HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-3434 (9)NEPA /404 Merger Team Meeting Concurrence Points 1 & 2 - Purpose and Need /Define Study Area - Alternatives to be Carried Forward Proposed Improvements to SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) between US 17 Bypass and NC 211, Brunswick County TIP Project # R- 3434/WBS # 34545.1.1/FA Project # STP- 1500(6) September 19, 2012 Structure Design Conference Room Century Center Purpose of Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to submit information to the NEPA /404 Merger Team in order to reach concurrence on Points 1 & 2, Purpose and Need /Define Study Area & Alternatives to be Carried Forward. Project Planning Engineer: Kristine A. O'Connor, P.E. kaoconnor @ncdot.gov (919) 707 -6034 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The NCDOT proposes to improve SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) between US 17 Bypass and NC 211 near Bolivia in Brunswick County (see Figure 1). The length of the project is approximately 7.5 miles. Right of way acquisition is scheduled for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 and construction is currently unfunded in the 2012 -2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The total estimated cost for the proposed project in the STIP is $35,417,000, which includes $1,000,000 for right of way acquisition, $34,000,000 for construction and $417,000 for mitigation. PROJECT BACKGROUND INFORMATION Roadway Classification & Use The proposed project is located in Brunswick County. SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) are both classified as major collectors by NCDOT and the corridor provides a north -south connection between NC 211 and the US 17 Bypass, which are designated as county and statewide hurricane evacuation routes, respectively. SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) serve an important role in regional access to area beach communities, including Southport, Oak Island, and St. James. In addition, SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) provide a connection to the newly opened "Second Bridge" to Oak Island, providing a critical additional access point to this popular coastal destination. Existing Roadway Conditions SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) are both two -lane facilities with twelve - foot lanes and variable grass shoulders between 1.5 to 2 -feet within a 60 -foot right of way. The intersection of the two roads at US 17 Business is offset by approximately 700 feet, with SR 1401 (Galloway Road) intersecting US 17 Business slightly to the east of its intersection with SR 1500 (Midway Road). In 2011, the Division completed some resurfacing and shoulder work along this facility, increasing pavement widths on SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) in order to provide wider lanes and paved shoulders, as well as wider dirt shoulders, although no changes were made to the horizontal alignments. Currently, there are several curves on SR 1500 (Midway Road) that do not meet the statutory speed limit of 55 miles per hour (mph), although there are yellow warning signs advising travelers of the upcoming curves and posting a cautionary speed limit in the approaches. Drainage Structures There are six (6) existing drainage structures along the existing facility, three (3) bridges (Bridges # 23, 25, and 104) and three (3) culverts. The three bridges have sufficiency ratings of 6, 6, and 5 (out of 100), respectively, and have all been designated as structurally deficient. R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 2 Bridge #25 is proposed to be replaced independently from this project as part of a design -build contract under the 17BP State - Funded Bridge Replacement program. Known Environmental Features Given its location in the Coastal Plain of Eastern North Carolina, there are several wetland areas identified within the project area, as well as several existing stream crossings. There are no historic properties or Section 4(f) resources in the study area, although there is one federally protected species (Wood stork) with a biological conclusion of "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect." There are two churches that may potentially be impacted along the project length, Antioch Missionary Church and Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as the cemetery associated with Antioch Missionary Church, which is located in a sharp curve on SR 1500 (Midway Road) near the intersection of SR 1501 (Gilbert Road). Near its northern termini, this project is also adjacent to the Brunswick County Government Complex. Traffic Information • 2011 average annual daily traffic (AADT) on SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) ranged between 1,700 and 5,000 vehicles per day (vpd), with estimated summer peak volumes between 1,955 and 5,750 vpd. • 2035 projected traffic volumes on SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) are projected to range from 3,500 vpd to 10,200 vpd, with estimated summer peak volumes varying between 4,025 and 11,730 vpd. • For the No Build condition, i.e., if no improvements are made, the projected Level of Service (LOS) along the mainline of this facility is expected to be LOS E in the year 2035. Table 1 below provides greater detail on the Levels of Service that are expected in the future year for different intersections along the project length. Table 1: 2035 No Build Intersection Level of Service (LOS)# Mainline Y -Line 2035 No Build Galloway Road US 17 Bypass F` Gallo%vay Road US 17 Business F- Mid-ovay Read US 17 Business F" M dway Read GoA. Center Complex F" Midwy Read Green Lewis Road C* Midway Read Gilbert Road C* Midwa Road NC 2.11 E *Highway Capacity Software does not provide overall LOS for unsignaIized intersections # Level of Service based on average annual daily traffic volumes, not summer peak volumes R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 3 Public Involvement NCDOT held a Citizens' Informational Workshop in the Council Chambers of the David R. Sandifer Administration Building at the Brunswick County Government Complex on Monday, October 24th, 2011. Approximately 85 citizens and local officials attended to learn about the project and express their comments and concerns. The comments expressed are summarized as follows: • SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) should be widened to four lanes, curves smoothed, and bridges replaced. • There is a need for protected left turn movements and a median at SR 1556 (Hewett Road) and SR 1507 (Brown Road) in order to increase safety. • A 4 -lane road will lead to increased congestion and crashes. • The improvements proposed to SR 1500 (Midway Road) are critical for Oak Island EMS response to medical emergencies. • Widening SR 1500 (Midway Road) to four lanes would substantially increase safety and traffic flow on this facility. • The project should be accelerated so that this facility will be improved prior to the opening of the rest of Interstate 140. • The addition of an interchange at the existing intersection of SR 1500 (Midway Road) and NC 211 would be a cause of concern for businesses and property owners seeking potential development opportunities. • Accessibility to residential and commercial developments is crucial. • A roundabout at SR 1501 (Gilbert Road) and SR 1500 (Midway Road) or at US 17 Business and SR 1500 (Midway Road) should be investigated. R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 4 CONCURRENCE POINT 1 PURPOSE & NEED NEED FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT The need for the proposed project is based on the following deficiencies: Safety There are several locations along this project where the existing horizontal alignment does not meet current standards, including curves with sharp radii that do not meet the statutory speed limits, which contribute to the high number of lane departure crashes along this facility (84 over a 5 -year period, or 43% of the total number of crashes). The intersections of SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) with US 17 Business also pose a potential safety hazard due to their close proximity, and need to be realigned into one intersection and possibly signalized. In addition, there are also several bridges along this facility that are structurally deficient and are in need of replacement. Emergency Response & Evacuation This corridor provides connections to NC 211 and US Highway 17 Bypass, both designated hurricane evacuation routes. As observed during post- hurricane conditions, other similar facilities in the area, such as NC 211, NC 87, and NC 133, have a history of flooding problems, which can hamper emergency response. SR 1500 (Midway Road), on the other hand, is typically found to be one of the least flood -prone roadways in the area, with elevations ranging from 25 to 50 feet above mean sea level, thus providing an ideal exit valve for evacuation traffic, as well as a reliable artery for emergency responders. Additionally, a plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for the Brunswick Nuclear Plant has been delineated as a 10 -mile radius around the plant for evacuation planning and protection during radiological emergencies. Approximately 4 of the subject project is included in the EPZ. Progress Energy operates a shelter in Bolivia near the northern project terminus, as well as an Emergency Operating Facility (EOF) at the Brunswick County Government Center. During events, travel is required on Midway Road between the EOF, the government center, and the power plant. PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of this project is: to make operational improvements to address current & future safety issues and improve the traffic handling capacity in order to handle post -storm & general emergency response events. R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 5 STUDY AREA DEFINED For the purposes of this project, the study area has been defined as a corridor that varies in width from 500 -feet near the intersection with NC 211 to nearly 2300 -feet in the vicinity of US 17 Business. This study area was previously defined on the Environmental Features Map used for the May 2012 Scoping meeting (see Figure 3 of this Merger packet). R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 6 CONCURRENCE POINT 2 ALTERNATIVES TO BE CARRIED FORWARD INITIAL ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Three alternatives were initially considered as part of this proposed project and are described in detail below. Alternative 1— 2 Lanes on 2 -Lane Right of Way Alternative 1 includes upgrading the existing horizontal alignment of the two -lane facility to current standards. In addition, the intersections of SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) with US 17 Business will be realigned into one intersection. As part of this proposed project, all structurally insufficient bridges will be replaced. Alternative 2 — 4 Lanes on 4 -Lane Right of Way Alternative 2 includes widening the existing two -lane facility to a four -lane, median - divided facility and upgrading the horizontal alignment to current standards. In addition, the intersections of SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) with US 17 Business will be realigned into one intersection. As part of this proposed project, all structurally insufficient bridges will be replaced. Alternative 3 — 3 Lanes on 4 -Lane Right of Way Alternative 3 includes widening the existing two -lane facility to a three -lane facility with a dedicated center turn lane and upgrading the horizontal alignment to current standards. In addition, the intersections of SR 1500 (Midway Road) and SR 1401 (Galloway Road) with US 17 Business will be realigned into one intersection. As part of this proposed project, all structurally insufficient bridges will be replaced. Safety In order to address the high level of lane departure crashes, several improvements are recommended, including widening lanes and adding greater width to the paved shoulders, reconstructing the sharp curves to provide gentler radii, creating wider clear zones, and providing adequate width for grass shoulders. R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 7 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES At the project scoping meeting held on May 17, 2012, the resource agencies requested that NCDOT consider a 3 -lane alternative in order to minimize impacts. However, since both the 3- lane and 4 -lane alternatives would be constructed within 4 -lane right -of -way limits, the impacts to resources must be considered at the higher level, and therefore, there is no difference in the magnitude of impacts between Alternatives 2 and 3. Table 2 shows an itemized list of resources and how they will be impacted by each alternative. Table 2: Resource Impacts Resource Impacts Alternative 1 Alternatives 2 & 3 Length (miles) 7.5 7.5 Railroad Crossings 0 0 Schools 0 0 Recreational Areas & Parks 0 0 Churches 0 2 Cemeteries 0 0 Major Utility Crossings 1 1 National Register Listed /Eligible /Potentially Eligible Properties 0 0 Federally Listed Species 1* 1* 100 -Year Floodplain Crossings 2 2 Potential Relocations (Res. /Bus.) 2 12 Wetland Impacts (acres) 3.1 6.3 Stream Impacts (linear feet) 2,460 2,997 Water Supply /Watershed Protected Areas 0 0 Wildlife Refuges /Game Lands 0 0 Section 4(f) /Section 6(f) Properties 0 0 Voluntary Agricultural Districts 1 1 Archaeological Sites 0 0 * The biological conclusion for the wood stork is "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect" All three alternatives would encroach on the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) to varying degrees, as well as crossing the 100 -year floodplain in two locations. R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 8 CONCLUSIONS NCDOT typically utilizes 3 -lane sections to address congestion related to a high volume of left turns, which is more prevalent in urban areas rather than rural areas such as this one. Often, 3 -lane sections are used to address targeted sections of roadway that are experiencing specific problems. In this case, a 3 -lane section would end up being utilized as a high -speed passing lane, which invites misuse and creates safety concerns. Therefore, a 3 -lane section on SR 1500 (Midway Road) would not be a suitable cross section for this facility, particularly given its length. Due to concerns about the potential safety hazards related to a 3 -lane section, NCDOT proposes to eliminate Alternative 3. It is recommended that two alternatives are carried forward for detailed study: Alternative 1 (2 lanes on 2 -lane right of way) and Alternative 2 (4- lanes on 4 -lane right of way). R -3434 CP 1 & CP 2 Packet 9 �P N 4b O' �p Z � w oZ) z U) Q m CO) -j J W C) O � Q = J c) LLJ Op =wz IXLLLL 0W QUO 2 ~ U z z Z a: 0wO O LL. ?afz z0Oaw O o cp F- a- (j) -0 d W 0 Q m 2 w , Q W z C-) 0 Q M W O J D O0-1 OYe0 W F -C)w Z 0 Q W c:) N Z d W _j .qj U)r'TZ�a 06 12 U) 2 CO C%40 00 a QLJL BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 1 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� d � � 2 m 06 NO�0O W aLL BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 2 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m aWa0 zM W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W Lo T- U 5 NT- pa�cf)2 06 NO�a0 W aLL BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 3 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� pa�cf)2 06 NO�a0 W aLL Z \ BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 4 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� a�cf)2 NO�a0 W aLL n BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 5 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 U Z H Q W Z m Q N H N 0. oO <aQ F— = J Z J Q J Z � ~ �au.�w UO Z Z ~ Z =QOWO �� —O> Ou. >wZ z0oaw O 0, cn a cn Q �LU0 J C ~ N r QwQo z� WO?� JmO� U as -C)OUW W 2 2 � LU J LU Z CL qt 'q'OT�Zw co 06 (L cn 2 � N cl 00 a Q LL -`--,-2L BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 6 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� pa�cf)2 06 NO�a0 W aLL BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 7 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m aWa0 zM W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� 2 � 06 cf) NOc/)0O W aLL BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 8 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw Q z a- q Lu J W � U 5 N� pa�cf)2 06 NO�a0 W aLL z BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 9 of 11 UQQ �Z 2 4 2 � ti wo a�a 3fbfs O pPQ4 LLI Z F- Q Vi 0O <aQ H O = J z V' W Q J 2 > ~ aLL w UO Z z ~ z =QOWO U) 'M 0 > 0 5; LL >_wz zOOaw ° °aN a Q ~0W �W0�m J��a�N aW � zM a0 W O ?� J m 0 0� OYU W (7 ~Uw z Q a- u q LW � U � � 06fa�c NOa0 W aLL z BY: J.TORTORELLA County: BRUNSWICK Div: TIP# 3 R -3434 WBS: 34545.1.1 Date: AUGUST 2012 Figure 2 Sheet 10 of 11 I n1 I I I r I ZI m1 1 = I mI m1 ` I }� ! ` • .. 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