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SW8031219_Historical File_20220422
Weaver, Cameron From: JonLangley@soirealty.com Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 12:54 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: psmith@soirealty.com Subject: [External] RE: SW8031219 Northshore Commercial Stormwater Permit (EXPIRED) '€: LJfJON: External email- Do not c&* €inks or open air rentsurdess you verify- Send all suspidous eevii as an attadvnmt to Will do, thank you Sir! JON LANGLEY UCH BACKER Renee 9: 3' 7SW fMdS'i zuj O"r-t 43� moms J0NLANGLEY MR &QM From: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.govs Sent: Friday, April 22, 202212:33 PM To: info@soirealty.com Subject: SW8031219 Northshore Commercial Stormwater Permit (EXPIRED) Mr. Langley: As the subject line indicates this Stormwater Permit has expired and will need to be inspected and renewed to return to compliance. Attached is an unsigned copy of the issued permit. Contact Kelly.P.JohnsonC@ncdenr.eov for the best path forward from here. Cameron Cameron Weaver Environmental Assistance Coordinator DEACS-DEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington NC 28405 Cameron.Weaver@ncdenr.gov Direct: 910-796-7265 DEQ: 910-796-7215 1 William M. Russell Property Boiling Springs Lake, NC 16-Nov-04 Drainage Area Requiring Treatment: sq. ft. acres inflow I 57,182 I 1.31 1 Impervious Area: Land Use sq.ft I acres Buildings 7,2001 0.165 Paved Area 27,809 0.638 Total 35,0091 0.803 Detention Pond Design: P-1 S,i- Elevation Surface Area ft. s .ft. Bottom of Pond 90.00 1,008 Normal Pool Pond On 95.00 5,196 Bottom of 1" Storm Pool 95.00 8,063 Top of 1" Storm Pool 95.50 8,934 ,Top of Bank 96.50 10,675 Runoff Coefficient (Schueler) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) where I = Percent Impervious of Drainage Area Rv = 0.6010143 State Volume Required for Storage Runoff from 1st 1" of Rainfall Volume = [1" X (1/12) X (DA) X (Rv)] 2,864 cu_ ft. % Impervious = 0.612 61.2% C}a}e Q-F- Aroe Pond Side Slopes = 3:1 Depth below N.P. = 5 ft. Sit Full - Worst Case SA / DA = 0.044 (Chart for 90% TSS Removal for Wet Detention Pond w/o Vegetative Filter Required SA = (SAIDA) X (Total Drainage Area) 2,516 sq. ft. Provided Storage Volume Volume = [(Bottom 1" Flood Pool SA + Top 1" Flood Pool SA) / 2] X (F.P. Elev. - N.P. Elev.) 4,249 cu. ft. Okay Pond Volume: Bottom SA = 1,008 sq. ft. Elevation: 90.00 Normal Pool SA = 5,196 sq. ft. Elevation: 95.00 Volume = [(N.P.SA + Bottom SA)12] X (N.P. El. - Bottom EI.) 15,510 cu. ft. Foreba : Required Volume Volume = 20% of Pond Volume 3,102 cu. ft. Estimated Head Under 1" Rainfall: 1" Volume: 2,864 Cu.Feet Elevation Feet SA'@ Elev S .Feet Incr. Vol. Cu. Feet Stored Vol. Cu. Feet 95.0 8,063 0 0 95.1 8,237 815 815 95.2 8,411 832 1,647 95.3 8,585 850 2,497 95.4 8,760 867 3,365 95.5 8,934 885 4,249 95.6 9,108 902 5,151 95.7 9,282 919 6.071 95.8 9,456 937 7,008 95.9 9,630 954 7,962 96.0 9,804 972 8,934 96.1 9,978 989 9,923 96.2 10,153 1,007 10,929 96.3 10327 327 1, 024 11,953 96.4 10, 501 1, 041 12,995 96.5 10 .675. 1,0151 14,010 OM 15 101al gT Yong SA YIUS FgreDay sA Provided Volume Bottom SA = 1289 sq. ft. Elevation: 93.5 Normal Pool SA = 2867 sq. ft. Elevation: 95.0 Volume = [(N.P. SA + Bat. SA) 121 X (N.P. el. - Bot. el.) 3,117 cu. ft. Elevation is approximately 95.35 Feet For First 1-Inch Design Volume Page 1 of 2 LL \ _\_ 41 # �a \ \�\{w )xa� © p E -X, -06 A0c '6 , 3 w � L ci L� ) 6\ _\,OD k° §��� § )u �§.. f £ .. ■& <. E 0 2« , « E U.n a) ■ % « z ' k �& i qcli 7k / §\eda§ a -cc § f@k \ } >� ,.�, )) 2§ px-0 n e § o �< < k � { § E 2 / ®\CL 7} rxe� Octkege#m _��oR��<�w _ w x k §« § § k a§ ���&f"N Lo k t2 CD ) §& � 16 A [ o « — \ _« p ( Stormwater Calculations for 10-Year Event (Verification of Outlet Structure): Time of Concentration: I Hydraulic Length (L) = 450 ft Change in Height (H) = 1.4 ft Tc = (6 / H).385 / 128 7.96 min. Flow for 10 year, 10 minute storm (Q10): Qpre = (Cpre) X (110) X (Area) 1.90 cfs Qpost = (Cpost) X (110) X (Area) 6.44 cfs soil storage Capacity for 10 Year Storm: CN = (98)(%imp.) + (60)(1%imp.) = 85.78553 P = 4.82 in. for 10 yr, 6 hr storm S = 1000/CN -10 = 1.66 Depth (D) _ [P-(0.2)(S)]2 / [P+(0.8)(S)] 3.28 Time to Peak Flow: Tp = [(43.5)(D)(Area)] / QPost 29.01 min. Outlet Structure Check: Using a Weir L = 9 Ft Q = CIA C = 0.68 1 = 7.23 in. for a 10 year storm A = 1.31 acres = 6.44 cfs Q=CwXLXH15 H = [Q / (Cw X L)]2/3 Cw = 3 = 0.38 ft. Peak Elevation = Flood Pool Elevation + H = 95.88 ft. Verify Outlet Pipe By Routinq: Routing Results: OKAY Cpre = 0.2 Cpost = (%imp.)(.95) + (1-%imp.)(.25) = 0.68 110 = 7.23 in/hr 10 min. duration) 0 Z 0 75 W 0 Q W } _o LL 0 0 Z W a I� a� WZ (n Q �U r N L L 3� U a n Hw000 Co F33: M(n000I-LLLL w N co d m m waaa22 C C 4-: it:! O O O M 0 0 O O O O O O CO Ln 0 O O in OCl0C900 0Cl) (D O 0 r• OOLon CD Cl) co 0 0 r a C d Q. L C C N L m r N N L y�cm °'(`o3v� (D�3� may$ i R Z Ir m U U N J U N J U N N c y c c E v E E N O O Ln M N M co a C � (D � N ❑ o U � 7 r r N N N W0C - 0 F-v W2.0N .S CO co In r C3 0 N W Of W U J W 0 O J LL � y O� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 ooa0000000000000000 OOOr 000Nf�Or.r000q :NO CO O O O O O O r N N M M M C M N N N C V N r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 C 7 C O f O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O. O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ddOr V'0000q,PNOOO OOOOOOr(V tV c'MCM('7CON(V (V(V Nr OOMrMwm1,-0NItMN00Nw cFO O O O r N M Ln q 1� CO CO CO CR I� f� I- q (D q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O M O M N t- M O 0 r O In 0 CD - Ln W M M�NLO O(DN00N0ommLnrmN r CC) CO O Ln O r (p 0 G0 rp M 0 r N r M �t WI, -I- f- 1- (� f- (O 0 Wto to O O O O O O o O O O O o O O O O O O O OLnn�Orttwr-1t O VOMN0WWtn O O r M O O CO In 4 M M N r r r r 0 0 0 �oO�NNCO')(O')�d�'1OnK tOpt�0��G00G00� Stormwater Calculations for 25-Year Event (Verification of Outlet Structure): Time of Concentration: Hydraulic Length (L) = 450 ft Change in Height (H) = 1.4 ft Tc = (L3 / H).385 / 128 7.96 min. Flow for 25 year, 10 minute storm (Q25): Qpre = (Cpre) X (125) X (Area) 2.14 cfs Qpost = (Cpost) X (125) X (Area) 7.26 cfs Sou Storage Capacity for 25 Year Storm: CN = (98)(%imp.) + (60)(1 '/pimp.) = 85.78553 P = 5.71 in. for 25 yr, 6 hr storm S = 1000/CN -10 = 1.66 Depth (D) _ [P-(0.2)(S)]2 / [P+(0.8)(S)] 4.11 Time to Peak Flow: Tp = [(43.5)(D)(Area)] / QPost 32.28 min. Outlet Structure Check: Using a Weir L = 9 Ft Q=CIA C = 0.68 1 = 8.15 in. for a 25 year storm A = 1.31 acres 7.26 cfs Q=CwXLXH1-5 H = [Q / (Cw X L)]M Cw = 3 0.42 ft. Peak Elevation = Flood Pool Elevation + H 95.92 ft. Verify Outlet Pipe By Routing: Routing Results: OKAY Cpre = 0.2 Cpost = (%imp.)(.95) + (1-%imp.)(.25) 0.68 125 = 8.15 in/hr 10 min. duration) 0000000000000000000 0000000000000coc000 N w y y ri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O o O o O o O O o O o o O o o O o O r Oa0 MO,-tP-Mr� 0 Ve 0 V—V F•. OOOCOOrC4MMC6C6ChC7C6C6NCV (Ni w M J .. 5 „n CDh0000 0000000a00000a000ao 000000000000000000 ,6�t>oo CA o oaaO000000000000000 -N O O O O O O O C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N LL � � y N.�. m�Cv1 W CD CL CL O e o 0 o 3 3 F-o o -jtoUOi-i°t0 Wo N N N N �add�� OOor �(nCpMOstf,ODtig14:7Or,� Id: O O O O O O r N M C7 Ch CO C7 Cr1 M CM N N CV O J LL F-tO � a OOM OOOM 000 000 OOOOO1O - CON rO"Ngf�UM WOoNA 0o00tp0CsROOOMO7OCMCO C)CMCO 0to00toU)t0t0tnU)LO ) LOMtntntpujto O CA O CA w CA O CA CA CA CA 0 W CA 00 CA CA CA CA CA 0 CA CA CA c) 7 Q O N OOOI�rlOCOd'MOOMI�N W COa0t000 (a a Q. C C LL NO tOCh000N00f�OC�OrtOCp(p(0 rOO tON N p W (0) NQQ t r V CNO I,-Oo00 M wW w I.- Z r .� N L.L 0 WE d a� rn � UN JUN O 000000O000000000000 lz N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w O N y C y C C LL .^ LL �U E U E E C Z v O CON.0010 nM r 0rto rODCOtO CM o rOo r O�COMO� NrNrr ODNOOtON000 c; vi 66r-r-:66'�C9C-4C-4 HCD Z �T -O it W� O IL O a c LJi,n w a) zo a :° ca 0 C)00LO40to00CDwClu)CDLO0 0LO0 JQ 1 0 n P-rNNMC)Tr VtotoCOCOhI-0000CA J N C 2 O`-rNN 0 CL n, a CLi-- tea ca 0 7 2 E �U U)a -a -'o cg -lid .0N 0ZUU f= Stormwater Calculations for 100-Year Event (Verification of Outlet Structure): Time of Concentration: Hydraulic Length (L) = 450 ft Change in Height (H) = 1.4 ft Tc = (L3 / H).385 / 128 7.96 min. Flow for 100 year, 10 minute storm (Q100): Qpre = (Cpre) X (1100) X (Area) 2.52 cfs Qpost = (Cpost) X (1100) X (Area) 8.55 cfs boil btora a capacity for 1 UU Year Storm: CN = (98)(%imp.) + (60)( 79 1 P = 7.09 in. for 100 yr, 6 hr storm S = 1000/CN -10 2.66 Depth (D) _ [P-(0.2)(S)]2 / [P+(0.8)(S)] = 4.67 Time to Peak Flow: Tp = [(43.5)(D)(Area)] / QPost = 31.10 min. Outlet Structure Check: Using a Weir L = 9 Ft Q = CIA C = 0.68 1 = 9.6 in. for a 100 year storm A = 1.31 acres 8.55 cfs Q=CwXLXH1' H = [Q / (Cw X L)]23 Cw = 3 0.46 ft. Peak Elevation = Flood Pool Elevation + H 95.96 ft. Verify Outlet Pipe By Routing_ Routing Results: OKAY Cpre = 0.2 Cpost = (%imp.)(.95) + (1 %imp.)(.25) 0.68 1100 = 9.6 in/hr 10 min. duration) 0000000000000000000 000000000cc00000000 N 10 5+ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0000000000000000000 r O O O N O r 0 00 m N sr IR 'ot N O h st r o F.. CCOOOrrNMsrster�sf �ChMCMN CK w M W ❑ 0) t)iC Ul *NL)00 6c�v00 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000 Oo w „ CO, v O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 r N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J W > C= Nw m, w �3 m w (A0)w00❑ � in 65 o Y Y -C w 0 m X X W y N W M �aCL OOO N Inro000pN'It Lq'4: O O O O O � r N M st sj' � 'd• �� C'7 M Ih N O J LL C C O OOCMQ)o OOOIM t[)o 000 000 OOIQ OOO OOMrtnNrOMMhODl��1 OIq 01p0 00 000M00 0mco 0MtO o O O O IAIOIA0 0000000000mw000 W OOOw0tAo0tA00)0000OOOtA O Q U C N > > OOr to InoMr oMr I�tpoOtp0000 tt)rN�oCflNMI�oMI�OcttnC4ti (q i fil NQ a M C w U` rf-00ItMMOr0r- pNr-" 0 0 v Z OJ m Q)❑ C rMlpho0000Ooo000Of� rrrrr 0 ` r t N W L = N `m 3v � �` L c � CC : "� 0 a 0 � � Z m 0 U N J U N J U N Cl) p� o000000000000000000 Q N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W O � G J LL E E E 4-1C Z U O InN00ln IA co r Or to rCOco0 MNo rho 0LO00)CDED0mtM00)0NcDN00ihN0 O Or 6 00 r r CM f-� Op 001-Z t044 CM(V Nrrrr F Z m W ^ IL 0 3 = CL O r� O c Z a t .- olnou)oIf) 000L000m0Qw000 JQ N ❑m e n rrNNMM ate GDLgtOC7�I�00000 w Z O m Cl?C 0) w a) Q N= NN n�a-0 a� O) 0.0 C O E O) Ew W C4= E WleMN ozov p Re: Russell property, BSL Subject: Re: Russell property, BSL From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:07:12 -0400 To: Bonkers <bonkers@mfire.com> Hey Steve: Glad to hear things are getting better. My husband's 90 year old aunt had a stroke earlier this week, and is not expected to recover. I'll tell you her story one day. Anyway, Mr. Russell has a Clear and Grade General permit, so he can begin grading the project, as long as he has an approved Erosion Control plan and follows it, and has any other local permits he may need. Please remind Mr. Russell that he cannot build on, subdivide or sell the lots until he modifies the permit. Linda Bonkers wrote: Linda, Hi there Mike Russel, whom has a DWQ grading permit, asks if he can commence digging on that retention pond. The one in the triangular area to rear of lots 4 & 4-A. Nothing "concrete" going down. I'm in the process of finalizing the site plan for submttal. He was wanting to excavate material, spread it out on site, let it dry, to see if it is useable for sub -slab fill material. Been a very hard few weeks now. But I think things are beginning to turn the corned Care Steve 1 of 1 10/21/2004 5:07 PM Mike Russell Subject: Mike Russell From: "Bonkers" <bonkers@mfire.com> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 11:04:54 -0500 To: "Linda Lewis" <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Dear Linda, Mikey gave me this address. 3156 George II Highway Boiling Spring Lakes, N.C. 28461 Hope this is what you wanted. Steve 1 of 1 2/20/2004 12:18 PM Mike Russell Property Subidivsion 031219 Subject: Mike Russell Property Subidivsion 031219 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 08:37:28 -0500 To: Steve Greer <bonkers@mfxre.com> Dear Steve: Thank you for the compliment. Maybe someday you can actually hear me sing. I'll be cantoring in church on Sunday morning. Trying to gain some confidence. It's very scary for me, singing in front of a lot of people. But my choir director says that I have a gift and that I need to share it in order to create an atmosphere of praise. A lot of people complain about the singing making church last longer, but I think they would really be bored without music. Music has always been my favorite part of church, but I've always been too shy to let anyone know I could sing. I've reached the age where I want to challenge myself to get out the rut that life has created and do something new. I need the street address of the project- It was requested in Section 2 of the NOI. You can email me the info and I'll add it to the NOI and get the permit issued. Thanks. Linda 1 of 1 2/20/2004 8:37AM Page 1 of 1 w NK ` Ong x kes -A D v http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/GetImage.asp?frame=407588 9/20/2003 Page 1 of 1 http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/Getlmage.asp?frame=407394 9/20/2003 T 117 inswick County, North Carolina TABLE 18.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES 'Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "rare," "brief," "apparent," and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol > means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern or that data were not estimated] ._._.. - Y'l ooaln —1.--- - -- -- +irip i1yllibol and liyelro- r,nl1 nmm" login Frequency Uura- MtuUm Unpth Kind Months Tntkial 'i'otel. 11nco1itcI+A Concrete grotip tioll - - Ft n Tn n11----------- A None ------- --- --- 4.0-1).0 Aiipnrt+nt Pvc,-Apr --- --- I,ow------ Mode rnta. I L, yulr+at7u --- --- 4.l)-!i.l) AL,t,al alit I�Ala _ In,w -- _- Mrnera ta. 1lnynauuiu------ A Norio ------- __- -__ >G.Q ___ __- --- --- MoAural:u high. high.. li None ------- ulli------------- A Mum------- --- --- 5.0-6.0 Porrhod lkic-Mr --- --- high----- High. 111.0111.111 uh .---•------- It 101tit)""III--- Vuty Jan-Iltu! II-I1 Atitintunl Inii•I)% 1 r, r, I.t Illglr- - Illiil. I1.0,l.,kol hi lol . Ii lt------- C: Nolte ------ --- --- >1,.0 --- --- ^-- M4111411 at %I III IgII. IN all4) *-----------_ IIII II----- IIlI h. :A U Frequent--- Very Jan -Doc +3-1.0 Apparent --- --- J J Carteret I brief.I I I I I I D IFre ent---+Very INov-Apri 0-0.5IApparentlNov-Apri --- I --- IHigh ----- Illigh. q" rChowan -----I I I long. I I I I I I I I --- -_I { --- ! --- I1.5-3.OiApparent{Nov-Marl --- i --- iLow- -iLow. "0----- D IRare-------i I (Tirol ] it hnlIII ------- .,.,. .-- 0-I.0 Appnrolil Dtw-Mny A -III Ill-M 111111,----- 111tI11t I Ilnllrill III II I' l l lull+III IIIII Y IIIIII Pilo I I II li IIIIInII I 111 IIIII I11g� II I I III III II I IIII III IIII II� I t� �tlll �IIIIII D occasional Brief Jau-11ec: 1.U-1.0 AlipatellL Jaw-beU I,I111 I,IIII, Duckston I I I I I I I I I I Fo------------- I C +None ----- --I --- --- 12.5-3.5IApparentlDec-Apri --- I (Moderate (High. Foreston -- I I I I I I I _I I I I --- I --- iModerate High. I i;oA----------- I B INone-------I --- I - I2.0-3.olApparentlDec-Apri I Goldsboro I I I I I I I I I I I Gt-------------(None-------I -- I --- I0.5-1.OIApparentlDec-Mayl --- I --- (High-----iLow. I D I I- I { I I I I I Grifton I I I I I I I I I __I I I ___ I -_- I1.5-3.OIApparentlDec-Apri --- --- (Moderate iHigh. Jo----------- C None -------I { Johns i I I I I I I I I I I --------_I I I--- I--- I >6.0 I--- i--- i--- i--- iLow------ ILow. KrB--- I A (None -------I I Kureb I I I [,A* I D (Frequent ---(Brief (Jan-Decl 0-0.5IApparentlJan-Decl 15-30 >51 (High ----- IModerate. Laf itte I I I I I I I I I I I I I { I I I I I I I I o--- --------I D (None ------- I --- I --- I 0-1.OIApparentlJun-Febl --- I --- iHigh-----(High. Leon I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I See footnote at end of table. INFORMATION PERTAINING TO DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.1000, the Coastal Stormwater Management Regulations, deed restrictions and protective covenants are required for certain developments where lots will be subdivided and sold. Deed restrictions and protective covenants are necessary to ensure that the development maintains a "built -upon" surface area consistent with the applicable regulation limiting built -upon area. The following deed restrictions and covenants must be recorded prior to issuing the Stormwater Management Permit: For All Projects: 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number , as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. 2. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit. 3. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. 4. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. 5. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. II. Low Density Residential Subdivisions (In addition to 1.1-1.5 and all others that apply) 1. The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is square feet. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, and coquina, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. If the BUA per lot varies, record as follows and provide a complete lot listing with proposed BUA: The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is as follows: Lot # BUA Lot # BUA Lot # BUA These allotted amounts include any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 2 Filling in or piping of any vegetative conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) associated with the development except for average driveway crossings, is strictly prohibited by any persons. 3. Each lot will maintain a 30' wide vegetated buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters. 4. All roof drains shall terminate at least 30' from the mean high water mark of surface waters. III Low Density Subdivision with Curbs and Gutters: (in addition to 1.1-1.5, 11.1-11.4 and all others that apply) Filling in, piping or altering any designated 5:1 curb outlet swale associated with the development is prohibited by any persons. 2. This project proposes a curb outlet system. Each designated curb outlet swale shown on the approved plan must be maintained at a minimum of 100' long with 5:1 (H. V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non -erosive manner, and maintain a dense vegetated cover. IV Project lies within CAMA's AEC: (in addition to 1.1-1.5 and all others that apply) 1. "Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may have the permitted maximum built - upon area reduced due to CAMA jurisdiction within the AEC. " V. For Low Density Commercial Subdivisions: (in addition to 1. and and all others that apply) 1. Each lot whose ownership is not retained by the permittee, shall submit a separate low density stormwater permit application to the Division of Water Quality and receive a permit prior to construction. Lots retained by the permittee shall be submitted as modifications to the original permit. 2. If one lot exceeds the allowable built -upon area, the entire subdivision is subject to the high density design criteria. VI For High Density Commercial Subdivisions: (in addition to all others that apply) t9Plow 1. The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is square feet. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the, edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. If the BUA per lot varies, please record as follows and provide a complete lot listing with proposed BUA: The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is as follows: Lot BUA Lot # BUA Lot # BUA ?2 7 2 Zse These allotted amounts include any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 2. All runoff from the built -upon areas on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through a variety of means including: a piped collection system, which ultimately discharges into the stormwater facility, appropriate grading of the lot such that the built -upon surfaces drain into the facility, or graded swa/es which collect runoff and direct it into the stormwater facility. 3. Each lot whose ownership is not retained by the permittee, is required to submit a separate stormwater permit application to the Division of Water Quality and receive a permit prior to construction. 2 VII. For High Density Residential Subdivisions: (in addition to L1-1.5 and all others that apply) The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is square feet. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. If the BUA per lot varies, please record as follows and provide a complete lot listing with proposed BUA: The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is as follows: Lot # BUA Lot # BUA Lot # BUA These allotted amounts include any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 2. All runoff from the built -upon areas on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales to collect lot runoff and directing them into the stormwater system or into the street. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. Vill For Shopping Centers with Outparcels or a Future Development allotment: (in addition to 1--1 through 1-5 and all others that apply) 1. The maximum built -upon area for outparcel(s) and future areas shown on the approved plans is as follows: Outparcel # BUA Future Development BUA These allotted amounts include any built -upon area constructed within the property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the lot lines and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 2. The runoff from all built -upon area on the outparcel or future area must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 3. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification. 4. The connection from the outparcel(s collection system into the stormwater control shall be made such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 5. Each outparcel or future development tract whose ownership is not retained by the permittee, shall submit a separate offsite stormwater permit application to the Division of Water Quality and receive a permit prior to construction. M