HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05216_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTIONRECORD FQF.facnwi use PNTA; This forth c4it W-uwd[oTsfiF,10 or mhJ1ip31;,wd1s, -14.WAlE,It ZONES, Chris Ruffer FROM: TO I Of'SCHRIFION' 4223 A NC.Wcll Cdmclor Certifwbilon Mitintier MOUTER CASING(far Tit hl-6-wil wells) FROM In'"VETER SAEDACCO Inc ft., . I mININER CASING ORA 'BING(vewherinal c1uFed4txm) FROM TO UMMETER TMCKNESS SIATEML 0 R. 55 (L 6 sch 40 PVC It. (L IWOLUk(checic WM use): 17.SCRCEN FRONT I.TO I DFANTETER I SLOYSIM I 7111MMS5 I-NIATERIAL Water sullkv -N�� r., s5, ft, 75 (1. 6 Mgdcultural- ss c3c3codiennal(Eleitingtcooiing Supply) ®Residential IN,awr Supply Win.9c) [31ndustriaKdrunicicial. MlIesidmial Water Slippy(sbared) is.-GROUT FROM :.Tot, MATEML ENTPLkCENMNT.1FM1OD AMOUNT El Irrigation 0 ft.' 50 (L Portland Tremei Non-WAter Supply Wolf: dMon ioripg Injection Weil: rL (L [jAqnifcr'Rcq,hargi 0dioundmalcr Rqiwdlafion '19.',8AND1GP,%VEL PAC fit alljollejhN.), 'FRONT , . 'ft. 8'0 53 A, Sand 3 O.A.qu[C4 i6j, ElStOrmwitet biqurilF 2fl.'DRILLINGLOG 611jeft addhional shed if'Peces5arN4 ElGeodlernial{Close d Loop) FRONT I TO OGeoilternial(Heathq,Caolfiag Mum) 00dLer(explain cinder 0121 Rewads) Jt. fL 4.'Pate:WeH(s)f4p!plered. 3-16-2022 W&,Iljj)#EW-30 See cap s noteS.4 {a:NNY4 1 1A o.ca t i i i ti.- ft. fL mAy 3 1 20ZZ Chemours ft. IL -wc 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, ft. fL White Oak, NC, 28399 Pilys-kid X dr'ck City,und 2ip 2 1.REM ARKS Cumberland 75-80 is a 6in SS sump OvInLy P?orcel J&Mirb=j1Jpn Nc%(PIN) .56.1.406id6ifid L6ngitndc ink dcg1wi/Mi4uwc nos 22.Ccrtiiicatiqii: (M�411 W I Chris Rliffer, 3-16-2022 Dale 6.Is(are),the M- PLrinaticat or 07emporary. fty-wgithq j&!rfamj1rrrqby cvrfif}•rhqt the ireJ4's)way(pvere)caminteled brixvordmce idik 15A ArCAC 02C-,,VOO or 15A AVAC 02-C-0200,M11 Cairarrricrtoir S fardardsmidAwle 7.1-6,th6 a relmir"'fa an r-M.Nfing OyLs -or MNo kil.,M provwwiq ifie wil olviler, �INS41 a I-Vair,fill twit kriv'tw wrare q(rhe pair Or a"I fhe&wk ofiffixforAr. 23.Site tranj or additional wellAelatb- You q4y use tfi�, 6 back of this pagetoprovidi additional ivell site detaili!�or%viell pa R.Nonflierof*611s i�oiustructed: pages if necessary. SLIUMITEAL[NSTLICTIONS 9.'-Uial well depth below land surface. 80 2U Poe Alt WMS: Snbfidt this ftirtn tQhlin 30 days of-completion of 1%611 to ftfollowing-, of Water Re bl�lsiuti in nic InformatibnFruceming Unit, 10.Static water level lk-loW top ttfcasing-- A) 04 abok,P cusfax 116][7 Slail'Seffice Ceiiier',Italeigh,NC 2760-1617 11.13oreholediatnetek.10 in 010 24b.Fnr To)IfIll(Ill YLICM ONZIM In addition to sending(lie forTu to the address In 24dibbie,also stibniit a cop.%"Of tlli§forru willtin JO das;s'of completion of%wil 12.Ns1clUcoustructiou method: Sonic 6.c.-augcr.inian-,cable:direct Posk etc.) DivNion of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Vrograul, - FOR W M WATER SUPPLYAVELONLY.` i636 Ataft Service,Center Raleigh,ETC 2769-16k- 13a,Yield(gpin) Method of,test: 23e.For Water Supply 1CInjcd1on Wells: Also submit one Copy ofr.11flS,fonj within 'JO'days of comolet ion of 13h I-ti n h-pe� WCH construction.to the county ItcalI h-de 1.patiment of the connh l,�xvfwrc Nonh Camliwa DLWA=nt ofErwirontncu and Vanaul Resources—Divhlon ofWater-RMLI'MES Revised Ahgust2*15