HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-1149-V9_Benton Branch_Response to MY4 DWR CommentsRestoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes St. Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina Ph: (919) 755-9490 Fx: (919) 755-9492 Response to DWR Comments Dated March 11, 2022 Monitoring Year 4 (2021) Benton Branch Bank Parcel DWR Project Number: 2014-1149 v9 Caswell County Comments Received (Black Text) & Responses (Blue Text) DWR Comments. Katie Merritt: 1.) 4 of 20 plots failed to meet performance standards for planted stems but 3 of the 4 plots had acceptable volunteers that when included, meet the performance standard of 260/acre. However, Plot data for Plots 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 24 all reveal very short heights on planted stems in comparison to what is common by Year 4. Most stems are barely reaching 3 feet. Is there a factor/s to consider here that may need to be addressed by IRS prior to the next growing season? What additional efforts can IRS take to assist in tree development and success? The plots with lower -than -average tree heights have been reviewed, and two primary factors have been identified. First, most of these plots are found within the root and/or shade zone of adjacent mature trees, where slower growth can be expected. Second, heavy deer browse is evident (see attached photo log). The deer browse seems to have been compounded by multiple years of fescue treatment which released the hardwood stems from root competition but exposed them to increased herbivory by reducing the surrounding herbaceous layer. Now that fescue on site has been mostly controlled, we expect that the herbaceous layer will start to respond, providing some relief from browse pressure. No action is planned to relieve either of these issues, as our experience on other sites leads us to believe that the surviving planted stems will eventually get above the browse line and take off. 2.) During supplementing planting efforts in 2021 required by the IRT, did RS include areas within buffer and nutrient offset credit generating areas as well? If not, explain why. Yes, the supplementing efforts in 2021 included both buffer and nutrient offset credit generating areas. Replanting efforts occurred along UT-1 past its confluence with UT2 and UT2b and nearly to vegetation monitoring plot 2, and along UT-6 around vegetation monitoring plots 14 and 15. 2021 replanting efforts are shown in Figure 2 (Current Conditions Plan View) of the monitoring report and attached to this comment response letter. 3.) For the second year in a row, plot 13 reveals zero planted stems. Year 3 monitoring report indicated poor soil conditions, but IRS did not indicate that this was addressed in 2021. This area needs to be replanted unless a supplemental planting effort is determined to sufficient. Soil amendments need to be considered as an option and any additional measures that IRS intends to take within this area needs to be noted as well. Plot 13 is located within mature trees' root and shade zone and has been subject to heavy deer browse. However, we agree that the complete absence of planted stems in that plot is an issue. We propose to plant 30 3-gallon pots around and within Plot 13 to bring that corner of the site up to an appropriate planting density. 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 Benton Branch Bank Parcel, DWR Project Number: 2014-1149-V9 MY 4 (2021) Comment Response Photos Log 03/2/2022: UT3 near Plot 10: Heavy browse damage 03/02/2022: UT3 near Plot 12: Deer damage 03/2/2022: UT3 near Plot 12: Heavy browse damage 03/2/2022: UT3 near Plot 13: Heavy browse damage Benton Branch Bank Parcel, DWR Project Number: 2014-1149-V9 MY 4 (2021) Comment Response Photos Log 03/2/2022: UT 4 near Plot 24: Heavy browse damage 03/02/2022: UT 6 in Plot 14: Deer Damage 03/02/2022: UT 6 near Plot 14: Browse damage 03/02/2022: UT 6 in Plot 14: Heavy browse damage U z C) z Y O O N � o WYw YLU F z zp W WP> C) o o of mz0 o N Z¢W C) woz Oma Dz� a o U Oa o W O LL 0 • co w a J�A w _ c CC E a o E a Q m h y � � v ,DIEN N J O o 191