HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05141_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FD1r[McnW Us*QN,L`V: This form can bc 1'.W' M-Ontractor hiformation: 14.%V,%Tr,R ZONES- Chris Ruffer FROM. wett£or�ractarttatne. ft. ft. 4223 A Ne Well CdntmL4arCcf1i6dhtic;a Nuith'er 15.OUTER CMIN, G(Mimplikisfilwc!] R LTNFR fif sCAW) FROM TO TMMETEIL THIC&MI MAMIAL, SAEDACCO Inc Co fromy.N"I I I W, 16.INNER CASING OR BING,keaihvrzw1 ckjFcd400n),, FROM To DUNWTEW THICKNESS, MATERUL 2.Well Construction P'erwit 0 ft. 45 FL I in Sch 40 PVC Litt aiaq;l1rable Caunfy.'Slgm Varfawr;fnya:dca _ft.- 'I.'N Water Supply Welh, F[4051 .1 TO I Dt,%.%tF.TFR J-SLOTMZF� 0Agr[,;ul.luml Mfufkipa I Mibli q;- 45 ft, 1 55 ft: 1 'in 016 Sch'46 PVC ®Geothermal(tieadng/CooiJing fy Supply), ®Residential AV atcr Suppj),(single)MIndustrialfConinicicial MResidential WifefSupp4,(slwcd) IS.-GROUT El Irrioption FRONT q % To. NTATHRIM; V EMPLAMIM MMOD AMOUNT 0 f1. 39 iL Portland Tremei NonTWAkr Supply Wait: Ctly.unitoting Injeclioll Well: 0Aqw(cr9ccfi6iqgi w4ji0inidis'-wr Rcitictilation 19.SAND,GIL%VEL PACK fir applicablu), :PR051 slAxgFuAt, RMPIA0AIVINITAIM1101) ovcv y Imer 42 ft, 55 ft. Sand 2 QAlgriiferTes# ❑�tvmni�tcrQiitenti„c, ft." ft. bvxp;dwcn(iI TwhqQtPgy b"q11b5idCnCc C,ansTal Ifl.-DRILLINGLOG fayach additional sherisAr accessary) MGeotlt�nnal(f,lased Loop) dtracer FR03T_ TO MCRIPTION'U06 n h.1 rd4co.sijT;1rwk 0 pt.'mrAM%w,de.1 ElGeodienna I fflexinW�Cool[Wg Return) 00ther(explaia und6r 1121 Retnaiks) ft. ft, 4.)Datc:Vvcu 27-2022 4- See r7#0 s note$.L (L MAY 3 1 2022 Chemours f4 ft RaCtlitpOwpqrNmtc Facility ID:edappjjcabW R. ft. zn 1248 Bill Hall-Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, ft. ft. White Oak, NC, 28399 Plit5 51, iislrssCitg.utdZip .21.REI%LkRKS Cumberland 56. rccslminlrtcslsccondsortIccinialilcgrcest 2L Certification: (ifuvll,40401L v 11 -ekslf) _N AV Chris_R,U ffe r, 4-27-2022 MPLrinattefit or. oTempora.ty. i6&fiunrr� �rerfbj'L'ekify,t)j�f Me irel4x)way- cpnwyqEd hT,iwrqf&�qre 7.h this a relpairta an-owogg,",Clh, Qyi-s or MNo rq)Y 6frfii.�.r,.reo "m girl if' fxpld h I ff)e,-0 ti?vj re of flit, 23.Site dingranfor additional well diaails: Yoil R14 Use-ib0 back of this 0w to Pro%46 addido6l,ivell site ditA,or well S.Number of iVell%Ongmcted: 1 coustluctfori deiails:': 0AMiddi r1je.N47mv6jtst=r1ow,y&-tvda SUBMITTALINSTUOTONS 9..'Taial tiill*j)tlk Moir land surface. 55 --- ._24* For All.Wells; -S-u'butit ilds,ffirrn%%*hin 36 dqys.,oUc6ntplcti6n ofi�ell For-NdfiFf.,ilT,1106r did"Tffi6s 3@:09,(Ind'MIM) constraciiah to(11C,foljoVing; 10.Static water level bdow top of casing h- A) DfvWq`fi of War kte a 6 iibti 1�rdcws.4ing Unit, .& it re ,Informai tfliwer let all-are cqif�w as� 1617 Mail Seffice Cosier,IL-deigh,XC 17699-16 17 11.8orcholcdiametek.6 in :00 24b.Fnr BiLaflan Fella ONLY: In addition to sending dw fomi to the address in 2466oc'e,.Aso*Rtit a copy.of this form within 30 days-of completio'n of wdll 12.'Wcltconstnictiou:imvtliod. Sonic Lonsetnciioli 16 r following;' .uskcto 'Divisl6u.68 Water R'esou rets.Ufaderground ltije�ilon Control PlVeAlu; FOR NVATER SUPPLY NVELL50NLY- .1636 At I ail Se rvice Center,RaMeigli,NIJ r 27499406 13.4 Yield(gpm) 24c..For Water Supply&Injection Wells- Mc.11nod of test: Also subtnit one copy' of this forth ivithiti 30 dbys of coinoletion of Amount: hc. 4341.blbinfo�4iantypell �vmll consitnaction to,the county ild'i dcpatiment of tit xcnitnih•where, constlaict0d. North C3101ifla Npanmcm ofEavironment and Wararal Resources-Division oMlater R�uvm Revised Augusk-2013