HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04875_Well Construction - GW1_20220525 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Iticlual Usc ONLY- T16 Ptm_ ,-3913C UWd(10T Sill?*07 U1011ilik%QNS L,weit Contractor information: :7777777-777;�_ ALAVAIER ZONLW John Eisemaan 1V01 Contractor Kamg to tt. 4439A OR_UNEX-lif atlitt A&MURCA, FROM DtAITUER TMCrCNTS%nIATEDFAL I SAEDACCO Inc 0 it. I IS (L 12" UNG Wis", clo.td­lw ,�66.01 1N IN ER ICAS I NG,0 H qA j'10 Calr4caw Name 1 70 ('11MMUMUC ICKNESS IIATFFUAL UL 2.Well construction Permit Ph ft ft. Lim AX amlira"Ife vwlfverwils Ux. Variame,11)"SC664 cu'-) _n. -ft. 3.Well Use(cherk well ow): 4 St: FEN FH0%l L1 1 DIAMETER storstyx NIATIMIA1, Water Suppkv Well: is ft. 38 It. 211 C Ukakultural LiMuoicipaltPublic I DGWElwalial Mcafio'qlroolirig supply) DResidetitial Wilcf SuPPb'(SitIL110 AWGROUT_� riludugriat1comolcrini OResidenrial WatcrSupply 0=4) il FROM 110 NVATUMA Ew M* K%*r_N1ETllOD.Q ANIOUNT 0hTivation 0 ft. 12 ft. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well- rt. ft. ®Monitoring 131tccowry FL Iujecl(all%Veil: DAquiter Redwrgz 00roundwilcr Rcmcdiiiion el- A FROM TO I 0AqaifevStornSeir4R=vy osilinity Rimer 16 A. 38 ft. SAPID #2 D Aflufficir Test Mtormwalcr Drainage ft. ElExpzrimcmal TcchnolMr Mubsidcwc Cordral '70.DRFI, 'G LOG 4ailich addillimalilkels,if h'-C"%ai*l c3l3kodwsmal(Clused Lvap) DTra= FROM To DEWRIFF10% DGeockrutal(HeatimpCooling Rctunq E30ftrtexplainunduT#21 Renorksl 0 it. 38 iu clay/ sand ft. a (L 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 4-26-22 Well IID#SW-1() Jr. ft. Q v Sa.Well Ulcrtian: ff. It. PAY 2 5 Broughton Hospital A. (L Faafily,10,AocrNxTe Facitily 11),10fappli-mble) 1 T_T 1-;T'41-MC�1 ON' ft. IL l000 S. Sterling St., Morganton, KC, 28655 -77777 Pimical.,Wdrno,City.and Zip 21 itf 1nfARK47 Burke 12-161 bentonite seal Comity P.,irrel U;n1if'=aftw No.WWI 2-1. tifica 5b.Latitude and I.Ongit"lle in or domunal degrcw. Cer tion: (ifucti Mil,ow lav'ImLa 1%v.dl16=n 5/l/2022 W Dale 6.ls(are)thevicll(s): MPermanent or liTemporary kow v o_1(11)114'Iff Ct 0 S rrZ 16101 15f,WIh i e 4A 40 td OW 11 7.h tft6 a repair to an existing ivell: OVes or KNo fflhh'is Pepid".filf(wl 0(ow7a inforwavot cued esplaill file Itou'ler of tier repairowler Oil ranarki AwMao or an dhe,hawk fit lithfiorm 23.Site diagram or additional wd I details: you tuay use th.,bad;of this page to piovittz addilioital well site details or%veft S.Number of%velts catustructed; coustiuctiondelaiLs. SUBMI L INMICIPON—S 9.Total welt depth below land surfaces 38 (ft.1 24a. For All Wells., Slibudl this fumy within 30 days of completion of%icll Foroij,10pie tv"115 M'4 vildelahl ifdifivew 4evew 1ple-34-N39,411111 2CP 104)) Construction to qhc rbuoniqq: it).Static water lLwel helow top(if ca%ing; Dh-6iun of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit. ff-mwer 1--vrl is a!e-4" 1617 Mail Serviry Center.Raleigh.NC 2776994617 11.BorclwL-diameter-S.25" ONLV.- it}addition to sendike the form 10 EN-1 address in "'a above,Aw submit a cop), of this 1`0101 Wilth't 30 da� Of WHIPIC4011 f veil 2_ S 0 It Well construction method:BSA Constroctiou to the follml ing; ite,angur wuriL.cable.dixcl tusk etc I Division of RaterResources Underground Injection Control Pro;xr2m, FOR W.AXER SLTPLV WELLS ONLY' 1636 NUtt Senice Center.Raleigh.XC V699.1636 l3a.Vidd(gpm) Method of teat 2U.ror Water Supply&Inicettv a%Vcltc Also milutift anti:copy of HAS 16)'111 %villfill 30 jib.01-intectlim type: Amount: well con5trurtion to the calmly ho-afth&P.-HIMC111 Of[tic C0uUq'wlwn; consinictcd. I Fann(rw-t Rciou=s-Dvewoner\Vaicr Rmouram- lte%iscdAUgUA!4D