HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04874_Well Construction - GW1_20220525 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fer Inzwl Uec ONLY- T16 f,1nnc3nb,. 1.Well Co"Intctor Information: F I-LAVAT11111 ZONM'7 John Eisenman FROM to DrICIUM01%, VV01 coleucwr ft. ft. 4439A ft. ft. NC fill Cu irworCcaffiwilion Kindler t&'OUT M, CASING` 0 tuish ki-cillx%dMs OR LINER,fit,a FROM 1 70 PEI,;FTKft THIM-ass I MAT"41A], SAWAMO Inc 0 it. 1 20 CL 2- id. SCH-40 PVC l'aa tam Nallw -16.INNER CASINQOR( Fn0�1 yip Dt%MFTER: THICKNESS I MATERUL 7-Well Construction Permit 4: ljjrf all iqjyliaible%eli penuies ji-e.Cowit.r.St e,lbrialwe.11,yeCdc'n eir.) 3.Well I.Ne(Cherk well itse): 41SUR KEN Water Supply WL41: WHIM ITO DIA'-IKTF:Tt I SLOT SUT I THICK-sr-N... mAT1--,t7FA1 1JAgkultural 20 ft, 40 fi. 2- in, 1 010 ISCH-40, PVC 0GO(Itcultil 01catiog"Cooling Supply) EiRcsidential V61atcr suppky(Single) DindustTiAlCounucirciA OR cqdcurial Warer supply(Slumd) AWGROUT FROM MXTERDJ I 01niption 0 ft. 14 IL Portland Pour Non-Allater Supply Well, i ft. If. 011ouiloFingr 011ccovery ltijLclion%Vell: it. fl. C1AtjuifcrRccharj,,c OGromridmucr Rictwulizaion 0.SAN D.-GRAVELTACK i1i-avtdirable) 0Atptifer8tori�c;uwJRccovcry O'Saliniti,ELirder FRoll I To 1 NIATrRIAt. VVH-f-%kTMF%-r".'"Mil 0 Aquifer TcM, DStormnatcr Draimigc 18 ft, 40 #2 q. 0EXPc1iwcnt:,4TcChnwogy OSubsidcticc.Caigrid Vale.DRILLING LOG titbch additional diets if DGeothentul(Clused Loopi 131'mcer FttOtl To DUCTUIr"ON,tmbr.bm'da"t.willFwk 11 %;M(ICA DGeothenral itleatio%'Cooffig-,Repo) 0 it. 30 (L silt/clay 30 Q. 40 ft. mock 4.Date Wcl1(9jCumplL,t,L4: 4-27-22 Av,.ql wsw-9 IL M Sa.'V%Idl Location: IL M Broughton Hospital 1'j rhd[i;y,10ivr4:r%Jaiw Facilin-ID!0f.-M"-blc3 1000 S. Ste=ljmg St-, Morganton, NC, 28655 No iical Addmss,Citt..Rndzip ,2L REMARKS', Burke 14-181 bentonite seal U", PAIC0 Itknfiric4im No.1111N) 511.Latitude and Lonpudcln dcgrcm 2 Certification: w .5/1/2022. Dale 6.ts4;re)thcvveII(s): XlPermanent or -:37emporary 7.IN this a repair in an existing wil: UlYcs or KNo IfIbis igeo repwk,fill vor 4ovor 23.Site diagrun or additional well details: You otay use the bach of this page to piovidt additioird well site delails.or%veil S.Number of welly constructed: 1 cotistnictiondetails. You rnav also SUMNIFITTAL 11N.SFUMONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 40 24% Far All WeUr Submit this funn within 30 days of completion of well. ForiwililpJr wriffi li'maildepiln ifdif,1i-jyj1j 2Q,lip)) construction to I tc follwaing- 10.Static water level bclo%v top of casing. Diiisiun ufWatcr Remaircm Information Prucenim.-Unit, i/wzoeo, it 0-4-ve. as +- 1617 M:nd Service Center.R-Acigh,NC 2709-1617 11.Borehole diameter.6 (11L) YA b.Etj r hL%ft_%V lh ONLY: to addition to s a odi tw.the Conn to t I ia address in 24a above. also subixit a copy of this funn %villfin 30&ays of completion of well 12.%VcU construction method,Air Construction to the following. (Cc.attgzr.mmy.cable.dixcl pash,ac.I Divisfutt-ofNN'ater Resources;Underground injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY 119ELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Smice Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(11put) Ifedlad of test: 24c.For Water Suppl.%&leicefloii Wets: Also submit one coln, of this funn within 30 da s ofcomplefion of weil construction to 11w county ftealoh depaninctit of the wuray Micro constructed