HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05167_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CQNmucrm RECORD For Ucnwl Use 6NLY.. TIT's form sun W:userl-fm sNrloei moltipk swils'. I Welf6aittattorbiformatiod: I.I.lvxutt ZONIS Chris Ruffer FROM: "I "FSCRHMIOX 11'�lCoi�taclrrrt+rame, R. ft. 4223 A NC Well Contractor CeLl ir=t6a Njutli& 125.OUTER CASING(for molikaw'd*M?!Tj aLIMIR flis!s I'i'l Ind FRONT TO, DIAMETO SAEDACCO Inc fL. in. I I CbtrVmLy,Mangy. M.INNER CASING OR TU8ING41,9,91her it FROM To DMIMETER-1 THICKNESS I MATERIAL 24,wall Construction Vrimilit 0 H. 57 ft, I Sch 40 PVC 1.W I'ark"WO.,frftCtfCn 111.) ft.. ft. in 3.wom fi 'I CrIC"A use): setal'EN water Supply'vVeM.- FRONT TO nrx&rF.TFR sr.oTsizx. I 7H1"-Nt1'5- I'MATERIA12 57 67 fi, I old' S6h 40 PVC Mgdcultkilral Mco(harml(Heating/CoolinSipl ) DRasidntial AVIi terSupj) SiDgW) in' gpy ,(131ndustrial/C6ninicicial MResidcutial Watci.Suppt-,(shared) 18.GROUT FRONT TO. MATERIAL, ENTPUCESIENT AWMOD&AMOUNT 0 It. 51 it. Portland Tremei Non-Watir Supply IWOM, ft. Nia n ito n.rig Injec.11tott Welt:, ft, rt DAilluter'Rcebairge I9..qAND,'(;P.4kVLL PAC(Ir'applicabte) i : '. . - sfxrtzatm. P AIPJAC.LMENTS]"1101 QAqinfcr Sioa�i andlecovefy PSatinity Ratic 54 'f. 67 ft, Sand 2 fj; qurfcr'T`cs-t w-Itce 6ntip't"C ft. It. bl�Xparimcirtil Tcchnotogy ElSubsidencd Caiiiwl 6Geothennai-(Closed to p) 13 1 Tracer 1O."DRILLING IDG(rillach addiliooal,shecls if necessary) FRONT- TO OMCIUMON-fca)sr.Ntralimi-SoUlpick bvC."p-Afin sirv.tic.) 13436otherma I'(fTeath%Xqao11 ugRennn)'• Witter(explain under sr2 lRemaiks) f4, 4.DAtie�y6lt(4)qmpjiIgd.- 4-8-2022 1%VellID#OW-21 See Gfto s note$L So.,-NIVI LAication'! ft, M MAY Chemours ft. I'Ll I(i(applkawq) ft. ft. 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, KC 28399 Cumberland C, ft, it. 91 White Oak, NC, 28399 PhtSxidtltldress 4P 21- Cumberland Farce! fib.Liititicic'anil dc! ( -uil d,' Al 7,qqpvc�,itrintt,61. 22,Ceicatiorm if 1641 Me) 06�, �4,i) W Chris- Ruffer 4-8-2022 signawl;��Well co Himaalf- Wlc Lry kereby certify 1�jutr,14 iref4x)way(�rrv)cmerinfered hr WWOA67re iikh f5i1 jMtC 02C,0100 or IJA ArCtIC O-M,02017 Well d0j,;1nicdbn Standards a'nd 47i u s a* xvissur,to anixi.Nting.well: 0yes ofaif'r,"10d 60-5,bech pq"*,?cd tq'ifir-lint awifer. 7.-b this or Ooi V I is"Is a twit j64,w well d cm 1�xfifahl the mpire qfrlla 14 rEMir dtdirkll FEM,ilrk'eN�ECAuU Or nq die.bf;Cl-Of Phis 23.Site diagram'or additional well dewits- You,m#-Hie thaba&of this pa'g`e,66'."Provide addifioiWwell Site.di"of iiall 8.Nimberof Wells con§tnicted: C.onsttuctidn de6L-;' You fiiay also.attach additional pages if neces.sary. kormr4d#d ff*ahwl ,6w;4,�ei jvp�rirdh.ONLY uldi Op.mmi can SUBMITTAL WSTLICTiONS' 9.T�lial,twell4eptli,ppt,*,T.l:md surfacai 67 24a. Par Alt 3�`e . S46fidt this fftnu within 30 days.of-contpkdion of Ivell For*MITWO M I 6risiluciiPit to,itic;fq1to-vin ng; 10.Static water lael helow top,of casinW, Dlvisimi of Water Resadrci.-4,Informotidn Pr6ceming Unit, 1/ftwieth-vel lr iota cruaert use 16 O'Allnii'Sc ff' icC C`cnter,Raleigh,?4C 2769-1615 Il.g...11,1adiornater-6 in Ain;) 24b,.For Infaliflit Weliq ONLY., Twaddition to sending the form to ilia address in 24datio,via. aIs.o'E�Omjt a copy of this iolnii witun.-to days of completion of Hell12.Welteaustniction method: Sonic to tit--f0flu,M112, gush etc.) Division of'*Vater Resources,Uti&rErriund injection cou"I grogram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:, 46M Mail Se'rVice Center,Raleigh;NC-2769-106- '24c.-Fiir Water Supply&Injmtl�n Wells, 13.-k field(glint) Method nftcA: Also submit One copy of this fonii ivithin 30 daysofcompletion of Amount; well construction to the county health c1cpartincra of thc.connhr.where Fann,G%r4 North Caralhu D0.pwmxm of-Eavironrocu-add Nmtrra].Resources—Diviii6n oMlater-ResaLra5 Revised August 2013,