HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070812 Ver 1_Salisbury Conditions Comments_20070831 o'~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~~ City of Salisbury '~: • ~ North Carolina August 24, 2007 D ~~/~~ s•~ L5 D AUG 3 ~ Zp(~7 Mrs. JohnCDorney E TO (919) 733-5083 YVFT(AND NV ST7q~D~H NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Proposed Conditions in 401 Water Quality Certification (DWQ #2007-0812) Yadkin Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2197) Dear Mr. Dorney, Thank you for the letter dated August 8, 2007 regarding the Water Quality Certification ("WQC") for the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project and a draft USGS report that reviews some of the studies commissioned by the City of Salisbury. We appreciate this opportunity to provide additional information and comments. We understand the August 8 letter requests suggested wording for a dredging condition to protect our intakes, but tentatively concludes that DWQ may not require a condition to protect our water supply use from Project-caused interruption by flooding. We address these matters below. REQUEST FOR FLOOD MITIGATION CONDITION The August 8 letter explains that the 401 WQC rules are intended to protect Salisbury's water supply use, as follows: DWQ's 401 Certification Rules... are predicated in part on the need to protect the existing use of the water - in this case, the water supply use by the City of Salisbury. We understand the letter as indicating that DWQ's tentative negative conclusion regarding mitigation of Project-caused interruption of water supply use by flooding is based on the following: 1) Questions about the sufficiency of the data to provide a basis for a certification condition. 217 S. Main Street P.O. Box 479 Salisbury, N.C. 28!45 Phone: (704) 638-5270 Fax: (704) 638-5232 2) The first of the projected, recurring interruptions of our water supply use by Project-caused flooding has not occurred yet. 3) Some of the projected, recurring interruptions of our water supply use by Project-caused flooding will be accompanied by damage to our water supply infrastructure. Sufficient Data The studies and reports commissioned by the City of Salisbury represent the best available science regarding the sedimentation and flooding effects of the Yadkin Project. We have not spared expense in retaining top experts to conduct the most scientifically advanced studies. The extensiveness and high quality of the studies and the reports on those studies provide DWQ with an unusually strong fact basis for its decision on conditions for the sedimentation and flooding effects on our water supply use. The studies and reports include the following: o Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC, Numerical Sedimentation Investigation, Yadkin River, North Carolina (February 20, 2007) o High Rock Dam and Sediment Delta Flooding and Sedimentation Effects (1927-2058) On City of Salisbury Critical Infrastructure, Dr. Martin Doyle (February 2007) o Technical Report: High Rock Dam and High Rock Lake Sedimentation Flooding Effects as Estimated Using HEC-RAS Modeling, Salisbury- Rowan Utilities, with Hazen and Sawyer, Environmental Engineers and Scientists (January 2006) o Response to "Consolidated Answer of Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. ", Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC (May 8, 2007) (provided to DENR in May 2007) o Large Flood Relief Channel, Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC (May 10, 2007) (provided to DENR in May 2007) o Equilibrium Analysis of Yadkin and South Yadkin Rivers, Dr. Martin Doyle (August 21, 2007) (copy enclosed under Tab 1) o Effects of Bridges over Yadkin River on Water Surface Elevation Profiles, Dr. Martin Doyle (August 2007) (copy enclosed under Tab 2) Four of the reports listed above (in bold font) have not been considered or included in the USGS draft report; two of them were mailed and e-mailed to DENR on May 14, 2007 and were listed in our letter to DWQ dated July 18, 2007.' We believe that consideration of the omitted reports will resolve the issues raised in the USGS report regarding the studies commissioned by Salisbury. We note, as one example, that one of the reports omitted by the USGS draft report, Response to "Consolidated Answer of Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. ", Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC (May 8, 2007), compares the dam and no-dam conditions, ~ We e-mailed copies of these reports to you on August 16, 2007, in advance of this letter. We understand that the reports were forwarded to USGS. We appreciate your assistance. 2 thereby isolating the effect of the dam on sedimentation and flooding. The same report includes the following discussion: 41. These additional sriidy restdts address the desire for scientific verification of the effect of High Rock Damon sediment accumulation and increased flood water stuface elevation ui the Yadkui River upstream from High Rock Reservoir. We have acco~uited for the sediment that would have occturred in the absence of High Rock Dam. These results confirm that the presence of High Rock Dam is responsible for vu~h~ally all of the sediment acciunulation and increase iv flood water stu•face elevation at the pinup station and the wastewater heauneut plant. A primary purpose for Salisbury incurring the cost of the extensive studies and reports on the sedimentation and flooding effects of the Yadkin Project is to provide a robust factual basis for DWQ's 401 WQC decision as it relates to Salisbury's water supply use of the Yadkin River. The data are sufficient. In fact, although not required for a WQC decision, the data are overwhelming. The Project-caused flooding is a thoroughly proven and documented water supply and water use issue. The best available science makes it clear that Project-caused flooding will severely disrupt and severely interrupt our long-established water supply use. Flood mitigation ought to be a condition of the 401 WQC for the Yadkin Project. Interruption of Water Supply Use by Flooding The first of the projected, recurring interruptions of our water supply use by Project-caused flooding has not occurred yet. However, it is clear that Project-caused flooding will interrupt our water supply use in two ways: 1) Necessitating shut-down of the pump station when flood waters reach elevation 641 NGVD29 (within two feet of entering the raised pump station equipment rooms); and 2) Entering the pump station raised equipment rooms (at elevation 643 NGVD29) and destroying switching and pumping equipment. The sediment delta continues to grow and continues to increase flood levels. At the end of a new 50-year FERC license a 100-year flow will put a foot of floodwaters in our raised equipment rooms and a flow slightly greater than a 10-year flow will require us to shut down the pumping station. See Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC, Numerical Sedimentation Investigation, Yadkin River, North Carolina (February 20, 2007) at page 49. In contrast, no foreseeable Yadkin River flow could cause the interruption of our water supply use if not for the effects of High Rock Dam and the High Rock Sediment Delta. When the pump station was built (10 years before High Rock Dam was built and the High Rock Sediment Delta began to accumulate) the, ow of record would produce a water elevation of 635.5 NGVD29. This flood elevation is more than five feet below the elevation that would require shut-down. In March of 2003, flood waters reached an elevation of 640.7 NGVD29. See Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC, Numerical Sedimentation Investigation, Yadkin River, North Carolina (February 20, 2007) at page 36. The City of Salisbury barely escaped having to shut down the pump station. This event was caused by a flow with a return frequency of roughly 10 years. See Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC, Numerical Sedimentation Investigation, Yadkin River, North Carolina (February 20, 2007) at page 49. In our experience, DWQ's approach to conditions in water quality certifications is proactive. For example, it is our understanding that DWQ requires the implementation of buffer requirements for new sewer lines based on a projection, without the benefit of site specific studies, that an impact of the new sewer line will be an increase in impervious surfaces in the vicinity of the sewer line. In contrast to this projected impact, the interruption of our water supply use by Project-caused flooding is supported by unusually well-documented and verified site-specific scientific studies. We request that DWQ require a flood relief channel as a WQC condition based on the scientific studies without waiting for documentation of the first instance of the recurring Project-caused interruptions of Salisbury's water supply use. Damage to Critical Water Supply Infrastructure Project-caused flooding will interrupt our water supply use. Such interruption of our water supply use will be recurring and will become worse over the life of a new FERC license. In some cases, the interruption will probably not be accompanied by "property damage." In some cases, the interruption of our water supply use will probably be accompanied by severe damage to our critical water supply infrastructure. We trust that Project-caused infrastructure damage does not somehow exempt the Project from mitigating the Project-caused interruption of our water supply use. Flood Mitigation Condition The water levels that interrupt our water supply use are projected to be avoided if the High Rock Sediment Delta is partially removed (i.e., a flood relief channel is established and maintained). We respectfully request that DWQ exercise its authority to protect our water supply use from the most severe adverse effects of the Project and include a condition that requires the establishment and maintenance of a flood relief channel through the High Rock Sediment Delta, as follows: A flood relief channel with a downstream section 500 feet wide and 10.1 miles long and an upstream section 300 feet wide and 2.3 miles long, as described in Large Flood Relief Channel, Dr. Ronald Copeland, Mobile Boundary Hydraulics, PLLC (May 10, 2007) shall be completed no later than October 25, 2009, and its dimensions and function shall be re- established at least annually by dredging, which may include sand mining, beginning no later than October 25, 2010. 4 REQUESTED WORDING OF CONDITION REQUIRING DREDGING In response to the request for proposed text for the condition for dredging to protect the intakes from sedimentation, we request the use of the following text: The removal of sand and sediment down to an elevation of 607 (f 1 ft) in Area 1 and down to an elevation of 607 (f 2 ft) in Area 2 shall be completed no later than July 25, 2008 and shall be repeated at least annually in order to maintain the specified elevations. Area 1 shall be the area within a 100-foot radius of the Salisbury intakes. Area 2 shall be the Yadkin River channel from a point 1,000 feet upstream of the Salisbury intakes to a point 1,000 feet downstream of the Salisbury intakes. We request an opportunity to review, contemporaneously with the applicant, any draft WQC that DWQ may provide to the applicant. Thank you again for this opportunity to comment on the tentative conclusions regarding the Water Quality Certification for the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project. If we can be of assistance in any way, please feel free call me at (704) 638-4479 or our environmental counsel, V. Randall Tinsley, at (336) 373- 8850. Sincerely, ,~-~ ~~'~' ~~, Matt' Bernhardt Assistant City Manager for Utilities Enclosures cc: William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary, DENR Marc Bernstein, Assistant Attorney General Susan Kluttz, Mayor David W. Treme, City Manager V. Randall Tinsley, Environmental Counsel for Salisbury 5 August 21 2007 EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS OF YADKIN AND SOUTH YADKIN RIVERS Martin Doyle, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Geography & Department of Environmental Science & Engineering (joint appointment) University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this analysis was to examine any long-term trends in the channel equilibrium conditions of the Yadkin and South Yadkin Rivers as indicated by available long-term USGS stream gauge and USGS survey records. Data were available for two Yadkin River sites and one South Yadkin River site. No statistically significant temporal trends were evident, indicating that based on available information, the Yadkin River and South Yadkin River are in geomorphic equilibrium. 2. CHANNEL STABILITY Over the course of analyzing the impacts of reservoir sedimentation on the Yadkin River in the vicinity of the High Rock Reservoir, questions arose regarding whether the Yadkin River and/or the South Yadkin River were in equilibrium. If these channels were out of equilibrium, then this should be evidenced in long-term stream data. To quantify any changes in channel stability, USGS stream gauge station surveys were used. We used those sites on the Yadkin or South Yadkin with comparable drainage areas, upstream of major impoundments, and with long-term data that would allow statistical time-series analysis. The gauges used are indicated in Table 1. USGS Gauge station (02121000), Yadkin River at Salisbury did not have field data (i.e., actual field measurements) to permit using these early data for equilibrium analysis (only discharge data were available). A simple statistical test was run by correlating the date with stream width, without controlling for discharge outliers. The bulk of measurements taken by USGS were at low-flow conditions, and results did not vary when outliers were removed. Channel equilibrium is indicated by changes in channel width, which can be 10 times changes in channel depth, i.e., channel width changes are amplified in comparison to changes in channel depth for out-of-equilibrium channels (Simon, 1992). Thus, changes in channel width through time are an appropriate indicator of changes in channel equilibrium. There were divergent trends as some sites in the Yadkin watershed had slightly positively increasing widths with time, and others slightly negative trending (Table 1). However, in all cases, the temporal trends of channel width through time show no trends over time (i.e., the slopes of the time-series graphs were not statistically different from zero. Table 1. Site locations and temporal changes through time. Site USGS Gauge Duration of Number of Slope of Statistically Number records observations width (ft) significant? vs ear ( < 0.05) 02118000 South Yadkin 1938-2007 652 -0.53 No River near Mocksville, NC 02115360 Yadkin River at 1964-2007 250 +0.76 No Enon, NC 02116500 Yadkin River at 1928-2007 513 -0.64 No Yadkin College, NC Simon, A., 1992. Energy, time, and channel evolution in catastrophically disturbed fluvial systems. Geomorphology 5: 345-372. 2 August 2007 EFFECTS OF BRIDGES OVER YADKIN RIVER ON WATER SURFACE ELEVATION PROFILES Martin Doyle, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Geography Department of Environmental ScienceBngineering (joint appointment) University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to quantify the hydraulic effects of bridges on the Yadkin River flood profiles relative to the effects of sediment accumulation associated with the downstream High Rock Dam and reservoir. The study used HEC-RAS modeling and 1917 and 1997 channel conditions with and without a series of bridges in the simulated channel. The HEC-RAS model was calibrated and validated with two available high water marks. Hydraulic analysis show that there would be an increase of 0.28 ft at the WWTP (RM 16.7) and 0.03 ft at the water intakes (RM 19.4) that can be solely attributed to the bridges. Increase in water surface elevations associated with sediment accumulation, in contrast, exceed 7 ft. Further, the railroad bridge, which did not block flow under 1917 channel conditions at 121,000 cfs, is now a potential blockage to flows as low as the 10-yr flood event. Therefore, the influence of the bridges on the upstream water surface elevations has increased because of sediment accumulation, and this blockage will occur more frequently than it did prior to reservoir sediment accumulation. 2. BRIDGES ON YADKIN RIVER Over the course of analyzing the impacts of reservoir sedimentation on the Yadkin River in the vicinity of the High Rock Reservoir, questions arose regarding the potential hydraulic influence of bridges upstream of the reservoir and downstream of the Salisbury/Rowan Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Intake Structure. The bridges are located approximately 14 miles upstream of the High Rock Dam. These bridges were constructed in the following sequence': • 1818: single lane bridge, which was rebuilt in 1899. • 1856: Railroad Bridge; second track added in 1918 • 1921: Wil-Cox bridge currently carrying US 29 South 1 http://hdl.loc. ovg /loc.gmd/ 3~ 861 p.rr001350 and http://www.ncrr.com/ncrr-history html;. Southern Railway Company, Office of Chief Engineer MW&S, Charlotte, NC 1918 - 1927; 1951: US 29 North Bridge (located between the Wil-Cox and the railroad bridge) 1960: I-85 bridge Because of the timeline of bridge construction, the railroad bridge should be taken to represent the `existing conditions' prior to the construction of High Rock Dam. The channel topography for the 1997 and 1917 HEC-RAS models for the Yadkin River have been described at length in previous reports. The 1917 model is taken to represent pre-dam and reservoir conditions, and the 1997 model is taken to represent the conditions under accumulated sediment conditions. Within both of these models, all of the bridges were added. The data availability for the I-85 bridge was the least certain, and as such the 1997 model was done with and without the I-85 bridge in order to test the sensitivity of the results to this bridge. The pier dimensions of the Railroad Bridge are 3 piers equally spaced (approx 163 ft) across the river; the piers are 15 ft wide and 50 ft long. The pier dimensions of the Interstate Bridge are 9 piers equally spaced (approx 80 ft) across the river as well as two 10 ft x 10 ft columns with 40 ft between columns. The pier dimensions of the Hwy 29 Bridges are 4 piers equally spaced (approx 163 ft) across the stream and are 10 ft wide and 30 ft long. For the RR bridge, the elevations of the platform were known to be 630.6 at the base and 657.35 for the top of the platform (i.e., elevation of the tracks). Elevations of the other bridge platforms were all higher than the RR bridge, but were unknown. For conservative estimates, base elevations for all of the other bridge platforms were all placed at 630.6. Thus, all estimates of the effects of the bridges are considered conservative, particularly when flood elevations exceeded 630.6. 3. MODELS USED AND ASSUMPTIONS 3.1. Initial Model Setup The purpose of the modeling was to use already applied HEC-RAS models to assess the increase in water surface elevations that can be attributed to the bridges. HEC-RAS model for the Yadkin River used standard parameters where possible (e.g., expansion and contraction coefficients were set at default values). Hydraulic roughness was initially assumed to be 0.035 for the main channel and 0.05 for the left and right out of bank areas. For the 1997 channel conditions, step- backwater calculations were conducted using a known water surface elevation of 623.9 at the dam (i.e., downstream boundary condition). For 1917. channel conditions, downstream boundary condition was calculated using normal depth calculations assuming a slope of 0.00048 (average bed slope of pre-dam downstream reach); this downstream assumption would not affect the calculations further upstream near the bridges. For calculating energy losses associated bridge piers, the Energy method (i.e., standard step) was used for both low flow and high flow conditions. 3.2. Model Validation and Calibration Using the l 997 channel configuration with all bridges present represented the actual channel and bridge conditions and thus allowed validating and calibrating the model output. Two high water marks were available at the water intake structure (RM 19.4): 2 • January 28, 1998, Q = 31,906 cfs and High water mark = 633.8 • March 21, 2003, Q = 67,926, and High water mark = 640.7 Under the initial channel roughness assumptions the model under-predicted the observed water surface elevations. The channel roughness was thus adjusted to be 0.04 for the main channel and 0.1 for the floodplain. Under these values, the model predicted the water surface within < 1 ft of the observed water surface elevation: • January 28, 1998, Q = 31,906 cfs; observed = 633.8; modeled = 633.0 • March 21, 2003, Q = 67,926, and High water mark = 640.7; modeled = 640.2 While not exact, these values show that the model is predicting the water surface elevations within 1 ft of the observed values with minimal adjustment of the roughness parameters. This level of accuracy is appropriate given scale of this model. Importantly, using these roughness values (0.04 and 0.1) matches the roughness values that were used by Mobile Boundary Hydraulics in their sediment transport and hydraulic modeling. Thus, these values were used for all modeling of bridge effects, and the model is considered validated. 3.3. Sensitivity Analysis of Water Elevations to Bridges and Discharges Many discharges were modeled, but only three are presented here for brevity: • 65,000 cfs = 10-yr recurrence interval flood event • 101,000 cfs = 100-yr recurrence interval flood event • 121,000 cfs =design flood The following models were run to quantify the relative influence of the bridges relative to channel conditions on the water surface flood profiles: • 1917 Channel Conditions No Bridges • 1917 Channel Conditions All Bridges • 1997 Channel Conditions No Bridges • 1997 Channel Conditions All Bridges • 1997 Channel Conditions All Bridges except I-85 The final model run was done because of the current lack of information on the elevation of the I-85 bridge platform. Again, the bridge elevation is higher than this, but was set at this lower value to provide a conservative estimate. Of primary interest here are the maximum changes in waters surface elevation, the change in elevation at the WWTP (R1VI 16.7) and the change in elevation at the water intakes (lZM 19.4). 4. RESULTS 4.1. Relative to 1917 No Dam and No Bridge Conditions Comparing the results of the different model scenarios with the 1917 No Dam Conditions allows quantifying the change in water surface elevation relative to the most extreme condition, i.e., if no dam and no bridges existed and no sediment had accumulated (Fig 1, and Tables 1, 2, and 3 below). The model results for a discharge of 121,000 cfs show that there would be an increase of 0.42 ft at RM 15.4, immediately upstream of the bridges that can be attributed solely to the bridges (i.e., comparing 1917 all bridges to 1917 no bridges), and this decreases to 0.28 ft at the WWTP (RM 16.7) and 0.03 ft at the water intakes (RM 19.4). That is, the maximum water surface increase at the water intakes that can be solely attributed to all the bridges is 0.03 ft. 121,000 cfs -~ 1917 w/ bridges ~ -.~ 1997 No bridges •°- 14 ,-~-------- - ~ - _ x 1997 All bodges but I-85 X -~ -_~ V 12 ~~- -~--1997 all bridges m 'a 10 m` ~~*.. z° ~ 8 °' 6 E 0 w 4 m v c m 2 ~_ ~ 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 River Miles upstream of Dam Figure 1. Difference in water surface elevation between model scenarios and 1917 No Bridge Condition. Only data for upstream of RM 14 are shown. Water Surface Profiles are shown at end of report. 4.2. Relative to 1997 No Bridge Conditions Comparing the results of the different 1997 model scenarios allows quantifying the effects solely of the bridges under relatively recent channel topography, i.e., channel under accumulated sediment conditions. This comparison shows that for a discharge of 121,000 cfs, the bridges are responsible for increasing the water surface elevation a total of 0.43 ft (4 inches) at the water intakes and 0.89 ft at the WWTP. These effects are not independent of the accumulated sediment. 4.3. Sedimentation Has Increased the Backwater Effects of the Bridges The effects of reservoir sedimentation have increased the backwater effects of the bridges, particularly the railroad bridge. In 1917, assuming all bridges in place (untrue but conservative condition), the water surface elevation during the design flood (121,000 cfs, > 100-yr flood) at the Railroad bridge was 625.44, or ~ 5 ft below the elevation of the base of the bridge platform (630.6). However, under 1997 channel conditions (accumulated sediment), the water surface elevation reaches 632.35 ft at the 10-yr flood, and >638 at the design flood. Thus, the platform of the railroad bridge, which did not ever block flow under 1917 conditions, is now a potential blockage to flows as low as the 10-yr flood event. Therefore, the influence of the bridges on the upstream water surface elevations has increased, and this blockage will occur more frequently than it did prior to reservoir sediment accumulation. 4 In short, the sediment accumulation in the High Rock Reservoir and in the main channel of the upstream Yadkin River has increased the probability of the Railroad bridge platform being affected by flow from < 1% per year to > 10% per year, given the conservative estimates for model conditions discussed above. This has in turn increased the upstream backwater effects of the bridges under current channel conditions. 5. TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1. Water surface elevation (ft) under different modeling scenarios. Distance from dam of 15.4 miles is immediately upstream of the bridge crossings, 16.7 miles is at the W WTP, and 19.4 is at the water intake structures. Q Distance From Dam 1917 no brid es 1917 with brid es 1997 No brid es 1997 all brid es 1997 Bridges exce t I-85 65000 15.4 617.88 618.13 632.98 633.25 633.15 65000 16.7 620.65 620.81 635.29 635.46 635.4 65000 19.4 632.22 632.23 639.61 639.69 639.66 101000 15.4 623.75 624.09 636.66 637.52 637.22 101000 16.7 626.41 626.65 639.48 640.05 639.85 101000 19.4 637.88 637.91 644.94 645.21 645.11 121000 15.4 626 626.42 638.38 639.72 639.26 121000 16.7 628.76 629.04 641.47 642.36 642.04 121000 19.4 640.44 640.47 647.47 647.9 647.74 Table 2. Difference in water surface elevations (ft) with 1917 No Bridge Conditions. Distance from dam of 15.4 miles is immediately upstream of the bridge crossings, 16.7 miles is at the WWTP, and 19.4 is at the water intake structures. Q Distance From Dam miles 1917 with bridges - 1917 No brid es 1997 all bridges- 1917 No brid es 1997 Bridges except I-85- 1917 No brid es 1997 No bridges- 1917 No brid es 65000 15.4 0.25 15.37 15.27 15.1 65000 16.7 0.16 14.81 14.75 14.64 65000 19.4 0.01 7.47 7.44 7.39 101000 15.4 0.34 13.77 13.47 12.91 101000 16.7 0.24 13.64 13.44 13.07 101000 19.4 0.03 7.33 7.23 7.06 121000 15.4 0.42 13.72 13.26 12.38 121000 16.7 0.28 13.6 13.28 12.71 121000 19.4 0.03 7.46 7.3 7.03 Table 3. Difference in water surface elevations (ft) with 1997 No Bridge Conditions. Distance from dam of 15.4 miles is immediately upstream of the bridge crossings, 16.7 miles is at the W WTP. and 19.4 is at the water intake structures. Q Distance From Dam miles 1997 all Bridges - 1997 No Brid es 1997 Bridges except I-85 - 1997 No Brid es 65000 15.4 0.27 0.17 65000 16.7 0.17 0.11 65000 19.4 0.08 0.05 101000 15.4 0.86 0.56 101000 16.7 0.57 0.37 101000 19.4 0.27 0.17 121000 15.4 1.34 0.88 121000 16.7 0.89 0.57 121000 19.4 0.43 0.27 65,000 cfs 0 620 .~ 640 jx ~` •-*" • t 630 x * x• X! Y Y X A ~ Y * E d 610 t 1917 no bridges v ~ 1917 w/ bridges ~ 600 -~ 1997 No bridges w x 1997 All bridges but I-85 m 590 0 1997 all bridges 580 570 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 River Miles upstream of Dam Figure 2. Water surface elevations under different modeling scenarios at the 10-yr flood event (65,000 cfs). Note that bridges are located at ~ RM 14-15. 6 I. 101,000 cfs 650 640 ~~i~-~ Y 630 O Y x A Y - i s a x a x > 620 m d ~ 610 ~ t 1917 no bridges H 600 ~-1917 w/ bridges °7 --x-1997 No bridges io ~ 590 x 1997 All bridges but I-85 n 1997 all bridges 580 570 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 River Miles upstream of Dam Figure 3. Water surface elevations under different modeling scenarios at the 100-yr flood event (101,000 cfs). Note that bridges are located at ~ RM 14-15. 1sl,ooo cfs 650 640 c 630 .~ ~ 620 d ~ 610 r'n 600 d ~ 590 580 570 0 x a Y- Y Y Y ! Y • Y t Y E t _ 2 4 ~ 1917 no bridges ~ 1917 w/ bridges -.-1997 No bridges x 1997 All bridges but I-85 e 1997 all bridges 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 River Miles upstream of Dam Figure 4. Water surface elevations under different modeling scenarios at the design flood event (121,000 cfs). Note that bridges are located at ~ RM 14-15. 7