HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05171_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This•fann can bc u-wd PiT single or multiji3q.wdisI.WdCCoutractorinEdrmaliou: 14.IVA'IER ZONIUS Robert Miller FRONT TO DFSfRIPItrIY' NVOI Com ritdor Nat W, ft. It. 2675 (1. ft. NC well cdflfmcfor cellifi6tion Nlimber .15.OUTER CASINIG Mirpwillki-wd nsjO 1;ICIE (,I Fr,jiblel FR r ETE 'S FRO37 I TO PLU F It ,I'tT"T'tL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fIt'1. 5 0 6" .'jiti, 1 Sch40 I Pvc �,fvipu' y'Name i6,INNER CASING ORI'UHINGff,-emothLrj alckj."4wo) t- FRONT TO DBINIETElt I THICKNESS I ATATTRUL 2,Well Construction OCITtlitt ft, Ft, ft. in 3,,Wa1LUsa(eliack well u";e). Water Suplity FRONT I.-TO, DrAlVIETrEt I SLOTS17Y. 1"4[CJ0TS!i I MATERtAT., 0 1 Agif.p Itural ONfunic.ipal/hibj.iic so' ft, 60- ft. 6 'o* .62 Sch4o Stainless loGeothennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply(s!Dgle) ft. ClindustrialTditintercial OResiduitial Watcr'Supph-(sIxivatl) GROUT FRONT TO, MATERIAL I EMPLACEINTENT3FMOD&AMOUNT Ohtipation 0 ft.' 441 (L Portland trimi Non-Witter supplywoff:- it. ft. lklRecol-qry Injection Well:, ft. (14 13Aquifer,Rccfiargd" Wrountiv0tcr lIcnickition ig.SANWIGRAVEL!-AC Klumli'FRONT I VNIPIACLMENT SHM101) ElAquifcF,S'ioTa :.114 kccQVCIY Q' il ini IV mime,( 47- ft., 65 (1. Silica Sand 20/40 CIA44itter test 1356rimunter ba 1'r6go I I I"kb5idCacc C014TO I ft. 20.1 DRILLING1OG(attach additional shcdsif necestary) ElGeodiennal(!Iused Loop) oTracer FRONT I TO []Ch atltetmal(Heatiqi Mom) [10ther(explain wider 421 Rewaiks) ft I. (L I fL. ft. 4/3/22 4.D1 Will ED#EW-16 A:44 W1141 ft. ft. --VA--Y3 Facility IDS(i1 appikaW) q,.n ft., 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 ft, (14 '2L REMARKS Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 441to 47, GotNty rotuCl ILI,-wjrLC4jiJpn No,(PHN) 22.C icati*- 2/17/2022 Ddle n 6.Is(are)the well(s)- -xPermattent or OTLuiporary frereby rvrjrlf�r�ja�j�ir irg�14s)iswy(iu?re.)cmutrueied hr vceqrdcnce ivi&15h NCAC 02C.0109 or.15A NCAC P-C.0209 Well Cjp4ifrwcdoor Stan4ards and-Aw a I IN thin a rCilAir in 211 '"'Cli. OY&,-s- tir 'ENo rcoy.bf(filf R- '23.Site diagram or additional well detaits: YOU[114 I!sp't4i Wel;of this Nbe t,o.p.tovide additional well site,jetaili Or tv'ell I 8.Wintiberof Weffi constructed: 1 ootis(mcdon details;-,YoLL ir4 alsoatiaell additional pagts if fiecessa*� For i4jiWple I*ent4i v ot%-j'-ivarsr sj(pply wdly,ONLY vidi r1je.same =kur,fnMEA'.rn. SUBMITEALMM-10TONS, 9.70iA htill depth.betawland surfacc,. 651 .24iL Iai All Wells Subfidl this i1iriii uithin 16-days:of'compIc1io1x of 1}cll For#fRjfiX1 lrrljlljiir l�Jjjlpllas(ido,reo ft(e.Tarubie..1WCO,atu125sId7ITy consonictipit to dw folloning':' Unit, DiviNidi of Water Re-qati rci%, it I ssim, 10.Static water levethelow tog ofeasinw, A) Informt bn proi c . . lf mover.level h,above casftq,rise M&Alan'seffiep Center,IlUcH,I,INC 27699-1617 It.Borehole(lizincter-.10 010 2411.For h i I ion Welly ONLY, In addition to sending(lie form to the address in 244above, also-submit a copy of thi§Jonn within jQ day�s'of completion Of 1%,61 12.1%refft,oftstniction ine-thod: Sonic Lonslatetioli to dbe I56110%vilig, ;czibl LCI aq etc .) .) DMOtin of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control groggrinn, FORMATERSUPPLYINFELB ONLY. 4636 NfitilService tenter.Raleigh,NC27499-1636 131.Vield(gpT) Mettlad'of te5t: 24c.For Water'Supply&:Injection Wells Also submit one c6jpy of.this foinn,within 30'days ofcoftiplelion of Dlt�41sinfection Amount: -we'll,constinction to the county Health depanment of the counh,wilcm constniewd, Nonh Catolina Dc7annicut,of Envimamem-wd Nbuttal Resouxes-Divii Ion ofNVaicr,Resouves Revised August 2013, 1