HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0082970_Draft Permit_20220613ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, Jr. Director NORTH CAROLINA fnvrronmerrfii rtaIr�y June 7, 2022 T. Pratt Summers, Vice President, Operations CTI of North Carolina, Inc. P.O. Box 576 Savannah, GA 31402 Subject: Review of NPDES Permit DRAFT Permit NC0082970 CTI of North Carolina, Inc. Wilmington Terminal, WPCS PC-1 1002 S. Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401 New Hanover County Mr. Summers: On July 7, 2021, The Division of Water Resources (DWR or the Division) received your application to renew the subject permit for discharge to surface waters of the State. We hereby provide this draft for your review and comment. Please review this draft carefully to ensure your understanding of its limits and monitoring requirements. Concurrent with this transmission, the Division will solicit public comment by publishing a notice in newspapers having circulation in the general New Hanover County area, as required by the NPDES Program. Please submit your written comments (if any), attention NCDEQ / DWR / NPDES, attention Wren Thedford, no later than July 12, 2022 (approximately 30 days after receiving this document). We welcome your written comments, but they are not mandatory. Please note that the receiving stream, the Cape Fear River, is listed as impaired for aquatic life on the North Carolina 2020 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division as we continue to evaluate instream data. If you report noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment may be attributed to your facility, DWR may require mitigative measures. Monthly Report Submittals: Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all program reports and Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). Please note that CTI must continue to report using the Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) programs permit [see permit section A. (8.)]. LD_EQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 -- 919.707.3616 T. Pratt Summers, V.P. of Operations Renewal - Draft Permit Review Jun2022 Page 2 Summary of Changes for Renewal: 1) updated Site Map and permit text for Electronic Reporting [section A. (8.)] 2) renewal continues to require test methods EPA 624/625, hereby updated to 624.1 and 625.1 with revised text [see section A. (1.) and Special Condition Additional Monitoring and Reporting Requirements A. (7.)]. For your convenience, this Special Condition provides a reference for reporting parameters on monthly eDMRs, if detected. 3) discontinued monitoring for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) because the receiving stream is not impaired for TSS 4) revised Turbidity units from 25 NTU to 50 NTU because the receiving steam is classified SC and it is not impaired for Turbidity 5) deleted previous Footnote 6. [Sections A. (1.) and A. (2.)] addressing Naphthalene (not applicable) 6) added pH monitoring to both outfalls [required by EPA of industrial permits]. 7) corrected Oil & Grease (O&G) parameter code from 00556 to 00552 [reference EPA Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) intended to target petroleum hydrocarbons rather than soaps/fats] 8) Outfall 001 Only - Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing -- DWR hereby replaces Acute TAE6C with saltwater Chronic EPA Method 1007.0 Mysid shrimp, P/F Permit Limited (see Rationale below). Rationale for Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing at Outfall 001: a. CTI combines remediated groundwater and stormwater discharging continuously at Outfall 001. In accord with permitting guidance, DWR defines this effluent as chemically complex. A Complex wastestream with continuous flow requires a Chronic WET test [see Director's Memo — Colene Sullins, 1999]. b. DWR evaluates WET using aquatic test species and the flow ratio of effluent vs. the receiving stream, or the instream waste concentration (IWC) expressed as a percentage. However, CTI discharges to SC waters (influenced by ocean tides - no evident 7Q10 stream flow) where the IWC has not been quantified and may not be quantified without CTI's further study. c. Assigning an alternate WET -test method may require a dilution study to establish an IWC. Upon request, CTI may initiate this study to establish alternate testing considering saltwater vs. freshwater to be performed in accord with methods establish by the Division [see Director's Memo — Colene Sullins, 1999]. d. It follows therefore, that until the Permittee may request approval for further study, DWR shall, for renewal at Outfall 001 only, replace acute test TAE6C with Chronic test EPA Method 1007.0 - Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia), Pass/Fail, permit limited for saltwater. This test is performed at 90% effluent concentration, monitored Quarterly [see permit section A. (1.) and A. (5.)]. T. Pratt Summers, V.P. of Operations Renewal - Draft Permit Review Jun2022 Page 2 Following the mandatory 45-day Public Comment period, the Division will review all pertinent comments, if any, and take appropriate action prior to issuing an NPDES permit final. If you have questions, please email the undersigned at [joe.corporon@ncdenr.gov]. If you have questions, please email the undersigned at [joe.corporon@,ncdenr.gov]. In support of mandated emergency response to Covid 19, most of NC state government currently functions remotely, therefore correspondence via email is preferred. Respectfully, Joe :' . Corpora , P.G. D E • / DWR / NPDES ' ermitting Enclosure: NPDES Permit NC0082970 (permit ' FT) ec: Laserfiche NPDES Program Files WiRO Files/ Attn: Morella King, Dean Hunkele Aquatic Toxicology Branch / Zach Thomas, Cindy Moore Tom Dolan, CTI of North Carolina, Inc. [tdolan@colonialgroupinc.com] NPDES Permit NC0082970 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General St and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Commission, and the Federal Water Pollut 143-215.1, other lawful standards a Environmental Management of Act, as amended, CTI of Nort . rolina, In . falls is hereby authorized to disc a waste'rom out ated at the CTI of Nort 1002 S. F to receiving waters desi . s ated as t with effluent limitations, • nitorin hereof. ington Terminal ilmj ton, NC 28401 r County ear River within the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance ents, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV This permit shall become effectiv , 2022. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on December 31, 2026. Signed this day , 2022. for Richard E. Rogers, Director Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Page 1 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. CTI of North Carolina, Inc. is hereby authorized to: 1. continue operating an existing Surface -Water Po lu��t�ipn Control System for stormwater, diesel tank bottoms, boiler blowdown and groundwater re eciation system in imity to above -ground storage tanks (ASTs), surface bulk -storage of pe carbon is in excess of one million gallons utilizing • a treatment system for e. - •f two' : :es� tfalls 001 & 003] consisting of; o berm areas aro o gravity type oil o mechanic • addition consistin o an oil/wa o air stripper o particulate filt o activated carbon these facilities located at CTI of North Carolina, Wilmington, New Hanover County, and anks MGD], a combined effluent at Outfall 001 Inc. — Wilmington Terminal, 1002 S. Front Street, 2. discharge from said treatment works via Outfalls 001 & 003, at locations specified on the attached map, into the Cape Fear River [Stream Segment 18-(71)], a waterbody currently classified SC (PNA) within hydrological unit 03-06-17 [HUC: 030300050503] of the Cape Fear River Basin. Page 2 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 PART I A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.; WPCS Grade PC-1 [15A NCAC 08G .0302] Beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated stormwater and groundwater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited, monitored and reportedl by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS [PARAMETER CODES] LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTSI Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 2 (MGD) 50050 / Episodic 2 Effluent pH (Standard Units) Not <6.0 or .u. Monthly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (mg/L) C0530 30.0 45.0 mg/L nthly Grab Effluent Oil & Grease 3 (mg/L) [EPA Method 1664 SGT-HEM] 00552 0.0 mg/L .0.1 Mo h Grab Effluent BOD, 5-day (20°C) C0310 3 _/L Monthly Grab Effluent Methanol, Total 5 (mg/L) 7 Monthly Grab Effluent Benzene 5 (µg/L) 34030 Monthly Grab Effluent Toluene 5 (µg/L) : i10 Monthly Grab Effluent Ethyl Benzene 5 µg/L) 3 Monthly Grab Effluent Xylene 5 (µg/L) 51 Monthly Grab Effluent Turbidity 4 (NTU) 0170 50 NTU 50 NTU Quarterly Grab Effluent Naphthalene 5 (µg/L) 4696 Quarterly Grab Effluent MTBE 5 (µg/L) 22417 Quarterly Grab Effluent Organics, Total Purgeable 6 [EPA Method 624] (µg/L) 76029 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Base Neutrals & Acid 6 [EPA Method 625] (µg/L) 76028 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Chronic WET Testing 7 TGP3E Annually 7 Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. Beginning on the effective date, the Permittee shall submit Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NCDWR's eDMR application system [See Condition A. (8.)]. 2. Each discharge event shall be monitored for flow volume and flow duration. During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a signed, monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No Flow" or "No discharge." Flow may be documented using any one of the following four (4) methods: a) measure flow continuously via weir or flow meter (totalizer preferred) b) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event c) report flow based on discharge pump logs; or d) calculate flow based on total rainfall per unit area draining to the outfall using the Rational Method [see formula, Section A. (3.)]. Page 3 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 3. Where possible, the grab sample for Oil & Grease should be skimmed from the water surface of a quiescent (calm water) zone. 4. Turbidity — Effluent turbidity shall not cause receiving -stream turbidity to exceed 25 NTU. If background turbidity naturally exceeds 25 NTU, the effluent shall not cause background turbidity to increase. Any discharge exceeding this permit limit may require sufficient instream sampling (upstream and/or downstream) to verify compliance (effluent vs. background). [NCAC 02B. 0220(19)] 5. All laboratory practical quantitation limits (PQL) must be sufficiently sensitive to consider each parameter's respective water quality standard [see Part II. Section D. (4.)]. 6. See Special Condition A. (7.) for additional monitoring requirements for EPA Methods 624.1 and 625.1. 7. If Chronic WET testing fails [TGP3E], using Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia), the Permittee shall test Monthly until testing indicates "pass," after which Quarterly monitoring shall resume in accord with Section A. (5.). If after a subsequent five (5) consecutive Quarterly toxicity (i.e., "pass"), the Permittee may petition the Division to WET -test samples shall be collected concurrently with other appropriate to monitoring frequencies. Conditions: • There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam • Direct discharge of tank solids, tank -bottom wa -r, or th • Hydrostatic Tank Testing: the Permittee shal no tank rag -layer; no tank [or pipe - s tents, µg/L and Benzine concentratio : to : - s 1.5 A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMI [15A NCAC Beginning on the e e we date discharge treated storm,ter from reported' by the Permittee s specifi nts, WET results demonstrate no onitoring, as data may warrant. pies (see Footnote 5.), as er than t : amounts. er is not perm =d. solids, no tank bottom -water, ntrations test less than 370 ONITOING REQUIREMENTS WPCS Grade PC-1 [15A NCAC 08G .0302] it an "g until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to t . 103. Such discharges shall be limited, monitored and d below EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS [PARAMETER CODES] LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS1 Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 2 (MGD) 50050 Episodic 2 Effluent pH (Standard Units) Not <6.0 or >9.0 s.u. Monthly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (mg/L) C0530 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Monthly Grab Effluent Oil & Grease (mg/L) [EPA Method 1664 SGT-HEM] 00552 Monthly Grab Effluent Turbidity 3 (NTU) 00070 50 NTU 50 NTU Quarterly Grab Effluent Benzene 4 (µg/L) 34030 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Xylene 4 (µg/L) 81551 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Naphthalene 4 (µg/L) 34696 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Nonhalogenated Volatile Organics (µg/L) 51518 Semi -Annually Grab Effluent Acute WET Testing, Limited 5 TGE3E Annually 5 Grab Effluent Footnotes: Page 4 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 1. Starting on December 21, 2016, begin submitting Discharge Monitoring Reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. See Condition A. (6.). 2. The Permittee shall monitor each discharge event recording flow volume and flow duration. During periods of no flow, the Permittee shall submit a signed, monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating "No discharge." Flow may be documented using any one of the following four (4) methods: 1) measure flow continuously via weir or flow meter (totalizer preferred); 2) estimate flow at 20-minute intervals during the entire discharge event; 3) report flow based on discharge pump logs; or 4) calculate flow based on total rainfall per unit area draining to the outfall using the Rational Method [see formula, Section A. (3.)]. 3. Turbidity — Effluent turbidity shall not cause receiving -stream turbidity to exceed 25 NTU. If background turbidity naturally exceeds 25 NTU, the effluent shall not cause background turbidity to increase (NCAC 02B. 0220(19). 4. All laboratory practical quantitation limits (PQLs) must be su . cie . y sensitive to consider each parameter's respective surface water quality standard [see ' : rt . e ion D. (4.)]. 5. If an Acute WET test fails [TGE3E], using Mysid Shri . (.ysidops s hia), the Permittee shall test Monthly until testing indicates "pass," after which 9 art ly monitor all resume in accord with Section A. (6.). If after a subsequent five (5) consec ti e Quarterly event ET results demonstrate no toxicity (i.e., "pass"), the Permittee may petition the I v .ion o r ax moni g, as data may warrant. WET -test samples shall be collected conc en with osamples, as ropriate to monitoring frequencies. Conditions: • There shall be no discharge • Direct discharge of tank solids, • Hydrostatic Tank T layer; no tank [or concentrations are A. (3.) FLOW MEA [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] The Rational Method - D - e , ation of Peak Runoff: [REF: FHWA Urban Drainage Design Manual, 3.2.2. Rational Method (3-1)] Q=KuCIA, where: flow (peak flow rate in cfs or m3/sec) unit conversation factor = 1.008 for U.S. standard units (usually ignored because it is so close to 1), or 0.278 for metric units dimensionless runoff coefficient for the watershed, loosely defined as the ratio of runoff to rainfall I = intensity of rainfall [taken from the intensity -duration -frequency curves for the specified design return period at the time of concentration, tc (in/h or mm/h). tc = time of concentration (time after beginning rainfall excess when all portions of the drainage basin are contributing simultaneously to outlet flow). A = area of tributary watershed (acres or km2) The rational equation is used to calculate the runoff from a region, given: • the runoff coefficient (accounts for infiltration losses in the region), • the rainfall intensity to the region, • the time for runoff to travel from the region's upper reaches to its outlet, and • the region's drainage area. sibl- ' -r than trace amounts. e rag layer is not permitted. no tank solids, no tank bottom -water, no tank rag- ations test less than 370 and Benzine Q = Ku = C = Page 5 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 A. (4.) PERMIT RE -OPENER: TMDL IMPLEMENTATION [G. S. 143-215.1(b)] The Division may upon written notification to the Permittee, re -open this Permit in order to incorporate or modify effluent limitations, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other permit conditions when it deems such action is necessary to implement TMDL(s) approved by the U. S. EPA. A. (5.) CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL (QUARTERLY) — Outfall 001 [15A NCAC 02B .0500 et seq.] The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of growth or significant mortality to Mysidopsis bahia at an effluent concentration of 90%. The permit holder shall perform at a minimum, ivarterl to establish compliance with the permit condition. The January, April, July, and October. These months testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent sam representative effluent discharge and shall b- .erform below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed below the permit limit, then each of the two following mont Survival, Growth, and F and Chronic Toxicity of Edition, EPA821- The test procedure will and Fecundity Test, as des and Receiving Waters to Ma procedure will be performed a using procedures described below will be . - formed during the months of y the first • h of each three-month toxicity for thjs testin_ st be obtained during DES pei ed final effluent discharge quarter results in a failure or ChV 11 be performed (at a minimum) in 1007.0, Mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, in Short -Term Methods for Estimating the Marine and Estuarine Organisms, Third od 1007.0, Mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, Survival, Growth, t-Te`Fm Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents tuarine Organisms, Third Edition, EPA-821-R-02-014, The with the following exceptions: • The test treatmentswill consist of a control and a (put IWC here)_% effluent concentration ("pass/fail,") or a control and five effluent concentrations, one of which will be _(put IWC here)_% and one of which will be (1/2 the IWC)%. • Mortality for pass/fail tests will be evaluated using the t test described in Section 11.3 in Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, Fifth Edition. EPA-821-R-02-012, October 2002, applying an alpha level of 0.05. • The growth endpoint for pass/fail tests will be determined using Appendix G of Short - Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms, Third Edition, EPA-821-R-02-014, October 2002, applying an alpha level of 0.01. • Mortality and growth endpoints for multiple -concentration tests will be determined using hypothesis testing as described in EPA Method 1007.0, Mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, Survival, Growth, and Fecundity Test, as described in Short -Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms, Third Edition, EPA-821-R-02-014, October 2002. • Fecundity will not be evaluated. Page 6 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered electronically using the Division's eDMR system for the months in which tests were performed. For pass/fail results, report using the parameter code TGP3E and for reporting Chronic Value results use the parameter code THP3E. Additionally, DWR Form AT-4 (original), is to be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Or, results can be sent to the email, ATForms.ATB Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with i+ s t- r Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which thyreport is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all sup o ing c ical/ph s al measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certifie. . labora p isor and C or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the efflu-f.. icity le must be mea ured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the w Should there be no discharge o required, the permittee will co form indicating the faci with the notation of Water Sciences Sec Should the permittee fai will be required during the testing quarter, which is the t toxicity testing is required by thi ment a d above. th in which toxicity monitoring is ocate he top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test number, county, and the month/year of the report he form. The report shall be submitted to the ing a�nr onth in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring nth. Assessment of toxicity compliance is based on the toxicity time interval that begins on the first day of the month in which it and continues until the final day of the third month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism growth, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. Page 7 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 A. (6.) ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL LIMIT (QUARTERLY) — Outfall 003 [15A NCAC 02B .0200 et seq.] The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a Quarterly basis [except when approved Annually] using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration" (Revised December 2010 or subsequent versions). The monitoring shall be performed as a Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) 24-hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the procedure document). The tests will be performed during the months of January, April, July, and October. These months signify the first month of each three-month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent samplin r this testing must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performe t e NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. /�u Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate failurc to meet ified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly tie n3.er hs specabove. All toxicity testing results required as part o Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1 • the TGE3E. Additionally, DWR Fo Or, results can be sent to Completed Aquatic Toxicity days after the end of the reporti . - riod for which the report is made. ition will be entered on the Effluent as performed, using the parameter code the following address: ivision • f Water Resources ection/Aquatic Toxicology Branch Center arolina 27699-1621 s shall be filed with the Water Sciences Section no later than 30 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Water Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Assessment of toxicity compliance is based on the toxicity testing quarter, which is the three-month time interval that begins on the first day of the month in which toxicity testing is required by this permit and continues until the final day of the third month Page 8 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re- opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. A. (7.) ADDITIONAL MONITORING AND REP [G.S. 143-215.1(B)] (a.) EPA Method 624.1- Or anics Total Pur eab effluent pollutant scans using protocols as defined 624.1: Purgeables by GC/MS". The para er code codes for reporting analytes associated wi metho below. (b.) EPA Method 625.1 - Base effluent pollutant scans usi 625.1: Base/Neutrals and Ac Parameter codes f 1,2and 3belo (c.) Standard Condi sufficiently sensitive standards and criteria records retention require (d.) Effluent Scan Reporting. • For the eDMR application system, under the parameter code for the pollutant scan, indicate whether the test was performed by entering "1" for "yes" and "0" for "no". • Any detection of analytes shall be entered in eDMR, using the appropriate parameter code listed in the tables below. Once an analyte is detected, the parameter should be reported in eDMR at the same monitoring frequency as the pollutant scan until further notice by the Division. • Parameter codes noted with "+" in the tables below may not currently be allowed in eDMR and will need to be added by the eDMR administrator. Please submit requests to add parameters to the appropriate eDMR contacts with the Division. • Any analytes in the tables below that do not have an assigned parameter code are noted as "No Code". These parameters shall be noted in the comments section of eDMR by noting the analyte detected, the CAS Registry No. and the reported concentration. • A current List of Parameters Allowed for DMRs can be found at the following webpage: https://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr/user-documentation. . The pe ' i . e shall conduct Semi-annually D. ument 821-R-16-008 entitled "Method EPA Me ' o. 624.1 is 76029. Parameter sted in EPA M. od 624.1: Tables 1 and 2 permittee shall conduct Semi-annually P. ment EPA 821-R-16-007 entitled "Method rameter code for reporting EPA Method 625.1 is 76028. this method are listed in EPA Method 625.1: Tables shall be in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136 and shall be r parameters are present in concentrations greater than applicable tion D. 4.). Laboratory reports shall be kept on file in accordance with in Part II. Section D. 6. Page 9 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 EPA Method 624.1: Table 1— Purgeables * All the analytes in this table are Priority Pollutants (40 CFR part 423, appendix A). Analyte [alternative nomenclature] CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Acrolein 107-02-8 34210 1,3-Dichlorobenzene [meta-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-DCB] 541-73-1 34566 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 34215 1,4-Dichlorobenzene [para-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-DCB] 106-46-7 34571 Benzene 71-43-2 34030 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 34496 Bromodichloromethane [Dichlorobromomethane] 75-27-4 32101 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 32103 Bromoform 75-25-2 32104 1 1-Dichloroethene [1,1-Dichloroethylene] 75-35-4 34501 Bromomethane [Methyl Bromide] 74-83-9 34413 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene [trans-1,2-Dichloroethye 156-60-5 34546 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 32102 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 C0541 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 34301 cis-1,3-Dichloro open 10061-01-5 34704 Chloroethane 75-00-3 85811 trans-1,3-Dic oro n 10061-02-6 34699 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether (mixed) 110-75-8 34576 Ethyl be -n 100-41-4 34371 Chloroform 67-66-3 32106 Meth -ne c oride [Dichlo thane] 75-09-2 34423 Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 74-87-3 34418 1, ,2,2- etrachloroethane 79-34-5 34516 Dibromochloromethane [Chlorodibromomethane] 124-48-1 32105 Tetra. 1 oethene C] [Tetrac o et ene 127-18-4 34475 1,2-Dichlorobenzene [ortho-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-DCB] 95-50-1 3453 oluenuene 108-88-3 34010 EPA Method 624.1: Table 2 — Additional Purgeables Analyte [alternative nomenclature] CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Acetone 67-64-1 81552 Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 73570' Acetonitrile [Methyl cyanide] 64047 < 73207 Ethylen6oxide 75-21-8 76999 Acrolein 107- 34210 Hexa�orobutadiene 87-63-3 C0702 Acrylonitrile 107-13- 34215 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 34396 Allyl alcohol [2-Propen-l-ol] 107-18-6 5N' 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 75166' Allyl chloride [3-Chloropropene] 107-05-1 78 9' Iodomethane 74-88-4 No Code t-Amyl ethyl ether [TAEE] 19-94-8 No Coe Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 77033 t-Amyl methyl ether [TAME] [Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether] 9 05-8 22421 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 77223 Benzyl chloride 100- -7 73128+ p-Isopropyltoluene [4-Isopropyltoluene] 99-87-6 03980' Bromoacetone 598-31-2 No Code Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 81593' Bromobenzene 108-86-1 81555' Methanol 67-56-1 77885 Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 70009' Malonitrile 109-77-3 No Code 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 51695' Methyl acetate 79-20-9 77032 n-Butanol [1-Butanol] 71-36-3 45265 Methyl acrylate 96-33-3 51010 2-Butanone [MEK] 78-93-3 78356 Methyl cyclohexane 108-87-2 No Code t-Butyl alcohol [tert-Butyl alcohol] [TBA] 75-65-0 51008 Methyl iodide 74-88-4 No Code n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 77342 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 81597 sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 77350 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [MIBK] [Methyl isobutyl ketone] 108-10-1 78133' t-Butylbenzene [Tert-butylbenzene] 72477 77353 Methyl-t-butyl ether [MTBE] [Methyl tert-butyl ether] [Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl] 1634-04-4 22417 t-Butyl ethyl ether [ETBE] [Ethyl-Tert Butyl Ether] 637-92-3 22422' Naphthalene 91-20-3 34696 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 77041 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 34447 Chloral hydrate 302-17-0 39108' N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine [N-Nitrosodibutylamine] 924-16-3 73609 Chloroacetonitrile 107-14-2 No Code 2-Nitropropane 79-46-9 No Code 1-Chlorobutane 109-69-3 No Code Paraldehyde 123-63-7 No Code Chlorodifluoromethane [Freon 22] 75-45-6 45028' Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 No Code 2-Chloroethanol 107-07-3 77046' Pentafluorobenzene 363-72-4 No Code bis (2-Chloroethyl) sulfide [Mustard Gas] 505-60-2 No Code 2-Pentanone 107-19-7 No Code 1-Chlorohexanone 20261-68-1 No Code 2-Picoline [2-Methylpyridine] 109-06-8 77088' Page 10 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 EPA Method 624.1: Table 2 — Additional Purgeables Analyte [alternative nomenclature] CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Chloroprene [2-chloro-1,3-butadiene] 126-99-8 81520' 1-Propanol [n-Propyl alcohol] 71-23-8 77018' 107-05-1 78109' 2-Propanol [Isopropanol] 67-63-0 77015 3-Chloropropene [A11y1 chloride] 542-76-7 No Code Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7 No Code 3-Chloropropionitrile 2-Chlorotoluene [Orthochlorotoluene] 95-49-8 38681 beta-Propiolactone 57-57-8 No Code 4-Chlorotoluene [p-Chlorotoluene] 106-43-4 61227' Propionitrile [ethyl cyanide] 107-12-0 51466 Crotonaldehyde 123-73-9 77028 n-Propylamine 107-10-8 No Code Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 77097' n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 77224 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [Dibromochloropropane] 96-12-8 49146 Pyridine 110-86-1 77045 1,2-Dibromoethane [Ethylene dibromide] 106-93-4 73292' Styrene 100-42-5 81708 Dibromomethane [Methylene Bromide] 74-95-3 38679 1,1,1,2-Tetachloroethane^ 630-20-6 77562' cis-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1476-11-5 No Code Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 81607 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 110-57-6 49263' o-Toluidine 95-53-4 77142 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene [cis-1,2-DCE] [cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene] 156-59-2 77093 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 77613' Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 34668 TrichlorofJrforomethane [Fre 75-69-4 34488' 1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 77173' 1, 3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 77443' 2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 46366' 1,2, Tnethylben_; e 526-73-8 51565' 1,3-Dichloro-2-propanol 96-23-1 No Cos e 1,2,4- iethyl. nze 95-63-6 77222' 1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 771.:' 1,3,5-Trimethylbe ene 108-67-8 77226' cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 3470 + 'nylaceta - 108-05-4 77057' 1:2,3:4-Diepoxybutane 1464-53-5 No Cod. '.- ene [1, ene] 108-38-3 81710' Diethyl ether [ethoxyethane] 60-29-7 81576 . ' en 1,2- ] 95-47-6 81711' Diisopropyl ether [Din] [Isopropyl ether] 108- -3 8 77 - e 1, le 106-42-3 34728 1,4-Dioxane [Dioxane] 1 -9 :' 3 8 .+0- lene 179601-22-0 No Code Epichlorohydrin 106- 9-: : 67 + p Xylene 179601-23-1 85795' Ethanol 64-1 70 4 0+,,- lene 136777-61-2 78121' Ethyl acetate � 78- $15�5 Xyl_ e mix ofm+o+p) NA 81551 EPA Method 625.1: Table'1\ Ton-Pesitchle/PC43 Base/Neutral Extractables * All the analytes in this table are Priority Pollutants (40 CFR part 423, appendix A). Analyte [alternative nomenclature] CAS Registry No.No Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Acenaphthene 8 -33 34205 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 34631 Acenaphthylene 208- 6-8 34200 Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 34336 Anthracene 120-12- '7 CO220 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 34341 Benzidine 92-87-5 39120 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 34611 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 C0526 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 C0626 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 34247 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 34596 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 34230 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 C0376 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 34242 Fluorene 86-73-7 34381 Benzo(ghi)perylene 191-24-2 34521 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 C0700 Benzyl butyl phthalate [Butyl Benzyl Phthalate] 85-68-7 34292 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 C0702 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 34278 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 34396 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 CO100 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 34403 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether [2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)] 108-60-1 34283 Isophorone 78-59-1 34408 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 34636 Naphthalene 91-20-3 34696 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 34581 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 34447 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 34641 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 34428 Chrysene 218-01-9 34320 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 34461 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 34556 Pyrene 129-00-0 34469 Di-n-butylphthalate 84-74-2 39110 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 C0551 Page 11 of 17 NPDES Permit NCO082970 EPA Method 625.1: Table 2 — Acid Extractables * All the analytes in this table are Priority Pollutants (40 CFR part 423, appendix A). Analyte (alternative nomenclature) CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 70012 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 34591 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 34586 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 34646 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 34601 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 39032 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 34606 Phenol 108-95-2 34694 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 34616 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 34621 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol [4,6-dinitro-o-cresol] 534-52-1 34657 EPA Method 625.1: Table 3 — Additional Extractable Analytes n Analyte (alternative nomenclature) CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Acetophenone 98-86-2 81553 2,2',4,4',5',6- xac ro iphenyl 60145-22-4 No Code 2-Acetylaminofluorene [2-Acetyl aminoflourcene] 53-96-3 82204 Hexachlo c entadie a 77-47-4 34386' 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea 591-08-2 No Code He for hene 70-30-4 51541' Alachlor 15972-60-8 39161' H ac oropropene 1888-71-7 No Code Aldrin * 309-00-2 39330 Hex e ylphosp mide[HM ] 680-31-9 82196' Ametryn 834-12-8 3840 ' Hexan 'c id 142-62-1 77190' 2-Aminoanthraquinone 117-79-3 No Cod Hexazinone 51235-04-2 30264' Aminoazobenzene 60-09-3 No Code roquinone 123-31-9 77165' 4-Aminobiphenyl [p-Aminobiphenyl] 92-67-1 77581' drin 465-73-6 51527' 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole 132-32- o Code -Iso op apht lene 2027-17-0 No Code Anilazine 101- -3 0 ode osa ole \ 120-58-1 No Code Aniline 6 -53-. 70 9 on 143-50-0 81281' o-Anisidine 90- 4-t No C e p phos 21609-90-5 51382' Aramite 140-5 8 o C de Lo g olene 475-20-7 No Code Atraton 1 -17- N de Mal ch.te green 569-64-2 51478' Atrazine 1 - -9 39033' i 121-75-5 39530 Azinphos-methyl (Guthion) 86-5 0 616' ' anhydride 108-31-6 No Code Barban 101-27-' 8 18' Merphos 150-50-5 30009' Benzanthrone 82-05-3 N C e Mestranol 72-33-3 No Code Benzenethiol 108-98-5 No e Methapyrilene 91-80-5 No Code Benzoic acid -85-0 77247 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 39480 2,3-Benzofluorene 4 7-4 / No Code 2-Methylbenzothioazole 120-75-2 No Code p-Benzoquinone 10 -5 No Code 3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 61225' Benzyl alcohol 100- -6 77147' 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 101-14-4 78123' alpha-BHC * 319-84-6 39336 4,4'-Methylenebis(N,N-dimethylaniline) 101-61-1 No Code beta-BHC * 319-85-7 39338 4,5-Methylenephenanthrene 203-64-5 No Code gamma-BHC [Lindane] * 58-89-9 39344 1-Methylfluorene 1730-37-6 No Code delta-BHC * 319-86-8 34198 Methyl methanesulfonate 66-27-3 No Code Biphenyl 92-52-4 81513' 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 77416 Bromacil 314-40-9 30311' Methylparaoxon 950-35-6 No Code 2-Bromochlorobenzene 694-80-4 No Code Methyl parathion 298-00-0 39600' 3-Bromochlorobenzene 108-37-2 No Code 1-Methylphenanthrene 832-69-9 No Code Bromoxynil 1689-84-5 51136 2-(Methylthio)benzothiazole 615-22-5 51079' Butachlor 2318-4669 77860 Metolachlor 51218-45-2 39356' Butylate [Sutan] 2008-41-5 81410' Metribuzin 21087-64-9 82630' n-C10 [n-decane] 124-18-5 77427 Mevinphos 7786-34-7 39600' n-C12 [n-undecane] 1120-21-4 No Code Mexacarbate 315-18-4 38506' n-C14 [n-tetradecane] 629-59-4 77691' MGK 264 [Pyrodone] 113-48-4 No Code n-C16 [n-hexadecane] 544-76-3 77757' Mirex 2385-85-5 39755 n-C18 [n-octadecane] 593-45-3 77804 Molinate [Ordram] 2212-67-1 49562' n-C20[n-eicosane] 112-95-8 77830' Monocrotophos 6923-22-4 51385' n-C22 [n-docosane] 629-97-0 77859' Naled 300-76-5 38855' n-C24 [n-tetracosane] 646-31-1 No Code Napropamide [Devrinol] 15299-99-7 49564' n-C26 [n-hexacosane] 630-01-3 77901' 1,4-Naphthoquinone 130-15-4 No Code n-C28 [n-octacosane] 630-02-4 No Code 1-Naphthylamine 134-32-7 No Code n-C30 [n-triacontane] 638-68-6 No Code 2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 82191' Captafol 2425-06-1 No Code 1,5-Naphthalenediamine 2243-62-1 No Code Captan 133-06-2 39640' Nicotine 54-11-5 No Code Carbaryl [Sevin] 63-25-2 39750 5-Nitroacenaphthene 602-87-9 No Code Page 12 of 17 NPDES Permit NCO082970 EPA Method 625.1: Table 3 — Additional Extractable Analytes Analyte (alternative nomenclature) CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Carbazole 86-74-8 77571 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 78306' Carbofuran 1563-66-2 81405' 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 78300' Carboxin 5234-68-4 No Code 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 78870' Carbophenothion [Trithion] 786-19-6 51042' 5-Nitro-o-anisidine 99-59-2 No Code Chlordane * 57-74-9 51032' 4-Nitrobiphenyl 92-93-3 No Code bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether * 111-44-4 34273 Nitrofen 1836-75-5 No Code Chloroneb 2675-77-6 51139' 5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 No Code 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 50312' Nitroquinoline-l-oxide 56-57-5 No Code Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 39460' N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine [N-Nitrosodibutylamine] 924-16-3 73609 Chlorfenvinphos 470-90-6 04083' N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 78200' 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline 95-69-2 No Code N-Nitrosodimethylamine [NDMA] * 62-75-9 34438 3-(Chloromethyl)pyridine hydrochloride 6959-48-4 No Code N-Nitrosodiphenylamine * 86-30-6 34433 4-Chloro-2-nitroaniline 89-63-4 No Code N-Nitrosomethylethylamine 10595-95-6 No Code Chlorpropham 101-21-3 81322' N-Nitrosomethylphenylamine 614-00-6 No Code Chlorothalonil [Daconil (C8C14N2)] 1897-45-6 51140' N-Nitrosomo of e [Morpho ' e, - troso-] \ 59-89-2 7361 T 1-Chloronaphthalene 90-13-1 No Code N-Ni sop ridine [1 itro piperidine] 100-75-4 73619' 3-Chloronitrobenzene 121-73-3 No Code N- 'tr opyrrolidin 930-55-2 78206' 4-Chloro-1,2-phenylenediamine 95-83-0 No Code trans- o chlor [Chlord e - Nonac or, Trans] 39765-80-5 39071' 4-Chloro-1,3-phenylenediamine 5131-60-2 No Coe orflurazon 27314-13-2 51151' 2-Chlorobiphenyl 2051-60-7 No Cod 2 , 3',4,5', 6 Octachlorobiphenyl 40186-71-8 No Code Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 81403' Oc e 1pyr h horamide 152-16-9 No Code Coumaphos 56-72 293' ,4'-0 di ' ine 101-80-4 No Code m+p-Cresol 158 -10 de P io y ra io ] 56-38-2 39540' o-Cresol[ortho-Cresol] [2-Methylphenol] 95 8-• 39 016 [Aroc 016] * 12674-11-2 34671 p-Cresidine 0-71 o C PC - 21 [Arochlor 1221] * 11104-28-2 39488 Crotoxyphos [Ciodrin] 0 7- ' CB 1 2 [Arochlor 1232] * 11141-16-5 39492 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro-phenol 13 9- o Code C 2 [Arochlor 1242] * 53469-21-9 39496 Cyanazine 21725 .- 041' P-1248 [Arochlor 1248] * 12672-29-6 39500 Cycloate 1134-23-- 1 2' PCB-1254 [Arochlor 1254] * 11097-69-1 39504 p-Cymene [4-Isopropyltoluene] 99-87-6 0 0 PCB-1260 [Arochlor 1260] * 11096-82-5 39508 Dacthal [DCPA] 861-32-1 397 PCB-1268 [Arochlor 1268] * 11100-14-4 51581' 4,4'-DDD * -54-8 39310 Pebulate 1114-71-2 49563' 4,4'-DDE * - -9 39320 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 77793' 4,4'-DDT * 50- 9-3 39300 Pentachloronitrobenzene [PCNB] 82-68-8 49206' Demeton-O 298-0 No Code 2,2',3,4',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl 68194-05-8 No Code Demeton-S 126-75-0 No Code Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 81501' Diallate (cis or trans) 2303-16-4 No Code Pentamethylbenzene 700-12-9 No Code 2,4-Diaminotoluene [2,4-Toluenediamine] 95-80-7 78888' Perylene 198-55-0 77801' Diazinon 333-41-5 39570 Phenacetin 62-44-2 73183' Dibenz(a,j)acridine 224-42-0 73542' cis-Permethrin 61949-76-6 No Code Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 81302' trans-Permethrin 61949-77-7 No Code Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene 192-65-4 51737' Phenobarbital 50-06-6 No Code Dibenzothiophene 132-65-0 No Code Phenothiazene 92-84-2 No Code 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane [Dibromochloropropane] 96-12-8 49146 1,4-Phenylenediamine 624-18-0 No Code 3,5-Dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile [Bromoxynil] 1689-84-5 51136' 1-Phenylnaphthalene 605-02-7 No Code 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone 719-22-2 No Code 2-Phenylnaphthalene 612-94-2 No Code Dichlone 117-80-6 39150' Phorate 298-02-2 46313' 2,3-Dichloroaniline 608-27-5 77533 Phosalone 2310-17-0 81291' 2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl 16605-91-7 No Code Phosmet [Imidan] 732-11-6 51154' 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline [Dichloran] 99-30-9 38446' Phosphamidon 13171-21-6 78881' 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene 3209-22-1 No Code Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 77453' 1,3-Dichloro-2-propanol 96-23-1 No Code a/pha-Picoline [2-Methylpyridine] 109-06-8 77088' 2,6-Dichlorophenol [2,4-Dichlorophenol] 120-83-2 34601 Piperonyl sulfoxide 120-62-7 No Code Dichlorvos [2,2-Dichlorovinyldimethyl phosphate] 62-73-7 39109 Prometon 1610-18-0 51155' Dicrotophos 141-66-2 04310' Prometryn 7287-19-6 51156' Dieldrin * 60-57-1 39380 Pronamide 23950-58-5 51157' Page 13 of 17 NPDES Permit NCO082970 EPA Method 625.1: Table 3 — Additional Extractable Analytes Analyte (alternative nomenclature) CAS Registry No. Parameter Code Analyte CAS Registry No. Parameter Code 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane 1464-53-5 No Code Propachlor 1918-16-7 51158' Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate [Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate] 103-23-1 51174' Propazine 139-40-2 51159' Diethylstilbestrol 56-53-1 82192' Propylthiouracil 51-52-5 No Code Diethyl sulfate 64-67-5 No Code Pyridine 110-86-1 77045 Dilantin [Phenytoin] [5,5-Diphenylhydantoin] 57-41-0 51744' Resorcinol [1,3-Benzenediol] 108-46-3 77164' Dimethoate 60-51-5 46314' Safrole 94-59-7 77545' 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 51769' Simazine 122-34-9 39055' Dimethylaminoazobenzene [p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene] 60-11-7 73179' Simetryn 1014-70-6 No Code 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 57-97-6 No Code Squalene 7683-64-9 No Code 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 51647' Stirofos [Tetrachlorvinph 22248-79-9 38686 N,N-Dimethylformamide 68-12-2 77110' Strychnine 57-24-9 No Code 3,6-Dimethylphenathrene 1576-67-6 No Code Styrene 100-42-5 81708 alpha, alpha-Dimethylphenethylamine 122-09-8 No Code Sulfallate 95-06-7 No Code Dimethyl sulfone 67-71-0 No Code Tebuthiuro 34014-18-1 51160' 1,2-Dinitrobenzene 528-29-0 No Code TerbaciY 5902-51-2 30234' 1,3-Dinitrobenzene 99-65-0 45622' Terbufos 13071-79-9 51462' 1,4-Dinitrobenzene 100-25-4 No Code T bu 886-50-0 51162' Dinocap 39300-45-3 No Code alph T ineol 98-55-5 77493 Dinoseb [Dinitrobutylphenol] [2-sec-Buty1-4,6-dinitrophenol] 88-85-7 301 ' 1,2,4,5- tr oro nzene 95-94-3 77734' Diphenylamine 122-39-4 7757 , ',4,4'-Te c orobiphenyl 2437-79-8 No Code Diphenyl ether 101-84-8 No Code ,-Tetrac or 'benzo p-dioxin Dio ' ] CDD 1746-01-6 34675 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 3 46 3,4,6- etrchlorophenol 58-90-2 77770 Diphenamid 957-51 0 ' Tetrachlorvinphos\ \, 22248-79-9 38686' Diphenyldisulfide 882- - N C de tr ethyl dithio hosphate [S if epp] 3689-24-5 82201 , Disulfoton ' : -04- 3 10 Te e 1 pyrophosphate [TEPP] 107-49-3 39620' Disulfoton sulfoxide 2 --6 o Co ' n p then [2,3-Benzothiophene] 95-15-8 No Code Disulfoton sulfone 2497- 6- o Code 'o etamide 62-55-5 No Code Endosulfan I* 959-98- 3 61 Thionazin 297-97-2 51381' Endosulfan II * 33213-65- 3 Thiophenol [Benzenethiol] 108-98-5 No Code Endosulfan sulfate * 1031-07-8 34 1 Thioxanthone 492-22-8 No Code Endrin * -20-8 39390 Toluene-1,3-diisocyanate 26471-62-5 No Code Endrin aldehyde * 2 -93-4 34366 Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 584-84-9 78144' Endrin ketone, in water * 53 `4-' t-5 78008 o-Toluidine 95-53-4 77142 EPN 2104-. - 81290' Toxaphene * 8001-35-2 39400 EPTC [Eradicane] [S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate] 759-94-4 81894' Triadimefon, organic pesticide 43121-43-3 51163' Ethion 563-12-2 39398' 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 77613' Ethoprop 13194-48-4 81758' 2,4,5-Trichlorobiphenyl 15862-07-4 No Code Ethyl carbamate 51-79-6 No Code 2,3,6-Trichlorophenol 933-75-5 No Code Ethyl methanesulfonate 62-50-0 73184' 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 77687 Ethylene thiourea 96-45-7 38928* Tricyclazole 41814-78-2 No Code Etridiazole 2593-15-9 No Code Trifluralin 1582-09-8 39030' Ethynylestradiol-3-methyl ether 72-33-3 No Code 1,2,3-Trimethoxybenzene 634-36-6 No Code Famphur 52-85-7 38462' 2,4,5-Trimethylaniline 137-17-7 No Code Fenamiphos 22224-92-6 No Code Trimethyl phosphate 512-56-1 No Code Fenarimol 60168-88-9 51145' Triphenylene 217-59-4 No Code Fensulfothion 115-90-2 30004 Tripropyleneglycolmethyl ether 20324-33-8 No Code Fenthion 55-38-9 30006' 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 99-35-4 73653' Fluchloralin 33245-39-5 No Code Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate 126-72-7 22410' Fluridone 59756-60-4 51588' Tri-p-tolyl phosphate 78-32-0 No Code Heptachlor * 76-44-8 39410 O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate [Phosphorothioic acid, O,O,O-triethyl ester] 126-68-1 73652' Heptachlor epoxide * 1024-57-3 39420 Trithiane 3325-33-5 No Code 2,2',3,3',4,4',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl 52663-71-5 No Code Vemolate 1929-77-7 82200' Page 14 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 A. (8.) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. (2.) a The permittee shall report discharge monitoring data e, Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet app Monitoring results obtained during the previ submitted electronically using eDMR. The data and submit DMRs electronically using t application is compliant with EPA' . " c s-Me permittees will be required to s eDMR and will be required to signed original and a cop of the NC DEQ ATTENT 1617 Mail S Raleigh, North If a permittee is unable to us being physically located in an are then a temporary waiver from the 9-1 system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility ere less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, PDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and E. (5.) (a)] g the NC DWR's Electronic summad for each month and s permitted 'ilities to enter monitoring such time that the state's eDMR orting Regulation (CROMERR), to the state electronically using miss . y printing, signing, and submitting one MR to the following address: r Quality Permitting Section discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1.1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). Page 15 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information o 's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/ 0/22/2015-24954/national-pollutant- discharge-elimination-system-npdes-electronic-reporting- Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed ' t "Reportin_ ' equirements" section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporti The permittee may seek a temporary electro ' • - orting a Ger from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must it a e ctronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary - ectrs is re. • . ' er st be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval a e.: six .0) • . •r' . o . e to the facility would be required under this permit to begin sub t g mon taring • t. and rep • s. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years • • : hal lyre .o-xpire. such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronic. y o ►'vi' on t' : • ittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporary electrons the Div o Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only pe 'tees wit' a a • • ved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to f e ivision o th • 'od that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the following web page: ion for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr 4. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.) (b) and Supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)] All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr Page 16 of 17 NPDES Permit NC0082970 Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (6.)] The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitor'. . . s, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a perio• o least '. - ars from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Dire or any time [4 1 . FR 122.41]. Page 17 of 17 taitteRWIll !MEW abb"1187.111111"iitiii MIN", IPirri2=4 OM it ginffigaltil 1111111111140 FrAarlift04011166101430 1/6111111 talittg r " t f 2110 110 3 1411:0111 r''ia LAT 34 13 20Lret ONG 77 ° 57' 04" 1111,111141 Outfa11001 " � kg* LAT 34° 13' 16" 21MIL �ti 11 LONG 77 57 03 II Al Err,111,.11 ral dApproximate property 1:1V$3t- iW CTI of North Carolina, Inc. Wilmington Terminal / Bulk storage Latitude: Longitude• Receiving Stream: HUC: Hydrological Unit: 34° 13' 19" N 77° 57' 05" W Cape Fear River 030300050503 03-06-17 State Grid/USGS: Permitted Flow: Drainage Basin: Stream Class: K27NW / Wilmington Not Limited Cape Fear Basin SC North Facility Location (not to scale) NPDES Permit NC0082970 New Hanover County