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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0010583_Additional Information Response_202204051 Plummer,Lauren From:Brent Collins <> Sent:Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:06 AM To:Plummer,Lauren; Lambert, Johnny Cc:Thornburg, Nathaniel; Snider, Lon; Graznak, Jenny; Caudle, Caitlin; 'Roy Whitaker' Subject:[External] RE: WQ0010583 - Davie County Class B Residuals Program - Additional Information Request #2 Attachments:RLAP-06-16.pdf; Davie - Weighted Average Worksheet.pdf; 06.10.21 Cleanout Total.PDF; 03.16.22 Digester Total.PDF CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to  Report Spam.    Lauren,  We have remeasured the basin and are estimating there are approximately 1,371,075 gallons in the basin to clean out.  We will have to dilute the material to get it out and able to be land applied so we are estimating 2.8 million gallons. This  is a different material than what is land applied from the digester. There is a lot of mud mixed in with the material,  making the percent solids higher, but the nitrogen lower. I sent the analysis of this material with the permit renewal but  was requested to refigure the forms using the digester analysis. The calculations are as follows for the two analyses:    Cooleemee Digester       ‐              28.88 lbs PAN per dry ton  Cooleemee Cleanout     ‐              5.02 lbs PAN per dry ton    Using the calculations for just the digester, on paper it would seem that we are applying a lot more PAN than we are  actually going to be applying. We would be able to apply more of the mud/mixed material leading to higher dry tons,  while being able to use the same acreage. I have refigured the forms using a weighted average of the most recent  analyses of the cleanout material and the digester material. I have included the calculations and the analyses. Please let  me know if you have any questions.    ‐‐  Brent Collins  Director of Technical Services  EMA Resources Inc.    From: Plummer,Lauren <>   Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 1:49 PM  To: Lambert, Johnny <>;  Cc: Thornburg, Nathaniel <>; Snider, Lon <>; Graznak, Jenny  <>; Caudle, Caitlin <>  Subject: WQ0010583 ‐ Davie County Class B Residuals Program ‐ Additional Information Request #2    Mr. Lambert,    Division of Water Resources’ Central and Regional Office staff have reviewed the application package and additional  information response submittal for the above referenced project.  Additional information is required before the review  may be completed.  Please address the items identified in the attachment no later than the close of business on May 2,  2022.       2 Please be aware that failure to provide the requested information within the 30‐day time frame may result in your  application being returned as incomplete.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please do not  hesitate to contact me via email.      Sincerely,      Lauren Raup-Plummer, PE Environmental Engineer III Non-Discharge Branch Department of Environmental Quality   919-707-3660 office 512 N. Salisbury St 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.   Effective April 6, 2022, the Non‐Discharge Branch is below half‐staff.  As a result, our response and review times will  be slower than normal.  Thank you in advance for your patience.    FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 2 of 5 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Residuals Processing Facility’s physical address: 175 Hwy 801 South City: Cooleemee State: NC Zip: 27014- Coordinates: Latitude: 35○ 48′ 15″ Longitude: 80○ 33′ 40″ Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: nearest second Method of measurement: GPS 2. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Davie 3. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back-Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Roy Whitaker EMA Resources Inc. 13283 Back-Up ORC Brent Collins EMA Resources Inc. 27651 Additional Back-Up ORCs (if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back-Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates’ names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate’s completion of the required training school and certification test: 4. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source-generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 2817 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First-Year 7.69 10.23 21656 28812 Five-Year Maximum Adjusted 10.62 13.16 29920 37071 b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 Row Crops 36.78 Hay/Pasture 142.92 Total: 179.7 Methods Surface 179.7 Incorporation or Injection 0 Total: 179.7 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 3 of 5 c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (lbs PAN/ac-yr) Acres Required Using First-Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five-Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 50 433 576 598 741 100 217 288 299 371 150 144 192 200 247 200 108 144 149 185 6. If applicable, provide a plan and a schedule to resolve any known issues that would prevent land application of the proposed residuals due to the violation of North Carolina Administrative Code (e.g. not enough storage, not enough land, vector reduction practices not in place, etc.): 7. Specify type of residuals program (See Instruction F): Non-dedicated Dedicated If Dedicated, specify the following (check all that apply): Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates, explain; Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance, explain; Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system, explain; IV. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the following Residuals Source Certification and all associated documentation. Residuals Source Certification V. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified land application site) Complete and submit the following Land Applications Site Certification and all associated documentation. Land Application Siite Certification.doc   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   6/22/2021 EMA Resources Inc Mr. Brent Collins 755 Yadkinville Rd Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 21-162-0021 Client Project Description: Cooleemee/NC Dear Mr. Brent Collins: Waypoint Analytical, LLC. received sample(s) on 6/11/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Where the laboratory was not responsible for the sampling stage (refer to the chain of custody) results apply to the sample as received. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule August 2017) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Any parameter for which the laboratory is not officially NELAP accredited is indicated by a '~' symbol. These are not included in the scope because NELAP accreditation is either not available or has not been applied for. Additional certifications may be held/are available for parameters, where NELAP accreditation is not required or applicable. A full list of certifications is available upon request. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as- received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Danyale Love Project Manager Page 1 of 7 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP MTN: Waypoint Analytical, LLC., Memphis, TN State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 02/28/202240750State ProgramAlabama 02/07/202288-0650State ProgramArkansas 06/30/20212904State ProgramCalifornia 06/30/2021E871157State Program - NELAPFlorida 02/18/2023C044State ProgramGeorgia 06/30/202104015State ProgramGeorgia 10/10/2021200078State Program - NELAPIllinois 06/30/202180215State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2021KY90047State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2021LA037State Program - NELAPLouisiana 06/30/202104015State Program - NELAPLouisiana 02/11/2023MSState ProgramMississippi 12/31/2021415State ProgramNorth Carolina 08/31/20219311State ProgramOklahoma 05/31/202268-03195State Program - NELAPPennsylvania 06/30/202184002State ProgramSouth Carolina 06/30/202184002State ProgramSouth Carolina 02/11/202302027State ProgramTennessee 10/31/20214313.01A2LA ISO 17025:2017Tennessee 09/30/2021T104704180State Program - NELAPTexas 06/30/202100106State ProgramVirginia 09/14/2021460181State Program - NELAPVirginia Page 1 of 1 00001/21-162-0021 Page 2 of 7 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 21-162-0021 Cooleemee/NC Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 06/10/2021 07:00Solids 95746 Davie County 06/11/2021 Page 3 of 7 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27028 21-162-0021 46245 EMA Resources Inc 755 Yadkinville Rd Mr. Brent Collins Mocksville Danyale Love Project Manager Received : 06/11/2021 Cooleemee/NC Report Date : 06/22/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Davie County 95746 Matrix: 6/10/2021 7:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 84.8 %0.010Moisture 1 06/14/21 16:42 SW-DRYWTFMM 2410 mg/Kg - dry 105 658 Ammonia Nitrogen 1 06/17/21 15:00 4500NH3C-2011JPJ 127 mg/Kg - dry 32.6 32.6 Nitrate+Nitrite-N 1 06/15/21 14:50 4500NO3F-2011ZBD 3928 mg/Kg - dry 657.9Organic N 1 06/17/21 15:00 CALCULATION 7.1 s.u.pH 1 06/17/21 16:00 9045DDRS 15.2 %0.010 0.010 Total Solids 1 06/14/21 16:42 2540G-2011FMM 23.1 %0.010 0.010 Total Volatile Solids 1 06/14/21 16:42 2540G-2011FMM 6340 mg/Kg - dry 329Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1 06/18/21 13:26 4500NORGD-2011CLP 4390 mg/Kg - dry 18.2 32.9 Phosphorus 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 48900 mg/Kg - dry 30.4 32.9 Aluminum 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 6.12 mg/Kg - dry 1.58 3.29 Arsenic 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 2.24 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.658 Cadmium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 4030 mg/Kg - dry 255 329 Calcium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 59.7 mg/Kg - dry 1.55 1.64 Chromium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 103 mg/Kg - dry 2.04 3.29 Copper 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 134000 mg/Kg - dry 280 329 Iron 5 06/17/21 18:21 6010DTJS 31.8 mg/Kg - dry 1.18 1.97 Lead 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 3050 mg/Kg - dry 17.0 32.9 Magnesium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 796 mg/Kg - dry 2.14 3.29 Manganese 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 0.388 mg/Kg - dry 0.0450 0.103 Mercury 1 06/14/21 13:24 7471ADDB 3.44 mg/Kg - dry 0.888 1.64 Molybdenum 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 25.9 mg/Kg - dry 0.789 1.64 Nickel 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 2140 mg/Kg - dry 40.7 65.8 Potassium 1 06/22/21 02:13 6010DJTR Qualifiers/ Definitions Limit ExceededLDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 4 of 7 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27028 21-162-0021 46245 EMA Resources Inc 755 Yadkinville Rd Mr. Brent Collins Mocksville Danyale Love Project Manager Received : 06/11/2021 Cooleemee/NC Report Date : 06/22/2021 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Davie County 95746 Matrix: 6/10/2021 7:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF <2.11 mg/Kg - dry 2.11 3.29 Selenium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 655 mg/Kg - dry 85.5 164 Sodium 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 390 mg/Kg - dry 5.33 8.22 Zinc 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 3120 mg/Kg - dry 34.1 65.8 Sulfur 1 06/16/21 23:40 6010DTJS 0.73 Ratio 0.01 0.01 Sodium Absorption Ratio 1 06/16/21 23:40 CALCULATION Qualifiers/ Definitions Limit ExceededLDilution FactorDF Page 5 of 7 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:21-162-0021 EMA Resources Inc 46245 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:T101 Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Makayla Weaver Date & Time:06/11/2021 09:51:20 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 6 of 7 Page 7 of 7 Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. 3/28/2022 EMA Resources Inc Mr. Brent Collins 755 Yadkinville Rd Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-077-0020 Client Project Description: Cooleemee, NC Dear Mr. Brent Collins: Waypoint Analytical, LLC. received sample(s) on 3/18/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Where the laboratory was not responsible for the sampling stage (refer to the chain of custody) results apply to the sample as received. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Any parameter for which the laboratory is not officially NELAP accredited is indicated by a '~' symbol. These are not included in the scope because NELAP accreditation is either not available or has not been applied for. Additional certifications may be held/are available for parameters, where NELAP accreditation is not required or applicable. A full list of certifications is available upon request. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as- received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Connie Cook Project Manager Page 1 of 8 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP MTN: Waypoint Analytical, LLC., Memphis, TN State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 02/28/202340750State ProgramAlabama 02/07/202388-0650State ProgramArkansas 06/30/20222904State ProgramCalifornia 06/30/2022E871157State Program - NELAPFlorida 02/18/2023C044State ProgramGeorgia 06/30/202204015State ProgramGeorgia 10/10/2022200078State Program - NELAPIllinois 06/30/202280215State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2022KY90047State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2022LA037State Program - NELAPLouisiana 06/30/202204015State Program - NELAPLouisiana 02/11/2023MSState ProgramMississippi 12/31/2022415State ProgramNorth Carolina 05/31/202268-03195State Program - NELAPPennsylvania 06/30/202284002State ProgramSouth Carolina 06/30/202284002State ProgramSouth Carolina 02/11/202302027State ProgramTennessee 09/30/2022T104704180State Program - NELAPTexas 06/30/202200106State ProgramVirginia 09/14/2022460181State Program - NELAPVirginia Page 1 of 1 00001/22-077-0020 Page 2 of 8 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-077-0020 Cooleemee, NC Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 03/16/2022 06:30Solids 92406 Cooleemee 03/18/2022 Page 3 of 8 Client: EMA Resources Inc CASE NARRATIVE Project: Cooleemee, NC Lab Report Number: 22-077-0020 Date: 3/25/2022 Metals Analysis Method 6010D Sample 98890 (Mull Bottom) Analyte: Iron QC Batch No: L606777/L605969 The matrix spike and/or the matrix spike duplicate was outside quality control acceptance ranges. A dilution test was performed and passed quality control acceptance ranges. No matrix interference is suspected. Sample 98890 (Mull Bottom) Analyte: Potassium QC Batch No: L607078/L605969 The matrix spike and/or the matrix spike duplicate was outside quality control acceptance ranges. A dilution test was performed and passed quality control acceptance ranges. No matrix interference is suspected. Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA Method 7471A Sample 57193 (4 day composite) Analyte: Mercury QC Batch No: L606654/L605971 The matrix spike, matrix spike duplicate and the post digestion spike were all outside of the quality control acceptance ranges. Matrix interference is suspected Page 4 of 8 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27028 22-077-0020 46245 EMA Resources Inc 755 Yadkinville Rd Mr. Brent Collins Mocksville Connie Cook Project Manager Received : 03/18/2022 Cooleemee, NC Report Date : 03/28/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Cooleemee 92406 Matrix: 3/16/2022 6:30 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 96.4 %Moisture 1 03/22/22 17:42 SW-DRYWTFMM 3560 mg/Kg - dry 444 2780 Ammonia Nitrogen 1 03/25/22 08:50 4500NH3C-2011JPJ <136 mg/Kg - dry 136 136 Nitrate+Nitrite-N 1 03/22/22 14:34 4500NO3F-2016ZBD 41720 mg/Kg - dry 5139Organic N 1 03/25/22 08:50 CALCULATION 6.7 s.u.pH 1 03/25/22 14:30 9045DADM 3.57 %0.010 0.010 Total Solids 1 03/22/22 17:42 2540G-2011FMM 63.6 %0.010 0.010 Total Volatile Solids 1 03/22/22 17:42 2540G-2011FMM 45300 mg/Kg - dry 5140Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1 03/25/22 16:04 4500NORGD-2011CLP 17300 mg/Kg - dry 76.7 139 Phosphorus 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 22600 mg/Kg - dry 128 139 Aluminum 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 51.4 mg/Kg - dry 6.67 13.9 Arsenic 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 1.61 J mg/Kg - dry 0.556 2.78 Cadmium 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 13000 mg/Kg - dry 1080 1390 Calcium 1 03/25/22 02:08 6010DEAL 37.2 mg/Kg - dry 6.56 6.94 Chromium 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 542 mg/Kg - dry 8.61 13.9 Copper 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 41700 mg/Kg - dry 237 278 Iron 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 47.8 mg/Kg - dry 5.00 8.33 Lead 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 2730 mg/Kg - dry 71.7 139 Magnesium 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 2380 mg/Kg - dry 9.03 13.9 Manganese 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 2.71 mg/Kg - dry 0.185 0.425 Mercury 1 03/23/22 13:11 7471AZMT 6.31 J mg/Kg - dry 3.75 6.94 Molybdenum 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 26.8 mg/Kg - dry 3.33 6.94 Nickel 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 2810 mg/Kg - dry 172 278 Potassium 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DJTR Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 5 of 8 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 27028 22-077-0020 46245 EMA Resources Inc 755 Yadkinville Rd Mr. Brent Collins Mocksville Connie Cook Project Manager Received : 03/18/2022 Cooleemee, NC Report Date : 03/28/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Cooleemee 92406 Matrix: 3/16/2022 6:30 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF <8.89 mg/Kg - dry 8.89 13.9 Selenium 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 2500 mg/Kg - dry 361 694 Sodium 1 03/25/22 02:08 6010DEAL 1800 mg/Kg - dry 22.5 34.7 Zinc 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 8080 mg/Kg - dry 144 278 Sulfur 1 03/24/22 01:43 6010DEAL 0.98 Ratio 0.01 0.01 Sodium Absorption Ratio 1 03/24/22 01:43 CALCULATION Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Page 6 of 8 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-077-0020 EMA Resources Inc 46245 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:T102 Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Makayla Weaver Date & Time:03/18/2022 09:14:33 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 First YearSURFACEPlant NamePAN/dtWeighted AverageCooleemee28.88 3.23Cleanout5.02 4.460.000.00Total7.69Pounds of Pan Per Year21656INJECTIONPlant NamePAN/dtWeighted AverageCooleemee32.44 3.63Cleanout7.43 6.600.000.00Total10.23Pounds of Pan Per Year288122817 100.00%0.00%0.00%Maximum Dry Tons Per YearPercentage of DTs315 11.18%2502 88.82%28170.00%100.00%Maximum Dry Tons Per Year3152502Percentage of DTs11.18%88.82%0.00% 5 Year AdjustedSURFACEPlant NamePAN/dtWeighted AverageCooleemee43.90 4.91Cleanout6.43 5.710.000.00Total10.62Pounds of Pan Per Year29920INJECTIONPlant NamePAN/dtWeighted AverageCooleemee47.46 5.31Cleanout8.84 7.850.000.00Total13.16Pounds of Pan Per Year370712817 100.00%2502 88.82%0.00%0.00%2817 100.00%Maximum Dry Tons Per YearPercentage of DTs315 11.18%0.00%0.00%Maximum Dry Tons Per YearPercentage of DTs315 11.18%2502 88.82%