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SW8160717_Approved Plans_20160812
HORDADWAYS & UTILITIES PLANS & PROFILES ■ Roundtree R�.Id e LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DA TE: JUNE 2016 SCALE.' 1 f - 100' OWNER / DEVELOPER: TRS HOLDINGS LLC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, N.C. 28409 914-562-4511 Water & Sewer Design Totals: 6" Water Main - 1790 LF 2" Water Main - 675 LF 8" Sanitary Sewer - 2,056 LF 3" Force Main - 3085 LF LEHIGH TA w, .k SECTI M.S.14 G.4d N Ul I -A's SITE DATA TAX PARCEL No. R05000-001-001-000 ZONED R-10 & R-15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERFORMANCE DENSITY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED 19.88 ACRES TOTAL 0.00 AC. CLASS IV SOILS R-15 13.06 Ac. X 2.5 = 32.65 R-10 6.79 Ac. X 3.3 = 22.41 55 ALLOWED 55 LOTS PROPOSED (TYPICAL 65'x130') RECREATION SPACE REQUIRED 55 X 0.03 = 1.65 ACRES ACTIVE REQURED = 0.825 ACRES ACTIVE PROVIDED = 0.92 ACRES PASSIVE REQURED = 0.825 ACRES PASSIVE PROVIDED = 1.44 ACRES (0'- NOTES FOR WATER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION LEGEND 16 PROPOSED CONTOUR - w EXISTING CONTOUR STORM WATER PIPE SEWER & MANHOLE W PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED RET. WALL EXISTING PAVEMENT CURB INLET VALVE CR = Curb Ramp E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE E.I.R. = EXISTING IRON REBAR E.C.M. = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT LS.= IRON SET W/V = WATER VALVE W/M = WATER METER F/H = FiRE HYDRANT PIP ' = POWER POLE C.P. = COMPUTED POINT WETLANDS ' BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION: ELEVATION 1 MAG NAIL AT THE INTERSECTION OF McQUILLAN AND RIDGLEY DRIVE 15.50' INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 1 OF 7 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 14161 - 1 2 OF 7 PLANS and PROFILES (LEHIGH RD) 14161 - 2 3 OF 7 PLANS and PROFILES (LEHIGH RD) 14161- 3 4 OF 7 PLANS and PROFILES (RIDGELY DR AND STREET A) 14161- 4 5 OF 7 ADDITIONAL PROFILES 14161- 5 6 OF 7 PLANS and PROFILES (FORCE MAIN) 14161- 6 7 OF 7 PLANS and PROFILES (FORCE MAIN) 14161- 7 P-1 OF P-1 PUMP STATION PLANS AND DETAILS 14161- P-1 Al OFA2 AQUA NORTH CAROLINA, INC. DETAILS 14161- Al A2 OF A2 AQUA NORTH CAROLINA, INC. DETAILS 14161- A2 SD-1 of WSD 2 CFUPA WATER CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DETAILS WSD-1 SD-2 of Ii CFUPA WATER CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DETAILS WSD 2 I OF 2 DRAINAGE AREA SHEET 1 D-1 2 OF 2 DRAINAGE AREA SHEET 2 D 2 Ill� I �I +rl NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA (JACKIE JACKSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. ***NOTE WELL: 1. EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE MINIMUM 16' FROM TRANSMISSION LINES TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. (REFERENCE: OSHA 1910.269) 2. ANY TREE, OR SHRUB CAN BE PLANTED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS LONG AS THE MATURE HEIGHT IS 12 FEET OR LESS. WHEN PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT SPACING TO ALLOW UTILITY MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ACCESS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or ponds) by swales, overland flow, additional grading, or landscaping inlets. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. This property is zoned R-10 (PERFORMANCE DENSITY). 3. Water service to be CFPUA (public). 4. Sewer service to be Aqua (private). 4. Streets to be private. CMP EXIST.- - r- RT�TOM DESIGNED BY OTH I INV.8.91, I I I 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT ( I + + I 28 1 1 I 1 27 1 I I 1 26 I I ! + + ( i ( I "CMP 1 I + INV. 920 EXIST. "CMP - INV. 8.1 EXIST. "CM I I INV. T I I I i I I I I 12 I I I A 5 P RO POS D SITE McQUILLAN DR. SR LEHIGH RD. BONAIRE RD. US 421 CAROLINA LO ATION;,_ BEACH RD, AP NOT TO SCALE + I + + ! I I+ I I 3 1 24 1 23 1 1 1 I I I 1 i + 25 I + 22 I 21 19 I I I 1816 WESTHILLS SUBDIVISION 7MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARDS APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH THE STATE AND THE TOWN. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PERMITS. 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. ALL STORM WATER RUNOFF FROM BUILT UPON AREAS (i.e. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES and ROOF DRAINAGE) TO BE DIRECTED TO STORM SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM (i.e. STORM INLETS OR PONDS) BY SWALES, OVERLAND FLOW, ADDITIONAL GRADING, OR LANDSCAPING INLETS. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SEWERS AND WATER MAINS. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 1O' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON PLANS AND DETAIL c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE 1S LESS THAN 24" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PiPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER'SIDE OF CROSSING. d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. 7. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. 8. ALL STREETS ARE PROPOSED TO BE PRIVATE CONFORMING TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY / N.C.D.0.T. PAVEMENT AND SUBGRADE STANDARDS). 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS TO BE 8 UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 10. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE 6" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 11. TWO VALVES ARE REQUIRED AT "T" INTERSECTIONS AND ONE VALVE ON THE WATER LINE TO FIRE HYDRANTS. 12. A BLOW -OFF VALVE IS REQUIRED AT THE TERMINUS OF ALL "DEAD END" WATER LINES. I M.B. 26 PG. 106 I I I + I I I 1 1NWOSV3 STANDARD NOTES: 3JVNMNO.OZ I I ! + I I I I I I I + 1. Information concerning underground utilities was obtained from I I_ ► + I I + I available records. It shall be the responsibility of the McQUILLAN DRIVE (SR 1257) _ Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations _ .. _.- _ (60' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) of all existing utilities at all crossings prior to commencing trench excavation. If actual clearances are less I I I I + r + I I I than indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the I + + Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these plans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. g g, p g I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 11 10 1 € 13 I 14 s 15 1 2 NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN,BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL WC ONE -CALL "AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. I I + [ I I I I I I I i 3. All trees which are not required to be cleared for I I I I € I I I I I ! I I constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless I I ( I I ! I I I + ► I I --U-_-------L--------- L------_-J----_-_--L__---_--►----------__--__-----------t---------1----__--.-4--------_--L-_------_--� otherwise directed. NOTE WELL: ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 21 CALENDAR DAYS AND AS ABOVE, ALL SLOPES MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY ACTIVITY, DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN AND COUNTY. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. NOTE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERTS HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH. THE NATIONWIDE PERMIT 14 *-**NOTE WELL: 1. SEE ATTACHED SHEETS WSD-1 AND WSD-2 PROVIDED BY CFPUA FOR WATERLINE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2. SEE ATTATCHED SHEETS Al AND A2 POVIDED BY AQUA FOR SANITAIRY SEWER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 IS 89.49 06 E 104.79 L2 S 89'46 04 E 79.92 L3 N 89'53'07 E 79.92' L4 S 89'53 18' E 79.85' L5 S 89'35 10 E 80.19' L6 IN 89'44'42' E 160.03' L7 S 89'48 30 E 79.97 L8 S 89'46 09 E 180.00 L9 S 89'45 29 E 99.91 L10 S 89'49 16 E1 100.24 Ll 1 S 89'36 38" E 59.89' L12 S 89' 12 19" E 32.597 L13 S 06'08'32" E 166.60' L14 N 00'39 47 E 19.12 L15 IN 00'53 18 E 120.00 L16 N 00'50 53 E 120.09 L17 IN 00'56 29 E 119.86 118 IN 01'07 54 E 60.95 STAB I L I ZA._I_. I ❑N _F I ME 6=_RAMES1 SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 DAYS High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 DAYS Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 DAYS S hopes 31 1 or f L atter 14 DAYS ALL other areas with slopes flatter than 411 14 DAYS CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE TANGENT C 1 524.72 34.81 34.80 S 78' 14 11 W 3' 48 03 17.41 C2 494.72 78.57 78.49 S 71'29 13 W 9'05 59 39.37 C3 230.00 48.11 48.03 N 72'55 48 E 11.59 08 24.14 C4 230.00 45.17 45.10 N 84'32 58 E 111' 15 12 22.66 DESIGNER'S PLAN CERTIFICATION: "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE 4ITH THE LATEST NEW HANOVER COUNTY ORDINANCES AND STORMWATER DESIGN MANUAL." SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: DAMD S. HOLUS. PE, PLS DATE: REGISTRATION NUMBER: PE #20007 PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION: 'I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE CURRENT OMER OF THE PROPERTY AND THAT UPON RECEIPT OF 'AUTHORIZATION-TO-CONSTRUCT•ANY CLEARING, GRADENG. CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT, WALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PLAN AND THAT THE APPLICABLE ORDINANCES AND RULES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, THE STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND ITS AGENCIES "WHICH ARE HEREBY MADE PART OF THIS PLAN. AS THE OWNER, I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIOUTY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED FACiUTIE& i WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO TRANSFER THIS RESPONSIBILITY WATHOUT THE WPJTTEN AUTHORIZATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. SIGNATURE: TOM WITH, MANAGING k1EMBER PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC DATE: FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 100, 0' 100, 200' "6pw-% =ME1111 SCALE IN FEET' 1 "= 100' 1 REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12/16 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright c eanover Design Services. PA, A I rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document, in whole or part, without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer, is prohibited. Only copies from the original of this document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and true copies. 4. Contractor shall adjust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the final grade upon completion of all construction. Any boxes damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 5. The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Parking areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor responsible for geotechnical testing as necessary. 7. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. 8. Contractor to ensure that street pavement is placed so as to drain positively to the roadway inlets and catch basins. 9. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. 10. This plan is for site utilities, grading, roadwork, and drainage only, 11. Affected Non -Municipal Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent information, when feasible, to coordinate appropriate scheduling and placement. At the minimum this should include BellSouth and Duke Energy. 12. See 2012 NCDOT Roadway Standard Drawings 84& 05-848.06 for curb ramp details Cover Sheet and General Notes Date: - � �F, 7-14-16 Ru`U N D" ff F "' E E Iml I ["J" G' EScale: ti HORZ: 9 "= 900' .;: LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY N.C. Drawn: ,`\,xXttttrlIIIf//7/ 0:-0F`SSIo9• �7 SEAL 43166 %� GiNS • •QQ�: Waaa'aa� a rad hdsil T ��,6 9 y@ OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 914-562-4511 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & 'LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 [YON LICENSE# C-0597 AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 .1 - ... 111%�_.51�, .-I -, __ _.=� ...... - .. - ___ --- � , .:.:. I - - �- �� - - i � ..... __ ...... 1 - . -, .. M 'M ., I i: i! '. - --I-- 60��4II1-'7�=m .... :...., ... � :!i � ....- . , _. � � � . - - .. I ., 4,�.7 i. tP , , - - . I . 'T, ...... , aL � ,� . .: 7 _: I I --- . - I 11.11 7�3171=11: -, , , � .. . I . i , I � - . - .., . � ,-: I . .. � - , �, . , - , . - - , - - ': , I � . , : - - - - - - " I—. -.1'.... ---. 1. : : ��; J,,�,) I S, , ��"_T_7777_13� � , 2.'�,.' ,-,x_�, : 81f , - �,� ." , 1, , - . �. I . . I -��__�' I..� - I I-— ". . . . . . . -1.11, '.. �, . �� � � I - � e,� ,--- 'M=. 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SEE DETAIL � � � e � 00 I � C14 � � (O I : T, . � : - 2 - > > CROSSINGS FOR SEWER AND HDPE FOR : i � USE DIP AT CROSSIN � ; i � I I CY) I � 0) i I � N C'4 0i 'P � e � � m R 9 Z WATERLINE WHEN REQUIRED � � 5 � � (SEE DEf IL) � � 1.1-�1-1-111-1�.�..,-.-,�,�.,��ll-'a,f--� . 0i ------ ---i"-,-----------.,1-11-1-1---%.Yl> 00 fR F- ------- - - � I � ------,--- -- -- -, - -- SEE NOTES AND DET' ... . AILS -1-1--_ ------------------ -,-,---,- , - * , - - - ,�.-,---,--....-,�-.-��.�--.".-.�.".--.,..--..- 1-1--.1-1 ........ _�,_________11____1__< - --- -1-1-1- � � , , ? I � �I I C'�, O-) =) Z � , , � (6 211- M-n- z 0 - � � I � - I 00 , r � - � I ". 1 , . I , '. , , , � � I ' %'III* - 0 ZE > > I 1 � � T_ 2 , , > > > , I 't � , � 00 C."'i i I I �'� , I I " ,I NOTE WELL: I � . � WATERLIN� CONSTRUCTION�, 11. z z R � � i � 11 _.. y Z, z z 7 - - I �U� I � (01 04 �- I , I I I � I "' � I I 1. FOR WAT,ERLINE USE 6" PVC AND USE HDP � i I I � � � � � I � I � pt_, ,,, ,r 0 - � (6� I I 'zo , . � 1. , � � I I � � I i � � � � I 2. BENDS & FITTINGS AS NECESSARY � . I � � I � � . : 2�> > 1. � � I � i ,I � 0 I � �.1-1-11.1-.,�-.�"-��-.�.-...-...,.�-..-"".�����--�-,���.----I . I0!.'.,d,O,VE .. . ISEE 1_4_-___1_____ ND.3 R _N.OTE.&'�AND_-DE_TA1_LS)_- � � � � - -ILZ 1__;;; -,Z.-,-,...,,--,..,��''--.".,------.-.".-"---",---,".--� �,. - - I I --- !_______1_ - ----�_ � � I L-MAINT -1, .,',..COV.ER,.OR-,.,U�,E....F-IDP.E,A-, � ---,,--.-3 TA I � .4. MAINTAIN CLEARANCES A�, CROSSINGS AND USE HDPE NO SER*ICES (SEE I � NOTESIAND DETAILS) � � I ' � I : I I I : . q � � I : i : � � ; : : ; : . . . : : : : : � : ; LO: : CN: 111- ; 'rt : : CN: 00' 7 . : : : 1m; LO r*-: CID . . U*): C0 in: .::,7 ; . 0. V_ t�_ � ; 0 .16 . - M: ce) � C>. to , I ; CV) . : : M: 00 T_; CID: M : � : co � 1- 00' C> 0): C14 : .; . : L 7� : .; .: : 0: oo: I : ; ; , . T_ : 't- - : V_ . . .: : W i r,.: .V_ i 1 V- . : c0i 1- T.- 2 V . : : Co. . T- : ,t-- � : . . ,--.(6 T_ + Ir- . _ : : : 1, i : I r_� r_-�: 6 P- I . T-: V- T- : V- T- : T- L : : : � : . -5 50'R/W I I .0 - 26' � IN I I - 5' :9- - WITH SIDEWALK OPTION 11 �? W 12' 2--i �-- 1 1' I - ill 2::� I--- 6.5' 1. 51. - 0.5' .00 - _ 0 - - L - I I - - I I I I - , GRASSED AREA/ / __ 1.5"' S9-5A 2'VALLEY CURB ASPHALT **NOTE WELL: PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND S0BGP-4DE REQUIREMENTS MAyBE INCREASED PER RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TESTING 1JJ = _J W UJI \ �_ = ** 811 ABC W U BASE COURSE LEHIGH ROAD NOT TO SCALE \ SIDEWALK GRASSED AREA ALL STREETS TO BE PRIVATE . I I I I I � � � - I � 5 Is �. 11 , - � I `1� 'a...----- � � . � I � " . I It= - - � % � . � � � .A I I 00% � : �_ - I i , I -i I ,I � � - - I I � 9, ,I I � . I � : � _�'� ���l � � - �92, 11 � 5 - -0.78 ' 1 0.50% 4� � 0 1 1 � � � � i I � . � � � I � i-_ � � - � I � � � I � � � __ I � I , 0 � .1 -1 - � _4'1 � � � I I . I :. : I � � �� I -1 I � - , � , � '. - I % � � � K , - - I . � � - - - "I, � � � ., - I � � , � I � I z I ___� , -- . � - - _�__ I � I � � I � ; � - - , p --- � I I - , I .1. ..... ... ". I.... -,[,-,"-�,-"-,---�,�"-,-Z-.,.-..�,� .... ... - .............. .... I .... 11 ... ........ 11, .................. ..... 1-1-111-11111-1-1 15 � � I - 77-!� � - - - � . � ..._,_,_._., ,.�__ - - ____1___ ", .. I'll .... .... __ 111- .11.1- ........... .1�---"-----.-",-%"-,.,...�.."I ... I-- ... 1 .... 1 ........ ... I-- I-,.,,-. �.-"."..,-,"-.-..�,-.-,�.-",�l.--,-- - � . .. . ...... I-- 1- -- ___111 , -- - , ^ I � � � I, I - 77-7:1.= --,-,- __ _-, 4-1- _____ -1 ____ I I � . � i �� � w _. I -I---- -- _____1 ---I,-. -I---,-. - - - - ,�� - - ---__,-" � --- - _.____... - ..... 11-1 .......... ___ _...___._ - ___�_r�_ I ..... 11-1., .... -, - - , 1-1- , , , " - ; , - . ..... 1-1--11.1-1 .. ..... __-.1 ...... I .... I.-I-1 � - - - - � � � � � � � 11 -1-1-1111-111-1. 11 _ - ____ - - - - 77T7 - I-- - - - - - � I , , � 1____ .---,-..,-.. I - 17777__:� 1 - - _____ 11 ____ I � � - I I � � : I � . � . � . � . I I � . � 11 I - _� � � � � , � __� � "I � � � I _ � : .�_l � � ; � I I I 1 4 1 . � ---- _1 � I I __� 11 I � � ........... �, �. P � I 1--.11, I � i � ; I -_ �_. I - _ , �:: . � � � � -- ___ i 4. . c I ____o � . � � . � � � 11 - � 1 I I I z _�_, . � I-------- � . � I � � � �_ . . � . I � - . . � - � 1.35% � I I . - I � � � - I I � � : I I � �2 � P @ . ; . : I - I I I � I - , . � � . . � p, VIC I j . . . ; � __ � . I . � , ________ : 365.50 F OF 8' � o � I . : w ; n . � � I � : ; : . . . � � � : : � . : � � . ; � . � : � ; � 11l / . : : . ; . : I � � : : : � - I . . . . . . � I .1 : i I : : : � z . 1 .21% i � I : z : � � . q � : . � I ; : : ; I � � I ; . w . z : : . I � . ; � : . . . 362.91'OF 30'� RCP @ 0 -1 t ; ; I . I . : : . � I ; I _� ; � � � I I I � I 253.rov OF!3y, F�c � I I : � )i r � - ,F6 .65% 1 � I � � � . I I I - ; - I I ; i 1 611 WN I I � 1 6" WN //// � 611 WN U � � � w I � - : . . . z 0 0 N Z Z !e P =) I- PROPOSED FINISHED (1) 0 * T< Q� SURFACE CENTERLINE W U _J ELEVATION W I / / I I I I 0 U� 0 1.0 o6 r- 06 r_� t1e) n I n r-0 - . 1 �00 - 1 �50 � t PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENT STATION PROFILE LEGEND NOTE WELL: � CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA . 50' of 50' 100, (JACKIE JOHNSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII I PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY I IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 0 *** SCALE IN FEET. I't-- 50' � I � � � I � � � I � � . . � q . I � � ! : : : � I . : . . . � : I : : . . . - ..", ... - --- -1-11.1 .... ... I ....... .... �_ .... - - , I - 11 -- ___,___._._....1 ------- 11 .... � . ; ; I : - ..... - __� . ....... ____ - -- ------- ------ . . . ........ ___ � .... ____ ... . ....... : , . . : Z _,_ - .... ____ . _-1-1 I � : -1-1 - - 1 - I � � - . � - ': - � - -.11.1- ........ -1-1--_ I - ___ 11-1-1-1--.1-1.1- ! 39449 OF 30"RCP -@ 0. 1 3% - - - . . � .,� ...... 1-1.1- ........ I-- .... I ... I ..... - � -- - .. . . : : I ......... -.11-1-1- 1____1__- I-- : .... 1-1-1-1-111--.... .. . ..... I., .... I---,- � - : . ; w : : : .�..'�..,.--,",%-"�.�1.1�,�.11.1�11.1'..".�-1--l'.1"'%-I ...... �-, . ..... � ...... _ � .. ..... � ...... ..... . . . . : : -1---, - � .... _-1.1.11"...., -.1 1-1-1- . 11 I U I- ... 1_1_1_11___,._,_. I . I ,������.�-11---"..--...,--.-%,.-.�.---,"..---''-..-.,..�.,."<.��1--ll-l.�,,� � . . 99-67 . ; LF : . I : . ; t I . ...... __.__._..11. 1-1--_ -IS .- _11___________1_1 . : . : . . : : I d I � � . I I : I � � � � I . 2 e �0 � � : : � . � � � . , I ; I � . � � z . ; � � I I I ; z � � 8ty PV . ; . ; : . w . � � z . I ; I � . I I i � e ; � � � . I � I � � � . � I . � . . : : ; i 1.36 o: ; . . : a . - c � � I � � � � C � . k I I I I I � � I I I I I . � � . � � � ; � . � . : : : : ; ; : . : : . . � . a . . I e : : � � � i � � I � i � I � � . I I I � I C) � I � I � I I I � : � I � I ; : � cr) 'IT � � . � � : . . * : I � � . e � � � f � � E I i � I . � � e � ; � - � I � 1* � � � � I e . I � I I � 36.03 LF OF 811 PVC � � o- 41% I � . � I � . � 0 lqt i (:) ,- � . � � � � � � I � � I � : I . e � . I � � � I C') ('� U') T_ : . . ; I � . . q I " . . . � . q � f � I � I i � � � � � � co I � � � i � "I'll - "' "I . � � � I � i I � 006- I,-- ILL ,r- I � � � � � I .� I � ; � I � e � � : �. I- C-� i- 11- -r- � I '. USE DIP AT CROSSING � ,. I � � c I � � � � � � I I I � . . : � qt,;.-- 11 .................. (0 (.0 - � � .... � I � � � I � � � � � s , , � < , � , I I . D 1117) Z 0 I � I I ,� � 1 1. I z I , � I I ? .1 . 11 I I � � I � � . Z) CD Z 0 .T- '. � (SEE DETAIL) � , � � I 11, 5 � i � -Ic-l-, ,I i _,_'__,__,_____,,___ , , � I I I e � , � .... ... __ ....... .�---"�-"-"��.-,��,��,�'.."�.- 11 - - � � � I � � .. ..... - 1� I - .......... I I " 4 'IT CD � � . '1� 111,1111-11-1-11 %,�___ ....... - __'-___- 00 C) C) ILL ': V_ V_ � I � I I , . - , � , . . ................ ___ ...... . .1 ... - .... _ 1-11-- __ __ -1 ---,--- - , ��NOTE WELL: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S I 11 I -, - __� --- � � ____ I ,--.--.,.,-,,---,""""---,-,-..--, - _-.1-1-1 . THESE MINIMUM SLOPES ARE. I I z I .... �.I.�1-1-���--l'.�'��'�..-"-�-,--",-�,�---- � , � �, ; co �," - . " ___� i '>" _ , � � 'R z Z; I � I , �, -1.1-111 ... _ _-, I � I I 11-1-1-1..." I � � � ___,___ ______, � � �, � � I" � ; e NOTE WELL: � I -1 ..... 1-11-1-1-11 ... I I 111- I 1 . .............. . �11 * I I I - I � e � . , _,�� ...... %_._ ....... __-, - . I � ., . __,_ .. ...... - -, -1 .. .......... �'' 2 > > R zlz - ... _ ...... __ ........... __ ................ (0 It � I w �__.__ . . ....... .. _11_._1___-._ ....... �z - I I. - � . � � I � 11 � .. .... . � .. ........ ��_ ..... _,"",_ ... .. ..... � I � � .... '.." , I � I , , , . I � � z �, � � � � � . I 1111 z z D __01 T_ *� . I � I RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE I 'MINIMUM : i 0.60% FOR 6"DIAMETER PIPE � I � - I I (00) f�'- � � 5 . I � � 1 . � � SEWER PIPE (SIZED 8' 'THROUGH12-) I I � I . : ; � I . : I � � ; � � ; � I C) U0 C.0 c6 CIR Nt . I � � � . i � � I I . � : : . q , I , � I � I .. .. 3 I � :5 > > > � 04 � SEWER SLOPES SPECIFIED BY � I I � � � 0.40% FOR 811DIAMETER PIPE I . . . c6 . co CD �_ � 3 I � I I SHALL BE CLASS 150, SDR18. : . � I � � I ; . I . � I � N I.- 0 D *) 00 � . � I : �, I . I , � � , I � � � � I ,I i 0*) R ZKZ , I � � 'STATE REGULATIONS ARE ACHIEVED. � 10.28% FOR 10"DJAMETER PIPE ; � . I C%4 T- =) . � � � I I CONFORMING TO AWWA C900 � � I I � � I I . � I � I � I . . � I 1 ; � . C6z z 0 � I � � . � . . : I ; . q : , ? . I I I � � ,� ; � ; � I � � A0 04 ,A I 0 - I ", Iq q P I : � . � I � � . ; � � 10.22% FOR 12"IJIAMETER PIPE q � . I � LO K 0 T_ � I � : � I i * I REQUIREMENT& 1, I � I I I . . � � . I . . � : . I : I . : . - - 2 > > > I . . � � I . � I � � I . . I I I � � � � � I � . I ; . � z I 00 , - �T C.0 =) . . : . ; . . : : � : . . : : : � : . > > 2 ; : . : I I . � SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL I � � � � : . : . I . ; � . . Ftlz z Z_ . q ; I I . . ; . . q � I � �'. , I . � � I � 1 I I � LO = 0 �_ - '" � : . . . I : : . . . q . z : : . . : : : : . ; I . . . z z - 1- W '!= : ,; : � : PIPE SIZES, CLASSES AND SCHEDULES. : I I : : - � I I � - .... 11 ..... ... � � . ..... .... ...... � ....... I . o �.�."":...�,,�"�.-..�.-�,,�,.�"I'll"I .... . . . � : . . I : . ; I : : I . ; 0 I ---I,------- I I � ----_--__-_- 1..1_1__ ...... -, ... � 1.1.1- � . 1. ______,� � _________,..__.... ...... I I I � . _11-1- - � . � � -1-11- .. .-I-,--"- � - z --2- �>>-- � - I : : . ....... . ........ I ........... .1_1__.11_____1_ --,-----,-, -- - 11 --- �_111 I I . : . I . . - ..... - ... I ... . .. : .. . ... -------.---"-,-�'ll,�,-,----,-,-- - � - I -1-1-1-1-1- --- z : � ; : : 1-1.1 � - ... 1-.1- � � . I -1--l.11--.,.-,,,-��-�---�---��'----', . ; : . " ,,, 1 .... , - 111� __1_1__1 --- 111 -- - - - - . - I w � . : ; : �, -1 11 � -1-1.11 1.111.1 - I I -1.1.- ..... _:.1.1.1._ I . . : .. ..... ..... . . . . I : � N-1--l-11-.1 ...... �..: ... ... . � ............ I : . � ............... � ........ ,...' .... � .... ,.,_' '-_-,� ....... � .. ................ .. . . .............. ; . w q . � � q . ..,; .......... _ ..... � . .............. ... ... . . . . . _---_-- I � : ; � � : 5 . I . � � . ; � R zz z :__ ; . . : . I ; . : : : . � ; ; � . � I : � : ; : � . I : . � � I : . I . . . q I . : ; . . . . : . I ; I ; ; , : : 0): CC) . : : 0o: 0) I � . "_: 40 . ; s T_ � ; . � - T_ T_ ; z : � . � � C'4'v- lqr ce) C.0, (0 � Co 11�1 Ci Cil q Cq � CIO � co 00!0 , (P 1, T- Zq�u� - t*- , 19T 00 - to � cc) � SO 't � CD 7 1ICT U It � Itil -) � "t I r � T- cqi(q V: 7 I C0 V I N� � Cli . 00 co . M M .: . � LO tl- w' w 00 Ill- .: . � � C) � CV) V_ ; Lf) I I �� Lo'� (0 04 � 00 o 0�co (0: It .� . . � II e to' CO .� I It- 114 0): C-1) : .: t..� . (Do V.- : T : : : LO: 0') .: . . (0: (0 "-:.,- : . . : (y): (0 .; . : LO: (0 V-. It- : . : . (Do (N .; . : 04:6 T V.- � � . . 00. V- - 4'(6 - V-T- � � . I I U-) ` to 616 U-) � (O e T T_ ,V- T-�V- Ir-1 . � � � I . � � I .-t �� C.0 Iq c6 T_ i T_ 7 T_ I i i � V-: � 1.6 - T_ � T- . I . � � .�(q MAO T_ �V_ q � w I � � I � ,tlo 4�6 tr) � t-- s T--V- ��'T V.- � V- . I � . I � I � � LO 1- T_ 1 V- I � - . L0 � cc T-1 T_ � � . . ,It I (0 7 �V I . . : . I (6 I (6 . V-�T- � � I � I G)'(0 0) �e I T--�T- T--:�T- � I � � . � � � � "r-106 e -Ir- (N� . q � � . I Ce C11 : : : � i ! , , , , � 15110-1-1-1-11 5& . : . ; � I � , , Q -_--la ___ . ..... ��.�..�.,��,�.--,�,-,�--".-Q-*.5.0 ; . d z . � � I ---- - - ______,__�� . . : : � e . I � .... � . z � � � I w � � - � - --- ---- '. _741 50___________a � z I � . � I . :: I � I � � � � � � � .. I � . � + � , 0 .. ..... 00 L-5-0--111 1-1 1 -1-11-9, . . ......... 11-11.1-- ............. 6. - -11-1.111-11 � � . I I I � � , lal 50 0 a 1_._ ... ... 1. ...,,�,-,,----,--,�--,--,l--., _______,--__,.__,_ ... . I I I � � 1-0+ - 11-50. � _-1-111-4- I , 11 � I I 1. __ . ...... __ ... - - I � I � � � I � > �, � I � .. __-2 -.0 . ..... - ...... _,A2+50___ .... __ ....... __., 1-1t5o.- ............. ____ - _11 - ±0_11_-___1 I � : - 1 3 ............ ... ... - _tQ0 . 13+ 0 ........... .............. - 15 : I � I � � � ...... � .... __14.tO ...... Q ........... _.,____,__,14+--,- . ; ,I :� � .1 ... .50 � .... - .. ....... - ....... I-- .... -.1-11.0 � . � � , � � � I , - .. . .. , .. .V,�v.,."-"-".,,..%,�"'"',.�%.�%.-.,.I', 5Q ........ ........ - ...................... 5 - " � � ,'I � . .... 1.6too- ... �.�.-.%��..�.111.1.1�-,�..'�.�-�lI - 5 I NU I t VVtLL: 1. EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE MINIMUM 16'FROM TRANSMISSION LINES TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. (REFERENCE: OSHA 1910.269) 2. ANY TREE, OR SHRUB CAN BE PLANTED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS LONG AS THE MATURE HEIGHT IS 12 FEET OR LESS. WHEN PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT SPACING TO ALLOW UTILITY MAINTENANCE � VEHICLES ACCESS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. I FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEA NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or ponds�by swales, overland flow, additional grading, or landscaping inlets. I NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. D FOR CONSTRUCTION `%TA 0 I'MMON 0+00 THROUGH 16+00 LEHIGH ROAD ..e'... 11-1-1. 1.1-11-1 _11 " ,�, �', ." ," .. - I . � �'. "'. _-.11 . "I .- /4, " _. ,. � 2 9 '. ',�,, ,�,,.._ _ . ..... I., ... -.1--,", . �, 1 ��"... ��'., ,/'111, � , . I I.."." ", "I" ". I/ ��"�' __". _.. - - ��., _.1 ,. �,,' "'..., 1, '.1 �'., " I - �� 1. %. '. ., ,1 I ': ,/1 ." 1�1 I , . ,� - V ^ " I /. / - , _,_�_ .. . ..... �, - ", .,�, �" , �... `/1 �'../ I /,_ .. I - . . - .11 I _ 1 ./ .1 ��. ,� �",_,� ___ ,�._. I "'.. .1 . � , _ ,/z 1/1 � ,� I � I . I I L I _ ,11.1 / , . "� �.__ _, � �� . ,,, � . ',�' I ,�� ,�,�..'� .11 .�." .,� 11 � / I . 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Only copies from the original of this document marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be vald and true copies. - OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC TOM SMITH WILMINGTON, NC 28406 914-562-4511 I., I REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12116 1� 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE �, - - HANOVER DESIGN SER)VICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 & LICENSE # C-0597 - - AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 N------------------- �/ OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC TOM SMITH WILMINGTON, NC 28406 914-562-4511 I., I REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12116 1� 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE �, - - HANOVER DESIGN SER)VICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 & LICENSE # C-0597 - - AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 N------------------- �/ . . I I I I I I I I I I ` I 'll, ,--- ,--- - ii, �, � � 11 / I dlI < �_ I ,/ / I I/ � / 1,` vl` � ` , / I I I I . . ..."amillill . I I / - _ . . I I \ I kl _ _ - --,,--,,-- _11- _111, � � " / "', 1� wit , I l-- '11, ...I.. , , *I ,, .-- 1/I,11;." i-1 ",', -,,I "- /.1.1.. /� t/ ,o^/ ' / 1fI I -11iIT LI. 1/ l, 1, ,,i,1111 1,11 ,- "-.,-_-/ " 11/,1_-., 1-, - , ) i/..-,, -,? l.- II . l,.. 1 . I- .- � __ .1s;_'.I_ _ ,--- -1 - i 1 " , , ,- . .- I . ,I , . " 1, 1. - A - _1 I- - .\.I- , ._i- 111I- I,. 3.)) 3 - I I -n) I- - —_--_— —_— - / � 1" , , / , `1,1__ 4 ,11 1" 4�: / - / _ _ --''-- ,/z ,,(4�l, I /` I _�1 z �1/ 1_393 7 5 - _3__, --- 8IX 179*91x-LVnX *, u-6tk6L'OZ X ot-a-0 CN / 1mtz XC_x 4,9z x�\"I-/ c\.,_ Wz 63-11Z X // PROPOSED 6X2 REDUCER 1N � rr 2 BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY CSTORM SEWER k\/ 6 1 SIM DETAIL T " TYPICAL _ - / %\" / � I/ 1' // IHASEMBLY - i— ,> \ !RQPQED- ---_—___---- — 7�' — —h8 ___,- 2 p 7Fco 1/.___ - - CU.E. - "1-- EE DETAIL U.E. __` __1'J 18T9- Tll __— - -- 11 , I-LI-1 s � __.11oo,____,_&.__1_/ , 1 � 1�//"-// ","- I ___ 11, -i-.-- ___ - A__ ___.9.----___...._..._i._ - -.-.--....-.___._. .) /0 � £.0 %i •.� !�, , ::,_ -- I \ . ,,C14*1�".. 711*11� MH5, W --, i TlIA CD, 4 — ,U. .E.1 . 7 + / 1 /— .. . — . _ t- -- -—L,�6 1 / .__ 7r / /5'SiDEWALK ,// c----,-" x . 1. .. / --I , _ -___- ,_ I /,/ / // / a / - r / / i, 4zqi x, '_,�-q�, / / 4�6, x -gg.0z x I IZx )0c,zz x 91 zx 6�.ez x � ;1I / ,,_,-/- , J// -,1, J"f;� , / � 1 , -i / ,A /, / "/0 ,/ 1",._ / f , �,/ " /t/ I ?I/'11�/ ,1'"/�I // ,� "/ rz- RET. WALL BE 1 � --/ z /11 �,It ,/ti/ / SIGNED BR / OSY ,J �` I '/ I I/ , '.1 �I1,,�/- /1 " I , /' / 1I�, �� 7�LL—.7 , --� ,.� Z1V zz*vz x.1-1Z1, J11__,— / t�f _i�/ , �� _I� H� ,l.,/ / / / I _,_ _ I •// 7 ',".' _,�, _ I / ,/ ,/ /._- --^M4/ /" , - �?20Ib1 AGE ,,/ I // � . " - SEM-"/_l,` -/ " " �, / , I _ I _1-:<-� �. I I 1-1 -_ -_ /✓ 1/"` /I " ,/ I// _1", , "1_ /1,I /1� li; 1 /\ , —" 1- . 4*I " Y1 /," PASSIVE RECREATION AREA ",,I /,".,�, I 1 7 "� A, - - 11 ,� 1. _-_ LA /, - , ,"", / =-. " 1, _M'/ —� —, 9'� -,"I--- t� � 7 - I I zi ,Z99Z 3 ,,9t,69.62 S I [� I - ,t.62 N) 9-1 1 1 . - I I I I I __ I I I I ____�_— I I I I I I I I I I 30'DRAINAGE & 1_� I I I I I I I I UTILITY EASEMENT I I I I I I I 1-__.._-_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 24 1 23 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 00 I 0191 1 1 1a I I I I I I 1 I rx I I I I 1`' IE 8.j 1 . . ; I : I I z i I i . � I : : LO I I C> - i . . : � : ; I i . 10 : � : : ; rl- I : ; 00 I : . . i ; . : CS CD I I I . M : : . ,56 C! 1 to I - P. . � : M =) 0 q 6 1C00 I � I I � ; + C1 � I I i ; - � � + : - I CD C+N! r_� �R i F-� P. ,q , LEHIGH ROAD : (n I I I � � 00 M il 04 C) : I ) . � K T_ C> co 1-_�'T W, - ------- � 11 M N i : Lo -i ,C7 >; I C) F-: 8? cq >; Ui co . I : I 1 + co < Lu i + CO � > I �+ M .:� V_ 6 -7 i>; UM) : W . + : � + I 11 . � . , ,; 0i <16i + 0) z � I 1�� -� U-) V- 1-- _J I 3 : 1 et -7 F- _J , 1W T7 fl- T_� . 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I M; * MH7 : I CREST STA.17+03.44 SAG STA17+23.07 . � 71"..,__ ; : . : . I I ; : a : � I '-- / I I i i SAG STA.14+69.44 � )'CREST. : I I M, ELEV. 1 9.9$ SAG ELEV.19.85 : a : � , . 1 SAG ELEV.16.46 i I , I z 'TO-0,9_11K-Va : : a : - I i I � � 8.07K-Val,- ' I I . . I � w . , i i * � --Ili � � . . w . : , : I 1 25 � I 23.44K-Val ,1, 11 � � : : ; I � � � � --- . I � . -20.09Vr,- I 2 0. 0DV,C . : : I � � I � / : w y . � � I 25 � . -1--i MH � -----..--.---,- __ .. .. .. ___1 1-1- - 501.00VG- , __,_ -..-- 1, � * ........ I I . � � � : � : . � I i I'll : . i I I �_, 1 I : I : : ; � z . i : : � � ,I : . i . : - e � , ; w : ; - . : . . : i � : : : � � ; . : : . - I . i . : : . + i - I i . : : ;. : . : q i � i . : e ; I . 1-11, � ; I -.1-11", - : . : I I t : : . I : ST1 I � � . . : . . I � k + I I 1/1 I . � � i i t z e e � � i I : � . : I 11 I i e i � - z i I I � - _/` . i i8% � . : I � _�_ . �, : I � � � +1. =0 : � MPO � � . � .111, .. .. ... 1:11 � : i ? I � � � I . � I : __11 I I w � � : . ; . � i . . , � I•. i f : . 1_� I � : : I)Q11 I I ST91 i .--" � I z * 20 1 : ; I I -- ' I I - ---------- I — : 61 i : ,--.--------,, ........ 20 7, . ` .�1.111-11.1----,..-.--."...--.-.-,-.I _,..___,_. .- i - I -,-- 1- ------- I ---- ---- ___". - REDUCER-- 1_1____1_1__._.__._,.,_ _.__,�� .... . ..... � .... .. � ... . __. I , 1�_ _1_11 +_ . . " -.I,-------- - � -1-1 I � +1 ------- 1 � - - - - � , , I I ,,,� % I .1� I I 1 SEE DETAIL I I I �� � I I I n . i .1 � -0.46% I I 1 15 1-_---- ,.- L�:�------,-..--.,--%-----,--.--i------....--, I I i t I � i , � . . . . . . . pVC 0.65 o ; - : ; 365.50 LF OF 8`1 __ 5 100 � 00 ciiq to co ,,- 1-11, I I'll I - 1-1 :::=s I I 1. M ` I I I I , I , rl_ N �_ If- —0 I I I U � , 1 I I I I , (6 Z 0 � � I � 1 ----------- 2 > 11 > -- ----- _._1_1_11____11'__ � (0 � � R Z�z Ict I � � w `0 c6 OCO It P - , � I . � � ; : .* "Oi co =) Wzzo ; . : : : . . 2 > > > 1 . : : . . w : : i . w w : . . : . s YZ Z Z_ : . ; : i I : i ; : I r-_ ; U") 0011- � C>�M , u� : . . to' 0 qlcq � 41:6 Irl",r (D;w V-`,r- I mico Ir-1, i'r- I 50'R/W DIP AT CF (SEE DET I � I � �. � P,4CW)�TERI-1111`11 I ". 2'1 I� 5 i . 2�0197 LF6F"PVC@0.41 I , 4V%J.-- — - - ",__� =�: : �i�� "� � ------ ���� �__'., : . ; V . : . . ; : : . . ; : : 11- I . : (0 . I . . RCP @ 1.350/0 . . : : : . . : . : : � : I ; : � � Ill I I I Ir- k : 6 or- 3cr ; . . 253.6 : : s . : . . ; . i 0 ; : i � LO �_ I : I q . . : . . ; : . i ; � C . I � N T =) . . % . I, I . N Z .:1.i..iI..I I --0C ],Z- 0_,. f I i I 0O.e. ' I � � � 't I r- 0') - �Tl_ to CO F - I I I I , I I 11 1. ,I I i I I I 00 V_ - I T_ - I I : . . . I t , . i . SING I ; . � � I . � I . CO I V_ It � T- Z) I 6 Z , 2 > EE z z I I I : : i I I z J C.4 - 0 : ; I I , I ...,-.,,.,,.."-,-.-.-".,................ .. ; . I I I ->-> _ ; -, ____ . � s I , - -%-",- --,,--"--------.----,-,-.",,�l.-II-1----- : . ' q . I ; i . i . .: � I - z z I W1_ - I . I i . NOTE WELL: � : : . . : w ; . . . : s . I : :.; I WATERLINE : w q . . . i .. FOR WATERLINE USE 6" PVC AND USE HDPE AT CROSSINGS w t: w . 2. BENDS & FITTINGS AS NECESSARY i s . : I COVER OR DIP AND.I 30" COVER (SEE NOTES AND DETAILS) 3. MAINTAIN 36".I. ..1.. _,_,___�11-1-,-.--,---�l--,.-------.....I_,___......... ........_..-.- � 1..____11__11_____1__-.1. � 4. MAINTAIN CLEARANCES AT CROSSINGS OR USE HDPE (SEE NOTES AND DETAILS) I-11 - 1- __,________-,'' -..- ,�--,�,�-"----,---,,-%�-,%,, -_-! i f ,I r--' V CD 00 1 C-4 1. U') Ill ,;tl 7 "! � , co " -,* U� 0) � e : (0 cl ,�q ". T_ � . : I I C) " 0) , 0 10,00 0) � t-- -it � CD 0q . I C) 0 , (P 0), c,q ,4:,� CO . .1,4: _� -: 00 r , ce) � 0) I Irl, 04'� — C14 I V f I I , . co� CD C-4 ,r- , . �. I , C5 � to, C14'? CN I + I - � . , . . 0� . C'4 , - C, � C> C> V i V- oc)LO col col co , - 04 � C\l C14 � 04 C14 1 N , - . I I I I I � I I I , I Lt5,oI,6+0o-.---. . .... . 1-1-116 ,-- I ...... _17 _,__.__,..,_______17 I t . i . . � --,--..-.,,-.,,,--I$tQQl-.--.,-.,.---.,-"-l.'a ___ ____._1_9_ 00 .......... __ ........-,.,.,..,+1.9,.,t5Q..,---,.--^ 21 I - \ 26' 11, I -0 WITH SIDEWALK OPTION < W W � 12' 2---1 t- 1 1' ill 12�� [:- 6.5' - 1 5' 0.5' - I I I I * \ 1k, VI.,::, . 1/1 - l-, 11 W,�q-,' ".., I 11 � �_��.,��,,,,;�> . . . . . . � I ..�.., ��� 1��,,�,M_,,.,� �,.:'C:;.'�4 X :,K',��`S-,,,?,,,� ,,, 1, . I W = SIDEWALK __J 0� W \ GRASSED AREA = ** 8" ABC ** 1.5" S9.5A W GRASSED AREA 2' VALLEY CURB ASPHALT C-) BASE COURSE "NOTE WELL: I LEHIGH ROAD PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS NOT TO SCALE . MAYBE INCREASED PER RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT I CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TESTING ALL STREETS TO BE PRIVATE I I (9 a z zz- p -:)5 § �- PROPOSED FINISHED (D 5-< W SURFACE CENTERLINE W itz) W _J ELEVATION I / I I 0 06 to to n 0 C6 n to r� n I 1 +PO � . 1+150 L PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENT STATION PROFILE LEGEND 14".. ***NOTE WELL: 1. EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE MINIMUM 16' t-KUIVI TRANSMISSION LINES TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. (REFERENCE: OSHA 1910.269) 2. ANY TREE, OR SHRUB CAN BE PLANTED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS LONG AS THE MATURE HEIGHT IS 12 FEET OR LESS. WHEN PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT SPACING TO ALLOW UTILITY MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ACCESS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. : 2" BLOW OFF : : i : ASSEMBLY I : : SEE DETAIL : . : : . 15 1 "61 5 EXISTING CULVERTS ACROSS MQUILLAN DR . I I I 11 I I .- , 3 : 1` I I � . A , I 1, I I t� . � I . - MH1 --- r- �, 1,111 � � x MH � :I .7 _ A. __ � - _. — — — 0j* . 3 ____ "� 7 , : ,� :, : : P I- - I WET WELD - __ I : -_ \„� " I . I - - - 11. .1 - � � : . I , __ _. - -"Ill;I; ,', � �4111, � I . I .- . .. . W .. .--,_ ,-_-I,l_.:,,.mow - "_-"- _ I "IPROPOSED PUMP STA.. TOt ",�� --, SEE PUMP -STATION PLANS-1. I ,,� .. , I,,=,)%ND,t&It"Sri tT,A1ANU,AZ , � I , � CIL JUTISD16TIONAL DITCH . _ � , / 0 tI 1 I �11 6i £ . I �) ' WATER SERVICE I_ I ? TO PUMP STATIONI / , 2, . . I 1 MAINTAIN ORIGINAL DEPTH : I I -----" * : 1, , i� : , � i, f I I OF REGOLATED DITCH BOTTOM I 11 . " " I I I - I , PROPOSED 3" FORCEMAIN I PER CO�P REGULATED GUIDELINES 1 � I � a) � � 1� : : I � � , . . - "i � � � t I � , TIE INTO EXISTING FORCE MAN , I . I � ION CAROLINA BEACH RD � � .0 � . . . �� . M 0 , - i C�� 202 TIE TO EXISTING -L� I � G) , � I �, I , f 07 H IH I 3M I 1� !; ;a r- I .� - �:, � I ;0 r � � � , � , I H . . I p �, 01--N I 1. It �. I h : . , 11 58 1 57 ' � 410 � I I 3� EXISTING ROAD TO 2 1 i � I I I 1 BE RESURFACED �, � M I � ;�, k t , r I I I � '. il I � i ,0 it I I -foo � 1� - � i= I 1 1 " �� 1..� I I h :� � I I I, I 11 I � :. I I e Ic w . I I I I I , � � - 6 � � I � 11. � I . I ( I I , ; . : I I r . I I � � I , , � � I: ,I � . � . � f I � : . ; �' I � t . . : : I : I . . f EXIST. 24" CMP � I . INV. 10.71 .A... -.A -____. A-_._._h_-.__A.__-..._.__A-___ I -.-,-.-A --A--M-__..M .---.-"-, ....-__- ENI72131VM.9 ONIISIX3 "I'7 _7, -.M. Q.............I...L..........A.......N.... D-,.-R-IV.........E .......S...... R 1257 0 " / 0 te INV. 11.55' \ ,I (60'PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) , 1- ) ,"4 I .... ===--;;ll1 '. - 'i __ I 1, . I ", , I , * ........ . , . Ilk �_. _ , "I _0 I I 11 " . - ''I ( ,....: I 1,0 -1. - ... __ e . 1;71. -'77[=, ,_ _ ... I _ _777 _ .771 - -,I,, 77 I , I 2,iV'CMP__.I.__, __ - - - I I INV. 10.45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROPOSED CULVERTS: STREET A AND LEHIGH RD Street A STA 1+48.80 I 26-I ' 1�1 = 1 1/4": 1' = CULVERT C1 DETAIL NTS . STANDARD UTILITY NOTES 1. SEE CFPUA STANDARD UTILITY NOTES. NOTES CAN BE FOUND ON DETAIL SHEET WSD-1 AND WSD-2 2. SEE AQUA DETAILS AND NOTES. NOTES CAN BE FOUND ON SHEETS Al AND A2. IE 8.2 IF_ 1V.a Lehigh Rd STA. 10+57.00 50'R/W I - 1 26' N. I WITH SIDEWALK OPTION �' ' 1-1 = I - 1/4": V 1/4": l' Ct: - 12' 1 �� [-- ill CL EL=15.58 ill 1 �-- 6.5' 51 - - - - - _ .. I - 0.5' . i " �-_� , \ 3:1 Z_'1ULVERT C2 DETAIL NTS � FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION I I I I 11 I 11 , I I I I I lee - GENERAL. NOTES: 1. NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN ANY STREAM, DITCH OR DRAINAGE -WAY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYDOWN & STOCKPILE AREAS (TO ARRANGE AND INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE REGULATIONS). i � � NOTE WELL: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S I I RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE I � 0 MINIMUM SEWER SLOPES SPECIFIED BY 1 1 �- I � STATE REGULATIONS ARE ACHIEVED. � I � � 0)� , U'); THESE MINIMUM SLOPES ARE: C61 " 0.60% FOR 6"DIAMETER PIPE C-4i 1 t � � � 0.40% FOR 8"DIAMETER PIPE i I 1 0.28% FOR 10"DIAMETER PIPE - : 1 0.22% FOR 12"DIAMETER PIPE 50' IIIIIIIIIIIIII of 50' 100, IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCALE IN FEET. 1"-- 50' NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. I NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or ponds) by swales, overland flow, I additional grading, or landscaping inlets. I NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. NOTE WELL: MULTIPLE UTILITIES SHOWN GRAPHICALLY IN PROFILE. DEVIATIONS NOTED AS SHOWN. MAINTAIN 36" COVER AND USE DIP AT CROSSINGS WHEN REQUIRED. SEE COVER SHEET NOTES. NOTE WELL: SEWER PE (SIZED 8- THROUGH 12") SHALL BE CLASS 150, SDR18. NOTE WELL: CONFORMING TO AWWA C900 CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA REQUIREMENTS. (JACKIE JOHNSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE SIZES, CLASSES AND SCHEDULES. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THROUUM 00 ST ON 0-%l a ATI16+U 2 "i 50 i LEHIGH ROAD 1 REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12/16 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 _ _ REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE - Copyright c 0anover Design Services, PA, All tights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document, or addifions or deletions to this document in vi or part, without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer, is prohibited. Only copies from the original of this document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and Mile copies. 50'R\W RESIDENTAIL CUL-DE-SAC STANDARD DETAIL NOT TO SCALE IE 10.4 PIPE ZONE - 6" k O.D. 6*9 MINI - _tMIN � I : . . . \� . - • . I I 0 A •- 41 a. 0 1 - � 11 a • a a SMEJ 0 FINAL BACKFIL / PIPE - *. *�: - ...--:-.:-::-*.�:-*:�:.,.::�-. 3" 1 '� , *1 ..: . SIZE AS INDICATED ,...:::::::-.:::::��,.:�. -.. --:-��-�-:�:-%.:-.. --'.-�:-*.-:-�:-:.-. -:-.:-�.:-.:-_.,- . . . ------,---I(- . ... ..... ........:....::...:..::..-:..::.:, . ...:. . :.A........ - I ..:.:......:. '.. .. .. .. *..., ON THE PLANS INITIAL BACKFILL ....,.-.:-.%.. . , .. ... ..... .. , ...... CLASS 1 ::..."...... .%-%-.-,.,.-,. O.D. * . -::::--::--*.--.-- . . ... .. I � .-.. ,..%. . . r .1 Iz (0 STABLE .:-'..:.*. ...-.* FOUNDATION MATERIAL N-M PVC PIPE PIPE BEDDING DETAILS N.T.S. r STREET AND UTILITIES PLANS & PROFILES Tr"EE R"Iru"GE ECEIVE, LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY N.C. , .4 1� ` " ` -`, , ,� , - - ul�� ? , , " I ` - , " I � h 5-i,PD I — - (I \011 \S` \A CAR O / OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LC I � 4�4 ...... .-I TOM SMITH ..... .. k I I 'o.. - 1;1 I Z, * � iess/64/ % , WILMINGTON, NC 28406 1 - : 1. .. .Z� : * 1<� •. 914-562-4511 * = . \ 43166 .- - I - . . i .. • . .* _�,. - -V .. �, ., - ,V, ' I , . G I N e"- --* - i -11 - �� HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. 1� *1 ...... ***`P,-- .1 I / )_ ,� ,,,- I > \ LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS I ///// 6He " # � ill, ,� ! 1 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY I 0�1 I WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 1 ( ,7- /,�- 16 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 [YON _�g�rady @ �hds�ilm.60m_ _ _) LICENSE # C-0597 / - e' Date: 7-14-16 Scale: HORZ: P-- 50' VERT: P-- 5' Drawn: AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 e- - Sheet No: r% J `,_O` - 7 _..W ..-.... ........ ....... .....- .......,.. ....... :3i I II 5 s `£ �, '• f I x f £Fk}j £y s f Id I ;< 1 I I' Z. = r s I ' (� f I I f s I t I "J 3 3 v szksE k ` (A o s CD 111 z; I co Y; ( £ s- '''s.. jit £.R' -- i. ,i s..E Co z # - f § . f i xe < x I w I s f m` F 00 ( I s € w:N ( e.:3CP . W_ <€ I '.yE.•/ f 13 s # E }3 �I \�,� . I •��drs t kFk�Sz :£ _.' u; ( ZI1=i �y Y t oc) I ( k ? r- s }^lWE 1<(00 E- • Fy. 33' I' f5• I F ♦ I I 6; f s` ; F F s lk s z 00CID 30 9CO '4. O C/L JURISDICTIONAL DITCH h'�� �` x I qRlihl j$ I -=PER CORP REGULATED GUIDELINES I (� : =1' 1 cn -OF-RMUCATEffBlOOI01 �I ] a €€ ✓' I �( 1 I f .s I u i MAINTAIN ORIGINAL DEPTH _ 1 ` " I ` " I ' "' { s PROPOSED WATER`. f, , ,,. I I TIE INTO EXISTING 6" r` I >I J R1S ITIONAL S I 1l. E ON McQUILLAN DR 1 ' � ` x f DI CH END Go E XPROPOSED:" T,, I o :< E IS ING z TIE INTO EXISTING f <r WALL TO BE DESI �E ,`; x 6" WATERLINE - - - - !' BY OTHER 4" CU VER Q D.E. 1 V: 0.71 6"X6" TEE 4.. 3 2-6" WN TIE TO EXISTING ROADWAY" 00 SEE DETAIL (ROADWAY TO BE RESURFACED) J``116 Jz. 41 F a` TALL STOP ., SIGN'- R1�1 ..:. .:„,_. � ,FY _, ..., _ ,_............. ._.",.:. ,.:...,_...w ..H... �+- � PROPOSED \ 6"X6" TEECn STORM SEWE t s n n-N-N-N-AM-N-N-N-N--N-N-N-N-N-N N-N=M N � L „. �, SEE 1�ET"AI 00 RI DG ELY RIVE N ' M.:. • l (60' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)- --" -' __ _- _1 __......_ f a' _. __ ._ ..._, ____..... %tn P I x ni i w o o _ 5' P -Mir m s� 5 R TE RIGHT OFTWAY .p £ o = �. D �f ,� F rn M \ m... t7 STING 18 -CULVERT--,,--,,--,------, 5 M. rn � P m w.„ az� IZi t I PROPOSED 2" FORCE MAIN 1 `' ��//"W w „, ALL STOP " I = j, � ; � to � PROPOSE �0 s. h Y + Y 8" SEWER PROPOSED 5 n " I t E h 1 1 SIDEWALK 4 Co I W I o83. o ,.., 3, 1 w< I v, £ �� m rr m ROPQSED PULP STA r E {"' SEE PUMP STATION P LO 1 I a 1 �s - a._ e� -. _... ........ .....-. ...._.... ...,... .......-.. ._.... r.... ........ <;'= F ;< `''F'si Y�?tX •`^ I tM co Z f£ x ice► .•� €; #00*6 Q I 0 < U) tV 1 m O i iF 0 D ®�� n I I"i t ® ( I x .� jj co.-. ....,� _...., .,..® �...... _....• ._._. ._.... I <'r Z . i ( I Z s , Z i LL 1' W U rn D t ; IV rn j • :• I �, Zm IV mz 13,` r mD<t f< m�Lq 1 ) I X „p Z� 1 Fw. Z `s �� x W m I m t�,l m .1�� �w RIDGELY DRIVE € F i 0 o z - t6 rn 0 0 _. I Nj oM co +`- cnW W coW I >; co S5 E as as as I £ E F i l SAG `Sl'A 2+31"` 23 SAG EL EVA 3.86 50. )OVC CLASS IV RCP TO F ! BE USED WHEN COVER /S LESS THAN 1.5` 20 F ; t £ EXISTING GRADE TIE TO EXISTINQ s £ f I E j i £ E 15 - - -_ _ _ _ v ✓-` - ---- 51 % 10 s ---TIE.,.INFO-EX4&T-INGm6,j-WATE-OL-4N:E:,:,,"„:._,_.,.._ F F NOTE WELL: l WATERLINE 0ONSTRUCTION- t 1. FOR WATERLINE USE 6" PVC AND USE HDRE AT FROSSINGS 2. BENDS & FITTINGS AS NECESSARY 3. MAINTAIN �6 COVER OR USA HDPE AND 30" COVER (SEE NOTES AND DETAILS) 5 N'-„ 4:-MAINTAIN"CLEARANCES'AT'CROSSINGS,OR"USE`HDPE NO-SERVICES-(SEE'1VOT' i Horizontal Scale =1 :50 Vertical Scale = 1 :a O 04'. t N £ F ; s J s -5 io 0+ .o 1 +90 +50 2+ 0 1' .......:."_..,.mm 55' R/W +�,0 ST5 I (MH3) I ST4 EKE F RC 611 WN 0.19 /o WATERLINE TEE zWN SEE DETAIL E 6" HDPE NO SERVICES = ;o MAINTAIN SEPERATfiON WITH STORMCO SEWER USE 6" HDPE. NO SERVICES d cfl co 230 46LF OF 8" PVC 0 113% 00 0 o H ..:..._...__ ._..,..,_ . _ . _, Z w- Ln 4 >> � ci ZZZ d• 00 to O LO o F- = tt� N A ��� o�� =O �ZO >> oo:o � ti �icflIt ` Z O M Z ZZ r- z Z O RZZ >1> �ZZZ _ p; ZZ _ _- O O£00 OO M cif00 ti;M d;0� 4 d coc7 cM p d cM d M to E tt) 26 WITH SIDEWALK OPTION 18' 2 11' 11 2'--- ( I t-- 5.5' 1 5'. 11 0.5' `' •, `�"`cV, 1, F �` ;",A ✓d / d€s,";, Z' f:46f //J',a� / ft/ f+2T 1 !.-;,:tI1 3.,+{. 21 f f_{1,, , i f , f ,& ",.:.1F x<,i� ; !� .€'','•,, \ .: �\n :� ..'<z,. � t ,fie w z W GRASSED AREA ** 1.5" S9.5A w ** 8" ABC 2' VALLEY CURB ASPHALT " BASE COURSE RI DG ELY ROAD "NOTE WELL: PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND SUBGRADEREQUIREMENTS NOT TO SCALE MAYBE INCREASED PER RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. CONTRACTOR' RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TESTING \ SIDEWALK GRASSED AREA ALL STREETS TO BE PRIVATE (9oO Z Z Z P � Q PROPOSED FINISHED w it SURFACE CENTERLINE W / ELEVATION i O Mt� to nn 1 0 1 0 tPROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENT STATION PROFILE LEGEND NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. NOTE WELL: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE MINIMUM SEWER SLOPES SPECIFIED BY STATE REGULATIONS ARE ACHIEVED. THESE MINIMUM SLOPES ARE: 0.60% FOR 6"DIAMETER PIPE 0.40% FOR 8"DIAMETER PIPE 0.28% FOR 10"DIAMETER PIPE 0.22% FOR 12"DIAMETER PIPE NOTE WELL: SEWER PIPE (SIZED 8" THROUGH 12") SHALL BE CLASS 150, SDR18. CONFORMING TO AWWA C900 REQUIREMENTS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE SIZES, CLASSES AND SCHEDULES. 50' R/W 3 26' 12' 2'---i 11' 11' 2`-'-I I 12' GRASSED AREA' ** 1.5" S9.5A 2' VALLEY CURB ASPHALT "NOTE WELL: PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS MAYBE INCREASED PER RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPACTION TESTING w \ z W :Z ** 8" ABC V BASE COURSE G SSED AREA STREET A NOT TO SCALE ALL STREETS TO BE PRIVATE NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARD UTILITIES NOTES: (JUNE 23, 2005 VERSION) 1. SEWER GUARDS REQUIRED AT ALL MANHOLES. STAINLESS STEEL SEWER GUARDS REQUIRED AT MANHOLES LOCATED IN TRAFFIC AREAS. 2. WELLS WITHIN 100 FEET OF THE SEWER MAIN SHALL BE LOCATED AND IF FOUND IN CONFLICT ARE TO BE RELOCATED. 3. SERVICES SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO MAIN AND TERMINATE AT R/W LINE. SERVICES IN CUL- DE-SACS ARE REQUIRED TO BE PERPENDICULAR, OR MUST ORIGINATE IN MANHOLE AND TERMINATE AT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. 4. ALL SERVICES TYING INTO DUCTILE IRON MAINS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CLASS 50, DIP 401 PROTECTO CERAMIC LINED. 5. SANITARY SEWERS MUST MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SEPARATION FROM WATER LINES OF 10 FEEET LATERALLY OR 18 INCHES VERTICALLY (WATER OVER SEWER). IF IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN PROPER HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION AS DESCRIBED ABOVE OR ANYTIME THE SEWER IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, BOTH THE WATER MAIN AND SEWER MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF FERROUS MATERIAL (PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS OR PRIVATE PURVEYOR SPECIFICATIONS, IF NOT ON THE DISTRICT'S WATER SYSTEM) PIPE COMPLYING WITH PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DESIGN STANDARDS AND BE PRESSURE TESTED TO 150 PSI TO ASSURE WATER TIGHTNESS BEFORE BACKFILLING OR EITHER THE WATER MAIN OR THE SEWER LINE MAY BE ENCASED IN A WATERTIGHT CARRIER PIPE WHICH EXTENDS 10 FEET ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CROSSING, MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WATER MAIN. THE CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE OF MATERIALS APPROVED BY THE REGULATORY AGENCY FOR USE IN WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION. 6. PROVIDE 10' UTILITIES EASEMENT ALONG BOTH SIDES OF ALL R/W (INCLUDING ACROSS FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS). GENERAL NOTES: 1. NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN ANY STREAM, DITCH OR DRAINAGE -WAY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYDOWN & STOCKPILE AREAS (TO ARRANGE AND INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE REGULATIONS). STANDARD UTILITY NOTES 1. SEE CFPUA STANDARD UTILITY NOTES. NOTES CAN BE FOUND ON DETAIL SHEET WSD-1 AND WSD-2 2. SEE AQUA DETAILS AND NOTES. NOTES CAN BE FOUND ON SHEETS Al AND A2. NOTE WELL: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA (JACKIE JOHNSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY NOTE WELL: WATERLINE CONSTRUCTION- 1. BENDS & FITTINGS AS NECESSARY 2. MAINTAIN 36" COVER OR DIP AND 30" COVER (SEE NOTES ON COVER SHEET) 3. MAINTAIN CLEARANCES AT CROSSINGS USE HDPE, NO SERVICES (SEE NOTES AND DETAILS) ***NOTE WELL: 1. EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE MINIMUM 16' FROM TRANSMISSION LINES TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. (REFERENCE: OSHA 1910.269) 2. ANY TREE, OR SHRUB CAN BE PLANTED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS LONG AS THE MATURE HEIGHT IS 12 FEET OR LESS. WHEN PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT SPACING TO ALLOW UTILITY MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ACCESS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or ponds) by swales, overland flow, additional grading, or landscaping inlets. PIPE ZONE • r1frolom �\ 4 a � . .. FINAL BACKFILL--y PIPE SIZE AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS-, INITIAL BACKFILL CLASS 1 STABLE FOUNDATION MATERIAL i PVC PIPE PIPE BEDDING DETAILS N.T.S. RAM-NEK JOINT MAT'L OR APPROVED EQUAL CRUSHED STONE PRECAST MANHOLE NOT • SCALE] STD. MANHOLE COVER, MANHOLE STEPS AS SPECIFIED PRECAST MANHOLE SECTION, A.S.T.M. C 478 MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE. 3000 PSI CONCRETE 6" MIN. 6" MIN. 50' of50' 100, FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE IN FEET: 1 "= 50' STREET AND UTILITIES 'L `IL °S Date: - 7-14-96 Scale: H 7, l HORZ : 1 - 50 LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY N.C. Drawn: ® AHG 1 REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12/16 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright c Oamwar Design Services, P.A., All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document, in whole or part, without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer, is prohibited. Only copies from the original of this document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and true copies. i N CARO `� •ciis�• /I ••Q� ` Nye .• -y SEAL 43166 GINe"� •,,�r G qO agrady @ hdsilm.cc-qn OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC TOM SMITH WILMINGTON, NC 28406 914-562-4511 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 LICENSE # C-0597 Checked: DSH Project No: 14 160 NOTES FOR WATER SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION IE 35 35 30 25 goo 15 I 5 0 -5 POND 1 STORM SEWER SUMMARY. 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 -5 Downstream Structure Upstream Structure Length (ft) Area (Acres) Runoff Coef. Tc (m in) F pe Size (in) Slope M Downstream Invert (ft) Upstream Invert (ft) Downstream HGL (ft) Upstream HGL (ft) Downstream Rim Elev (ft) Upstream Rim Elev (ft) Spread (ft) OUTFALL ST1 MH 195.72 0.00 0.50 5.00 36.00 0.20 9.00 9.39 10.31 11.36 11.00 17.34 0 ST1 MH ST2 93.84 0.95 0.50 5.00 36.00 0.24 9.39 9.62 11.46 11.72 17.34 16.38 5.24 ST2 ST2A 40.43 1.53 0.50 5.00 30.00 0.18 9.62 9.69 11.74 11.78 16.38 16.21 7.14 ST2 ST3 76.00 0.71 0.50 5.00 30.00 0.11 9.62 9.70 11.76 11.88 16.38 16.40 4.29 ST3 ST4 362.91 1.10 0.50 5.00 30.00 0.21 _ 9.70 10.46 11.89 12.14 16.40 15.81 5.71 ST4 ST4.A 49.39 0.56 0.50 5.00 24.00 0.20 10.46 10.56 12.12 12.14 15.81 15.58 3.81 ST4 ST5 49.39 0.69 0.50 5.00 24.00 0.20 10.46 10.56 12.12 12.15 15.81 15.58 4.29 ST5 ST6 188.58 0.14 0.50 5.00 24.00 0.15 10.56 10.84 12.15 12.15 15.58 13.60 1.67 ST6 ST6A 1 24.00 0.11 1 0.50 1 5.00 1 18.00 0.21 10.95 1 11.00 12.15 1 12.15 1 13.60 1 13.60 1 1.43 � POND 2 STORM SEWER SUMMARY Downstream Structure Upstream Structure Length (ft) Area (Acres) Runoff Coef. Tc (min) Pipe Size (in) .Slope (%) Downstream, Invert (ft) Upstream Invert (ft) Downstream HGL (ft) Upstream HGL (ft) _Downstream Rim Elev (ft) _Upstream Rim Elev Spread (ft) OUTFACE NI-17 38.93 0.00 0.50 5.00 42.00 0.20 8.00 8.08 9.67 9.98 10.00 16.00 0.00 NH7 ST8 143.04 1.45 0.50 5.00 42.00 0.20 8.08 8.36 10.60 10.74 16.00 16.20 6.90 ST8 ST9 24.00 1.39 0.50 5.00 36.00 0.40 8.36 8.46 11.09 11.11 16.20 16.20 6.67 ST9 ST10 394.49 1.08 0.50 5.00 30.00 0.13 8.46 8.96 11.35 11.54 16.20 15.26 5.71 ST9 ST11 253.63 1.44 0.50 5.00 30.00 1.35 9.88 13.30 11.42 14.49 16.20 19.59 6.90 ST11 ST11A 24.00 1.66 0.50 5.00 24.00 1.50 13.88 14.24 14.91 15.16 19.59 19.59 7.62 ST10 ST10A 1 24.00 1 1.19 0.50 5.00 24.00 1.00 10.76 11.00 11.66 11.78 15.26 15.26 6.19 NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Rods to top of pipe 5 both sides __Md La � STONE w w SLOPE EMBA14KVA NT RCP DIAMETER ALL 18" La W 16 d50 3" dMAX 6" APRON 1' REQ. approx. Icy O RCP W ALL24" 16 3" 6" 11 approx.7cy ALL 30" r3w 15' 3" 6" 1' approx. 7cy4 ALL 36" 16 3" 6" 1•approx.14cy see N�det�46" 24" 36"Rcps-10'ALL4g^ & 54- Rcps-15' ■ ALL 54' 20' 3" 6" 1' approx. 13cy approx.13cy dditional s}7s 20' 3" 6' 1' Tmtn. ROCKSTABILIZMGAPRON La W d50 dMAX APRON REQ.STONE NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO TWIN 36" 10' 15• 3" 6" 1' approx. Boy BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE TWIN24" 10' 15' 3' 6" 1' approx.6cy INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION. OUTLET PROTECTION and TwiN 18" 10' t5 3" s r approx. 6cy USE NICOLON MIRAFI600X POLYPROPYLENE, OR EQUIVALENT ROCK STABILIZATION APRON NTS reo7UMETP f1�aur�rrno7ecTrL�x� atsLOP;ntsi✓LA,/aek/ SIDE VIEW ROCKSTABILf,�:A PON IVIRONS FOR A MINIMUM Or 2Lr NTS FPE UfRE D A SHOWN CW PLAN. � 2'MIN. BOTTOM WIDTH, 3000p 'l (_',ONCRETE:: I 12" 12' I i j 1 1/2" MIN. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT r i I _ CONCRETE CURB DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ..0001 NOTE WELL: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA (JACKIE JOHNSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY PROPOSED FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION I\ 1 OO 1 50 PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENT STATION PROFILE LEGEND AREA TYPE POND 1 POND 2 SQUARE FT SQUARE FT PROJECT AREA: 3571717 5071202 ROADWAYS (BC TO BC): 321502 34,851 SIDEWALKS (5'): 21,054 51138 LOTS ( @ 4000 SF EACH): 88,000 1321000 OTHER 1,756 FUTURE 888 5,531 TOTAL IMPERV10US: 125,200 1771520 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 )0 -5 1. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE AS PER CFPUA SPECIFICATIONS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED. 2. 3' MINIMUM COVER ON ALL WATER MAINS. 3. ALL WATER SERVICE LINES TO TO BE 1" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 5. BLOW OFF ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL AS SHOWN. 6. ALL BENDS AND TEES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BLOCKED (SEE DETAIL). 7. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WATER LINE AND BORES TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO AQUA NC UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS. 8. ALL MAINS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FLUSHED, PRESSURE TESTED, AND DISINFECTED IN ACCORDACE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 9. ALL WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, CFPUA, AND THE N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE IS REQUIRED. CONTACT: CFPUA 10. ALL WATER SYSTEM WORK SHALL BE DONE TO CFPUA UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARD UTILITIES NOTES: (JUNE 23, 2005 VERSION) 1. SEWER GUARDS REQUIRED AT ALL MANHOLES. STAINLESS STEEL SEWER GUARDS REQUIRED AT MANHOLES LOCATED IN TRAFFIC AREAS. 2. WELLS WITHIN 100 FEET OF THE SEWER MAIN SHALL BE LOCATED AND IF FOUND IN CONFLICT ARE TO BE RELOCATED. 3. SERVICES SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO MAIN AND TERMINATE AT R/W LINE. SERVICES IN CUL- DE-SACS ARE REQUIRED TO BE PERPENDICULAR, OR MUST ORIGINATE IN MANHOLE AND TERMINATE AT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. 4. ALL SERVICES TYING INTO DUCTILE IRON MAINS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CLASS 50, DIP 401 PROTECTO CERAMIC LINED. 5. SANITARY SEWERS MUST MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SEPARATION FROM WATER LINES OF 10 FEEET LATERALLY OR 18 INCHES VERTICALLY (WATER OVER SEWER). IF IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN PROPER HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION AS DESCRIBED ABOVE OR ANYTIME THE SEWER IS OVER THE WATER MAIN, BOTH THE WATER MAIN AND SEWER MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF FERROUS MATERIAL (PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS OR PRIVATE PURVEYOR SPECIFICATIONS, IF NOT ON THE DISTRICT'S WATER SYSTEM) PIPE COMPLYING WITH PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DESIGN STANDARDS AND BE PRESSURE TESTED TO 150 PSI TO ASSURE WATER TIGHTNESS BEFORE BACKFILLING OR EITHER THE WATER MAIN OR THE SEWER LINE MAY BE ENCASED IN A WATERTIGHT CARRIER PIPE WHICH EXTENDS 10 FEET ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CROSSING, MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WATER MAIN. THE CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE OF MATERIALS APPROVED BY THE REGULATORY AGENCY FOR USE IN WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION. 6. PROVIDE 10' UTILITIES EASEMENT ALONG BOTH SIDES OF ALL R/W (INCLUDING ACROSS FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS). GENERAL NOTES: 1. NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN ANY STREAM, DITCH OR DRAINAGE -WAY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYDOWN & STOCKPILE AREAS (TO ARRANGE AND INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE REGULATIONS). GRAVITY SEW ER SUMMARY STRUCTURE INVERT OUT (FT) RIM EL. (FT) DISTANCE (FT) Slope {%) Size (I N ) MH1(WET WELL) 14.50 15.84 0.41 8.00 MH2 4.84 14.18 36.49 0.41 8.00 M H 3 5.92 15.80 230.46 0.43 8.00 MH4 7.40 15.78 336.03 0.41 8.00 MH5 12.43 16.77 365.49 0.65 8.00 M H 6 14.74 20.16 260.21 0.85 8.00 M H 7 15.67 22.20 201.97 0.41 8.00 M H 8 12.48 16.76 399.64 1.36 8.00 M H 9 13.44 18.58 209.41 0.41 8.00 ADDITIONAL NOTES: 50' o' 50' 100' 1. AQUA AND CFPUA STANDARD DETAIL SHEETS FOR SEWER AND WATER TO BE INCLUDED AS A PART OF THIS PLAN, ATTACHED. SCALE /N FEET. 9"= 50' 2.48-HOUR NOTICE AND 3 COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS REQUIRED FOR PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING BY CONTRACTOR. 3. NCDOT ENCROACHMENT REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN PUBLIC R/W. 4. ALL FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 5. CFPUA PERMIT REQUIRED FOR ANY UTILITY SERVICES WORK. 6. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR PERMIT AND COORDINATION WITH CFPUA AND AQUA 7. ALL SERVICES TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY, AQUA, CFPUA, AND STATE TECHNICAL STANDARDS. FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 " BITUM CONC. SURFACE TYPE 1-2 TYPE 1-2 - - 60' TYP R/W - q 30' --�"° i--"-- 30' FEATHERED EDGE i" FT EXISTING ASPHALT COMPACTED ABC EXISTING GRAVEL N.C. SPEC. D ITC H O PIPE NOTE: (D.I.P. IF COVER IS LESSTHAN 36") BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED IN 6" LIFTS (MAX) AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 95% AS DETERMINED BY THE MOD'IFIRD PROCTOR METHOD. CUT -BACK TO BE PREFORMED AFTER TRENCH BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION. PAVEMENT REPAIR WHERE PIPE INSTALLED NOT TO SCALE NCDOT CATCH BASIN STD.840.02 STD.CURB SECTION lllfll 1 _0„ Ico N TRANSITION SI SC JOINT o 1O'TAPER 3'-1 1/2" 1O'TAPER Q �w PLAN VIEW W J ZDU 1:2 Z FRAME, GRATE AND HOOD CURB 9 NCDOT STD. 840.03 NORMAL GUTTER FLOW LINE FRAME & GRATE . _ OPENING -7 a r�� • DEPRESSED GUTTER PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH I ' BASIN W Z g a n W twit I OUTLET PIPE 'o a• SEE NCDOT STDS. ------ ---------' 852.05 SECTION VIEW 840.02 FRONT SECTION 840.03 FOR FURTHER DETAIL PRECAST CURB INLET N.T.S. 1 REVISED PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CFPUA COMMENTS 7/12/16 2 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14116 3 REVISED PER NCEMLR COMMENTS 8/10/16 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Copyright ®, Hanover Design Services. PA, NI rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document, in whole or part, without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer, is prohibited. Only copies from the original of this document. marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and true copies. CASTING 1-1/2" I-2 15, .0 6' ABC 12" MIN. t- 8' BRICK z W 2" :3 2' 4" z 12" 11" 12" H TYPICAL DETAIL MONUMENT CASTING and BASE `�t,lilllilt1jf�t N CAR SEAL = 43166 G It .� X41 �•� �� iD �d � agrady @ hd it rl.com OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 PH: 914-562-4511 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 License # C-0597 Date: 7-14-16 Scale: HORZ.: 9 "= 50' VERT.: 9 "= 5' Drawn: AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 8 4"X 4' PRESSURE TREATED LANDSCAPE TIMBER, v VENT PIPE ATTACHED WITH STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS, 3' O.C. NAILED TO POST. EXISTING a DIA. SCH.40, GRADE ALUMINUM \ -II I1 MANHOLE WALL Z • 90' .ELBOW z SLOPE 1/4" PER F00T 2"---� VENT PIPE NOTES: 1. FOR CONNECTING VENT TO MANHOLE, MANHOLE CONNECTION SEAL PENETRATION OF MANHOLE WALL WITH NON -SHRINK GROUT. 2. LOCATION OF VENTS SHALL BE NOTE: VENTS TO BE SCREENED S.S. COORDINATED WITH DEVELOPER. SEAL AND VENT ABOVE 100 YEAR ELEV. 3. EXPOSED THREADS AT FITTINGS SHALL BE COATED WITH ZINC PAINT. 4. INSERT INSECT SCREEN IN THE OPENING EXPOSED OF VENTVENT DETAILS 5. VENT OPENING SHALL BEABOVEETHE N.T.S. 100-YR FLOOD ELEV. AS SHOWN. PUMP STATION CONNECTIONS N.T.S. i i POWER i METER I R 2� FM BENDS AND FITTINGS 2" SO i AS NECESSARY HOSE BIB TYPICAL � fGATE VALVE ASSEMBL ETAIL U � W- PRECAST <C W 6 PRECAST VALVE VAULT ( o WET WELL w �W EXTERNAL PUMP (HOIST BY OTHERS) S C -D I CONCRETE �� z f LIGHT GENERATOR m O m I FENCE SEE DETAIL 401 PUMP STATION EXISTING GRADE N.T.S. NOTE: NPT HOSE BIB YARD SPIGOT i- 4" CONCRETE PAD AUTOMATIC SERVICES UNDER PAVED i _ DRAIN PE TUBING, SDR 9 AREAS TO BE INSTALLED r ` ASTM D2737 Z WITHIN 1-1/2" SCHAO T r 1 "MINIMUM CASING PIPE. s \ 2-3 CF GRAVEL CORPORATION STOP c0 BEDDING AS MUELLER BRONZE SPECIFIED H15008 -I 1 1-I 1 I -I 1 1-1 1 1- WATER I ,?: f .•,:: ,`` MAIN NOTE WELL: 3" SAND BED SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL AROUND LINE ADDITIONAL DETAILS ON CONNECTION, 4-z0 0BEDDING METER BOXES, THRUST BLOCKING, VALVE AS SPECIFIED BOXES, AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. - LOCATION OF CONTROL PANEL, ALARM, VENT, AND LIGHTING, ETC. TO BE COORDINATED WITH AQUA, PUMP AND WET WELL MANUFACTURERS AND APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. GENERATOR TO BE NOTES FOR SITE PLAN: PROVIDED AND MOUNTED 1. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR TO EACH OTHER. AS PER MANUFACTURER'S 2. PROVIDE 3 FT MIN. SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURES AND TO FENCE. RECOMMENDATIONS BY CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO 3. AREA INSIDE FENCE TO HAVE 6 MILL BLACK PLASTIC BENEATH 4" No. 57 COORDINATE WITH AQUA, WASHED STONE. ENGINEER AND MANUFACTURER. 4. UTILITY METER BASE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF FENCE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 5. ACCESS DRIVE AND TURN AROUND (WHERE REQUIRED) TO BE 6" ABC MIN. NOTE." SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL STANDBY POWER GENERATOR TO BE 6. FENCE GATE MUST ALLOW DIRECT ACCESS TO WET WELL. DETAILS. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM DETROIT DIESEL SPECTRUM MODEL, WITH NOTE: FENCE GATE MUST BE 14' WIDE. TO APPLICABLE STATE, COUNTY AND AQUA STANDARDS. 48-HOUR CAPACITY SUB -BASE FUEL TANK OR EQUIVALENT. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ELECTRICAL HOOKUPS WITH APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES AND AGENCIES. NOTE WELL: CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY AQUA NORTH CAROLINA (JACKIE JOHNSON, 919-653-5773) 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WEDGE / - -- ANCHORS 1 /4"SS PLATES PARTS TO BE 1 /2"SS RODDING STAINLES STEEL DROP PIPE STAINLESS STEEL NUTS TYPICAL STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR STRAPS N.T.S. NOTE WELL: IN LIEU OF THESE DIAGRAMS AND FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE AQUA DETAILS AND NOTES FOUND ON SHEETS Al AND A2 r__ R ACCESS COVER M s t 0. , !€iYl P REF. LINE -m 3 I 8 CLEAR INSIDE EDGE 3---�11 1 8 POWER CABLE 3/4" GUIDE BAR (2x) /�7j (STAINLESS STEEL) j I TYPICAL DUPLEX (NOT BY XYLEM FLYGT, CUT TO LENGTH AT ASS'Y) STD. CLASS 125 H C.I.. FLANGE (NOM. SIZE) j MIN. LIQUID LEVEL F F �44MMP-T NOTES: 4 •':4P 4••:4 �:._:. •: - J 1. DIM. TO ENDS OF GUIDE •.: BARS. 2" 2. REPRESENTS CLEAR U INSIDE EDGE OF ACCESS 3"CONCRETE PAD 25 FRAME OR OPENING. INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 3. SEE PUMP MANUFACTURE DWGS. REF. LINE d FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION A DIMENSIONS. DISCH. -- C B DIA. ANCHOR 2 VIEW 0- 0 BOLT (4x) M P- 3 0 6 8 Al I r)IMF'NCI()Nq IN IKIrl-IFS TYPE NOM. SIZE VERSION DIMENSIONAL CHART AIBICIDIEIFIGIHIJIKILIMINIPIRISITIUIVIW P 30 8 HT SEE CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS BOOKLET. XYLEM WATER SCQLUTIONS 14125 SOUTH BRIDGE CIRCLE CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 F L"V iIQ PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF FLYGT CORP. IT HAS BEEN FURNISHED UPON THE CONDITION THAT IT SHALL NOT BE RELEASED, DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ITT FLYGT AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. NOTE WELL: SEE SHEET A1, AND A2 FOR FORCE MAIN, PUMP STATION, AND SANITARY SEWER DETAILS FINAL DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONAL DATA 3.8 HP "A" Station Height 15'-6" Base Height w/12" Base Included 6-2" "B" Intermediate Riser Height 4'-0" Number Of Risers Required 2 Top V-4" "C" Finished Grade Elevation 14.00MSL "D" Top Of Wet Well Elevation 14.50MSL "E" Invert Of Influent Elevation 4.69MSL "F" I High Water "ALARM" Elevation 3.OMSL "G" "LAG ON" Pump Elevation 2.OMSL "H" "LEAD ON" Pump Elevation 1.5MSL "J" "OFF" Pump Elevation 1.OMSL Wet Well Floor Elevation O.00MSL Bottom Elevation 1.OMSL "M" q Discharge Elevation 12.38MSL TOP VIE% 0 0 Ld Q Ul I-- L � 0 U I- 0 CL U T t Alum. Access Hatch W/Lockset and recessed handle SEE DETAIL Min. 12" Compacted Stone ELEVATION REAR VIEW SEE AQUA DETAIL SHEET Al AND A2 o° U J z0 w Qm 0 LJ M SIN w Lu Li 0 V) Z LL , U Q Q v U O a 3" PVC Vent w/Bronze S Insect Screen (Typ.) 9e, -�-- -Top Elev. "D" Finished Grade �Y• • "El, Influent Pipe (Inv. Elev.) „ F„ "ALARM" Elev. „G„ "LAG ON" Elev. "H" "LEAD ON" Elev. "OFF" Elev. .. :L "K" 12„ OU00000luv Note: Wall thicknesses and slab thickness, as well as reinforcing as per Aqua and Manufacturer's recommendation. Rock base as per Geotech Consultant's recommendations. wwr0 Z (=D V �� Q� PL awm � a W a: 3" TYP. DRAIN TO WETWELL LIJ U F- CL Q U F- Valve Vault - See Aqua Detail Sheet Al Z �' ' ' BASE SECTION A 0 3" .•'. Of w CD Plug t !Y Conc.Vabe Vault Inside Dim.3X6 or greater o CD -o Valve :' " Tee w/ tapped blind fan a lu g p g w/access hatch 3" - 5 ,w, >Qyy ; • valve and cam lock coupling wt locking dust cap Gate CD o NOTES: � Valve `' • M 1. LOCATE ANCHOR BOLTS USING CLEAR INSIDE EDGE OF ACCESS FRAME AND CENTER LINE OF PUMP AS REF. POINT. BOLT LOCATIONS MUST BE HELD TO MAINTAIN EXACT POSITION OF PUMP RELATIVE TO ACCESS FRAME. 2. GROUT OPENING FOR ACCESS FRAME. 90° ELBOW 90° ELBOW NOTE: 3. COVER SHOWN IS FOR STANDARD DUTY ANGLE 2"X 2"TEE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT ACCESS HATCHES FRAME. FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS ON ARE SUFFICIENTLY SIZED AND POSITIONED TO ALLOW STANDARD DUTY TROUGH FRAME, HEAVY DUTY ADEQUATE ACCESS TO PUMPS, VALVES & BASKET. ANGLE FRAME AND HEAVY DUTY TROUGH FRAME, NOT TO SCALE 2"Force CONSULT ITT FLYGT CORP. ENGINEERING DEPT. Main Out 4. Watertight access cover to be provided; HALLIDAY PRODUCTS ACCESS DOOR, Watertight regular, or equivalent. See specifications for details on dimensions. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES -CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM DIMENSIONS WITH PUMP MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONAL •STATION ON i MIMI SANITARY FORCE MAIN PUMP STATION 1 REVISED PER AQUA COMMENTS (FM SIZE AND PUMP STATION MOD.) 7/14/16 CopyrightQ, Hanover Design Services, P.A., Ail rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document, in whole or part without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer, is prohibited. Only copies from the original of this document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and true copies. * PER AQUA AND PUMP MANUFACTURE'S REQUIRMENT PUMP STATION AND UTILITIES PLANS N D T R I ``1rrrrlll►t/��� CAROM%�� z o .. .FESS1pN .• jL�: SEAL = 43166 �IHi/ rr agrady ®hdsi rr .COm g 23 ...... Y Do & 4 : NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: TRS HOLDINGS, ILC TOM SMITH WILMINGTON, NC 28406 914-562-4511 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS &LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 [YON LICENSE # C-0597 Date: 7-14 2016 Scale: NTS Drawn: AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 Sheet No: P-1 Of: P_ 1 ,.J PROJECT DRAINAGE AREA = 864,919 SF L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L7 L28 L5 L4 L6 L3 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 IS 0644 33�" E 272.57 L2 IS 06'08 32 E 166.E L3 IS 89` 12 19 E 32.59 L4 IS 89'36 3$ E 59.89 L5 S 89'49 16 E 100.24 L6 S 89'55 09 E 559.86 L7 S 89'46 09 E 180 L8 IN 00' 10 34 E 261.77 L9 IN 89'49 26 W 2.64 L1 o IN 00' 10 34 E 50 L11 S 89'49 26 E 7.32 L12 N CIO' 10 34 E 130 L13 N 0€ '55 29 E 119.86 L14 N OW50 53 E 120.09 L15 IN 00'53 18 E 120 L16 N 00.39 47 E 19.12 L17 IN 01.07 54 E 66.95 C}6 E 104.79 POND 2 DRAINAGE AREA = 507,202 SF L26 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L19 S 89'59 45 E 252.62 L20 S� 89;46 5 7 79.92 L21 N 89'53 07 E 79.92 L22 S 89'53 18 79.85 L23 S 89`35 10 E 80.19 L24 N 89'44 42 E 160.03 L25 S 89'48 30 E 79.97 L26 N 89'49 26 W 1149.CI6 L27 N 89'49 2fi W $32.81 L28 S 89'4529 E 199.91, CURVE ARC LENGTH I RADIUS I DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING I CHORD LENGTH C 1 34.81 f 1524.72"3`48 03 711 S 78` 14' 11 ' W 34.8 POND DRAINAGE AREA = 357,717 SF 00 L9 I L11 POND 1 POND 2 AREA TYPE SQUARE FT i SQUARE FT_ PROJECTAREA: _ 357,717 ~ 507,202 ROADWAYS (BC TO BQ: I 32,502 SIDEWALKS (5'): M_ 2,054 _r34,851 S,138 LOTS 22^@ 4000 SF EACH).V :.'_ 881000 I � 132,000 OTHER: 117561,.�._�.�.. _...�_._ .__ FUTURE: a.._�._ _.__..w......._._..---.._w_ $88 5,531 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS. ~^� 125,200 1 177,520 DRAINAGE AREA MAP ROUNDTREE RIDGE 4,`�` l CARot "#-# 80 40 0 80 � �♦ �,®ma. ���,s j�� , SE AL SCALE IN FEEi':1"= 80� . ,2o- ow I to 0 NOTE: FOR POND 1 AND POND 2 DRAINAGE EASMENTS �7 O METES AND BOUNDS SEE POND PLATS ON ECP-3 AND ECP-4 NOTE: SEE ECP 2 FOR TABULATED IMPERVIOUS AREAS • to dho i hdsiim.com CA 1 OWNER: FRS HOLDINGS, LLC 420 BEASL EY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 BY9 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WIL.MINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (914) 343-8002 LICENSE No.:C-0597 opts: 7-11-16 $cote: 1 "- 80` (:iri wn: AHG Checked: DHS project NO. 14160 Sheetido: rx: ROCINDTREE RIDGE DRAINAGE AREA MAP OWNER DEVELOPER: TRS HOLDINGS, LLC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 I Lo PROJECT DRAINAGE AREA = 864,919 SF L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L7 L28 LINE BEARING QJSTANCE, Ll S 08!44'33" E 272.57' L2 S 06'08'32 E 16-6-.-6"-- L3 S 89-12'1 9'r-E- 32.59' L4 -S 89*3638" E 59.89' L5 S 8949'16" E 100.24' L6 S 89-55#09r—E 559.86' L7 S 89*46'09 E 180 L8 N 00'10'34E 261.77' IN 89*49`26" W 2.64' LIO IN 00'10'34" E TOr— Ll 1 IS 89'49'26" E 7.32' L L12 IN 00*10'34".E 136' L L13 IN 00'56229" E 119.86 L14 IN 00'50'53" E 120.09' IL15 IN 00*S,-3'18"-E 120' L16 IN 00'39'47's E 19-:1-2-r-- L17 IN 01'07 54 E 60.95' L18 IS 89*49'06" E1104.79' L5 L4 m L26 LZ LINE BEARING QISTANCE L19 IS 89*59'46" E 252.62' L20 S 89*46'04 E 79.921 L21 N 89'53'07" E 79.92— L22 S 89#539 8" E 79.95' L23 S 89-35'10" E 1-95: 15' L24 N 89*44'42" E 160.03' L25 S 89'48'30" E 79.97' L26 N 89'49 26" W 1149.08' L27 N 89'49'26" W 832.9 1' JL281S 89*45 29" E 99.9pl CURVE JARC LENGTH I RADIUS I DELTA ANGLE —ICHORDLENGTH CHARD BEARING Cl 34.8 524.72" 3*48'03 S 78*141W 34.8 AREA TYPE PROJECTAREA: ROADWAYS (13C TO Bch : SIDEWALKS (5): LOTS (22 @ 4000 SF EACH): OTHER: FUTURE: .. . ...... . . TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: POND 1 1 POND2 SQUARE FT SQUARE FT REVISED PER NCEMLR COMMENTS 8/10/2016 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE j 357,717 F 507,202 32,502 34,851 2054, 5o138 88,000 1 132,000 1,756 1 888 5,531 125,200 177,520 80 40 0 80 660-m-im- I SCALE IN FEET. 1*= 80' NOTE: FOR POND 1 AND POND 2 DRAINAGE EASMENTS METES AND BOUNDS SEE POND PLANS ON ECP-3 AND ECP-4 NOTE: SEE ECP 2 FOR TABULATED IMPERVIOUS AREAS L3 DRAINAGE AREA MAP - INLETS ROLINDTREE RIDGE 2(1111'153 BY: CAROt OWNER: TRS 14OLDINGS, LLC Lo Ilk -*Po 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 SE AL 20007 °°°' � tiao 000000*0 A HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. 0\� LMD SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & L4ND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 fha h s m cam PHONE: (910) 343-8002 LICENSE No.:C-0597 7-11-16 I If— 8of Drawn: AHG Checked: DHS Project No: 14160 J ROUNDTREE RIDGE Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Qualityil�la ► Plans and Profiles NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA- DATE: MAY2016 SCALER 80' LOD r x OWNER I DEVELOPER: TRS 'HOLDINGS, L.LC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 t PROPOSED. DEVELOPMENT (THIS PLAN) t 19.88' Acres 3 F LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE :DwArER " -Acres _ NGx• x� 80 40 0 8€3 SCALE IN FEET; 1"w SW r r NOTE, �'"r THIS PLAN TO BE UrMIZED AND REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WR17TEN NARRATIVE, WINCH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSIONAND SEDIMENT CONTROL'PLM 38 x 1 IN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) 19.45 Acres - l ..__..-.--... ....... ... . . .... . .. .__-_. .. - s az..1 •� - M- [<,•,�taM O�' � �W"' - - .. l ,s f - i- •/` I .... _ P ."' .N T P .? x w i{ 7t x ( w■e wrs A47 x,.. ter' ,„ .... -_._ M_ �j/�) i ! 4.�r1 j^ .:.. • , - «� �:' �.. ••• '-�i G. �/ .., I ^» ..., r_✓ r A I �'� ✓' - 4 � `""�"""'� "" ., .._< ....-. _..... iC......-.X � a wi: �,i. %'""X X "" x'"' X .:. a+. +:.u.<.a � �,,,.., .' ..•+ -^~ w.M-'�'_ : , .••-• ..7i flMt x fIt 7C 1MM�If 7[ f1u /�R � j x / r .w�ii �t ",-.�' °�s•,.'„+• ».t'" «..;.,.......... ; si - ,` '.w . r -w -wrr - "• -+ ...% i.- .-� r� w.n w„ <..il.}�(y1.� .,t_ x rx Mi MMux r-. .� E ^.. .s .. .3• <_•^w;..y j _ _ - i�-M.xM.Mx..::wx wM'nx.11M'xMw.xx_r-x.Y1-:xY-w [-- ,• .. RELWALLI -To as:$ luRfsDlcr,IONALprrC . tI ! .I ' ! i �.. �" ~ I ! w r 1, .. L 0 l s DESIGNED BY OTHERS 1 rzr:T. wArc Ti •E �» 1 1 �.-''' x � � $ I � I DESIGNED IaY OTrtERs LOD I � $ OD TIE �E7tt8TiNG8" $ ... ...-._..__-..��.-._ r.-._..__..�_ ........ .. ... , . .........-....«..,$.... .. __ _,_..__,__.-..,_.................«.., »» ...M.....� 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ON �ILi.EAI+t DR � . xi 3� MP t EXIST. [ I ! I 1 1 1 { 1 I !k ;NAGS ROPOKO FORCEMAIN 1 1 uUnLITTYY s Tlir INTO EXISTING FORCE MA11�1 I I 1 51 $ I 1 Tie TO t VSTIN€3 1 1; C7 $ ON CAROUNA BEACH RD 34! DRAINAGE $ $ I $ $ I $ I $ # I I 1 1 I $ t G3 FAsEmr:NT rn ( 1 $ 1 1 24 1 23 1 $ 1 1 1 2 $ v32 { VIPESTHILLS SUBDIVISION $ $ i %%0!0 $2M.i . 2� I'G. ,�s 58 5� I� 29 t 28 2� 26 1 25 1 $ 22 1 2 1 ' 9F 18 1 � 1 � � 1 $ 1 1 I 7 $ $ ! 1 1 1 LOD (I C I !E j vhrESTNI! i8 stteanrlstoN e I I } kl a is 1 � rf i , M.S. 20 M. f06 F $ 1 1 1 $ 1 AREA To BE st;I=D�c l ' ' . III $ NOTE SEE SHEET FOR CQN TRUCTION itemLS 1 1 I IMMEPEtAMY FOU,0WING 11 EI 30 1 } 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 $ I $ 1 NOTE:SEE SHIET FOR DETAILS EXCAVATION # x---.�.-- I 1 1 1 $ 1 N is -RC 1 I I 1 € I VISs:zA `CMP I 1 I I I j 1 1 1 1 I $ I 1 1 { 1 I $ 1 I EXIST. Za- 4 M1 �j� �'^�� } p ��( DRIVE �+p r� '"�►���i��Y.1A� ����� V� �2�� �+.r tYiC�..+(V1..lilV 1.Jit V �7FZLI EXISTING $'WATERLINE ._ x try L 19" PUBLIC R1614T OF WAY) U, 'G. .w%wrx.«xswx.rrx.nxwg x xwxwsxrwxwx+rrx�+x+rx,x..x..xi.x `xawtx xwx.wxwr �dr*.xxsx+3�.+`ie•ar.xw.x..ej�iex.�sx,w.x++n +.�x«. ..z , { ..'..4.• ` <,x,xwxw.xrrxrwxwxw%+fix wz ,. %l%� ��' "`- .w - ~-(. 1 ! ,V.7. 1 ! 1 ! $ $ € t 1 I ! Tq BE RESEEDED $ 1 $ AREA O BE RESEMED 1 1 1 LO 1 PROPOSED 1 1 $ I 1 1 $ $ I 1 ! 1 1 1 I EXCAVATION , ON CAROLINA BEACH AD � 1 FOLLO ING EXCAVATION � � � � FORCE MAIN I 1 1 Tie INTO F"STINO SEwEI} 1 PROPOSED FORCEMAIN 1 $ $ 1 1 $ I $ $ 1 1 1 48 1 1 48 1 49 1 50 1 1 1 1 1 35 1 37 1 45 1 $ 47 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 # 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 _1 1 I 1 1 1 $ 1 I 13 ) '4 $5 I I 1 t I i t I t t ► l "'� 1 I I I I I t $ 1 1 1 1 # [ 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t 1 1M 1 1 I I I 1 1 $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 �yl 1 1 McQUILLAN DRIVE SR 1257 LU 31YI(bu, ILIBUC RIGHT OF WAY) _ ._ _ ...� ,._... . _ _ _. E _ _ ,. w .... _ . ._.____ . r -- -r -- . -•' '"`'-- ,,r" • rsx xwuxrsX. xw�si' x x xwx xa.xxarxxwxasx�xwi+x+wrxx.rxw�z x x�Mrx x xwxx�sxsExwrxa�sxs.xz�rax�sxr�xxMsx z x w� w xwxa�xwrxwx'rwx,�sxwxwx:x+ir�ttxwtx�rs.�ta�x�+rxrs : `a�x. x wx„z x' �crlixirrxrxrw�x x xrwx x +rnr.�cw,�exwxwxwwx x xisatsir)cw Mx„„x x x„rix,,,,,xwrfi.sxrrx..ex+wxarx.cxr"Xw.x" x...x rxw.7�.xwxwxa.xw. w*[+x,�rxr.rxartxwxw.xwxwilC,. .._-- FJCISTING FORCE MAIN :x.x«.xrsx r - CONFIRM PIPE SIZE, LOCATION v._... �!► X�rsx w DDUIMETER __- -W X x x,rsx' 1 1 .. w k'r 1 _ _ ''� ` $ I`' _ ` I 1 ✓ 00 x x I 1 1 I 1 1 LOD I 1 1 LPDARI ax x �r..x.. �r.x.w Mwx xsK00 xwx:z.wws5i,r.x+.xwx.x.+xrx �� I PROPOSED 1 1 [ $ I 1 FORCEMAIN1 I F TO BE RESEEDED 1 1 1 FOLL"ING EXCAVATION I I 1 1 1 cyI.I. c $ I j FORCE MAIN [ 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1 AREATo BE RESEEDED 1 $ I 1 1 1 1 I [ 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 I I I O t ;'I�. LOD 1 t FOR�MNN I FOLLOWING EXCAVATION I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 30 1 1 32 1 33 1 34 1 35 1t 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 35 1 34 1 33 32 1 31 1 39 29 1 1 31 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 37 1 33 I 1 I >1 t l 1 1 42 1 41 1 40 1 39 1 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I # 1 1 1 I 1 e 1 43 1 1404 WETLANDS LINE 1 ( 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 NOTE. 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. NOTE: DELINEATED HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US NOTE WELL: 1E ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. .EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE MINIMUM18' FROM TRANSMISSION LINES TO BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. (REFERENCE: OSHA 1910,269) 2. ANY TREE OR SHRUB CAN BE PLANTED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - 1, TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Practice 6.06 Small be Installed at the entrances of the proposed project In and from Albemarle and Sturbridge as shown. Drainage Is away from the road and sedimentation will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash: truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plans. Cut and fill stapes shall be 3:1 or hatter except where spea"liy indicated. Care shall be taken:: during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that are not required to be removed. 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 Sediment fencing should be Installed as shown on the Plan, first, to delineate and protect low areas, and around any X °-", X,-,,,,X temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded interior areas from eroding onto adjacent lands or roadway. or Into Inlets, 4, OUTLET" STABILIZATION r� Practice 6.41 v P Rlprap aprons will be located at the downstream end of all discharge pipes to prevent scour, S. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Prance 6.80 Upon reaching final grade and after utilities have been Installed; roadways and parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub -rase course of approved 8" ABC stone, as shown In the typical cmss-section detail on the Plan, to reduce erosion and bust during the remainder of building Construction.' CD 6. CHECK -DAM EM Practice 6.83 Check darns are to be installed as Indicated on plan (approximately every 200 feet) to reduce flow In an open channel., serving as a temporary measure to limit erosion. RPM. 0 T. SEDIMENT BASIN STABILIZATION TIME FRAMES= t 3 Practice 6.61 L� G� The Sediment Basins are to be constrWed (sea SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION ConstruO on Schedule) as the primary Practice to prevent per- i meter d L Iles, swa t es, d t tche<s and s hopes 7 BAYS sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway conflguiations are specilled In the details as shown on this High Qua t i ty Vater (l4QW) Zones 7 DRYS Plan and the Narrative, The PVC outlet Is to be attached to the S topes steeper that, 3r i 7 DAYS skimmer during the sedimentation function until entire watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond Is converted to S topes 3r i or f tatter 14 DAYS permanent stomhwater management detention I retention A t t other areas with slopes f tatter^ than 4r 1 14 DAYS function. The Contractor will then Install the control orifice to specifications as shown on Sheet 6 and to the calculations. NOTE WErLb S. INLET#'ROTECTION ANY ARE AS QN-SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZER UITHIN Practice 6.51 \. J 15 VORKING BAYS AND AS ABOVE ALL. SLOPES Storm sewer Inlet barriers of hardware cloth and gravel inlet MUST BE STABIL IZEB VITHIN 21 CALENDAR BAYS OF CEASE tit' ANY protection are to be constructed to help prevent sediment from ACTIVITY, entering the storm sewer system. After permanent stabilization of the entire contrlbcating watershed area, the storm sewer DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF tNSTAU ATLONS REQUIRED BY CITY AND COUNTY. system Is to be flashed to remove a=mufated sediment and THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOWALL REWIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT ensure design flaws. RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THB CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. No gootechnIcal testing has been performed on site. No warranty ;#. BAFFLES: B Is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required Pfadco 6.65 replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility Porous bats- are to be Installed after pond excavation of the contractor. to spread storrimter flaw and decease velocity. The lnstrallation should be similar to a sediment fence with materiels such as 700 91002 colt erosion blanket, calf mesh, or bee protection fence (aided over to reduce pore size. See next Sheet for specifications, and the Narrtative or Erosion Conlrol Manual for additlonal detalls. ( (; 10. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS Practice 6,30 Ail collection ditches to be graded to design Configuration, seeded, and stabilized if necessary with: temporary straw -not liners to collect and convey site water as ftwn on Plan. After final project stabilization, ditches to be "railed and cleaned of siltation as needed to establish original contours for stormwaterconveyance. RP 11, ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION Pran a 6.65.1 BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION. ELEVATION I MAG NAIL AT THE WTERSECTION OF MCCtUILLAN AND RIDGLEY DRIVE 15 50* NOTE WELL] EROS10ti CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "$ROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL" OF THE SrATE OF NORTH CAROWK DEPARTMENT OF EWIRONMENTAND NATURAL RESOURCES. LATESTEDITION . PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. NOTE:CURB INLET BOXES TO BE SIZE} AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMODATE OVERSIZE PIPES. NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces) to be directed to the slorm sewer collection system (i.e. storm inlets or pond forebays) by swaees, overland flow, additional grading, or landscaping Inlets. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. permanent vegetation to be established In accordance with 'North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Destgn manuar, Section e.#1.latest version. Soo next Sheet. GENERAL NOTES: 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. This property is zoned R-10 (PERFORMANCE DENSITY). 3. Water service to be CFPUA (public). 4. Sewer service to be AQUA (public). AS LONG AS THE MATURE HEIGHT IS 12 FEET OR LESS. WHEN PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE SUFFICIENT SPACING TO ALLOW UTILITY MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ACCESS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTE WELL: 1) CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURSING I5 PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, LEGEND Vvartmas -14 IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MONI CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE }-.,-- ---� -»EXIST7NGSANIT'ARY (TYPICAL) SEWER & MANHOLE ,.x...x.-.x ..x x_ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - -- - - -- EXISTING WATERLINE (PROPOSED) E LP. = EXISTTING IRON PIPE X SILT FENCE (NEW) E.LR, M EXISTING IRON REBAR (TYPICAL) E. C. M, = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT INLET PROTECTION ('TYPICAL) I.S. = IRON SET" WIV = WATER VALVE WIM = WATER METER OP OUTLET PROTECTION (TYPICAL) FiH = FIREHYDRANT P/P W POWER POLE C,P. W COMPUTED POINT Gt.i GRASSED CONVEYANCE CHANNEL 01H M OVERHEAD POWER LINE INV. = INVERT G1W = GUY WIRE BAFFLES (TYPICAL) CIO '- SEWER CLEAN OUT +49.0 INDICATES SPOT ELEVATION NOTE:SEE SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SEDIMENT BASIN RP ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 1 OF 4 Erosion and Sediment Control Specifications & Deta17s 14160-ECP1 2 OF 4 Drama a Areas and Irrt ervious Areas Ma s 14160-ECP2 3 OF 4 Pond Plans & Profiles and details 14160-ECP3 f OF 4 Pond Plans & Profiles and Details 14160-ECP4 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE Cossyrrglt a�roovor r SosvlCos, P.a., ��phr: mad. ttvprodatUon oruso oI mo aontants oterra doama:L armrirtuors ordeteSau ra this NNW cAocrurrerrt to rrlrDlo apt ►v#hcurrwrittarrcvxraonrc�trtle LenttSrmeey+oraErrpkroor, la ptorttbtrod. (lniympd�s hom rhoori8&raloltt+#+loarmonL ,:rarfca�lwrur rh>t a�iwl ei�etTrreena cr�ksxl seeicrrtroSruYeyr�rcr&,�kreer aherrds e�on�toe robo va�aarrdurrscx>�s. STANDARD NOTES. 1. Informa€ion conceming underground utilities was obtained from available records. it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of all existing utilities at ail crossinngs prior to commencing trench excavation. If actual clearances are less than indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these Mans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCT -ION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL INC ONE-CALL"AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 3. All frees which are not required to be cleared for construction shall be preserved wherever passible unless otherwise directed. 4. Contractor shall adjust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the final grade upon completion of all construction. Any boxes damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 5. The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Parking areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor responsible for geotechnir,,al testing as necessary. 7. Extreme care shaft be to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. 8. Contractor to ensure that pavement Is placed so as to drain positively #o the Curb r�utlets and catch basins. All roof drain downspouts to be directed to the storm sewer system. 9 Contractor is responsible' for ob#alning all required permits, 10. This plan is for site utilities, grading, roadwork, and drainage only. 11. Affected Non Municipal Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent information, when feasible, to coordinate appropriate scheduling and placement. At the minimum this should include AT&T and Progress Energy. 12. Contractor and Builder are responsible for coordinating Finished Floor Elevation of all buildings with the Owner and the Architect. 73. No encumberances to R!W except as shown. MORE GENERAL NOTir...Ss 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES, 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH NCDOT AND CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITYAUTHORITY, 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 5 CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. S. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIRE OF CROSSING, c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 24" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING, d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. 7 SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - SEE PLAN THIS SHEET and ADDITIONAL DETAILS ON SHEET 6 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary peffnb, and hold a pro-oonstruction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Flag work limits and stake -out parking lot. Primary measures, and Silt Fencing and Sediment Basin for preliminary grading. 3. Install Gravel Construction En"nws. 4, Install Silt Fencing as shown on Plan ptlor to clearing and gtubbtng situ. Sediment Basin to be constructed prior to buiidirrg. 5. Install utititles In roadway and drives, establish final grades and stabilize parking areas and roadways with stone bass course. 6. Final grade building sites. Install non -municipal utEEltles as needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas whets building construction Is not Imminent. 7. All eroslon and sediment control Practices are to be Inspected weekly and alter any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. S. Upon completion of building Construction, the roadway and parking areas are to be paved and all areas permanently vegetatively stabilted, After site stabilization, temporary measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to Its original design contours, If necessary. and riser structures orifaces opened, so as to function as a stormwater management 1 water quality retention pond. MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be Inspected woft and after any rainfall event and treaded repairs made Immediately. 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches as shown on individual pond plans. 3. Construction entrance to be mWntatned In a condition to prevent mend or sediment from leaving the construction site. Periodic topdressing with 2!eton+er may be required. Remove all objectionable material spilled, washed, of Itacdced onto public roadways lmrnedlatety. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the any Slit Fence and Inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.6 deep. Fencing and Inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a barrier. S. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re-sooded as necessary, according to spedficatfons provided, to maintain a sultablo vegetative cover. 6. Inspect rtp-rap outlet structures weokly and after significant (112 Inch or greater) rainfall events to see if any erosion around or below rip -rap has taken place, or if stones have been dislodged. immediately make all nestled repairs to prevent further damage. 7. Inspect baffles at least once a week and after each rainfall. Matte any required repairs immediately. 8, Skimmer to be Inspected weekly and after each stgnficant rain event (1I2 inch or greater) and repaired Immediately. Make sure that the skimmer does not become entangled In basin vegetation or trapped in slit due to low water conditions. Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plans Cover Sheet RODNDTREE RIDGE o®����t186t€tl�a f�¢� 11 1/ SQ 4 3E AL 20007 0 1 a A% A& 1 BY: OWNER. TRS HOLDINGS, LLC 420 BEASLEY ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENG1/VEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 LICENSE No.:C-0597 Oats- S 22-16 Scale: 1 "= 80' Drawn: AHG Checked: DSH Project No: 14160 � � -I.---.-- I � . . � . .. . . . . . . I I . . . . . . . , : . . . . . .. . .. . . .-� - .. : . R..O'UN, D :TREE..'.�RIDGE.... .. . . I . 1. � . . . . . '. .. . I .. . ` ' ' . I ' .. . ..... ... . I . . . . '........:.. ....... I . . . Dr,z4ft "''' "A"' ' '' , . . , - 07a&� . . . . . I . . . .. I - - . , . . . . Erosion ..-' , A -2 . TOT1. L DRAINAGE TO POND . . . . . . .. I I and Water -Quality Plan - I . . . 1. . . . .. . ' ' ' . . . I . ,.. . . �- . ... _* 1'1..'64': ACRES . Plans. and'Profiles . I . . . . .:.. .. ..... . . .. I . . .. . . . . . � . . MWHMOWR 00VsVrY, Mlqnf C4=1NA . . . . ' . . : ... .... .1 I I I . . � TOTAL.: IMPERVIOUS DRAINAINGE AREA POND 2 . LATS'MAY2016 . . � .. . " . .. . . . . . .1.. . . � . . . �.'.:� -.1 771-5.20.�.SF � . . .. . OWNER I DEVELOPER: . . . . . .. . . . .....' � . �. . � . . . .. . . . . I __ MOON.-MMONNNNOMW TRS HOLDINGS, LL,C 420 BEASLEY IROAD . . . . . . I . . .. I . . WILMINGTON, NO 2MO . . . I I 11.;'� -_ - MMFQQW=1dQM(MlAPAM) 10.08hom . 11 ' . . ____ I .__n___ - _... 11=001MMSM 1105A" _�_�� . ... ____ - - � I � I I " I . : - � - ==== 140 : I . . i F k ORS f'UW TO 91E UTIUZED MV � I I REWaWD (Wt. I/ 114 COAIUWVON I �� WIM ?w "MrMV MQMTWI . � �� F v&i&tismtmwwmLPARro1 IMPERVIOUS TOTAL$ � THISEROSIONMDSWIMENT . ROADWAYS TO 13C)- SF N CONrR(X PLM, % I I'll- ' - _____ -,-O/ . . . I I (SC ASSI I SIDEWALKS a 5,138 SF LOTS (33 Q 4000 SF EACH) a 132,000 SF FUTURE a 5,531 SF '_ 1.66ACRES I= - (i'��' . I . . . 1.45ACRES . - 1. _ I ilgll,�;�111 1 1 � 1 1 � � --- = - r_- EE5MMMaZ1M2M=W_'W7M-==E= --- _.___'._."' - W I ' I __ I ___1_40% . I . I I ______ 'U111 I :========__== . I $1,11 ST9 . . 1.44 ACR8S . ___ . . POND I STORM SEWER SUMMARY . . . . 1.39ACRES r . I . ---I--- I 1��n autm (� aiam � -...---- L I MP (ft) - - -_ - Aea - (Axm) Coet Te (IT " Rpeaze (IrO sope (014 owshm hert (ft) ww kiet (A) DWERM H3L(ft) Lwm FG.(fi) Dmm#wn RmBw(ft) Lwearn RmEkv(ft) -_ 4i&F (ft) CUIFALL STINH 19572 QOD QSD SOD 3aOD 020 ROD OL39 1a31 1126 11,001 17.34 _ 0 ST1M1 I S12 9a84 OL95 , OM SOD a�a CWD 1 024 . 939 SL62 11.46 11,72 17.34 _1638 624 = . 12A 6 4a43 93 I., - 050 r SOD 3a0D r a18 a� - a� 11.74 11.78 1638 1621 1 7.14 M2 S13 rQOD (171 0D SOD XOD Q11 1 942 9LM 1136 ' 11.88 , 10S 16,40 429 sm 9.70 10.40, 11,89 IZ14 1a40 1581 _571 ST4 1 rrr- � SAA - 4M 0,,% 00i r SOD - 240D - OX - IOL46 1165 1212 1214 15.81 1658 a8l ST4 SM 49.39 OL69 I QSD SOD 24.OD I MI _ _ 10.46 10.85 1212 1215 15,81 1555 429 � M SM 18a5B OL14 I 0.6D 500 24,0[I�� IQ56 10.84 1215 1215 1558 1 13L6D 1 1.67 . = m ,24,65 wiT-655 I doo 10D I d2i I io% 11,0D IZ15 1215 IaGD I 13LGD 1 1.43 IPOND 2 STORM SEWER SUMMARY bw� ._�� Lostrm I—— """ . ,,_,.,- J.�O (ft) AW 11. (PC%) Fue ---------.--..-. c4d, To __11- * g6 � F Poe 1. _ Szectn) �;�Pp� _q?���' hot (11) _L�1_0_� �___ __ ... kww (ft) qp�5� I-MM _!O§�. "3L0 '_M_W_ft_9"_ ftn sw (ft) - _4S-"-= RM Bev '"� (ft) � I OUTFAL M17 38,93 0.00 . om ioci - - 4z- a2ci aoo 8.08 9,67 9.98 - � 100D 18.OD QOD M-17 M 143,04 1.45- 0.50 6 0 00 .0 §. 420D 0,20 8.06 116 8,_ 10.6D 10.74 law 16.2D 6.90 ST8 ST9 24.00 1.39 ______ 0.60 6.00 X00 , Q40 a38 8.46 I 14.09 11.11 WD 162D , a67 SM MI) 394.49 1.08 0.50 ' -6.06 3MOD 0.13 8.46 a9e 11.35 11.64 WO 15.26 V1 - ��771ig[I ST9 91711 25&63 1,44 0,50 5.OD 30.00 1.35 9.88 13L30 11.42 14.49 IOL20 19.59 � mi STI 1A 24,00 1.65 0,6D I 5,00 24,OD 1.50 la88 14.24 1421 15.16 1a59 19.59 7A2 � STIO I STICA I 24.OD 1 1.19 1 0.50 1 6.0D I 24.0)_ 1.00, 10.n , 11.00 11.06 1 11.78 , . I Ek X 1528 __ 6.10 . La [_!�__iL . - =EV W W_WRCP$_I01 4W&64-RW$45' f & OUTLET PROTECTION and ROCK STABILIZATION APRON Mff_� RwaWkim LA W I M "X mmm MO. STONE ALL IW I - I& IV I T a- 11 oppm 7cy ALL24' IV ir 1 3., . 0. 1, approx 7cy ALL W 15! I W 31 tr IV oxw= 70Y , ALL W W 16? W V 1. . epocox 14cy , . .1 ALL4W T r 11 omv� 13W ALL 54' T 1 61 - I I, I � aw 1-3a ___ . ------- I R=8TA%1MGAPRW I La I W . I -dw I dwa � I I APRON I= STONE I � 1WIN3v I IQ, I is! I T I r I 1. appm ky : TWIN W 1 10, I IT I r I a- I f wpm sw t TYMN Ir I IV I IV I T I ir I --.I- DOPM fty NP JC.11= 11maurpRor'ECTIWA 2)SLOMISRATM) R=5TAB9,qAJ70NAPff6NS F0RAAfJN0MtW0FaF RWULqhD AS $HMVN CW PLAN, .1MW'V0rAWM01rH 11__�' Out A et A19,121 1 1 zg6t 1 20 stciar.jur-2 I ( )p 7 A 1. Ensure that the ombgrade for the f I Iter and r I prop fo I tows the requ I red I I nes And grades shown I n ,the p ton, Compact any f I t I requ I red I n the subgrade -to ounding undisturbed material. Low Areas In the subgrade on undisturbed sot I may etso be f I I led by IrtcreAstng the riprop th I ckness, 2. The r I prop and grave I. f i tter must conform to -the spec I f I ad arad I no ( I M I to shown on the plans. + l d A protected fron punching or tearing during Installation. Repair any damage by m l damaged area. All connecting joints should overtop a minimum of I ft. If the donage is extensive, replace +A* entire f I tter cloth. 4. Ripr4p my be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the f I tter. 5. The m I n i mum th I cknoss of -the r I prop shou td be I. 5 t I me% the max I mum stone d I ameter. 6. Riprop may be f told stone or, rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angvtar, highly weather-resistan-1; and welt gradevt 6. Construct the Apron on zero grade with no overfatt at the end. Make the top .of the riprAp ** the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. S. Ensur-e that the apron is property aligned with the receiving stream and preferab ty stra, I Qht throughout I ts I eNth, I f a curve I s needed to f I t a I to conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. i a ll (Practice & 10, Temporary Seeding and & It, Permanent Seeding), Me I ntenance . Inspect r1prop outlet structures after heavy pains to see if any erosion Around or below the r1prap has taken piece or if stones have been dislodged, - Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage, - I 1� 9 Ro*boikpap" boot leld" 9 SLOPE (�� � / FAMANKMEM - _11219 � I _ - - M �� 999m� 3-ftN.�w"tke / � � 00*250wdotfift �'� . 2Wift, NOTE. FILTER FABRIC t$ TO I BE PLAM UNDER ALL STONE INLETANDOUTLETPROTEMON. USE NMON MIWI WX POLYPROPYLENE. OR COUIVALENT SIDE VIEW NTS _ (CE ) Spec I f I cat I on # 6. 06 - Construct I on Spec I f I cat I ons 1�1� 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of ALI vegetattor4 roots And other l al and property grade it, � ?_ Place the gravel to the specific grade And dimensions; shown on the plans and smooth I +. 3. Provide drainoge to carry water to a sediment trop or other suitable outlet, 4. Use geotext I te fabr I cs because they I mprove Stab I I I ty of the foundat I on I A locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain -the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or'sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topdresatna with R-Inch stone, After each rainfall, Inspect any structure used to ra l out as necessary, Immediately remove at t Objectionable materiats spi I Led, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. % - . .-.WOO I - __ __ SI3 . * 1 - Construction Specif Icattons � 1. Site propar*fl ons-C tear, vub And strip topsol 1, from Areas under the . embankment to remove treass vegetation, mot% And other objectionable material. l a l area unti I the dam is complete and then remove brush, A t I I a give estob t I shment, P tece ,temporary sediment con -trot measures below -the basin as neededi . a Cut-aff trench-ExcavQto a cut-off trench a tong the center t I ne of the earth f I I I embankment, Cut the ,trench to stable sot t Material, but in no case make it toss +hen a ft, deep, The cut-off -trench must extend into both abutments to at (east the elevation of -the riser crest, Make tv- minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but in no case toss than 2 ft. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper, than I, 1. Compaction requirements are the same as those for the embankment, Keep ,the trench dry dur I ng backf I t t I ng arid compact I on opera* I ors, & Enbankment-T*ke f I I t mter 1 4 I. from -the approved Areas shown on the p tonr. It l l neral soft, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks And other objectionable materia 1. Scarify areas an whtr-h f It I is be pieced before ptacing f I I 1. The'f I t t motor I a t must conta I n suFf I c I ent. mo I sture so I t Con be formed by I e I s too wet for proper compact I on. P tece f I I I mater I a I I A 6 to 8- I nch I la #At t re length of the f I I I area and 'then compact I t� Compaction may be obtained by routing -the construction hautIn2 equipment over a e a traversed by At Least one whoot or tread tpack of the heavy equipment, or ,a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 10% higher than the design height to allow for settiIng, 4. Condu It sp I t twmys-Socure ly Attach the r I ser to the bArre t or, bArre I stub to make. Q watertight structural connectiom Secure alt connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assambtles. Place the barrel And riser on a f I rm, smooth foundat I on of I mpery I ous so I I. Do not use pery I ous "ter I a ( such c callers. Place the f1tt material around the pipe spillway In 4-Inch Layers and compact it under and Around the pipe -to At least the same density as the Adjacent embankman,L Core must be token not to ra I se -the p I pe from f I rm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. l h of 2ft, of hend-compacted backPitt over the pipe spillway t la concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation, In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by cutting o. trench through the dam after the embankment Is comp late. M Emergency spittway-Instatt the emergency spillway in undisturbed salt. The achlovement'af planned elevation%, grade, design width, And entrance And. exit chame I s tape:; ore cr I t I ca I to -the successfu t operat I on of emergency sp I t I way. 6. Intets-Discharae water into -the basin in a Mannar to prevent erosion, Use let protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool Area to m ciency (References, Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7. Erosion control -Construct the structupe so that the disturbed Are* is a a l ank before the Area I s c I owed, Stab I I I ze the emergency sp I t t way embankment and a I 1. above 'the crest of the principal $pit tway immediately After construct I on (Referencew Surface Stab I t I zat I on). 0, Safety -Sediment; basins my ,a-ttract chi tdren and con be dangerous. Avoid steep side slopes, and fence and rewtk basins with warning signs If trespassing Is likely. Follow all state And local requirementz Maintenance . Check sediment basins after p*rIods: of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin +a its orlglAat dimensions when sediment accumulates -to One- hatf the design depth Check the emimnkment, sp I I twr�7fs, and out I et for eras I on damage, And I Aspect the embankment for piping and settlement Make &it necessary repairs Immediately. Remove at( trash and other de,�,rqs from the riser and pool area, I . . reN N-1 0 - STAKE TO SUPPORT W I IRE EL=WEIR CUT _N) STATE STORAOE EL -=.WEIR CUT COIR MESH OR SIMILAR, STAPLED OR TRENCHED INTO BOTTOM OR SIDE VARIABLE /( SUPPORT ROPE OR WIRE VARIABLE n (: ) n n L 14. 0 % 0 M - EL I I. 0 NOTE: '__� � � SEE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS, SUPPORT POSTS PRACTICE 6.65 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL. 24"INTO BOTTOM METAL STAKESIPOSTS ARE 1.33 Ib/LF STEEL. OR SIDE, TYPICAL . MAXIMUM,V SPACING TEMPORARY IZA J7171 J= /'%0/1C C Ci=f"'r1nA1 rli=A H NOT TO SCALE 0-- .- .. � . Spocif Ication # & 80 -� Construction Specif Ications 1. C tear roadbed and parki ng *pear, of a I. I vegetat I ono roots and other, objectionable materiat. 2. Ensure that road constructionfottows the natural contours of the terrain if I l 3. Locate parking Areas on natunat ty f tot Areas If ithey Are eval table. Keep t i drainage but Weratty not More than 2 to 3%. 4. Provide surface drainage, And divert excess runoff -to stable areas by using water bars or ,turnouts (Reperencest Runoff Control Measures). 'I 5. Keep cuts And f I I. to At Re I or f tatter for- safety And stabi I Ity and to fac I I I tate estab I I shmant of vogetAt I on and no I ntenance. 6. Spread a 6-Inch course of 1AW crushed stone evenly over the full width of the mad and smooth to avoid depressions, 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet Areas must be crossed, Install subsurface drains or geotextite fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice & 81, Subsurface Dmin). & vegetate a I I roads I do d I tches, cuts, f I I Is and other d I sturbed Areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as gradIrQ is complete (Referencess Surface Stab I t I zat Ion). 9. Provide Appropriate sediment control Measures to prevent off -site sedimentation Maintenance Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of swfaca. Topdress withnow gravetasneeded. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation After runoff -producing rains. ll l itiom Sediment-producina 1% areas should be treated Immediataty, ii.010/ - Sggl I tlen± Fence < S I t -t Fence) SF Specif imflon 6. 62 - Construction Specif Ications MATERIALS 1. Use e synthetic f I tter, febr-Ic at- a pervious sheet of potypropy tone, ny Ion, A potyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certif led by the manufacturer or I p supplier, As conforming to the requirements shown in Table 6.62b. Synthetic I f I tter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors And stabi t Izers to �] I. abte construction tifeat a temperature range of 0 +,a 120 F, a Ensure that posts for sod I nent fences are a I ther 4- I nch d I arteter p I no, 2- I nch . diameter o*kj. or 1,33 lb/tInear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft, Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric 3. For reinforcement of standctrd strength f I tter febric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 Inchez Table 6,62b Specif Ications For Sediment Fence F*bptc I Physical Property Requirements FI ttering Efficiency - W1. (mm) Tons I to Strength cL* Standard Strength- 30 tb/ t I n I n (m I A) Extra Strength- 50 lb/tIn in (mm) Slurry Flow Rate - M 3 gat/sq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCT113N 1. Construct the sediment barr I er of standard strength or extra strength synthet I c f I tter fabr I cs. 2. Ensure that -the height of -the sediment fence does not exceed 18 inches Above the ground surface, (14igher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3. Construct the f I tter- fabric from a continuous rat t cut to the Length of the barr I or to avo I d jo I nts, When jo I nts are necessary, secure t y fasten -the f I tter, cloth only at a support post with overtop to the next post 4. Support standard strength f I tter fabric by wire mesh fastened socur-oty to the up stope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples At tva.%* I inch tong, on tie wires, Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom oP the trench 1. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft *part, Support posts should be dpiven securely into the around to a minimum of 18 inches. 6. Extra strength ft Iter fabrtc with 6ft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Stop to or w I re the f I t1ar fabr I c d I rect t y to posts. 7. Excavate A trench approximately 4 inches wide ar-A 9 inches deep *tang the f t (f Iowa 6.62a). 9. lockf I I, I the -trench w I th cor4mctad so i t or grove I p Laced over -the f I I ter fabric. 9. Do not Attach f I tter febr I c -to ex I st I ng trees. Maintenance Inspect sodinent fences At least once 4 week and After each rainfall, Make Any required repairs immediately. Maintenance is required when half full of sediment. Should -the fabric of A. sediment fiance collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide Adequate storage volume for the next min And to reduce pressure an the fence. Take care to avoid undermining 'the fence during cte*nout. Remove ALL fencing matertats and unstabte sediment deposits And bring the area to grade And stobi Liza it after the contributing drainage area has been property I . . TOTAL DRAINAGE TO POND. I . =.8.21* ACRES .-TOTAL IMPERVIOUS DRAINAINGE AREA POND I ..= I 25,1200 SF . . POND I � 61 11-1 SKIMMER ATTACHM .ENT DETAIL F _.Lk, I NOT TO SCALE � - f V4' = SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN ( ) Practice 6.64 4# _ ___ � Skimmer Is to be attached to the orftce pipe ___ - __ WRIR ctrr on ft outlet structure box. converting the 1.01 pond to a skimmer sediment basin. Dewatering will be I - - accomplished from the top of the storage down to nomml pool during sedimentation function until new excavation Is completed and I - � watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond Is converted to 51.1 permanent stormwater management detention / retention ;6 k function, at which time skimmers and baffles are to be retnoved. 1 - MNFCTR: � I 6"X 2.5" FLEXIBLE J.W.FAIRCLOTH & SON. INC. CONNECTOR HOSE __,_ 412-A BUTTONWOOD DRIVE I PO BOX 757 1 HILLSBOROUGH, NO 27278 www.fairelothskimmer.com ADDITIONAL M X� FITTINGS AS , 8.21 acres X I 800 d1ac. NECESSARY RY = 14,778 cf stDrage required : 2.5" skimmer w/ 2,5"FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER "'i 2.V head wl Z27diameter ASSEMBLEY, OR A A.=_4' �:� oriftee drains 14.778 cf EQUIVALENT. '_ Id 4.4 In 3 days as per Faircloth SCREENING, ' G 2.2"ORIFACE "ORIFACE proprietary design recommendations, TYPICAl _ L P - t -I er-manery # 6,11 - Spec I f I cat I ons I CStedbed Requ I rements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable I texture C Tab to & 1 10, poor dra I nage, concentrated over t and f tow, or steepness of s tape unt I I measures have been to -ken to correct To maintain a good stand of vegetation, -the soil must meet certain Minimum a g l ha - Enough f I ne-grat ned (s I tt and c tay) mater I Q t -to ma I Ate I n adequate mo I sture and nutr I ent supp I r capoc I ty of at Least , 03 inches water to t inch of sot 0. - Sufficient pope space to permit root penetrAtiom I to prov I de on adequate root zone, The depth to rock or Impermeable Layers such as hardpans should be 12 inches or more, except on s lopes steeper than Re 1 where the add I t I on of so I I I s not feas I b te, - A favorable pH range for p tant growth, usua. t ty 6. 0--& 5. - Freedom from large mots, branches, stones, large clods of earth, at, trash of any ktncL Clods And stones may be left on slopes steeper than 3i 1 if they ore to be hydroseeded, If any of the above cr I ter I a Are not met- 1. a. , I f -the ex I st t ng so I I. I s too coarse, dense, shat tow or acidic to foster vegetAtion-special Amendments are required. The sot 11 cond preferab ty, topso I t may be app t. I ed I A accordance w I th Pract I co 6. 04, Tops* I t I ng. Sol t Cond I t I oners f l b ld only be necessary li turf estmb I I shment ( see Chapter 3, Vagetat I vo Cons I derat I ons). Peat -Appropriate types are sphagnum moss peat, hypnum. moss peat, reedsedge peat, or peat humus, all from fresh -water sources, Peat should be shredded and conditioned in storage pi Les for et least 6 months after excavation, A I I utturoA grade and free of -toxic substances, l a sa other bedding materiats. Thoroughly rotted sawdust- free of stones and debris, Add 6 tb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yard. l l l r l h local, State and Federal regulations. Species Selection e A l a aa ac f l ific names and characteristics, Is given in Appendix 8.0Z Install necessary Mechanical erosion And sedimentation contra( practices: before seeding, and complete grading according to the approved p(am A l eds should [*a determined by soil tests. Soft testing is performed free of charge by -the North Carol Ina Department of Agriculture sot I' -testing laboratory. Directions, sampte cartons, and information sheets ore aval table through county agricultural extension offices or from NCDA. Because e or somp I a -turn-around, sQmp I I ng gading, Testing is al commercial Laboratories, When sot I *as* are not &vat table, fot tow rates suggested on the individual d a tgh 6. 110. Applications rates usually felt into the following rongest - Ground agricultural limestone Light -textured, sandy solisi 1-1 1/2 tons/acre Reavy textured, ctayey soils 2-3 tons/acre - Fertitizeri . Grass-teaume mixturest 800-1200 tb/*cre of 5-10-10 (or -the equivalent) l l A sot tbydiskingar other suitable means. Operate mAchineryon the contour-, W Roughen surfaces according to Practice 6.03, Surface Roughening. Complete seedbed preparation by breaking up Large clods and raking into a smooth, uniform surface (slope Less than 3tV Fitt in or level depressions *than can cottectwo-ter. Broadcast seed into a freshly loosened seedbed -that has not been seated by rainfa t I. - POND 2 -_ 61 SKIMMER ATTACHMENT D�TAI 16- I A L , = I - - - 1 � .6* I 4* = : a - I 4 ftv 4 'P - = = ?b SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN - ( ) 14 �h Practice 6.64 . - 4' Skimmer is to be attached to the odface pipe I wal? cur on the outlet structure box. converting the Lot Pond to a Skimmer sediment basin. Dewatering will be I - - I accomplished from the top of the storage down to normal pool - _J during sedimentation function until new excavation Is completed and I - 51� . watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond Is converted to R . Permanent stormwater management detention I retention cl� function, at which time skimmers and baffles are to be removed. _ 4 5 i F L E X 'BLE _'_ MNFCTR: 6"X 2.5" FLEXIBLE --.,,- 1E C T 0 R HOSE _' J.W.FAIRCLOTH & SON. INC. CONNECTOR HOSE 412-A BUTTONWOOD DRIVE PO BOX 767 HILLSBOROUGH, NO 27278 ADDITIONALI _10 N . www.fairclothskimmer.com Jr 0 FrMNG,�A �� S A 11.64 acres X 1800 d1ac. NECESSARY = 20.952 d storage required . � 3" skimmer w1 3.iVFAIRCLOTH SKIMMER 3.0" head wt 2..Tdiameter ASSEMBLEY,OR - . A 9-1.11=LLIJ odface drains 20,952 cf EQUIVALENT. In 3 days as per Fairdoth I G. SCRE NING 2r ORIFACE Proprietary design recommendations. L ' TYPICAL � I - r6 CL13TH I raRAVEL INLET PRI3TIX1Tl3bL&IemQ!Qr_ -7) HARDWAR - Spec I f I cat I an # 6. 51 - Construct I an Spec I f I cat I ons (i As -fabric., use OL 19-cauce hardware cloth with 1/4 inch mesh openings, with a totat height of 2 feet mInImum, The sediment control stone, with a height of 16 inches, shoul o u & of 2, 1. For stakes, use stee I T posts of 1. 25 tb/ t I near foot w Ith a m I n I mum length OF 5 ft, driven 2 ft. into 'the grow4 maximum spacing of 4 feet. Spec i f i cat I ons- ' 1. Uniformly grade a xhattow depression approaching the inlet. a Drive 5-foot steel posts 2 feet Into the ground surrounding the inlet. Space posts evenly around the perimeter of the inlet, a maximum of 4 feetapart, 3. Surround the posts with wire mosh hardware ctoth, Secure the wire mesh to the steel posts at the top, middle, And bottom Placing a 2-foot anchoring f tap of the mesh under the grave t is recommended, 4. Place clean gravel (NCDDT #5 or #57 stone) on a a I slope with a height of 16 inches around the wire. and smooth to an even grade. S. Once the contributing drainage area has been stAbI lized, remove the accumu to-ted sed I ment, and estab I I sh f I no. I gradesi 6. Compact the area proper I y and stab I t I ze w I th groundcover. Maintenance . Inspect the barrier after each signif Icent min and Make repairs at needea Remove sediment from the *reaas necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next ralm Take Clare not to damage or undercut the hardware romovat. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all Materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of then property. PrIng the disturbed Area to the grade of the dpop inlet and smooth And compact It. l a ll bare areas Qround,the inlet, . . �__"W_ ______' ...0) PUBLIC ROAD . - __ ________.____r' 0, (__ - - - � %M*3="9_4F_ 1 � 'I- , , . lz�. W,N M 4;, C , I N . �� 1, 4; % � 4 - � . � 0-fo- a , ,a � I i t I '... �[ 12'M NIMUM � 0. W I . L_ - I A - - - N.T.S. : � : : NM : r YK=W.4kLRO0T20WtCft)0FAT9e9IS I r WHEftTWMAWMOFAYRWSftO0TSLAY. ; 06% OF MOST TAM ROOTS ARE FOUND IN 7W TOP � WOFT48MANDSUPPLY7HEMAJORITYOF ' � NUMENTSAMWATM60004Y.ROOTS ' SPRWOUTZ4X7116H01WOF7WTR6F_ I _L TMIN T NOTE* . WO OF IM MM IS NEI= FOR LEAF oftm 10 PRWJM MGM FLUR THE AI& FMM VMD MD SOFTEN NO= DO NCff DOMM CROWN WOW INTUrAr PNNM . ORANCIE 806TY FENCE, OR ORANOE SILT FENCE mfinc&) W= J� M= OW A& ft= ZWE r(CM OF 7RM PW To WM7WJ=W. OSAFtLy MkRK IM W41B AND MW A PRMCME SMER AT TK CRL DAMM %W.L BE 1401MID UNIL 0ONSTRUOMM IS COMPLEM 2. = RAM is I Fr PER IMN OF 7RM DWAM AT BMW NOW (09H). &IF CONSMW111014 0== WMIN THE CRZ, AT LEW Ir Of MULCH NOYM WOM MhM SLALL BE KAI= *M MAMMY MMOHM TO RMOM SOL COMPACMN IN TM ZONL 4. WHOM WMIX5 AND PATIMAYS PASS WITHIN CFZ OM CARE SHOLL BE TAKEN M AVOO OAUW 70 M ALIEMTE MOMOK SUCH AS A fONFORM SDWLV. SWLL BE IMPUDOM AS . SrRUcWRkL YM em or 7K Imw Is DO RM 00UPACr WL BWAIH I Dm"DI NO VM= SK4LL BE ALL*= 70 PARK UNOM V= NO MATMAS OR VOUPADU SHML BE SMAM BENFAIM 7RM DAMACM IM OW WH 1OI ER ANYTHNO E= 6 1`11011111M. NTSPAMMORM� MONS79; rR OMPUMMilto M IL FAILING M DWALL OR M14NTAIN PROTIDOM MEWJRM SK41L RESIXT IN A SW WM ORM MD FINE OF $=/MX DMNSVM MM 71401 IMT MOM 014 THE APPWfiD PIAN WILL REWRE QWM 70 P(W A LEI I OF CPJ3XT MR 3 M FOR M UWATIM - Baffles . - B -I ffle Spedficallons # 6.65 - Construction SpeeftWons Ft� U0 1. Grade the basin so that ths bottom Is level front to back and side to Side. 2. Install posts or saw horses across the width of the sedment basin (ftctles 6.62, Sediment Fenoo). 3. Steel posts should be drIvon to a depth of 24 Inc -has. spaced a maximum of 4 foot apart. and Installed up tho sides of the basin as well. The top of " fabdc should be 6 Inches higher then the Invert of ft spillway. 4. Install at least threo rom of baffles between the Inlet and out1ot disthergo point BasIns less than 20 feet In length may use 2 balftes. 5, When using posts, add a support w1re or mpe acmss the top of the mossure to provent sagging. 6. Wrap pomus matertal. like lute backed by cotr matedel. over a Sawhorse or the top wire. Hammer rebar Into tho sawhorso logs for andioring. Tho fabric should have fivo to Ion poment openings In the weave. Attach fabric to a rope and a suppott stmeture Wth zip gas. wires, or staples. 7. The bottom and sklos of ft fabdo should be anchored In a trench or pinned with 8-inch erosion control matting staples. . 8. Do not splice the fabdo. but use a continuous ploce awoss ft basln. Maintenanoe Inspect baffles at least onoe a week and after each minfall. Make any required repairs Imrnedlatoly� Be swe to maintain mcm to the baffles. Should the fabric of a baffle coltapse. tear, or docompose. or bewrm Ineffeclivo. replaco ft prmptly- Remove sediment deposits when ft reacim half full to proWda adequate storage volum for the next min and to reduce pressure, on the baffles. Take care to avoid damaging the bafts during deenmit Sediment depth should never excW halt " desf9ned storage depth. After ft contributing draInage area has been propedy stabilized, remove all baffie materials and unstable sediment deposits, bring the area to grade, and stabilize It. I . $00 narmfivee for additIonal details and desctiptlons, Including plctures. . -.0) Table 6. Its - Seeding No. 4CP fort 64� teams to Dry Sands, Coastal Ptainj Low -to Nedium-Care Lawns edi Species - Centipedegross - Rate - 10-20 tb/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) . 50 Seeding dates - Mar. - June, (Sprigging can be done through July where **,ter Is I ll Igation.) Solt anerdhents - Appty I Ime and fertf I. Izer according -to soft test, or apply 300 tb/acv,4 10-10-10. l r broadcast by hen& Furrows should be 4-6 Inches deep and Zft apart, Place sprigs About 2 ft. apart In'the row with one end at or above ground level (Figure 6.11d). Broadcast at rates shown Above, and press spnigs into the top I 1/2 inches of di ai a surface. . Mulch - Do not mulch I Maintemnce - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen i phosphorus. Cant I pedegross camot to Lopata h I gh pH or excess fort I I I zer, I Tab te 6. 1 It - See ned Sandy Looms -to Dry Sandsi Low Maintenance Species Rate (lb/acre) Pensacola Rahiagrass 50 Sericea tespedeze 30 Common Dermud4grass 10 10 . I Seeding notes 1. Where a neat appearance Is desired, omit sericee 2. Use common Rarmudagrass only on Isolated sites where it cannot become A. post, Permudagrass may be repteced with 5 lb/Acre centipedgrass. . Seeding dates - Apr. I - July 15 . Solt amendments - Apply time and fertilizer According to salt tests, or apply 3,000 Lb/acre Ground agricultural limestone and $00 tb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre Grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with A. mulch -anchoring tooL A disk with btades; set nearly strai a A anchoring toot. Maintenance - Refortftlze the following Apr. with 50 tb/acre n1trogem Repeat as growth requires. May be Moved only once a year. Where a newt appearance is desired, omit sericea and now as often as needed. I Table 6.11v - Seeding No. 7CP fort Grass -tined ChoLnnotsi Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture I Species - Common Bermudagress - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 tb/t,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Ptairu Apr - July Soil amendments - Apply time and fertilizer according to salt tests, or eppty 3,000 tb/acre ground ogricuttupal limestone And 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Hutch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel tining Material to cover the bottom of channots and ditches. The tining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and a gs, apply 4,000 lb/acre grainstram And anchor straw by stapting netting over the top, Hutch and Anchoring materials must be atlowed to wash down slopes where they can clog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum OF 3 weeks is required for astabtishment. Inspect And repair mulch frequently, Refer-titize the following Apr. with 50 tb/acre nitrogen, Appendix 0,02 for botanicat names 11<= - ______ .. ..00/ . . Temi2anacy � . Sged I no . Specification 0 6. 10 - Specifications I 'or-, I . ' Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and instatt all necessary erosion C�='f 1. C. ;73_;� controt-practices# and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation diff Icutt and Increase the erosion hazQrd. If saits*becono compacted during grading, loosen them to A. depth of 6-0 inches using a ripper, h(krrow, or chisel plow. . ' Seedbed Preparat Ion Good seedbed preparation is essential to successful plant establishment. A good d d, toose and unifort% Where hydroseeding methods are used, the surface may be left with A, more Irregular surface of Large clods end . stones. . I ng to soft test recommendations. Ai of the salt: is not known, an application of ground Agricultural I Ines -tone at the a t me ex ure so 0 S usua y su C a . pp y one un rm y an incorporate. into the top 4-6 inches of sot t, Sol Is with a pH a need not be I I nod, Fertilizer- Base application rates on soft tests, When these are not possible, l a ferti i Izer at: .700-1. 000 lb. /acre, Both ferti t izer and time should be incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soft. If a hydraulic seeder is used, do notmix seed and fert;tIzer more than 30 minutes before application Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted Ina Loose , surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large clods. If rainfall causes the surface 'to become seated or crusted, too.5en it g by disking, raking, ang able methods, Groove or furrow slopes steeper than 3; I on the contour before seeding CPr4ctice 603, Surface Roughening). . Plant Selection Select on appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6. 10a, for seeding al l or summer, and Table 6. 10c for fat t. Seeding I Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast),, &I It, cultipckckep seeder, Or hydroseeder. Use seeding rates given in Table 6. 10a-6. loc. Broadcast Seeding and hyroseedingareapproprmte for steep slopes whoreequipment cannotbe driven. Hand broadcasting is not recommended because of the diff icut-ty in f al ai inch deep, andgrassesand legumes no more than 1/2 Inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dragging, *nd then tightly firmed with 4 rotter, or cuttipecker. Hydroseeded mixtures should include Q wood fiber (cellulose) mulch HU tr.h I no The use of appropr I Ate nu tch w I t I. he tp ensure estab I I s+ment under norma I conditions and is essential to seeding success under harsh sot* condition (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions inctudet ls are not considered adequate for this use), -slopes steeper, than 31 1, -excessively hot or dry weather, -adverse so I I s(sha I tow, rocky, or h I gh t A c toy or send), and -areas receiving concentrated f tow. If -the area to be mulched is subject to concentrated waLterf tow, As in channels, \,_�Acho l - - (Practice 6. 14, Mulching). Li - ___ I __ � TLaibte 6.10a - Temporary Seeding Reconmanda-tion for Late Winter And Early Spring _') Seeding mixture 1 P�cl; : Kobe in Piedmont and Coast*t Plain : . . � : ; Rate ( tb/4cre)- 120 ! ; hen duration of temporary cover Is not to extend beyond i ; : June ! i I Seeding dates-Coustat PtQin - Dec. I - Apr. 15, � i ; i Salt amendments- Follow recommendations of salt tests or apply 2,000 tb/Qcre i i : � ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb lizer. � I � . Nutch-Appty 4,000tb/Acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with Asphalt, netting . I or a mulch anchoring toot. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used : I i i as a mulch anchoring toot, � i Maintenance - Refortitize if growth is not fully adequate. Rested, reforti LIZ* � i ; l l i i : i Table 6. 10b - Temporary Seeding Recommendations i i . Seeding mixture i i I � i Rote(tbAkcre)- 40 lain- Apr. 15-Aug. 15 i Solt amondments-Foltow recommendations of soft tests or, *ppty 2,000 tb/acre i i l ! Mulch -Apply 4,000 tb/a ig , netting a toot. A disk with blades set nearty straight con be used a l a toot, MAInton4rico-Refortitiz lly adequate. Rested, refertilize l ll at- other damage. Table 6. 10c - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for F*tt Seeding mixture . I Ratettb/acre> - 120 . Seeding dates - Coast*( Plain andPfedmont-Aug 15 - Dec. 30 Soil amendments - Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 W./acre ground Agricultural I I mostona, and I., 000 tb/acre 10-10-10 fort I t I zer, Mulch- Apply 4,000 tb/*cre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with *sphatt' � netting, or a mulch Anchoring toot. A disk with blades set nearly straight cary ' l Ang toot. Maintenance am al tb/ckcre of nitrogen in March, if It is necessary to extend temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed.with 50 tb/acre Kobe (Pladmont And Coastal Plain) �� I I Spec I f I cat I on # 6, 02 - Construction Specifications 1, Construct and Met Ate I n at 1 eros I an and sod I mente't I on contra I proct I cas *and al; ' measu F� pas in accordance with +he approved sedimentation control ptan and le. 1 2. Remove good topsof t from areas to be graded and f I t led, and preserve It for us;* in finishing the grading of all critical areas. 3.Scarify ore*s -to be topsoited to a minimum depth of a inches before placing 6.04, Topsol (Ing). 4.Cteor andgrub Areas to be fit led to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or other l aal a l f ll 5.Ensure-thatfitt l togs, stumps, i Ad other materials Inap al f I (15. ll l la and compact the layers As required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other related problem% 7.11* not incorporate frozen material or -soft, mucky, or-highty compressible al ll 8. Do not p Lace f I t t on a frozen foundat I on, due to poss; I b te subs I dence And slippage. 9. Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during l uin an � approved methods (Practice 6. 01, Subsurface Drain>. 11,Permanentty stabilize 411 graded areas Immediately after final graiding is completed on each area in the grading ptan. Apply temporary stabitizotion measures on all graded areas when work Is to be interrupted or delayed for 30 working days or longer. I Z Ens I I ex, borrow areas, And spo I I areas ore adequate ty on with temporary and final stabilization measures, including sedimentfancing andtamporary seedingas necessary. I Maintenance ll As con -trot practices, especlatty after heavy rainfatts. Promptly remove all satpractices. If washouts or .breaks occur, repair -then immediately. Prompt maintenance of small eroded areas before +hey become significant gullies is An essential part of an effective kie'..- i A W � LL.0) 7'- NoW MaW dDI'M am MWmm 41 W.Z IM INIF s4mg. 1 - � � �--.-.----------------------.---.----- -, aaaaw"q NWA: V Max *Wytfud *&-4p Fabde Wwtm kAwa N0W'VM=aftWW)PFWftWWWAVN0ftAW ,a VSPAGINO lr$`�L" SEE NAMV4 ____S� / / L FILTER -----I..- V FILM ----w- �/ I � I i FAINUO - 1A FABIUC , � - I I I I I t-1, & IV -9� OACKFILL . WgNs"OF FABRICANOWME WMPACTED ;A I � - I .0w ! - __ MINIMUMS* THICKLAYER M INTO THE TRENCH FILL OFORAM \ \ ; - .1, I........ t - __�V_'�TR94CN`o WRE I I NZ -< Z 1� . .......... "RE I 0- _'%L;Z� _>"'(�)R I , � 00or vx�_ COMPACTSO 14LL QMVE'- =ON , , � ��/' I - . I I '....... I::.,.,:.;. OF FABM RE INTOVE TRZNCH . ........'.. I Lot �r P \ < '\ NOTE., SEEMMME ............ ....... '.'.,*.,* - -1 i -'.'-'.'--..' 141MINIMUM I I FORMOREDIFTAIt- 4rMINIMUM SECTION ISOMETRIC VIEW SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) SECTION I (�� NTS I L__ MeTICE4162 � _____.________ --------::I NOT2i DEUNEAUD 4U VVEnANOS LN9 K43BEENAPPROMBYTMUS . ~ COAPS OF 0401HU". r- I REVISED PER NEW HANOVE!3. COUNTY COMMENTS . - - - - _____N I 11A 2 1 . REVISED PER NCEMLR COMMENTS $11011-6 ,vl-- I � - REV. NO. �._. - - . REVISIONS DATE I . - I C4pyr'VhIC.H&*MwDasWSw4m.PA.Alrolpms*'Vad. RopWuaoaorvWof&,OWntonteofMdocunmtoraddftnscrd*gfoM(OU6 &="W;4 b WWV0rP&'- *~ wtu"Momi offtLardsurm)WOrengow, ftprwtviod. onty0OPA" tmm "aw"Of this &""t . MN*WW*fto�*Wsowfw#*WaVkWwNdbo&uw)worEqbW.&Wbommkf*.WiobevaW&idtruove�*& I � I MCKTPOSTS 115LB&F I (jp 5 E140TH AX M ' WUM I 1 . SEE NARMTIVE FOR / V SPACING =MVAROMESH TOPOSTSATTOP MORE DETAX AND AMMYEMETHOMS. 19 GAUGE MDOMANOBiTiiOM ""'� � � HARDWARE CLOTH 114" IAE$H 43PENINW / MINIMUM Hrif%ff OF 2 FEET I I I I ,I �� � i 4* �� V I I '� I 0&24�* 1 1 - 14 � _W1 =QW1N0iWW; :;M ", : e =1 ! O'Zg4 . '-r Imponall : �' 1, '4S ..'a & .%t-'rMf!�-�WON"Mom " h , . i� , 4*\ - '9"'* " 'I I �.'% V �N 1 1. :FP16 :"410k*"01*�' I—, ZRX-N, '�_" , .%"'%� _�%;�- F_==�Fi , I '-w-w L .1 =- I I " - cvtigl;o�.,;-Ww;.;!,i-ml-"W%-.�Q�-, iiev'.Jl�r=rrikLy , ,mi. 4..ir W =- ; 'pli - , . .,,I . ' I'M L-%'N '� ��'& :<'N g. m P � %_ � �_ L�\ 1�� -k .1!�.g - �) " � -.'.W'1!1t.W�Nllllmkw - _' - - - - � 'ZJF'1 , �W as Ly. wr�� _'RiiT� i ir--_ir--0,-7!_-*T1 I L, %, I � . I ...' ...e -, '._' W110tw6w, "-� nm I '. : - . - nii Z*;;'i i_N_""_-V"44.W ... in � NTS PRACTICE 6.51 - rZia J�;z g� = M'a " we - Erosion & Sediment Control and Water Quality Plans L-Z %..P =I V = I __.1 �� F -- ` '�� '�' , " ' qg -, �- '�- ` �' k �� ta 'P -_" , 'i� ,�-' � I - X, " " �j ", - ��' ROUND TREE RIDGE . I "N"i"i" I I BY: . - �. LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA .. 10'WAVe1 � 1r,J), L% ' - % 4�%, I is ON.,- -0 '00 I � a 4 0 - 6 I . 1:' . �' �'-. " W . , . i . . . " ! , . .. ,' �.� - 0L .' Z '. t . .1 I . . . J"_4 ' - I V . . 41 . I . . .. � __ . 0-,U!!% I %V-W% - t 5) * 16r.7-p 'r I dho is'(jhdsI1m.coM � - OWNER: TRSI HOLDINGS, LLC 1 420 BEASLEY RnA OAD I WILMINGTON, NC -2-8409 1 1 1 .0 I . I HANOW ER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. .-L- LAND SWZVEYORS, ENGINEERS & /_4MD PL4NNERS /10� 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY f U WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 1 kimt�� I LICENSE # C-0597 I .1 r- ate: _____*� 6-27-16 - � ---- -- Scals: I NTS Dtavm, AHG Che0ed: I DSH I __ Project No.. 1060 �___ __.. . .'� f, Sheet NO:* ECP2 E . P4 Of. f COVER OVER PIPE PIPE POND CROSS SECTION DETAIL tEE SEE P PLAN V1EVit NOT TO SCALE 3:1 SLOPE 14.0 31 SLOPE 12.0 11,0 3:1 SLOPE 10`5 STATE STORAGE ELEVATION =12.0 WEIR CUTS » 12.0, ...�.. 10.5 ' - NORMAL �►ISEL= 11.0 �-°-10.0 FaREBAY 10.0w .-.°.° 10.0 10.0--- ...._ 11.5 9.0 2:1 SLOPE 2:1 SLOPE 0.0 2:1 SLOPE 2;1 SLCPE 8.0 ,�..�,• .: 11.5 SEDIMENT 8.0 - MAIN POND __ - 8.0 REMOVAL= 6.07.0 7.0 IV VEGETATIVE 6.0 �. - _ ._ _ a6.0 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) 5.0 POND 5.0 2.0 1.O w° SEDIMENT _-_- 1.0 2.0 1 a VEGETATIVE FROM ELEV, 1'1.5-10.5 BOTTOM= 5.0 O.O.. M _ _. REMOVAL== Q.O. _ �_ � � 0,0 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) FROM ELEV. 11.5-10.5 -�.� -- POND BOTTOM -1.0 in ..•. 1=- U.1 TOP OF BANK =15.0 OP STONE S4©X 3 z OR EMERGENCY SPILLWAY',,_ _ 15.0 (V THICK) REINFORCED � cn OUTLET PROTECTION VEGETATIVESOIL �v SEE DETAIL �.. i 30.5 LF OF 18" RCP Y ,-� w 0 - 2'min. FILTER FABRIC FAB EXISTING SEE DETAIL WETLANDS VEGETATION ROUNDTREE- Wet Detention/retention Pond No.1 VOLUME REQUIRED: R=j(P)(PJ)(Rv)112j(A) S.EE PAGES A.1 and A.2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: NOTE, 404 WEnANDS ON SITEAS SHOWN, SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - SURFACE AREA Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR I DWQ : A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" BEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - Storage requ i red = S. 21 X 1800 M 14, 778 cf Surface Area Required = 29, 31 X 325 = 9526 cf Q(2) pre-deve toped = 5. 30 cfs Storage provided = 130,750 cf Surface Area provided = 29,000 sf @ WSEL 11.0 " WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - (I j)= 0.9 QC 10) pre -developed = 5. 48 cfs Q( 25) pre-deve toped = S. 25 cfs FOREBAY CALCULATION: Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet (Rv)= 0.05 + 0.9(1252001257717) = 0.365 Q( 100) pre-deve t oped = 12, 99 cf s Q< 2> past-deve toped = 0.06 cfs a WSEL = 11.85 Forebay Volume = 26,750 cf (A)= 357,717 sf QC 10) post -developed = 5.48 cfs a WSEL = 13.39 20% Volume of Storage = 130, 750 X. 2 = 26, 150 cf TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 2.87 acres (125,200 sf) R= {1.5}{0,(35771T 365112 E ) ) ~ T 0.461 acre-feet QE 257 post -developed = 8.22 cfs @ WSEL = 13.83 TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 8.21 acres (35T,71T sf} =16,300 cf REQUIRED STORAGE Q(100) post--deve t oped = 13.78 cfs C WSEL = 14.37 ROUNDTREE R LDGE -- Pond 1 $.21 ac. total - 2.87 ac. impervious = 5.34 ac. green 32,500 cf PROVIDED STORAGE cx ELEV.=12.0 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - STAGE -- STORAGE TABLES, DRAWDOWN: Surface Area required = 10,000 sf MAIN BODY OF POND - BUILD -OUT CONDITION SA REQUIRED:125>2001357,T1T = 0.35, or 35% Average head fram storage elevation to orifice - Surface Area prov i ded = 29, €300 sf @ WSEL 11, 0 Above WSEL Storage Volume required = 16,300 cf T NCR' At 4.5' depth, 90% TSS removal, from chart - SAIDA factor = 2.8 12.0-11.013 = 0.33' 6" PVC wl 2" hole drain to draw -down pond: Storage Volume prov i ded = 32,500 cf @ WSEL 12.0 ELEV. AREA VOL, STORAGE STORAGE 35.T,717 x 0.01 X. 2.8 =10,000 sf SA REQUIRED Orifice equation: Q = CA(29hrl/2 Storage Vo tune Drawdown T I Me = 3. 0 days (ft) Sf) of) Cf) aC-ft) At'Elev. ' 11,0 = 28,000 sf $A PROVIDEDQ- t?.6(.0218)(64.4 X t1.33)"112 = 0.0606 cfs __----__( -------_� Tw3days ----( -_-----_( 11.0 29, 000 _ ... 12.0 36,000 32,500 32,500 0.75 13.0 39,500 18,875 51, 375 1. 18 14.0 43, 500 20,750 72, 125 1.66 15.0 47,000 45,250 117,375 2.69 16.0 51,000 49,000 166,375 3.82 STATE STORAGE VOLUME @ ELEV 12.0 32, 500 0.75 30' 0' 30' 69 SCALE" IN FEET: f = 30' ill)PROJECT FOLDERS114164-LEHIGHtEngineedng114160 BASErev6ENG.dw9 NINE WELL: 1 i CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT STREET PAVEMENT & CURBING IS PLACED SO AS TO DRAIN POSITIVELY TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. _001i La I-011- RCP W 244'-36" Rcps-10' 48" & W" Rcps- `& OP OUTLET PROTECTION and ROCK STABILIZATION APRON NTS NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. Impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (Le, storm Inlets or nondsl by swales. overland flow. SECTION VIEW OS OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 1 ) NOT TO SCALE RCP €}IAMErER La W d60 dMAX APRON REQ. ST©NE ALL 18" 16 15' 3" 6" 1' approx. 7cy ALL 24" 15' 16 3" 6" 1' approx. 7cy ALL W 15' 15' ' 3" 6" 1` approx. Icy ALL 36' 3W 15` 3" 6" 1' approx.14cy ALL 48" 2W W 3" 60 1' approx.13cy ALL 54' 2V 2(Y 3" s" r approx. I scy ROCK STASILONG APRON La w d50 dMAX APRON REQ. STONE TWIN 36" IV I& 3" 6" 1' approx. Bcy TWIN 24" 1ti' 15' 3" 61 1' approx. 6cy TWIN W ff 15' 3" 8" 1' approx. ecy NOTE WE- L1- 1) OUTLET PROTECTION & 2) SLOPE IS FLAT (06) ROCKSTABILITATIONAPRONS FORA MWVIMUMOF2LF REQUIRED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 2' MIN. BOTTOM WIDTH Rock to top of pipe M both sides .01 SLOPE OP UJ EMBANKMENT 0 190� �Saeaee for addMonal details XmIn. NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE PLACE© UNDER ALL STONE INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION. USE NiCOLON MMF160OX POLYPROPYLENE, OR EQUIVALENT SIDE VIEW NTS E'raSlon & Sediment Control and Water Quality Pond Plans 7rf ` DECEIVE', ROUNDTREE RIDGE -16 Y: Scale. POND No. 1 1`-30t LOCATED IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLWA Drown; WNP S HOL DINGS, LLC Checked: ISSN ti-MINGTON, NC 28406 4-5 62-4511 Project No: 14160 Sh et No: ECP3 I �CP,4 CHI µ .... 0 -- - --- -- s i'tFE11�iFl1lL�311R;ft+ COVER: OVER PIPE @ PIPE POND CROSS SECTION DETAIL ONLY. SEE PLAN VIE NOT TO SCALE 3:1 SLOPE SLOPE 14,5 11.0 12.5 3:1 SLOPE 11'0 3:1 SLOPE 12.5 10.5 STATE STORAGE ELEVATION =12.5 WEIR CUTS =12.5 10'5 . _.._ NORMAL WgEL=11.0 . 10.0 �- _�-10,0 10.0 --- FOREBAY 11.5 9•0- 2:1 SLOPE 2:1 SLOPE 9.0 :1 SLOPE 2:1 SLOPE 9.0 11.5 8.0 -`- -- WAIN POND 8.6_�.��_k SEDIMENT REMOVAL= 4.0 7.0- ._._.__ 7.0 10' VEGETATIVE 4.0.,�.... � .�....�_ .�,. __.............._ 4.0 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) 3.0 POND 3.0 2`0 SEDIMENT 2.0 10' VEGETATIVE FROM ELEV.11.5-10.5 BOTTOM= 3.0 1 `0 -- REMOVAL= €3.0 � 1 `0 SHELF (10:1 SLOPE) 0.0- .. _ - . _ . - 0.0 FROM ELEV. 11.5-10.5 1, POND POND BOTTOM -1.0 QP OF BANK = 16.1 4ERGENCY SPILLWA' 34.5 LF OF 18„ STATE STORAGE VOLUME = 35.063 ct EMBANKMENT 16.0 100 YEAR WSEL=15.33 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL 15.0 3 Y 16,Q 10-YF-AR WSELµ 14.24 &YEAR 1M1 L:-1b.'15 9 TOP OF BOX =14.$ STATE STORAGE ELEVATION -12.5 WEIR CUTS 12.5 NORMAL WSEL=11.0 INVERT OUT=11.0 w 18"RCP 34.5 LF " 1 PIPE IWWIDE, 10:1 :AYI+CE PERMANENT VEGETATE} :i'Ctt3I:.t1Efx1ti:3:7':... .�.}� /����� SHELF OS' \ j El,=11.$ to 10.5 Aqueft Vegotation Zane SEDIMENT -REMOVAL: ELEVATION= 0.0 1' MINIMUM (BOTTOM Et: -1.0) POND BOTTOM MAY BE OVEREXCAVATED FOR 1 � f EMBANKMENT SECTION POND No.2 SEDIMENT STORAGE T 1 A ',-NOTE.SEE SHEET P2 FOR ... _ _ ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A PORTABLE PUMP TO BE USED TO PROJECT LIMITS DRAIN POND IN AN ! I EMERGENCY. OUTLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL OP STONE d64=3" (1' THICK) ' 0.8 "- 2'min. FILTER FABRI SEE DETAIL 10 a ., Z4 D tls z SOD OR REINFORCED W VEGETATIVE SOIL © -- EXISTING WETLANDS VEGETATION ROUNDTREE- Wet Detentlonlretention Pond No.2 VOLUME REQUIRED: R=i(P)(P1)(Rv}t121(A) SEEPAGES A.1 and A.2 "Controlling Urban Runoff: NOTE., 404 WETLANDS ON SITE AS SHOWN. SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS- SURFACE AREA Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - Storage required = 11, 64 X 1800 = 20, 952 cf Storage requ I red = 34, 51 X 325 = 11., 216 cf (P)=1.b ded = 72, 625 cf Surface Area prov i ded = 19,500 sf @ WSEL 11.0 WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - (Pi)-- 0.9 Q< 10) pre--deve Loped = 7, 77 cfs Q< 25) pre-deve t oped = 14, 49 cfs FOREBAY CALCULATION: Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet (Rv)= 0.05 + 0.9(1775201507202) = 0.366 Forebay Vo t ume = 14, 875 cf (A)= 507,202 sf Q(2) post-deve L©ped = 0,09 cfs @ WSEL - 12.48 20X Vo turr+� of Storage = 72 625 X 2 - 14 525 cf 9 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 4.08 acres (177,520 so R= [(1.5)(0.366/121(507242) = 0.53 acre-feet Q(,10) past-deve t oped = 7.68 cfs @ WSEL = 14, 24 0< 25) pas- --deve t oped = 14.81 cfs @ WSEL 14.78 TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND =11.64 acres (507,202 sf) 11.64 ac. total - 4,08 ac. impervious = 7.56 ac. green = 23,140 of REQUIRED STORAGE RGUNDTREE RIDGE -- Pond 2 35,000 cf PROVIDED STORAGE @ ELEV.=12.5 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS » STAGE -- STORAGE TABLES: $AI REQUIRED: 177,520/507,202 = 0.35. or 35% DRAWD(JWN: Surface Area required = 17,250 sf MAIN BODY OF POND BUILD -OUT CONDITION Average bead from storage elevation to orifice - Surface Area prov I ded = 19, 500 sf @ WSEL 11, 0 Above I4SEL " NTS NOTE: DELINEATED 404 WETLANDS LINE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. At 3.7' de th, ° I3 90% TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor : 3>4 12.a-11.0 / 3 = Q.5' 6 PVC w/ 2" hole drain to draw -down pond: Storage vo tume required = 23 14© cf Storage Va t u1�e provided = 35,000 cf @ WSEL 12.5 ELEV, AREA I NGR VOL. STORAGE NOTEWELL:507,202 x 0.01 x 3.4 =17,280 sf $A REQUIRED � ©mice equation: Q = CA(2gI�) 1/2 Q= 0.6(.0218)(64.4 X 0.5) 1/2 = 0.0742 cfs Storage Vo tine Drawdown T 1 I've = 3, 6 days C ft) (sf) .STORAGE (cf) (cf) (ac--f t) T 1 }STREET CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAIS PAVEMENT At Eiev. _ 1.0 =19 600 sf SA PROVIDED ' T = 3.6 days _ -� ________________- __ T1 _ __.�___.-_ �� _ �_�.________ _ PLACED SOYA DRAIN POST V S N POSITIVELY i l , 0 9, 500 -- -- _ TO CURB INLETS AND DRAINAGE 12.0 25,000 22,250 22,250 0.51 STRUCTURES. 12.5 26,250 12,813 3%063 0.80 13, 0 27, 500 13, 125 48,188 1. 11 POND 2 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 14.0 30, 000 28, 750 76, 938 1.77 15 0 32 Sflfl 31 25O 108 188 2 4$ L29 N 89040'09" W 65.79' L30 S 8904442" W 160.03' L31 N 00010'34" E 131.14' L32 N 89049'28" W 410.00' L33 S 00010'34" W 131.941 1610 35,500 34,000 142, 188 3.26 STATE STORAGE VOLUME @ ELEV 12. 5 35, 063 0. 80 NOTE WELL: 1. All storm water runoff from built upon areas (i.e. impervious surfaces & roof drainage) to be directed to the storm sewer collection system (i.e. storm Inlets or ponds) by swales, overland flow, additional grading, or landscaping Inlets. 30; (i' 30' sat REV. NO. REVISIONS RATE COPYAghfC, Hanover t; esfgn Sem kos, PA., All rights reserved. Repmducdon or use of the contents of this document, or eddlllons or dstettons to this document, In WIWO or pert, without written consent of the Land Sumayor or Englneer, is prohibited. Only copies from ft orlgfnst of tuts document, SCALE IN FEET 1 "= 30' markad with the o not s nature and rl I at sea t f m S..... r ft .. ~ En fne8r shall be considereda va t be tfd an d try t dgr ig o 9►r a e a , a cap as: i 3w Q d Z r N� X773 0 W «� OP Sae Detail & Shoot 2 AQUATIC VEGETATION AQUATIC VEGETATION ZONE: FROM EL=11.5 TO EL=10.5 SUITABLE SPECIES FOR PLANTING IN THIS ZONE ARE AS FOLLOWS: - SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA (COMMON ARROWHEAD) - SAGITTARIA LANCIFOLIA (DUCK POTATO) - SAURURUS CERNUUS (LIZARDTAIL) - PELTANDRA VIRGINICA (ARROW ARUM) IF ONE OR MORE OF THE SUGGESTED SPECIES IS UNAVAILABLE, APPROPRIATE WETLANDS VEGETATION COMMON TO THE COASTAL CAROLINA REGION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. 60 PLANTS PER 200 SF OR APPROX. 20 LF AT WATERLINE TO BE PLANTED; APPROXIMATELY 1,997 PLANTS FOR POND -NO. 2 FORE BAY; APPROXIMATELY 704 PLANTS MAIN BODY; APPROXIMATELY 1293 PLANTS Vmin. 12'min. SEE PLAN ALL SLOPES 2:1 MAXIMUM � Forebay volume w �, WSEL 20% of required W A OR y =11.0 storage, typical It .tl' 1OUTLET REMOVE PROTECTION 4, rain. SED.=4.0 `asp AS ON PLANS �� g�fl�jpi Fore ay Bottom Elev,=3.0 FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WELDED REBAR 111 TRASH GRATES. GAWMIZED 7 T i•�■� t■ NOT TO SCALE OVER WEIRCUT V WIDE WEIR CUT WELDED sAR M4SHRACK SOL.7EQINPIACC ONEEACHBOX J4 ryt?5WEIR K7%PPE CUT 1.01s°F'I'CT � L� 11.0 11.0 Mt' ,3 t. f 6*PVC CAP � R N�th2'lsotedriFkrd W,142'hvtsdrlfiad s s t �anw hx a Eta 9.5 PLAN VIEW Bosoms rcRAVEL BASE Mry 1.NCPm0j0s4W "Wha*t SECTION VIEW OS OUTLET_ STRUCTURE DETAILS (POND 2) NOT TO SCALE RCP DIAMETER La W d50 dMAX APRON REQ. STONE ALL 18" 16 1& 3" 6" 1` approx. Icy ALL 24" IV 16' 3' 6" Is approx. Icy ALL 30" 16, 1 V 3" 6" 1' approx. 'icy ALL 36" 30' 15 1 3" 1 6" 1' approx.14cy ALL 48" 2V 20' 3" 6" 1' approx. 13cy ALL 6W 20' 29 3" 60 1' approx.13cy ROCK STABILIZING APRON La W d50 dMAX APRON REQ. STONE TWIN 36" 10` 1& r 6" 1' approx. 60y TWIN 24" IV IV 3" 6' 1' approx. bey TWIN 1W 10, 16 T 6" 1' approx. 6cy NOTE WELL: 1j4UTLErPROTECTION& 2},r opEtSFLATm of ROCKSTABILIZATION APRONS FOR A MWIMUM OP2LF REQUfRED AS $HCWN ON PLAN. 2' MIN. BOTTOM WlDrH. Erosion & Sediment Contra! and Water Quality Pond Plans ROUNDTREE RIDGE. POND No. 2 LOCATED IN NEW all SE AL _ 2000-1 to ton dh7ols @ hdsllm.com Rock to top of pipe both sides SLOPE i1P t EMBANKMENT 12 See Narrative for additional details 2'min. NOTE: FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION. USE NICOLoN MIRAFI 600X POLYPROPYLENE, OR EQUIVALENT SIDE VIEW NTS OWNER. TRS HOLDINGS, LLC WILMINGTON, NC 28406 814-562-4511 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. "iVD ,SURVEYORS, ENG/NEERS & "ND P"IVNER S 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON. N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 LICENSE # C-0597 Chocked: + DSH Project No: 14160 ECP4 CP4 li1PROJECT FOLDERS114160-LEHIGH\Etlgine+eringl14160 BASErevELENGAwcJ