HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05193_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fmr_IlacrnnlU'scl3NL' : Thi's form can bc'ascd.Crrr.s Nglcor multipk weak' 1.1'Vell:Cantracto r Inforntatiott: 14.%FATE,R 20N IS Robert Miller FROM 'rO. nFSCHIPi"IOY W011 COa7m%ttoi-Nammc ft. fG 2675 O. fG NC Well ContmclortcnirrcationNnarJier ts:OUTER CASING(6rr'mu1,l-cm4rd"11.1)OR LINER fif a e flcahie) FTt011. To DLM1RIET61t TitICtCNBS4 NfATERIAL• SAEDACCO Inc 0 7G. 63' fG 6" �q, Sch40 Pvc Canap;uq:Nantc %.INNER CASING OR 1'OBING I;eotdcrmnt closed-lwi -FRO1f TO DLM11tETEIL TDiCKNESS I NUTERUL 2.well Cowgruc00'6 Oct'Rlit l'r: fi, ft iat Ir,'rt kll rrl�'fieribfe v-elllteiatafts ll,a Coamfa•.Sti"e:e;-Ynriarccr,.Trf�b'erd rsr:J' rt.- ft, 3.Wc11.Talc(check.ivgll rise): 17:SCRtiEN Water FROM 1'7O DIANNRTF;F[ SI,OTV17Y, TritCKNFJS I•NTATFRiAI, 9d, IfilTll Rcll:. 63' ft. 73' ft. V im• 0 .02 Sch40 ' ' Stainless l�rkllT(cttltii7al C]IbTtmicp4'llllfi%li(ic ®Geothctmal(Iiewingtooliog Supply) t;IResidential Water Supply(single) ft. ft:-, 'm' ®ludustrial/Conmiemial ®Residential NVater Supply,(slrtred) 18.GROUT FRO,IT. 70. "TATERUI: 1'NTPL\CE110TN1171HOD&AmouNT O1rii'ation 0 ft. 57' (G Portland trimi Nov-Water Supply,Well:, n.. rt. QM01114orin-, ORecpvcry Injection Well: ft. fL QAt)uifcrRccharrgo Ndr6utidvOlcrRemcdia(ion 19.SANDIGiUVELPACKIttara]]auh,tcl. 'PROM" ' Tad 1TA'rFHt.M1 i'. F.1t Y1�\Ca�11RYT\71_"F'nO7a.. QA[]uifCcStoiagoea lid ReCovely QSalinityB;Irticr 60' 'ft.. 78' ft. Silica Sand 20/40 ❑AquitcrTest Q51omm ttci 1)mtnigc ft. ft. Q i lctiruenial`Ihhnot0� E1SUbsidcncc Ca74ml 20.DRILLI\G'LOC(nttmeh adititionnlsheMf if rxeessnrF't ElGeodtentanl(Closed Loop) OTrlct r FRorT. T%} DF CRrPTiON imisn l nnfuc i.a t;'r Lek t K: 7r1 <c.ear l ❑GL*othennal(Headikge iCoolfng,-Return) ❑Outer("plain under 921 Retuaiks) ft. (L ft., fL <" - 4.D4e'WeR(8)f.6mplttted: 3/8/22 Wt11IIafaEW-5 K^ V .""• ft. ft. 5a:Well Location: ft, fL l� .:ns7 Und FlaoEl t}a01%tn rNnmac Facnily!Dm(9Capplic able) ft, ft. r�`��.Q11 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 P]Q sscal Ad&ui s'03t.and Zip 21.KEMAHai$ Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 571to 601. Couu�' Parcel Ideanikauon No.(PP4) b.1�titircic aril Iaingpttle it tictitceslminutrslscconds nr ticcitnal gr ccsi' 22.Ccrtifcatiun: (if rti 1t tkit]�ant%f;>t�7ee g i+rtfi7ck'ol) N 2/17/2022 Dais 6.Is(are)tarea'ell(s)t MIr'erniancot or LlTiniporary HX.signing A*furnr„1 hereby evififp aliut Me Trllfr/vary(Were)cururinrrted err-deenrrlance mial 15A NCAC 02C.0103 or IJA NC+IC-0X,'G2l,0 flat Coititracrioir Swalar4s crud ilarr a "I.4 this a rtl►air ft)an euttint;)i'cIL 3YLs or ®No lines Meer pr?rrrided in ibc sirll maser, 1f'bts:IF o mpolr,flf Ayr kx;l N well nnAsinfeikin bvorrw.nlon mul e plrabt rbe nnrire of(fie nc'�w5ir riarcltr3 1.rrivar{:r Srridon tar•im rlic.brxk❑f this fnrur. 23.Site diagram or additional Mill details: You quay.u4c-tlic'back of this page to pro\;ide additional well site details,or%sell R.humUir of M1%tills ionstrnrted: 1 cons(metion'detaiL3;'You 11my also:affaclt additional pages if n:cessary: For s aNy'vre 1,Veei,ut cy PQMq purer ppAy,wills ONLY 1d1rb dae mma rnirstrrrirJon,,}'oY c t is sa�imlrane/aria. SUBMITTAL iNSTLTCTIONS 9.Total ivellitepticbeGriv land Mirfnee: 781 ((7,j 24a. For All ��'ellst Suhtitit this fonts within 30'days.Df cnmp[etititi of%well Foranul:,IpJa lfd$itresit%exmij7e-7@209'cuul,2@1197 constmetiOnto(he folloning; 10.Static water level Below top of casing: ((Y,j Uivisien of Water ReSWrce.'I,lnfnrmatibn Prucessinp Unit, If%never level is above a asfgw use'`Y" 16b Stail Semiec Loiter.Raleigtl,INC 2 7699-16 1 3 IL Bnrchote diamcke;10° (in) 21U.Ft)x jB j��i t�clay ONI.1': In addition to sending the fomt to thc-address in 24dal?oee: also subtitit a copy of t➢tis f01111 Within30 days"of Completion of%well 12.Well'constructiou method: Sonic Constriction to tits followine: ti c.auger.riFiary,'cnblc'dined Fusk etc.) 'Division of Water Resoumes.Underground Injection Coutr6l I'roQratin, I'OItWATERSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,RAleigkNC 27699.1636 13:1,field(gpm) Method of test: Ztc.For Water Supply Bt injection Wclts: Also submit one caps of this form within 30 days of complet ion of 13h.Dlsinret�t on,fvpi: Amount: %%•cfk consoruction to the county health dcpartment of the county.whem. corlsirtictcd, � Form G%Lr-I hflnh Carolina Degamrenr of Enviroltnrm and Nantlal Resources-Divii ion of Water Reowces Revised August'2013