HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3220301_Plansheet 4 - Grading_Drainage Plan_20220519US H\NY, 74 PUBLIC R\W (PC. M, FIDE 699) ohe --- R\\N 100 1691802 ohe ohe STATE PROJ. # 8. ohe LIGHT ohe — — ------ 'LIGHT POLE — ohe POLE 3he 0 N86.25 231 159.36 ------ P LIGHT ------ _b 769 N ohe ---------- one EX CURB __­­--:Z:_,�-_-: ­ 7— W R\W G 0 67 V WA TERS — METER Z 565.5 1:3 0 1 7 1 1-1 ;up- 01 9 LLJ 0 0 23 \11 I L C,0T KWER POLE ` \ �1 121-1 PERMANENT DITCH (PD1) AVG SLOPE = 1.4%— BYPASS ROUTING OF OFFITE AND ON -SITE NON -IMPERVIOUS FLOW PIR: 09054040A CHILDREN OF TODAY CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC. DB. 6747, PG. 31 PC. M, FILE 699 20'x 26'(520sf) SAND FILTER WITH 6" PVC UNDER DRAIN SYSTEM TOP OF WASHED STONE EL - 557.80 TOP OF SAND EL-557.63 MIN. SAND AREA = 520 SF MIN. SAND DEPTH PERMANENT DITCH (PD1) AVG SLOPE = 1.4% ZYPASS ROUTING OF OFFITE AND ON -SITE NON -IMPERVIOUS FLOWXs PIN: 09054017H 0 YJ -- I , 0 0 : GN h N O'RILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, 0 ___1 ON- -OCK PERMANENT DITCH (PD2) INC. cr :7 ;4: LU -No AVG SLOPE = 2.5% D13. 7303, PG. 474 co BYPASS ROUTING OF OFFITE AND PC. P, FILE 326 __-Z) 0- ON -SITE Q­ NON-IMPERVIOUS FLOW coa- 0 0 00 CD 0.) 0 —ROD— -0 �O _08 z 0 CL (D I b to 10 1 X (A (A (A SEWER— — — — 163 sf. (Deed Overlap) ANHOLE— — — 0 0 0 U 0 33*36'55"E 106-22— NE 5 77 _E E X UG I 0 0 9 - — _'­T 4ore 700 POLE 0 2 0 -7 0 h ----562— -0 CO, Roof Pitch 01 Prop. Bldg #80040) 11 0) PIN: 09054034A JUNE MINCEY to (A 0 D13. 4513, PG. 774 0 0 qD M 0 10 V11 0 4 0 0 00, 7 PIN: 09054035 J FRANCES B. KNIGHT DB. 3594, PG. 838 0 IN & ,4 401 5 55 ;�W 1 ,atVVr_M 0110 MANHOLE PIN: 09054040 e-MINJ STORAG :E,/ USA, INC/ /DB. 824' PG. 2 PC. FILE 69 CONCRETE OUTLET STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL SHT 5) S3 al PIN: 09054036 ",g/ JACOB CLONTZ & 7- r oT KAYLEIGH Aq�o A�D 1 11� DB. 7701, BIVENS PG. 23 SEDIMENT sib 1. 41� I IDPAD AP ON 510r1M1v1Dr_ 1� X I— Z (��) SEWER (FOR AY} MANHOLE PIN: 09054037 NORMA MATTHEWS WORD PIN: 09054038A P JAMES LEO GOSS, 11 F DA DB. 3523, PG. 64 DB. 6143, PG. 31 8 ED / �tA" associated'joints � � 0 LOP v Oier�flcoi Is shall have sea BUILDING PAD / ROOF PITCH NOTES Proposed building slabs to be constructed on a 1% longitudinal slope in order to utilize Trachte building system. lRoof pitch of exterior buildings to sloped inward toward interior ;of site in order to direct all impervious runoff toward the iproposed Skimmer Basin/SCM. NOTE: PROPERTY BOUNDARY AND FIELD TOPO DATA PROVIDED BY LAWRENCE ASSOCIATES, 106 W. JEFFERSON ST., MONROE, NC 28112, 704-289-1013, www.lawrencesurveying.com US HWY. 74 IW PUBLIC R\W (PC- U, FILE 699) STATE pRoj, # &1691802 SCM MAINTENANCE EASEMENT (SCALE 1 =100') STREAM CLASSIFICATION Receivinq Stream Rays Fork River Basin Yadkin Pee —Dee ROTE: NO JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES IDENTIFIED WITHIN PROPOSED PROJECT AREA AS DETERMINED BY FIELD STUDY PERFORMED BY LARRY THOMPSON, SOIL SCIENTIST., THOMPSON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, P.O. BOX 541, MIDLAND INC. STORMWATER NARRATIVE Mini —Storage USA is a proposed mini —warehouse project located off Hwy 74 in Wingate NC (Union County). The site is in the Yadkin Pee —Dee River in and drains to Rays Fork Creek. Th e site is in the Town of Wingate Zoning District. Stormwater is regulated by NCDEQ. A Sand Filter SCM is proposed to provide the required water quality treatment and water quantity runoff controls as required by NCDEQ & Town of Wingate. It is anticipated that the mini —warehouse units will be constructed in 3 phases. The development is proposed as "high density". The SCM is designed to treat and control a built upon area of Cl"cres at ultimate built out. Do 12 1 0 r TI ontrolled Post Developed 1 Design Pre—Devel. i Peak Discharge Runoff Peak Elevation 558.26 L 559.58 F_ 4.15 cfs 9 03 IIII Cfs 56i III 0.05 12.22 cfs Ref. HydroCad Analysis f5iMi I I - _ --- -_ --- Iw 0110�� 1. Upon completion of Phase 3 site grading, construction, and stabilization of upstream disturbance notify NCDEQ Land Quality for review and approval prior to beginning conversion of the skimmer basin to Sand Filter SCM. 2. Upon approval, floating skimmer to be modified to allow skimmer basin to fully drain. Skimmer to be removed and outlet structure orifice to be protected with temporary silt fence prior to sediment removal. 3. Sediment to be removed from basin and properly disposed. 4. Subgrade of SCM to be constructed to grades, specifications, and details shown on approved plans. 5. Sand chamber to be constructed in accordance with SAND FILTER AND UNDERDRAIN CONSTRUCTION (Sheet 5). 6Upon completion of sand chamber construction, disturbed sediment chamber area Io be stabilized with SOD per plan specifications. External embankment and other areas not draining to sediment chamber to be stabilized in accordance with seeding specifications. 7. Temporary silt fence around sand filter chamber can be removed and r1prap berm installed once SOD has begun to root. 8. Follow Erosion Control Construction Sequence (Sht 6) for maintenance and removal of remaining site construction erosion control measures. LEGEND R/W = Right-of-way 7L = Utility Pole RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe A A = Riprap Outlet Apron _816— = Existing Grade Contour _818- = Proposed Finished Contour * PD* = Permanent Diversion I I Sf- or a ge USA, Inc. 4724 Old Monroe—Marshville Road iMarshville, NC 28103 iContact: Danny Jordan i 1 '704... 361-3619, Danny.DTPH@gmail.com GRAPHIC SCALE 0 39 ISU w4dlil_ -7- IN FEET) 1 inch = 30 ft. THIS DOCUMENT, PRESENTED AS AN INSTURMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. IT SHALL NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. NOR USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.