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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210348 Ver 3_BPDP for PN_20220525Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20210348 Version* 3 Select Reviewer: * Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 05/26/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 5/25/2022 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name: * Jamey McEachran Project Information ID#:* 20210348 Existing ID# Project Type: Project Name: County: Email Address: * Version:* 3 DMS • Mitigation Bank Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Site Wayne Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Plans File Upload: Signature ............................................ Print Name: * Signature:* Existing Version 20210348v3 RES PickleCreekPhasell BPDP FI... 30.23MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Jamey McEachran 1 llefileitha MEMORANDUM Ores 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 919.770.5573 tel. 919.829.9913 fax TO: Katie Merritt, Department of Water Resources FROM: JAMEY MCEACHRAN — RES DATE: MAY 24, 2022 RE: Response to Draft Mitigation Plan Comments - Pickle Creek Phase II Mitigation Project (DWR 2021-0348v3) Neuse River 03020201; Wayne County, NC Katie Merritt - NCDWR: 1. Add a DWR ID # on the title page. The number is 2021-0348v3. The title page has been updated with the DWR ID#. 2. Photos provided in Section 2 are dated August 2020 and do not adequately represent "existing" conditions upon submittal of the mitigation plan. Provided more current photos of the riparian areas and features. Updated photos have been added to this section. 3. Modify Figure 3 to show areas where the land application of animal waste is currently permitted. Then, reference Figure 3 where appropriate. A Figure 3b was created to show the areas within the project easement that were permitted for land application, prior to the updating of the Waste Utilization Plan. Figure 3b is now referenced where appropriate. 4. In Section 1.2, ephemeral channels are not considered to be 'unnamed tributaries" just Intermittent and Perennial channels get this classification. Make sure to use stream, ephemeral channel and ditch when describing the features within the project boundary or that are draining into the project boundary such as D2. Section 1.2 has been updated to state "one unnamed stream tributary, two ephemeral channels, and one ditch" are within the project boundary. Additionally, "stream, ephemeral channel and ditch" are used when describing the features throughout the plan. 5. RES needs to reference the site viability letter issued by DWR and that the letter indicated certain criteria that would need to be addressed prior to using this land as a mitigation site. What were those criteria, and then add a reference to Section 4.2.3 where it appears those criteria are further explained. I have provided further comments in 4.2.3 as well. Section 3.5 has been updated to include the constraints referenced within the site viability letter. References to section 4.2.3 are now also present. 6. Add language to this section that describes what documentation will be submitted with the As - built Report confirming full compliance with the criteria indicated in the site viability letter. This documentation should be any and all approvals from DWR related to permits affiliated with the project and Waste plans. There are two permits affiliated with this land proposed for the DMS project (AWS960127 and AW1960127). Add that the provider will consult with DWR staff within the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section. Language has been added to Section 3.5 that describes the constraints around the Project and the necessary documentation required with the As -Built Report. A paragraph was added to this section to describe constraints with the two permits associated with the project and the process to remove the easement area from the Waste Utilization Plan. 7. It needs to be noted in this section, that site preparation also includes activities related to activities described in 4.2.3 considering many of these activities are required to be done prior to riparian restoration activities as indicated in the Site Viability Letter. Site preparation for this site doesn't just include land prep for planting...but also includes hydrant removals, infrastructure capping and deadheading, etc. However, if these things will be done as part of the DMS project, then speak to that hear. If there are still things that need to be done within the project boundary specific to this bank, then speak to that as well. Language has been added to section 4.1, that these activities are required to be completed prior to riparian restoration activities. Language was also added to clarify what activities are part of the DMS project versus the bank project. 8. Change "Streams" to "Streams & Ephemerals". Ephemeral channels and "streams" are referred to differently in our buffer mitigation rule (and buffer protection rule 0714), therefore it is important to use correct terminology of features within the project boundary throughout the Plan. Language was changed to say "Streams and Ephemerals" to use the correct terminology of features. 9. Modify sentence to read..."riparian restoration activities as defined and described in the Consolidated....". Remove reference to 0703 in this sentence. Modify next sentence to read..."Nutrient offset credits generated from riparian restoration activities will comply with the Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule...." These sentences were modified per the comments. 10. Add more description here that the riparian restoration activities actually don't start at top of bank for the whole project. There is a DMS project that includes Top of bank along many features proposed in this BPDP, so please be specific here as to where the riparian restoration will start on J1, D2, for the Bank. Language was added to indicate the restoration activities start at 100' from the top of bank on J1 and D4. Other language was added to indicate that riparian restoration activities will start at the top of bank along D2 and extend out a maximum of 200'. 11. 0703 is used incorrectly here. 0703 does not include anything about ephemerals. The Nutrient Offset Trading Rule 15A NCAC 02b .0703 was removed. 12. Modify sentence to read..."the entire area proposed for riparian restoration to generate nutrient offset credit" along reach D4. Sentence was modified to be "the entire area proposed for riparian restoration to generate nutrient offset credit". 13. should this be Figure 8 instead of 7? Figure reference was changed to 8 instead of 7. 14. Add, "and is generating nutrient offset credit in accordance with the Nutrient Offset " Note: riparian restoration is not mentioned in the Nutrient Offset Trading rule, only in the Buffer 0295 rule. So, we have to reword that sentence as to make sure there aren't incorrect references to rules. Language was added to reference how nutrient offset credit is generated. 15. Add a note that most of these activities will done during the Site Preparation stage. Language added to indicate that these activities will be done during the Stie Preparation stage. 16. Where are the two small ditches referenced in this sentence? Callouts were added to Figures 3a and Figure 7 to show where these ditches are located. 17. Reference Figure 3 here and modify Figure 3 to show all the land areas that are in the waste utilization plan as of the date of this BPDP submittal. A Figure 3b was created to show all land areas that were in the original waste utilization plan but have since been removed as found in the newly added Appendix E. Figure 3b was then referenced here. 18. Make sure to explain the planting plan as the Planted Area represented in supporting figure 10. not all planting will begin from TOB. Language was added to explain that the planting plan is represented in Figure 10. And more descriptions were included to explain that not all planting will begin at the TOB. 19. What performance standards outlined in Rule 0703 are you referring to? This sentence removed the Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0703, as there are no performance standards in this rule and replaced it with the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule. 20. Add language to this section stating that the easement boundaries will be marked before the DWR site visit for Task 2. Language was added to state that easement boundaries will be marked prior to the DWR site visit for Task 2. 21. Add a new section titled 4.5 Additional Documentation. In this new section add language that describes what documentation will be submitted with the As -built Report confirming full compliance with the criteria indicated in the site viability letter. This documentation should be any and all approvals from DWR related to permits affiliated with the project and Waste plans. There are two permits affiliated with this land proposed for the DMS project (AWS960127 and AW1960127). Add that the provider will consult with DWR staff within the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section when securing the necessary documentation. A new section, 4.5, was added to discuss additional documentation that will be submitted with the As -Built Report. Language was also added that RES will consult with DWR staff within the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section for necessary documentation. 22. Remove "riparian buffer mitigation credits" from the first sentence. Removed "riparian buffer mitigation credits" and changed to "nutrient offset credits". 23. Include language noting that EBX will have a backup if stewardship falls through. Language indicating that EBX, LLC will have a backup land steward has been added. 24. Revise second sentence to read as follows: "All nutrient offset credits will be derived from riparian restoration activities. Second sentence was revised to suggested sentence. 25. The description of where the nutrient offset credits will be generated adjacent to J1, D2 and D4 are not accurate, in that these credits are not all being generated within 0-200'. Correct this to match the supporting figures. The descriptions of how nutrient offset credits are being generated was changed to match supporting figures. 26. Add language that speaks to the fact that these nutrient offset credits are neither convertible nor transferrable to riparian buffer credits. This is a nutrient offset only bank with a nutrient offset only MBI. Language has been added to indicate that this is a nutrient offset only bank with a nutrient offset only MBI. 27. Remove fields in these cells. These cells have been edited to remove any values 28. This column needs to be corrected to show "NO" in all rows. This Bank is not being proposed as a buffer credit bank. All rows have been changed to say "NO". 29. Remove fields in these cells. These cells have been edited to remove any values. 30. Depict land areas that are used for land -application up to the submittal of this BPDP on Figure 3 and Figure 6. A Figure 3b has been created to show any land areas being used for land -application. 31. On Figure 3, Where are these two ditches along D2 according to Section 4.2.3? Callouts have been created to show where these two ditches are located along D2. 32. On Figure 6, Depict land areas that are used for land -application up to the submittal of this BPDP. Show the two hydrants referenced in 4.2.3 that will be removed? A Figure 3b has been created to show any land areas being used for land -application. The two hydrants being removed are now shown as a different symbols on Figure 6. 33. Show existing infrastructure that is staying vs being removed. Any existing infrastructure is shown as different symbols if staying or being removed. Bank Parcel Development Package Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project May 2022 DWR #: 2021-0348v3I Neuse River Basin I HUC 03020201 I Wayne County, North Carolina Prepared For: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared By: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC For Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLX (EBX, LLC) 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-209-1052 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Parcel Location 3 1.2 Parcel Overview 3 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 3 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 8 3.1 Threatened and Endangered Species 8 3.2 Cultural Resources 8 3.3 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/ Hydrologic Trespass 8 3.4 Clean Water Act - Section 401/404 8 3.5 Constraints 8 3.6 Additional Environmental Consideration 9 4 RIPARIAN RESTORATION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 9 4.1 Parcel Preparation 9 4.2 Methods 10 4.3 Planting Plan 11 4.4 Easement Boundaries 13 4.5 Additional Documentation 13 5 MONITORING PLAN 13 5.1 Monitoring Protocol and Performance Standards 13 5.2 Adaptive Management Plan and Project Maintenance 15 6 LONG TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN 16 7 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 16 8 PROJECT'S CREDIT POTENTIAL 17 9 REFERENCES 19 FIGURES Figure 1 — Nutrient Offset Service Area Figure 2 — Project Vicinity Figure 3a — Existing Conditions Figure 3b — Permitted Areas for Land Application (Pre-2022) Figure 4 — Historical Imagery Figure 5 — NRCS Mapped Soils Figure 6 — Project Constraints Figure 7 — Nutrient Offset Conceptual Design Plan Figure 8 — USGS Quadrangle Figure 9 — Riparian Zones Figure 10 — Monitoring Plan Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package May 2022 APPENDICES Appendix A — Site Viability & Stream Determination Appendix B — Conservation Easement Template Appendix C — Agency Correspondence Appendix D — Limited Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Appendix E — Waste Utilization Plan and supporting material Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package ii May 2022 >L INTRODUCTION Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (EBX, LLC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), is pleased to provide this Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) for Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project (Project) under the RES Pickle Creek Phase 11 Nutrient Offset Banking Instrument. This project is designed to provide nutrient offset credits for unavoidable impacts due to development within the Neuse River Basin, United States Geological Survey (USGS) 8-digit Cataloguing Unit 03020201 (Neuse 01), excluding Falls Lake Watershed (Figure 1). This Nutrient Offset Plan is in accordance with the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 and Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0703. The Project is being codeveloped with the proposed Pickle Creek Buffer Mitigation Project that is contracted with the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) and will extend riparian areas associated with the DMS project. Li Parcel Location The Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project is within the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit HUC 03020201, 14-digit HUC 030202011170030 and DWR Sub -basin Number 03-04-12. The Project is in Mount Olive in Wayne County, NC (Figure 1). To access the Project from the town of Mount Olive, travel north on Highway 117 for about a mile, then turn left on NC-55 W for 2.5 miles, then right on Thunder Swamp Rd, after 2 miles the destination will be on the left (Figure 2). The coordinates are 35.23175 -78.10784. 1.2 Parcel Overview The Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project consists of a conservation easement that will total approximately 10.59 acres that includes riparian area that is between 101-200 feet off of one unnamed stream tributary (J1) and one ephemeral channel (D4) and the riparian area off of one ditch (D2) from 0- 100 feet that drains into Thunder Swamp. Thunder Swamp is a USGS-named stream that eventually drains to the Neuse River. Current land use within the Project is strictly crop production which is irrigated with permitted land application of animal waste, (Figure 3a and 3b). Much of the Project area has been used extensively for agricultural purposes for at least 40 years (Figure 4). Water quality stressors currently affecting the Project include heavily manipulated/relocated and maintained stream channels, nutrient loadings from active crop production and use of animal waste land application for irrigation, and lack of forested and vegetated riparian areas. Current riparian area conditions demonstrate significant degradation with the loss of stabilizing vegetation because of continued crop production. The goal of the Project is to restore riparian areas by establishing appropriate plant communities while minimizing temporal and land disturbing impacts. Riparian area improvements will filter runoff from agricultural fields, thereby reducing nutrient and sediment loads to nearby channels and provide water quality benefit to the overall watershed. The Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project is composed of the riparian area of one intermittent/perennial stream, J1, one ephemeral reach, D4, and one ditch feature, D2 (Figure 3a). All streams have been straightened and are incised. Furthermore, only the fifty -foot riparian buffer of J1 was determined to be subject to the Neuse buffer protection rule, whereas D4 was determined to be an Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 3 May 2022 ephemeral stream and therefore not subject to the Neuse buffer protection rules ("non -subject"). D2 was determined to be a ditch. Stream determinations were verified by the DWR during a site visit on March 10th, 2021. The DWR Stream Determination Letter is provided in Appendix A. Riparian restoration efforts along the Project stream, ephemeral channel, and ditch will be accomplished through the planting, establishment, and protection of a hardwood forest community. The result will be a riparian area that functions to mitigate nutrient and sediment inputs from the surrounding uplands. This BPDP is being submitted for review under the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295) and Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0703). DWR performed a site viability assessment for buffer mitigation and nutrient offset on April 17th, 2021. This correspondence is provided in Appendix A. The Project will provide significant functional uplift to the project watershed. The Project presents the opportunity to provide Nutrient Offset credits. These will be derived from restoration of the riparian areas. The nutrient offset credits will be produced by establishing a native forested and herbaceous riparian plant community and protecting these riparian areas in perpetuity with a conservation easement. The new plant community will be established in conjunction with the treatment of existing exotic or undesirable plant species. 1.2.1 Parcel Ownership The land required for the construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation project includes a portion of the parcel listed below in Table 1. EBX, LLC (an entity of RES) will record a conservation easement from the current landowner for the project area. The Wilmington District Conservation Easement model template will be utilized to draft the site protection instrument. Once recorded, the secured easement will allow EBX, LLC to proceed with the Project development and protect the nutrient offset assets in perpetuity. Once finalized, a copy of the land protection instrument(s) will be included in Appendix B. Table 1. Parcel and Landowner Information Landowner Pin or Tax Parcel ID Agreement Type County Douglas Allen Jernigan 2564319379 Conservation Easement Wayne Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 4 May 2022 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1.1 Surface Water Classification The primary stream feature of the Project, J1, eventually drains to Thunder Swamp just downstream of the project easement. Thunder Swamp has been assigned class C and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW). Class C waters are protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. NSW designation is intended for waters needing additional nutrient management due to being subject to excessive growth of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation (NCDWQ 2011). 2.1.2 Physiography and Soils The Project is located within the Rolling Coastal Plain Level IV ecoregion within the Southeastern Plains Level III ecoregion and is characterized by greater relief, elevation, and stream gradients compared to the Mid -Atlantic Coastal Plain to the east. This ecoregion contains both dissected irregular and smooth plains, and low to moderate gradient sandy -bottomed streams that branch from broad interstream divides with steep to moderately gentle side slopes. The ecoregion also contains better drained soils and a slightly cooler and shorter growing season than the Mid -Atlantic Coastal Plain; however, it is still a productive agricultural region with typical crops of corn, soybeans, tobacco, cotton, sweet potatoes, peanuts, and wheat (Griffith et al., 2002). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) County Soil Mapping depicts four soil series across the Project (Figure 5). All soils on -site are formed in loamy or loamy and sandy marine deposits. All soil series are mapped adjacent together. The project is dominated by Kenansville loamy sand, with the three other soils about equal in area. Rains sandy loam and Torhunta loam are considered hydric by the NRCS, while Lynchburg sandy loam have minor hydric inclusions. The specific soil map units are detailed in Table 2. Table 2. Project Mapped Soil Series Map Unit Map Unit Name Symbol Percent Drainage Hydrologic Landscape Hydric Class Soil Group Setting Ke Kenansville loamy sand 0% Well drained A Stream Terraces Ly Lynchburg sandy 8% Somewhat B/D Broad interstream divides on loam, 0 to 2 poorly well marine terraces, flats on marine percent slopes drained terraces Ra Rains sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent 90% Poorly drained A/D Flats on marine terraces, broad interstream divides on marine terraces, Carolina bays on marine terraces To Torhunta loam 90% Very poorly drained Depressions on stream terraces, A/D Carolina bays on marine terraces, flats on marine terraces Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 5 May 2022 2.1.3 Wetlands The Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset project area does not contain any wetlands according to preliminary site visits. National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping depicts one wetland within the Project area. This wetland, off the left bank of D2 (Figure 6). However, field observations indicate the depicted wetland does not exist. 2.1.4 Landscape Communities A. Existing Vegetation Communities Currently, the vegetative cover of the Project is primarily comprised of active cropland. Current crops onsite consist of corn and Miscanthus giganteus. However, the crop fields not in Miscanthus giganteus are regularly rotated between soybeans and corn. The forested areas adjacent to J1 and downstream of the Project are classified as mixed-mesic hardwood forest (Coastal Plain subtype). Common species within the adjacent forest include sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), willow oak (Quercus phellos), and some scattered loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Invasive species were not observed within the Project at this time, however with the adjacency of the mixed hardwood forest and agricultural operations it can be assumed there are invasive species seed sources. B. Riparian Vegetation The current crop production around the Project is corn and about an 800-foot stretch of Miscanthus giganteus. Current conditions demonstrate significant habitat and water quality degradation with a loss of stabilizing vegetation as a result of impacts from ongoing crop production. There is no riparian buffer on the right bank of J1, but there is a mixed hardwood forest on the left bank, out of the Project area. Reach D4 has Miscanthus giganteus planted on the opposite bank as the project area. D2 has corn as its primary crop production around its banks. 2.1.5 Existing Conditions Photos Culvert Crossing on 11 March 17, 2022 Buffer Condition along D4 March 17, 2022 Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 6 May 2022 Origin of D2 March 17, 2022 Plastic Culvert Crossing on J1 March 17, 2022 Confluence of J1 and D1 March 17, 2022 Looking Upstream on D4 March 17, 2022 Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 7 May 2022 3 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Threatened and Endangered Species Plants and animals with a federal classification of endangered or threatened are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC) database review tool (accessed August 20, 2020) and the self -certification process conducted by RES and submitted to the USFWS on March 15, 2021, the list of threatened, endangered, species includes the Red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), the Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi), and the Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiousus). The Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project does not contain any suitable habitat for the Red -cockaded woodpecker, the Neuse River Waterdog, or the Carolina Madtom. A self -certification letter was sent to USFWS (on March 15, 2021). No response was received by USFWS. This consultation was conducted as part of the Categorical Exclusion (CE) process and supporting documentation and correspondence can be found in Appendix C. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act requires consultation with state fish and wildlife agencies when "waters of any stream or other body of water are proposed or authorized, permitted or licensed to be impounded, diverted, or otherwise controlled or modified. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) was consulted during the CE process and the NCWRC did not comment on any state or federally listed species; however, they did recommend the use of biodegradable and wildlife - friendly sediment and erosion control devices and to treat invasive species as part of the Project. Documentation is included in Appendix C. 3.2 Cultural Resources A review of North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) GIS Web Service (accessed 20 August 2020) database did not reveal any registered occurrences within the Project area; however, there were two other occurrences within in the 0.5-mile radius; (Vernon and Baker Presbyterian). RES consulted with the SHPO during the CE process and the SHPO had "conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project." Documentation is included in Appendix C. 3.3 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/ Hydrologic Trespass No portion of the Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project area is in FEMA flood zones (Figure 6). Therefore, no FEMA permitting is required. 3.4 Clean Water Act - Section 401/404 This project will not impact/fill any Waters of the US; therefore, there will be no 401/404 permit required. 3.5 Constraints The Pickle Creek Phase II Project has a number of constraints that will be accounted for prior to project construction, however a majority of the constraints are found in the co -located DMS Project. The DWR site viability letter dated May 18, 2021, specifically mentioned three main constraints that would need to be addressed for the site to be viable. These constraints include 1) existing utilities, 2) existing permits (Figure 3a and Figure 3b), and 3) existing infrastructure associated with the application of animal waste. These criteria will be further explained in Section 4.2.3 and will be adequately addressed prior to construction. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 8 May 2022 The landowner has two existing permits (AWS960127 and AW1960127) associated with the land application of animal waste within the proposed mitigation area. EBX, LLC worked with a Certified Technician from Agriments Services, Inc to understand the current permits and associated infrastructure that is in place to manage the land application of animal waste within the proposed mitigation area (Figure 3b). It was determined that 3.05 acres of Wettable Acres are within the proposed conservation easement and that there are two hydrants within the proposed easement area and some associated underground pipes that connect them to the main irrigation line. The Certified Technician then updated the Nutrient Management Plan and the Wettable Acres Determination for Jernigan Farms, AWS960127, to reflect the removal of the acreage and infrastructure within the proposed Pickle Creek Phase 11 Nutrient Offset Project (along with the adjacent DMS Project). RES consulted with the Engineer in the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section to ensure that these updates were adequate. The updated Waste Utilization Plan and email correspondence with the Engineer in the Animal Feeding Operations Program are provided in Appendix E. Documentation of DWR approval of these permit updates and renewals will be provided in the as -built report to confirm full compliance with the criteria listed in the site viability letter. Additionally, EBX, LLC will provide photographic documentation of the pipe removal within the easement and confirm with DWR staff within the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section that all criteria are being met. 3.6 Additional Environmental Consideration A limited Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was completed for the Parcel by acquiring an Environmental Date Resources (EDR) report in February 2021. The report can be found in Appendix D. Neither the target property nor the adjacent properties were listed in any of the Federal, State, or Tribal environmental databases searched by EDR. There are no known or potentially hazardous waste sites identified within or immediately adjacent to the project area. There were two environmental record mapped sites found within an 1/8 mile of the Project property. These are associated with the hog farm operations nearby and across the road which forms a ridge and therefore if an incident occurred, waste would flow in the opposite direction of the project. 4 RIPARIAN RESTORATION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Riparian restoration areas adjacent to the unnamed tributary, one ephemeral channel, and one ditch are shown in Figure 7 and mitigation type determinations and nutrient offset viability was approved by DWR in the Site Viability Letter dated May 18, 2021 (Appendix A). 4.1 Parcel Preparation Preparation at the Project will involve spraying crops and exotic invasive species, applying soil amendments, seeding native plants, and planting trees. The areas of specific focus for site preparation for this Project will be ensuring that the areas that currently have Miscanthus giganteus are treated and removed from within the project area. Soil amendments will be provided across the entire planted area based on the results of soil fertility tests. The soils fertility tests will be based on soil samples collected within proposed riparian restoration areas across the site. A seed mix will be chosen to maximize successful herbaceous growth in all riparian areas while also incorporating valuable pollinator species. Temporary and permanent riparian seeding, and bare root plantings shall be planted according to the planting plan Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 9 May 2022 (Section 4.3). Along with the planting site preparation at the Project, the constraints mentioned in the site viability letter and discussed in Section 3.5 and Section 4.2.3 will be addressed prior to planting. This includes the update to the Waste Utilization Plan. The removal of two irrigation hydrants along J1 and the deadheading and capping of the underground pipes to ensure that no land application will be permitted within the easement area will be part of the site preparation of the DMS project preparation work. The limits of the riparian restoration areas will be surveyed post -planting and seeding, and the information will be provided in the As -Built report and plat. 4.2 Methods Riparian restoration activities along stream, ephemeral channel, and a viable ditch will be implemented to generate nutrient offset credits. All applicable areas were determined by the site viability assessment by DWR (Appendix A). 4.2.1 Riparian Restoration Activities — Streams and Ephemeras Riparian restoration activities will occur on stream and ephemeral channels as defined and described in the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n). Nutrient offset credits generated from riparian restoration activities will comply with the Nutrient Offset Trading Rule 15A NCAC 02b .0703. Restoration activities will include the planting of bare root plantings as described in Section 4.3. These restoration activities will begin along the boundary of the DMS project which ends at about 100 feet from the top of the proposed stream (J1) and ephemeral channel (D4) and extend outward to a maximum of 200 feet perpendicular to the stream channel. Restoration will occur where cropland is currently present (Figure 7) One of the reach, D4, is an ephemeral stream. As per the rule, ephemeral streams are natural channels with discernable banks observable within crenulations on a USGS 7.5-minute topographic map (Figure 8). The entire area proposed for riparian restoration to generate nutrient offset credit along D4 is located within the contributing drainage area to the ephemeral channel and is directly connected to a perennial reach downstream (Figure 3a and Figure 8). The channel will be contiguously contained within the conservation easement areas of the DMS Pickle Creek Project and the Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project. 4.2.2 Riparian Restoration Activities — Ditches The eastern easement section of the Project includes one ditch D2 (Figure 7). Ditch D2 is generating nutrient offset credit in accordance with the Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0703, and the DWR site viability assessment (Appendix A). Riparian restoration activities will occur as defined and described in the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n). The riparian restoration activities will include the planting of bare root trees as described in Section 4.3 and the other activities mentioned in 4.2.3. These restoration activities will begin from the tops of the ditch banks and extend outward to a maximum of 200 feet perpendicular to the ditch channel. All these riparian areas are currently cropland (Figure 3a and Figure 3b). Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 10 May 2022 4.2.3 Other Activities Other activities involved with the nutrient offset component of the Project include protecting the riparian areas through a permanent conservation easement, plugging and filling two small ditches that flow into D2 (Figure 7), removal of the most upstream culvert crossing on J1, removing localized areas of concentrated flow, stabilizing any banks that show instability, updating the Waste Utilization Plan to ensure removal of any area in conservation easement will not have any land application of waste, and removing two hydrants and the associated pipes that are used for land application for irrigation and fertilization (Figure 7). These activities will be completed during the Site Preparation stage. Upon approval of this project and finalization of the conservation easement, application of animal waste will not be permitted within a conservation easement or within riparian areas where nutrient offset credits are proposed to be generated (Figure 3b). All riparian areas proposed to be placed in a conservation easement will be removed from the Waste Utilization Plan. Written approval by DWR of any modification to the existing Waste Utilization will be received. Additionally, no infrastructure or impervious areas will remain above the ground within the riparian areas where nutrient offset is proposed. If any infrastructure is to remain in the ground, it will be capped and deadheaded so that there will be no possibility of any underground leakage if they are damaged by tree roots or other activities. This Project will be co -developed with a DMS buffer mitigation that will be contiguous with the boundaries of this project and includes some of the same features as this project. Therefore, riparian planting and site preparation activities will extend beyond the limits of this Project's boundaries to include the limits of the DMS full -delivery project. 4.3 Planting Plan All riparian restoration areas will be planted according to the planted area as shown on Figure 10. The planted area begins where the DMS easement ends along J1 and D4 and extends out to a maximum of 200 feet. D2 will be planted from the top of bank to a maximum of 200 feet. Bare root tree seedlings will be planted on a nine by six-foot spacing to achieve an initial density of approximately 800 trees per acre. Planting will occur in all areas proposed for nutrient offset and will meet the performance standards outlined in the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n). This includes planting at least four species of native hardwood bare root trees. The suite of bare root stems will be thoroughly mixed prior to planting to ensure maximum diversity throughout the planted areas. A Mixed-Mesic Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain subtype) (Schafale 2012) will be the target community type and will be used for all areas within the Project. This community composition is highly diverse and is suitable given the Project's soil and landscape characteristics and will provide water quality and ecological benefits. The initial planting of bare root trees will occur before Spring 2023. The list of bare root tree species to be planted and their percentage of total species composition can be found in Table 3. Please note that the real compositions of planted trees may differ from this proposed list due to availability; however, the procured trees will ideally be comprised of species from the list. With that said, the minimum number of unique species to be planted across the Project will be seven. Some areas in vicinity of forested areas may require maintenance due to the rapid regeneration of some species, such as red maple (Acer Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 11 May 2022 rubrum) and sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua). Additionally, where needed for bank stabilization, banks will be live staked with black willow (Salix nigra), and silky dogwood (Corpus amomum). Planting areas will also be seeded with an herbaceous seed mix to provide rapid herbaceous cover and promote immediate buffer effectiveness as well as habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. The seed blend will contain both temporary and permanent seed and will include taproot species. See Table 4 for the proposed herbaceous seed mix composition. The seed will be sown utilizing a no -till drill or broadcasted and disced depending on the seasonal conditions at the time of seeding. Table 3. Tree Planting List Bare Root Planting Tree Species Species Common Name Spacing Unit Type Canopy or Sub -canopy % Of Total Species Composition Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Betula nigra River birch 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus phellos Willow oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus nigra Water oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus rubra Northern red oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus shumardii Shumard's oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Quercus lyrata Overcup oak 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 10 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 9X6 Bare Root Sub -canopy 10 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash 9X6 Bare Root Canopy 5 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 9X6 Bare Root Sub -canopy 5 Table 4. Proposed Riparian Seed Mix Scientific Name Common Name Percent Composition Elymus virginicus Virgina Wild Rye 25% Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 25% Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem 10% Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 12 May 2022 Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis 10% Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem 10% Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 7% Heliopsis helianthoides Oxeye Sunflower 7% Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Milkweed 3% Helianthus angustifolius Narrowleaf Sunflower 3% 4.4 Easement Boundaries Easement boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the Project and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by marker, bollard, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by Project conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundaries will be marked with signs identifying the property as a mitigation project and will include the name of the long-term steward and a contact number. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. The easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities and the conditions as well as any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports to DWR. The easement boundary will be marked before the DWR site visit for the Task 2 credit release. This Project will be codeveloped with a DMS full -delivery buffer mitigation project as mentioned throughout this document and shown in figures. There will be a DMS conservation easement nested adjacent the boundaries of this Project that will also be marked appropriately. 4.5 Additional Documentation The landowner has two existing permits (AWS960127 and AW1960127) associated with the land application of animal waste within the proposed mitigation area. It was determined that 3.05 acres of Wettable Acres are within the proposed conservation easement and that there are two hydrants within the proposed easement area and some associated underground pipes that connect them to the main irrigation line. The Nutrient Management Plan and the Wettable Acres Determination for Jernigan Farms, AWS960127, was changed to reflect the removal of the acreage and infrastructure within the proposed Pickle Creek Phase 11 Nutrient Offset Project (along with the adjacent DMS Project). EBX consulted with the Engineer in the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section to ensure that these updates were adequate. The updated Waste Utilization Plan and email correspondence with the Engineer in the Animal Feeding Operations Program are provided in Appendix E. Documentation of DWR approval of these permit updates and renewals will be provided in the as -built report to confirm full compliance with the criteria listed in the site viability letter. EBX will confirm with DWR staff within the Certified Animal Feeding Operation Branch of the Water Quality Permitting Section to make sure all criteria are being met. 5 MONITORING PLAN 5.1 Monitoring Protocol and Performance Standards Annual vegetation monitoring and visual assessments will be conducted. Riparian vegetation monitoring where nutrient offset credits are being generated will be based on the "Carolina Vegetation Survey - Ecosystem Enhancement Program Protocol for Recording Vegetation: Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only Version Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 13 May 2022 4.2". Annual vegetation monitoring will occur each year for a minimum of five years and will be conducted during the fall season with the first year occurring at least 6 months from initial planting. Monitoring plots will be installed a minimum of 100 meters squared in size and will cover at least two percent of the planted mitigation area. The planted area is 10.23 acres, and there will be 9 vegetation plots measuring performance standards in all riparian restoration areas. These plots will be randomly placed throughout the planted riparian restoration area and will be representative of the riparian community (Figure 10). The following data will be recorded for all trees in the plots: species, height, planting date (or volunteer), and grid location. All stems in plots will be flagged with flagging tape. The measures of vegetative success for the Project will be the survival of at least four native hardwood tree species, where no one species is greater than 50 percent of stems, at a density of at least 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5. Native volunteer species may be included to meet the performance standards upon written approval by DWR. Invasive and noxious species will be monitored and treated so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the site. Photos will be taken from all photo points each monitoring year and provided in the annual reports. Visual inspections and photos will be taken to ensure that applicable areas are being maintained and compliant. A visual assessment of the conservation easement will also be performed each year to confirm: • Easement markers are in good condition throughout the site; • no encroachment has occurred; • no invasive species occur in areas were invasive species were treated, • diffuse flow is being maintained in the conservation easement areas; and • there has not been any cutting, clearing, filling, grading, or similar activities that would negatively affect the functioning of the buffer. A summary of project monitoring and maintenance activities can be found in Table 5. Table 5. Summary of Project Monitoring and Maintenance Activities Component/ Feature Monitoring Maintenance through project close-out Vegetation Annual vegetation monitoring Vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species shall be treated by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Vegetation maintenance activities will be documented and reported in annual monitoring reports. Vegetation maintenance will continue through the monitoring period. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 14 May 2022 Component/ Feature Monitoring Maintenance through project close-out Invasive and Nuisance Vegetation Visual Assessment Invasive and noxious species will be monitored and treated so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the Project. Locations of invasive and nuisance vegetation will be mapped. Project Boundary Visual Project boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear Assessment distinction between the mitigation project and adjacent properties. Boundaries will be marked with signs identifying the property as a mitigation project and will include the name of the long-term steward and a contact number. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by Project conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as - needed basis. Easement monitoring and staking/ signage maintenance will continue in perpetuity as a stewardship activity. 5.2 Adaptive Management Plan and Project Maintenance Adaptive measures will be developed, or appropriate remedial actions taken if in the event that the project, or a specific component of the project, fails to achieve the defined success criteria. Remedial actions will be designed to achieve the success criteria specified in this Plan, and will include identification of the causes of failure, remedial design approach, work schedule, and monitoring criteria that will consider physical and climatic conditions. Initial plant maintenance may include a one-time mowing, prior to initial planting to remove undesirable species. If mowing is deemed necessary by EBX during the monitoring period, EBX must first receive approval by DWR prior to any mowing activities to ensure that no buffer violations will be committed. Failure to receive approval to mow within the Neuse River buffer, as defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0714 by DWR, could result in Neuse River buffer violations and violations of the conservation easement. If necessary, RES will develop a species -specific control plan. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 15 May 2022 6 LONG TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN The long-term stewardship plan for the site entails that the Project would be transferred to an approved conservation easement holder. EBX intends to assign this conservation easement to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Stewardship program. The NCDEQ Stewardship program currently holds conservation easements for many North Carolina Division of Mitigation Service projects (like the paired project for Pickle Creek Phase II Project "Pickle Creek Buffer Mitigation Project (2021- 0348v2") and is working to get approved as a conservation easement holder for DWR. The adjacent nature of these projects makes NCDEQ a good fit to manage both easements. In the unexpected situation that they are not approved, EBX will transfer the conservation easement to another approved easement holder. Once approved, NCDEQ Stewardship Program would serve as the conservation easement holder and entity responsible for long term stewardship of the Project. This party would conduct periodic inspection of the Project to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld. The NCDEQ Stewardship Program is developing an endowment system within the non -reverting, interest -bearing Conservation Lands Conservation Fund Account. The use of funds from the Endowment Account will be governed by North Carolina General Statute GS 113A-232(d)(3). Interest gained by the endowment fund may be used for the purpose of stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable. EBX, LLC will have a backup, in case stewardship with NCDEQ falls through. An engagement letter is being prepared and will be included in Appendix C once it is obtained. The Stewardship Program will periodically install signage to identify boundary markings as needed. Any livestock or associated fencing or permanent crossings will be the responsibility of the owner of the underlying fee to maintain. 7 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE The Sponsor will provide financial assurances in the form of Performance Bonds sufficient to assure one hundred percent (100%) completion of all mitigation work, required reporting and monitoring, and any remedial work required. Financial assurances will be payable at the direction of the DWR to its designee or to a standby trust. Financial assurances structured to provide funds to the DWR in the event of default by the Bank Sponsor are not acceptable. The initial performance bond will be in the amount of at least $150,000 and shall be able to cover 100% of the costs associated with construction of the riparian restoration areas. The monitoring bond shall be in the amount of at least $100,000 and shall be able to cover 100% of the costs associated with the monitoring and maintenance of the riparian restoration areas for five years. Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed to cover the next years monitoring period, with confirmation of renewal provided to DWR with each annual monitoring report when applicable. DWR reserves the right to alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted without proof of bond renewals when applicable. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 16 May 2022 8 PROJECT'S CREDIT POTENTIAL This Project has the potential to generate up to 23,215.900 lbs. of N of nutrient offset mitigation credits within a 10.59-acre conservation easement as depicted in Figure 7. All nutrient offset credits will be derived from riparian restoration activities. The credits generated will service the Neuse 01 watershed, excluding the Falls Lake Watershed. Nutrient offset credits will be generated within the 100-200' riparian zones of features J1, and D4. The nutrient offset credits will be generated within the 0-200' riparian zones of D2. The total potential nutrient offset credits that the Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project will generate were calculated using the DWR "Project Credit Table Template (Updated October 2020)" and are presented in Table 6. Furthermore, Figure 9 depicts riparian zones of 50, 100, and 200 feet from stream and ditch tops of banks to demonstrate width requirements for crediting. These nutrient offset credits are neither convertible nor transferrable to riparian buffer credits. This is a nutrient offset only bank with a nutrient offset only MBI. There will be one credit ledger for the project: Nitrogen. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 17 May 2022 Table 6. Pickle Creek Phase 11 Nutrient Offset Project Credit Table Table 6. Pickle Creek Phase II, Project Credits Neu se 03020201 • Outside Falls Lake Project Area N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft'/pound( P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft'/poun ) 19.16394 N/A Credit Type Location Subject? center NO if ephemeral or ditch 'I Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min -Max Buffer Width (k) Feature Name Total Arm(ft2)Area Total (Creditable) of Buffer Mitigation (k') Initial Credit Ratio(x:1) %Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (.1)Buffer? Convertible to Riparian Riparian Buffer Credits Convertible to Nutrient Offset? Delivered Nutrient Off set: N(Ihs) Delivered Nutrient offset: P(Ihs( Nutrient Offset Rural Yes IJP Restoration 0-100 11 3,697 1 100% No — Yes 192.908 NutrientUffset Nural Yes I I P N25toran on 101-200 11 120,850 1 33% No — Yes 11,524.162 — NutrientOffset Rural No Ephemeral Restoration 0-100 D4 689 1 100% No — Yes 35.964 — NutrientOffset Rural No Ephemeral Restoration 101-200 D4 40,840 1 33% No — Yes 2,131.079 — NutrientOffset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0-100 D2 165,717 1 100% No — Yes 8,647.338 — NutrientOffset Rural No Ditch Restoration 161-200 D2 13,115 1 33% No — Yes 684.349 — Totals (ft2): Total Buffer (ft2): Total Nutrient Offset (ft2): 444,908 0 0.000 23,215.900 0.000 0 0 444,908 N/A Enter Preservation Credits Below Total Ephemeral Area (ft') for Credit: Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ft'): Total Eligible for Preservation (ft'): Credit Type Location subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Mitigation Totals Square Feet Restoration: 0 0.000 Enhancement: 0 0.000 Preservation: 0 0.000 Total Riparian Buffer: 0 D.000 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Nitrogen: 444 908 23,215.900 Nutrient Offset. Phosphorus: 0.000 Min.Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Preservation Area Subtotals (ft'): 1. The Randleman Lake buffer rules allow some ditches to be classified as subject according to 15A NCAC 0213.0250 (5)0). last updated 08/03/2020 0 0 0 AOfv/0! 0 0.0% Total (Creditable) Total Area (sf) Area for Buffer Mitigation (k') 0 0 Ephemeral Reaches as %TABM Preservation as %TABM Initial Credit Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit Final Credit Ratio(x:1) Riparian Buffer Credits Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 18 May 2022 9 REFERENCES Endangered Species Act of 1973. Public Law 93-205, 87 Stat. 884. 16 USC 1531-1543, Environmental Laboratory. (1987). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2018. FEMA Flood Map Service Center. North Carolina Panel 2602; map number 3720260200K, effective 6/20/2018. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934. Public Law 85-72, 79 Stat. 216. 16 USC 661-667(d). Lee, T.L, Peet, R.K., Roberts, S.D., and Wentworth, T.R. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2. National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended Section 106). 16 USC 470. 36 CFR 800, 23 CFR 771, 36 CFR 60, 36 CFR 63. NCDENR. 2010. "N.C. Wetland Assessment Method User Manual Version 4.1." N.C. Wetland Functional Assessment Team. NCDWQ (North Carolina Division of Water Quality). 2011. A Guide to Surface Freshwater Classifications in North Carolina. Raleigh. library/ get file?p I id=1169848&folderld=2209568&name=DLFE-35732.pdf; accessed April 2021. NCDWQ. (North Carolina Division of Water Quality). 2010. Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins. Version 4.11. Raleigh. NC Environmental Management Commission. 2014. Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 — Mitigation Program Requirements for the Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers. NC Environmental Management Commission. 2014. Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0703 — Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule NC Environmental Management Commission. 2020. Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0714 — Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy: Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers. NCNHP (North Carolina Natural Heritage Program). 2019. Natural Heritage Element Occurrences. April 2021 Resource Environmental Solutions. 2021 Pickle Creek Buffer Mitigation Plan. September 2021. Schafale, M.P. 2012. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR, Raleigh, NC. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 19 May 2022 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0), ed. J. S. Wakeley, R. W. Lichvar, and C. V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-10-20. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 1994. Soil Survey of Wayne County, North Carolina. USDA-NRCS. 2014. Web Soil Survey GIS Data.; accessed April 2021. USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 2015. Information, Planning, and Conservation (IPAC) Online Screening Tool.; accessed April 2021. Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Bank Parcel Development Package 20 May 2022 Figures Figure 1. Nutrient Offset Service Area Figure 2. Project Vicinity Figure 3a. Existing Conditions Figure 3b. Permitted Areas for Land Application Figure 4. Historical Imagery Figure 5. NRCS Mapped Soils Figure 6. Project Constraints Figure 7. Nutrient Offset Conceptual Design Plan Figure 8. USGS Quadrangle Figure 9. Riparian Zones Figure 10. Monitoring Plan F..lner Cre drnccr Gorman orrisville Fuquay-Va Duncan Anderson Creek Angier Buies Creek L ngton ac, Bunnlevel Linden Wilton Grissom Millbrook Raleigh Erwin Franklir'cn ke Forest Rolesville Knightdale se, Louisburg Wendell Auburn Archer Lodge White Oak Powhatan 42 Kenly Wilsons Mills ( ) White Level Castalia Justice ( Margaret Bunn Momeyer Spring Hope Daddysville C Middlesex Bailey Sims Willow Springs McGee Crossroads Plain View Four Oaks Peacocks Crossroads Spiveys r nrnar Legend Proposed Easement Neuse River Basin - 03020201 (Excluding Falls Lake Watershed) Draw JI M��s�►v�,fi/1 r�r 0 4 3 Mile Selma Smithfield Princeton Pickle Creek Phase II Mitigation Project Bentonville Grantham wton Grove 1n oads .3 Faison Keener Figure 1 Nutrient Offset Service Area Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Wayne County, North Carolina Date: 5/2/2022 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE Rosewood Hilliardston Nashville eville Golds Mar -Mac Brog der 1 inch = 8 mile Wilson New 1 Williams (5,1 res Restoring a resilient eor go G 5r Legend Proposed Bank Easement Proposed DMS Easement Shaav G`o.jeRd shed`I G(oVepd deo 4,0, Shady Grove9 Missionary Baptist MEI 1 Sutton's Radio9 & TV Services n a e ti Baker Chi 500 1,000 Figure 2 - Project Vicinity Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Date: 5/2/2022 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE ,fires Feet Wayne County, North Carolina 1 inch = 1,000 feet Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world ti ,. Croplar •• Q Existing Culverted ' ?C � 0, Crossing 0 x Ditch being filled Y ir' ♦ ..iii . s N 1 1., tit Pipeline for Irrigation Legend Proposed Bank Easement 10.59 ac „ t� ° i h- , � Proposed DMS Easement- 18.07 ac :x, - g' #," �r r r' , k i pw' d'ap �: Y 1 J{ f� 7 t4 Surveyed Project Parcel , ,",`<' Y, ^ E � ka ifsi '� � Existing Treeline 7, r ° ,, lin; , ' r Stream Determination gha+. P$ . .! , Perennial /i ,� , "."'" -- Intermittent �: � Ephemeral " ' ...,i / Ditch y t F �` P- Irrigation Pipe 1 Surveyed Powerline ® DWR Stream Origin K 0 Irrigation Hydrant 1 Figure 3a- Existing Conditions Date: 5/24/2022 ��1„�I:�711L I��i�� 1` Drawn b GDS ��*!0k 4;�.01� 01,, �'i Pickle Creek Phase II y res �r1i�t.11L� r��w� 0 250 Nutrient Offset Project Checked by: MDE Feet Wayne County,North Carolina 1 inch=500 feet Legend Proposed Bank Easement - 10.59 ac Proposed DMS Easement - 18.07 ac Surveyed Project Parcel 0 250 500 Feet Figure 3b - Permitted Areas for Land Application (Pre-2022) Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Wayne County, North Carolina Date: 5/2/2022 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: JRM 1 inch = 500 feet tf Y d Rood '; local; le res Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world 500 1,000 Feet Figure 4 - Historical Imagery Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Wayne County, North Carolina Date: 5/2/2022 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 1,000 feet ,fires Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world 250 500 Feet Figure 5 - NRCS Soil Survey (1974) Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Wayne County, North Carolina 1 inch = 500 feet A — ,fires Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world PF01A ) , f . tea' - .a,s t4AWfF i j,'Itk'! PFO4Ad ,a.` i, ,, 1)11' ... ; 1 Legend Proposed Bank Easement- 10.59 ac + Proposed DMS Easement- 18.07 ac Surveyed Project Parcel . , ,. �� f ,�, 0 9 J r ° NWI Wetland, USFWS 12/01/2021 � � �w;� ' " FEMA Zone AE(None) d " # t�P Irrigation Pipe - �� ,, .,, 1 s, , � ,.. , a:, PT,.;4 E �T Surveyed Powerline � ,a? 'd 9 G�.- Stream Determination �:": k�i � , 1-27 ,,„, , &g Perennial �` � ° = y Intermittent o Ephemeral ? : 1 A '. E r °� Pl,�� ' �R'�Ditch x w � � �, 'I s paEa r i ''0 Irrigation Hydrant %0° ,, ."' "";fr _ -'''..--1"' ..',''''.1.' ''''' t ® Irrigation Hydrant to be Removed1 ill r " Figure 6- Project Constraints g Date: 5/16/2022 ra:".I�'71�L =t4V Drawn b: GDS res t��!,��; ��� � �1 Pickle Creek Phase II y �r���t��1"L.I r��w� 0 250 see Nutrient Offset Project Checked by: MDE Feet Wayne County,North Carolina 1 inch=500 feet tip ' ^s ' - - s%'`'- - . m k' + 4.i Removing Two Irrigation Hydrants �.Via. :". � Ditch being filled x � a Remo: *E / x s; /A �pj:l� b� . ii! Legend • Proposed Bank Easement- 10.59 ac Proposed DMS Easement- 18.07 ac iin Surveyed Project Parcel , %r<, + a;;, r�r a• , �� 2i r -�+ s '.; ' ,, ° + �� Mitigation Approach ii. a ', ' , Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset " + �;e f ;,, i (0 100') :, a :1�,, �j Ri arian Restoration for Nutrient Offset fY (101-200') je R° i,4. Stream Type , \`---. .----'r gv° Perennial ,iX' r�"1,, { AJ i 7..7 s' 77 Intermittent ` a ' £ `f Bank stabilization will occur - Ephemeral $ ti f wherever is necessawry! ry during g r construction,via minor grading and Ditch ., + G,o, ` live staking z ' dye y. Figure 7- Nutrient Offset Conceptual Date: 5/24/2022 ** 7 ".N\ _ Design Plan `*'� ��►��r���i4`"r ` Pickle Creek Phase II Drawn by: GDS res r��w� 0 250 Nutrient Offset Project Checked by: MDE Feet Wayne County,North Carolina 1 inch=500 feet Proposed Easement J1 (123.61 ac) D2 (15.63 ac) D4 (7.66 ac) 1,000 2,000 Feet Figure 8 - USGS Quadrangle Mount Olive (1977) Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Wayne County, North Carolina Date: 5/2/2022 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 2,000 feet Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world f` �k �` , ; i „_ ,1 T ,a r ' r .. P3 N• a as c,,,g* . I N a '" �-- 3 7., F,S 1 " r3 .. a b Legend Proposed Easement- 10.59 ac Surveyed Project Parcel Stream Type Perennial ' 'r Intermittent - Ephemeral • a .! Ditch /� / / r Riparian Zone �. 50 .. 100 ik6 200i 'ry N Figure 9- Riparian Zones Date: 5/2/2022 +�„��.*��.,,.r��� w Drawn b: GDS res vi,„A �;�.41� � .� Pickle Creek Phase II y0"''�tirk 5 Nutrient Offset Project Checked by: MDE Vile 0 250 500 Wayne County, 1 inch=500 feet aesro, eo.rnr.omode,�wo,m Feet Y if, ' ° . gg 4 a a* .it = ^rf . rt -- .: , - - fir, �`4 I..'v �� ♦ F , Legend �`- �,'' .* �: Proposed Easement- 10.59 ac Surveyed Project Parcel Planted Area - 10.23 ac �R `+ p I Fixed Plot 4,:d'' r r _i;o ff�afi,itia ' Mitigation Approach ; i Nutrient Offset, (0-100') �; "' Nutrient Offset, (101 200') , L Stream Type ' � �� k ," ' Perennial 1 ���f` Intermittent �" " "t4 ,.a,i . Ephemeral Rom' � ,�; << Ditch ! , iti Figure 10- Monitoring Plan Date: 5/2/2022 f *�*�'71�L 1/��ii ::YDE ��� Nutrient Offset Project Feet 11 Wayne County,North Carolina 1 inch=soo feet Appendix A • Pickle Creek Phase II Project Site Viability Letter for Nutrient Offset DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B ROY COOPER Governor DIONNE DELLI-GATTI Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 10, 2021 DWR Project # 20210348 Wayne County Douglas Allen Jernigan 781 Thunder Swamp Road Mount Olive, NC 28365 (via email to Subject: On -Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0714) Project Name: Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Address / Location: North of Mount Olive, NC at approximately 35.2333 -78.1132 Determination Date: March 10, 2021 Staff: Rick Trone Mr. Jernigan, On March 10, 2021, Rick Trone of the Division of Water Resources conducted an on -site review of features located on the subject property at the request of Wildlands Engineering, Inc. to determine the applicability to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0714). The enclosed map(s) depict the feature(s) evaluated. This information is also summarized in the table below. Streams that are considered "Subject" have been located on the most recently published NRCS Soil Survey of Wayne County and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic (at 1:24,000 scale) map(s), have been located on the ground at the site, and possess characteristics that qualify them to be at least intermittent streams. Features that are considered "Not Subject" have been determined to not be at least intermittent or not present on the property or not depicted on the required maps. This determination only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. There may be other streams or features located on the property that do not appear on the maps referenced above. Any of the features on the site may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and subject to the Clean Water Act. The following table addresses the features rated during the DWR site visit: £ D_E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Wali� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B DWR # 20210348 Ver 1 Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County Page 2 Feature ID Type' Subject Start @ Stop @ Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS Togo J1 I/P X Approximately 35.230299 -78.104213 Outside project boundary X D1 D Approximately 35.231806 -78.103053 Feature J1 D2 D Approximately 35.233227 -78.105692 Feature J1 D3 E Approximately 35.232930 -78.109073 Feature J1 X D4 E Approximately 35.230988 -78.112210 Feature J1 X D5 D Approximately 35.233670 -78.109181 Feature J1 (1) E = Ephemeral, I = Intermittent, P = Perennial, NP = Not Present, NE=Not Evaluated, D = Ditch This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter to the Director in writing. If sending via U.S. Postal Service: If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 This determination is final and binding as detailed above unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) calendar days. This letter only addresses the features on the subject property and within the proposed project easement and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. If you have any additional questions or require additional information, please contact Rick Trone at (919) 707-3631 or This determination is subject to review as provided in Articles 3 & 4 of G.S. 150B. Sincerely, ,—DocuSigned by: P 1O0/10d `-949D91 BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Enclosures: USGS Topographical Map, NRCS Soil Survey, Site Map DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B DWR # 20210348 Ver 1 Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County Page 3 cc: Jamey McEachran, Resource Environmental Solutions (via email) 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch files DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B Map Provided by RES Exlatlng Crx Ing Legend Proposed DIIS Easement Proposed Bank Easement Powerirne Cross Section Location Stream Determination \_i Perennial Intermittent Dkch • DWR SrreamAssessment Location DWR # 20210348 Ver 1 Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County Page 4 Figure 3b - Existing Conditions Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County, North Carolina Det: 11132021 Gown by. GES Cracked h 1 Inch - 500 reel res DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County, NC-DWR Project # 20210348 J1: Subject D4: Not Subject D3: Not Subject NRCS Soil Survey Sheet 36 Wayne Co NC 1974 Legend: -project boundary :: Locations are approximate and are provided for refer- ence only :: r DocuSign Envelope ID: CF670CCO-1118-42C8-BF12-228F046E185B Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County, NC-DWR Project # 20210348 USGS Topographical Map Mount Olive Quadrangle Legend: -project boundary :: Locations are approximate and are provided for refer- ence only :: t DocuSign Envelope ID:218FA635-9EC4-4B08-A71 D-E99353DD98D3 __-tic STAT£ ,'",, �pP--oE h ROY COOPER 4'° a I Governor s�, li i Or DIONNE DELLI-GATTI ` ,z. , a= Secretory ' *E4tQ m�v '' S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality May 18,2021 Jamey McEachran Environmental Banc& Exchange, LLC (via electronic Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation&Nutrient Offset—Pickle Creek Site Near 35.2333, -78.1132 off Thunder Swamp Rd,Mt. Olive NC Neuse 03020201 Wayne County Dear Ms. McEachran, On March 15, 2021, Katie Merritt,with the Division of Water Resources (DWR),received a request from you on behalf of Environmental Banc&Exchange, LLC (EBX) for a site visit near the above- referenced site in the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset within a proposed Easement Boundary,which is more accurately shown in the attached maps labeled"Figure 3b-Existing Conditions" (Figure 1),prepared by EBX. On April 17, 2021,Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site and staff with EBX were also present. The site visit revealed the following site constraints: • UTILITIES: An overhead powerline was observed along feature J1. The utility line shall not be within a conservation easement or within riparian areas where buffer mitigation or nutrient offset credits are proposed to be generated. • PERMITS: An Animal Feeding Operation (AFO)permit is associated with this property. The permit associated with this property is#AWS960127 and allows for some or all the property to be used for the land application of animal waste per an approved Waste Utilization Plan issued by the DWR. o Application of animal waste will not be permitted within a conservation easement or within riparian areas where buffer mitigation or nutrient offset credits are proposed to be generated. o All riparian areas proposed to be placed in a conservation easement must be removed from the Waste Utilization Plan. o Written approval by DWR of any modification to the existing Waste Utilization Plan and/or the applicable permit will be required,to generate buffer mitigation or nutrient offset credits within these riparian areas. • EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE: Existing underground and above ground infrastructure is present and is likely for purposes of irrigating the property for the land application of animal waste associated with permit#AWS960127. DE Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources _ 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699 1617 NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality � 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 218FA635-9EC4-4B08-A71 D-E99353DD98D3 Pickle Creek Site Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC May 18, 2021 o No infrastructure or impervious areas below or above the ground will be allowed to be within a conservation easement or within riparian areas where buffer mitigation or nutrient offset credits are proposed to be generated. o Proof of the removal of all infrastructure within riparian areas proposed to be placed in a conservation easement will be required, to generate buffer mitigation or nutrient offset credits. o Changes to any infrastructure associated with permit # AW 1960127 will require prior approval from DWR if they result in a change in the irrigation system design for land application. Ms. Merritt's evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200' from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703. Feature Classification 1Subject 7Riparian Land uses Buffer 'Nutrient 4'5Mitiigatiion Type Determination w/in onsite to Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset riparian areas (0-200') Viable Viable Rule Jl Stream Yes A combination of non- forested agricultural fields and mature forest. (see map) There is a compromised culvert downstream below the confluence with D5 that needs to be repaired. 2Yes Yes (non- forested areas only) Non -forested areas - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) Forested Areas — Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5) D1 Ditch <3' depth No Non -forested agricultural fields *see note Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(8) *Buffer Mitigation Note — Assessment concludes the ditch meets 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(8) (A, B, C, D & E). More information is required to be provided in a mitigation plan for complete assessment. See rule. D2 Ditch >3' depth No Non -forested agricultural fields No Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) D3 Ephemeral No Non -forested agricultural fields 6Yes Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7) Must submit supporting documentation of additional requirements under .0295 (o)(7) to be viable for buffer mitigation D4 Ephemeral No Non -forested agricultural fields 6Yes Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7) Must submit supporting documentation of additional requirements under .0295 (o)(7) to be viable for buffer mitigation Page 2 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 218FA635-9EC4-4B08-A71 D-E99353DD98D3 Pickle Creek Site Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC May 18, 2021 Feature Classification 'Subject 'Riparian Land uses Buffer 'Nutrient 4'5Mitiigatiion Type Determination w/in onsite to Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset riparian areas (0-200') Viable Viable Rule D5 Ditch >3' depth No non -forested agricultural fields No Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) 'Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated March 10, 2021 (DWR# 2021-0348) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment 4Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). 7Landuses may also include the application of animal waste associated with an AFO permit Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure 1. The map representing the proposal for the site are attached to this letter and are initialed by Ms. Merritt on May 18, 2021. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary as well as site constraints identified on page 1 of this letter could affect the Site's potential to generate buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load -reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on May 18, 2023 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Page 3 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 218FA635-9EC4-4B08-A71 D-E99353DD98D3 Pickle Creek Site Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC May 18, 2021 Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, —DDocuSSiigned by: rR tt G 1O010 ® \-949D91 BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch P W/kym Attachments: Figure 3b - Existing Conditions (Figure 1) cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) DWR Animal Feeding Operations Branch — Ramesh Ravella DWR WaRO — David May Page 4 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 218FA635-9EC4-4B08-A71 D-E99353DD98D3 35.233670 -78.109181 Existing Crossing LJ Forested durin baseline 35.230988 -78.112210 Proposed Easement Powerline Cross Section Location Stream Determination Perennial os Intermittent Ephemeral 5/18/2021 Ditch • DWR Stream ID Assessment Location DWR Determined Feature Origin Location Hog Waste Irrigation Equipment s 250 500 Feet Figure 3b - Existing Conditions Pickle Creek Mitigation Project Wayne County, North Carolina 35.231806 -78.103053 35.230299 -78.104213 res Date: 3/18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 500 feet Appendix B • Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Site Protection Instrument RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE PERMANENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ("Conservation Easement") made this day of , 201_ by and between_ ("Grantor") and ("Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying and being in County, North Carolina, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"); WHEREAS, Grantee is a charitable, not -for -profit or educational corporation, association, or trust qualified under § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq., the purposes or powers of which include one or more of the purposes (a) — (d) listed below; (a) retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open -space aspects of real property; (b) ensuring the availability of real property for recreational, educational, or open -space use; (c) protecting natural resources; (d) maintaining or enhancing air or water quality. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation, scenic, natural, or aesthetic value of the property in its natural state, which includes the following natural communities: add or delete as appropriate: wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to maintain streams, wetlands and riparian resources and other natural values of approximately acres, more or less, and being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated fully herein by reference (the "Conservation Easement Area"), and prevent the use or development of the Conservation Easement Area for any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance of its natural condition. WHEREAS, the restoration, enhancement and preservation of the Conservation Easement Area is a condition of the approval of the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) and Mitigation Plan for the Mitigation Bank, Department of the Army (DA) Action ID Number SAW- , entitled "Agreement to Establish the Mitigation Bank in the River Basin within the State of North Carolina", to be made and entered into by and between acting as the Bank Sponsor and the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps), in consultation with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (IRT). The Mitigation Site has been approved by the Corps for use as a mitigation bank to compensate for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts authorized by DA permits. WHEREAS, the restoration, enhancement and preservation of the Conservation Easement Area is also a condition of the approval of the Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) and Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) for the Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank, North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Project ID# which was approved by the NCDWR, and will be made and entered into by and between , acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the NCDWR. The Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Site is intended to be used to compensate for riparian buffer and nutrient impacts to surface waters. WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee agree that third -party rights of enforcement shall be held by the NCDWR and the Corps (to include any successor agencies) ("Third - Parties"), and may be exercised through the appropriate enforcement agencies of the United States and the State of North Carolina, and that these rights are in addition to, and do not limit, the rights of enforcement under the NC DWR Project ID# _ and the Department of the Army instrument number SAW - ("Mitigation Banking Instrument"), or any permit or certification issued by the Third - Parties. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably grants and conveys unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Conservation Easement Area described on Exhibit B, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof, as follows: ARTICLE I. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. This Conservation Easement is an easement in gross, runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, Grantor's personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, lessees, agents and licensees. ARTICLE II. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Conservation Easement Area inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Conservation Easement Area shall be preserved in its natural condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any introduction of non-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited. B. Construction. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display,_antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Conservation Easement Area. C. Industrial, Commercial and Residential Use. Industrial, residential and/or commercial activities, including any rights of passage for such purposes are prohibited. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, animal husbandry, and horticultural use of the Conservation Easement Area are prohibited. E. Vegetation. There shall be no removal, burning, destruction, harming, cutting or mowing of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area except as provided in the Mitigation Plan and Bank Parcel Development Plan. Mowing of invasive and herbaceous vegetation for purposes of enhancing planted or volunteer trees and shrubs approved in the Mitigation Plan and BPDP is allowable once a year for no more than five consecutive years from the date on page 1 of this Conservation Easement, except where mowing will negatively impact vegetation or disturb soils. Mowing activities shall only be performed by and shall not violate any part of Item L of Article II. F. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails or walkways on the Conservation Easement Area; nor enlargement or modification to existing roads, trails or walkways. G. Signage. No signs shall be permitted on or over the Conservation Easement Area, except the posting of no trespassing signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Conservation Easement Area, signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Conservation Easement Area and/or signs identifying the Grantor as owner of the Conservation Easement Area. H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. I. Excavation, Dredging or Mineral Use. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Conservation Easement Area, except to restore natural topography or drainage patterns. For purposes of restoring and enhancing streams and wetlands within the Conservation Easement Area, is allowed to perform grading, filling, and excavation associated with stream and wetland restoration and enhancement activities as described in the Mitigation Plan and authorized by Department of the Army Nationwide Permit 27. J. Water Quality and Drainage Pattern. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. K. Development Rights. No development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. L. Vehicles. The operation of mechanized vehicles, including, but not limited to, motorcycles, dirt bikes, all -terrain vehicles, cars and trucks is prohibited other than for temporary or occasional access by the Enter Sponsor Name, the Grantee, its employees and agents, successors, assigns, NCDWR, and the Corps for purposes of constructing, maintaining and monitoring the restoration, enhancement and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area.. M. Other Prohibitions. Any other use of, or activity on, the Conservation Easement Area which is or may become inconsistent with the purposes of this grant, the preservation of the Conservation Easement Area substantially in its natural condition, or the protection of its environmental systems, is prohibited. ARTICLE III GRANTOR'S RESEVERED RIGHTS The Grantor expressly reserves for himself, his personal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns, the right to continue the use of the Conservation Easement Area for all purposes not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, including, but not limited to, the right to quiet enjoyment of the Conservation Easement Area, the rights of ingress and egress, the right to hunt, fish, and hike on the Conservation Easement Area, the right to sell, transfer, gift or otherwise convey the Conservation Easement Area, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of, and shall specifically reference, this Conservation Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing Restrictions, Grantor reserves for Grantor, its successors and assigns, including acting as the Bank Sponsor, the right to construct and perform activities related to the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of streams, wetlands and riparian areas within the Conservation Easement Area in accordance with the approved Mitigation Plan, the Bank Parcel Development Package, and the two Mitigation Banking Instruments described in the Recitals of this Conservation Easement. ARTICLE IV. GRANTEE'S RIGHTS The Grantee or its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, the Corps and NCDWR, shall have the right to enter the Property and Conservation Easement Area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the Conservation Easement Area to determine if the Grantor, or his personal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantee, Enter Sponsor Name, and its authorized representatives, successors and assigns, the Corps and NCDWR shall also have the right to enter and go upon the Conservation Easement Area for purposes of making scientific or educational observations and studies, and taking samples. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. ARTICLE V ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. To accomplish the purposes of this Easement, Grantee, the Corps, and NCDWR are allowed to prevent any activity on or use of the Conservation Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Conservation Easement Area thatmay be damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have 30 days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after 30 days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. The costs of a breach, correction or restoration, including the Grantee's expenses, court costs, and attorneys' fees, shall be paid by Grantor, provided Grantor is determined to be responsible for the breach. The Corps and the NCDWR shall have the same rights and privileges as the said Grantee to enforce the terms and conditions of this Conservation easement.. B. No failure on the part of the Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. C. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Conservation Easement Area resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Conservation Easement Area resulting from such causes. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS A. Warranty. Grantor warrants, covenants and represents that it owns the Property in fee simple, and that Grantor either owns all interests in the Property which may be impaired by the granting of this Conservation Easement or that there are no outstanding mortgages, tax liens, encumbrances, or other interests in the Property which have not been expressly subordinated to this Conservation Easement. Grantor further warrants that Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all the benefits derived from and arising out of this Conservation Easement, and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the Property against the claims of all persons._ B. Subsequent Transfers. The Grantor agrees to incorporate the terms of this Conservation Easement in any deed or other legal instrument that transfers any interest in all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area. The Grantor agrees to provide written notice of such transfer at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the transfer. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Conservation Easement Area or any portion thereof and shall not be amended, modified or terminated without the prior written consent and approval of the Corps. C. Assignment. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder pursuant to 33 CFR 332.7 (a)(1), N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 501 (c)(3) and § 170 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. D. Entire Agreement and Severability. The combined Mitigation Banking Instruments: MBI with corresponding Mitigation Plan, and MBI with corresponding BPDP, and this Conservation Easement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. E. Obligations of Ownership. Grantor is responsible for any real estate taxes, assessments, fees, or charges levied upon the Property. Grantor shall keep the Property free of any liens or other encumbrances for obligations incurred by Grantor. Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs or liability of any kind related to the ownership, operation, insurance, upkeep, or maintenance of the Property, except as expressly provided herein. Nothing herein shall relieve the Grantor of the obligation to comply with federal, state or local laws, regulations and permits that may apply to the exercise of the Reserved Rights. F. Long -Term Management. Grantor is responsible for all long-term management activities associated with fencing. These activities include the maintenance and/or replacement of fence structures to ensure the aquatic resource functions within the boundaries of the Protected Property are sustained. G. Extinguishment. In the event that changed conditions render impossible the continued use of the Conservation Easement Area for the conservation purposes, this Conservation Easement may only be extinguished, in whole or in part, by judicial proceeding. H. Eminent Domain. Whenever all or part of the Conservation Easement Area is taken in the exercise of eminent domain so as to substantially abrogate the Restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, Grantor and Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking, and all incidental and direct damages due to the taking. I. Proceeds. This Conservation Easement constitutes a real property interest immediately vested in Grantee. In the event that all or a portion of the Conservation Easement Area is sold, exchanged, or involuntarily converted following an extinguishment or the exercise of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to the fair market value of this Conservation Easement as determined at the time of the extinguishment or condemnation. J. Notification. Any notice, request for approval, or other communication required under this Conservation Easement shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses (or such address as may be hereafter specified by notice pursuant to this paragraph): To Grantor: [Name, address and fax number] To Grantee: [Name, address and fax number] To Saonsor: To the Corps: US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Regulatory Division 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 To NCDEQ -DWR: NCDEQ— Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 K. Failure of Grantee. If at any time Grantee is unable or fails to enforce this Conservation Easement, or if Grantee ceases to be a qualified grantee, and if within a reasonable period of time after the occurrence of one of these events Grantee fails to make an assignment pursuant to this Conservation Easement, then the Grantee's interest shall become vested in another qualified grantee in accordance with an appropriate proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction. L. Amendment. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in a writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the conservation purposes of this grant. M. Present Condition of the Conservation Easement Area. The wetlands, scenic, resource, environmental, and other natural characteristics of the Conservation Easement Area, and its current use and state of improvement, are described in Section of the Mitigation Plan,_prepared by Grantor and acknowledged by the Grantor and Grantee to be complete and accurate as of the date hereof. Both Grantor and Grantee have copies of this report. It will be used by the parties to assure that any future changes in the use of the Conservation Easement Area will be consistent with the terms of this Conservation Easement. However, this report is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence to establish the present condition of the Conservation Easement Area if there is a controversy over its use. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. [Signatures of the Grantor and Grantee in appropriate form] Appendix C • Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Categorical Exclusion Appendix A Categorical Exclusion Form for Division of Mitigation Services Projects Version 2 Note: Only Appendix A should to be submitted (along with any supporting documentation) as the environmental document. Part Project Name: 1: General Project Information Pickle Creek Buffer Mitigation Project County Name: Wayne County DMS Number: 100184 Project Sponsor: Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Project Contact Name: Jamey McEachran Project Contact Address: 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27612 Project Contact E-mail: DMS Project Mana • er: Lin Xu Project Description The Pickle Creek Buffer Mitigation Project encompasses 17.39 acres of a proposed conservation easement on one parcel in Wayne County, North Carolina. The Project will involve the restoration of 648,707 square feet of riparian buffer in the Neuse River watershed. For Official Use Only Reviewed By: 5/7/2021 L i vv X w Date DMS Project Manager Conditional Approved By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA ❑ Check this box if there are outstanding issues Final Approval By: 5-/0 —2 / Z4)-1-az lit/. U?24.u- Date For Division Administrator FHWA Part 2: All Projects Regulation/Question Response Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) 1. Is the project located in a CAMA county? ❑ Yes • No 2. Does the project involve ground -disturbing activities within a CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Has a CAMA permit been secured? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Has NCDCM agreed that the project is consistent with the NC Coastal Management Program? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1. Is this a "full -delivery" project? • Yes ❑ No 2. Has the zoning/land use of the subject property and adjacent properties ever been designated as commercial or industrial? ❑ Yes • No ❑ N/A 3. As a result of a limited Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? ❑ Yes • No ❑ N/A 4. As a result of a Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 5. As a result of a Phase II Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within the project area? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 6. Is there an approved hazardous mitigation plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) 1. Are there properties listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places in the project area? ❑ Yes • No 2. Does the project affect such properties and does the SHPO/THPO concur? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. If the effects are adverse, have they been resolved? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act) 1. Is this a "full -delivery" project? • Yes ❑ No 2. Does the project require the acquisition of real estate? • Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A 3. Was the property acquisition completed prior to the intent to use federal funds? ❑ Yes • No ❑ N/A 4. Has the owner of the property been informed: * prior to making an offer that the agency does not have condemnation authority; and * what the fair market value is believed to be? • Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Part 3: Ground -Disturbing Activities Regulation/Question Response American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) 1. Is the project located in a county claimed as "territory" by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians? ❑ Yes • No 2. Is the site of religious importance to American Indians? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Is the project listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Have the effects of the project on this site been considered? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Antiquities Act (AA) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands? ❑ Yes • No 2. Will there be loss or destruction of historic or prehistoric ruins, monuments or objects of antiquity? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) 1. Is the project located on federal or Indian lands (reservation)? ❑ Yes • No 2. Will there be a loss or destruction of archaeological resources? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Endangered Species Act (ESA) 1. Are federal Threatened and Endangered species and/or Designated Critical Habitat listed for the county? • Yes ❑ No 2. Is Designated Critical Habitat or suitable habitat present for listed species? ❑ Yes • No ❑ N/A 3. Are T&E species present or is the project being conducted in Designated Critical Habitat? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Is the project "likely to adversely affect" the specie and/or "likely to adversely modify" Designated Critical Habitat? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 5. Does the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries concur in the effects determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 6. Has the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries rendered a "jeopardy" determination? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Executive Order 13007 (Indian Sacred Sites) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands that are within a county claimed as "territory" by the EBCI? ❑ Yes • No 2. Has the EBCI indicated that Indian sacred sites may be impacted by the proposed project? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Have accommodations been made for access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) 1. Will real estate be acquired? • Yes ❑ No 2. Has NRCS determined that the project contains prime, unique, statewide or locally important farmland? • Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A 3. Has the completed Form AD-1006 been submitted to NRCS? • Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) 1. Will the project impound, divert, channel deepen, or otherwise control/modify any water body? ❑ Yes • No 2. Have the USFWS and the NCWRC been consulted? • Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (Section 6(fl) 1. Will the project require the conversion of such property to a use other than public, outdoor recreation? ❑ Yes • No 2. Has the NPS approved of the conversion? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Essential Fish Habitat) 1. Is the project located in an estuarine system? ❑ Yes • No 2. Is suitable habitat present for EFH-protected species? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 3. Is sufficient design information available to make a determination of the effect of the project on EFH? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 4. Will the project adversely affect EFH? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A 5. Has consultation with NOAA-Fisheries occurred? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) 1. Does the USFWS have any recommendations with the project relative to the MBTA? ❑ Yes • No 2. Have the USFWS recommendations been incorporated? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A Wilderness Act 1. Is the project in a Wilderness area? ❑ Yes • No 2. Has a special use permit and/or easement been obtained from the maintaining federal agency? ❑ Yes ❑ No • N/A United States Department of the Interior Project Name FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Date: 03/15/2021 Self -Certification Letter Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project Dear Applicant: Thank you for using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Raleigh Ecological Services online project review process. By printing this letter in conjunction with your project review package, you are certifying that you have completed the online project review process for the project named above in accordance with all instructions provided, using the best available information to reach your conclusions. This letter, and the enclosed project review package, completes the review of your project in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531-1544, 87 Stat. 884), as amended (ESA), and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668c, 54 Stat. 250), as amended (Eagle Act). This letter also provides information for your project review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347, 83 Stat. 852), as amended. A copy of this letter and the project review package must be submitted to this office for this certification to be valid. This letter and the project review package will be maintained in our records. The species conclusions table in the enclosed project review package summarizes your ESA and Eagle Act conclusions. Based on your analysis, mark all the determinations that apply: "no effect" determinations for proposed/listed species and/or proposed/designated critical habitat; and/or "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" determinations for proposed/listed species and/or proposed/designated critical habitat; and/or "may affect, likely to adversely affect" determination for the Northern long- eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) and relying on the findings of the January 5, 2016, Programmatic Biological Opinion for the Final 4(d) Rule on the Northern long-eared bat; n"no Eagle Act permit required" determinations for eagles. Applicant Page 2 We certify that use of the online project review process in strict accordance with the instructions provided as documented in the enclosed project review package results in reaching the appropriate determinations. Therefore, we concur with the "no effect" or "not likely to adversely affect" determinations for proposed and listed species and proposed and designated critical habitat; the "may affect" determination for Northern long-eared bat; and/or the "no Eagle Act permit required" determinations for eagles. Additional coordination with this office is not needed. Candidate species are not legally protected pursuant to the ESA. However, the Service encourages consideration of these species by avoiding adverse impacts to them. Please contact this office for additional coordination if your project action area contains candidate species. Should project plans change or if additional information on the distribution of proposed or listed species, proposed or designated critical habitat, or bald eagles becomes available, this determination may be reconsidered. This certification letter is valid for 1 year. Information about the online project review process including instructions, species information, and other information regarding project reviews within North Carolina is available at our website If you have any questions, you can write to us at or please contact Leigh Mann of this office at 919-856-4520, ext. 10. Sincerely, /s/Pete Benjamin Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor Raleigh Ecological Services Enclosures - project review package Species Conclusions Table Project Name: Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project Date: 03-15-2021 Species / Resource Name Conclusion ESA Section 7 / Eagle Act Determination Notes / Documentation Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No suitable habitat present No Effect Impacts to this species are not considered, as there will be no impact to existing vegetation. Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi No suitable habitat present No Effect None observed during site visits to project area. Carolina Madtom Noturus furiousus No suitable habitat present No Effect None were observed during site visits to project area Critical Habitat no critical habitat present No effect Bald Eagle unlikely to disturb nesting bald eagles No Eagle Act Permit Required Northern long-eared bat Suitable habitat present No Effect Impacts to this species are not considered, as there will be no impact to existing vegeation Acknowledgement: 1 agree that the above information about my proposed project is true. I used all of the provided resources to make an informed decision about impacts in the immediate and surrounding areas. Grayson Sanner, Ecologist I Signature /Title 03/15/2021 Date x United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2021-SLI-0719 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 Project Name: Pickle Creek February 19, 2021 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The species list generated pursuant to the information you provided identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 02/19/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 2 evaluation and can be found on our web page at Please check the web site often for updated information or changes If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan ( eagle_guidance.html). Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines ( for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers (e.g., cellular, digital television, radio, and emergency broadcast) can be found at: http://; http://; and towers/comtow.html. Not all Threatened and Endangered Species that occur in North Carolina are subject to section 7 consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, sea turtles,when in the water, and certain marine mammals are under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service. If your project occurs in marine, estuarine, or coastal river systems you should also contact the National Marine Fisheries Service, We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at 02/19/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 3 Attachment(s): • Official Species List 02/19/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 1 Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 02/19/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 2 Project Summary Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2021-SLI-0719 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 Project Name: Pickle Creek Project Type: LAND - RESTORATION / ENHANCEMENT Project Description: 17.48 acre easement in wayne county Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https://,-78.11418590666123,14z clickzo .1.2. 4 Counties: Wayne County, North Carolina 02/19/2021 Event Code: 04EN2000-2021-E-01553 3 Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 3 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesl, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. 1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: Amphibians NAME STATUS Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi There is proposed critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not available. Species profile: Endangered STATUS Proposed Threatened Fishes NAME STATUS Carolina Madtom Noturus furiosus Proposed There is proposed critical habitat for this species. The location of the critical habitat is not Endangered available. Species profile: Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. ■•■u■ •• • NC DEPARTMENT OF • Eamon NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ■■■■■ February 19, 2021 Matthew DeAngelo Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Pickle Creek Dear Matthew DeAngelo: Roy Cooper, Governor D. Reid Wilson, Secretary Walter Clark Director, Division of Land and WaterSlewardship NCNHDE-14006 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: rectory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or Federally - listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES C1 121 W. JONES STREET. RALEIGH, NC 27603 • 16S1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH. NC 27699 1 OFC 919.707.9120 • FAX 919.707.9121 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Pickle Creek February 19, 2021 NCNH DE-14006 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last sr Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group servation Occurrence Status tatus Rank Rank A Date Rank Freshwater Fish36884 Notropis chalybaeus Ironcolor Shiner 1961-06-12 H 4-Low Significantly G4 S2S3 Rare No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area No Managed Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/help. Data query generated on February 19, 2021; source: NCNHP, Q4 January 2021. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 3 February 19, 2021 ▪ Project Boundary ▪ Buffered Project Boundary NCNHDE-14006: Pickle Creek 1:22,743 O 0.175 0.35 0.7 mi ti O 0.3 0.6 1.2 km Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, Increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Page 3 of 3 fires March 18, 2021 Renee Gledhill -Earley North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4617 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Bellaire, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 Subject: Project Scoping for Pickle Creek Mitigation Project in Wayne County Dear Renee Gledhill -Earley, Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) requests review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to archaeological or cultural resources associated with a potential riparian buffer mitigation project named the Pickle Creek Mitigation Project. The Pickle Creek Project is comprised of a NC Division of Mitigation Services full -delivery project and a retail bank, as depicted in the attached figures. The projects have been identified by RES to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable riparian buffer impacts. The proposed projects present the opportunity to restore and protect in perpetuity, up to 17.39 acres (plus a potential add -on 5.38 acres) of riparian buffer in the Neuse River Basin. Restoration activies will involve removing one culvert crossing and planting native hardwood trees. Coordinates for the site are as follows: 35.2333, -78.1132. A review of the N.C. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) HPOWEB GIS Service database (; accessed August 20, 2020) was performed as part of the site due diligence evaluation to reveal any listed or potential eligible historic or archeological resources.The database revealed one listing within a 0.5-mile radius of the project area but should not be affected by construction activities. Land use around the project is row crop fields, confined animal feeding operations, and bottomland hardwood forest. We ask that you review this site based on the attached information to determine the presence of any historic properties and provide a comment response of your findings. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. You may return the comment to my attention at the address in the letterhead, or via email at Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Grayson Sanner l Ecologist I Attachments: Project Description, .KMZ file of project boundaries, Vicinity Map (Figure 1), USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2), Existing Conditions Map (Figure 3), Conceptual Plan Map (Figure 4) North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary D. Reid Wilson April 29, 2021 Grayson Sanner Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Re: Pickle Creek Mitigation Site, 35.2333, -78.1132, Wayne County, ER 21-0803 Dear Mr. Sanner: Thank you for your email of March 19, 2021, regarding the above -referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submittal and offer the following comments. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 fires March 18, 2021 Gabriela Garrison Eastern Piedmont Coordinator North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Sandhills Depot PO Box 149 Hoffman, NC 28347 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Bellaire, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 Subject: Project Scoping for Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project in Wayne County Dear Gabriela Garrison, The purpose of this letter is to request your review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to your office's purview for fish and wildlife associated with a potential buffer restoration project (figures with approximate property lines and areas of potential ground disturbance are enclosed). The Pickle Creek Project is comprised of a NC Division of Mitigation Services full -delivery project and a retail bank, as depicted in the attached figures. The Pickle Creek Project has been identified by Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable riparian buffer impacts. The proposed project presents the opportunity to restore and protect in perpetuity, up to 17.39 acres (plus a potential 5.38 acres) of riparian buffer in the Neuse River Basin. Coordinates for the site are as follows: 35.2333, -78.1132. The Project watershed is primarily a mix of row crop fields, confined animal feeding operations, and disturbed forest. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. You may return the comment to my attention at the address in the letterhead, or via email to Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Grayson Sanner l Ecologist I Attachments: Project Description, .KMZ of proposed project boundaries, Vicinity Map (Figure 1), USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2), Existing Conditions Map (Figure 3), Conceptual Plan Map (Figure 4) NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION Cameron Ingram, Executive Director April 8, 2021 Mr. Grayson Sanner Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Subject: Request for Environmental Information for the Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project, Wayne County, North Carolina. Mr. Sanner, Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the proposed project description. Comments are provided in accordance with certain provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667e) and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). In conjunction with the NC Division of Mitigation Services, Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC has identified and developed the Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project. The 17.39-acre site will restore and preserve riparian buffers in perpetuity. The project watershed consists of agriculture and forested lands, as well confined animal feeding operations. This site is located northwest of the intersection of Shady Grove and Thunder Swamp Roads, northwest of Mount Olive. The project area drains to Thunder Swamp in the Neuse River basin. Stream restoration projects often improve water quality and aquatic habitat. Establishing native, forested buffers in riparian areas will improve both aquatic and terrestrial habitats and provide a travel corridor for wildlife species. In addition to stringent best management practices for erosion and sediment control during construction, the NCWRC recommends the use of biodegradable and wildlife -friendly sediment and erosion control devices. Silt fencing, fiber rolls and/or other products should have loose -weave netting that is made of natural fiber materials with movable joints between the vertical and horizontal twines. Silt fencing and similar products that have been reinforced with plastic or metal mesh should be avoided as they impede the movement of terrestrial wildlife species. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs and clogging of gills. Only native vegetation should be installed onsite and any invasive plant species found in or near the project area should be removed and destroyed. Mailing Address: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission • 1701 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1701 Telephone: (919) 707-0010 • Page 2 April 8, 2021 Scoping — Pickle Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Project Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (910) 409-7350 or Sincerely, Gabriela Garrison Eastern Piedmont Habitat Conservation Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program Appendix D • Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Limited Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Pickle Creek 793 State Road 1117 Mount Olive, NC 28365 Inquiry Number: 6368113.2s February 16, 2021 The EDR Radius Map TM Report with GeoCheck® CE DR® 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 FORM-LBD-CCA TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary _ ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary_ 10 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum_ A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2020 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC6368113.2s Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA's Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments for Forestland or Rural Property (E 2247-16), the ASTM Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process (E 1528-14) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 793 STATE ROAD 1117 MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 COORDINATES Latitude (North): 35.2338300 - 35° 14' 1.78" Longitude (West): 78.1147830 - 78° 6' 53.21" Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 17 UTM X (Meters): 762573.2 UTM Y (Meters): 3902592.0 Elevation: 145 ft. above sea level USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property Map: 5947432 MOUNT OLIVE, NC Version Date: 2013 Northeast Map: 5948626 SOUTHWEST GOLDSBORO, NC Version Date: 2013 Southwest Map: 5947406 DOBBERSVILLE, NC Version Date: 2013 Northwest Map: 5947410 GRANTHAM, NC Version Date: 2013 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT Portions of Photo from: Source: 20141018 USDA TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 793 STATE ROAD 1117 MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS Al DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD AOP A2 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD AOP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ELEVATION DIRECTION Higher 1 ft. Higher 1 ft. 6368113.2s Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-VSQG RCRA - Very Small Quantity Generators (Formerly Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators) Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROLS Institutional Controls Sites List Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS Hazardous Substance Disposal Site State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS . Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF List of Solid Waste Facilities DEBRIS Solid Waste Active Disaster Debris Sites Listing OLI Old Landfill Inventory LCID Land -Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill Notifications State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LAST Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks LUST Regional UST Database INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUST TRUST State Trust Fund Database State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing UST Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database AST AST Database INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Projects Inventory ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWRCY Recycling Center Listing HIST LF Solid Waste Facility Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL Delisted National Clandestine Laboratory Register US CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS Spills Incident Listing IMD Incident Management Database SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch SPILLS 80 SPILLS 80 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA_ Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ROD Records Of Decision RMP Risk Management Plans RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP Potentially Responsible Parties PADS PCB Activity Database System ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE Steam -Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA_ Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES Mines Master Index File ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites ECHO Enforcement & Compliance History Information FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing AIRS Air Quality Permit Listing ASBESTOS ASBESTOS COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Sites DRYCLEANERS Drycleaning Sites Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing NPDES NPDES Facility Location Listing UIC Underground Injection Wells Listing MINES MRDS Mineral Resources Data System CCB Coal Ash Structural Fills (CCB) Listing SEPT HAULERS Permitted Septage Haulers Listing PCSRP Petroleum -Contaminated Soil Remediation Permits EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Other Ascertainable Records This listing includes animal operations that are required to be permitted by the state. A review of the AOP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/01/2020 has revealed that there are 2 AOP sites within approximately 0.001 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) Al 8 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD 0 - 1/8 (0.000 mi.) A2 8 TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There were no unmapped sites in this report. TC6368113.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 OVERVIEW MAP - 6368113.2S Target Property Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Sites at elevations lower than the target property Manufactured Gas Plants National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites VA 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles Indian Reservations BIA Power transmission lines Special Flood Hazard Area (1%) 0.20 Annual Chance Flood Hazard National Wetland Inventory State Wetlands Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Pickle Creek ADDRESS: 793 State Road 1117 Mount Olive NC 28365 LAT/LONG: 35.23383 / 78.114783 CLIENT: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC CONTACT: Grayson Sanner INQUIRY #: 6368113.2s DATE: February 16, 2021 9:05 am Copyrigh ,.g) 2021 EDR, Inc. (g? 2015 TomTom Rel. 2015. DETAIL MAP - 6368113.2S Target Property Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Sites at elevations lower than the target property Manufactured Gas Plants Sensitive Receptors National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites VA 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles Indian Reservations BIA Special Flood Hazard Area (1%) 0.20 Annual Chance Flood Hazard National Wetland Inventory State Wetlands Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Pickle Creek ADDRESS: 793 State Road 1117 Mount Olive NC 28365 LAT/LONG: 35.23383 / 78.114783 CLIENT: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC CONTACT: Grayson Sanner INQUIRY #: 6368113.2s DATE: February 16, 2021 9:06 am Copyright 2021 EDR, Inc. (g? 2015 TomTom Rel. 2015. MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database Search Distance Target Total (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SEMS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-SQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-VSQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DEBRIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 OLI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LCID 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 TC6368113.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database Search Distance Target Total (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LAST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST TRUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 AST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites SWRCY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HIST LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 IHS OPEN DUMPS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL US CDL Local Land Records LIENS 2 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 SPILLS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 IMD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 TC6368113.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database Search Distance Target Total (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted SPILLS 90 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 SPILLS 80 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US FIN ASSUR 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 EPA WATCH LIST 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 2020 COR ACTION 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 TSCA 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 SSTS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RMP 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 PRP 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 PADS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH DOE 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH EPA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 PCB TRANSFORMER 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RADINFO 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 DOT OPS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 INDIAN RESERV 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUSRAP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LEAD SMELTERS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 US AIRS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 US MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 ABANDONED MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FINDS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 DOCKET HWC 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 UXO 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ECHO 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 FUELS PROGRAM 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 AIRS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 ASBESTOS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DRYCLEANERS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 Financial Assurance 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 NPDES 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 UIC 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 AOP 0.001 2 NR NR NR NR 2 MINES MRDS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 CCB 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 TC6368113.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database SEPT HAULERS PCSRP Search Distance Target Total (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 EDR Hist Auto 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 EDR Hist Cleaner 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RGA LF 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RGA LUST 0.001 0 NR NR NR NR 0 - Totals -- 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC6368113.2s Page 7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Al < 1/8 1 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 163 ft. MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Site Database(s) EPA ID Number DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Site 1 of 2 in cluster A AOP: Permit Number: Name: Address: Address 2: City,State,Zip: Regional Office: Combined Owner: Regulated Operation: Permit Type: Regulated Activity: Allowable Count: Number Of Lagoons: Issued Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Latitude: Longitude: Permit Number: Name: Address: Address 2: City,State,Zip: Regional Office: Combined Owner: Regulated Operation: Permit Type: Regulated Activity: Allowable Count: Number Of Lagoons: Issued Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Latitude: Longitude: AW1960127 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD Not reported MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Washington Douglas Jernigan Swine Animal Individual State Swine - Feeder to Finish 20906 2 02/06/2015 02/06/2015 01/31/2020 35.230148 -78.098348 AW1960127 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD Not reported MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Washington Douglas Jernigan Swine Animal Individual State Swine - Wean to Feeder 4000 2 02/06/2015 02/06/2015 01/31/2020 35.230148 -78.098348 A2 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD < 1/8 MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 1 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 163 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster A AOP: Permit Number: Name: Address: Address 2: City,State,Zip: Regional Office: Combined Owner: Regulated Operation: Permit Type: Regulated Activity: AWS960127 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD Not reported MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Washington Douglas Jernigan Swine Swine State COC Swine - Feeder to Finish AOP S125964848 N/A AOP S125965055 N/A TC6368113.2s Page 8 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Site Database(s) EPA ID Number DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS (Continued) Allowable Count: Number Of Lagoons: Issued Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Latitude: Longitude: Permit Number: Name: Address: Address 2: City,State,Zip: Regional Office: Combined Owner: Regulated Operation: Permit Type: Regulated Activity: Allowable Count: Number Of Lagoons: Issued Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Latitude: Longitude: 20906 2 10/01/2019 10/01/2019 09/30/2024 35.230148 -78.098348 AWS960127 DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS 781 THUNDER SWAMP RD Not reported MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 Washington Douglas Jernigan Swine Swine State COC Swine - Wean to Feeder 4000 2 10/01/2019 10/01/2019 09/30/2024 35.230148 -78.098348 S125965055 TC6368113.2s Page 9 Count: 0 records. ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address NO SITES FOUND Zip Database(s) TC6368113.2s Page 10 GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS PICKLE CREEK 793 STATE ROAD 1117 MOUNT OLIVE, NC 28365 TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): Elevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Target Property Map: Version Date: Northeast Map: Version Date: 35.23383 - 35° 14' 1.79" 78.114783 - 78° 6' 53.22" Zone 17 762573.2 3902592.0 145 ft. above sea level 5947432 MOUNT OLIVE, NC 2013 5948626 SOUTHWEST GOLDSBORO, NC 2013 Southwest Map: 5947406 DOBBERSVILLE, NC Version Date: 2013 Northwest Map: 5947410 GRANTHAM, NC Version Date: 2013 EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components: 1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity. Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata. TC6368113.2s Page A-1 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site -specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General WNW SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES 0 w 0 w CA CA CA 0 — G— • ea— W V CAA OAi CA ▪ • V — A Vco —a North South TP . ro- W . - . - . co co N W W ✓ CA CO West Target Property Elevation: 145 ft. TP 0 1/2 East 1 Miles Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. TC6368113.2s Page A-2 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water). FEMA FLOOD ZONE Flood Plain Panel at Target Property FEMA Source Type 3720256400J FEMA FIRM Flood data Additional Panels in search area: FEMA Source Type 3720255400J FEMA FIRM Flood data 3720255300J FEMA FIRM Flood data 3720256300J FEMA FIRM Flood data NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Quad at Target Property MOUNT OLIVE HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION NWI Electronic Data Coverage YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. MAP ID Not Reported LOCATION FROM TP GENERAL DIRECTION GROUNDWATER FLOW TC6368113.2s Page A-3 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy -gravelly types of soils than silty -clayey types of soils. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Era: Mesozoic Category: Stratified Sequence System: Cretaceous Series: Washita Group Code: IK3 (decoded above as Era, System & Series) Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. Soil Component Name: NORFOLK Soil Surface Texture: loamy sand Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Well drained. Soils have intermediate water holding capacity. Depth to water table is more than 6 feet. Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: MODERATE Depth to Bedrock Min: > 60 inches Depth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inches TC6368113.2s Page A-4 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Permeability Rate (in/hr) Soil Reaction (pH) 1 0 inches 14 inches loamy sand Granular materials (35 pct. or less passing No. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. COARSE -GRAINED SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. Max: 20.00 Min: 6.00 Max: 6.00 Min: 3.60 2 14 inches 38 inches sandy loam Granular materials (35 pct. or less passing No. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. COARSE -GRAINED SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Clayey sand. Max: 2.00 Min: 0.60 Max: 5.50 Min: 3.60 3 38 inches 70 inches sandy clay loam Silt -Clay Materials (more than 35 pct. passing No. 200), Silty Soils. COARSE -GRAINED SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Clayey sand. Max: 2.00 Min: 0.60 Max: 5.50 Min: 3.60 4 70 inches 99 inches variable Not reported Not reported Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may appear within the general area of target property. Soil Surface Textures: Surficial Soil Types: Shallow Soil Types: Deeper Soil Types: sandy loam loam mucky - loam sandy loam loam mucky - loam fine sandy loam sandy clay loam clay loam sandy clay loam stratified sandy clay TC6368113.2s Page A-5 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) Federal USGS Federal FRDS PWS State Database 1.000 Nearest PWS within 1 mile 1.000 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID No Wells Found FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID 1 LOCATION FROM TP LOCATION FROM TP NC0496493 1/2 - 1 Mile ENE Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID No Wells Found LOCATION FROM TP TC6368113.2s Page A-6 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP - 6368113.2s ®o®OZZ� County Boundary Major Roads Contour Lines Earthquake epicenter, Richter 5 or greater Water Wells Public Water Supply Wells Cluster of Multiple Icons 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles f Groundwater Flow Direction —) Indeterminate Groundwater Flow at Location (—) Groundwater Flow Varies at Location /1 Wildlife Areas Natural Areas Rare & Endangered Species SITE NAME: Pickle Creek ADDRESS: 793 State Road 1117 Mount Olive NC 28365 LAT/LONG: 35.23383 / 78.114783 CLIENT: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC CONTACT: Grayson Sanner INQUIRY #: 6368113.2s DATE: February 16, 2021 9:07 am Copyrigh ,.g) 2021 EDR, Inc. (g? 2015 TomTom Rel. 2015. GEOCHECK®- PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number 1 ENE 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower FRDS PWS NC0496493 Epa region: 04 State: NC Pwsid: NC0496493 Pwsname: ROUSES GRILL Cityserved: Not Reported Stateserved: NC Zipserved: Not Reported Fipscounty: 37191 Status: Closed Retpopsrvd: 50 Pwssvcconn: 1 Psource longname: Groundwater Pwstype: TNCWS Owner: Private Contact: LONNIE ROUSE OR MGR Contactorgname: Not Reported Contactphone: Not Reported Contactaddressl: Not Reported Contactaddress2: Not Reported Contactcity: SEVEN SPRINGS Contactstate: NC Contactzip: 27530 Pwsactivitycode: I PWS ID: NC0496493 PWS type: System Owner/Responsible Party PWS name: LONNIE ROUSE OR MGR PWS address: Not Reported PWS city: SEVEN SPRINGS PWS state: NC PWS zip: 27530 PWS ID: NC0496493 PWS type: System Owner/Responsible Party PWS name: LONNIE ROUSE PWS address: Not Reported PWS city: SEVEN SPRINGS PWS state: NC PWS zip: 27530 PWS ID: NC0496493 Activity status: Active Date system activated: 8206 Date system deactivated: Not Reported Retail population: 00000050 System name: ROUSES GRILL System address: Not Reported System city: SEVEN SPRINGS System state: NC System zip: 27530 County FIPS: 096 City served: SEVEN SPRINGS Population served: Under 101 Persons Treatment: Untreated Latitude: 351337 Longitude: 0775049 Latitude: 351422 Longitude: 0780615 TC6368113.2s Page A-8 GEOCHECK®- PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON AREA RADON INFORMATION State Database: NC Radon Radon Test Results Num Results Avg pCi/L Min pCi/L Max pCi/L 1 0.30 0.3 0.3 Federal EPA Radon Zone for WAYNE County: 3 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. Federal Area Radon Information for WAYNE COUNTY, NC Number of sites tested: 2 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L Living Area - 1st Floor 0.300 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Living Area - 2nd Floor Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Basement Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported TC6368113.2s Page A-9 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data was obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. It includes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data and Q3 data from FEMA in areas not covered by NFHL. Source: FEMA Telephone: 877-336-2627 Date of Government Version: 2003, 2015 NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service Telephone: 703-358-2171 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOWR Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC6368113.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919 -715 -3243 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION North Carolina Wildlife Resources/Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps. NC Natural Heritage Sites: Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Sites Source: Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A point coverage identifying locations of rare and endangered species, occurrences of exemplary or unique natural ecosystems (terrestrial or aquatic), and special animal habitats (e.g., colonial waterbird nesting sites). NC Natural Areas: Significant Natural Heritage Areas Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A polygon converage identifying sites (terrestrial or aquatic) that have particular biodiversity significance. A site's significance may be due to the presenceof rare species, rare or high quality natural communities, or other important ecological features. RADON State Database: NC Radon Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4984 Radon Statistical and Non Statiscal Data Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC6368113.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR's Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC6368113.2s Page PSGR-3 Appendix E • Pickle Creek Phase II Nutrient Offset Project Waste Utilization Plan and Supporting Material Nutrient iliinagem t t i:,yin For Animal Waste Utilization 09-27-2021 This plan has been prepared for: .Ier)liguu Fcrr,ri., Dotrg.1Crl7i an -7157 7lrturderstramp Ruud .11r,rrr]t Olirc. NC 28365 9/9-6.5Ps' \"2+9 This plan has been developed by: Ronnie G. liennech'.Ir. .d gr•imc'nt Services. lac. PO Box 1096 fletrhaville , ( 28518 2577568r . .Y Devclopr :fit, ta*r [are Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement 1 (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste management that arc included with this plan ttu•e (own Signature (manager or producer) 727 Date . Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water C - 'c n Commission. Plan Approved By: 040162 Technical Spc Database abase Version 4.1 Date Printcd: 09-17_1011 Cover Page I Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S5 Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid waste generated 764,000 gals/year by a 4,000 animal Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of approximately 180 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 1377 Incorporated 1653 Injected 1653 Irrigated 1377 Max. Avail. PAN (lbs)* Actual PAN Applied (lbs) PAN Surplus/ Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 1,377 10036 -8,659 5,567,624 -4,803,624 Year 2 1,377 10539 -9,162 5,846,545 -5,082,545 S7 Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Liquid waste generated 19,379,860 gals/year by a 20,906 animal Swine Finishing Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of approximately 180 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 34933 Incorporated 41919 Injected 41919 Irrigated 34933 Max. Avail. PAN (lbs)* Actual PAN Applied (Ibs) PAN Surplus/ Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 34,933 43519 -8,586 24,207,399 -4,827,539 Year 2 34,933 46355 -11,422 25,742,704 -6,362,844 Note: In source ID, S means standard source, U means user defined source. * Max. Available PAN is calculated on the basis of the actual application method(s) identified in the plan for this source. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Source Page I of 1 Narrative 9/27/202 I This plan is to update wettable acres to reflect the recalculation of pulls due to the addition of easements for the Pickle Creek Mitigation Project. 1/22/2013 This combination swine plan is based on historical yields established by Max Safley in 1997, Ronnie Kennedy in 2008, and Glenn Clifton plan done 1/30/2006. This plan should act as an emergency back-up conventional type plan in case of failure from the innovative waste system currently operating at the Jernigan Farm. This plan should act as basis and back up for combining 96-158 and 96-127. Due to the deficit noted in year two of this plan it is permissible for Mr. Jernigan too have cotton replace corn in that year on 1/4 of the total cropland in this plan. When used cotton will have an agronomic rate of 70 pounds/nitrogen/per/acre and the application windows will be March 15th - August 1. Oats may replace the wheat crop at the owner's discretion and keep the same agronomic rate however the application window will be reduced by 15 days and end at April I5th. Pulls 1 and 2 on Tract 1240 have been eliminated due to innovative waste system. Field ALT has been added as a backup field the agronomic rate shalll be 108 pounds per/acre and may be an energy grass crop or other summer annual as needed if waste management system returns to conventional agronomic and hydraulic rates. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Narrative Page 1 of 1 The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in this plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crop in the plan. In addition, the Leaching Index for each field is shown, where available. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres Leaching Index (LI) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 1240 1 3.55 3.55 N/A Norfolk Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 6.5 Tons 1240 10 4.57 4.57 N/A Kcnansvillc Corn, Grain 80 bu. Wheat, Grain 35 hu. Soybcans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1240 11-24 40.02 40.02 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1240 25 4.95 4.95 N/A Kenansville Corn, Grain 80 bu. Wheat, Grain 35 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1240 26 4.96 4.96 N/A Kcnansvillc Corn, Grain 80 bu. Wheat, Grain 35 hit. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1240 27 4.48 4.48 N/A Rains Corn, Grain 125 bu. Wheat, Grain 55 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 37 bu. 1240 28 2.26 2.26 N/A Kenansville Com, Grain 80 bu. ' Wheat, Grain 35 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1240 29-33 15.74 15.74 N/A Kenansville Com, Grain 80 bu. Wheal, Grain 35 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1240 34-35 6.36 6.36 N/A Rains Corn, Grain 125 bu. Wheat, Grain 55 hu. Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 37 bu. 1240 36 2.63 2.63 N/A Rains Corn, Grain 125 bu. Wheat, Grain 55 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 37 bu. 1240 37 1.85 1.85 N/A Norfolk Corn, Grain 115 bu. Wheat, Grain 60 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed 9/27/2021 PCS Page 1 of 3 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres Leaching Index (LI) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 1240 38-39 6.51 6.51 N/A Lynchburg Corn, Grain 125 bu. Wheat, Grain 55 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 39 hu. 1240 4 4.97 4.97 N/A Wagram Corn, Grain 75 bu. Wheat, Grain 40 bu. Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 23 bu. 1240 42-45 15.28 15.28 N/A Wagram Corn, Grain 75 bu. Wheat, Grain 40 bu. Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 23 bu. 1240 46-51 25.77 25.77 N/A Goldsboro Corn, Grain 130 bu. Wheat, Grain 65 bu. Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 38 bu. 1240 5 4.71 4.71 N/A Wagram Corn, Grain 75 hu. Wheat, Grain 40 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 23 bu. 1240 52-57 18.64 18.64 N/A Wagram Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bcrmudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1240 6 4.70 4.70 N/A Norfolk Com, Grain 115 bu. Wheat, Grain 60 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 1240 7 4.67 4.67 N/A Norfolk Com, Grain 115 bu. Wheat, Grain 60 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 1240 8 3.23 3.23 N/A Norfolk Corn, Grain 115 bu. Wheat, Grain 60 bu. Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 35 bu. 1240 9 4.30 4.30 N/A Kenansville Corn, Grain 80 bu. Wheat, Grain 35 bu. Soybeans, Manurcd. Double Crop 25 bu. 1829 1 1.26 1.26 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1829 2 17.10 17.10 N/A Kenansville Com, Grain 80 bu. Wheat, Grain 35 bu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 1829 3 4.52 4.52 N/A Rains Corn, Grain 125 bu. 940162 Database Version 4.1 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. Date Printed 9/27/2021 PCS Page 2 of 3 Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres Leaching Index (LI) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE Wheat, Grain 55 hu. Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 37 bu. 1829 4 12.71 12.71 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1835 IA 5.97 5.97 N/A Kcnansvillc Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1835 I B 3.32 3.32 N/A Kcnansvillc Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bcrmudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1835 2A 4.52 4.52 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Oversced 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1835 2B 2.83 2.83 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Overseed I.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 1835 3 4.13 4.13 N/A Kenansville Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons SA Alternate 45.00 45.00 N/A Kenansville Sorghum -Sudan Hay 4.4 Tons PLAN TOTALS: 285.51 285.51 LI Potential Leaching Technical Guidance 2 Low potential to contribute to soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. None >= 2 & <= 10 Moderate potential to contribute to soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. > 10 High potential to contribute to soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that improve the soils available water holding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency should be considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients. Sod -Based Rotations (328). Long -Term No -Till (778). and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). 940162 Database Version 4.1 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. Date Printed 9/27/202I PCS Page 3 of 3 The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields ofthe crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutrient uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Waste Utilization Table Year 1 Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Usc. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Period Nitrogen PA Nutrient Rogd (lbs/A) Cum. Fen. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA NutrienLA pplied (Ibs/A) Liquid ManureP pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Manur Applied (Field) N N N N 10(10 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1240 1 S7 Norfolk 3.55 3.55 Small Grain Owl -seed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 98.47 0.00 1240 1 S7 Norfolk 3.55 3.55 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 6.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 222 0 0 Irrig. 222 123.16 0.00 437.22 0.00 1240 10 S7 Kenansvillc 4.57 4.57 Corn, Grain 80 bu. 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78 43.27 0.00 197.76 0.00 1240 10 S7 Kenansville 4.57 4.57 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 brig. 41 22.47 0.00 102.68 0.00 1240 11-24 S7 Kenansvillc 40.02 40.02 Small Grain Ovcrsccd I.0Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 1,110.11 0.00 1240 11-24 S7 Kenansvillc 40.02 40.02 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 4,484.86 0.00 1240 25 S7 Kenansvillc 4.95 4.95 Corn, Grain 80 bu. 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78 43.27 0.00 214.20 0.00 1240 25 S7 Kenansville 4.95 4.95 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 111.22 0.00 1240 26 S7 Kenansvillc 4.96 4.96 Corn. Grain 80 bu. 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78 43.27 0.00 214.63 0.00 1240 26 S7 Kcnansville 4.96 4.96 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 lrrig. 41 22.47 0.00 111.44 0.00 1240 27 S7 Rains 4.48 4.48 Com, Grain 125 bu. 2/15-6/30 135 0 20 Irrig. 115 63.80 0.00 285.82 0.00 1240 27 S7 Rains 4.48 4.48 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 131.73 0.00 1240 28 S7 Kenansville 2.26 2.26 Com, Grain 80 bu. r 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78, 43.27 0.00, 97.80 0.00, 1240 28 S7 Kenansvillc 2.26 2.26 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/14/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 50.78 0.00 1240 29-33 S7 Kenansvillc 15.74 15.74 Corn, Grain 80 bu. r 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 lrrig. 78 43.27 0.00 681.11 0.00 1240 29-33 S7 Kenansville 15.74 15.74 Wheat. Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 353.66 0.00 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 1 of 7 Year 1 Waste Utilization Table Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Period Nitrogen PA Nutrient Req'd (Ibs/A) Cam Fen. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA NutrientA pplied (lbs/A) Liquid ManureP pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Mania - Applied (Field) N N N N IOW gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1240 34-35 S7 Rains 6.36 6.36 Com, Grain 125 bu. 2/15-6/30 135 0 20 Irrig. 115 63.80 0.00 405.77 0.00 1240 - 34-35 S7 Rains 6.36 6.36 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 187.01 0.00 1240 36 S7 Rains 2.63 2.63 Corn, Grain 125 bu. 2/15-6/30 135 0 20 Irrig. 115 63.80 0.00 167.79 0.00 1240 36 S7 Rains 2.63 2.63 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/14/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 77.33 0.00 1240 37 S7 Norfolk 1.85 1.85 Corn, Grain 115 bu. 2/15-6/30 131 0 20 Irrig. 111 61.58 0.00 113.92 0.00 1240 37 S7 Norfolk 1.85 1.85 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 64.15 0.00 1240 38-39 S7 Lynchburg 6.51 6.51 Com, Grain 125 bu. 2/15-6/30 135 0 20 Irrig. 115 63.80 0.00 415.34 0.00 1240 38-39 S7 Lynchburg 6.51 6.51 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 191.42 0.00 1240 4 S7 Wagram 4.97 4.97 Corn, Grain 75 bu. 2/15-6/30 92 0 20 Irrig. 72 39.94 0.00 198.52 0.00 1240 4 S7 Wagram 4.97 4.97 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 38.70 0.00 192.32 0.00 1240 42-45 S7 Wagram 15.28 15.28 Com, Grain 75 bu. 2/15-6/30 92 0 20 Irrig. 72 39.94 0.00 610.35 0.00 1240 42-45 S7 Wagram 15.28 15.28 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 25.80 0.00 394.18 0.00 1240 46-51 S7 Goldsboro 25.77 25.77 Corn, Grain 130 bu. 2/15-6/30 148 0 20 Irrig. 128 71.01 0.00 1,829.97 0.00 1240 46-51 S7 Goldsboro 25.77 25.77 Wheat, Grain 65 bu. 9/1-4/30 136 0 0 brig. 68 37.73 0.00 972.17 0.00 1240 5 S7 Wagram 4.71 4.71 Corn, Grain 75 bu. 2/15-6/30 92 0 20 ]trig. 72 39.94 0.00 188.14 0.00 1240 5 S7 Wagram 4.71 4.71 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 25.80 0.00 121.51 0.00 1240 52-57 S7 Wagram 18.64 18.64 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 517.05 0.00 1240 52-57 S7 Wagram 18.64 18.64 Hybrid Bcrmudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 2,088.90 0.00 1240 6 S7 Norfolk 4.70 4.70 Com, Grain 115 bu. 2/15-6/30 131 0 20 Irrig. 1 1 I 61.58 0.00 289.43 0.00 1240 6 S7 Norfolk 4.70 4.70 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 162.97 0.00 1240 7 S7 Norfolk 4.67 4.67 Com, Grain 115 bu. 2/15-6/30 131 0 20 Irrig. 111 61.58 0.00 287.58 0.00 1240 7 S7 Norfolk 4.67 4.67 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 161.93 0.00 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 2 of 7 Year 1 Waste Utilization Table Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Period Nitrogen PA Nutrient Req'd (lbs/A) Comm Fen. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (Ibs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA NutricnLP pplied (Ibs/A) Liquid Manure/5 pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Maw Applied (Fiell) N N N N I000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1240 8 S7 Norfolk 3.23 3.23 Corn, Grain 115 bu. 2/15-6/30 131 0 20 Irrig. I 1 I 61.58 0.00 198.91 0.00 1240 8 S7 Norfolk 3.23 3.23 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 112.00 0.00 1240 9 S7 Kcnansville 4.30 4.30 Corn, Grain 80 bu. 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78 43.27 0.00 186.07 0.00 1240 9 S7 Kenansville 4.30 4.30 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 96.62 0.00 1829 1 S5 Kenansvillc 1.26 1.26 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 34.95 0.00 1829 1 S5 Kcnansville 1.26 1.26 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 141.20 0.00 1829 2 S5 Kcnansville 17.10 17.10 Corn, Grain 80 bu. 2/15-6/30 98 0 20 Irrig. 78 43.27 0.00 739.96 0.00 1829 2 S5 Kcnansville 17.10 17.10 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 384.21 0.00 1829 3 S5 Rains 4.52 4.52 Corn, Grain 125 bu. 2/15-6/30 135 0 20 Irrig. 115 63.80 0.00 288.37 0.00 1829 3 S5 Rains 4.52 4.52 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 132.90 0.00 1829 4 S5 Kenansvillc 12.71 12.71 Small Grain Ovcrsced 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 352.56 0.00 1829 4 S5 Kenansville 12.71 12.71 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 1,424.35 0.00 1835 IA S5 Kenansville 5.97 5.97 Small Grain Ovcrsccd 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1835 IA S5 Kcnansvillc 5.97 5.97 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1835 I B S5 Kenansville 3.32 3.32 Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 92.09 0.00 1835 1B S5 Kcnansville 3.32 3.32 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 372.06 0.00 1835 2A S5 Kenansvillc 4.52 4.52 Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 125.38 0.00 1835 2A S5 Kenansvillc 4.52 4.52 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 506.54 0.00 1835 2B S5 Kenansville 2.83 2.83 Small Grain Oversced 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 78.50 0.00 1835 2B S5 Kenansvillc 2.83 2.83 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07, 0.00 317.15 0.00 1835 3 S5 Kenansville 4.13 4.13 Small Grain Ovcrsced 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 114.56 0.00 1835 3 S5 Kcnansville 4.13 4.13 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 462.83 0.00 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 3 of 7 Year 1 Waste Utilization Table Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Pericd Nitrogen PA Nutrient Regd (Ibs/A) Cantu Fen. Nutrient Applied (Ibs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA NutrientA pplied (Ibs/A) Liquid Manure pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Manur Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons SA Alternate S7 Kenansville 45.00 45.00 Sorghum -Sudan Hay 4.4 Tons 3/15-8/31 237 0 25 Irrig. 212 117.61 0.00 5,292.59 0.00 Total Applied, 1000 gallons 29,775.02 Total Produced, 1000 gallons 20,143.86 Balance, 1000 gallons -9,631.16 Total Applied, tons 0.00 Total Produced, tons 0.00 Balance, tons 0.00 Notes: 1. In the tract column, — symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 4 of 7 Year 2 Waste Utilization Table Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Period Nitrogen PA Nutrient Req'd (Ibs/A) Carnal Fert. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA NutrientA pplied (lbs/A) Liquid Manure, pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Manur Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1240 I S7 Norfolk 3.55 3.55 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons I0/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 98.47 0.00 1240 1 S7 Norfolk 3.55 3.55 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 6.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 222 0 0 Irrig. 222 123.16 0.00 437.22 0.00 1240 10 S7 Kenansvillc 4.57 4.57 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 102.68 0.00 1240 10 S7 Kenansvillc 4.57 4.57 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 253.53 0.00 1240 11-24 S7 Kenansville 40.02 40.02 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 1,110.11 0.00 1240 11-24 S7 Kenansville 40.02 40.02 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 4,484.86 0.00 1240 25 S7 Kenansville 4.95 4.95 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 111.22 0.00 1240 25 S7 Kenansville 4.95 4.95 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 274.62 0.00 1240 26 S7 Kenansville 4.96 4.96 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 111.44 0.00 1240 26 S7 Kenansville 4.96 4.96 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 275.17 0.00 1240 27 S7 Rains 4.48 4.48 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 131.73 0.00 1240 27 S7 Rains 4.48 4.48 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 37 bu. 4/1-9/15 143 0 0 Irrig. 143 79.33 0.00 355.41 0.00 1240 28 S7 Kenansvillc 2.26 2.26 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 50.78 0.00 1240 28 S7 Kenansville 2.26 2.26 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 125.38 0.00 1240 29-33 S7 Kenansville 15.74 15.74 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 353.66 0.00 1240 29-33 S7 Kenansville 15.74 15.74 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 873.22 0.00 1240 34-35 S7 Rains 6.36 6.36 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 187.01 0.00 1240 34-35 S7 Rains 6.36 6.36 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 37 bu. 4/1-9/15 143 0 0 Irrig. 143 79.33 0.00 504.56 0.00 1240 36 S7 Rains 2.63 2.63 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 77.33 0.00 1240 36 S7 Rains 2.63 2.63 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 37 bu. 4/1-9/15 143 0 0 Irrig. 143 79.33 0.00 208.65 0.00 1240 37 S7 Norfolk 1.85 1.85 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 64.15 0.00 1240 37 S7 Norfolk 1.85 1.85 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 4/1-9/15 137 0 0 Irrig. 137 76.01 0.00 140.61 0.00 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 5 of 7 Waste Utilization Table Year 2 Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Period Nitrogen) PA Nutrient Regd (lbs/A) Canm. Fen. Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA Nutrient?. pplied (lbs/A) Liquid ManureA pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Mantr Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1240 38-39 S7 Lynchburg 6.51 6.51 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 191.42 0.00 1240 38-39 S7 Lynchburg 6.51 6.51 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 39 bu. 4/1-9/15 151 0 0 Irrig. 151 83.77 0.00 545.35 0.00 1240 4 S7 Wagram 4.97 4.97 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 30.96 0.00 153.85 0.00 1240 4 S7 Wagram 4.97 4.97 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 23 bu. 4/1-9/15 92 0 0 Irrig. 92 51.04 0.00 253.67 0.00 1240 42-45 S7 Wagram 15.28 15.28 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 25.80 0.00 394.18 0.00 1240 42-45 S7 Wagram 15.28 15.28 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 23 bu. 4/1-9/15 92 0 0 Irrig. 92 51.04 0.00 779.89 0.00 1240 46-51 S7 Goldsboro 25.77 25.77 Wheat, Grain 65 bu. 9/14/30 136 0 0 Irrig. 68 37.73 0.00 972.17 0.00 1240 46-51 S7 Goldsboro 25.77 25.77 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 38 bu. 4/1-9/15 149 0 0 Irrig. 149 82.66 0.00 2,130.20 0.00 1240 5 S7 Wagram 4.71 4.71 Wheat, Grain 40 bu. 9/1-4/30 93 0 0 Irrig. 47 25.80 0.00 121.51 0.00 1240 5 S7 Wagram 4.71 4.71 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 23 bu. 4/1-9/15 92 0 0 Irrig. 92 51.04 0.00 240.40 0.00 1240 52-57 S7 Wagram 18.64 18.64 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 517.05 0.00 1240 52-57 S7 Wagram 18.64 18.64 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 2,088.90 0.00 1240 6 S7 Norfolk 4.70 4.70 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 162.97 0.00 1240 6 S7 Norfolk 4.70 4.70 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 4/1-9/15 137 0 0 lrrig. 137 76.01 0.00 357.22 0.00 1240 7 S7 Norfolk 4.67 4.67 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 161.93 0.00 1240 7 S7 Norfolk 4.67 4.67 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 35 bu. 4/1-9/15 137 0 0 Irrig. 137 76.01 0.00 354.94 0.00 1240 8 S7 Norfolk 3.23 3.23 Wheat, Grain 60 bu. 9/1-4/30 125 0 0 Irrig. 63 34.67 0.00 112.00 0.00 1240 8 S7 Norfolk 3.23 3.23 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 35 bu. 4/1-9/15 137 0 0 Irrig. 137 76.01 0.00 245.50 0.00 1240 9 S7 Kenansville 4.30 4.30 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/1-4/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 96.62 0.00 1240 9 S7 Kenansville 4.30 4.30 Soybeans, Manurcd, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 lrrig. 100 55.48 0.00 238.56 0.00 1829 1 S5 Kcnansville 1.26 1.26 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 34.95 0.00 1829 1 S5 Kenansvillc 1.26 1.26 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 141.20 0.00 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 6 of 7 Waste Utilization Table Year 2 Tract Field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres Crop RYE Applic. Peried Nitrcgen PA Nutrient Regd (Ibs/A) Canm Fen. Nutrient Applied (Ibs/A) Res. (lbs/A) Applic. Method Manure PA Nutrient/1 pplied (Ibs/A) Liquid Manure/. pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Liquid Manure Applied (Field) SolidManur Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 1829 2 S5 Kcnansvillc 17.10 17.10 Wheat, Grain 35 bu. 9/14/30 81 0 0 Irrig. 41 22.47 0.00 384.21 0.00 1829 2 S5 Kenansville 17.10 17.10 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 25 bu. 4/1-9/15 100 0 0 Irrig. 100 55.48 0.00 948.67 0.00 1829 3 S5 Rains 4.52 4.52 Wheat, Grain 55 bu. 9/1-4/30 106 0 0 Irrig. 53 29.40 0.00 132.90 0.00 1829 3 S5 Rains 4.52 4.52 Soybeans, Manured, Double Crop 37 bu. 4/1-9/15 143 0 0 Irrig. 143 79.33 0.00 358.59 0.00 1829 4 S5 Kenansville 12.71 12.71 Small Grain Overseer' I.0Tons I0/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 352.56 0.00 1829 4 S5 Kenansville 12.71 12.71 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 1,424.35 0.00 1835 IA S5 Kenansville 5.97 5.97 Small Grain Ovcrsccd 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/3I 50 0 0 Irrig. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1835 IA S5 Kenansville 5.97 5.97 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1835 lB S5 Kenansville 3.32 3.32 Small Grain Oversccd 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 92.09 0.00 1835 IB S5 Kcnansvillc 3.32 3.32 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 372.06 0.00 1835 2A S5 Kenansville 4.52 4.52 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 125.38 0.00 1835 2A S5 Kenansville 4.52 4.52 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 506.54 0.00 1835 2B S5 Kenansville 2.83 2.83 Small Grain Overseed I.0 Tons 10/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 78.50 0.00 1835 2B S5 Kenansville 2.83 2.83 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 317.15 0.00 1835 3 S5 Kenansville 4.13 4.13 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons I0/1-3/31 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 114.56 0.00 1835 3 S5 Kenansville 4.13 4.13 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons 3/1-9/30 202 0 0 Irrig. 202 112.07 0.00 462.83 0.00 SA Alternate S7 Kenansville 45.00 45.00 Sorghum -Sudan Hay 4.4 Tons 3/15-8/31 237 0 25 Irrig. 212 117.61 0.00 5,292.59, 0.00 Total Applied, 1000 gallons 31,589.25 Total Produced, 1000 gallons 20,143.86 Balance, 1000 gallons -11,445.39 Total Applied, tons 0.00 Total Produced, tons 0.00 Balance, tons 0.00 Notes: I. In the tract column, - symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 WUT Page 7 of 7 The irrigation Application Factors for each field in this plan are shown in the following table. infiltration rate varies with soils. If applying waste nutrients through an irrigation system, you must apply at a rate that will not result in runoff. This table provides the maximum application rate per hour that may be applied to each field selected to receive wastewater. It also lists the maximum application amount that each field may receive in any one application event. Irrigation Application Factors Tract Field Soil Series Application Rate (inches/hour) Application Amount (inches) 1240 1 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 1240 10 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 11-24 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 25 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 26 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 27 Rains 0.40 1.0 1240 28 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 29-33 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1240 34-35 Rains 0.40 1.0 1240 36 Rains 0.40 1.0 1240 37 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 1240 38-39 Lynchburg 0.50 1.0 1240 4 Wagram 0.60 1.0 1240 42-45 Wagram 0.60 1.0 1240 46-51 Goldsboro 0.50 1.0 1240 5 Wagram 0.60 1.0 1240 52-57 Wagram 0.60 1.0 1240 6 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 1240 7 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 1240 8 Norfolk 0.50 1.0 1240 9 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1829 1 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1829 2 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1829 3 Rains 0.40 1.0 1829 4 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1835 IA Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1835 1B Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1835 2A Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1835 2B Kenansville 0.60 1.0 1835 3 Kenansville 0.60 1.0 SA Alternate Kenansville 0.60 1.0 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed 9/27/2021 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. IAF Page 1 of 1 The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate ofthe number of acres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period. These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column. Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application ofthe effluent. At clean out, this material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates. In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be limiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied. Sites must first be evaluated for their suitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should be taken not to load effluent application fields with high amounts of copper and zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied. On sites vulnerable to surface water moving to streams and lakes, phosphorous is a concern. Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization Table Crop Maximum PA-N Rate lb/ac Maximum Sludge Application Rate 1000 gal/ac Minimum Acres 5 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 10 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 15 Years Accumulation Swine Nursery Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu 150 14.69 9.12 18.25 27.37 Hay 6ton R.Y.E. 300 29.38 4.56 9.12 13.68 Soybean 40 bu 160 15.67 8.55 17.11 25.66 Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu 150 14.69 234.84 469.68 704.53 Hay 6 ton R.Y.E. 300 29.38 117.42 234.84 352.26 Soybean 40 bu 160 15.67 220.16 440.33 660.49 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Sludge Page I of The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop in the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be greater than or equal to zero and Tess than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. If the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. If available storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilization plan is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Source Name Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Liquid Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/1 180 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) * 1 1 51 1 2 54 1 3 80 1 4 110 I 5 144 1 6 180 I 7 180 1 8 180 1 9 I77 1 10 169 1 II I59 1 12 154 2 1 143 2 2 141 2 3 155 2 4 180 2 5 180 2 6 180 2 7 180 2 8 180 2 9 179 2 I0 151 2 11 128 2 12 104 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Capacity Page 1 of 2 v Source Name Swine Nursery Lagoon Liquid Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/1 180 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) * 1 I 180 1 2 180 1 3 I80 1 4 180 I 5 180 I 6 180 I 7 180 1 8 180 1 9 180 1 10 180 1I 180 1 12 180 2 1 180 2 2 180 2 3 180 2 4 180 2 5 180 2 6 180 2 7 180 2 8 180 2 9 180 2 10 180 2 11 180 2 12 180 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Capacity Page 2 of 2 Required Specifications For Animal Waste Management Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 Specification Page 1 Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste/nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 Specification Page 2 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 Specification Page 3 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application rate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum crop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 9/27/2021 Specification Page 4 Crop Notes The following crop note applies to field(s): 27, 3, 34-35, 36 Corn 1: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, corn is normally planted when soil temperatures reach 52 to 55 degrees fahrenheit. Review the Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 1-2" deep. Plant populations should be determined by the hybrid being planted. Increase the seeding rate by 10% when planting no -till. Phosphorus and potassium recommended by a soil test can be broadcast or banded at planting. When planting early in cool, wet soil, banded phosphorus will be more available to the young plants. An accepted practice is to apply 20-30 Ibs/acre N and 20-30 lbs/acre phosphorus banded as a starter and one-half the remaining N behind the planter. The rest of the N should be applied about 30-40 days after emergence. The total amount of N is dependent on soil type. When including a starter in the fertilizer program, the recommended potassium and any additional phosphorus is normally broadcast at planting. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the corn. Timely management of weeds and insects are essential for corn production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 38-39 Corn 1: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, corn is normally planted when soil temperatures reach 52 to 55 degrees fahrenheit. Review the Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 1-2" deep. Plant populations should be determined by the hybrid being planted. Increase the seeding rate by 10% when planting no -till. Phosphorus and potassium recommended by a soil test can be broadcast or banded at planting. When planting early in cool, wet soil, banded phosphorus will be more available to the young plants. An accepted practice is to apply 20-30 Ibs/acre N and 20-30 Ibs/acre phosphorus banded as a starter and one-half the remaining N behind the planter. The rest of the N should be applied about 30-40 days after emergence. The total amount of N is dependent on soil type. When including a starter in the fertilizer program, the recommended potassium and any additional phosphorus is normally broadcast at planting. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the corn. Timely management of weeds and insects are essential for corn production. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 1 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 46-51 Corn 1: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, corn is normally planted when soil temperatures reach 52 to 55 degrees fahrenheit. Review the Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 1-2" deep. Plant populations should be determined by the hybrid being planted. Increase the seeding rate by 10% when planting no -till. Phosphorus and potassium recommended by a soil test can be broadcast or banded at planting. When planting early in cool, wet soil, banded phosphorus will be more available to the young plants. An accepted practice is to apply 20-30 Ibs/acre N and 20-30 lbs/acre phosphorus banded as a starter and one-half the remaining N behind the planter. The rest of the N should be applied about 30-40 days after emergence. The total amount of N is dependent on soil type. When including a starter in the fertilizer program, the recommended potassium and any additional phosphorus is normally broadcast at planting. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the corn. Timely management of weeds and insects are essential for corn production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 37, 6, 7, 8 Corn: CP, Mineral Soil, medium leaching In the Coastal Plain, corn is normally planted when soil temperatures reach 52 to 55 degrees fahrenheit. Review the Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 1-2" deep. Plant populations should be determined by the hybrid being planted. Increase the seeding rate by 10% when planting no -till. Phosphorus and potassium recommended by a soil test can be broadcast or banded at planting. When planting early in cool, wet soil, banded phosphorus will be more available to the young plants. An accepted practice is to apply 20-30 lbs/acre N and 20-30 lbs/acre phosphorus banded as a starter and one-half the remaining N behind the planter. The rest of the N should be applied about 30-40 days after emergence. The total amount of N is dependent on soil type. When including a starter in the fertilizer program, the recommended potassium and any additional phosphorus is normally broadcast at planting. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the corn. Timely management of weeds and insects are essential for corn production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 10, 2, 25, 26, 28, 29-33, 4, 42-45, 5, 9 Corn: CP, Mineral Soil, medium leaching In the Coastal Plain, corn is normally planted when soil temperatures reach 52 to 55 degrees fahrenheit. Review the Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 1-2" deep. Plant populations should be determined by the hybrid being planted. Increase the seeding rate by 10% when planting no -till. Phosphorus and potassium recommended by a soil test can be broadcast or banded at planting. When planting early in cool, wet soil, banded phosphorus will be more available to the young plants. An accepted practice is to apply 20-30 lbs/acre N and 20-30 lbs/acre phosphorus banded as a starter and one-half the remaining N behind the planter. The rest of the N should be applied about 30-40 days after emergence. The total amount of N is dependent on soil type. When including a starter in the fertilizer program, the recommended potassium and any additional phosphorus is normally broadcast at planting. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the corn. Timely management of weeds and insects are essential for corn production. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 2 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 1 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, medium leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15-November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 1/2 bushels/acre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 1/2" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 Ibs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The following crop note applies to field(s): 1, 11-24, IA, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 52-57 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, medium leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15-November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 1/2 bushels/acre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 1/2" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 3 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 1 Bermudagrass: CP, Mineral Soil, Moderately Well Drained. Adaptation: Well -adapted. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bermudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. 1 to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs 1" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not allowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bu/ac in 3' rows, spaced 2' to 3' in the row. Generally a rate of 30 bu/ac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bu/ac in 1.5' to 2' rows spaced 1' to 1.5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bu/ac. Soil test for the amounts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lb/ac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 Ib/ac N annually in split applications, usually in April and following the first and second hay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. The following crop note applies to field(s): 1, 11-24, 1 A, IB, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 52-57 Bermudagrass: CP, Mineral Soil, Moderately Well Drained. Adaptation: Well -adapted. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bermudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. 1 to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs 1" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not allowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bu/ac in 3' rows, spaced 2' to 3' in the row. Generally a rate of 30 bu/ac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bu/ac in 1.5' to 2' rows spaced 1' to 1.5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bu/ac. Soil test for the amounts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lb/ac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 Ib/ac N annually in split applications, usually in April and following the first and second hay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 4 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 27, 3, 34-35, 36 Wheat: Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, wheat should be planted from October 20-November 25. Plant 22 seed/drill row foot at 1-1 1/2" deep and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Adequate depth control when planting the wheat is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 Ibs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The total N is dependent on the soil type. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the nutrient status of the wheat. Timely management of diseases, insects and weeds are essential for profitable wheat production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 38-39 Wheat: Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, wheat should be planted from October 20-November 25. Plant 22 seed/drill row foot at 1-1 1/2" deep and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Adequate depth control when planting the wheat is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 Ibs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The total N is dependent on the soil type. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the nutrient status of the wheat. Timely management of diseases, insects and weeds are essential for profitable wheat production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 46-51 Wheat: Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, wheat should be planted from October 20-November 25. Plant 22 seed/drill row foot at 1-1 1/2" deep and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Adequate depth control when planting the wheat is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 Ibs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The total N is dependent on the soil type. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the nutrient status of the wheat. Timely management of diseases, insects and weeds are essential for profitable wheat production. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 5 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 37, 6, 7, 8 Wheat: Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, medium leachable In the Coastal Plain, wheat should be planted from October 20-November 25. Plant 22 seed/drill row foot at 1-1 1/2" deep and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Adequate depth control when planting the wheat is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test report can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The total N is dependent on the soil type. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the nutrient status of the wheat. Timely management of diseases, insects and weeds are essential for profitable wheat production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 10, 2, 25, 26, 28, 29-33, 4, 42-45, 5, 9 Wheat: Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, medium leachable In the Coastal Plain, wheat should be planted from October 20-November 25. Plant 22 seed/drill row foot at 1-1 1/2" deep and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Adequate depth control when planting the wheat is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 Ibs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test report can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The total N is dependent on the soil type. Plant samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the nutrient status of the wheat. Timely management of diseases, insects and weeds are essential for profitable wheat production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 27, 3, 34-35, 36 Double -Crop Soybeans, Coastal Plain: Mineral Soil, low -leachable Double -crop soybeans should be planted as early in June as possible with planting completed by July 4th. When no -tilling soybeans in small grain straw, it is essential to manage the straw to achieve adequate plant populations. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 2-4 seed/row foot for 7-8" drills; 4-6 seed/row foot for 15" rows; 6-8 seed/row foot for 30" rows and 8-10 seed/row foot for 36" rows. Increase the seeding rate by at least 10% for no -till planting. Seeding depth should be I - 11/2" and adequate depth control is essential. Phosphorus and potash recommended for the soybeans can be applied to the wheat in the Fall. Soybeans produce their own nitrogen and are normally grown without additions of nitrogen. However, applications of 20-30 lbs/acre N are sometimes made at planting to promote early growth and vigor. Tissue samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the soybeans. Timely management of weeds and insects is essential for profitable double crop soybean production. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 6 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 38-39 Double -Crop Soybeans, Coastal Plain: Mineral Soil, low -leachable Double -crop soybeans should be planted as early in June as possible with planting completed by July 4th. When no -tilling soybeans in small grain straw, it is essential to manage the straw to achieve adequate plant populations. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 2-4 seed/row foot for 7-8" drills; 4-6 seed/row foot for 15" rows; 6-8 seed/row foot for 30" rows and 8-10 seed/row foot for 36" rows. Increase the seeding rate by at least 10% for no -till planting. Seeding depth should be 1-1 1/2" and adequate depth control is essential. Phosphorus and potash recommended for the soybeans can be applied to the wheat in the Fall. Soybeans produce their own nitrogen and are normally grown without additions of nitrogen. However, applications of 20-30 Ibs/acre N are sometimes made at planting to promote early growth and vigor. Tissue samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the soybeans. Timely management of weeds and insects is essential for profitable double crop soybean production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 46-51 Double -Crop Soybeans, Coastal Plain: Mineral Soil, low -leachable Double -crop soybeans should be planted as early in June as possible with planting completed by July 4th. When no -tilling soybeans in small grain straw, it is essential to manage the straw to achieve adequate plant populations. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 2-4 seed/row foot for 7-8" drills; 4-6 seed/row foot for 15" rows; 6-8 seed/row foot for 30" rows and 8-10 seed/row foot for 36" rows. Increase the seeding rate by at least 10% for no -till planting. Seeding depth should be 1-1 1/2" and adequate depth control is essential. Phosphorus and potash recommended for the soybeans can be applied to the wheat in the Fall. Soybeans produce their own nitrogen and are normally grown without additions of nitrogen. However, applications of 20-30 lbs/acre N are sometimes made at planting to promote early growth and vigor. Tissue samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the soybeans. Timely management of weeds and insects is essential for profitable double crop soybean production. 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 7 of 8 The following crop note applies to field(s): 37, 6, 7, 8 Double -Crop Soybeans, Coastal Plain: Mineral soil, medium leachable Double -crop soybeans should be planted as early in June as possible with planting completed by July 4th. When no -tilling soybeans in small grain straw, it is essential to manage the straw to achieve adequate plant populations. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 2-4 seed/row foot for 7-8" drills; 4-6 seed/row foot for 15" rows; 6-8 seed/row foot for 30" rows and 8-10 seed/row foot for 36" rows. Increase the seeding rate by at least 10% for no -till planting. Seeding depth should be 1-1 1/2" and adequate depth control is essential. Phosphorus and potash recommended for the soybeans can be applied to the wheat in the Fall. Soybeans produce their own nitrogen and are normally grown without additions of nitrogen. However, applications of 20-30 Ibs/acre N are sometimes made at planting to promote early growth and vigor. Tissue samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the soybeans. Timely management of weeds and insects is essential for profitable double crop soybean production. The following crop note applies to field(s): 10, 2, 25, 26, 28, 29-33, 4, 42-45, 5, 9 Double -Crop Soybeans, Coastal Plain: Mineral soil, medium leachable Double -crop soybeans should be planted as early in June as possible with planting completed by July 4th. When no -tilling soybeans in small grain straw, it is essential to manage the straw to achieve adequate plant populations. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Plant 2-4 seed/row foot for 7-8" drills; 4-6 seed/row foot for 15" rows; 6-8 seed/row foot for 30" rows and 8-10 seed/row foot for 36" rows. Increase the seeding rate by at least 10% for no -till planting. Seeding depth should be 1-1 1/2" and adequate depth control is essential. Phosphorus and potash recommended for the soybeans can be applied to the wheat in the Fall. Soybeans produce their own nitrogen and are normally grown without additions of nitrogen. However, applications of 20-30 Ibs/acre N are sometimes made at planting to promote early growth and vigor. Tissue samples can be analyzed during the growing season to monitor the overall nutrient status of the soybeans. Timely management of weeds and insects is essential for profitable double crop soybean production. Sorghum -Sudan: No Comment The following crop note applies to field(s): Alternate 940162 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 09-27-2021 Crop Note Page 8 of 8 Sheetl IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Landowner/Operator Name: Doug Jemigan - Doug Jernigan Farms; AWS960127 Address: Thunder Swamp Road Mt. Olive, NC 28365 Telephone: (919) 738-0632 Wetted Acres Revision -Pickle Creek Mitigation Table 1 - Field Specifications Field Number Approximate Maximum Useable Size of Field (acres) Soil Type Slope % Crop(s) County: Wayne Date: 5/1/2003 Revised: 9/25/2003 Project 9/22/2021 Maximum Maximum Application Application per Irrigation Rate Cycle (In/hr) (inches) Comments Pulls 1-57 184.15 Ke <5 Bermuda, Cotton, Sm Grain 0.5 (Predominantly) Sheet2 TABLE 2 - Travelling Irrigation Gun Settings Make, Model and Type of Equipment Cadman 3250 traveler w/ 3.25"x975' hose w/Nelson 150 Field No. and Travel Application TRAVEL LANE Wetted Nozzle Operating Operating Speed Rate Effective Effective Diameter Diameter Pressure Pressure Arc (ft/min) (in/hr.) Width(ft.) Length(ft) (feet) (Inches) at Gun(psi) at reel(psi) Pattem Comments - Acres per pull , Sheet2 31 8_03/8.03 .92/.92 143/228 633/75 301.5 1.26 80 95 180/180 2.96 32 4.01 /4.82 .55/.75 228/195 190/542 301.5 1.26 80 95 300/220 4.12 33 4.01 0.55 220 686 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 4.35 34 4.01 0.55 220 525 301.5 1.26 60 _ 95 300 3.54 35 8.03/4.01 .92/.55 156/228 407/89 301.5 1.26 60 95 180/300 2.82 36 4.82 0.75 187 476 301.5 1.26 60 95 220 2.63 37 4.82 0.75 235 211 301.5 _ 1.28 60 95 220 1.85 38 3.68 0.55 271 87 301.5 1.28 _ 60 95 300 1.96 39 4.01/4.82 .55/.75 235/215 536/176 301.5 1.26 60 95 300/220 4.55 42 8.83 0.92 117 497 301.5 1.26 60 95 180 1.79 43 4.41 0.55 200 662 301.5 1.28 60 95 300 3.87 44 4.41 0.55 200 825 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 4.62 45 4.41 0.55 218 825 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 5.00 46 3.68 0.55 240 323 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 3.12 47 3.68 0.55 240 4.11 301.5 _ 1.26 60 95 300 3.60 48 3.88 0.55 240 535 301.5 1.28 60 95 300 4.29 49 3.68 0.55 240 578 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 4.52 50 3.68 0.55 240 593 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 4.61 51 3.68 0.55 271 677 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 5.63 52 4.41/5.30 .55/.75 251/174 70/650 301.5 1.26 60 95 300/220 4.03 53 4.41 0.55 251 975 301.5 1.28 60 95 300 6.95 54 8.83/4.41 .92/.55 100/251 227/60 301.5 1.28 60 95 180 1.74 55 4.41 0.55 200 266 301.5 1.26 60 95 300 2.05 56 8.83 0.92 162 208 301.5 1.28 60 95 300 1.25 57 8.83 0.92 136 680 301.5 1.26 60 95 180 2.62 TOTAL 184.15 Sheet3 TABLE 3 - Solid Set Irrigation Gun Settings Make, Model and Type of Equipment N/A Field No Wetted Hydrant Spacing(ft) and Number of Diameter Along Between Line No. Hydrants (feet) Pipelines Pipelines Operating Parameters Application Nozzle Operating Operating Rate Diameter Pressure Time (in/hr) (inches) at Gun(psil at Hydrant(hr.) Comments Acres per zone TOTAL 0.00 Sheet4 TABLE 4 - Irrigation System Specifications Traveling Solid Set Irrigation Gun 275 Irrigation 0 Flow Rate of Sprinkler (gpm) Operating Pressure at Pump (psi) 123.7 6.9 Design Precipitation Rate (in/hr) 0.46 0.00 Hose Length (feet) 975 XXXXXXXX Type of Speed Compensation Engine XXXXXXXX Pump Type (PTO, Engine, Electric) Engine Engine Pump Power Requirement (hp) 44.1 0.0 TABLE 5 - Thrust Block Specifications 6" 4" 2" THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK LOCATION AREA (sq. ft.) AREA (sq. ft.) AREA (sq. ft.) 90 degree bend 8.8 4.3 1.1 Dead End 6.2 3.0 0.8 Tee 4.4 2.1 0.5 Gate Valve 6.2 3.0 0.8 45 degree bend 4.7 2.3 0.6 Page 1 Sheet5 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGNER Name: Micah Kevin Weston, CID Company: Private Address: 237 A.I. Taylor Road, Richlands, NC 28574 Phone: (910) 324-3044 Required Documentation The following details of design and materials must accompany all irrigation designs: t. A scale drawing of the proposed irrigation system which includes hydrant locations, pipelines, thrust block locations and buffer areas where applicable. 2. Assumptions and computations for determining total dynamic head and horsepower requirements. 3. Computations used to determine all mainline and lateral pipe sizes. 4, Sources andlor calculations used for determining application rates. 5. Computations used to determine the size of thrust blocks and illustrations of all thrust block configurations required in the system 6. Manufacturer's specifications for the irrigation pump, traveler and sprinkler(s). 7. Manufacturer's specifications for the irrigation pipe andlor USDA-NRCS standard for IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE. 8. The information required by this form are the minimum requirements. It is the responsibility of the designer to consider ail relevant factors at a particular site and address them as appropriate. 9. Irrigation pipes should not be installed In lagoon or storage pond embankments without the approval of the designer. NOTE: A buffer strip of 25' or wider must be maintained between the limits of the irrigation system and all perennial streams and surface waters per NC Statutes. Sheet6 Narrative of Irrigation System Operation This design is for an addition to an existing facility. The acres were calculated based on the equipment specified and the charts created by NCSU for calculating Area Allowances for Hard Hose Traveler Systems. This irrigation system is designed with six inch, Class 200 PVC and schedule 80 fitttings. The system is designed to accommodate the flow velocities, flow rates and pressure requirements associated with a Cadman 3250 traveler. Air vents and thrust blocks are to be installed as indicated on the drawings. The thrust block areas have been calculated and are listed in Table 4 of this design. The design of the traveler system requires the use of a 1.26" ring nozzle in the gun. Each pull has a specific arc setting and travel speed which must be used to achieve the desired application. This information is given in Table 2 of this design. A detail of the hydrant layout is also included. All pipe shall be installed with a minimum of 30" of cover and shall be backfilled in no less than three passes, leaving enough soil material above original grade to allow for settling. The suction assembly for the pump to be used should be a minimum of 6" aluminum. A pressure gauge should be installed on the discharge side of the pump where It can be seen during start up of the system. Refer to owner's manual and irrigation dealer for information on maintenance, winterization, and operation of system. This revision done 9/22/2021 to reflect the recalculation of pulls due to the addition of easements for the Pickle Creek Mitigation Project. Sprinkler Specifications Sprinkler Type: Nozzle Size: Sprinkler Pressure: Flowrate(GPM): Wetted Diameter: Lane Spacings Desired Spacing (%): Design Spacing(feet): Actual Spacing (feet): Actual Spacing (%): Application Rate Application Rate =(96.3xFlowrate)/(3.1415x(.9xradius)squared) Sheet? CALCULATIONS Nelson 150 1.26 inches 60 psi 275 gpm 301.5 feet * Reflects a 10% reduction from chart Design App. Rate = 300 degree arc = 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Traveller Speed 70 % 211.05 *PVC irrigation pipe normally comes in 20' pieces, so round to the nearest multiple of 20. 240 feet 80 % 0.46 in/hr 0.55 in/hr 0.75 in/hr 0.92 in/hr Travel speed = 1.605 x Flowrate / Desired application amount x Lane Spacing Desired app. (in.) = 300 degree arc 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Mainline Velocity 0.5 inches 3.68 ft/min 4.41 ft/min 7.36 ft/min Velocity = .408 x Flowrate / pipe diameter squared feet/sec. **For buried pipelines, velocity should be below 5 feet per second Pipe size: 6 inches Velocity= 3.12 ft/sec. Page 1 Sheet? Maximum Mainline Friction Loss Most distant hydrant: 28 Total distance: 7185 feet Friction Loss is figured using Hazen!William's Equation Friction Loss= 0.52 feet/100 feet Max. Mainline Loss = 37.5 feet or 16.2 psi Total Dynamic Head Sprinkler Pressure: Loss through traveller: Elevation head: Mainline loss: Suction head and lift: 5% fitting loss: TOTAL(TDH) = 60 psi 35 psi 4.3 psi 16.2 psi 2.3 psi 5.9 psi 123.7 psi or Horsepower Required Horsepower = Flowrate x TDH(feet) / 3960 / Pump effeciency Pump Description: Comet! 3HA-EM16-3 Pump Efficiency. 45 % Horsepower Required: 44.1 Hp Thrust Blocking Thrust Block Area = Thrust / Soil Bearing Strength Thrust: 7460 feet Soil Bearing Strength: 1200 feet End Cap: 6.2 ft2 90 degree elbow: 8.8 ft2 Tee: 4.4 ft2 45 degree elbow: 4.7 ft2 Pipe Pressure Rating Check Pressure Rating of Pipe to be Used: Max. Pressure on system when running: 70% of Pressure Rating: 200 psi 123.7 psi 140 psi 285.8 feet If Max. Pressure on system is less than 70% of Pressure Rating, OK Page 2 Net Positive Suction Head Check NPSHA: 19.1 NPSHR: 6 *from pump curve If NPSHA>NPSHR OK Sheet? Page 3 Sprinkler Specifications Sprinkler Type: Nozzle Size: Sprinkler Pressure: Flowrate(GPM): Wetted Diameter. Lane Spacings Desired Spacing (%): Design Spacing(feet): Actual Spacing (feet): Actual Spacing (%): Appiicatlon Rate Application Rate =(96.3xFlowrate)/(3.1415x(.9xradius)squared) Sheet7 CALCULATIONS Nelson 150 1.26 inches 60 psi 275 gpm 301.5 feet * Reflects a 10% reduction from chart Design App. Rate = 300 degree arc = 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Traveller Speed 70 % 211.05 `PVC Irrigation pipe normally comes in 20' pieces, so round to the nearest multiple of 20. 220 feet 73% 0.46 in/hr 0.55 in/hr 0.75 in/hr 0.92 in/hr Travel speed = 1.605 x Flowrate / Desired application amount x Lane Spacing Desired app. (in.) = 300 degree arc = 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Mainline Velocity 0.5 inches 4.01 ft/min 4.82 ft/min 8.03 ft/min Velocity = .408 x Flowrate / pipe diameter squared feet/sec.** "For buried pipelines, velocity should be below 5 feet per second Pipe size: 6 inches Velocity= 3.12 ft/sec. Page 1 Sprinkler Specifications Sprinkler Type: Nozzle Size: Sprinkler Pressure: Fiowrate(GPM): Wetted Diameter: Lane Spacings Desired Spacing (%): Design Spacing(feet): Actual Spacing (feet): Actual Spacing (%): Application Rate Application Rate =(96.3xFlowrate)I(3.1415x(.9xradius)squared) Nelson 150 1.26 inches 60 psi 275 gpm 301.5 feet Sheet? CALCULATIONS * Reflects a 10% reduction from chart Design App. Rate = 300 degree arc = 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Traveller Speed 70 % 211.05 *PVC irrigation pipe normally comes in 20' pieces, so round to the nearest multiple of 20. 200 feet 66 % 0.46 inihr 0.55 in/hr 0.75 in/hr 0.92 in/hr Travel speed = 1.605 x Flowrate / Desired application amount x Lane Spacing Desired app. (in.) = 300 degree arc = 220 degree arc = 180 degree arc = Mainline Velocity 0.5 inches 4.41 ft/min 5.30 ft/min 8.83 ft/min Velocity = .408 x Flowrate / pipe diameter squared feet/sec.** **For buried pipelines, velocity should be below 5 feet per second Pipe size: 6 inches Velocity= 3.12 ft/sec. Page 1 Sheet8 (2) Doug Jernigan Farms; AWS960127 Acreage Calculations 9/22/2021 - Recalculated due to Pickle Creek Miti ation Project Width Length Acres Total Acres Start End Stop End ' Total PuII # (ft.) j (midsection) (midsection) Jac.) (ac.) Pull Acres 1 271 420 2.61 2.61 0.660 0.275 3.55 4 271 331 2.06 3.55 0.780 0.640 4.97 227 285 1.49 0.00 0.78 0.64 0.00 5 240 612 3.37 3.37 0.74 0.6 4.71 6 240 610 3.36 3.36 0.74 0.6 4.70 7 240 604 3.33 3.33 0.74 0.6 4.67 8 219 461 2.32 2.32 0.590 0.320 3.23 9 230 642 3.39 3.39 0.590 0.320 4.30 10 230 654 3.45 3.45 0.620 0.500 4.57, 11 110 229 0.58 0.63 0.490 0.400 1.52 220 10 0.05 0.00 0.490 0.400 0.00 12 220 49 0.25 0.25 0.490 0.400 1.14 13 220 94 0.47 0.47 0.490 0.400 1.36 14 220 115 0.58 0.58 0.490 0.400 1.47 15 220 175 0.88 0.88 0.490 0.400 1.77 16 220 250 1.26 1.26 0.490 0.200 1.95 17 220 193 0.97 0.97 0.490 0.400 1.86 18 220 439 2.22 2.22 0.490 0.200 2.91 19 220 542 2.74 2.74 0.490 0.400 3.63 20 220 674 3.40 3.40 0.490 0.400 4.29 21 220 692 3.49 3.49 0.490 0.400 4.38 22 220 710 3.59 3.59 0.490 0.400 4.48 23 220 729 3.68 3.68 0.490 0.400 4.57 24 220 752 3.80 3.80 0.490 0.400 4.69 25 228 774 4.05 4.05 0.490 0.410 4.95 26 228 775 4.06 4.06 0.490 0.410 4.96 27 228 562 2.94 3.78 0.490 0.210 4.48 140 262 0.84 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 28 197 362 1.64 1.64 0.419 0.205 2.26 29 228 95 0.50 0.50 0.490 0.000 0.99 30 211 364 1.76 2.43 0.490 0.400 3.32 220 133 , 0.67 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 31 143 633 2.08 2.47 0.490 0.000 2.96 228 75 0.39 0.00 0.490 0.410 0.00 32 228 190 0.99 3.42 0.490 0.210 4.12 195 542 2.43 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 33 220 686 3.46 3.46 0.490 0.400 4.35 34 220 525 2.65 2.65 0.490 0.400 3.54 35 156 407 1.46 1.92 0.490 0.410 2.82 228 89 0.47 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 36 187 476 2.04 2.04 0.380 0.210 2.63 37 235 211 1.14 1.14 0.500 0.210 1.85 38 271 87 0.54 0.54 0.780 0.640 1.96 39 235 536 2.89 3.84 0.500 0.210 4.55 235 176 0.95 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 42 117 497 1.33 1.33 0.258 0.195 1.79 43 200 662 3.04 3.04 0.460 0.370 3.87 Page 1 Sheet8 (2) 44 200 825 3.79 3.79 0.460 0.370 4.62 45 218 825 4.13 4.13 0.480 0.390 5.00 46 240 323 1.78 1.78 0.740 0.600 3.12 47 240 411 2.26 2.26 0.740 0.600 3.60 48 240 535 2.95 2.95 0.740 0.600 4.29 49 240 578 3.18 3.18 0.740 0.600 4.52 50 240 593 3.27 3.27 0.740 0.600 4.61 51 271 677 4.21 4.21 0.780 0.640 5.63 52 251 70 0.40 3.00 0.730 0.300 4.03 174 650 2.60 0.00 0.730 0.600 0.00 53 251 975 5.62 5.62 0.730 0.600 6.95 54 100 227 0.52 0.87 0.480 0.390 1.74 251 60 0.35 0.00 0.480 0.390 0.00 55 200 266 1.22 1.22 0.460 0.370 2.05 56 162 208 0.77 0.77 0.240 0.240 1.25 57 136 680 2.12 2.12 0.250 0.250 2.62 Total Acres 184.15 Page 2 200' Saocha (fw) (Pulls 52-57) Ar.0 or trio O.b•fr NOTE.' Pull 25 may be used when building debris and lot is cleaned up and returned to farming condition Pull 51 may be used when the tree debris is cleaned up and area returned to farming condition GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 250 Sao 1000 r (INFEST) I Inch = 500 ft. Mot, /100. Offset 240' Spoch, (J)p) (P w0 .-rq in 15-51) DOUG JERNIGAN FARMS AW59B0127 Wetted Acreage wee ,./roO afnot 220' spurt', (7)P) (P.N. fir-JS) fkillattypn 17 � �O \'r 2.20. $.+'Y (TW) (Pugs 20»45) DM5 Easement - (18.06 Ac.) ®Bonk Easement - Option C (10.s8 Ac.) 9/2021.-P111. r.cdalel.d to r.o.ct addit.6n or .er.rn.nlr for PidA bed Wll,otbi Props! Specifications: Pulls Cadman 3250 Traveler w/Nelson 150 w/1.26" Nuzzle 0 60 PS, 275 GPM; 301.5' WO (335' x .9 d 301.5) Lane Spacings: 2001 220' & 240' Let tint Argo of fluidity Debris RINK= 1 - 1 of easements tor Pickle Creek Mitigation Project is cleaned L m 0 9/202t—Pulls recalculated to reflect addition Pickle Creek Mitigation Project -01 • • { - -;lam• "Yr .44 Itzr dr eri • ..- " i 1 `5 `i ce Yti) — s i " ` yr 9 ' y:�.746 .. I!' m�`;��y..{)1 ' C -7/ z , l q.aa - r 4• / • • f• �ictit > • • ;,,_ . •. y.7 -,/ 7 v f""'' F.• yyy/.. ' ��� �'''l L' - r JJ • Ifs c.I• 1 v • {�:��1Tl���a����j����= _ /1 I '‘..1••#a , -7 , - lez 1 , ' --- • . • • , • I f Printed:Jan 22, 2013 1 Printed:Jan 22, 2013 From: Lawson, Christine To: Geno Kennedy; Jamey Mceachran Cc: Jernigan Doug; Jonathan Miller; Merritt. Katie; Salyer. Marlene Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Doug Jernigan Farm Waste Plan Update Date: Friday, October 8, 2021 5:14:31 PM Geno and Mr. Jernigan — Thank you for submitting the updates to the Nutrient Management Plan and to the Wettable Acres Determination for Jernigan Farms, AWS960127 and AW1960127, to reflect the Pickle Creek Mitigation Project. Everything appears to be in order. 1 thank you for providing such clear documentation and maps to show the mitigation areas as they relate to the remaining land application areas. I emailed Geno a little earlier this afternoon with the information regarding renewal of the AWI permit. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding that renewal. Christine B. Lawson Engineer Animal Feeding Operations Program Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3664 office 984 232 1223 mobile Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Geno Kennedy <> Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 2:39 PM To: Jamey Mceachran <> Cc: Lawson, Christine <>; Jernigan Doug <>; Jonathan Miller <> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Doug Jernigan Farm Waste Plan Update CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Jamey, all work on our end is complete. This is the irrigation design and waste utilization plan for the project. We have copied the regulatory agency so they also have a copy as required along with the owner so they will have a copy for their records. Thank You! With Kind Regards, Ronnie "Geno" Kennedy Jr. President of Operations Agriment Services, Inc. PO Box 1096 Beulaville, NC 28518 Office (252)568-2648 Fax (252)568-2750 Mobile (910)289-0395 This electronic message contains information generated by Agriment Services Inc. and is solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.