HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG040139_Wetland Determination/Report_20220610WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT BRADFIELD FARMS - SILVERTON WATER INTERCONNECT 4236 FELLOWS LANE HARRISBURG, CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49:14290 FOR BLUE GRANITE WATER COMPANY JULY 14, 2021 ECS Southeast, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" Geotechnical • Construction Materla€s • Environmental • Facilities Mr. John Holbrook Blue Granite Water Company 130 South Main Street Wilmington, NC, 29601 July 14, 2021 ECS Project No. 49:14290 Reference: Waters of the US Delineation Report, Bradfield Farms - Silverton Water Interconnect, 4236 Fellows Lane, Harrisburg, Cabarrus County North Carolina Dear Mr. Holbrook: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) is pleased submit this report of the Waters of the US services for the above -referenced site. ECS services were provided in general accordance with ECS Proposal No. 49:26098P authorized on June 15, 2021 and generally meet the requirements of the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual, and on the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, Version 2.0 dated April 2012. Based on our field reconnaissance, potentially jurisdictional Waters of the US (WOUS) are present onsite. If there are questions regarding this report, or a need for further information, please contact the undersigned. ECS Southeast, LLP Ronjohnson Senior Project Manager rgjohnson@ecslimited.com 7049953963 Brandon Fulton, LSS, PSC, PWS Environmental Principal bfulton@ecslimited.com 7049685704 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 • T: 704-525-5152 • F: 704-357-0023 • ecslimited.com ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Southwest, LLP ECS Capitol Services, PLLC -An Associate of the ECS Group of Companies ECS Southeast, LLP PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1 2.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 1 2.1 Literature Review........................................................ 1 2.2 Methodology for Field Investigation ........................................ 1 2.3 Methodology for Delineating Streams ...................................... 2 3.0 FINDINGS ................................................................... 2 3.1 Literature Review Summary ............................................... 2 3.2 Field Investigation Findings ............................................... 3 4.0 REGULATORY DISCUSSION.................................................... 3 5.0 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION/BUFFER REQUIREMENTS ........................... 4 5.1 State Riparian Buffer Requirements ........................................ 4 5.2 Local Buffer Requirements ................................................ 4 5.3 Stormwater Requirements ................................................ 4 6.0 CONCLUSIONS............................................................... 4 ECS Project # 49:14290 ECS Southeast, LLP II E_1.114 4107 4 L 11114 *1 Appendix I: Figures Appendix II: Photographic Log ECS Project # 49:14290 C ECS Southeast, LLP 1.0INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings of the wetland and stream delineation study conducted by ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) for Blue Granite Water Company at the Bradfield Farms - Silverton Water Interconnect located 4236 Fellows Lane, Harrisburg, Cabarrus County, North Carolina (35.2595082,-80.6454538). According to the Cabarrus County GIS website, the site comprises Parcel No(s). 55058384670000 and 55059312030000. The study area includes approximately 1,620 linear feet, as shown on the Site Location Map (Appendix I, Figure 1). The site currently consists of consists of undeveloped, moderately wooded land. The purpose of this study was to identify and delineate jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. (WOUS) within the project study area (PSA). Wetlands are defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances, do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." In order for an area to be classified as wetland, hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology indicators must be present described in the 1987 "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" and the Appropriate Regional Supplement. 2.0 METHODOLOGY This WOUS delineation is based on ECS' professional judgment and application of the technical criteria presented in the 1987 USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual, and on the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, Version 2.0 dated April 2012. ECS completed the following tasks to identify and delineate potentially jurisdictional WOUS boundaries onsite: 2.1 Literature Review ECS wetland scientists reviewed the US Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map, US Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) Soil Survey of Cabarrus County, the USDA NRCS 2015 National Hydric Soils List for Cabarrus County, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Floodplain Mapping Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Wetlands Mapper, and available aerial photographs to identify potentially jurisdictional Waters of the US (i.e., streams, wetlands, natural ponds, lakes), and available watershed information. 2.2 Methodology for Field Investigation Wetland boundaries were delineated using the routine onsite determination method described in the USACE Manual and Regional Supplement, in conjunction with the Piedmont 2016 Regional Wetland Plant List, and the USDA Soil Survey. ECS Project # 49:14290 Page 1 ECS Southeast, LLP ECS performed onsite wetland delineations as described above. First, site hydrology was observed and the plant community within the data plot was characterized. The dominant plant species within each community were then identified, and it was determined whether or not hydrophytic (wetland) plants dominated the plant community. The USFWS has defined five wetland plant indicator categories including: • Obligate wetland (OBL) - has >99% probability of occurring in wetlands • Facultative wetland (FACW) - has 66% to 99% chance of occurring in wetlands • Facultative (FAC) - has 33% to 66% chance of occurring in wetlands • Facultative upland (FACU) - has 1 to 33% chance of occurring in wetlands • Upland (UPL) - has <1 % chance of occurring in wetlands • No Indicator (NI) - no wetland indicator for the specified species, considered UPL Plants identified as OBL, FACW, or FAC are considered wetland plants (or hydrophytes) by USACE. In areas determined to have hydrophytic vegetation and potential wetland hydrology, an approximately 16-24 inch hand auger soil boring or shovel test pit was completed to determine if hydric soils were present. The soil boring was also inspected to determine if indicators of wetland hydrology (inundation, soil saturation, etc.) were present. Once an area is determined to be a wetland, further testing was performed to locate the wetland/ upland (non -wetland) boundary. A second soil data point was completed in the upland area to document non -wetland conditions. Wetland boundaries were marked with consecutively numbered surveyor's ribbon flags. Data forms specified in the Regional Supplement were completed for each wetland and non -wetland soil data point location. The data forms recorded the vegetation, soils, and hydrology observations used in making the wetland determinations. 2.3 Methodology for Delineating Streams During the field investigation for wetlands, ECS identified streams onsite that would be considered jurisdictional by state and federal regulatory agencies. ECS used field indicators such as flow, substrate composition, presence/absence of defined bed and banks, origin of hydrologic source, presence/absence of vegetation in the stream channel, and composition and relative abundance of resident benthic mac roinvertebrates to classify onsite streams into three stream types: ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial. 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Literature Review Summary The following is a summary of the available desktop information that was reviewed as part of this WOTUS Delineation: • According to the USGS Topographic Map, Charlotte, North Carolina Quadrangle dated 1988 (Figure 2), the PSA is situated at an approximate elevation of 550-650 feet above mean sea level (MSL). ECS Project # 49:14290 Page 2 ECS Southeast, LLP According to the NRCS Cabarrus County Soil Survey, (Figure 3), soils on the PSA have been mapped as Unit(s) IdB: Iredell loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, PoD: Poindexter loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, ChA: Chewacla sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded. The aforementioned soils were not listed as hydric soils on the national hydric soils list for Cabarrus County, North Carolina. • The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS), Panel 3710550500M, dated November 16, 2018 (Figure 4) indicates the PSA is located in Zone AE. • The US Fish and Wildlife NWI map (Figure 5) does not identify wetlands in the PSA but identifies one riverine features and McKee Creek through the PSA. • The site is located within the Reedy Creek watershed and is identified as Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 030401050302. 3.2 Field Investigation Findings ECS personnel conducted the field investigation on June 28, 2021. The last precipitation event prior to the site reconnaissance was on June 23, 2021 and approximately 0.06 inch was recorded. During the reconnaissance, ECS observed the PSA for evidence of WOUS, including ponds, streams, and wetlands. Jurisdictional streams were marked with blue flagging tape along each bank and located using a Trimble Geo7X hand-held GPS unit capable of sub -foot accuracy. ECS identified one jurisdictional stream, summarized in Table 1 below. Table 1: WOUS Summary Table Wetland/Stream ID Classification Acreage Linear Feet (if applicable) Stream S1 (McKee Perennial N/A approx. 100 Creek) 4.0 REGULATORY DISCUSSION The WOUS are regulated by Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act. State and Federal law dictates that any disturbance to WOUS must be permitted through the appropriate agencies. Upon your request, we will contact the USACE to schedule a field meeting to conduct a wetlands and Waters boundary confirmation and preliminary jurisdictional determination. The timeline of this process is dependent on the availability of the regulator. If any potential impacts are proposed, we can assist you with permitting options and support to complete the process. In the interim, we recommend further review of state and federal agency records pertaining to Section 7 (Federal Endangered Species Act) and Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act). These reviews will generally be required to verify compliance for either the Nationwide Permit (NWP) or General Permit conditions. ECS Project # 49:14290 Page 3 ECS Southeast, LLP If jurisdictional wetlands and streams are present at the site, planned land disturbance in these areas would likely require a permit from the USACE and/or the North Carolina Division of Water. .0 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION/BUFFER REQUIREMENTS 5.1 State Riparian Buffer Requirements The site is located in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin. Surface waters within the Yadkin Pee Dee River basin are not subject to State mandated riparian buffers. 5.2 Local Buffer Requirements ECS reviewed the Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances to determine if the county has vegetative buffer requirements for surface waters. According to the Ordinance, a minimum one hundred -foot vegetative buffer is required for all new development activities that exceed the low density option; otherwise, a minimum fifty -foot vegetative buffer for development activities is required along all perennial waters indicated on the most recent versions of U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps or as determined by local government studies. Desirable artificial streambank or shoreline stabilization is permitted. ECS recommends consultation with a civil engineer to determine if mandatory vegetative buffers and/ or regulated development (impervious surfaces) setbacks are required for the site in addition to those mentioned above. 5.3 Stormwater Requirements Surface waters located within the PSA appear to flow to the Yadkin Pee Dee River, which is classified as a Class C water. Class C waters are protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. ECS reviewed the NCDWR online stormwater permitting map to determine jurisdiction of NCDWR stormwater regulations. According to the online permitting map, it appears the site is located in an area designated as Local Permitting Authority. ECS recommends consultation with a civil engineer to determine if mandatory vegetative buffers and/or regulated development (impervious surfaces) setbacks are required for the site in addition to those mentioned above. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS One jurisdictional streams totaling approximately 100 linear feet was identified and delineated within the study area. The locations and boundaries of jurisdictional Waters are illustrated on the attached Waters of the U.S. Delineation Map (Figure 6). The flagged WOUS boundaries are subject to change during the jurisdictional determination meeting with the USACE. ECS cannot guarantee that field conditions and/or WOUS boundaries will not change over time. ECS Project # 49:14290 Page 4 Appendix I: Figures Legend N �nuw i]r 3� �rRd C Silverton Project Study Area o f; -Il Client: 1 � a L o n Blue Granite o Water Company r n J o 0 Zj_, Project: N N x C 01a�� x � Bradfield Farms gyPi �, Silverton Water �h0- Interconnect Charlotte, 116ordR Cabarrus County, o North Carolina �� APPaJoo Q-o I �a sd�� e� Title: enLwy Reedy creek ° `4J ` ` SITE LOCATION m Greenway MAP a z ` a _ 0 Gommon John Bostar�- 1 inch = 0.5 miles MECKLENBURG COUNTY Q d a or,rir ` Sherman _ Branch Cdrry Fiegnnal Park ASt� ..,khav� Drawn By: Checked By: art Rd Dr �%. a JDG JDG ICIO u Approved By: Date: 3 Lu 11. WBF 07/09/2021 ECS Project No. ¢a { 49:14290 FIGURE 1 4 r Legend Silverton Project Study Area b.. d. 0 —W i l3*%. r4 Client: 4 74"W Blue Granite JA)2Jrt;000r Water Company r�' f Project: !, Bradfield Farms N 0 250 500 • Silverton Water Interconnect Charlotte, Cabarrus County, North Carolina I Title: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DATED: 1988 CHARLOTTE, NC 7.5X7.5 MINUTE PROJECT STUDYAREA Q 5 �r b . Drawn By: Checked By: JDG JDG Approved By: Date: WBF 07/09/2021 ECS Project No. • 49:14290 1,000 FIGURE 2 Feet Legend Silverton Project Study Area JP a � ' ti • .�" N Client: Blue Granite Water Company Bradfield Farms Silverton Water AlInterconnect Charlotte, Cabarrus County, North Carolina ' f Title: i • USDA NRCS SOIL MAP h Project Study Area ' r ources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, SGS, Intermap, CREMENT P, NRCan, Esri m Drawn By: Scale: Are • *`t @ JDG 1 in = 167 ft Approved By: Date: WBF 07/09/2021 r ECS Project No. -AWL i . 49:14290 t � 0 100 s 200 400 FIGURE 3 - Feet v.ciorliiiiudi rHHlu ndcdiu Future Conditions 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard 583.2 ZoneAE N Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee v �r Area with Risk Due to Levee Ln 103 Zone AE Client: 5.6 7 Goa, 08 Blue Granite Water Company Zone S\1" AE 010 Zone �� e S1 Zone Project: �A_ E— Zone AE `r AE t1 PCT FUTURE eOZon CONDITIONS PANEL s965\ 131 Bradfield Farms Zone AE 3710550500M Silverton Water ZoneAE eff. 11/16/2018 PANEL Interconnect Charlotte, T 3710551500K Cabarrus County, ROFURE CONDITIONS S9 Zone X PANEL 9North Carolina S eff. 11/16/2018 3710550500M COMMUNITY PANEL eff.11116/2018 ENCROACHMENTAREA 144 3710551500K Title: Zone AE 600. eff. 11/16/2018 1 PCT FUTURE 602 2 e AE CONDITIONS 60. on FEMA FIRM Zone X�\ i,Nu URE MAP 602.1 Zo PyCT1�PC,TIF,�JT �E COMMUNITY AE C NCCONDITI S ENCROACHMENTAREA Zone ZoReZone'X Zone AE AE Zone AE Zo11ePHT-FUTU CONf6'D4.3S� Zone AE COMMUNITY Project Study Area 1 PCT FUTURE CONDITIOZonPS\OsoXENCROACHMENTAREA Zone X Zone ZA00. Zone AE 1 PCT FUTURE CONDITIONS AE Zone X one AE r T ^ TiJRE CONDITIONS Zone AE COMMUNITY . �,�T�r . W ��• VTF. ACTURE COMMUNITY � �ENCRQACHMENT•AREA ENCROACHMENTAREA AE C- zone", ,E� ZoneAE 609.6 �C©MMONITYREA Zone AE ZoneEENCROACHMENT AREA urc SnEsm pERE,Garmin, Zone � Zone AE 1 PCT FUTURE CONDITIONS CREMENT P, NRCan, Esri 1 PCT FUTURE AEne Zone Zone X Drawn By: Scale: CONDITIONS AE JDG 1 in = 1,000 ft Zone X COMMUhZone AE > '� COfENCROA'CI-1M' ENT�AREAeNT Approved By: Date: Zone AE COMMUNITY ENCROACHMENT 611.4 AREZone,A. E WBF 06/21/2021 AREA ��E PANEL PANEL No. ECS Project t PANEL Zone AE Zone AE 3710551400M 3710551400M 4No. 0 3710550400K 1 PCT FUTURE Zone 1 PCT CONDITIONS` AE FUTURE CONDITIONS 0 500 1,000 2,000 FIGURE 4 eff. 2/19/2014 Zone X Zone AE Zone X Feet Legend Silverton Project Stud Area ! . '[ 1 Y � '- Wetlands:,,`fr ,` •>�. y 4: ,"� t�► �l Client: Estuarine and Marine Deepwater t: ' Blue Granite Estuarine and Marine Wetland Water Company Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Project: Y �. Freshwater Pond '� 1 Bradfield Farms - Lake /i Silverton Water Other {; �, �^ Interconnect Charlotte, ` E Cabarrus County, Riverine i�, 1 ` North Carolina 1. Title: NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP PROJECT STUDYAREA fir; '.' / ��. •� �^l�. .'1'T `,� s! , ..� � Drawn By: Checked By: MwJDG JDG WL roved A : Date: } rS pp B Y WBF 07/09/2021 ECS Project No. 49:14290 it �. 250 500 1,0 Po 00 FIGURE 5 `' � Feet Legend Silverton Project Study Area Potential Stream Stream 1 Left bank 111 Ae 171 y � �+-- Stream 1 Right bank Nmod Client: Blue Granite Water Company Project: Bradfield Farms Silverton Water Interconnect Charlotte, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Potential Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Map k u �' Try' •w 1. JURISDICTIONAL WATERS y' • Y 5 �` i. 1�i. ; F { OF THE US WERE DELINEATED r _ •r 4 ,y BY ECS ON JUNE 30, 2021 - A�• i � ..� � �'�•'� � . #-I �' _ 2. FEATURES DEPICTED ON �_ i „ i' �• �' 'r + THIS MAP HAVE NOT BEEN ;y +r r t •�4 C VERIFIED BY THE USACE �,. f 4, ^ ��•a} } ` OR NCDWRAND ARE ��! �` l +;•� •� � ► SUBJECT TO CHANGE. `~ •' , � : � ` 3. THIS MAP SHOULD BE J 3' USED FOR PRELIMINARY n �► PLANNING PURPOSES. Drawn By: Checked By: JDG WBF /g Approved By: Date: WBF 07/09/2021 ECS Project No. Jiwy i x� 49:14290 0 55 110 220 FIGURE 6 Fe t Appendix II: Photographic Log July 14, 2021 ... '�_ IZ . ��' '4 may,. �•Y j`�� r