HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05148_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 Thss:fartit cai}bc'usod ftra..siagfe of rntiltills netls' WELL CONSTRUCTION REC ORD t Will:omir'tctorInformalloa: "W" ATE'R7ONES, Robert Miller FROM %10 1pASi8611tt!?�7 Welt�tti7ft utrirl4�m4 f!. fi. 2675 Newell tS OUTERCE4SING fr6emohl4avidi cflslOR,LiNFit ft"a ftcahkl• FRO31 170, 1 DUMETER, - TI(ICter1'FS5. 3tATERL4L- SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL, 46' fL 1" iu, Sch40 Pvc Utrtr ur}i anw 163NNEWCA ING'ORMIDIftit:' irottermrl einced futi FRONT TO DL01E1MR_ THTC'KNF:SS.- NIA'TEIRLiL .'41c1{ nstlyctiott l'ci nalt n Ct. R. m I st dtll r�yiGcable refit aartlts,(i e.Grurnty;Stirtr,.lrnriarrre,7r§e[sft[xy,etr.:J 3.Weil l�sc(chl;l';'went ase): `iraterSiopplyMlell:, -FROM 4 TO tHANIFTFU I SLCITSIZS I Ta M'NFi3 'NTATFaRTAL Ci�4gli ttlCtltaF �1i41t1Ii1C)p l(I°ttbliC 46' it. 56, ft. 0.16 Sch40 PVC Mothermai(Heating/Coo4in,3 Supply) 011esidebtiai laterSupp6y(singlet' r!. to ®iddustiiallConmtcteill rMesidenteahWater 5uppfg(shlred) R Rocs( TO. NULTFRIAL- ENIPLiC'ENIMT IFMOD&ANTOUNT [91rii'ation. 0 @; 40' fL Portland trimi Nou t'irtt(cr Supj)1y Well: 3714+toititUrinp,: 171t�a�.�ery tl., fL lflectitr<t�Ycit:` QAquiferRceWrgc Rcintdi5(ion- 1 SANn,'GiR1 ELVACK-tsfa rtcal,4t -� 'FRobf' Ttt' NtntQRtnl': _FNfPi►CtitAN'rbit_rHou i i if ilFttfCr.StOta .Rti I CCOYC[y' $iliniiv karrICP 43� ft, 56 ft, Silica Sand 20/30 ❑Aqu'ifcr Tcat Dmioaac. I7 TitttCRtaF I 11tt 1 *. Ca TibSidCtr�c 4 stint 1A DRILLING LOG filtach arhfiti©nal'shectsif pecesviuryl, weathe nal(CFu41ogp) 4Tracer FRONT. TO DFSCttrPT101%,kbr.hardricx+u,11,nit k 13 ix 5abn_; ilea i7t r Retum) ®Other{e cplain tinder,921 Remad+s) •to tt. ft., ft. 4.D.tto FVeli($)Cd npliited:•4/23/22 WEB JD#OW-14 _ �+4.)"ell tatcatinu. ft. fL fit, tL citiiy,V}ti rn r Nattac Facility IM difapplic hla3 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak,. NC, 28399 (!, ft, Yltys al Aafdtcss City rttd Zi{t at_REMARKS Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 401to 43' �cFl�y 1?arce7 IttmliE«;tlitFrt-Np,,(E!1N) t.T atititdc and i uia,ltuf iri¢GgrecsBunnTitesisceonds or 3ccinTal degrees. 22. t itificati:ta:' iit'taCff,d`ratd�ivy tzittats�3;;;icrlii:)nt) W 2/17/2022 6.1s(Str theNvell(S): xPermanent or .OTtmjorar}. jy y'���t .khiY �mr 1.ir�reb Latta f�iWflymrl r vrPs. (aeY� cvutnrctedF";uecetl'+lirrice J' 7b• b � .3' iviek f5A JVCAC.03C,010?-as,lSd AVAC OX-0.700 ff etl C�.'prlBlrric y tlwt Standards and tla4t 4. 7.Lv this a n pair to on :nr t0N1' �t�iyoJ•tl�xs'rrcvrr!furs-been art�tr rrl,r'1r�'.lia�rcdd mvirrr. {f itrfs lx a�at�tlr fi!!ate!Rrt�rrrw tvtY!� rar�ttaHt tr�mrrn�rrlcut rmrJ c��ilalft nc�"rurstrarf a/:r!„r r',mxrr Y PrtaurleR.raxEcarnrstcvtt,Gi.b' q#•rl3is�,tarue. .23.Site diagram or-additional will dehuls. . You tua*'tlse.tli taac�-ofthls paw.;to proc`ide additional iseli site detaiis:rrr tigl[ S.Number of Wells 0iuitroetM:1 cr nsttuctiaia deiaiis 'ou itla�r alssi;dttacltadditionat p1 cs it"tracessAry. 1�runvttf,�Yelr�t`�t&uis�.racw-tir�atarstga�i wi���s,'+��L}'trtrJrrlYv-�rrrtgcvxistiwt'iiorr,titi..+rc�rra SUBMITTAL•iTQSTCmoNS TutaF ivcli dppth;4rlafiTi laud stttiuu:. 561 (fr) 2Ja F'or All %%ells; ,$6fi it thi-4 fo"uit%Atbin 14-d tys of eompiction of Well Faarwarwrirells list Mlderhst/rfl�refit(r.Trrj#c—:@2V0'awl,2@'1M) fpngtnictipiitotlt&follovtin ,. 10;StAtit.hater label h€lOW top Of crtsli W, (ft) w4liaii afWattr R0ourti!&IntilrmA bnProcessing Unit, t,��iettcr d�itel�trlirat�rtiistr{�r a „+" 1617`hliaEl.Stscicc Cimtcri ltalcigitr NC'2'fG991i517 11.Borehole diamctcr:6" (in,) 24b,For Ttifectfon Wells ONLY': in addition to sending(he fame to-d addnss in 24a'a€�ore;.alsri tabritit a cope of this fumt scitbin 3i6 da}s-of C6111li ttl5li,of i0l 12.Well collstructiou metltod; Sonic eonsfinetion to ilte f6hdkv4tig. 0:c.aua r;.raiary cabl&direct gash etc:) Division of Water Resoutres,Underground l(oJecilon-Control PragrTut, FOR'NVATPR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 4636 hfuil Soviet:G'enfei,RaleiRh;.ti'C 27699-1636 134p Yield(gpm) 'a1lcthod of test 21c,Fot Water Su .l_&'ln cctfmn veils: Also Stlbiftit onp"cope of thisf6ini within 30 daysofcoutpletiouof on!m the cariR•Niel(crnastntcti' W 94h,ddtartment ihm c.cmh�avhcm 1 f1).fl9sinfititcun typ+ _ ,amount: ctynstcourai h tti Vanu GW-1 Ninth 03rolina l eparom t of Ernriromocium d Muffal Resources—i%INWil)n of W3teeEteMtttE!5 Revised AggLrA 2 f t3