HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05254_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Tucrnaltse jjNt:Y: This form c4n be owd rbr sivglo or multilik wcIls E w, ell:6"tiaetorMormation: j4.IVATLIK ZONES, Robert Miller— FROM z .10 OFsCRIP"O.4 ft. 2675 NC.Woll C6ntmclor Ccrtifbcatioa Niu&er 15.OUTER CASING(rorsnulti-cawil ik"',0 111 --'i alicable) 11 L FRO'31 TO I DTA31ETER, T 11HATMIES1 NIMTHINL. SAEJDACCO Inc 0 -ft,,. 671 (L 1 6', M. 1 Sch40 Pvc C-01tvi'my.N;311W IM INNER CASING OR1 BING FRONEZ� To DUMETER­ TFi10E,NESS ATATERML Well Comtrli4ioh 061niti: ft. ft, 11L (fir.County.-SIA10,.1radance..11ft-C601 0117.) ft. irr Water SnIjpIv''%Vell:, FROM 1 TO DFA1tETFR I SLOTSIM I TnflM-NTN-*5 1-57ATER(M. Oftficulitiral 67 871 ft.- 6- 0 .62* Sch4o , Stainless OCkotficuttaf(Watingtooling Supply) 011esidential 1Viter Supp4,(s!"L c) 13 IndustrialfConintmial 011esidcatial Watcr Suppb,(shared) 18.GROUT ElhiiO,atbn FRONT 70, MATERUL EMPLACOTENT 3m-rHOD AMOUNT 0 rt. 61- It. Portland trimi NouAlrat&Supply Welk ft. It. MRcc1oVcTy Injection}Nell:` 13 Aqu.ifcr Rcqbairge 1Mdi-oiY7idVv31&Renicdi ation l9.SANDX;RAVEL PACK(IraptillealAt!) Ir NjA:rV 11A oF-Siom To g6andRcciovcly Mnlinity Birdc'f 64 ft, 92 Ft. ISilica Sand 20/46 ft. V).DRILLING LOG dGeothennal,(Clustc!Loop) 'Mracer FRONT: I To 13GLothe7nnal(HentinglCooling Return) 00ther(explaiu under#2 Ulketua&) "(L (L ft: fL 2/17/22 '%VetllD#EW-68 ft. �n rz n: Facility IMM(i.fapplicaktc) (4 (L MAY ft., ft. 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 ft, (L Cj[Y'­tnd 2 —�P —F 1.RVMI,%RKj Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 611to 641 Five lhM0 la"JifificMil)[1 No,(PIN) fee de'and I.*1TndC in or de0rind ftrers: 22.Certififeatioru, 2/17/2022 Dale 6.Is(arL-)themell(s): mPertuaneat 'or oTchiparary jkr,m*pj;jrg ihikr!w I hereby certify rLar rh,i!-d7flfs)". Yr fh,vw)cominreied hr weardmce tdih 15A IMIC 02C.0100 or,15A NCAC Ok,0200 lVell Cvitit;ucdoor karddr4s(ffld duri a 7.h thh-a rkliiaie to an EIYLN- fir ENto voypfrxi,re'ror0rik.,11 pfmi*'d OT'Ax Now fiqViler, Me morare a1rhr 23.Site dingrarwor additional well details- Y6u may use the back of dill llagq,to lndide additional well site details,or%iell 8.Nutuberof ivells wttstruet6d: 1 consgructionidefatfs. You necessary. For;iAqpre viwiljtucer sW5­wi�lU ONLY idr1i the satur r4hiWj;r11P;ry&n(vo SUBMITTALINSTEMONS 9.lWal Well depth klqv�land surface: a. P e: 921 14o•Ali M*lls 'Sfibfidl (his farm M(hin 36-dayS of coutploion of Tiell A)r,;Wjil*i�e'lhhse iiff'zlqAn if d ftrofd MY and MIM'y constrizaidn'to ft fallouing: 10.Static water level bi-low top of casinw. (ft.) Division of Witer k 6'aurcint,Information Prdeessing Unit, If uunl't kl@el 6-hhure.Lylisilkv;am 1617 Alail.Seff iec'Cetiier#,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diamctck;10 _'(in.) 24b.For It ij"ajjHeJ19.0NLV: fnt addition to sending the fornt to the addrm in 24a46e: also submit a pop.%, of thus_forte within.36 days of completion of well 12.Well coustmetiownw-thad. sonic LOTISIMetithl ED thk f0lb%vifig.'. (['q.zutr.iWa`q.cnb)c.dired V ust L ctc.) Division of Water Resou rcts,Undirground Inpellon Control Firograin, FOR WATER SUPPLY NVEL1L90NZLY:' 1636 Mail-Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 1 7699-1636 13.k Yield(90111$ Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&InjCetfori WCIK- Also subtu it one"copy of this f6lnii'within-10 days,of completion of 13b.bisinft ion.ty&: Amount: Avell ns cotruction.-to the chanty he department of ifie couflhc-,vhcrc North Carolina LK-paornent of Em6forunenvand Natural Resources—DIvi;1011 of Nklatcr R(tau'oe� R-oised August Yft 13