from the pit by a perimeter road and berm. Similar conditions will exist in the proposed Bender Pit. A perimeter road and berm will be constructed within the proposed limits of disturbance, before the overburden slopes down to the actual mine pit. Outside of the limits of disturbance, a minimum 50ft buffer will be maintained around the existing wetlands. Due to the shape of the wetland boundary, in many places this buffer is as much as 70 to 100 ft. Furthermore, the wetlands surrounding the Bender Pit receive much of their hydrology from backwater of the White Oak River. MMM believes that due to this reason and the fact that the pit face will be separated from the wetlands by a distance of approximately 100ft or more, there will be no negative effects on the hydrology of the nearby wetland systems. Page 6 We appreciate the opportunity to respond to this request. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email at any time for any additional information or clarification. Sincerely, Thomas Brown East Division Wetland Specialist Attachments by email: 20.02.05. Begrade. Mine. Map.APPROVE D MMM Belgrade Bender Haul Road Map MMM Belgrade Bender Overburden Road Alternatives Map MMM Belgrade Bender Road Culvert Design MMM Belgrade Proposed Channel Design and Existing Conditions CATEGORY ACREAGE TO BE AFFECTED OVER LIFE OF MINE Tailings / Sediment Ponds 12 Stockpiles 122 Wastepiles (Berms) 60 Processing Area / Haul Roads 82 Mine Excavation 599 Unexcavated Buffer 46 TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED 921 TOTAL PERMITTED ACREAGE 1531 Notes: 1. Previously mined areas currently used for stockpiles/processing area are not included in mine excavation area. 2. Topo lines and parcel lines from NC OneMap Downloaded 12/26/19 3. Variations in county line between Jones and Onslow County data sets. 4. No wetlands to be disturbed without proper permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers, NC DEQ Division of Water Resources, and modification of the mine permit. / I I I // i I/ I I ,i /1 / / ' 1 // i-- i I / / / \ / i ITE 0 RIVER /^ / �• 1 // yZ' / / 11AAAA / J� / 1 i / /,/ i I i i F l"(ill/ / I ------1 1 -------1_ I 1 I l --T----J I 1 1 I--- -; I I I 5—i01 io 1 — 171I 1 1 69 j I / I 1 /.. q i / 68 L_,-`,/ I I 1 67 / 1 i t/ 661 1 /J0 i_65 1 ,��1 // 64 / of OW 61 \\\� `\ ` ), / / 63 I.gI — 60 I � --7/ / / 101 1 / / 1m1- 1/ / Iz� — / / a------1 / 62 , \ _....\ Permit Boundary Property Lines (Jones County) (Onslow County) Topographic Contour Pit Limit Future Pit Limits Buffer - Undisturbed Buffer - Unexcavated Berm (existing) Berm (to be built based on overburden supply) Body of Water Tailings / Sediment Ponds Stockpiles Processing Area / Haul Roads Wetlands Sediment Trap Energy Dissipater/Outlet Protection Culvert Diversion Ditch Natural Water Feature Monitoring Well Offsite Well Adjacent Parcel Map ID ST-B 4 41, • 45 County Parcel Map ID Number 543244635900 2 543253863100 3 543241084800 5 543241629500 543159186400 543159251800 543159243200 9 Owner Name MORRIS, GLENDA BOOTH, MICHAEL G. JR MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, INC. MARIETTA MATERIALS REAL ESTATE COLLINS, ELIZABETH BANKS MYRTLE GROVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH MYRTLE GROVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH COLLINS, CARL HORN, KENJI LEE HORN, BRIANNA L. JONES, RONALD 5 DUNN. ANTHONY COLLINS, CARL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CRDATAN DISTRICT RANGER MEADOWS, DANNY R TRUSTEE, MEADOWS REVDCA3LE LIVING TRUST 543159320100 11 543159314100 la 543271270700 14 543179412800 15 543168617300 16 543166893800 17 543166770000 18 543176269100 19 543176442800 21 543175888000 24 25 543185161300 26 543185256800 27 543185441900 28 543186900100 29 543185762900 30 543185862000 31 543185845800 32 543185931900 33 543195158500 34 543195021900 35 545367214500 36 544102520300 37 543191277600 58 49 48 0C 47 46 75 76 /17 Map ID County Parcel Number Owner Name 41 544008986700 MEADOWS, CHARLIE HEIRS 42 543087330600 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CROATAN DISTRICT RANGER 43 543000683371 DICKERSON GLENN W & GWYNDOLYN 45 543103208999 JONES LUCY G HEIRS & CHARLES A 46 543103136144 CG PARKER FARMS LLC 48 543103146734 BLANCHARD DEBORAH MATTOCKS & 50 543101066111 MCQUILLAN DONALD EDWARD 52 543101069222 BELTRAM SAMUEL ADAM & CALLI RYAN 53 543101160226 ROSSITER THOMAS CODY 54 543101161258 LUNGER JON 57 543101062486 SCHMIDT DALE W & MARIANNE P 59 542112968995 DOVE VELINDA 61 542112975184 HAMM EVELYN L 64 542112971115 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 67 542108980066 PARKER EDWARD & NANCY 68 542108971902 PARKER EDWARD E & NANCY 69 542108982127 YANCEY LENA C 70 542108982342 MANNING EDWARD GREY HEIRS & 71 542108984226 BELGRADE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT INC 72 542108985005 BELGRADE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT INC 73 543109061100 BANKS, RAYMOND 76 543222736600 TAYLOR, KEVIN 77 543232055000 TAYLOR, KEVIN 77 2 3 / SERVICE ENTRANCE 4.6 i 7- - --- --Ts -- —1-7-r-I I I -- ----1 7-iii LI 1___ __T__ ____\ ‘..: 1 ..... \ \ — I II ‘ :‘ ‘ 5 ITE OAK RIVER • • \ 13 424 et lit l▪ o lit • 44 ------------- 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 • 43 • A. • 16 FUTURE PIT (MAY BE MINED AS SEPARATE PIT OR PART OF EXIS11NG PIT) • • NTRANCE UNOFF FROM DITCH DIVERTED TO PIT • • APPROVED BY NCDEQ DEMLR FEBRUARY 5, 2020 BY: BY: BY: BY: BY: BY: BY: BY: 3 BY: 2 BY: 01/20 Reprinted Without Reclamation Layer On BY: PNP 22 EXISTING ACCESS (NOT PERMITTED FOR MINE ACCESS) NO MINING ACTIVITY IN THIS UNEXCAVATED BUFFER WITHOUT MODIFICATION OF THE MINE PERMIT c7111, • 42 • • • • • • • 34 • 41 • 33 ao 35 • 37 38 35 36 39 0 250 1500 NkMartin Marietta ine IV 3elgrade Quarry Jones and Onslow Counties, \C 38 39 543190778900 • • © 2020 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION IS PROHIBITED. 0 01/20 Updating mapping; adding eastern parcels BY: PNP DATE REVISION BY FILE NAME: Belgrade.Mine.Map QUARRY: Belgrade DWN BY: PNP DATE: JAN. 2020 DESIGN FIRM: SHEET NO. DWG. Belgrade Quarry Haul Road Map Drawn by: Thomas Brown 5-1-2022 For Permitting Purposes Only Locations Are Approximate Axe Plant Location Existing Road Overburden to be deposited here AO. Martin Marietta Haul Road ties into existing road to the plant at this point. Legend Proposed Bender Pit Road Crossings Wetland Boundary Approximate Current Pit Limits 1,000 500 0 1,000 Feet Belgrade Quarry Overburden Road Alternatives Drawn by: Thomas Brown 5-1-2022 For Permitting Purposes Only Locations Are Approximate Overburden Road One lane Entrance and Exit Alternative Approximately 3 acres of Wetland Impacts htik Martin Marietta • to Legend L. Proposed Bender Pit Wetland Boundary I— Approximate Current Pit Limits r 910 455 0 910 Feet 10' clear distance between vehicles & barrier Safety Berm Exhibit B 10' clear distance between vehicles Typical haul truck profile approx. 20.0' wide [ 7 7 Approx. 80ft top width Fill (Exceeding Pipe Crush Depth) Culvert Pipe O 100' BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY Martin rietta TYPICAL HAUL ROAD CROSSING BY BY BY BY ROAD CROSS SECTION DATE REVISION QUARRY: Belgrade © 2020 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION IS PROHIBITED. FILE NAME:Belgrade DE IGN FIRM DWN BY DATE PNP JAN 2021 JOB NO TLB NTS APi AP AP 411 411 i AP APi AP AP APi APi AP AP AP itiOzetzeiosdkems' 05' NOrp..0.0.0% e e e e e e e e e e e etor- e e e DETAIL A TWO 96" CULVERTS NTS DETAIL B ONE 48" CULVERT NTS DETAIL C ONE 60" CULVERT NTS NOTES: 1. ENSURE MINIMUM PIPE COVER MEETS MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS 2. CULVERTS TO BE FIELD LOCATED FOR WETLAND EQUILIBRIUM AND AQUATIC LIFE MOVEMENT. 3. NUMBER OF PIPES AND DIAMETER MAY BE ADJUSTED DURING INSTALLATION. HOWEVER, INSTALLED PIPES WILL BE FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT. 4. LOWER CULVERT IN DETAIL A WILL BE INSTALLED 1' BELOW THE STREAM CHANNEL GRADE TO ALLOW AQUATIC LIFE MOVEMENT. 5. CULVERTS WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE DRY. 10 BY BY BY BY Martin rietta BY BY BY 401/404 PERMIT APPLICATION BY BY BY BY BY PROPOSED WETLAND CROSSINGS CULVERT DETAILS QUARRY BELGRADE DATE REVISION BY © 2021 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION IS PROHIBITED. FILE NAME:BELGRADE.PROP.CROSSING DE IGN FIRM oWN BY PNP DATEJOB 2021 'oa. mo. SI-rr I NO PNP NTS Belgrade Quarry Culvert Locations wn Only Legend N A Approximate Current Pit Limits Road Crossings Proposed Bender Pit Wetland_Impacts Wetland Boundary mow 4-7 htik Martin Marietta DD �o U8DA, LEW, Awot2RE, flatA0 c.31 ©uo ©©ram*j • 600 300 0 600 Feet Drawn by: Thomas Bro 5/13/2021 For Permitting Purposes Locations Are Approximate C26 4 PERMIT BOUNDARY \ `\\ PROPOSED TOP OF BANK / I (DASHED LINE) I.I PROPOSED CENTERLINE I )/ PROPOSED CHANNEL EDGE (DOTTED LINE) ©2022 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPUCAT1ON IS PROHIBITED. 3 Notes: 1. CONTOUR LINES FROM NC OneMap DOWNLOADED 12/26/19 2. ALIGNMENT MAY BE FIELD ADJUSTED DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. EXISTING FEATURE jA Marietta B I s DIE IFILE NAME: Belgrade.Mine.Map Br. int ey BY. QUARRY: Belgrade DMN BR iE: JOB. ND. PNP MAY 2022 MEET NO. 1150' 1 of 1 401/404 PROPOSED ALIGNMENT DE9ON FlPot 0 2 3 4 E 5 a 8 0 7 8 9 10 11 0 5 10 15 20 WIDTH (FT) 25 30 35 40 45 2 —I I I —I I I —I I I —I I I —I I PROPOSED STREAM CROSS SECTION (TYPICAL). NOTE: • CHANNEL DIMENSIONS WILL BE DETERMINED BY TOPOGRAPHY. • ALL BANKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AT A 2:1 SLOPE. ©2022 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPUCATION IS PROHIBITED. IA Marietta er: DATE 401 /404 .r: °r tr. QUARRY: BELGRADE D°N BR W1E: JOB. BD. PNP MAY 2022 «a AS SHOWN 1 PROPOSED CROSS SECTION IFILE NAME: BELGRADE.STREAM.CS I BeB°B rwt WIDTH (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STREAM CROSS SECTION SITE 1 WIDTH (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STREAM CROSS SECTION SITE 2 u IA Marietta er: B s DATE ©2022 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPUCAT1ON IS PROHIBITED. IFILE NAME: BELGRADE.STREAM.CS DOTED Mk ar: Br. Ea, 401 /404 . r: BM Eas QUARRY: BELGRADE DMNNP BR DAlMAt Y 2022 JOB. BD. 5* AS SHOWN 1 EXISTING UPSTREAM CROSS SECTIONS 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 WIDTH (FT) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 STREAM CROSS SECTION SITE 3 WIDTH (FT) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 1 2 4 5 6 STREAM CROSS SECTION SITE 4 ©2022 BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPUCATION IS PROHIBITED. N B 0 s DALE fl BY ar: ar: 401 /404 .r: °r ey QUARRY: BELGRADE DMN BR DAlt JOB. ND. S PNP MAY 2022 Na AS HOWN 1� Marth rietta EXISTING DOWNSTREAM CROSS SECTIONS IFILE NAME: BELGRADE.STREAM.CS rwt Site 1 Photo, Upstream of Proposed Channel Site 2, Downstream of Upstream Proposed Channel Tie in Site 3, Upstream of Proposed Downstream Channel Tie in Site 4, Downstream of proposed Channel Channel Conditions Across the road from Site