HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05198_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTIONRECORD Far[ldarrullCtsc,OI Lb': This forth cast be usedftififilgider multiolc wdis, Chris Ruffer 'M Oh'"Culiq ION Wal(cumtcl or Nam,0 4223 A M.Well C6n6aclor Ccrfifid ltion Nwh6a FRONT To PLUNTE-TEV. T-11H MNFR RT.ATERJAL SAEDACCO Inc fL. (L OJI'valy Nam MANNER CASING OR I BING'O"Ifierinad c6sed4000) FRONT .TO DWEE17ER I THICKNM MATERML 2.WrIl Construction Pcomilt 4: 0 It. 38 (L 6 ue sch 40 PVC aff wf-mljr,bf, -S 17C Water S"pilly FRONT I TO DIANt MH �il.OITMM Tll(M'NFS4 MATERTAI, 38, 'it 48 ft. 020 SS DAgTicultuTal DGeothcrtnal(tiLating(cooling Supply) 011esidential Water Supply isi",e) ri. _(L OfticlustirialfCornmerciii ORiesidcritiai AMoter Supph-,(shared) FRO - FRONT 70 NTATERLU. j-,FNIPLACLNY"T'NFMIGD&"TOUNT EIIEAP,a16011 0 it. 32 (L Portland Tremei Non-Water Supply W, 9: it.. , rt difunhotiplg mccON-cly hijecif,Oil Weil:, dAquilcrlieOargi iffloilollridvl:Acr Realcall,ation M SAN DIGNALVEL PAC (it appIlealke) 'TO -PHtAll RAMACIAMSTIN317"1011 'PROhl'' , Eisilinily l3aida 35 ft,- 53 A, sand 3 Q Aplicr T.c'st ill na-'c 2(l.'DR11.LJNLG'L0G'hl1jch additional Aecls if atvcwrY) Meotllennal.(C-]used Loop) otweLr FRONT I.To DESCRIMONtowl-r.hir6t%4,wil46jck typc.:! ,O s4p-dc.1 R2iuin) E10ther(explain under 92 lRetuads) 3-24-2022 c11 1D#EW-15 See qftp s notesL ft. (L MAY 3 1 ZLjZZ Chemours ft. ft. Phailylbl—r7,Jamc Faci1by IM ffaypItabde) ft" ft. 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, ft ft. White Oak, NC, 28399 Plk)siciil ik4&css.Cily!'andti, Cumberland 48-53 is a Gin SS sump 5h.1 atitude On A I.Ongtitudc in 41qgri-cs or decimal dc1tregi. 22.Certiflicatim. (Irwall,rQ140jta,1;10okjiS s1tMC-lead) M8 P ffeN W rCwr, 3-24-2022 ig of Cettifcd welicallicicteir Daic 6.16(are)the 21PLtmanent or oTetoporary " I : -' a k,I igl#!f g thin fgrm,�I Irr reb i cc dify dial Me i rel4s)P. of as(4-err)cqavuyefed , eroA filpre iri*M XCA C 02C.010 or.ISA NCAC Okh26I IMI&rit6do,r Slaudards wid IMi a 7.Is'this a rel'mii in an dvftnj ocilf UYek vir ®No "'V'Y df aw�-M.C-47 rd 167S,&TO I P M IVIM T041y!i k I frivi i or. h,a'Frjo il i,�j 1j,�4 r kv t;`i i w- i�!e­11-coos'a i i(ci?1 a,I#rfo rewli'vi i read a;.plabi rfic opipirr ofrlie 23.Site diagrani'or-additional well details: re,Udir Mil&1V I MfflorkhsVCXkM or Uq Am b9A Qff11iXjoF11L You ni*,uieAa_W ig hack of this pa to provldeaddidorlal well site, iiiii 8.NumberoMelb e6astmewd: constiudido deiai,fk'You.itifiv-also'litinelt additiolal' t - Vdgds if necessary. For 4iltA.11 nM1'-ltVwr SJ(M r1VW1S,0jsomaLY i6rh die soma oo4ltsltruMo)r,XPacao df m4n MY-Apri.q. St_illif 11"fA L INSATC-116N9 9.Toial ivcll depth beloW,land surface: 53 ffj!) 24a. For All Wills Sobfidt this Torm v6ithin 36 days of Completion-of liell IV'C'110fs't (exfflxpfr-3@200'(vid M), co6stillciiQ6 to,the rQKcaving-., Diviisig"n of Water iksoltrcci,Infinrination Processing Unit, 10.Statir water level Below topofeasin;r. 1617 Mail Set-vice Center,Ralcigh,XC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.10 in 010 24b.EhrLikjMgqq3yelLqqNLV: in addition to,sending the fortat to The address in a copy of this faun within 36 da8;s'of colliliieflall of wAl 12.'Weil Comtructiou Method: Sonic Colls(tuctioli to th,�followille: 0'e.aug*ur.ruiaiy,ca.b! dikd r I ask c,tc.). 'Division of Water ttci6urc&,�lldergrduikd luje�iiorl Control Vrogrant, FOR NVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mull Servi&te6ter.'R-alci�ih,',NC'.27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpni) 1lctttoil of test: 24c.F60 Water Supply&injectl4n.Wells- ALso subritit opes'cdpy of this fdrin withirf 30 days of completion of Disifificktion'type Arnounh wcIl-construction to the County licAll department or, the coinh'.whcrc - constructed. Nonh Carlin Depaumcilt ofEuvirounx-M aW Narwal Resources-D.ivhion ofWater'Rmatircm Revised August-10 13