HomeMy WebLinkAboutRandolph_Well Abandonment_20220601 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Irnernil Use ONLY:
This form can be used for single or multiple wells
1•Well Contractor Information: Vti'FLL ABANDONMLWT DETAIU
Scott Hunt, Jr 7tl.Number of wells being abandoned. 15
WettCouumcrm None(ornnitaw=pewmayalundtningAallam Maher propcn_y) For midtinle_ ivywiar or ma�lwafer simply wefts ONLY with else same
?4C Well Gortlmaor rxrtitrcruurt Number 7h.Appmsfinate volume of water remaining in well(s): (tyal)
C.otn xny Name lc.Type of disinfectant used
2.Weil Cim9ntc ion Permit#-,
fist afl aprtrlkyande weld p;rmttg n':t C rani Ste.Porfatk e.lxjecttara err d ff wn 7d.Amount of disWectant used:
3.Well use(check well use):
Water Supply Well: 7c.Sealing materials used(ebecl;all that apply);
MAgricwrltural ❑MrmicipalfPttbl O Neat Cement Grout M Bctrtoritc chips or Pcllcsts
❑Gcolhemud(HcathieC:ooting Supply) ❑RMidelgiat WVatcr Supply(single) ❑Surd Cement Grout ❑Dry Clay
❑lrrfbstrr lCommcmial ❑ltetsidentiat%Vatcr Snppiy(sbarod) ❑Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Ctutinga
01fd Lion ❑Specialty Grout ❑Gravel
Non-Water Supply Wen: 0 Bentonite Slurry ❑Other(explain under 7g)
Omotrttoring ❑Reco%tty
Injection Weal: 7f.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials treed:
❑Aquifer Recharge 00mtmdnater Remediation
❑Aqui@r Slosnge and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier
❑MniferTed ❑StommaterDrainrge Bentonite.:50 per locationlb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Expesirrtental Technology ❑subsidence Control 7x.ProvidL a brill description of the abandonment procedure:
❑Geothemml(Closed Loop} OTracer
Upon completion of injection, betonite poured from bottom to
MeDthermart(Heali2ff,2G1JMReturn) 00ther( ainunder7 )
top iF`�E!" 'PD
4.Datc wcI1(a)abandoned: 4/21/22 Rig
Sa.Well location:
NCDOT Parcel 90 lOtt eL
Fas:rlit MIvrerNtime Facili#1Ds 0fapDH=bl0 S.Certifttatlon: ��`� �
4443 US-311, Randleman, NC 27317 ��i9CC. /L. 5/21/2022
Physical Addmm.City,and Zip SiAMIITM orCertyw W01.Cans at:or Wetl On-Mr Drat
Randolph Bi S19WIT this fermi, I►mm6y certify tAw the well fs) was(here)abandoned in
Conmy Parcel IdoNlficatimt No.(PIN) acwrrhmee wah I SA MCAC 02C,0100 or 2C.6200 Mull ConstruOOn&awkr s
and Ad a cop),ofthis rswrd has been prm4ded to the well owner.
Sh.Latitude and longitude in degrrecatminuteslsemnds or dechnal degrees.
Of-well ttetd,ortc tloortg is srdticietw) A.Site diagram or additional well detatis:
You may use the back of this page to provide additional%ell site details or well
t� W abandontneut details. You may also attackadtlitiotial pages if necessary.
,trdath nrtd cnmrtrrrttrrlrt nawd(�7 If ovialitablz 1"w rirallfpM rn}ecrfun ar rian•n,uer strpp!)
itwhONLYwith6W saw m»s»nrtlac'obeurdwaucyu. >,rcanmrhwfiw►fi-vm. 100a. For All Wdh Submit tills farm within 30 days of completion of urll
6a.Well M#:Al-Al 5 atiandonrncntto the folloming:
Division of Water Rrourccs,Information-Processing Unit,
66.Total well depth: 2 a (IY.)
1617 Mail Scivice;Center,Raleigh,NC 27619-1617
10h.For Iniecdon Wells: In addition to sending the forin to the addrrss in 10a
6c.Borehole diameter.2.25 (in•1 above,also submit one hops of Ibis form yrtiWtu 30 days of completion of%vdl
abandonutent to the following:
Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Contral Program,
Gel,Water lend below ground surface: 00 1636 Mail Servicc Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
tion Wells: In addition to sending the form to
(ft) � above. a
6c.Outer eating length(if known): _ submit one copy of this form within 30 days of
completion of well abandonment;to the county health department of the county
6fi beer eming/tnhing length(if hn",a): (fe)
whcm abandoned:
6g.Screen length(if known):
Fona M-10 North Carolim Deparinrol of En►iromncat and Natum l Rcsmuces-Division of Water Rrsotwocs Revised Aupsi 20 tI
This form can be used for single or multiple wells
1,Wen Contractor information: FELL ABAPTDISN_MLNT DETAtI
Scott Hunt, Jr 7L Number of wells behq;abandoned:
Myer[Coutrador Nam(ornxetlonaerpermnai9y ationloningKellanhiMierpmppnv) Fw• MlyMple Hlfieetfan or Mn-11wer supply gaffs ONLY with the swie
celvrsfrrtctkNi'ahalrchlluwmif,rein cYur salxuJt aie fatwc
NC Well Coolmaar Cettificatlon Nvtmber 7b.Approximate volume of wat&remaining;in well(s): (pal.)
Caalpany Name 7e.Type of disinfectant ustd:
2.Well Construction Permit
fist atl hpp�lkxtAfe trelt frNrltrfLc a.e_C4MMty,SWe,t'urfomV.Iiyertlarv,efr_)y kawrl 7d.Aelonal of distafeamt used:
3.Well use(Cheek wen nse):
Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(checiK all that apply):
QAgrku tuTal phAtmicipttlN'ttblic ❑Neat Ccmcett Grout M Betitorhe Chips or Pclicls
❑Gcpthcmnl(14eatineCootino Supply) ❑ltcsicicntiatt Water Supply(single) ❑ Sari CcmeM Grout D Dry CIn1'
❑wistriallcornn cn ial ❑Residential Water St"ly(shared) ❑Concrete Group ❑ Drill Cuttings
❑irti Lion ❑ Specially Grout ❑Gtmd
ikon-Water Supply Wen: ®Bentonite Slurry ®other(explain under 7g)
❑Mouttoring ❑Recotrty
itnjeeti0n Well: j X For each material selected above,provide amount of materials treed:
❑Agmifer Recharge ®Grpnndwnter Remiedi®lion
❑Aquifer Storage attd ReaMety ❑Salinity Harder
❑AtluiferTed ❑Stommvrter hatrwge ! Bentonite.:50 lb per locationlb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Experimental Technology ❑subsittmce cmNml 7
r,Prtnitllc a brief description a the abaodnmmtmt pn►ecdure:
i7Creothemxtt(Closed Loop) OTracer
jIIpon completion of injections per location, betonite from
Meothemial(Heati ti Retum) 00tbartaggainunder7 )
bottom to top
;,Date well(s)(a)abandoned: ��� (1
51L Wen location:
NCDOT Parcel 90
F=r1itytO ,mrNume FacilityiDMtfapp1table) S.Certlllcaflom: Int-Mu'l �CGC �t
�'Ce&7 4509 US-311, Randleman, NC 27350 cur 5/21/2022
Physicat Addtcss,City,and Zip s'gemMirc of C41M lion Will CMr lwor Well On-wr Dot@
Randolph fay.signing this Ami, 1 hereby certify that the well(s)was prer'd)abandoned in
ceauty ftM IdendtlddMnNo.(PIN) acwrrhrnca with 15A NCAC(t2e.0100 or 2C.0200 MWI Owl;rurtion&aani*rds
and then'a n'Rl,ofthis recursd how been provided to the well owner,
ft.Latitude and long Pde in degr+eestmfnuteslsecondsordecimal degrees:
(irueu t`wd,wie Wwla is siditc") 4.Site diagram or additional well detafls:
You may use the back of this page to pride additional hell site details or t»11
N W abandonmeta details. You may also attach additional pages if necessatiy-
:tfNidr well erlmrJruefrstrt r,!cvre�tA!-Jf etrolft�itc. f'ur muftipk iltjecffate rxr raan•nxttav',�pph,
arfk ONLY with the maw mm*waou obwiykw ao.i.la vari.sr))mtt lute furor 10s. For All Wells: Submit this foam within 30 days of completion of well
6a.Well ID#:B1-B-12 abandonmcnt to the following:
Division of Water Rextiurces,Information Proceming Unit,
6b.Total well depth: 30 ( ) 1617 mail Service;Cotter,Raleigh,NC 276"-1617
10b.Sir Inlecdaan Wdlc: Ice addition to sending the form to the address In 10a
6c.Borehole diameter.2.25 Bn,} above,also snbmli one bogy of ibis form within 30 days of completion of tva
abandonment to the following:
Division of Water Resources,Underground Injeaton Conlin[Program,
64L Water level below grand surface: (ell.) 1636 Mail Scrticc Ccnter,RvleiP,h,NC 27699-16M
6c.Outer easier 1 if Imown): (fW Ift,For
above.12ft!l itection M ejft in addition to sending the form to
fi length( _- submit one copy of this form within 30 days of
Completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county
w abandoned,
6f.Innereasi6tkubi'ng hen)Mb(if Arrtsnsm): (t1.)
6gr Ski length(if Itnown):
Faun GW-10 Nonh Carolina Depuanxes of miironment and Miami Resources-Division of VPatar R<satatacs Revised AupM 20 B