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GW1-2022-04899_Well Construction - GW1_20220525
WELL CONSTRUCi'(ON:-RECORD For imcmilUsaONi;Y-, 5his Yorm can ba used for sin;ie or muhip)c sails 1:R'dl Cuitntcltir.Information: ` 14.W.+riR ZONFS John Eisenman FROM. rO, 1 oF ('RtnRIN %VC11 Cohti-agcr Naau 4439A NC Well Contractor Ccnifieaiion Nnn-ber 15.OUTER CASING fror nub -Astd wells►OR LINER(ir a ticabk) FROM TO nmmri it Tlnct VIII . MATERrAL. SAEDACCO Inc 0 it. 100 ft-,1 6 tn. SCH 40 PVC Con4tinj�Milne. 16.INNER CASING OR 11111 inrlkrmal ck wd-loop FROM TO DL1MET�L"R f THICKNESS MATEMI. 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 ft. 110 rl. 2 SCH 40 PVC lilt all cpplirahl r dal penrils'O.r.C'affnht Slate.Variamrr.Ir)raAal rir..j rt. fl, in, 3 �Yc11.13sc(check:a cII psc)c 17.SCREEN — Water Supply Well: FRom, TO DIAMF.TFR SL()TSV3: THICKN1t5 I MATF.RI.11.. ClApti:ulturdl. ONI.tinicipal.-Public 110 ft. 120 ft. 2 i"• 010 SCH 40 PVC ®Geotllcnital(1leatinglCooling Supply) 011esidenti3l WaterSitpply(single) ft,• ©LidustiialflConitncrcial Mesidential Water Supply(shaird) FRO ROLT To — MATERULL t Esurl 1erMLNT stsntoo s A1uocNr ❑irii ation 102 'ft. 3 ft. AquaGuard ,Tremmi8 Non-Water Supply Well: 3 rt., 0 p. portland pour t�hlii nrtor i ng, l7Rccm�ery' Injection Well: ❑A.quifer Recharge 0Gipmidnatcr Rcmcdiation 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK fif t H able) - --- FR(11T... TO: lL1TF.Rli1. FIPt10EMENT METHOD. ❑Afluffer.Su ragc and Rccoirry ❑Salinity Harrier 120 ft. 107 ft. SAND #2 ❑Agitifer_Tcct ❑Stormil,ucr i?mina . ft. G. ❑F pcnmcnial Technoksgy ❑Subsidence Control 20,DRILLING LOG(allmh additional%Beets if necessary) ❑GLodternud(Closed loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DFSCRII'TIHNi,+br,hprJnca�,rfA'nM1,h fnn:vc.cff l ❑Gcodknnal'(Hca6ng_'C-ootiu'z Return) ❑Other(explain under 021 Reuratks) 0 .-ft. 39 rl. soil 39 ft. 42 fi. pnr 4.Date Wells)Completed: 3-2-22 Weil 1j)#MW-32C 42 rti 120 It. rock 5a.WellLucatiou: MAY Facilit lOss'il rNamc Ficilhy M."(irapp limble) � n .,. > - " ff. it. i{?UY i 6)Tm 3900 Electronics Drive Raleigh, NC Rake County 35., , , ry, P. Pins"r.51 Cddresz Cit}•.and Zip 21 REMARKS Bentonite seal from 107-102 Cknmis fared ILL11 ii'tciliun No.(PIN) 5b.i::atitude and Longitude in dci_;tres/minutcslscconds Or decimal degrecs: 22.Certification: (irucll fiW.01k:1:114mro is ctcfliciad) 3/2/2022 Signsttttcof '. 7 .` � Date .,_ 6.is(ar'e)-the wcll(s): 1OPermatient or ❑Tcnt)ioran'- Br signu lets Jur 7:;i ! rh.�r cti S .r sCc ,muqucird,rr accordance withL4ANCACt7:C,'1+:=-1: A 1C.0:(Mwell Coitsirieeri'mskuv4rrdswiddmru 7:Mix"' wrcr ah:to an misting h•dl: t716 or M No r ep .oj ddi rrronl has twe'll pr..:rifled in M.-iml owner. If ells'it a mi-mir;(ill txrt0o'ieil well 1"forrrfrrivn rn d r- Wit the aimire of r/if: re,wirimdrr021 remarks waion or(xt ihr bwC)L nfifns faros 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You tray use the back of thispagi:to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of bells constructed• 1 cutisttnCtiou details, You nlay also atiaeh tidditioltal pa -s if incessa'ly. For piahipk iaferrinn of, fails ONLY)rift due mmccvnitruifinn.,vvu repo aulndrm{cjomf: S IBAIITTA ;INST (-.TiONc 9.Total tell delitl lit elow-land m irface. 120 fn,) 2aiL [nr All W'dls: =Subntil ilus form within 30 tliays of compledoy of dell ForInI,hipkwellt list cl rltpihS if fliJji'IIPIJ{rxarnplr-,7�':0j'oral d rnlllli} eonstmcti0n to llic following':. 10.Static�ratcr Ic+d bcloli'tali of easing: Di1•ision of Water Rcs;mrces,Information Pfucessiny Unit. if water level!s rhot'r rasitr;i ax "+" 1617 Alan Smice Centcr;Ralcigh,NC 27G994617- 1 1.Borehole diameter l2/6 (in,) tab.Fnr ili icetlon-Wg11c ONLY.',-in addition to sending di`fonn to the addres in 24aabove. also.sitbotit a.copy of,.this fonn within- (!days of Conipletioti of well 12,Well construction method: BSA/Air construction to(lit following: (Le.auger.rotary.cabtc.direct pNal>_ctc.)' Division of Water R(sources Underground injection Control Pnlgratp, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY.• 4636 Abil Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276"-1636 13a.1 field(g Method of test• 21c.For Water-Supply.l''inlrcthn n l�ell: Also submit on copy of this foim within W daysofeompletionof well constlnction'to aic.count}*health department of tlic count•wlicrc i3b:Disinfection types,_ Amuunl: constructed. FamtGW-1 rnnhCarolinaDcpaiinentofEn irownciaandS':nurJResources--Divi;ionofWater'Resoras Rcs'i", _[igust:w13