HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110462 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140520,� ♦ '�, ! ` A " .' • i • « " Pa� V�t,�rary G�ve����r Mr. �tichard VV. H��1cc�ck, F'.G.� M�r�a�er �'r•c�j�ec� �ev�lopnie��t� au7ci Fnvir��ac��e�at�l ,�nal�sis Nc�rth �C;arolina C)epartc�ier�t afTransp�rtatic,n 1548 Mai1 Sei•vice Ce�lter� Raleogl7, Nrar�l� Car�lana, 27b�9-15R$ Jqhr� �. Skvarl�, III Se�re(�ry May 23, 2014 Cura�ituck C;+�lwltty nw� r�o. �a i r o���. Suby�ct� 'T`ulls ��-�ek Miti��tic�n Site, C���•rit��c� Ccs��r�ty, TIP No. E3-44�4 I7ear Mr. 9��arjccrck: �*17ds cQrrespondenc� is irt �°efe��ew�ce to vati�' l�tie�• clated May 20, 2014, r�garciis�� t1�e Tt�lls C�°eek Il��btigatic��� sit� l�cat��l i�� Currituc�k �aunty, I"1�a�k� ��r�a]�ina. "�"l�is site is �ei��� ���iliz�d E�y t.he �c�rtl� Cai•olirra Depai-k�r�ent of "I"ranspc�ria#ct��� as cc�t���e��sat�as�y initi�;atian fac� wetl�rrcl irnpacts �ssoci�tec� witk� �a�•c�ject 8-4494. By capy �fthis lc�er, r�ve ���� �1c�ti�fyin� yo1�a tl�yat rxa fi�r���er r�7c��ai�t�M�ir�g o�f �he sit� wvill b� r�e�uprec� sir�ce th� co«sta�t�octio�� ancJ srecc�ss crite�����a fr��• ti�e ►�it�igati��� site l�as �een itte�t. 'I"'lyarik yc�u for yaur• time and coa�eratiai►. Cf yn�t I�ave aa�y q���stior�s, p�ease cc�ilta�t i)avi� Wairrou,°�-i�11t a� Uavid Wai�7wt°ight �ar D�vid.Wainwr'i�l�t�ncdet�r.�c�v. a iiace�•e1y, C°� ��� � u.�. ���1QITYc�S f�,. i?.�'�d�I', �li'�C�C9C Divisian of Water R.esc�uc�es cc: Td'acey W17eeler, W�shi�7�te�n Re�t�latca�-y 1'ielc� C7f�ce, 11S Arrny C"aa-�as of �.►��i��ecrs (elect�°c�raic cca�y only) Cyrtit�k�i� V�E� I�er Wiele, US ����wi��n«��enta6 P�°�kec��ioE�i Ager�cy (el�c�troni� c��� c�nlY) ��°r�vis "V�Jilsor�, T��C V�Jildli�fe �es�u��ces C�n�y��nisseor� (�le�.trc���ie c�r�py o»lya C;��•c;� Warci, T�]C��WR, `�v"asl��ii��;tart Re�ic�n�l ��t���ce (el�ct�rranic �o�,� c�nly) ��lay WiNlis, �ivisi��l 1 I�nvar•c�n�ir�e��taV ��f��.er (�de�t�•c���Ac cop�y only) Tile Ca��}� Tr�ans��aal��i�sn au��� C�ennidha�y IJmi� 1ki� M�o� ��;rve�e Ger�dcr, I��f��y�w„ ftE�rtf� Garc�6lifl��� 27699 ��1"F Lr�Gart4�ur �12 N'. S�IisR��dry S%. R�9eigk�, �larf�&t C�R+�tl'tl�roa ?1a�� f��a����. �15� �u�7�.6�(��} 0 f=dkX: 99�-1;�3-1?9d Irut�;rn��: ww+n� nc�aterquali� .or �i�� t�l��rO� lil� ������''��� �Vs�� k'='��u;al ¢�p��r�funit,p � �1(firr��Ci�r�: Arlu�rro 6r:rn�lt�,r�¢r r A+, �, . 4� �4� , , � �. � � I � ,, 1 �' • F y � � � � � PA'y` MCCitC)IZY ��v��r�a� May 20, 2� � 4 Mar. U�ug Huggett N�C Divisifln af Cc�ask�l Manage�ea�t 4a� �C+arr�rne��cc ,r�ve. Mor�E�ead, i'�C 28557 Ar(T��ar�Y J. '�'A��. s�c�z�:��n�v �.e: Tulls Creek T�nnpar-�ry �mpact Site, Currituck Ce��nty, WB� # 3373. F.�, TIP N�. �-4494, Ac�i��a ID lI�ia 2a08-�}06�0, I)'V4Q P�°o�. Mio. 2(�110462, DGM Pe��rait No. 9f1-� 1 �r. �ugg�ekt: As yo�n are awar�, the 17ep�i-trneni has rnanitored the T�alls Creek Ternpca�•a¢-y Impac� Site si�ce it� c�anstt�uation in I�eceamber of 2a12. Locat�d in Gu�•rituck Cc�unty, at �ridge I�T�. 3 aver Tulls Gree� c�� �� 1232, �his 0, � O�aere site was �noz�itored f�r tenr�poara� wetla��d �rnpacts assc�ciated with the 8-44�� projec�. fihe temporarily irnp�cted �rea, where 1�a�d cle�rirn�, �c��are�i, w�ts le� ta �-e-vegetate dlaturally arnd rn�ast re-attain �are-ps-oje�i wetland �'unctior�s u�ithi� three ycars �ft�r proj�ct cornpletion, klydralog�c rr�onitm���n�; was �oi r�equared %r this �roject, Acc�rrding ta perrrait cpnditaons, N�CDCiT was requi�ecl t+� p�r�vide a� annual update on the �caastal Wetland ar�as te��pc�rar��y ia�p�actecl by #k��s projeck, VVit�in tt�zes years ��er praaect cp�plet�on, th� pe��ni�tee shall h�ld an a�eney fi�l�l tneeting with th+� N.C. Lliv�si�an ofC�aast�l Man��ernent t� detez-�nine if the C+aa�tal V�'etland aa°eas iemp�rar�ly imp�cted b}r tk�is projeet hav�e re-�ttained pre-projec� wetl�nd fun�ti���s, After the 2013 grc�wing season, an �a���ual znar��t�ring r�por� was subanitteci to the appr�p��°�ate �egul�,t�zy agenc�es via k%e T�latu�a� E�avirc���rr��nt Secti�aa� (�E�} website; ht�ps://ca��ne�t,�ccicat.�v/r��c�urce�/Envi�•anm��nta�/Pa�esf�'errrr�ts-��d-&�iti ati�spx A:fker one yeax of vegetat�o�� unanat���ing, tk�� Tu�lls �Creek ""�"emp�rary �ta�pact Site anr►o�u�iaria�g indicaie� th�t nAt��ral r�-v�g�tation has �accur�red an�l the ten:�por�rily irr�p�ctec� are�s have r�- attaine€� pre-prc�ject wetlan� fi�nc�ions. Indivi�ual aa7nual ��a���i�orrng data is pr�vided within ��e meanitorin� r�parts avaiflable ot� �+1ES's vrebsite i� '�Cll3. NlAILING AD[dRE85: T�e�n�on��: 914-707-6�OD �EC I]�Pnar�n�rrr O� TRa,wsa�+ssra,raoe� FA9C; 91 �-212-5T85 PROJECT pE�'E40PftiE,Ni AN4 ENVIRONM6NTAL ,4.�yALYSIS 1588 Mn�� S�RviC� C�wrE�z WFaSITE: WYL't�V:A,fCDf�T.OR'� Ra��nGH M19C 276J9-1598 LCJCATION; CEC^l7URY �EMTEFt Bld'IlC91NG � 1624 BiRcw Rwo�� Dr�tv� RnL�IGM, �1C 27G10 �W�-'�2�i/G�j�z— ��� r �r�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Enviranment and fVatural Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 29, 2014 Philip S. Harris, III, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Ana(ysis Natural Environment Section N.C. Department of Transportation 1�598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27b99-1598 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary RE: Tulls Creek temporary Impact Site, Currituck County, TIP No. B-4494, CAMA Major Permit No. 9Q-11. Dear Mr. Harris: This letter is in response to the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) letter dated May 20, 2014 regarding the Tulls Creek Temporary Impact Site in Currituck County. Condition No. 26 of CAMA Major Permit No. 90-11 which was issued on July 19, 2011 requires that NCDOT conduct monitoring to ensure that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project re-attain pre-project wetland functions. The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) has reviewed the annual monitoring report prepared by NCDOT in 2013. DCM also attended a site visit with NCDOT on May 13, 2014. Based upon this review, DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site may be officially closed. � Please contact me at (919) 707-9149 or via e-mai! at Cathy.Brittin am(�a,ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, „ C�"� Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management CC: Tracey Wheeler, USACE David Wainwright, DWR Garcy Ward, DWR Randy Griffin, NCDOT 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Internet: htta://aortal.ncdenr.or�/web/cm! 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