HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05143_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD M form c=bc'uwd Cap,single a:-migtjpk wells, 1'.�'Vell 6ink.etorldormation: I.I.AMA'M R ZONES Chris Ruffer Well colaki6rNam¢, ft. ft. 4223 A fL NC,,WcllCoritmcloiCcrt!fLcatir aNiinlici 15."OUTER CA-I;tNG'(f-)r intjJ1k4s6d%cD0 0 Map 116able) �%1111"2 UL11111-1 M,FROM I TO R- -I T 31.1tTEIRTAL, SAEDACCO Inc :!!t.1, lt. I ia. 1 1 Can utj:Nant4 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING'(wilbenn.9 c6j-.wd4qy0. FROM TO THWKNESS I 31ATEMALL 2.*' It bDMVt11ict!0H iv,'C'Mlit s 0 ft. 49 ft, 6 ltL sch 40 PVC (ix.Counj%,SUrv,Iforlauce.Ify"r-CA e1c.) ft, SCREEN R.Iater Sitlilstv Well:. FRONT 'J 'DrX,%1KTFR 5T.0T%17Xj-T111(-kNfsN I'MATPRIAL. 49 ft.- 0 26 DAgdcli f tu ral 0.Muni6pavbM I i 9 ft., SS '410 w fL, Meothctmai(Hca(inglCooiing Supply) OResidentialWi(cr Supply(siDL I I 01tidustrialfContulcicial MtsidcutialWater Supply.(shan:4) M_GROUT FROM MATERML 1,EMPLAMMOT]NIEMOD&AMOUNT 0 ft. 43 (t. Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply,Well: bj ec!Ion Weil: ft. ft. MAtitiffer 9cqbllrgv` Rcircdiation 19.SAN WGRAVEL PACIC t1raji jil 1w1&,)' MAIM VA 1.FRO 10 I PJ,%Cf:AK_NT SIEFF1011 74 ft, 46 ft, ISand 3 Mtpufer,T6t ClSgorrrncatcrilrunage ff. Afl.,DRILLILNG,LOG(miAch additional.sheets if acce%kilry) ElCrevdiennal(121ustd Loop) ElTracer FROM• TO 11 .GLothennal(T-Teating�Caoliug R2=i)� 13011wr(explain under 92 1•Remit") It. iL 4',ba�te Well, V I=Q P)f-duilfleled:' 2-17-2022 di1D#EW-42 See qj4pi s note$L MAY 2 ft. ft. Chemours ft. ft. Irdomna4ion Unh Flcilitpk3wocr i4anw_- Facffiiy IDR(jtappii_�cF11 ) ft. it, _D 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, White Oak, NC, 28399 Cit' nd 21;REMAN KS Cumberland 74-69 is a bin SS sump No,fP11N) trest5ninutcs?scContlsnrticcimal it_ roes 22.Certification: or A, It 2�t'4;kA id lao 0 tig"is I art W Buffer' 2/17/2022 Si.-n3tur,6aFCr3firJcd Well Catitmodi. Dale 6.IS(are)the oPermancitt or oTemporary Lry,signr*ng ikfyfarm;-I hereby cerfify rl w4w wrftfs)roy cowinicled in aceanhmce iPith'[5AVCAC'02C-.0Ta9 or 11t NC It Ok.0209 Well §randa4s nerd rh�ia 7.IN'thN wiviiak to an Exi,,tingivell: ElVem, or MNo .r1i.mviler, ar-&q Am hraijL.qfMixfbrm. 23.Site diagrani'or additional well details: You toay,uieA,�.-back of this Page to provide additional well site, euils or hell 8.N,timber,of Wells&nktruclW: constmetiondeli ks' irou p accessary ages if AL .TIONS 0.Total wel(,dcpih helow-knd stirfac 74 24a. For All Urills. Wi S�bfidt Otis fdriii 'thin It) days off-completion of well Foe m9b,"'r4e 6n5thicii0ji W ok follosing: 10.Static water level below top of casing: DIVIN'in"d of Watttr Resau reisjn&rm'a'tibn'Pitieemiing Unit, ffuwlee I evelhvbqv w.i,fa�g am;1+1' 161, Thlait'SaTice Cl dicr,lbileigh,W-276694617 It.Borehole diarlictet.10-in 246.Fn hwiecfifid MIN ONLY-. In addition to sending the form to the address in 244�kore..also submit a.copy o.f this forth ividiiii 30 daLl-s'of completion of%vd1l M well Construction method:-Sonic Lonslitictiolk to tu t0floMfIL': Div Won Of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Vivgranil, V99NVitTER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY-` 1636 Abil Scrviee a-tiler,Raleigh.NC 276094636 13.i*Yield(g'm� -24c.For Water Stipply&injection Wells:p �Mdhod of tit: sub6it.one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfectiotl'typt:, well.consthiction'to the county ficIalth department of the ccnmWLvhcrc congntacd. Fonti.GAI-t NonbCatolluE)cpanniciii.LifEtwirojumutaitd Nattoul RL&oLirces-Divisionof\N'LltcrResoutm Revised August-V13