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HomeMy WebLinkAbout215 Versaille Drives�'A WDENR North 'Carol ina'Department of Environment and Natural .Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 21, 201'4, W,illaim Ctiissoe 215 Versaille Drive Cary, NG275,111 John E. Skvarla,, III Secretary Subject: Suirface,Water D_ etermination Letter NBRRO# 14=159 Wake - County Determination Type BufferiCall Isolated or,,EIP Call ® Neuse (15A,NCAC 26 �0233j, Start@ ❑,Tar - Pamlico (15A NCAC,2B .0259) ❑ Ephemeral /Intermittent/Perenrnal Determination USGS To o ❑ Isolatetl Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan (1'5A NCAC,,2B 0267), Project Name; 2,15 Versaille,Dnve, Cary Location/Directions: Subject property is a privately owned tract located, atprcject,address; ,property meets'Session Law 20'1112 =200' requirements; Subject Stream: UT'to,,Swift Creek Determination Date: 5/20/2014 Staff. Sara:Knies Stream, E'/I(P* NoC90ject to Buffers Snbjectato Buffers Start@ Stop@ Soil_ Surve )' USGS To o ,A I X Throughout Throughout X *E /I /P =aEphemeraUlntermittent /Perennial Explanation: The features) listed above has or have, been located,on +the�Soil`Survey ofVake,County, North Carolina or the most recent,copy of theUSGS Topographic map at a 1:24;000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has, been dbtennined,not,to be a,strearft or is not preseni,on the;property. Features that are checked' "S'ubject" have been,located on the property and possess, characteristics, that. qualify ii,to be a stream., There may be other streams, located on,your property that, do noi'show�up on the maps,referenced, above -but, still may be: considered•jurisdictional ,according to the US ArmyCorps,of Engineers and/.or to the Division of Water Resources This on-site determination shal-1 expire five (5) -years from the date of this lettet.� Landowners or affected parties that; dispute,a determination made'by the.DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within�sixtY(60) days ofdate of this letter,or from the,,date the:affected party (including downstream, and /or adjacent,owners) is notified of this letter., ,A.request for a determination by the Noe Carolina J1 vurallry Norfh,Carclina Division of Water Resources 'f628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 Phone (919), 791;-4200 Internet www ncwatergualitv,org Location 3800`Barrett.Drive Raleigh „NC 27609 Fax, (919)788 -7159 An'Equali0pportunity /AffirmatVe Action Employer -'50% Recycled /106/6 Post Consumer Paper ,2'1*,5, Versaille Drive 5/21/2014 Page 2 of 2, Director -shall be referred to the,Director,in writing c /o, Karenl4iggins „DWR WeBSCAPeUnif, 1650 Mail Service Center,,Raleigh, NC 27699. °This=deteriiiination is final and binding unless;,as detailed above, you ask, for a hearing or•appeal within' sixty (60) ,days. The,owner/fufure owners should notifkhe Division of Water- Resources (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of thisidecision concerning anyfuture,correspondences regarding thesubject'property,(stated above). This project may require a,Sectioii, 404 /_40,1 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries "should,be directed to the Division of Water Resources (CenfraLOffice) at =(919)- 807- 6300,.and the US Army Corp,of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at,(919) -554 -4884. If you, have, questionsnregarding this,d`e`term” ation, please,feei free to contactSara'Knies +at (91.9) 791 -4258. Sincerel Danny Smith Supervisor, Water Ouality Regional Operations Center cc: RRO�DWR File Copy • �, t `. \six `\� AIM AL t qzz I V; e :r � � , �► `e : Vii: =�.� �►, � ,'��, AM ice• � owl' � X67 w. r 14,� ; A SIVA r AS � - � � *�� ;�§ &$f )k = @ |x » |J7 k K ! § |ai \!(kE /0 0k 3 k � Z \ � gn ®I »77 / »oeee�� \o�2 e l4 /( %a30 *.f \ / ± ¥>= » >o /£q \ID E&z z,\y�7�o ®Gm °m,�§7777s „ -±mm$ 2 l� -�» --m ®'G °zoeCDm� ®c-= 2mo-a §GQ ���%�a & /2�C:) r CF) ==02@' - t- f99mAo / /\+ zee -< olee) >&§�7 / j \ \ \ \ / / / f \ > E a e §§ al ) \ C)�,o )± R / ° °k �\ / / C,\ \ i ° / N_ � � J � CD D Z CD 0 � � 5; �aJ > $V all rJ \ - o n C Ze b m N N Jam' Aj)D Tj cc N I n CD cu - 90 - Q'.D Q, ol 011 C7 D W CO m a Ct7 � N D Q � v � + �,`� � �'� m _ �., � �- — •-vim,. ? ii•- ,.:.��.`�'�'- 1 ._ a` •1L / -\ a0 ins sheet 67) Y (Joins sheet 66) l N a `< t-