HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05242_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RE-CORD Far titcrml U�sc.ONLY:
This form cifii bc:usod fin ifugle ai mull ipk-wcUs
1.W' 46ntlmctorhfforflkifiow
Robert Miller FRONS TO DF-lettl ION
1YelOcor,46zlor N,i a ff. ft. I
2675 fL M. I
NC.WcU Cdnlmclor Cen if=iion Nui&& 15.OUTER CASING OR_LINER1l1'i,! ficabk T
SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 731 (L 6- in. Sch40 Pvc
26.INNER CASING OR TUBING ftwodwrind clyed4loo'p)
Mxf rt.
116N.'ater.Supplyr Well: -FRONT' TO $1 MT S 17Y. THICKNIS91 ji MATERIAL
- ft� 931 ft, 6. • 0' .02 S6h40 Stainless
nAgdcultural [JNlu9ieJpaMWje- 'i2l I
Ol3mthemial(Heating/Cooiing Supply), 011esidantial N'Vatcr.Supply(single) R. I
01ndusWaXontutcrcial OResidential NViter.Supply,(slmmd) 18.GROUT
13 Idioption 0 ft;' 67 (L Portland trimi
NouWaver Supply Won:
Injection weUo- ft. tc.
0Aq*feri1cc*ge" Wdroundii-Wor Acindkifion 1%SAN&'(.PLtVrL-I1A(_'K(it aliplic;ONY
PROM it) r1lXrrldAG
-IM kc6avely M&Unity lJuder"
701 ft. 981 ft, Silica Sand 20/40
13slonmi-Itct Mitt nlgc.
IlAquoi. . I
1:Mxperimctltal Tcchnotpgy Ccowiwl
DRILLINGLOG(illach ad4lilional sheets if nec"staryl
Meo.flignual(Closed Loop) 'ElTracer YR031 I.Ter DFSCRIMU N(color.lhardiiut. K."grajif site.W.)
ElGeodienual ffleatingV�Coolfiig R2tuni) [30dier(explain.under 02 1 Rewaiks) ft. (L. 9;!--
it., ft.
r-1 V
4-'0a0'VeU(9)CbmpIetcd: 2/18/22 Wi11ID#EW-67
1L. (L
ft. MAY 3 1 2022
(t. fL Infoirrn.Vjain ProC;—=tng Unh
FicilitpUwNrNanto Fac My IM eJ17 aypjjcnbl'e)
1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 ft, ft.
PliySicmfA is.'Cjly sand Zip`
Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 671to 701 Five
CoubLv 11amel No,'(PIN) fee
56. 'and Lou'j;iiudc in 6 Latifiede g=rWmjtutWictondi or dechni-il dciwevii 2L C w!vrtifi 4ozi:
N 2/17/2022
6.Is(arc)the-ivcll(s)- oPermanent or oTemporaty rebj By,signing khr fajw; Ire evefify q!w Wq i!,el4s)vs.wz c-cwvimeied itu areoT&wre
v�idf 15A XCAC 01C,,0104 or 15A NCAC 0C.0209 Well Cpirarrricdcvr§Mmards and Akli a
-7.U thbi a repaii-to;to,5,4ting ivc1h ove-S, , 'ZINo A.,record64y'K"al p,rol-f&.4 rq,"ifbl uril(4ijeri
Ivell f.%Pfahl 111e,wrare qfrlle
_Pai"i;931 at L,w the brxi aldshfurar. 23.Site diaUvranior additional well dehols-
you way use back of this W.1
8.Numberofitefficonstructed: 1 construction'deiaL You also art ieli ad�liuoiial pages if it cessary.wiqls OjVLY wirli r1je sajrie To"j6"kdair,ytwi eon
9.1roial isell deptlube6w land surface. 98' j!I.iL Pat All.Wellsr
Sollfitit dds fbno uithin 36 days of'o6m Id.iod of v vff
Av i'disfisi a#4*6-ftdorefit(e,'Tampf�-3@2(Vaeid:2@My' 'Constnicti On'to(hd fo.110VO I figt p
in.Statie water kvel lk-low top of caminw. (ft.) Division of Water k6ou rcei isin
I r. 41inrormatibuProctg Unit,,
1617 Alan SLrvice Qtf&,kileigh,NC 2760-M 11
11.Borehole diameter,10 0-) 24b.For Tkila flah _NLjl_q ONLY:, In additionto sending file form to the addrm in
24ai6d►• 6b3 submit a Copy of I aLis',fann witbiti 30 days,of cotnplqtilol,of W01
12,'Well Construction method: Sonic ta 1110 k6wing:
isu''- i—NM%cA A i
FOR WATER SUPPLY'WELLS ONLY:` 1636 Man Service Center,RalcipikiNe:2*94634
13.i Yield(1,-pm) Method of 24r.-For Water Supply&Injeal on Welts:
Also subihil ow. cop), of this fd"n4ithin. 10 ft�s o(C6111flietion of
136.Disinfection type:, Amount-, %vCIIComq1nlCt1;p; to the collnW kalili department ofibc•C0110'.whCru
Fonn,G%14 Nooh C31011M W-Pamixflt orEndfujumm and Naniral Resources-Division ofWalerRmou Revised AqVA M 3