HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140705 Ver 1_Final Mitigation Plan_20160718FINAL MITIGATION PLAN The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site Johnston County, North Carolina Neuse River Basin CU 03020201 Prepared for: Resource Environmental Solutions EBX-Neuse I, LLC, an entity of Resource Environmental Solutions 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 919-829-9909 April 2016 Prepared by: rDICKSON community in}rosiructur® consuifanls WK Dickson & Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919-782-0495 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site is located within a watershed dominated by agricultural and residential land use in Johnston County, North Carolina, immediately North of Selma. The project streams proposed for restoration have been significantly impacted by channelization and agricultural practices. The project will involve the restoration and protection of streams in the Neuse River watershed. The purpose of this mitigation site is to restore and enhance a stream/wetland complex located within the Neuse River Basin. The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site has been designed in concurrence with the Selma Mill Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank. The project lies within USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201100050 (USGS, 2012) and within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Neuse River Sub -basin 03-04-02 (NCDENR, 2005). The 2010 Neuse River Basin Plan identified HUC 03020201100050 as a Targeted Local Watershed. The watershed is characterized by 37 percent agricultural land use area, including thirteen animal operations. Approximately 52 percent of the area is developed with roughly 35 percent impervious total. High priority projects should address buffer and wetland restoration needs and stormwater management to offset projected increases in runoff related to development and expansion. The proposed Selma Mill Stream mitigation Site is located within the southern portion of the TLW and includes streams that discharge into Mill Creek. Due to its location and proposed improvements, the site will provide numerous ecological and water quality benefits within the Neuse River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far-reaching effects. The Selma Mill Site consists of stream restoration on tributaries that drain directly to Mill Creek. The project presents 6,881 linear feet of Stream Restoration generating 7,409 Stream Mitigation Units (SMU). A combination of Priority 1 and Priority 2 restoration is proposed for Reaches A and B and Headwater Valley Restoration is proposed for Reach C. Benefits include the storage of excess water during flood events, preventing erosion of stream banks, reducing in -stream sedimentation, and nutrient reductions. SMU totals were adjusted using the most recent non-standard buffer width guidance documents. The site consists of agricultural fields, cattle pastures and wooded areas. The total easement area is 34.2 acres. The wooded areas along the easement corridor designated for restoration activities are classified as mixed pines and hardwoods. Invasive species are present throughout the wooded areas. Channels proposed for restoration are degraded to a point where they no longer access their floodplain, lack riparian buffers, allow livestock access, and aquatic life is not supported. Little aquatic habitat is available to support aquatic life, and the riparian buffers are not maximizing their potential to filter nutrients. The objective for this mitigation site is to restore and design natural waterways through stream/wetland complexes with appropriate cross -sectional dimension and slope that will provide function and meet the appropriate success criteria for the existing streams. Accomplishing this objective entails the restoration of natural stream characteristics, such as stable cross sections, planform, and in -stream habitat. The floodplain areas will be hydrologically reconnected to the channels where feasible to provide natural exchange and storage during flooding events. The design will be based on reference conditions, USACE guidance (USACE, 2005), and criteria that are developed during this project to achieve success. Additional site objectives, such as restoring the riparian buffer with native vegetation, ensuring hydraulic stability, and eradicating invasive species, are listed in Section 1. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan ii April 2016 The design approach for the Selma Mill Site is to combine the analog method of natural channel design with analytical methods to evaluate stream flows and hydraulic performance of the channel and floodplain. The analog method involves the use of a "template" stream adjacent to, nearby, or previously in the same location as the design reach. The template parameters of the analog reach are replicated to create the features of the design reach. The analog approach is useful when watershed and boundary conditions are similar between the design and analog reaches (Skidmore, et al., 2001). Hydraulic geometry was developed using analytical methods in an effort to identify the design discharge. Priority Level 2 restoration is proposed on Reaches Al, A2, B1, B2, and B3. Priority 1 Restoration is proposed for Reach A2 below the confluence with Reach B. For the majority of the restoration reaches, the channel will be rerouted from its current location to adjacent natural valley features. The headwater valley restoration approach is proposed along Reach C. The existing ditch will be plugged and then backfilled to the extent possible such that cut and fill is balanced along the reach. The restoration approach on Reaches A and B includes relocating the channel to either side of its current location within the natural valley. The existing channels will be plugged and filled to prevent continued flow within the ditches. By rerouting the channel and constructing floodplain benches, the design will allow the channel frequent access to its floodplain and the opportunity for creating small depressional areas within the buffer to enhance habitat for wildlife and aquatic organisms. Relocating these channels will not impact any forested areas because the buffer along the restoration reaches is currently used for agriculture and disturbed. After completion of all construction and planting activities, the site will be monitored on a regular basis and a physical inspection of the site will be conducted at a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven-year post -construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. These site inspections will identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. The measure of stream restoration success will be documented by bankfull flows and no change in stream channel classification. Sand bed channels are dynamic and minor adjustments to dimension and profile are expected. The measure of vegetative success for the site will be the survival of at least 210 seven-year old planted trees per acre with an average height of 10 feet at the end of year seven of the monitoring period. Upon approval for closeout by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF). The NCWHF will be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the Conservation Easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions will be negotiated prior to site transfer to the responsible party. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan iii April 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 RESTORATION PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.......................................................... 7 2 SITE SELECTION......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Directions to Site.................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Site Selection.......................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NC DWQ River Basin ............................................. 7 2.2.2 Project Components........................................................................................................ 8 2.2.3 Historical Land Use and Development Trends............................................................... 8 2.3 Soil Survey............................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 Site Photographs.................................................................................................................. 11 3 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT......................................................................................... 14 3.1 Site Protection Instrument(s) Summary Information........................................................... 14 4 BASELINE INFORMATION...................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Watershed Summary Information........................................................................................ 15 4.1.1 Drainage Area...............................................................................................................15 4.1.2 Surface Water Classification........................................................................................15 4.1.3 Endangered/Threatened Species...................................................................................15 4.1.4 Cultural Resources........................................................................................................16 4.2 Reach Summary Information............................................................................................... 17 4.2.1 Channel Classification..................................................................................................18 4.2.2 Discharge......................................................................................................................19 4.2.3 Channel Morphology....................................................................................................19 4.2.4 Channel Stability Assessment...................................................................................... 20 4.2.5 Bankfull Verification....................................................................................................21 4.2.6 Vegetation.....................................................................................................................21 4.2.7 Quantitative Habitat Assessment..................................................................................22 4.3 Wetland Summary Information............................................................................................ 24 4.3.1 Existing Wetlands.........................................................................................................24 4.4 Regulatory Considerations and Potential Constraints.......................................................... 26 4.4.1 Property Ownership, Boundary, and Utilities...............................................................26 4.4.2 Site Access.................................................................................................................... 26 4.4.3 FEMA/ Hydrologic Trespass........................................................................................26 5 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS............................................................................................. 27 6 CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE............................................................................................... 28 6.1 Initial Allocation of Released Credits.................................................................................. 29 6.2 Subsequent Credit Releases.................................................................................................. 29 7 FUNCTIONAL RATIONALE..................................................................................................... 29 8 MITIGATION WORK PLAN..................................................................................................... 31 8.1 Reference Stream Studies..................................................................................................... 31 8.1.1 Target Reference Conditions........................................................................................ 31 8.2 Design Parameters................................................................................................................ 35 8.2.1 Stream Restoration Approach....................................................................................... 35 8.2.2 Natural Plant Community Restoration.........................................................................40 8.2.3 Best Management Practices (BMPs)............................................................................ 41 8.2.4 Soil Restoration............................................................................................................ 41 8.3 Data Analysis....................................................................................................................... 42 8.3.1 Stream Data Analysis................................................................................................... 42 8.3.2 Mitigation Summary.....................................................................................................45 9 MAINTENANCE PLAN............................................................................................................. 47 10 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS................................................................................................48 Selma Mill Mitigation Plan iv April 2016 10.1 Stream Restoration Success Criteria..................................................................................... 48 10.1.1 Bankfull Events............................................................................................................ 48 10.1.2 Cross Sections..............................................................................................................48 10.1.3 Digital Image Stations.................................................................................................. 48 10.1.4 Surface Flow.................................................................................................................48 10.2 Vegetation Success Criteria.................................................................................................. 48 11 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................ 49 11.1 As -Built Survey.................................................................................................................... 49 11.2 Visual Monitoring................................................................................................................ 50 11.3 Cross Sections...................................................................................................................... 50 11.4 Surface Flow......................................................................................................................... 50 11.5 Vegetative Success Criteria.................................................................................................. 50 11.6 Scheduling/Reporting........................................................................................................... 50 11.7 Adaptive Management...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 12 LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN..................................................................................... 52 13 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN......................................................................................... 53 14 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES...................................................................................................... 54 15 OTHER INFORMATION............................................................................................................ 55 15.1 References............................................................................................................................ 55 List of Tables Table 1. Selma Mill Site Project Components - Stream Mitigation...................................................... 8 Table 2. Historical Land Use and Development Trends........................................................................ 9 Table3. Mapped Soil Series.................................................................................................................10 Table 4. Project Parcel and Landowner Information............................................................................14 Table 5. Project Watershed Summary Information..............................................................................15 Table 6. Federally Protected Species in Johnston County....................................................................16 Table 7. Summary of Existing Channel Characteristics.......................................................................18 Table 8. Reach Summary Information.................................................................................................18 Table 9. Channel Stability Assessment Results.................................................................................... 20 Table 10. Natural Community Summary............................................................................................. 22 Table 11. Average volume (cubic inches) of SWD structures used in the design reach ...................... 23 Table 13. Regulatory Considerations................................................................................................... 27 Table14. Mitigation Credits.................................................................................................................28 Table 15. Credit Release Schedule....................................................................................................... 28 Table 16. Functional Benefits and Improvements................................................................................31 Table 17. Tree Communities at the Reference Reach for Selma Mill Site ........................................... 34 Table 18. Scaling Factors for Sizing Planform Design Parameters...................................................... 39 Table19. Proposed Plant List............................................................................................................... 40 Table 20. Peak Flow Comparison........................................................................................................ 43 Table 21. Stable Channel Design Output............................................................................................. 44 Table 22. Comparison of Allowable and Proposed Shear Stresses...................................................... 45 Table 23. Comparison of Allowable and Proposed Velocities............................................................. 45 Table24. Maintenance Plan ................................................................................................................. 47 Table 25. Monitoring Requirements.....................................................................................................49 Selma Mill Mitigation Plan v April 2016 List of Figures Figure 1- Vicinity Map Figure 2- USGS Topographic Map Figure 3- National Wetlands Inventory Map Figure 4- 1980 Historical Conditions Map Figure 5- Soils Map Figure 6- FEMA Map Figure 7- Current Conditions Map Figure 8- LIDAR Map Figure 9- Landowner Map Figure 10- Conceptual Plan Map Figure 11- Non -Standard Buffer Width Calculations Figure 12- Watershed Landuse Map Appendices Appendix A —Site Protection Instrument(s) Appendix B — Baseline Information Data Appendix C — Mitigation Work Plan Data and Analyses Appendix D — Site Protection Instruments Appendix E —Design Plan Sheets (I I"x17") Selma Mill Mitigation Plan vi April 2016 I RESTORATION PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The 2010 Neuse River Basin River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) identified several restoration needs for the entire Neuse River Basin, as well as for HUC 03020201, specifically. The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site ("Site") was identified as a stream restoration opportunity to improve water quality, habitat, and hydrology within the Neuse 01 River Basin. The project goals address stressors identified in the TLW and include the following: • Nutrient removal, • Sediment removal, • Invasive species removal, • Filtration of runoff, and • Improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat. The project goals will be addressed through the following project objectives: • Exclusion of livestock, • Elimination and control of exotic invasive species, • Restoration of forested riparian stream buffers, • Stabilization of eroding stream banks due to lack of vegetation and livestock hoof shear, • Addition of large woody debris, such as log vanes, log weirs, root wads, • Preservation and enhancement of hydrology in existing riparian wetland seeps, and • Restoration of appropriate pattern, dimension, and profile in stream channels. The proposed Site is located within the downstream end of HUC 03020201 and includes streams that discharge into Mill Creek. Due to its location and proposed improvements, the Site will provide numerous ecological and water quality benefits within the Neuse River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far-reaching effects. Many of the project design goals and objectives, including restoration of riparian buffers to filter runoff from agricultural operations and improve terrestrial habitat, and construction of in -stream structures to improve habitat diversity, will address the degraded water quality and nutrient input from farming that were identified as major watershed stressors in the 2010 Neuse RBRP. 2 SITE SELECTION 2.1 Directions to Site The Selma Mill Mitigation Bank is located in Johnston County immediately north of Selma, NC (Figure 1). The latitude and longitude forthe site is 35.547353 °N and-78.282503 °W. The site extends approximately 2,300 feet north on the west side of NC HWY 96 beginning immediately north of W Chestnut Street. A tributary crosses NC HWY 96 approximately 1,900 feet north of W Chestnut Street and extends approximately 1,600 feet west. 2.2 Site Selection 2.2.1 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NC DWQ River Basin The Site is located in the Neuse River Basin within Cataloging Unit 03020201 (NCDWQ sub -basin 03- 04-02). The Site is located within the Neuse River Basin (8-digit USGS HUC 03020201, 14-digit USGS HUC 03020201100050 (USGS, 2012) and the NCDWQ Cape Fear 03-04-02 sub -basin (NCDWQ, Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 7 April 2016 2002) (Figure 2). This 14-digit HUC is identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) 2010 Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorites (RBRPs). 2.2.2 Project Components The project area is comprised of a single easement area along three tributaries that flow into Mill Creek. The easement is separated by a crossing at NC HWY 96. The western portion of the project originates near the intersection of Hwy 96 W Chestnut Street and includes Reaches A1, A2, and B3. The eastern portion of the project is located in an agricultural field to the east of NC HWY 96. This area includes Reaches B1, B2, and C. The stream mitigation components are summarized in (Table 1; Figures 10 & 11). Table 1. Selma Mill Site Project Components — Stream Mitigation Mitigation Stationing Existing Proposed Prop Mitigation Base Adjusted Reach Type* (Proposed) Length Length Ratio SMUs** SMUs*** (LF) (LF) A P2 Restoration 0+61 to 19+42 1,514 1,881 1 : 1 1,881 2,068 A PI/P2 Restoration 19+72 to 27+30 630 758 1 : 1 758 821 A P1 Restoration 27+60 to 34+45 571 685 1:1 685 801 B P2 Restoration 1+94 to 10+39 741 845 1 : 1 845 903 B P1/P2 Restoration 10+72 to 22+95 1,062 1,223 1 : 1 1,223 1,334 B P2 Restoration 23+55 to 28+59 405 504 1 : 1 504 503 C HWV Restoration 3+00 to 8+59 584 559 1 : 1 559 559 C HWV Restoration 8+89 to 13+15 294 426 1 : 1 420 420 Total 5,801 6,881 6,875 7,409 *P1 = Priority 1; P2 = Priority 2; HWV- Headwater Valley **Base SMUs for Headwater Valley Restoration is based on valley length and not proposed channel length **See Appendix A- Figure 11 for SMU adjustments based on non-standard buffer widths. 2.2.3 Historical Land Use and Development Trends Aerial imagery indicates that the subject site has been used extensively for agricultural purposes, and that the location of the streams has not changed in over 50 years (Figure 4 and Figure 7). In the late 1990s the upstream area surrounding Reach A, which was originally wooded, was cleared. Little has changed since 1998 in regards to the development of the project site and nearby surrounding property. The area remains in an agricultural community with some neighboring property forested. Several watershed characteristics, such as groundwater, vegetation, surface drainage, and potentially soil parameters have been modified. Soil structure and surface texture have been altered from intensive agricultural operations. Historical land use and development trends on the Selma Mill Site are summarized in Table 2. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 8 April 2016 Table 2. Historical Land Use and Development Trends Date Land Use and Development Observations* 1950 Conditions consist of agricultural fields throughout the project area, with the exception of some wooded riparian areas on the target parcels. 1980 Land use conditions have changed very little. 1993-1998 Forested area along upstream area of Reach A cleared for pasture 1998-2010 Land use conditions have changed very little. 2010 Depicts current site conditions. * Observations based on aerial imagery 2.3 Soil Survey The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The soils within the Coastal Plain region of Johnston County formed in sediments deposited several million years ago by the oceans and streams. The flood plains along the Neuse River consist of relatively recent deposits of sediments that are not as highly weathered as sediments in the Coastal Plain Region. Much of the county is well drained; however, several areas are poorly drained. The Site is shown to straddle two soil associations: the Rains -Goldsboro -Lynchburg and the Norfolk -Goldsboro -Rains. The Rains -Goldsboro -Lynchburg association is found in broad, level interstream areas that are relatively undissected by streams. The major soils are Rains, Goldsboro, and Lynchburg. The soils range from poorly to moderately well -drained. The soils are well suited to cropland. The wetness is the main limitation affecting agricultural uses on the Rains and Lynchburg soils. The Norfolk -Goldsboro - Rains association is found along the edges of broad interstream areas or on moderately broad ridges in the uplands. The major soils are Norfolk, Goldsboro, and Rains. The Norfolk and Goldsboro soils are moderately well to well drained and are well suited to most crops and urban uses in the area. The Rains soils are poorly drained. All soils are well suited for woodlands and most of the crops grown in the county. The Johnston County Soil Survey shows eight mapping units across the site. Map units include five soil series (Figure 5). The upland soils found in this area of the county formed in sandy sediments from marine and fluviomarine deposits or loamy alluvium. The upland soils at this site are on a river terrace above the active floodplain. The soil series found on the site are described below and summarized in Table 3. Goldsboro sandy loam. This is a very deep, moderately drained soil found on uplands of the Coastal Plain. Soils formed in fluviomarine deposits, and generally occur on slopes between 0-10%. Runoff is negligible to medium and permeability is moderate. Major uses are cropland. Goldsboro sandy loams occur along flats and terraces along the edges of the proposed conservation easement. Lynchburg sandy loam. This is a very deep, somewhat poorly drained soil that occurs on terraces and flats of the Coastal Plain. They formed in fluviomarine deposits, and generally occur on slopes between 0-5%. Runoff is negligible and permeability is moderate. Major uses are cropland, pasture, and forest. Lynchburg sandy loam is the predominant soil throughout the project area occurring along the streambanks and floodplains in the easement. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 9 Aphl 2016 Norfolk loamy sand. This is a very deep, well -drained soil that occurs on uplands of the Coastal Plain. They formed in fluviomarine deposits, and generally occur on slopes between 0-10%. Runoff is negligible to medium and permeability is moderate to high. This soil type is mostly cleared and used for cropland. Norfolk loamy sands occur along the interstream areas between Reach A and B in the target parcels of the proposed conservation easement. Norfolk -Urban land complex. This unit consists of the well -drained Norfolk soils and urban land. The unit is about 50% Norfolk soil and 30% urban land. Norfolk -urban land complex occurs along the residential areas to the east of Reach A. Rains sandy loam. This is a very deep, poorly drained soil that occurs on flats and depressions of the Coastal Plain. They formed in fluviomarine deposits, and generally occur on slopes between 0-2 %. Runoff is negligible and permeability is moderate. Major uses are forest and cropland. Rains sandy loam occurs along the top of Reach B in the proposed conservation easement. Rains -Urban land complex. This unit consists of poorly drained Rains soils and urban land in broad upland areas on the Coastal Plain. The unit is about 55% Rains soil and 25% urban land. Rains -Urban land complex occurs along the top of Reach A in the proposed conservation easement. Wehadkee loam. This nearly level, poorly drained soil occurs on stream and tributary floodplains. Most mapped areas are long and narrow, and slopes are generally 0-2%. Permeability is moderate and the seasonally high water table is generally within 12 inches of the surface. Surface runoff is slow. Wehadkee loam occurs at the most downstream end of the easement, near the confluence with Mill Creek. Table 3. Mapped Soil Series Map Unit Map Unit Name Percent Drainage Hydrologic Landscape Symbol Hydric Class Soil Group Setting GoA Goldsboro sandy loam 2/0 ° Moderately B Flats, Marine 0 — 2% slopes well Terraces Ly Lynchburg sandy loam 2% Somewhat C Flats, Marine poorly Terraces NoA Norfolk loamy sand, 0 5% Well B Flats, Marine — 2% slopes Terraces NoB Norfolk loamy sand, 2 2% Well B Floodplains — 6 /° slopes NuA Norfolk -Urban land 0/° ° Well B Uplands /° complex, 0 — 3 slopes Ra Rains sandy loam 80% Poorly B/D Flats, Marine Terraces Rba Rains -Urban land 60% Poorly B/D Flats, Marine complex, 0- 2% slopes Terraces Wt Wehadkee loam, 85% Poorly D Depressions, Flood frequently flooded plains Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 10 April 2016 2.4 Site Photographs Facing downstream on Reach Al. 03/09/2015 Facing upstream on Reach Al. 03/09/2015 f' 1 l tip' ! • ' Slumping left bank on upper end of Reach A2. Facing downstream on lower end of Reach A2. 03/09/2015 03/09/2015 I � L r - '1 r Facing downstream on Reach B 1. 03/09/2015 Facing upstream on Reach B 1. 03/09/2015 Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 11 April 2016 MI r fy 771. Al Facing upstream on Reach B2. 03/09/2015 Facing downstream on Reach B2. 03/09/2015 LJO Facing upstream on Reach B3. 03/09/2015 Facing downstream on Reach B3. 03/09/2015 Facing downstream on Reach C. 03/09/2015 Facing upstream on Reach C. 03/09/2015 Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 12 April 2016 Y General conditions of left bank riparian zone General conditions Reach B2. 04/09/2014 along Reach Al and A2. 11/24/2014 s a General conditions of Reach A2 lower end and General conditions of Reach B land Wetland 2 Wetland 4 (W4). 04/09/2014 (W2). 3/09/2015 General conditions of Wetland 3 (W2). 3/09/2015 Pond upstream of Reach C. 3/09/2015 Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 13 April 2016 3 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT 3.1 Site Protection Instrument(s) Summary Information The land required for the construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation site includes portions of the following parcels. A copy of the land protection instrument(s) is included in Appendix A. Table 4. Project Parcel and Landowner Information Landowner Pin County Deed Book and Page Number Parcel Acreage Protected Acreage HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-44-4014 Johnston 00656-0466 95.86 28.67 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-33-0517 Johnston 00444-0216 2.19 2.45 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-33-2842 Johnston -- 1.35 0.49 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-33-2955 Johnston 00595- 0433 0.37 0.17 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-34-2063 Johnston 00595- 0434 0.84 0.47 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514- 34-2163 Johnston -- 0.79 0.03 HOWARD, PAUL H 261514-34-2360 Johnston 00488-0026 1.9 0.78 EBX- NEUSE I LLC 261514-44-4614 Johnston 04534-0780 13.74 3.45 The Wilmington District Conservation Easement model template was utilized to draft the site protection instrument. A copy of the final recorded easement is provided in Appendix A. EBX-Neuse I, LLC (a RES entity), acting as the Bank Sponsor, will establish a Conservation Easement, and will monitor the Site for a minimum of seven years. This Mitigation Plan provides detailed information regarding bank operation, including long term management and annual monitoring activities, for review and approval by the Interagency Review Team (IRT). Upon approval of the Site by the IRT, the site will be transferred to the NCWHF. The NCWHF will be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the Conservation Easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions will be negotiated prior to site transfer to the responsible party. The Bank Sponsor will ensure that the Conservation Easement will allow for the implementation of an initial monitoring phase, which will be developed during the design phase and conducted by the Bank Sponsor. The Conservation Easement will allow for yearly monitoring and, if necessary, maintenance of the Site during the initial monitoring phase. These activities will be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approved Mitigation Plan for the Selma Mill Mitigation Site. The Site will be authorized under the Neu -Con Wetland and Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank made and entered into by EBX-Neuse I, LLC (a RES entity), US Army Corps of Engineers, and NC Division of Water Resources. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 14 April 2016 4 BASELINE INFORMATION 4.1 Watershed Summary Information 4.1.1 Drainage Area The easement totals 34.2 acres and the project streams include three unnamed tributaries to Mill Creek. Reach A begins at the intersection of W Chestnut Street and Hwy 96 and Reaches B and C originate in the agricultural field to the east of Hwy 96. The total drainage area at the downstream limits of the site is 583 acres (0.84 mi'). The land use in the site watershed is approximately 30% agricultural, 40% residential, 10% forested, and 12% industrial/commercial. 4.1.2 Surface Water Classification The current State classification for the Selma Mill Mitigation Site restoration reaches is undefined. Tributaries of the site run directly into Mill Creek. Mill Creek is defined as Class WS-IV NSW (NCDWQ 2012a). Class WS-IV waters are used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes where a WS-1, WS-II, or WSIII classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses; Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life, secondary recreation, and agricultural usage. The NSW is a designation for nutrient sensitive waters — intended for waters needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. Table 5. Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Inner Coastal Plain River Basin Neuse USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03020201 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03020201100050 DWQ Sub -basin 03-04-02 Project Drainage Area (acres) 583 Percent Impervious Area 35% 4.1.3 Endangered/Threatened Species Plants and animals with a federal classification of endangered or threatened are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Rare and protected species listed for Johnston County, and any likely impacts to the species as a result of the project construction, are discussed in the following sections. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) database (updated 22 September 2010) lists four endangered species for Johnston County, North Carolina: red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Tar River spinymussel (Eliptio steinstansana), dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), and Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii) (Table 6). No protected species or potential habitat for protected species was observed during preliminary site evaluations. In addition to the USFWS database, the NC Natural Heritage Program (NHP) GIS database was consulted to determine whether previously cataloged occurrences of protected species were mapped within one mile of the project site. Results from NHP indicate that there are no known occurrences within a one -mile radius of the project area. Based on initial site investigations, no impacts to federally protected species are anticipated as a result of the proposed project. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 15 April 2016 WK Dickson submitted a request to USFWS for review and comments on the proposed Selma Mill Mitigation Project on February 16, 2015 in regards to any potential impacts to threatened and endangered species. A response from USFWS received on March 20, 2015 stated that the proposed Project "is not likely to adversely affect any federally -listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the [Endangered Species] Act". The USFWS did express concern that sedimentation resulting from the Project may impact aquatic species. They recommend "that all practicable measures be taken to avoid adverse impacts to aquatic species, including implementing... stringent sediment and erosion control measures". The proposed site offers some potential to improve or create suitable habitat for several Federal Species of Concern. Habitat may be improved or created for species that require riverine habitat by improving water quality, in -stream and near -stream forage, and providing stable conditions not subject to regular maintenance. Improved stream habitat may benefit the American eel (Anguilla rostrata). Terrestrial habitat will be improved through the restoration and enhancement of bottomland hardwood communities. Improved terrestrial habitat may benefit pondspice (Listea aestivalis), Cuthbert turtlehead (Chelone cuthbertii), and Rafinesque's big -eared bat —Coastal Plain subspecies (Corynorhinus rafinesquii marcotis). Table 6. Federally Protected Species in Johnston County Common Name Scientific name Federal Status Habitat Present Record Status Vertebrate: Red -cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis E No Current Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGPA Yes Current Invertebrate• Tar River spinymussel Eliptio steinstansana E No Current Dwarf wed emussel Alasmidonta heterodon) E No Current Vascular Plant: Michaux's Sumac Rhus Michauxii E No Current 4.1.4 Cultural Resources Cultural resources include historic and archeological resources located in or near the project area. WK Dickson completed a preliminary survey of cultural resources to determine potential project impacts. No architectural structures or archeological artifacts have been observed or noted during preliminary surveys of the site for restoration purposes. A review of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service database revealed that there are National Registered listings within a one -mile radius of the proposed project area. The proposed project is located just outside the West Selma Historic District QT1514) which contains several national listed and study listed sites. The proposed project will not have any adverse effects to historical structures or viewsheds. In addition, the majority of the site has historically been disturbed due to agricultural practices and channel modifications. WK Dickson submitted a request to the NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to search records to determine the presence of any areas of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance that may be affected by the Selma Mill Mitigation Site on February 16, 2015. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 16 April 2016 4.2 Reach Summary Information The Site is comprised of a contiguous easement area along three tributaries that flow into Mill Creek. The easement is separated by a crossing at NC Hwy 96, one agricultural crossing, and two co -located utility crossings. The western portion of the project originates at the intersection of Hwy 96 and West Chestnut Street and includes Reach Al, Reach A2, and Reach B3. The eastern portion of the project originates in the agricultural field to the east of Hwy 96 and includes Reach B 1, Reach B2, and Reach C. The Selma Mill stream channels include unnamed tributaries that eventually flow into Mill Creek (Figure 2). The Selma Mill Mitigation Site is not located in a FEMA mapped floodway (Figure 6). Invasive control and stabilization will be performed in select segments of the project. Stream Classification Forms were completed at representative locations throughout the project area and stream determinations were confirmed by NCDWR staff (Appendix B). Results of the preliminary data collection are presented in Figure 7, Table 7 and Table 8. The Stream Morphology Table is included in Appendix B. Reach Al and A2 are oversized and incised perennial channels that are impacted by active cattle grazing. The watershed that drains to this channel is primarily commercial and residential and runoff is conveyed through a closed system that outfalls directly to the channel. Reach B 1 is an oversized channel that has been historically channelized and is devoid of an intact buffer along the left bank. About 500 feet downstream, Reach Blruns through a small patch of bottomland hardwood forest where the riparian buffer is fairly intact with hardwoods; invasive vegetation is common throughout the buffer along this section. Reach B3 is an entrenched channel that has no intact buffer and the channel is adjacent to a maintained residential property. Livestock freely access the channel. Reach C is an intermittent drainage feature impaired by channelization. The majority of the riparian vegetation is agricultural field with no trees located in the buffer. There is a small existing wetland along the left bank and the headwater for this reach originates from a wooded wetland flat. In general, all or portions of A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and C do not function to their full potential. Current conditions demonstrate significant habitat degradation as a result of impacts from livestock, historic land uses, and water diversion. Having been channelized in the past and/or ditched to drain nearby fields for agricultural activities, the streams do not access their floodplains as frequently as they naturally would have prior to farming operations. In most cases, these streams are hydraulically unstable and are devoid of bedform diversity. Habitat along the majority of the restoration reaches is poor in that there is little woody debris or overhanging vegetation for fish cover or protection for other aquatic species. Vegetative and habitat diversity is poor along the reaches, as well, and offers little benefit to the wildlife in the area. Site photographs and morphological parameters are located in Appendix B. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 17 April 2016 Table 7. Summary of Existing Channel Characteristics Reach Drainage ABKZF' Width Area (ac) (ft) (ft) Mean Depth (ft) Width:Depth Ratio Sinuosity Slope (ft/ft) Al 267 36.8 15.0 2.4 6.8 1.0 0.0004 A2 583 20.2 12.4 1.6 7.6 1.0 0.0021 B1 138 8.7 9.2 0.9 9.9 1.0 0.0036 B2 189 8.7 7.3 1.2 6.2 1.1 0.0030 B3 189 11.4 9.4 1.2 7.8 1.0 0.0030 C 42 2.5 5.0 0.5 10.1 1.0 0.0045 'ABKF= cross -sectional area (measured at approximate bankfull stage as estimated using existing conditions data and NC Regional Curve equations where field indicators were not present) Table 8. Reach Summary Information Parameters Al A2 Bl B2 B3 C Length of Reach 938 1,625 1,396 278 444 921 (linear feet) Valley X X X X X X Classification Drainage Area 267 583 138 189 189 42 (acres) NCDWQ Stream Identification 41 41 32.50 32.50 32.50 24.50 Score NCDWQ Water Quality N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Classification Morphological Description G5cB5 G5c G5c G5c G5c G5c stream type) Evolutionary Stage II/ Stage II Stage VI Stage II Stage 11 Stage 11 Trend Stage IV Underlying Ly Ra Ly Mapped Soils L y Wt o L y L y GoA Ly Class poorly poorly; poorly -,well, poorly poorly poorly; well poorly poorly Slope 0.04% 0.21% 0.36% 0.30% 0.31% 0.45% FEMA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Classification Native Pasture; Pasture; Pasture; Vegetation forest pasture hardwood pasture Maintained pasture Community forest open space ition EInats 10 10 20 10 10 10 4.2.1 Channel Classification The streams have been classified as intermittent and perennial streams using the NCDWR Stream Identification Form version 4.11 (Appendix B) and are G5c stream types as classified using the Rosgen stream classification system (Rosgen, 1994). The design reaches have been separated into six distinct sections that are described in Section 4.2.3. Channel characteristics are summarized in Table 7, and Appendix B. Stream determinations have been verified by NCDWR staff (Appendix B). Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 18 April 2016 4.2.2 Discharge Estimating flows (discharge) for the Selma Mill Site is difficult due to the channelization and agricultural impacts of the existing streams. Several models, regression equations, and the Coastal Plain regional curves were used to estimate existing bankfull discharges. Land use and slope were considered when the discharge calculations were developed. All hydraulic and hydrologic analyses are discussed in Section 8.3.1. Data and analysis of the hydrologic and hydraulic models are included as Appendix C. 4.2.3 Channel Morphology Reach Al Reach Al is a perennial channel located in an active pasture with a drainage area of 0.42 square miles (267 acres). The reach is approximately 1,104 linear feet and flows in a northerly direction through active pasture. The planform of this perennial, G-type channel is generally straight and is slightly entrenched throughout. The approximate bankfull cross -sectional area is 36.8 square feet with approximate dimensions of 15 feet wide and 2.4 feet deep, while the cross -sectional area of the channel at top of bank is 111.3 square feet. The dominant bed material is coarse sand. The gradient of the reach is approximately 0.0004 ft/ft. The reach is oversized and exhibits moderately unstable banks. The riparian buffer is primarily comprised of pasture grasses on the left bank and a narrow corridor of pine trees along the right bank of the channel. The channel scored 41 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). Reach A2 Reach A2 is a perennial channel located in an active pasture with a drainage area of 0.91 square miles (583 acres). The reach is approximately 1,610 linear feet, and flows in a northerly direction until draining to a wetland at the northwest end of the easement. Reach A2, a G-type channel, is typically 12.4 feet wide and 1.6 feet deep near bankfull, and 25.9 feet wide with a max depth of 4.2 feet at top of bank. The approximate bankfull cross sectional area is 20.2 square feet. The existing slope of Reach A2 is 0.0021 ft/ft, and the dominant bed material is coarse sand. The channel scored 41 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). Reach B1 Reach B 1 is a perennial channel located to the east of NC Hwy 96 with a drainage area of 0.22 square miles (138 acres). This reach is approximately 1394 linear feet and has a slope of 0.0036 ft/ft. This section is a G-type channel and has an approximate bankfull cross -sectional area of 8.7 square feet and an area of 49.0 square feet at top of bank. The channel is typically 9.2 feet wide and 0.9 foot deep. The riparian buffer is comprised of agricultural field and some mixed hardwoods and pines along the channel. The channel scored 32.5 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). Reach B2 Reach B2 is a perennial channel that begins after the confluence of Reaches B 1 and C, and flows through an agricultural field before reaching NC Hwy 96. Reach B2 has a drainage area of 0.30 square miles (189 acres) and has an existing length of 375 linear feet. The reach is a G-type channel, has an average cross -sectional area of 8.7 square feet, and a slope of 0.0030 ft/ft. The channel scored 32.5 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). Reach B3 Reach B3 is a perennial channel that begins after the crossing at NC Hwy 96, and runs through pasture and maintained residential land before its confluence with Reach A. Reach B3 has a drainage area of 0.30 square miles (189 acres) and has an existing length of 405 linear feet. The reach is a a G-type Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 19 April 2016 channel, has an average cross -sectional area of 11.4 square feet, and a slope of 0.0030 ft/ft. The channel scored 32.5 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). Reach C Reach C is a straightened, intermittent ditch located in an active pasture in the upstream section of the project. The reach is approximately 852 linear feet, and flows southwest to its confluence with Reach B. It has a drainage area of 0.07 square miles (42 acres). Reach C, a G-type channel, is typically 5.0 feet wide and 0.5 feet deep near bankfull, and 15.3 feet wide with a max depth of 1.2 feet at top of bank. The approximate bankfull cross sectional area is 2.5 square feet. The existing slope of Reach C is 0.0045 ft/ft, and the dominant bed material is muck. The channel scored 24.5 points on the NCDWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 4.11). 4.2.4 Channel Stability Assessment A modified version of the channel stability assessment method (CSA) provided in "Assessing Stream Channel Stability at Bridges in Physiographic Regions" by Johnson (2006) was used to assess channel stability for the Selma Mill existing channels and reference reach. This method may be rapidly applied on a variety of stream types in different physiographic regions having a range of bed and bank materials. The original CSA method was designed to evaluate thirteen stability indicators in the field. These parameters are: watershed characteristics, flow habit, channel pattern, entrenchment/channel confinement, bed material, bar development, presence of obstructions/debris jams, bank soil texture and coherence, average bank angle, bank vegetation/protection, bank cutting, mass wastingibank failure, and upstream distance to bridge. As this method was initially developed to assess stability at bridges, a few minor adjustments were made to remove indicators that contradict stability characteristics of natural channels in favor of providing hydraulic efficiency at bridges. First, the "channel pattern" indicator was altered such that naturally meandering channels scored low as opposed to straightened/engineered channels that are favorable for stability near bridges. Secondly, the last indicator, "upstream distance to bridge," was removed from the assessment as bridges are not a focus of channel stability for this project. The twelve indicators were then scored in the field, and a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor was assigned to each project reach based on the total score. (See Appendix B for the CSA field form.) The CSA results (scores and ratings) for the Selma Mill Site project and reference reaches are provided in Table 9. Project Reaches Al, A2, B1, B2, B3 and C all received "Fair" ratings. The reference reach received a "Good" rating. All channels proposed for either restoration have been straightened and entrenched, and some are actively maintained. These characteristics are reflected in the poor CSA scores for channel pattern and bank vegetation/protection. Most reaches scored poorly for watershed characteristics since the surrounding land use is dominated by agriculture activities, residential development, and lack of riparian buffers. Table 9. Channel Stability Assessment Results Al A2 Bl B2 B3 C Ref. Reach Watershed characteristics Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 20 April 2016 2 Flow habit 7 7 7 7 7 5 4 3 Channel pattern 9 9 10 10 10 10 3 4 Entrenchment/channel 9 9 8 8 8 7 3 confinement 5 Bed material 6 6 7 7 7 7 5 6 Bar development 9 9 7 7 7 9 5 7 Obstructions/debris jams 5 5 6 6 6 3 3 8 Bank soil texture and 8 8 7 7 7 8 4 coherence 9 Average bank angle 10 10 10 10 10 7 4 10 Bank vegetation/protection 10 10 8 11 11 10 3 11 Bank cutting 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 12 Mass wasting/bank failure 7 7 5 5 5 2 2 13 Upstream distance to bridge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Score 95 95 89 92 92 80 48 Rating* Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Excellent (0 < Score <= 33), Good (33 < Score <= 66), Fair (66< Score <= 99), Poor (99 < Score <= 132) 4.2.5 Bankfull Verification Bankfull is difficult and often times impossible to accurately identify on actively maintained channels and agricultural ditches. The usual and preferred indicators rarely exist, and other factors may be taken into consideration in order to approximate a bankfull stage. Other factors that may be used are wrack lines, vegetation lines, scour lines, or top of a bankfull bench; however, complete confidence should not be placed on these indicators. Along the proposed restoration reaches, the channel is generally entrenched and actively maintained, which means bankfull indicators were very limited or non-existent. Therefore, bankfull stage was estimated by using Coastal Plain Regional Curves and other hydrologic analyses, existing cross -sections, and in-house spreadsheets to estimate bankfull area and bankfull discharge. 4.2.6 Vegetation Current land use in the vicinity of the project is primarily agricultural and residential. Along the upper end of Reach A, the right bank stream corridor is wooded with loblolly pine and mixed hardwoods. Exotic species are also present throughout, including Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). The rest of Reach A, and the majority of Reaches B and C, is active agricultural field (pasture or fallow field) with either Bermuda grass or fields planted with annual rye/wheat, depending upon the season. Other grasses and weeds are limited. The current land use along the right bank of the top of Reach B and along portions of the stream corridor is forest with a mix of trees, saplings, and shrubs. The common species include tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and loblolly pine (Pious taeda). The understory mainly consists of giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and few other shrubs. Green briar and Chinese privet are locally dense. All naturally vegetated areas were classified by their community type, and their boundaries were approximately located. Detailed observations of vegetation species, soils, and hydrology were recorded in each community type. Table 10 describes each natural community. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 21 April 2016 Table 10. Natural Community Summary Existing Land Use Percent of Watershed Natural Community (Schafale and Weakley Community) Agriculture 30 NA Residential 40 NA Mixed Pines/Hardwoods 10 Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest -Coastal Plain Open Water < 1 NA Roads 7 NA Industrial/Commercial 12 NA 4.2.7 Quantitative Habitat Assessment A quantitative habitat assessment was performed on the reference reach to measure the volume of woody debris and fish cover. These data were used to establish a baseline for measuring functional uplift and to determine the placement and volume of woody debris in the design reaches. The length of each sample reach was thirty to forty times the base -flow wetted width of the channel with a minimum reach size of 100 feet. The sample reach was divided into ten transects spaced evenly over the entire reach. Transect length was five feet upstream and five feet downstream of the transect midpoint, and extended the full width of the channel. Parameters measured at each transect were small woody debris (SWD), substrate material, and riparian composition. At each transect, the channel bed form was noted and an average width and depth recorded. The following is an analysis of the habitat assessment data. Small Woody Debris Methods and Results Small woody debris was measured at the reference reach in order to design SWD habitat structures similar to those found in the reference reach. SWD greater than 0.2 inches in diameter were measured in each reference reach transect. Large woody debris was eliminated from analysis since these are analogous to structures such as log vanes and log toes currently applied to most restoration designs. Transects were identified as either shallow or pool bed form types resulting in four pools and six shallows measured at the reference reach. Measurements of SWD were summed for each bed form type and divided by the number of corresponding transects to get the average volume of SWD per pool or shallow. The average volume was then divided by the average transect area to get the volume of SWD per square foot. The average design reach bed form area was calculated by assuming a length of ten feet (based on reference transects) and multiplying that by the average bottom cross section width. The average volume was multiplied by the ratio of average reference reach transect area to the average area in the design reach to obtain the volume of SWD to be installed at each fixed pool and at select locations along the design shallows. WK Dickson currently uses wattles, dead brush, and woody debris bundles in the design of restoration channels. Based on the reference reach SWD analysis, these SWD structures will be concentrated in pool habitats and throughout shallows in volumes and size classes similar to those found in the reference reach. Wattles are woody branch structures tied together and embedded into the bank so that the free ends stick out into the wetted channel. Dead brush structures are shrub or tree tops that are anchored to the bottom of the channel. Woody debris bundles are bundles of sticks one to four inches in diameter and one to four feet long that are anchored to the streambed. The average volume of each SWD structure is presented in Table 11. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 22 April 2016 Table 11. Average volume (cubic inches) of SWD structures used in the design reach. SWD Average Volume Woody Debris Bundle 509 Dead Brush 589 Wattle 42 Root Wad 562 Leaf Pack 120 In addition to the habitat assessment conducted at the reference site, the design reaches of the project site were visually assessed in order to measure representative habitat gains over time post -construction. Based on these assessments, there is a disparity of SWD volume between the reference reach and the design reaches (Chart 1). Small woody debris assessment results for all design reaches except for the upper end of Reach B were very low compared to the reference reach results. Since most of the design reaches flow through open agricultural fields, there is little to no woody vegetation present to contribute to woody debris. The woody debris present is predominantly contributed from adjacent buffer with some input from upstream reaches. Average SWD per Reach goo m = 700 600 m 500 a v 400 = 300 200 100 Buffalo Branch Best Site Reach A Reach B (wooded Reach B (no Reach C buffer) buffer) 0 Reference ■ Mitigation* Chart 1. Average volume (cubic inches) of SWD per assessed reach. This chart represents existing conditions in all assessed reaches. *Mitigation reaches were assessed qualitatively. Woody debris collected in streams provides habitat for macroinvertebrates, fish, and amphibians, and increases stream productivity by retaining carbon in the channel. This quantitative habitat assessment provides guidance for improving habitat conditions through specifically placed and sized SWD structures, and provides a means for assessing functional gains over time. WK Dickson has included these structures in the design plans (Appendix D). Substrate Composition Substrates were divided into eight classes as follows: coarse/fine particulate organic matter, silt/clay/muck, fine sand, coarse sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, and bedrock (Chart 2). Channel width and water depth were measured at each transect in four equally spaced intervals from bank to bank. Substrate coverage was visually determined between widths measured at each major change in substrate type. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 23 April 2016 The substrate composition analysis revealed that the reference reach has similar substrate to the reaches at Selma Mill. Organic matter (C/FPOM) was observed during the substrate comparison but was immeasurable and less than 0.5 percent. Macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity has been tied to the ability of a channel to retain carbon. Several design structures and vegetation plantings can be used to increase organic substrate composition. Constructed leaf packs will be installed in select locations for immediate macroinvertebrate colonization. SWD bundles will serve to collect organic matter flowing downstream increasing carbon retention. By adding sinuosity and creating a better floodplain connection, adding SWD in select locations, and creating pool habitats, substrate composition will more closely resemble reference reach conditions. Comparison of Substrate Between Reference Reach and Selma Mill Mitigation Reaches 100 - 90 so o Reach A 70 - ■ Reach A 6❑ - R Reach B SO - 40 - 0 Reach C 30 - ■ Reference 1�0 - 10 L U - I 6M.R CJFROM Silt/Mud Fine Coarse Gravel Cobble Boulder Sand Sand Chart 2. Comparison of substrate composition between the reference reach and the restoration reaches. 4.3 Wetland Summary Information 4.3.1 Existing Wetlands The USFWS National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) depicts a small area of wetlands within the site (Figure 3). An area along the floodplain of Reach A2 is mapped as PFOIA (Palustrine Forested Broad - Leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded). A wetland delineation was performed in March 2015. Wetland boundaries were delineated using current methodology outlined in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (DOA 1987) and Regional Supplement to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010). Soils were characterized and classified using the Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 7.0 (USDA-NRCS 2010). Wetland boundaries were marked with sequentially numbered wetland survey tape (pinkiblack striped). Flag locations were surveyed under the direction of a Professional Licensed Surveyor (PLS) with GPS and conventional survey (Figure 7; Table 12). The JD Approval letter for the site is included in Appendix B. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 24 April 2016 Wetland 1 (WI) This disturbed wetland is in an agricultural field along the left bank of Reach C. Vegetation is primarily a mix of grasses, sedges and common rush. There is no tree cover along the upper portion of Reach C. This wetland is seasonally saturated from high groundwater and bank overflow. The current land use is agriculture. Wetland 2 (W2) This small patch of bottomland hardwood forest is located along the floodplain of Reach B 1. The nearly level topography exhibits evidence of flooding in many places, and this wetland is seasonally saturated from high groundwater and some bank overflow. The current land use is forest with a mix of trees, saplings, and shrubs. The common species include tulip poplar, sweetgum, and some loblolly pine (Pious taeda). The understory mainly consists of giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and few other shrubs. Green briar and Chinese privet are locally dense. Wetland 3 (W3) This small patch of bottomland hardwood forest is located at the confluence of Reach C and Reach B 1. The nearly level topography exhibits evidence of flooding in many places, and this wetland is seasonally saturated from high groundwater and some bank overflow. The current land use is forest with a mix of trees, saplings, and shrubs. The common species include tulip poplar, sweetgum, and some loblolly pine. The understory mainly consists of giant cane, and few other shrubs. Green briar and Chinese privet are locally dense. Wetland 4 (W4) This disturbed, bottomland hardwood forest is located at the bottom of Reach A2. The current land use is active pasture. Vegetation is primarily a mix of pasture grasses and some small shrubs and trees. Multifloral rose is locally dense. The nearly level topography exhibits evidence of flooding in many places, and this wetland is seasonally saturated from high groundwater and some bank overflow. This wetland is hydrologically connected to a large NWI mapped wetland classified as PFOIA (Palustrine Forested Broad -Leaved Deciduous Temporarily Flooded). A jurisdictional determination of the wetlands has not been made by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), but the USACE has visited the restoration site. Wetland forms are included in Appendix B. Table 12. Wetland Summary Information Wetland Summary Information wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Parameters W1 W2 W3 W4 Size of Wetland 0.21 0.23 0.11 3.63 acres Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 25 April 2016 Wetland Type Seep Bottomland Bottomland Bottomland Hardwood Forest Hardwood Forest Hardwood Forest Mapped Soil Series GoA Ly Ly Ly/Wt Drainage Class Moderately well Poorly Poorly Poorly Hydric Soil Group B C C C/D Source of Hydrology Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Hydrologic Lack of Livestock Impairment vegetation and Incised channel Incised channel compaction hydrology Incised channel Native vegetation Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture community Percent composition of exotic invasive <5% 25% 25% <5% vegetation 4.4 Regulatory Considerations and Potential Constraints 4.4.1 Property Ownership, Boundary, and Utilities There are no major constraints to construction of the Site. The watershed that drains to the upper end of the site is approximately 260 acres, and land use is primarily commercial and residential. Currently, runoff from this watershed is conveyed through a closed system that outfalls at the upstream end of the project through multiple reinforced concrete pipes (RCP). An existing powerline easement crosses Reach B and Reach C which will result in a 30-foot easement break along each reach. These easement breaks will be co -located with potential landowner crossings. An herbaceous/shrub planting zone is proposed in these areas to provide stability. Reach B has one additional easement break at the NC Hwy 96 right-of-way. A 60-foot easement break is proposed for Reach A near the downstream end of the project to allow the landowner to access property; no additional crossings or easement breaks are proposed at this time. 4.4.2 Site Access There are no access constraints to the Selma Mill Site. To access the Site from the town of Selma, travel north on NC HWY 96 (N Sumner Street). The site is on the left side of the road beginning immediately north of W Chestnut Street. Reach B crosses NC Hwy 96 approximately 1,900 feet north of W Chestnut Street. The site protection instrument can be found in Appendix A. This site is readily accessible from NC Hwy 96 and W Chestnut Street. 4.4.3 FEMA/ Hydrologic Trespass Hydrologic trespass is a not a concern for this project. The downstream end of Reach A is located within the FEMA 100-year flood plain (Zone AE) of Mill Creek; however, no portions of the project are located within a FEMA floodway or non -encroachment area. Therefore, it is not anticipated that a No -rise or CLOMR will be required for the project. While designing the Selma Mill Site, appropriate measures were taken to eliminate hydrologic trespass of the adjacent agricultural fields and animal operations. The adjacent land use will not be affected by the proposed design, and the property owners have been notified of any potential impacts from hydrologic trespass within existing ditches. No detrimental impacts are expected beyond the easement limits. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 26 April 2016 Table 13. Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Yes No Appendix B Section 404 Waters of the United States - Yes No Appendix B Section 401 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Section 4.1.3; Appendix B Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Section 4.1.4; Appendix B Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area No N/A N/A Management Act (CAMA) FEMA Floodplain Compliance N/A N/A Section 4.4.3; Appendix B Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A 5 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS Mitigation credits presented in these tables are projections based upon site design. SMU totals have been adjusted and calculated using the most recent non-standard buffer width guidance documents (Figure 11). Upon completion of site construction, the project components and credits data will be revised to be consistent with the as -built condition. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 27 April 2016 Table 14. Mitigation Credits The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site Mitigation Credits Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Riparian Wetland Totals 7,989 N/A N/A Mitigation Stationing Existing ProposedMitigation Base Adjusted Reach Type (Existing) Length Length Ratio SMUs SMUs* (LF) (LF) A P2 Restoration 0+61 to 19+42 1,514 1,881 1 : 1 1,881 2,068 A PI/P2 Restoration 19+72 to 27+30 630 758 1 : 1 758 821 A P1 Restoration 27+60 to 34+45 571 685 1:1 685 801 B P2 Restoration 1+94 to 10+39 741 845 1 : 1 845 903 B PI/P2 Restoration 10+72 to 22+95 1,062 1,223 1 : 1 1,223 1,334 B P2 Restoration 23+55 to 28+59 405 504 1 : 1 504 503 C HWV Restoration 3+00 to 8+59 584 559 1 : 1 559 559 C HWV Restoration 8+89 to 13+15 294 426 1 : 1 420 420 Total 5,801 6,881 6,875 7,409 *Base SMUs for Headwater Valley Restoration is based on valley length and not proposed channel length. **SMU adjustments based on non-standard buffer widths. 6 CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE All credit releases will be based on the total credit generated as reported by the as -built survey of the mitigation site. Under no circumstances shall any mitigation project be debited until the necessary DA authorization has been received for its construction or the District Engineer (DE) has otherwise provided written approval for the project in the case where no DA authorization is required for construction of the mitigation project. The DE, in consultation with the IRT, will determine if performance standards have been satisfied sufficiently to meet the requirements of the release schedules below. hi cases where some performance standards have not been met, credits may still be released depending on the specifics of the case. Monitoring may be required to restart or be extended, depending on the extent to which the site fails to meet the specified performance standard. The release of project credits will be subject to the criteria described as follows: Table 15. Credit Release Schedule Release Credit Release Activity Interim Total Released Milestone Release 1 Site Establishment (includes all required criteria 15% 15% stated above) 2 Baseline Monitoring Report and As -built Survey 15% 30% 3 First year monitoring report demonstrates 10% 40% performance standards are being met. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 28 April 2016 Release Credit Release Activity Interim Total Released Milestone Release 4 Second year monitoring report demonstrates 10% 50% performance standards are being met. (60%**) 5 Third year monitoring report demonstrates 10% 60% performance standards are being met. (70%**) 6 Fourth year monitoring report demonstrates 5% 65% performance standards are being met. (80%**) Fifth year monitoring report demonstrates ° 10 /° 75% performance standards are beingmet. 85%* 8 Sixth year monitoring report demonstrates 5% 80% performance standards are being met. (90%**) 9 Seventh year monitoring report demonstrates 90% performance standards are being met, and project 10% (100%**) has received close-out approval. * * 10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met. 6.1 Initial Allocation of Released Credits The initial allocation of released credits, as specified in the mitigation plan can be released by the IRT with written approval of the DE upon satisfactory completion of the following activities: a) Approval of the final Mitigation Plan b) Mitigation bank site must be descured c) Recordation of the Conservation Easement, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the USACE covering the property d) Financial assurances. e) 404 permit verification for construction of the site 6.2 Subsequent Credit Releases The second credit release will occur after the completion of implementation of the Mitigation Plan and submittal of the Baseline Monitoring Report and As -built Survey. All subsequent credit releases must be approved by the DE, in consultation with the IRT, based on a determination that required performance standards have been achieved. As projects approach milestones associated with credit release, the Sponsor will submit a request for credit release to the DE along with documentation substantiating achievement of criteria required for release to occur. This documentation will be included with the annual monitoring report. 7 FUNCTIONAL RATIONALE The Stream Functions Pyramid Framework (Harman et. al. 2012) uses stream functions to describe project objectives, existing condition assessments and monitoring, performance metrics, and design criteria. The Framework separates stream functions into five categories, ordered into a hierarchy, which communicate the interrelations among functions and illustrate the dependence of higher level functions (biology, physiochemical and geomorpholgy) on lower level functions (hydrology and hydraulics). Functions that affect the greatest number of other functions are illustrated at the base of the pyramid, while functions that have the least effect on other functions are illustrated at the top of the pyramid. The Pyramid is illustrated below. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 29 April 2016 While traditional mitigation approaches have generally relied on surrogate measures of success (i.e. linear feet of restoration) for determining SMU credit yields, a function -based approach provides a more objective and flexible approach to quantify the expected ecological benefits of a mitigation design. Additionally, a functional based approach broadens the reach -scale goals of a restoration project by contextualizing the functional uplift to the watershed scale. The proposed Selma Mill Mitigation Site will provide numerous ecological and water quality benefits within the Neuse River Basin by applying an ecosystem restoration approach. Anticipated functional benefits and improvements within the project area, as based on the Function -Based Framework are outlined in Table 16. Geology CI imate Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 30 April 2016 Table 16. Functional Benefits and Improvements Functional Objective Description A& Level M EL (1-5) Benefit will be achieved through cattle exclusion and direct removal of fecal Nutrient removal inputs, filtering of runoff through buffer areas, the conversion of active farm 5 fields to forested buffers, and improved denitrification and nutrient uptake through buffer zones. Benefit will be achieved through the stabilization of eroding stream banks Sediment removal through cattle exclusion (passive) and bioremediation, bed loss will be 3,5 arrested with grade control structures, and reduction of sediment loss from re- forested pasture. Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of buffer areas that will Runoff filtration receive and filter runoff, thereby reducing nutrients and sediment 4,5 concentrations reaching aquatic resources. Benefit will be achieved through the enhancement of floodplain connectivity Water storage which will store more water during precipitation events than under current 1,2 drainage conditions. Improved Benefit will be achieved through the increased storage of precipitation in groundwater floodplain wetlands. Greater storage of water will lead to improved 2 recharge infiltration and groundwater recharge. Restoration of Benefit will be achieved by restoring riparian buffer and wetland buffers to habitats hardwood ecosystems. 4, 5 Improved substrate Substrate will become coarser as a result of the stabilization of stream banks and instream cover and an overall decrease in the amount fine materials deposited in the stream. 3, 5 Addition of large Benefit will be achieved through the addition of wood structures as part of woody debris the restoration design. Such structures may include log vanes, root wads, log 3, 4, 5 weirs, and log toes. Reduced water temperature due to Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of canopy tree species to the 4,5 shading stream buffer areas. 8 MITIGATION WORK PLAN 8.1 Reference Stream Studies 8.1.1 Target Reference Conditions The restoration portions of the project site are characterized by agricultural and livestock practices. Several ditches and stormwater pipes exist in the watershed and contribute to the project site. Physical parameters of the site were used, as well as other reference materials, to determine the target stream type. An iterative process was used to develop the final information for the site design. To develop the target reference conditions, physical site parameters were reviewed. This included the drainage area, land use, soils mapping units from the Johnston County Soil Survey for the watershed and Site, typical woody debris and habitat available for the area, as well as general topography. The "Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina" was also used to narrow the potential community types that would have existed at the site (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 31 April 2016 Targeted reference conditions included the following: • Located within the Physiographic Region — Inner Coastal Plain, • Similar drainage area, • Similar land use onsite and in the watershed, • Similar watershed soil types, • Similar site soil types, • Ideal, undisturbed habitat — several types of woody debris present, • Similar topography, • Similar slope, • Pattern common among coastal plain streams, and • Minimal presence of invasive species. Reference Site Search Methodology All the parameters used in Section 4.1 were used to find appropriate reference stream sites. Obtaining property owner information and owner authorization for access was another factor in locating suitable reference sites for the project. For this project, there was no predetermined amount of reference sites needed as long as the site was suitable and met the parameters. Several potential reference sites were assessed, and their characteristics were noted. It is difficult to find reference sites on the coastal plain because many have been disturbed by farming or urban development. Most streams tend to be modified ditches and may have some of the characteristics that are sought in a reference, but too few to make it an ideal reference for the project site. One reference stream site that proves to be ideal in both geomorphology and habitat is located near the intersection of Little Divine Road and Howard Road. Located approximately 4 miles north of the project site the reference reach is in the wooded area east of Howard Road. Reference Watershed Characterization The reference stream flows west to east and is the most downstream portion of an unnamed tributary that drains to Buffalo Creek. The reach that was surveyed and analyzed is approximately 375 feet long. The drainage area for the unnamed tributary is 0.84 square miles (540 acres). The land use in the watershed is characterized by mostly mixed pines and hardwoods (40 percent), cultivated row crops (29 percent), residential (18 percent), and managed herbaceous cover/pasture land (eight percent), pine plantations (four percent), and open water (one percent). Site photographs of the reference stream are located in Appendix B. The current State classification for reference reach is undefined, but the tributary runs into Buffalo Creek. Buffalo Creek is defined as Class C NSW (NCDWQ 2012a). Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life, secondary recreation, and agricultural usage. The NSW is a designation for nutrient sensitive waters — intended for waters needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. Buffalo Creek is listed on the 2012 303d list for impaired waters (NCDWQ 2012b). It is impaired for aquatic use, receiving a Fair Bioclassification rating for benthic ecologicalibiological integrity. Reference Discharge Several hydrologic models/methods were used to develop a bankfull discharge for the reference site. Existing drainage area, land use, slope, roughness, and cross -sectional area were all factors considered when performing the calculations. Using a combination of Coastal Plain Regional Curves, in-house spreadsheet tools, and a project specific regional flood frequency analysis, the existing discharge was Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 32 April 2016 found to be around 17 cubic feet per second (ft3/s). See Section for a more detailed description of the hydrologic analyses performed for this project. Reference Channel Morphology In comparison to the restoration reaches, the reference reach is slightly smaller than Reaches A and B when comparing pattern, dimension and profile, which is the reason for using a scaling factor for the design. The scaling factor is based on the difference in bankfull area of the reference channel. The new reach would then have the necessary dimensions of that of either a smaller or larger stream corresponding to differences in drainage area. The reference stream was typically eight to ten feet wide and one to two feet deep. The cross sectional area was typically around 11 square feet with a width to depth ratio around 8 to 11. Reference Channel Stability Assessment The reference reach was stable and showed no evidence of incision or erosion in the portion that was surveyed and analyzed. The stream appeared to maintain its slope and had sufficient amounts of vegetation to secure its banks. Riparian buffer widths exceeded fifty feet on each side. The CSA results (scores and ratings) for the reference reach are provided above in Table (Section 4.2.4). The reference reach received a "Good" rating as the channel demonstrates a stable meandering pattern and a well vegetated riparian buffer. Reference Bankfull Verification Typical indicators of bankfull include vegetation at the bankfull elevation, scour lines, wrack lines, vegetation lines, benches/inner berm, and point bars. Throughout the entire length of the reference reach, bankfull is located at the top of bank elevation. The accuracy of this bankfull stage is verified by the Coastal Plain Regional Curves and hydrologic analyses using existing cross sections to calculate area and discharge. Evidence that can further support the location of bankfull is the lack of any bench or berm features within the channel, and wrack lines present within the floodplain. Reference Riparian Vegetation The reference reach riparian community is characteristic of a coastal plain small stream swamp community. This community is approximately 15 to 20 years old, as evidenced by the representative diameter at breast height (DBH) measurements. This community was determined to have had past disturbance altering the species composition. Most of the canopy species recorded are high dispersal species and have been observed to occur near the restoration site. The following table lists the coverage estimates and species encountered. The right bank is denoted as RB and the left bank is denoted as LB. It is anticipated that a local seed source for these high dispersal species is present and will disperse across much of the mitigation site. These species are often found in early successional communities and quickly fill disturbance gaps. Because many of these high dispersal species often become aggressive in these sites, they are not included in the Restoration Planting List (Section 8.2.2). Hardwood species typical of the target community were observed in adjacent and nearby communities, and were judged to be more appropriate for this site. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 33 April 2016 Table 17. Tree Communities at the Reference Reach for Selma Mill Site. Transect Location Coverage Percent Evergreen Percent Deciduous Representative DBH (in.) Species 1 LB 80 0 100 15 Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer rubrum RB 90 10 90 18 Acer rubrum, Pinus taeda 2 LB 85 0 100 20 Liriodendron tulipifera, Nyssa Mora, Quercus alba RB 85 10 90 18 Acer rubrum, Pinus taeda 3 LB 90 0 100 17 Quercus nigra, Liriodendron tulipifera, Nyssa biflora RB 85 10 90 18 Acer rubrum, Pinus taeda 4 LB 85 0 100 17 Liriodendron tulipifera, Nyssa biflora, Quercus nigra RB 85 15 85 15 Pinus taeda, U nnis americana, Quercus alba 5 LB 85 0 100 17 Liriodendron tulipifera, Nyssa biflora RB 85 0 100 15 Liquidambar styraciflua 6 LB 85 0 100 17 Quercus nigra, Liriodendron tulipifera, Nyssa Mora RB 85 0 100 6 Nyssa biflora, Acer rubrum, Catalpa sp. 7 LB 80 0 100 10 Quercus michauxii, U nnis americana RB 75 0 100 6 Magnolia virginiana 8 LB 75 0 100 18 Magnolia virginiana, Quercus michauxii, Quercus alba RB 80 0 100 10 Nyssa biflora, Liriodendron tulipifera, Carya sp., Acer rubrum 9 LB 70 0 100 10 Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer rubrum, Magnolia virginiana RB 80 0 100 10 Nyssa biflora, Acer rubrum, Catalpa sp. 10 LB 75 0 100 12 Liriodendron tulipifera, Carya sp. RB 75 0 100 8 Liquidambar styraciflua, Acer rubrum, Liriodendron tulipifera Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 34 Aphl 2016 8.2 Design Parameters 8.2.1 Stream Restoration Approach Stream restoration efforts along the tributaries at the Site will be accomplished through analyses of geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics. The design approach applies a combination of analytical and reference reach based design methods that meet objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Proposed treatment activities may range from minor bank grading and planting to re-establishing stable planform and hydraulic geometry. For reaches requiring full restoration, natural design concepts have been applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach is to design a geomorphically stable channel that provides habitat improvements and ties into the existing landscape. The Site will include Priority Level 1 and 2 restoration and headwater valley restoration. Priority 1 and 2 restoration reaches will incorporate the design of a single -thread meandering channel, with parameters based on data taken from the reference site described in Section 8.1 above, published empirical relationships, NC Coastal Plain Regional Curves, and hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. As a result of the restoration of planform and dimension, frequent overbank flows and a restored riparian buffer will provide the appropriate hydrology and sediment transport throughout this coastal plain watershed. A conceptual plan view is provided in Figure 10. Headwater valley restoration will follow current regulatory guidance and published research. This restoration approach will result in a fully vegetated valley bottom following natural existing contours. Any ditches or channels present will be backfilled and stabilized. Vegetation will be restored across the entire headwater valley. Current stream conditions along the proposed restoration reaches demonstrate significant habitat degradation as a result of impacts from livestock, channelization performed to promote agricultural activities, and impervious watershed conditions. Additionally, the riparian buffer is in poor condition throughout most of the project area. Much of the riparian buffer is devoid of trees or shrubs and active pasture is present up to the edge of the existing channel. The Site design approach began with a thorough study of existing conditions, including the onsite streams, valleys, and watershed. Design parameters, including active channel, habitat and floodplain features were developed from analyses performed at the reference site. Analytical design techniques were used to determine the design discharge and to verify the design as a whole. Engineering analyses were performed using various hydrologic and hydraulic models to verify the reference reach based design. A combination of methods (including Hydraflow Hydrographs, regional curves and flood frequency analysis) were used to calculate flows received by the channel for bankfull and other significant storm events. Through this hydrologic analysis, the design discharge (typically referenced as bankfull or dominant discharge) was determined, and the subsequent design was based on this calculated discharge. Design parameters developed through the analyses of reference reach data and hydrologic and hydraulic modeling were confirmed using the Stable Channel Design function components within HEC-RAS and through spreadsheet tools. Engineering analyses were performed concurrently to geomorphic and habitat studies. While the stream design was verified by simulations of hydrology and fluvial processes, analogs of desirable habitat features were derived from reference sites and integrated into the project design. Both riparian habitat features and in -stream structures such as log grade controls, brush toes, log vanes, log toes, log drops were used throughout the project to act as grade control and for bank stabilization by dissipating and redirecting the stream's energy. Bank stability will also be enhanced through the installation of live Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 35 April 2016 stakes that include native species (e.g. black willow (Salix nigra) and silky dogwood (Cornus amomum)). In -stream habitat is highly dependent on available cover and organic material. A quantitative habitat assessment method was used to measure type, location, and quantity of habitat in the reference streams. During design, the habitat assessment results were scaled appropriately to the design parameters such that the quantity and placement of the habitat features along the restored channel mimics reference conditions. This process provides a natural channel design that addresses aquatic function improvements in addition to stability. Sections of abandoned stream channel will be backfilled to the elevation of the floodplain in areas adjacent to the new channel with material excavated onsite and by installing channel plugs where necessary. The floodplain will be planted with native species creating a vegetated buffer, which will provide numerous water quality and ecological benefits. Stream banks will be stabilized using a combination of grading, erosion control matting, bare -root plantings, native material revetment techniques (i.e. bioengineering), structure placement, and sod transplants where possible. The stream and adjacent riparian areas will be protected by a minimum 50-foot permanent conservation easement, which will be fenced as needed to exclude livestock. The Site has been broken into the following design reaches: Reach A (STA 0+61 to STA 27+30; STA 27+90 to STA 34+45) — Reach beginning at southwest corner of project totaling 3,324 linear feet of Priority 1 and 2 restoration. Pasture and disturbed wetlands are located adjacent to the reach. • Reach B (STA 1+94 to STA 10+39; STA 10+72 to STA 22+95; STA 23+55 to STA 28+59) — Reach beginning in agricultural field just west of HWY 301 and flows west until its confluence with Reach A totaling 2,572 linear feet of Priority 2 Restoration. Pasture and disturbed wetlands are located adjacent to the reach. • Reach C (STA 3+00 to STA 8+59; STA 8+89 to STA 13+15) — Reach beginning at farm pond outlet within an agricultural field east of Hwy 96 that drains to Reach B. Pasture and disturbed wetlands are located adjacent to this reach totaling 979 linear feet in Headwater Valley Restoration. Reach A A combination of Priority 1 and 2 restoration is proposed for Reach A to address existing impairments, particularly the channelized and oversized channel and lack of bedform diversity. The watershed that drains to the upper end of the project is approximately 260 acres, is nearly fully developed, and land use is primarily residential. Runoff from the watershed is conveyed through a closed system that outfalls through multiple RCP pipes just downstream of the intersection of W Chestnut St and Hwy 96. The primary 72-inch stormwater pipe has the lowest invert elevation of the existing pipes, and therefore controls the upstream elevation of the project. Since the pipe invert elevation is at a minimum of 6 feet below existing ground surface, Priority 1 restoration is not possible. If the proposed channel bed were to be raised, the increase in water surface elevations would result in hydrologic trespass on properties upstream. To account for the increased flows along Reach A due to a developed watershed, the design approach will include constructing a nested channel to accommodate multiple design flows. Proposed activities will include constructing a meandering channel within the natural valley, excavating a floodplain bench at the elevation of the proposed channel, and backfilling the existing stream. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 36 April 2016 Two 30-foot easement breaks are proposed along the reach; one near the middle of the reach, the other near the downstream end. Each break will allow for the installation of a culvert crossing consisting of twin 48 inch HDPE pipes. One of the pipes will be buried 1.0 foot to allow for fish passage and to convey baseflow, while the invert of the adjacent pipe will be set 2.0 to 3.0 inches above the channel bed elevation. Priority 1 Restoration is proposed for the reach downstream of the second easement break. The existing ditch will be backfilled, and the channel will be relocated such that it meanders within the existing valley to the east. A minimum 100 foot buffer will be established along the entirety of the reach and planted with native riparian vegetation. Livestock will be excluded with fencing installed along the easement boundary. All areas within the proposed buffer will be planted with native riparian vegetation. Reach B A combination of Priority 1 and 2 restoration is proposed for Reach B to address existing impairments, particularly the channelized and oversized channel and lack of bedform diversity. Priority 1 restoration is not possible along the upper end of this reach due to elevation constraints at the culverts under Pollock Street (HWY 301). If the proposed channel bed were to be raised, the increase in water surface elevations would result in hydrologic trespass on properties upstream of Pollock St. The design approach will include meandering the proposed channel within the natural valley, excavating a floodplain bench, and backfilling the existing stream. There are two easement breaks proposed along the reach. The first is a 30-foot break to accommodate an existing powerline easement located approximately 750 feet west of Pollock St; future landowner access will be co -located in this crossing. The second is a 60-foot break for the HVVY 96 crossing. A minimum 50 foot buffer will be established and planted with native riparian vegetation. Because the buffer is devoid of significant woody vegetation, woody debris will be installed along the bed to improve in -stream habitat. All areas within the proposed buffer will be planted with native riparian vegetation. Reach C Headwater valley restoration is proposed for Reach C. The construction of a wide, shallow channel is proposed to provide a hydrologic connection between the reach and an existing pond located upstream of the reach. Restoration will involve redirecting channel flow to the natural valley, plugging and backfilling the existing ditch such that cut and fill is balanced, and planting the buffer with native vegetation. A 30 foot easement break is proposed to accommodate an existing powerline easement; future landowner access will be co -located in this crossing. A minimum 100 foot buffer will be established along the entirety of the reach and planted with native riparian vegetation. Design Discharge Based upon the hydrologic analyses described below and in Section, design discharges were selected that fall between model results for the 1.1-year and 1.5-year flood frequency analysis for each reach. The selected flows for the restoration reaches are 27ft3/s for Reach A and 15ft3/s for Reach B. These discharges will provide frequent inundation of the adjacent floodplain. The design discharges were selected based on the following rationale: • The calculated bankfull discharge for the analog/reference reach closely matches both the results of the 1.1-year flood frequency analysis and the Hydraflow Hydrographs model for the 1-year storm, The results of the 1.1-year flood frequency analysis matched well with the NC regional curve (Doll et al., 2003), Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 37 April 2016 • Frequent flow indicators were observed along Reach A that coincided with flows that fell between the 1.1-year and 1.5-year flood frequency analysis results, and • Selecting design discharges around the 1.1-year storm events allows frequent inundation of the adjacent floodplain. Design Methods There are three primary methods that have demonstrated success in stream restoration: analog, empirical, and analytical. All three methods have advantages and limitations, and it is often best to utilize more than one method to address site -specific conditions or to verify the applicability of design elements. This is particularly true in developed watersheds where existing conditions do not always reflect current inputs and events, and sediment and hydrologic inputs may remain unstable for some time. Combinations of analytical and analog methods were used to develop the stream designs for the Selma Mill site. Analytical Approach Analytical design is based on principles and processes considered universal to all streams, and can entail many traditional engineering techniques. The analytical approach utilizes continuity, roughness equations, hydrologic and hydraulic models, and sediment transport functions to derive equilibrium conditions. Since the project is located within a rural watershed, restoration designs are based on hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, including rainfall -runoff models to determine design discharges coupled with reference reach techniques. Analog Approach The analog method of natural channel design involves the use of a "template" or reference stream located near the design reach, and is particularly useful when watershed and boundary conditions are similar between the design and analog reaches (Skidmore et al., 2001). In an analog approach, the planform pattern, cross -sectional shape, longitudinal profile, and frequency and locations of woody debris along the analog reaches are mimicked when developing the design parameters for the subject stream. A scaling factor was calculated from the survey data in order to correctly size the planform design parameters for the project site. The scaling factors for each design reach were derived from the design cross -sectional area and topwidth of each reach as follows: 1. The appropriate bankfull cross -sectional area (CSA) of each design reach was calculated using an in-house spreadsheet based on Manning's Equation. The input parameters included the design discharge as determined by the hydrologic analysis described above, and proposed slope based on site conditions and the sinuosity measured for the analog reach. 2. The cross -sectional shape was adjusted within the spreadsheet to replicate the width -depth ratios and side slopes surveyed along the analog reach, while also maintaining the CSA necessary to convey the design discharge. 3. The scaling factor is determined from the ratio of the design topwidth to the analog topwidth (Table 18). For this project, several cross -sections and planform geometry were measured at the analog site, resulting in an average width of 9.4 feet. 4. Pool cross -sectional areas were calculated using both typical reference reach techniques and the analog approach. Design CSA areas were determined using the measured analog ratios of shallow/ripple CSA to pool CSA as applied to the design CSAs. The pool cross -sectional shape was adjusted within the in-house spreadsheet as described above in step 2. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 38 April 2016 Table 18. Scaling Factors for Sizing Planform Design Parameters Reach Drainage Proposed Bankfull Design Analog Reach Scaling Area (ac) CSA (ft2) Topwidth (ft) Topwidth (ft) Factor A 583 16.5 13.0 9.1-9.6 1.4 B 189 9.4 10.0 9.1-9.6 1.1 Typical Design Sections Typical cross sections for shallows and pools are shown on the design plan sheets in Appendix D. The cross-section dimensions were developed for the three design reaches by using a WK Dickson in-house spreadsheet described in Section of this report. The cross -sections were altered slightly to facilitate constructability; however, the cross -sectional area, width to depth ratio, and side slopes were preserved. Typical pool sections include pools located on straight reaches and pools on meander bends. Meander Pattern The design plans showing the proposed channel alignment are provided in Appendix D. The meander pattern was derived directly from the analog reach and sized using the scaling factors described in Table 18. The analog meander pattern was altered in some locations to provide variability in pattern, to avoid onsite constraints, to follow the valley pattern, and to make the channel more constructible. The morphologic parameters summarized in the Appendix C were applied wherever these deviations occurred. Longitudinal Profiles The design profiles are presented in Appendix C. These profiles extend throughout the entire project for the proposed channel alignment. The profiles were designed using the analog reach bed features that were sized with the scaling factors. The bed slopes and bankfull energy gradients were determined for each design reach based on the existing valley slope and the sinuosity of the design reach. Log structures will be utilized in the design to control grade, divert flows, and provide additional habitat diversity and stability. In -Stream Structures Structures will be incorporated into the channel design to provide additional stability and improve aquatic habitat. Native materials and vegetation will be used for revetments and grade control structures where applicable. Additionally, rock structures will be utilized within the upstream portion of Reach A to provide increased stability due to high velocities and in -stream stresses resulting from the closed system outfall at the upstream limits of the project. Typical rock structures that will protect the channel bed and/or banks will include riffle grade controls, cross -vanes, and meander boulder toes. Woody debris will be placed throughout the channel at locations and at a frequency that is similar to those mapped in the analog reaches. The analog reach has woody debris throughout the length of the channel, providing grade control for shallows and forcing scour pools. Woody habitat features installed will include dead brush, woody debris bundles, root wads, brush toes, and log vanes. To provide additional bank stability, sod mats harvested onsite will be installed along stream banks during construction if and when feasible. Sod mats will only be harvested and used if comprised of appropriate vegetation. The use of sod mats that include aggressive turf grasses will be avoided. Sod mats are natural sections of vegetation taken from the banks when they were cut during construction, and are about nine inches thick. Before installation, proposed banks are graded lower than specified to accommodate the thickness of the mat. The mats are placed on top of the bank to act as a natural Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 39 April 2016 stabilizer of native species, and they grow much faster than the combination of coir fiber matting and seeding. Other bank stability measures include the installation of live stakes, log sills, log drop structures, and log toes. Typical details for proposed in -stream structures and revetments are in Appendix D. 8.2.2 Natural Plant Community Restoration Plant Community Restoration The restoration of the plant communities is an important aspect of the restoration project. The selection of plant species is based on what was observed at the reference reach, species present in the forest surrounding the restoration site, and what is typically native to the area. Several sources of information were used to determine the most appropriate species forthe restoration project. The reference stream is located within a disturbed Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp. Dominant species included sweetgum, red maple (Acer ruburm), tulip poplar, swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora), and various oak species (Quercus sp.) in the canopy. Shrubs included sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) and American holly (Ilex opaca). The absence of bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) likely indicates past logging with poor regeneration at the site. The reference site was chosen due to the stability of the channel, the physical structure of the forest community, and to evaluate stream habitat. The species present are indicative of early successional species that have high dispersal rates. The mitigation site also supports many species typical of this community type due to its past disturbance history. Typically, a Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp would occur along the stream banks and adjacent floodplain of the proposed restoration site. Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp will be the target community type and will be used for all areas within the project, as well as for buffer around the site. The plant species list has been developed and can be found in Table 19. Species with high dispersal rates are not included because of local occurrence, adjacent seed sources, and the high potential for natural regeneration. The high dispersal species include red maple, tulip poplar, and sweetgum. The restoration of plant communities along the Selma Mill Site will provide stabilization and diversity. For rapid stabilization of the stream banks (primarily outside meanders), silky dogwood, buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), silky willow (Salix sericea), and black willow were chosen for live stakes along the restored channel because of their rapid growth patterns and high success rates. Willows grow at a faster rate than the species planted around them, and they stabilize the stream banks. Willows will also be quicker to contribute organic matter to the channel. When the other species are bigger, the black willows and silky willows will slowly stop growing or die out because the other species would outgrow them and create shade that the willows do not tolerate. The live stake species will be planted along the outside of the meander bends three feet from the top of bank, creating a three-foot section along the top of bank. The live stakes will be spaced one per linear foot with alternate spacing vertically. See Appendix D for a detailed planting plan. After construction activities, the subsoil will be scarified and any compaction will be deep tilled/ripped before the topsoil is placed back over the site. Any topsoil that is removed during construction will be stockpiled and placed over the site during final soil preparation. This process should provide favorable soil conditions for plant growth. Rapid establishment of vegetation will provide natural stabilization for the site. Table 19. Proposed Plant List Tree Species- Zone 1 - Lower Floodplain Bench and Wetland Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator* Growth Rate Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 40 April 2016 Water tupelo Nyssa Mora OBL moderate Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum OBL rapid Oak, Overcup Quercus lyrata OBL moderate River Birch Betula nigra FACW rapid Oak, Willow Quercus phellos FACW rapid Oak, Swamp Chestnut Quercus michauxii FACW moderate American sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW Rapid Tree Species- Zone 2 — Upper Floodplain Bench and Riparian Zone Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator* Growth Rate Oak, Water Quercus nigra FAC rapid Oak, Willow Quercus phellos FACW rapid Oak, Swamp Chestnut Quercus michauxii FACW- moderate River Birch Betula nigra FACW rapid American sycamore Platanus occidentalis FACW- rapid Water tupelo Nyssa biflora OBL moderate Live Staking and Live Cuttings Bundle Tree Species Common Name Scientific Name Wetland Indicator* Silky dogwood Cornus amomum FACW rapid Silky Willow Salix sericea OBL rapid Black Willow Salix nigra OBL rapid Buttonbush Cenhalanthus occidentalis OBL rabid *National Wetland Indicator Status from Draft Rating 2012-Atlantic Gulf Coastal Plain On -Site Invasive Species Management Control for invasive species will be required within all grading limits associated with stream restoration. Invasive species will require different and multiple treatment methods, depending on plant phenology and the location of the species being treated. All treatment will be conducted so as to maximize its effectiveness and reduce chances of detriment to surrounding native vegetation. Treatment methods will include mechanical control (cutting with loppers, clippers, or chain saw and chemical control (foliar spray, cut stump, and hack and squirt techniques). Plants containing mature, viable seeds will be removed from the site and properly disposed of. All herbicide applicators will be supervised by a certified ground pesticide applicator with a North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) license and adhere to all legal and safety requirements according to herbicide labels and NC and Federal laws. Management records will be kept on the plant species treated, type of treatment employed, type of herbicide used, application technique, and herbicide concentration and quantities used. These records will be included in all reporting documents. 8.2.3 Best Management Practices (BMPs) Diffuse flow structures will be applied at locations where ditches or other forms of concentrated flow enter the conservation easement. All diffuse flow structures will be installed within the conservation easement so that landowners will not have access to the structures. Failure or maintenance of the structures is not anticipated as these structures will be installed in low -gradient areas, and the areas proposed to diffuse flow will be well vegetated and matted. During a site visit in 2014, the COE indicated that the site could greatly benefit from a BMP because of the poor quality of incoming water. Therefore, EBX/RES studied the feasibility of a 2.5 acre in -line stormwater wetland to address water quality issues and generate approximately 3,475 SMUs. However, a meeting on March 18, 2015 with the IRT determined that too many SMUs credits were being requested for the BMP. The required credits were based on estimated costs for design, construction, and maintenance. Due to the size of the expected flows and culvert arrangement a stand-alone trash separator is not feasible and the Town of Selma lacks the proper equipment and funding to maintain such a device. The stormwater wetland BMP was the only feasible way to address this issue and was ultimately determined financially infeasible. Assessments of the project reaches and downstream Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 41 April 2016 reaches have not indicated trash to be limiting factor for overall stream function. See Appendix B for documentation. Stormwater management issues resulting from future development of adjacent properties will be governed by the applicable state and local ordinances and regulations. It is recommended that any future stormwater entering the site maintain pre -development peak flow. Any future stormwater diverted into the project should be done in a manner as to prevent erosion, adverse conditions, or degradation of the project in any way. 8.2.4 Soil Restoration After construction activities, the subsoil will be scarified and any compaction will be deep tilled before the topsoil is placed back over the site. Any topsoil that is removed during construction will be stockpiled and placed over the site during final soil preparation. This process should provide favorable soil conditions for plant growth. Rapid establishment of vegetation will provide natural stabilization for the site. 8.3 Data Analysis 8.3.1 Stream Data Analysis Stream Hydrologic Analysis Hydrologic evaluations were performed for the design reaches using multiple methods to determine and validate the design bankfull discharge and channel geometry required to provide regular floodplain inundation. The use of various methods allows for comparison of results and eliminates reliance on a single model. Peak flows (Table 20) and corresponding channel cross -sectional areas were determined for comparison to design parameters using the following methods: • Regional Flood Frequency Analysis, • AutoCAD's Hydraflow Hydrographs, • NC and VA/MD Regional Curves for the Coastal Plain, and • USGS regional regression equations for rural conditions in the Coastal Plain. Regional Flood Analysis A flood frequency analysis was completed for the study region using historic gauge data on all nearby USGS gauges with drainage areas less than 6,400 acres (10 mi') which passed the Dalrymple homogeneity test (Dalrymple, 1960). This is a subset of gauges used for USGS regression equations. Regional flood frequency equations were developed for the 1.1-, 1.5-, and 2-year peak discharges based on the gauge data. Discharges were then computed for the design reach. These discharges were compared to those predicted by the discharge regional curve and USGS regional regression 2-year discharge equations. AutoCAD's Hydraflow Express Hydraflow Express was used to simulate the rainfall -runoff process and establish peak flows for the watersheds. This model was chosen over the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers model HEC-1 because it allows the user to adjust the peak shape factor for the Coastal Plain conditions. Rainfall data reflecting both a100 and 284 peak shape factor were used along with a standard Type II distribution, and NRCS hydrology (time of concentrations and runoff curve numbers), to simulate the rainfall -runoff process. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 42 April 2016 Calibration studies across the State of North Carolina have been developed by the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that show the standard 484 peak shape factor found in HEC-1 and HEC- HMS are too conservative. The NRCS recommends using a value that ranges between 100 and 284 for those areas on the eastern side of the state. Regional Curve Regression Equations The North Carolina Coastal Plain regional curves by Doll et al. (2003) and Sweet and Geratz (2003) and the Virginia/Maryland (Krstolic et al., 2007) Coastal Plain regional curves for discharge were used to predict the bankfull discharge for the site. The NC regional curves predicted flows that are similar to those predicted by the 1.1-year flood frequency, while the VA/MD curves are comparable to flows predicted by the 1.5-year flood frequency equation. The regional curve equations for NC discharges by Doll et al. (2003) (1) and Sweet and Geratz ( 2003) (2) and VA/MD (3) discharges are: (1) QbkJ=16.56*(DA)0.71 (Doll et al., 2003) (2) Qbkj=8.49*(DA)076 (Sweet and Geratz, 2003) (3) Qbkj= 28.3076*(DA)o.19114 (Krstolic et al., 2007) Where Qbkf=bankfull discharge (ft3/s) and DA=drainage area (mi') USGS Regional Regression Equations USGS regression equations estimate the magnitude and frequency of flood -peak discharges (Gotvald, et al., 2009). The regression equations were developed from gauge data in different physiographic regions of the Southeastern United States. For this analysis, there was only concern for the 2-year return interval. The equation for the rural Coastal Plain (Hydrologic Region 4) is: (4) Q2=60.3 * (DA)0.649 Table 20. Peak Flow Comparison Reach Drainage Area (Ac) Hydraflow Qi FFQ Qi'i FFQ Qi'e NC Regional Curve Q (1) NC Regional Curve Q (2) VA/NM Regional Curve Q (3) Regional Regression Eqns. Qz Design/ Calculated Q Reference 540 20 19 23 15 8 26 54 15-20 A 583 59 20 47 15 8 27 57 27 13 189 11 8 22 7 4 14 27 15 C 42 2 2 8 2 1 6 10 NA Summary and Conclusions Because the Hydraflow Express model accounts for the urbanized watershed above Reach A; the model results were significantly higher than both the regional curves and the 1.1-year and 1.5-year flood frequency analysis. To account for these increased flows, a nested channel approach was implemented along Reach A. The design discharge for the primary/low flow channel was selected to match the 1.1- year and 1.5-year flood frequency analysis results, while the upper channel/low bench was sized such that it will convey flows that range between the Hydraflow Express model results for the 1-year and 2- year storm events. This will allow smaller storms to inundate the adjacent floodplain bench more frequently, resulting in lower in -stream stresses. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 43 April 2016 Sediment Transport Analysis An erosion and sedimentation analysis was performed to confirm that the restoration design creates a stable sand bed channel that neither aggrades nor degrades over time. Typically, sediment transport is assessed to determine a stream's ability to move a specific grain size at specified flows. Various sediment transport equations may be easily applied when estimating entrainment for gravel bed streams; however, these equations are not as effectively applied to sand bed channels where the entire bed becomes mobile during geomorphically significant flows. Therefore, more sophisticated modeling techniques were used to analyze the stream design forthis project. The following methods and functions were utilized during the sediment transport analysis: Stable Channel Design Function — Copeland Method (HEC-RAS), Shear Stress, and Velocity. Stable Channel Design Design cross-section dimensions as determined from the analog approach were evaluated using the stable channel design functions within HEC-RAS. These functions are based upon the methods presented in the SAM Hydraulic Design Package for Channels developed by the USACE Waterways Experiment Station. The Copeland Method was developed specifically for sand bed channels (median grain size restriction of 0.0625 min to 2 mm) and was selected for application at the Selma Mill Site. The method sizes stable dimensions as a function of slope, discharge, roughness, side slope, bed material gradation, and the inflowing sediment discharge. Results are presented as a range of widths and slopes, and their unique solution for depth, making it easy to adjust channel dimensions to achieve stable channel configurations. The stable design output parameters are listed in Table 21. The results are acceptable and match closely with the design reach parameters. Table 21. Stable Channel Design Output Reach Q (ft/s3) Bottom Depth (ft) Energy Composite Velocity Shear Stress Width (ft) Slope (ft/ft) n value (ft/s) (lbs/ft ) A 27 6 1.6 0.002 0.041 1.8 0.21 B 15 5 1.2 0.003 0.041 1.8 0.22 Shear Stress Approach Shear stress is a commonly used tool for assessing channel stability. Allowable channel shear stresses are a function of bed slope, channel shape, flows, bed material (shape, size, and gradation), cohesiveness of bank materials, and vegetative cover. The shear stress approach compares calculated shear stresses to those found in the literature. Shear stress is the force exerted on a boundary during the resistance of motion as calculated using the following formula: (1) i = yRS i = shear stress (lb/ft') y = specific gravity of water (62.4 lb/ft3) R = hydraulic radius (ft) S = average channel slope (ft/ft) Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 44 April 2016 Table 22. Comparison of Allowable and Proposed Shear Stresses Proposed Shear Stress Allowable Shear Stress' Reach at Bankfull Stage Critical Shear Stress (Ibs/ft) Sand/Silt/Clay Vegetation z Obs/ft) (lbs/ft2) (lbs/ft2) A 0.15 >0.003 0.03 to 0.26 0.2 to 0.95 B 0.17 >0.003 0.03 to 0.26 0.2 to 0.95 '(Fischenich, 2001 Review of the above table shows that the proposed shear stresses for the Selma Mill Site design reaches fall between the critical shear stress (shear stress required to initiate motion) and the allowable limits. Therefore, the proposed channel should remain stable. Velocity Approach Published data are readily available that provide entrainment velocities for different bed and bank materials. A comparison of calculated velocities to these permissible velocities is a simple method to aid in the verification of channel stability. Table 23 compares the proposed velocities calculated using Manning's equation with the permissible velocities presented in the Stream Restoration Design Handbook (MRCS, 2007). Table 23. Comparison of Allowable and Proposed Velocities Reach Manning's "n" Design Velocity (ft/s) Allowable Velocity' (ft/s) value Fine Sand Coarse Sand A 0.05 1.5 2.0 4.0 B 0.05 1.5 2.0 4.0 '(ARCS, 2007) 8.3.2 Mitigation Summary Natural channel design techniques have been used to develop the restoration designs described in this document. The combination of the analog and analytical design methods was determined to be appropriate for this project because the watershed is largely dominated by agricultural and residential Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 45 April 2016 landuse, the causes of disturbance are known and have been abated, and there are minimal infrastructure constraints. The original design parameters were developed from the measured analog/reference reach data and applied to the subject stream. The parameters were then analyzed and adjusted through an iterative process using analytical tools and numerical simulations of fluvial processes. The designs presented in this report provide for the restoration of natural Coastal Plain sand -bed channel features and stream bed diversity to improve benthic habitat. The proposed design will allow flows that exceed the design bankfull stage to spread out over the floodplain, restoring a portion of the hydrology for the existing wetlands. A large portion of the existing stream will be filled using material excavated from the restoration channel. However, many segments will be left partially filled to provide habitat diversity and flood storage. Native woody material will be installed throughout the restored reach to reduce bank stress, provide grade control, and increase habitat diversity. Forested riparian buffers of at least fifty feet on both sides of the channel will be established along the project reach. An appropriate riparian plant community, a Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp, will be established to include a diverse mix of species. Replanting of native species will occur where the existing buffer is impacted during construction. The Selma Mill Stream Mitigation Site is being built in conjunction with the Selma Mill Buffer/Nutrient Offset Site. Reductions in nutrients and other pollutants will be achieved with the buffer restoration work, providing substantial benefits to the watershed. The Buffer/Nutrient Offset site will only generate credits on the first 50 feet of buffer in the easement per USACE consultation. Due to the nature of the project, complete avoidance of stream and wetland impacts is not possible. Proposed stream impacts, including stream relocation and culverts, total 5,801 linear feet, and will be replaced on site. The proposed site will result in 6,881 LF of stream with three stream crossings. Wetland impacts associated with restoration efforts total 1.12 acres of temporary impact. Creating a new stream channel and enhancing existing channels will only temporarily impact wetlands and will provide an overall increase in wetland function with the addition of native trees and shrubs along the stream banks, and restored hydrology. All stream and wetland impacts will be accounted for in the Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) form. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 46 April 2016 9 MAINTENANCE PLAN The site will be monitored on a regular basis and a physical inspection will be conducted a minimum of once per year throughout the post construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and may include the following: Table 24. Maintenance Plan Component/Feature Maintenance through project close-out Stream Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include chinking of in -stream structures to prevent piping, securing of loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the channel. Areas where stormwater and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head - cutting. Stream maintenance activities will be documented and reported in annual monitoring reports. Stream maintenance will continue through the monitoring period. Vegetation Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Vegetation maintenance activities will be documented and reported in annual monitoring reports. Vegetation maintenance will continue through the monitoring period. Site Boundary Site boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries will be marked with signs identifying the property as a mitigation site, and will include the name of the long-term steward and a contact number. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as -needed basis. Easement monitoring and staking/signage maintenance will continue in perpetuity as a stewardship activity. Road Crossing Road crossings within the site may be maintained only as allowed by Conservation Easement or existing easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. Crossings in easement breaks are the responsibility of the landowner to maintain. Livestock Fencing Livestock Fencing is to be placed outside the easement limits. Maintenance of fencing is the responsibility of the landowner. Beaver Routine site visits and monitoring will be used to determine if beaver management is needed. If beaver activity poses a threat to project stability or vegetative success, RES will trap beavers and remove impoundments as needed. All beaver management activities will be documented and included in annual monitoring reports. Beaver monitoring and management will continue through the monitoring period. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 47 April 2016 10 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The success criteria for the Site will follow accepted and approved success criteria presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines and subsequent agency guidance. Specific success criteria components are presented below. 10.1 Stream Restoration Success Criteria 10.1.1 Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period. The two bankfull events must occur in separate years. Otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented in separate years. 10.1.2 Cross Sections There should be little change in as -built cross -sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a less stable condition (for example down - cutting or erosion), or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross -sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method, and all monitored cross -sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Bank height ratio shall not exceed 1.2, and the entrenchment ratio shall be no less than 2.2 within restored reaches. Channel stability should be demonstrated through a minimum of two bankfull events documented in the seven-year monitoring period. 10.1.3 Digital Image Stations Digital images will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal images should not indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral images should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of images over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 10.1.4 Surface Flow Headwater valley restoration reaches will be monitored to document intermittent or seasonal surface flow. This will be accomplished through direct observation, photo documentation of dye tests, and the use of stream gauge transducers with data loggers. Reaches must demonstrate a minimum of 30 consecutive days of flow. 10.2 Vegetation Success Criteria Specific and measurable success criteria for plant density within the riparian buffers on the site will follow IRT Guidance. Vegetation monitoring plots will be a minimum of 0.02 acres in size, and cover a minimum of two percent of the planted area. Vegetation monitoring will take place annually between July 15 and leaf drop. The interim measures of vegetative success for the site will be the survival of at least 320 planted three-year old trees per acre at the end of Year 3, 260 five-year old trees at the end of Year 5, and the final vegetative success criteria will be 210 trees per acre with an average height of 10 feet at the end of Year 7. The site will include 25 monitoring plots to monitor the 29.8 planted acres (See Drawing M1 in Appendix D). Volunteertrees will be counted, identified to species, and included in the yearly monitoring reports, but will not be counted towards the success criteria of total planted stems. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 48 April 2016 11 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring data will be reported using the IRT monitoring template. The monitoring report shall provide a project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, research purposes, and assist in decision making regarding project close-out. The success criteria for the Site will follow current accepted and approved success criteria presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, and subsequent agency guidance. Specific success criteria components are presented in Table 25. Monitoring reports will be prepared annually and submitted to the IRT. Sheet M1 in the design plan set (Appendix D) depicts the proposed location of monitoring devices. Table 25. Monitoring Requirements Required Parameter Quantity Frequency Notes As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington Additional surveys will be performed if Pattern District Stream Baseline monitoring indicates instability or Mitigation significant channel migration Guidelines As per April 2003 Baseline, USACE Wilmington Years Dimension District Stream 1,2,3,5, Surveyed cross sections and bank pins Mitigation and Guidelines As per April 2003 USACE Wilmington Additional surveys will be performed if Profile District Stream Baseline monitoring indicates instability Mitigation Guidelines As per April 2003 Crest gauges and/or pressure Surface USACE Wilmington transducers will be installed on site; the Water District Stream Annual devices will be inspected on a quarterly Hydrology Mitigation basis to document the occurrence of Guidelines bankfull events Vegetation Annual Vegetation will be monitored per IRT guidelines Exotic and Nuisance Annual Locations of exotic and nuisance Vegetation vegetation will be mapped Project Semi- Locations offence damage, vegetation Boundary annual damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped Stream Visual Annual Semi-annual visual assessments 11.1 As -Built Survey An as -built survey will be conducted following construction to document channel size, condition, and location. The survey will include a complete profile of Thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of bank to compare with future geomorphic data. Longitudinal profiles will not be required in annual monitoring reports unless requested by USACE. Stream channel stationing will be marked with stakes placed near the top of bank every 200 feet. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 49 April 2016 11.2 Visual Monitoring Visual monitoring of all mitigation areas will be conducted a minimum of twice per monitoring year by qualified individuals. The visual assessments will include vegetation density, vigor, invasive species, and easement encroachments. Visual assessments of stream stability will include a complete streamwalk and structure inspection. Digital images will be taken at fixed representative locations to record each monitoring event, as well as any noted problem areas or areas of concern. Results of visual monitoring will be presented in a plan view exhibit with a brief description of problem areas and digital images. Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 11.3 Cross Sections Permanent cross -sections will be installed at a minimum of one per 20 bankfull widths with half in pools and half in shallows. All cross-section measurements will include bank height ratio and entrenchment ratio. Cross -sections will be monitored annually. There should be little change in as -built cross -sections. 11.4 Surface Flow Headwater valley restoration areas will be monitored to document intermittent or seasonal surface flow. This will be accomplished through direct observation, photo documentation of dye tests, and surface flow gauges. 11.5 Vegetative Success Criteria Vegetation monitoring plots will be a minimum of 0.02 acres in size, and cover a minimum of two percent of the planted area. There will be 25 plots within the planted area (29.8 acres). Planted area indicates all area in the easement that will be planted with trees. Existing wooded areas (e.g. top of Reach A and Reach B) are not included in the planted area. The following data will be recorded for all trees in the plots: species, height, planting date (or volunteer), and grid location. Monitoring will occur each year during the monitoring period. Invasive and noxious species will be monitored and controlled so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the site. If necessary, RES will develop a species -specific control plan. 11.6 Scheduling/Reporting A mitigation plan and as -built drawings documenting stream restoration activities will be developed within 60 days of the planting completion on the mitigation site. The report will include all information required by IRT mitigation plan guidelines, including elevations, photographs and sampling plot locations, gauge locations, and a description of initial species composition by community type. The report will also include a list of the species planted and the associated densities. Baseline vegetation monitoring will include species, height, date of planting, and grid location of each stem. The baseline report will follow USACE guidelines. The monitoring program will be implemented to document system development and progress toward achieving the success criteria. The restored stream morphology will be assessed to determine the success of the mitigation. The monitoring program will be undertaken for seven years or until the final success criteria are achieved, whichever is longer. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 50 April 2016 Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year of monitoring and submitted to the IRT. The monitoring reports will include all information, and be in the format required by USACE. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 51 April 2016 15 OTHER INFORMATION 15.1 References Johnston County, North Carolina. Available online at http://www.fNvs.gov/raleigh/. [Accessed 25 October 2011.] Amoroso, J.L., ed. 1999. Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Plant Species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Chow, Ven Te. 1959. Open -Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, FWS/OBS-79/31. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. Dalrymple, T. 1960. Flood Frequency Analyses. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1543- A. Doll, Barbara A., A.D. Dobbins, J. Spooner, D.R. Clinton and D.A. Bidelspach. 2003. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams. NC Stream Restoration Institute, Report to N.C. Division of Water Quality for 319 Grant Project No. EW20011. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Fischenich, C. 2001. "Stability thresholds for stream restoration materials." ERDC Technical Note No. EMRRP-SR-29, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Miss. Harman, W., R. Starr, M. Carter, K. Tweedy, M. Clemmons, K. Suggs, C. Miller. 2012. A Function - Based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, DC EPA 843 -K- 12-006. Johnson PA. 2006. Assessing stream channel stability at bridges in physiographic regions. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report Number FHWA-HRT-05- 072. Krstolic, J.L., and Chaplin, J.J. 2007. Bankfull regional curves for streams in the non -urban, non -tidal Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, Virginia and Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5162, 48 p. (available online at http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/sir2007-5162) LeGrand, H.E., Jr. and S.P. Hall, eds. 1999. Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Animal Species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS). 2007. Stream Restoration Design Handbook (NEH 654), USDA Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 55 April 2016 NCDENR 2012a. "Water Quality Stream Classifications for Streams in North Carolina." Water Quality http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/home. (February 2012). NCDENR 2012b. "2012 North Carolina 303(d) Lists -Category 5." Water Quality Section. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/home. (August 2012). North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). "Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities 2010." (September 2014). Peet, R.K., Wentworth, T.S., and White, P.S. (1998), A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure. Castanea 63:262-274 Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles and F.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Rosgen, D. (1996), Applied River Morphology, 2nd edition, Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR, Raleigh, NC. Sweet, W. V. and Geratz, J. W. 2003. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships And Recurrence Intervals For North Carolina's Coastal Plain. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39: 861-871. Tweedy, K. A Methodology for Predicting Channel Form in Coastal Plain Headwater Systems. Stream Restoration in the Southeast: Advancing the Science and Practice, November 2008, Asheville, NC. Unpublished Conference Paper, 2008. http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/wgg/sp2/2008conference/tweedy paper.pdf US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2002. Regulatory Guidance Letter. RGL No. 02-2, December 24, 2002. US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. April 2003 NC Stream Mitigation Guidelines United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), 1994. Soil Survey of Johnston County, North Carolina. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0), ed. J. S. Wakeley, R. W. Lichvar, and C. V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-10-20. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), Web Soil Survey; hiip://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov (September 2014). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2010. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 7.0. L.M. Vasilas, G.W. Hurt, and C.V. Noble (eds.). USDA, NRCS, in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 56 April 2016 United States Environmental Protection Agency, (USEPA, 1999) 1999. EPA Manual. Quantifying Physical Habitat in Wadeable Streams. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. "Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina." North Carolina Ecological Services. http://www.fivs.gov/raleigh/. (September 2014). USDA-NRCS. 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Technical Release 55. Selma Mill Mitigation Plan 57 April 2016 Figure 11e. Non Standard Buffer Width Calculations Reach Base SMUS Multiplier Calculated Total* Al-RB 183 0% 92 A2-RB 167 12% 94 A3-RB 709 20% 425 A4-RB 587 7% 314 A5-RB 235 0% 117 A6-RB 336 0% 168 A7-RB 339 7% 181 A8-RB 84 0% 42 A9-RB 294 16% 171 A10-RB 390 20% 234 Al -LB 112 0% 56 A2-LB 137 20% 82 A3-LB 339 7% 181 A4-LB 280 0% 140 A5-LB 1013 12% 567 A6-LB 147 12% 82 A7-LB 278 16% 161 A8-LB 333 12% 186 A9-LB 203 12% 114 A10-LB 415 20% 249 All -LB 66 0% 33 Reach A Total 3690 Bl-RB 223 0% 112 B2-RB 622 12% 348 B3-RB 926 12% 519 B4-RB 296 12% 166 B5-RB 503 0% 252 Bl-LB 254 0% 127 B2-LB 591 7% 316 B3-LB 141 12% 79 B4-LB 476 7% 254 B5-LB 248 0% 124 B6-LB 358 7% 192 B7-LB 503 0% 252 Reach B Total 2740 Cl-RB 559 0% 279.5 C2-RB 559 0% 279.5 Cl-LB 426 0% 213 C2-LB 426 0% 213 Reach C Total 985 Project Total 7415 * Calculated Total formula = (Base SMU x Multiplier)/2 Methodology Reach breaks were drawn at 90 degree angles from the edge of outside meanders, Reach breaks must incorporate entire wavelength to simplify the number of breaks. Smaller multiplier was always used in areas of overlap At confluences, credits were not given for the same area twice 0 one reach was chosen for the multiplier (as shown with the confluence break lines) o the other reach was given no multiplier Only first 50 feet of buffer are generating NCDWR buffer mitigation credits M E M O R A N D U M 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 919.209.1056 tel. TO: Andrea Hughes- USACE FROM: Brad Breslow, Daniel Ingram- RES DATE: July 18, 2016 RE: Response to Selma Mill Mitigation Plan Comments Selma Mill Draft Mitigation Plan, SAW-2015-00710 fires 919.829.9913 fax Listed below are comments provided by the USACE the Selma Mill Mitigation Plan and RES' responses: 1. The linear feet of restoration areas should be consistent throughout the document. In one section Reach C indicates 929 LF, in another 979, and the chart (Section 5.0) it still indicates adjustment for extra buffers. The document and figures have been updated to be consistent throughout. 2. I recognize that the CE has been recorded so I am not requesting that you make changes. For future reference, the 60 day notification also applies to transfer of the property. Also, the CE should reference the Action ID number for the mitigation plan (in this case SAW-2015-00710). Updated 3. JD approval letter is required. JD Approval letter included in Appendix B and referenced on Page 25. 4. Please make the required changes to Section 6.1 per the response to comments memo. Section highlighting requirements for initial allocation of released credits has been updated. 5. Page 36, please revise the paragraph for Reach C to reflect changes to the design. Paragraph has been updated. 6. Page 37, the description of Reach C states "just upstream of Reach C" — should this be corrected to state Reach B? Description has been updated. 7. Sections 11.3 and 11.5 are monitoring descriptions but success criteria is included (this was provided in the Performance Stds section). I suggest removing any duplication. Redundancies from sections 11.3 and 11.5 were removed from the document. 8. Page 51, the monitoring period is 7 years (not 5). Text was updated to read 7 years. 9. Adaptive Management — Section 11.7 should be combined with 13.0. Combined sections into 13.0. 10. Financial Assurances — this section should provide information related to how the monies will be handled in the event of default (the CE holder has agreed to receive the funds and ensure the work is successfully completed). Text was added to this section stating, In the event of sponsor default, the NCWHF has agreed to receive the funds and ensure the work is successfully completed. " 11. Page 2 should reflect changes in design. Updated 12. The HWV restoration is based only on valley length. The length should be measured in a straight line down the valley. According to page E4 of the plans, the beginning should be at approximately station 1+40 and extend to approximately station 10+00. Therefore the length, adjusted for the 30 foot easement, should be approximately 860 LF. The length associated with connecting to a pond outlet is not included because it is not within the (straight line) valley. Updated k 'S a Reach B Powerline- Easement Break I ■ +4 ft:ti Existing Proposed Mitigation Base Adjaested * Reach Mitigation Type Length (LE) Length (LE) Ratio SMUs SMUs* A Pl/P2 Restoration 2,145 2,646 1 : 1.0 2,646 3,005 A Pl Restoration 540 654 1 : 1.0 654 762 B P2 Restoration 728 832 1:1.0 832 927 B Pl/PZ Restoration 1,062 1,223 1 : 1.0 1,223 1,376 B P2 Restoration 405 504 1 : 1.0 504 535 r C Headwater Valley Restoration 658 779 1 : 1.0 779 873 C Headwater Valley Restoration 294 426 1 : 1.0 426 481 f' Total 5,832 7,064 7,064 7,959 •f*SMUadiushnentsbased onnon-standard bufferwidths. Figure G. Priority 1 Restoration Resource Conceptual Design Plan Priority 2 Restoration Environmental Selma Mill Mitigation Site Headwater Valley Restoration Solutions 0 175 350 700 Crossing Feet Existing Wetlands 1 Inch = 350 feet Q Proposed Easement