HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026247_Permit (Modification)_19880913NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNINL COVER !;c1EET NPDES Permit: NC0026247 Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Correspondence Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: September 13, 1988 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rezrerse side State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin; Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary September .1.3, 1.988 Mr. P. R. Robinson Unocal Corporation 1002 Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. SUBJECT: Request for Modification or. Waiver of Monitoring Requirement NPDES Permit No. NC0028568 Unocal Corporation New llanover. County Dear Mr. Robinson: R. Paul Wilms Director In accordance with your request ftw Permit modification received May 3, 1.988, we are forwarding herewith modifications to the subject permit. These modifications are: (1.) a change from composite to grab samples for the bioassay monitoring requireir.ent, and (2) a change from requiring monitoring for priority pollutants to monitoring for vol.a.tiles only. These permit modifications become effective immediately. Please discard ,your old effluent limitations and monitoring requirements pages and insert the two enclosed pages in their place in your NPDES Permit No. NC0028568. Also, please discard your old Part n..:( i . , G . , I-1 page and insori 1:he corrected Part III page enclosed. .All other terms and conditions contained in the original pe.rruit remain unchanged and in full effect. These modifications are issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of. Agreement between North Carolina and the. U. S Environmental. Protection Agency dated December (, 1983. If this decision is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form or a written petition, conforming to Chapter 1501B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer • 11.666, Raleigh, North Carolina 21604. Unless such a demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. P. R. Robinson September .13, 1.988 Page 2 . If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mr. Arthur Mouberry at telephone number 919/733-5083. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms RPW:gg cc: Wilmington Regional Supervisor Technical Services A. (I). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Dina' NPDES No.0028568 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permitand lasting until expiration the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001 storm water and contaminated wastewater originating from point sources including, but not limited to, bulk storage tank areas, product transfer areas, loading/unloading areas, etc. -- Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Lbs/day Other Units (Specify) Measurement Sample *Sample Daily Avg. Daily Max. Daily Avg. Daily Max. Frequency Type Location F l „w Oil and Grease Acute Toxicity*** Priority Pollutants (Volatile Fraction)**** *Monitoring will be conducted during normal working hours. 30 mg/I 60 mg/1 Monthly 2/Month Semiannually Annually Instantaneous Grab Grab This permit imposes no limitation on the discharge of stormwater runoff uncontaminated by any industrial or activity and not discharged through any oil -water separator or other treatment equipment or facility **Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the location(s): The nearest accessible receiving waters. commercial following point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge to or mixing with the E - Effluent ***Acute toxicity (Daphnid 48 hr.) Monitoring, See Part 11], Condition No. G. ****See Part III, Condition No. H. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater thai:. 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab samples There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foar.; ir: other than trace amounts. A. (1) . EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Final NPDES No . 002 85 68 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permitand lasting until expiration the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 002 stormwater and contaminated wastewater originating fro►?. ?^= t. sourcet, including, but not limited to, bulk storage tank areas, product transfer areas, loading/unloading areas. etc. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Dischar e Limitations Monitorir Requirements .Lbs/dal Other Units (S2ecify) Measurement Sample *Samele Daily_Avg. Daily Max. Daily Avg. Daily Max. Frequency Type Location. 0il and Grease Acute Toxicity*** Priority Pollutants (Volatile Fraction)**** 30 wg/i 60 mg/1 Monthly Instantaneous E 2/Month Grab E Semiannual lti • Grab E Annually E *Monitoring will be conducted during normal working hours. This permit imposes no limitation or: the discharge of s or water runoff uncontaminated by any industrial or commercial activity and not discharged through any oil -water separator or other treatment equipment or facility **Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above :,ha' i be taken at the following location(s): The nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge to or mixing with the receiving waters. E - Effluent ***Acute toxicity (Daphnid 48 hr.) Monitoring, See Part III, Condition No. G. 1•LAkSse Part III, Condition No. H. The pH shall not be less than. 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab samples There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. F. This permit shall be modified, or revoked and reissued, to incorporate new limitations for the .facility if results of a study on the Neuse River by this Division indicates that new limitations should ba assigned to this facility to protect water quality standards. G. Acute Tox.i.ci.ty Testing Requirement: The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests twice annually using protocols defined i.n EPA Document 600/4-85/0:13 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Daphnia L.rulex or Ceriodaphnia 48 hour static test, using effluent collected as a 24 hour grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained during representative effluent discharge below all waste treatment. The first test will be performed within thirty_ dys from issuance of this permit. . The parameter code for this test if using Daphnia pulex is TAA3D. The parmeter code for this test if using Ceriodaphni.a is TAA3B. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit: condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter. code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management PO Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1 -•7687 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed :i.n association withthe toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management: .indicate potential impact, to the receiving stream, this permit may be reopened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or. limits. Note: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and nppropr.i.n1:e environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and wi 1 1 require immediate retesting (within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Pni lure to submit suitable test results wi.11 constitute non-compliance wi.th monitoring requirements. H. The permittee shall conduct a test for volatile fractions annually after confirmation of all waste streams :in the ma i.n discharge pipe. The discharge shall he evaluated for a].1 volatile fractions 1 isl:ed in Table TT of append.i.x D of 40 cfr. Part 122. Class: PERMIT NO.: .-O"t.j 1>2 CS lr.Sr:, ' : ::A�i ,� ,�S NPDEWASTE LOAD ALLOCATION NCO() Zoo a I1 No-vE. 3 WUAS / 3 '--,eeS FACILITY NAME- Unocal — GalP/$P SoakeihsI- Tey-m',naI Facility Status: (EXLSTING ) PROPOSED (circle one) Permit Status- RENEW— , INI710W UNPERNITIED NEW (circle one) / Major Minor. Pipe No• Q! o — Design Capacity (MGD): f6" Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): Continents: PLC RECEIVING STREAM: Onnw-erl r.b« .vy h Easf frock- apl- /)e? J4 ver Sub -Basin- ` -Gi' Reference USGS Quad: L )c) St-U (please attach) County- Gs„i roc;) Regional Office: As Fa Mo Ra Wa Wi (SJ (circle ens) Requested By: Prepared By: /I i ,•. :� , ate: Reviewed B . .6L Date: ate: 8/9fre Drainage Area (mi2) Modeler SpJ Date Rec. 1,2A 4+a 1 4154,0) Avg. Streamflow (cfs)- 7Q10 (cfs) .() Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC % (circle one) cut) / Chronic Arco+G1 e flSo<iic rotanrioc,I' Instream Monitoring: (5,2e a.Mc .J) Parameters Upstream 1L Location Downstream _'1_ Location Kacon1men8 +10,4 H041:40(;n1 fof �eav�nl -0\4 ot.c.<lii-y. Con1+ nuous moiljof:nq tiAiA f2 Lx LC.GPk'C<6G. J c.II JOltirvtt5 u� 1.4a$4.ewa-er os weekly Clow 40fal:zer • Effluent Characteristics IVioatilly ill, Du �i I^')ax. O i I GCease (^9/e) 30 60 :-}rle & e Sc Vt (4/) o. ( 0.2 "Phenols (Ib/ 1) 0.00033 :. pH (Su) G 9 6 — 9 lur6e_14v (NTu) 7It e isctiulc stro,ll n6+ cause +tu (6:4:47 oc +btt r ecc iv. 'Al ww4r r s 40 txcee4 SO erct , T4 4 k. -1-. :4 i exceeds so NTU dtie-6 nasal 1,..ckyou nd c.nd,11.e.lnSi 'tnl diSC- \loth CAA A011 CAU.16e A Ay ;ACC' 0.SQ ,,-1 + 4,).<b:d:4 . J'c +4N ‘ece;ui.Iy Lfeiter �"<, Sem,nertd Zrm..),4 � co f mc),,Tonq of O.(EGrea*t,j Sei+!eaWC Sol:cl51 ?Inc•nalS) ) Und -l.M .;Cl;i.y. Recomrvund Men/6rin61 *, 40IUene be✓Izent.6 a�u Comments• xyleat be done on *ht sckedule 45. *?c;c 00114.46(i.n q (12- 5 cl: c rcit di'scha<g e eUPJi{5) ck chid l ly a�4+ 'fnaf> , PI reIencr deu4Se 5hov.ld \oe ()Lite in ee,<M�� fo allow -toc i,rvu'f`S -fa be placed, on -1-oiciLa.nis shout ti -Pisa ['fly 4ii-ef(aesi'. FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Daily Maximum Comments (7 ar70/ G�e,ase_ 30,o O. I,( 5c�/1-e,;, 61,2 50<<(is ,j/i 0, /14 ,{ 0, 2- hj/e_ Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference '• • 1 A. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements - Final During the period beginning the effective date and lasting.through the term of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge storm water and contaminated wastewater rctrginatitransg from point sources including, but not limited to/, bulk storage tank areas, p rodr areas, loading/unloading areas, etc. Such discharges shall be limited and monitoring by the permittee as specified below: Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Effluent Characteristic le kg/day(lbs/day) Other Units(Specify) Measurement * Sample Frequency Type Daily Avg. Daily Max. Daily Avg. Daily Max. Flow Oil & Grease Phenols (0.0012) (0.0024) 30 mg/1 Monthly Estimate 60 mg/1 Monthly Composite Monthly Composite 1 *Monitoring will be conducted during normal working hours. it imThoses no limitation on the discharge of stormwater runoff uncontaminated by any industrial or commercial permp activity and not discharged through any oil -water separator or other treatment equipment or facility. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified Oove shall be taken at the following location(s): The nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge to or mixing with the receiving waters. C) 0 0 61 J Request No.:4754a WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Status: Receiving Stream: Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Quad: UNOCAL-GULF/BP NC0026247 001 INDUSTRIAL EXISTING UT TO EAST FORK DEEP WSIII 030608 GUILFORD WINSTON-SALEM LULA HARRIS 7/18/88 C19SW SOUTHEAST TERMINAL RIVER Drainage Summer Winter Average RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS Oil & Grease (mg/1): Settleable Solids (ml/1): Phenols (lbs/day): pH (su): Turbidity (NTU): area: 7Q10: 7Q10: flow: 30Q2: °ERMITS & EURiViERIN 0 cfs cfs cfs cfs Mo. Avg Daily Max. 30 60 0.1 0.2 0.00033 6-9 6-9 The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If the turbidity exceeds 50 NTU due to natural back- ground conditions, the discharge can not cause any increase in turbidity of the receiving water. Toxicity Testing Req.: Acute, Episodic Monitoring (see attached) MONITORING Upstream (Y/N): N Downstream (Y/N): N Location: Location: COMMENTS RECOMMEND FLOW MONITORING FOR ALL VOLUMES OF WASTEWATER LEAVING THE FACILITY. CONTINUOUS MONITORING OR WEEKLY FLOW TOTALIZER DATA ARE ACCEPTABLE. RECOMMEND 2/MONTH MONITORING OF OIL & GREASE, SETTLEABLE SOLIDS, PHENOLS, pH, AND TURBIDITY. RECOMMEND MONITORING FOR TOLUENE, BENZENE, AND XYLENE BE DONE ON THE SAME SCHEDULE AS TOXICITY TESTING (FIRST 5 DISCRETE DISCHARGE EVENTS) AND THEN ANNUALLY AFTER THAT. A REOPENER CLAUSE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR LIMITS TO BE PLACED ON TOXICANTS SHOULD THE FACILITY FAIL ITS WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TEST. Recommended by: �- -SDate: Reviewed by Tech Suppor Supervisor: 7 Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: -- Date: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: AUG 2i 1988 Date: Date: 9"13- 8 e sVer Facility Name (A AO I - (/ rp SOU4 A04 M. ci 4 permit # WGOc 2.4 2147 00) ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Daphnid 48 hr - Monitoring for Episodic Events The permittee shall conduct FIVE acute toxicity tests using protocols defined in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Daphnia pulex or Ceriodaphnia 48 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this permit. After monitoring of the first five toxicity tests, the permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test if using Daphnia pulex is TAA3D. The parameter code for this test if using Ceriodaphnia is TAA3B. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a failure of permit condition. 7Q10 Olt cfs Permitted Flow NA- MGD IWC% 144 Basin & Sub -Basin 030608 Receiving Stream uz i„ FAA- rock peep 'Cwt. County &Ai(Zrd Recommended by: Adid Date y0.7 8'tr **Acute Toxicity(Daphnid 48 hr) Monitoring, EPISODIC, See Part 3 , Condition G • li (rju I r/ P Sov/'east- T,errr; I Vtr faS to'- L Dee 4L csc G.Kroi� 1.a5 Q ("a�(.c L/ SicPo. Vcar4' _ et;riUlf • i nos c4/$ .rjr ��Sa� 40x<<<.� f�S4-<11 •' C9vrrt an tIOwS -(ar 7w, L(r 7. I.i c #(h ;in^ 7Q ro ,Now L d fs uhyWa�, cl-k .1, (d/,!) (siA) no rl/, C i � y rs J ss � . (/ (1 AA 00 I ou 1,/ rrcx. . n O033 ,(6,, (r ^�f rv„ty -%r Cash eker cp-LoftT art >n < 11,115:4 aU04 L./ ✓ko1 -�•cc, 1�y �revprs cz?al/Sr5 ,e (,'f �t j ✓s f (L t we GtJc 0:1, 1(,, grS��Nr-t s nxf i ✓,D't 0 a(&. 'i�i,.. n r �: r flI 1 recu 1y �� rn�a0t �r E -In .e,+cCea. J 50 NTU r , 7 ( ".. 4 (L 1 i J ,e_k c-<< $__S SO NTtA. .L+n4:3 ✓tU-t".fe-tI bay k 3-•-�u.a 60nJ.43/+5i 'C,nn cr S r_ r l a fj c (a n n 04 L ci, v+ Se any r etc f' E 'rF r L,, S, cy aI ^n der J'n' Yva�tl. bib ea: - Gvt l l (B 1_ So,+eas d l ems- for �.Q4 f`1v4r S r Recce rtUnS,. r � ' �� CD �► r► /► O �..i /►� o n �a (, 11 'rd a t yO �tti S u.� .n c�S �✓a r /La th ,.13 vt I, /iU-O (.CS rv1,1 /i t't0 r f,hl� d� �L'L FC J'}! Iow �b�"Q t Clot l� r <« YC- c e_ca N'2 Z%,„„„ e /I '41 /'1/10 n / r° Lowe ;1 �OOYluru and kyf [�-.._ 151-V\-k_ ( .s • i(lukric-r iY -t'1.L,f . A;c,s �� 2 11) cue o„ -"r o `►r S -1 r Malt . -r.&) cr0r 50.E ;.5" _cutpNisD J_ '14" 41 itok4c .l _ Ersso ,tc_ ttx citSQ s4,o (k)J . \)-( - r C 1404 -01 • rj r rL) (-14-acGt.,J) GIKEX88/MP / � ' C()MPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT i0/28/89 PAQ� i PERMIT --NC 0 0 26247 PIPE ---- -OO1 REPORT PERIOD: 8809--- 8908 FACILITY --UNOCAL ORP^/CULF BP %E TERMIN DE%IGYN FLOW-- .0000 CLASS-1 LOCATION--GREEN%BORO 1:*,,'EGI0N/C0UNTY--04 GUILFORD MONTH LIMIA* 8G/09 5O0 r5r0 / TAA3B TAA3D 00400 O0545 00556 32730 CER%48AC DAPH48AC PH RE%/%ET OIL -GR%E PHENOL% 7 30'000 LIMIT /� NOL F 30.000 88/i0_' .0534 LES%THAN .0000 88/ii ^O500 5'000 ^00961::' 88/i2 89/0i .M300 LE%%THAN .Oi00F 89/O2 LIMIT NOL 89/03 �`078-6 LIMIT NOL 89/O4 89/05 ^0ii4 89/06 ^0i0O 89/O7 NOL NOL NOL NOL F 30.000 12.40-0 -.OtjO NOL NOL 9^0 6.0 F ^i F 30.0OO 2.650 ^0013 5.750 .Of) ii 89/O8 .0085 2.59O ^0009 AVI: 0345 . 5.678 ^0048 MAXIMUM .0786 .... ... .... ... ... .... .... .... ________ ________ 12.400 ^0110 MINIMUM ^0O85 .... _.... .... .... .... .... .... ~_______ 2.590 ..0000 UNIT MGD 9A 9A %U ML/L MG/I... LB%/DAY NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NCO() -26' 2' I FACILITY NAME: 0116to,I — 6til(//qP Sow{%�.�5� 7 v/7"."/ (Fofw'k -l/ Urtrori 0; I eo. 04 CAPi-orr%a_) Facility Status: EX1671r4G PROPOSED (circle one) Permit Status: (R11N EWAL LMODI�110rTW y UNPERM NEW (thou' ono) Major Minor Pipe No: c 4 — Chevron USA} 04,11 ((1c0o43063} Design Capacity (MGD): Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: /( RECEIVING STREAM: 0 T Class: L , X- R? Sub -Basin• Reference USGS Quad: �� `'� (please attach) County: 1 Regional Office: As Fe Mo (circle •ae) Ra Wa Wi W Requested By: `'= Date: Prepared Bate: Reviewed By: Date: / rd Drainage Area (mil) Modeler Date Rec. S� V ,,},154 ) Avg. Streamflow (cfs)- 7Q10 (cfs) DZ2Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC Instream Monitoring: Parameters % (circle one) Acut / Chronic 44.“36/EQisaciic Mon, ti See ttac h ti Upstream Location Downstream '`� Location 'Rev) on nun c; •Pfoud iv? oni+of;nq hoc 60( 1en��to file -Put.1, Con4F,rluouS „non,ioc�n� 4o�'ml i2er doc4-a ace accepble vot 4,%1..S aF wus,w6,1e1' d.r •,« kIy 4(ow Effluent Characteristics N1oflttrl I A-veray, Da/.q Max 0;1 Grease ("'i e) 30 i 60 Seileahte SDItc1s (^9) O. ( 0,2 Phenols ('tis/J-v) 0.00033 pH (SU) • 6-9 6-9 TiArbtcc,4! (Nevi) The elisckatge ,sk4l1 no4 caws! 1w4 -FltiL1-!/ el0 cif r (.e vil exceeds , .a.1-e, +o exceed SO 50 NTU due -to nc$u,a.l NTU . T -Hu. -lur b,Wly loackgcound conci4IroAS) ,nc,ase ,n •4,nrb,.1:4-y cf ih.. discli k;9t can no+ cause .0y &COMwtt/IA 2/MOAT%! ea-LUIZ-1 clam; 0(4'4) (YE OII F Gcease) Dl-% J So-}flea‘ble 401EIIs. oak / a'1c ftn(Leitgy. Reco,vlate4J rNloniTorit phe for 1vl tet,e ) bef? At , ai I )(y (erte be d64..e on 41 Sa+itt ScL+ec�ule as -4-oxicA1 rnon�4o<<'n)teop( (F;r54- 5 re-1-t Jisclntaie 8VE•er ; u-nnually c 1-er 4{14) A clausR shout. totceA to PecMti la Allow fcsf I,/144s fa be etafeJ e.1 f o x; cairls skout H4 ( -1-r +-c EA -Li -FCul i&5 "Inofe—Q X y 4est, FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics • Monthly Average Daily Maximum Comments a : I cm d G,- s - ,�0, v n�/ a o , �� S l•e a6/,� SoI%GIs • 0./ _L 0, 2 ",p PA/ G -9 s� • Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference Request No.:4754h WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Status: Receiving Stream: Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Quad: UNOCAL-GULF/BP SOUTHEAST NC0026247 002 INDUSTRIAL EXISTING UT TO EAST FORK WSIII 030608 GUILFORD WINSTON-SALEM LULA HARRIS 7/18/88 C19SW DEEP RIVER Drainage Summer Winter Average RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS Oil & Grease (mg/1): Settleable Solids (ml/1): Phenols (lbs/day): pH (su): Turbidity (NTU): TERMINA Ya �! AUG 5 1 N' 1988 areqEEMITS & 4GlNNVt?fM; 7Q10: cfs 7Q10: cfs flow: 30Q2: cfs cfs Mo. Avg Daily Max. 30 60 0.1 0.2 0.00033 6-9 6-9 The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If the turbidity exceeds 50 NTU due to natural back- ground conditions, the discharge can not cause any increase in turbidity of the receiving water. Toxicity Testing Req.: Acute, Episodic Monitoring (see attached) MONITORING Upstream (Y/N): N Downstream (Y/N): N Location: Location: COMMENTS RECOMMEND FLOW MONITORING FOR ALL VOLUMES OF WASTEWATER LEAVING THE FACILITY. CONTINUOUS MONITORING OR WEEKLY FLOW TOTALIZER DATA ARE ACCEPTABLE. RECOMMEND 2/MONTH MONITORING OF OIL & GREASE, SETTLEABLE SOLIDS, PHENOLS, pH, AND TURBIDITY. RECOMMEND MONITORING FOR TOLUENE, BENZENE, AND XYLENE BE DONE ON THE SAME SCHEDULE AS TOXICITY TESTING (FIRST 5 DISCRETE DISCHARGE EVENTS) AND THEN A N N U I\LL`f AFTER THAT. A REOPENER CLAUSE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR LIMITS TO BE PLACED ON TOXICANTS SHOULD THE FACILITY FAIL ITS WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TEST. Recommended by: Reviewed by Ot• 001\1- l) Tech Support upervisor: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: fro ciz 02441? Date: -1/2b1 Date: -3-9" Date: Date: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: AUG 2 7 1988 Facility Name Una(A(- Guff BP SouIhea - Ternv;n.j 00 2 Permit # 440)0Z6Z'17 ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Daphnid 48 hr - Monitoring for Episodic Events The permittee shall conduct FIVE acute toxicity test,s using protocols defined in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Daphnia pulex or Ceriodaphnia 48 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this permit. After monitoring of the first five toxicity tests, the permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test if using Daphnia pulex is TAA3D. The parameter code for this test if using Ceriodaphnia is TAA3B. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a failure of permit condition. 7Q10 N4 cfs Permitted Flow Mk MGD Recommended by: IWC% iJq. Basin & Sub -Basin 0306 n Receiving Stream UT East Foe k Net R;vcr County (;,a:1.ccd • .0. (13(:.A Date 7f l(88 **Acute Toxicity(Daphnid 48 hr) Monitoring, EPISODIC, See Part 3 , Condition G . PERMIT NO.: NCO() (,J 247 FACILITY NAME: NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION OrO A (_ Gr�l�i�P Sort e457' /.orJtiii,,, / Un o.-. 0; I lornaoa,ty o-1 (4(T-f-orn; Facility Status: EXIBTING PROPOSED (circle one) Permit Status: (RENEWAL - C.A7 O UN ERM!TIED NEW (circle one) Malor Minor,_- Pipe No• cx2 Design Capacity (MGD): Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: RECEIVING STREAM: Class: 60-5 • Sub -Basin: 43 "U'—OP Reference USGS Quad: C_ /9 s``' County: Regional Office: As Fa Mo . Ra Wa Wi VS Carew •ae) (please attach) Requested By: Date: Prepared By: ate: 078.61 Reviewed By: '► Date: Modeler Date Rec. # S0 V 7 {a 88 4- L ( / Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs)• 7Q10 (cfs) O.0 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC % (circle one) Acute / Chronic i t,i+e) ep1.50d IC, r4on rskInnq Instream Monitoring: (l( a.Gktcl Parameters J Upstream N Location Downstream 1._. Location / R commend '1'lOW Mo/i 4C if J 'CO( all v'ff (AMLS or was,(twoder • Leau;n -04 4,4 (i j/. Can4:nuous Mo.niior:n' or ,..n.ek(y 4'1ow %4x1 zer cla a ire accepa e - Effluent l Characteristics 1'on+11} 4Vefa_q(l Pcti 1y %9ax 0;1 4 GreuSe (j le) 30 J 60 Se -1ea411e 471. is ('V) 0.( 0•2. Phe,435 (Ibs/ ,,,,1 D,000 33 pH (Su) - 6- 9 6- 9 1 f o(co,J (mruj TL d&Selnacge shoal + cause +ttA. -6uc6:dt:4ly 4 itk receiv rng eft' t io excee( So N7'!1 , lc -tit.k 4ucb,d excd et5 SO N7U sae +, "AAA rCtI 6acicru4dcon1:140 /144 44.5}cn1ay,t Gan no-f taus(' any!! Increase :-✓1 i/kn L d! pt- 'f�1.1 JJ rGc .iJrty VJA4ttc. 'Wee ammtncJ 2/wron111 24'rla2✓li 01 V I1.O(II -rt)r O:IE Grease , pd\cno(5) sefi Le Soli'dsJ �H and �urb�di�r. RcoMNttnd e F(ue.n� MDnCbr�tiq -Po( toluene) benzene,/ and xy lent be dome on fk $4 c J (do! 5cktc.tlk us (vionl4or(y(I- 5-.,.dell d�se{larotL ven-fs, annualt oA^ftr-f%ctt) , 4 rn.u copertsJJc Le.. silo11kge eLa� (f -{ t.cn1'� to" a1(ow r - ivt;45 "6 G p� or ci'eXi riterfs ,41,1ele—r}y 4e51; FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics • Monthly Average Daily Maximum Comments O t l and G,,, se___ 30,o ri /A G0, d /,,� .5e4-#4A bI€e S6/1 IS ©, I "0 D, 2 ntYi pa6 --1 5 61/4 , Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Status: Receiving Stream: Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Quad: UNOCAL-GULF/BP NC0026247 003 INDUSTRIAL EXISTING UT TO EAST FORK WSIII 030608 GUILFORD WINSTON-SALEM LULA HARRIS 7/18/88 C19SW Request No.:4754c }4j SOUTHEAST TERMINAL DEEP RIVER I rqt AUG , 19b6 uLIdI TS Pu ENUINEEUi!•G Drainage area: Summer 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: Average flow: 30Q2: RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS Oil & Grease (mg/1): Settleable Solids (ml/1): Phenols (lbs/day): pH (su): Turbidity (NTU): sq mi O cfs cfs cfs cfs Mo. Avg Daily Max. 30 60 0.1 0.2 0.00033 6-9 6-9 The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving waters to exceed 50 NTU. If the turbidity exceeds 50 NTU due to natural back- ground conditions, the discharge can not cause any increase in turbidity of the receiving water. Toxicity Testing Req.: Acute, Episodic Monitoring (see attached) MONITORING Upstream (Y/N): N Downstream (Y/N): N Location: Location: COMMENTS RECOMMEND FLOW MONITORING FOR ALL VOLUMES OF WASTEWATER LEAVING THE FACILITY. CONTINUOUS MONITORING OR WEEKLY FLOW TOTALIZER DATA ARE ACCEPTABLE. RECOMMEND 2/MONTH MONITORING OF OIL & GREASE, SETTLEABLE SOLIDS, PHENOLS, pH, AND TURBIDITY. RECOMMEND MONITORING FOR TOLUENE, BENZENE, AND XYLENE BE DONE ON THE SAME SCHEDULE AS TOXICITY TESTING (FIRST 5 DISCRETE DISCHARGE EVENTS) AND THEN ANWALLY AFTER THAT. A REOPENER CLAUSE SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR LIMITS TO BE PLACED ON TOXICANTS SHOULD THE FACILITY FAIL ITS WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TEST. Recommended by: Reviewed by �y1) Tech Support ypervisor: 11 Re Regional Supervisor: 2 Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: -____AUG 2 7 1988 Date: Date: Date: Date: -7124Ss $ 3—g ste Facility Name anou, t - GuiC Al' SQu+Kegs - ` o r,,vtteta) Permit # NCO() 2CZ 2/7 003 ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Daphnid 48 hr - Monitoring for Episodic Events The permittee shall conduct FIVE acute toxicity tests using protocols defined in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Daphnia pulex or Ceriodaphnia 48 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this permit. After monitoring of the first five toxicity tests, the permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by June 30. If no discharge occurs by June 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test if using Daphnia pulex is TAA3D. The parameter code for this test if using Ceriodaphnia is TAA3B. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a failure of permit condition. 7Q10 IJit cfs Permitted Flow HA- MGD IWC% u4 Basin & Sub -Basin 03060 A Receiving Stream Ur to. Fas-f Fec k beep ��uer /�, Sc County G'u;l coed Date Vziber Recommended by: **Acute Toxicity(Daphnid 48 hr) Monitoring, EPISODIC, See Part 3 ,, ConditionG .