HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-05126_Well Construction - GW1_20220531 WELL CONSTRUCTION-RECORD Farlagcrnnlifscpri[1, This fond=be uwd.(ar.sfn 1¢ar nw/tipk n•sds 1.��'ett:CUutr:[ctorTttfortatation: 14.I ATERZONES- Robert Miller FROM T41 0015CRIPT107f t�'cll.Cnr;tntctrrrfilasrl� R. ft. 2675 NC.Well CbMmctorCcnifuntioinNhnber 15.OUTER CASING tinr•'mu111=cascd-we11si OR LiNTR(ifn FROM I To I DTA1ttETER, 1 TniC'EtiNESs >vrt�RlA1 SAEDACCO Inc 0 (t.. 431 (t. in ' In, Sch40 Pvc Ccutthqugy N;atuo- 16.INIUER CASING OR, 18ING.1' aotherinA elased-lwo FROM TO D11MMUR TIiiCR'NESS' 111ATERML 2,'Vk'll Constfjiction Permit ft. ft:. im Lisftrltn itiarblexrl7permitslx.Counh;540r,Yirinrice,7iy-dplerc:J ---e ft. fL. 3.W111.Idsc(checl:�i°c1i dsc): I7:sCRt.t.N., Water Supply Ulell:, FROM 1110 bLMtF.'rF:R sr.OTSvrw T1tr"-NESS 1 SrATFRIAL DAgriculturai t5bitlniClp:t1lP"Wic. 43" ff: 531 (1.- 1" in: o'.lo Sdh40._ PVC 00cothemtal(HeatingtCooiitig Supply) 011esidetniaTWater Supply(single) fE tG= M Mkidustrial/C6nlutcrci;tl 13Residential'Witer'Su IS.-GROUT. pp15'(Slk7fed) FROM TO RATERFAL E•\TPL.ACEMENT\fEMOD&MIOUNT Elihi ration 0 ft. 371 ft. Portland trimi Non-Water SupplyW,ofl: 17fv(tinitorinG- I7Ttecot'ct}• Injection VYcB: ft. IL QAgtt'ifcr'Rccharge EJ4jrduMV'salcrRctiicdiation •tv:SANM1GF1'1rI:LPAChfif;m Ii-:114e)'- • `• - - 'F'RI)�1 7t}' 11fAYF;H 6t1'� E4XfFl.t(:}:1t4:\T\It'tt1Un C9AgtiifcrStartgcatrdRccocciy' [75ilnin130f[iC1 401 IL 53, ft. I Silica Sand 20/so ❑Agiiifei Test t7Stvmm ltcr f]m ql'c; dvv Tprirucntal Tl-hncalogy QSttbsidctacc C6Mrol 2H;DRILl.1NCLOG fntlach allalil anal shins if necessan'1 0Gt tltzutnal.(Clu ed Loop) O7raccr FROat .TO DFsa UPTloxrmbr.aantiim4o4;heck ,.- 4J r4m,tk.) ❑Gc*othertu tl(Hcatittt r'Coollue Returo) ®Odter(explain under A2I Retnatks) (L ft. ft. ft. 4.'Date%li(s)GoptplclC 4/14/22 N6111DOW-50 ti ft. (t. 5a Rttll,Grcatinn: ft, (4 MAY 3 ft. ft. Eiicility,OtiocrNantc Facility iDR eieapptia,'iblc) ft., 1248 Bill Hall Rd, White Oak, NC, 28399 ft, U, Phssiei l'a'lii&ce' Ciiy..iihiibP 21.R!M1IAHIi i Cumberland Three feet bentonite Seal from 371to 401 Ccnttll P4rcel ttknlirfcatiDn No,(MV) ib. in ticgtteslniintttcs?jccondstir ttccitil tl degrees: 22.Ccrtificatit)u• (h.tell ttetdr twrL Gti7gr is;�ntt;eknq . 2/17/2022 Date 6.IS(are)-the well(s): -XiPerntauent or oTeinporarv. F ibn ,ih8'f arm,1'hrre b crrh}d:l[lie n•rllts) s.ar.(l'a e)cmlvrrl IdIA 15A rYCAC01C01Vjor Lr„m•Ca3/rLmrr 15A NCAC71C Xm.Q Rrld Cflirarrricrfoir Srara+iarda mid rlenr n 7.Ia:thivanp:titfuaauccitin�viciV. CIS'aw or '®No 'coyofffxv-r,ro-rrdlo-ken prpiirkdrrr3tir.urtlmviier, #Ih r h-a"pak jilt air xlvvim well cwww wfic n lirf9rrruu:cur m. d rtplabi rdir•mr:rnre of tlle a larrr txenl iB� I n-rn�rtsai�utean ar'R else tir:r, n'tJds•,farut. 23.Site dint ruut'or additional well Retails: You may use-tlie,back of this pdge.to ptot'9de.ad idonal well site details,or 'well $.Nnutber of hells ciiustrttcted: 1 Co»sttuetiai6details: You utiac a1D.auacll aidrliliailail pages if necessary. Firrrinihf da-hrj�irtr�i-zwvv�j-w f rsradn�pw hONLYndrhrlia.sniaavonstruedan,ymixpa .Mp•viirmvefi:ri:a. SUMNIiTTALiNST 1 .TIONC ' 9:Tofatiscildepth bet*land surface 531 (ff 24% For All Welly: -Suhtitit this Point vti(hin 36,days of completion of ir•ell For lmi?tlreitt#ds'disrttltdrvds'tftdi creait�c+rru Pc @2iVLw„i:2@109) constmctici t4(liefollowing: 10.Static water level belowtop'of eayin Ui,ician of Water Rcvuuroc§;InCornlaEion PtYices4ing Uttit, df itulee level&vhot!q rtiaatag axle 11+" 1617'Mail Service Cenier,ibileiphy NC 2 76 99-1 6 17 11.Borehole didmctci:6° (in.) 24b.Fnr iufecflgr RON ONLY: In addition to sending the fomi to the address.in 246 aiio''e,also submit a copy of this Lunn witl in,Sul days of conipletion of wdl U 3itclf eollstructioly method: Sonic constmction td the folloM112. (f e.sugse,ruaiat}.'snhl direa p'-IX ctc.) ph•isiott of Water Resources,Underground Injeciion CoutM..Proo-rani, FOR�YATERSUPPLYIWELLS 0NZ LYs 1636 Mail Service Ceulei,Raleigli,YC.17699.1636 11.i test•' 1-4c.For Wutcr Supply&inlecttnn NVctls: Also stibii)it one COPY of this,foflit;within, 30 days of catili)letio 1 of 13h.Disinfection•type _. Amount: m-cif construction to the county health department of the couniv.whicro constmctcd, Farm0%14 Revised ALWnt'-V13