HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140479 Ver 1_Application_20140516 SNC TATE OF ORTH AROLINA DT EPARTMENTOFRANSPORTATION PL.MCAJ.T AT CRORYNTHONY ATA GS OVERNORECRETARY May 16, 2014 WilmingtonRegulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 ATTN:Ms.Liz Hair NCDOT Coordinator Dear Madam: Application forSection 404IndividualPermitandSection 401Water Quality Subject: Certification forthe proposed Interchange at US 701and 87 Bypass Intersection, in BladenCounty. Federal Aid Project No. STP-0005(252), TIP No. R-4903. Debit $570.00from WBS 40226.1.1. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division of Highways, in consultation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to replace the present at-grade intersectionat the NC 87 Bypass/US 701intersectionwith a grade-separated interchange,BladenCounty. The purpose of this letter is to request approval for a Section 404 Individual PermitandSection 401 Water Quality Certification. In addition to the cover letter, this application package includes the followingfor R-4903:ENG Form 4345, stormwater management plan, permit drawings, roadway plans,Privateer Farms Restoration Site Debit Ledgerand4B/4C merger meeting minutes. 1.0Purpose and Need The purpose for this project, as identified in the Categorical Exclusion(CE), is toimprove safety and capacity in the study area. 2.0Project Description The project involves improvements to theintersection of NC 87 Bypass and US 701. MAILING ADDRESS:T: 919-707-6100LOCATION: ELEPHONE NCDOTFAX: 919-212-5785CC,BB EPARTMENT FRANSPORTATIONENTURY ENTERUILDING PDEA1020BRD ROJECT EVELOPMENT AND NVIRONMENTAL NALYSISIRCH IDGE RIVE 1598MSCRNC 27610 W:.. AIL ERVICE ENTERALEIGH EBSITEWWWNCDOTORG RNC 27699-1598 ALEIGH 3.0Summary of Impacts Waters of the U.S.:Proposed permanent impacts to jurisdictional areas total 0.60acresof permanent wetland impactsand 1,540feetof permanent stream impacts. 4.0Summary of Mitigation The proposed construction of R-4903will impact 0.41acresof riparian wetlandsand 0.19acres of non-riparian wetlandsthat will require mitigation.In addition, the unavoidable impacts to 1054linear feet of jurisdictional stream will also require mitigation. See attached EEP acceptance letterfor additional information. 5.0Project Schedule Currently, R-4903has a review date of October 27, 2014and is scheduled to let December15, 2014; it will be available for construction shortly thereafter. The let date, however, may advance as additional funds become available. 6.0NEPA Document Status The FHWA and NCDOT completed the CE in July 2010in compliance with the NEPA guidelines. The CEexplains the purpose and need for the project, provides a description of the alternatives considered, and characterizes the social, economic, and environmental effects. The CEwas approved and circulated to federal, state, and local agencies.On February8, 2013a Right of Way Consultation was completed.Both documents are posted on the NCDOT website at https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental/Pages/default.aspx, under Quick Links > Environmental Documents. 6.1Independent Utility R-4903is in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771.111(f) which lists the FHWA characteristics of the independent utility of a project. The project meets the criteria for independent utility as discussed below: The project has logical termini and independent utility and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope; The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure of funds, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; and The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. 7.0Resource Status The project is located in theCape FearRiver Basin andlies withinHydrologic Unit 03030005 (Subbasin 03-06-16). This is within the Middle AtlanticCoastal Plain eco-region. The project crosses Browns Creek,as well as several tributaries to waters of the U.S., and multiple wetlands. 2 Wetland and stream delineations were completed between May and June 2007. Jurisdictional areas within the project study area were reviewed by the USACE (Brad Shaver) and by the NCDWR (Mason Herndon) on July 8, 2010. 7.1Wetland Delineations A wetland identification and preliminary assessment analysis for the study area was performed and summarized in the 2007Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR). The wetlands within the study area were delineated based on the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual and a preliminary design was prepared to avoid and minimize wetlands to the maximum extent possible. 7.2Stream Delineations The stream channels within the project study area were identified, evaluated, and classified using the NCDWQ stream identification form and the Cowardin classification system. Water quality information for the streams within the project study area was derived from available sources provided through the NCDENR. 7.3R-4903: Characterization of Jurisdictional Sites 7.3.1Wetlands There are threewetland typesfound within the project study areabased on the Cowardin classification:Palustrine Forested(PFO)andPalustrine Emergent(PEM).More detailed information about these wetlands can be found in the CEand the NRTRwhich includes figures showing the wetlands within the project area. 7.3.2Streams The Best Usage Classification for the Browns Creek andunnamed streamson theproject is “C”. Details forthe jurisdictional streams within the project area are provided in the CEandNRTR. There are no waters within the project vicinity classified as High Quality Waters (HQW). Neither Water Supplies (WS-I: undeveloped watersheds or WS-II: predominately undeveloped watersheds), nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile of the project area. Streams within the R-4903project area are not designated as North Carolina Natural or Scenic Rivers, or as National Wild and Scenic Rivers. Additionally, these waters are not listed on the 2012303(d) list of impaired waters due to sedimentation or turbidity. 7.4Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and surface waters for R-4903are summarized below in Tables 1 and2 respectively. 3 Table 1.R-4903Wetlands Impacts Permit Drawing Mitigation Map Label in CEPermanent Temporary Site TypeRequired* (2010)Impacts(ac.)Impacts(ac.) Number (2:1) (2013) 1WHNon-riparian0.110.04Yes 3WJRiparian 0.32<0.01Yes 6WBRiparian 0.050.01Yes 7WFNon-riparian0.080.02Yes 9WPRiparian0.030.02Yes 10WINon-riparian00.01No 12WARiparian0.010.01Yes TotalRiparian:0.410.5 Total Non-riparian:0.190.6 Grand Total:0.600.11 *For permanentjurisdictional wetlandimpacts Table 2.R-4903Surface Water Impacts Permit USACE Waterbody Drawing PermanentPermanent TemporaryTemporaryMitigation Labeled in Site (ft)(ac.)(ft)(ac.)Required (2:1) CE Number 3SA52790.02Yes 3*SA512<0.0110<0.01No 4SA27090.0610<0.01 Yes 4*SA212<0.0120<0.01No 5SA210<0.018<0.01 Yes 5*SA210<0.015<0.01 No 8SA77<0.01Yes 8*SA710<0.0110<0.01 No 11*SA15<0.0115No Total:1,0540.08**68<0.01 *Denotes bank stabilization;when necessary, mitigation required by the USACE exceeds the amount required by NCDWR Permanent Impacts:Proposed permanent impactsfor R-4903include fill, excavation, and mechanized clearing in 0.41acres of riparian wetlands, and 0.19acresof non-riparian wetlands. Proposed permanent impactsto jurisdictional streamsare1,054linear feet.Bank stabilization totals 49linear feet. Temporary Impacts:There will be 53linear feet of temporary impacts to jurisdictional streams due to culvertinstallations.Also, there will be0.03acreof temporary fill in wetlands in the hand clearing areas for the installation of erosion control measures, including temporary silt fence and/or special sediment control fence. 4 Hand-Clearing:There will be 0.11acresof hand-clearing in jurisdictional wetlandsdue to project construction. Utility Impacts:There are no jurisdictional impactsresulting from utility relocation on this project. 8.0Protected Species The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) list 7federally protected species for BladenCounty as of the May6, 2014listing (Table 3). Table 3. Federally Protected Species in BladenCounty Federal Biological Common NameScientific NameHabitat StatusConclusion American alligator Alligator mississippiensisNoT (S/A)N/A Red-cockaded Picoides borealisNoENo Effect woodpecker Shortnose sturgeonAcipenserbrevirostrumNoENo Effect American chaffseed*SchwalbeaamericanaNoENo Effect Pondberry*LinderamelissifoliaYesENo Effect Rough-leaved loosestrifeLysimachiaasperulaefoliaNoENo Effect Atlantic sturgeonAcipenser oxyrinchus NoENo Effect oxyrinchus Notes:EEndangered T S/AThreatened (Similarity of Appearance) *Historic record A US Fish and Wildlife Service proposal for listing the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) as an Endangered species was published in the Federal Register in October 2013.The listing may become effective as soon as October 2014. Furthermore, this species is included in USFWS’s current list of protected species for BladenCounty.NCDOT is working closely with the USFWS to understand how this proposed listing may impact NCDOT projects. NCDOT will continue to coordinate appropriately with USFWS to determine if this project will incur potential effects to the Northern long-eared bat, and how to address these potential effects, if necessary. 8.1Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) In the July 9, 2007 Federal Register (72:37346-37372), the bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered wildlife. This delisting took effect August 8, 2007. After delisting, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act) (16 U.S.C. 668-668d) becamethe primary law protecting bald eagles.Nesting and foraging habitat are not present in the project area, nor have bald eagle nests or individuals have been seen within a 660-foot radius of the project area. 5 8.2Moratoria There is noin-stream work moratorium required for R-4903for anadromous fish species. 9.0Cultural Resources All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered, and based upon the above concurrence, all compliance for historic architecture with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Therefore, the project will not impact any properties listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. According to a letter from the State Historic Preservation Office dated March 28, 2006 (refer to Appendix A), there are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on the HPO’s knowledge of the area, it is unlikely that any archaeological resources that may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project. Their recommendation was that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. Therefore, no archaeological investigations have been conducted for the project and it is anticipated the project will not impact any archaeological sites listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. 10.0FEMACompliance The project has been coordinated with appropriate state and local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assure compliance with FEMA, state, and local floodway regulations. 11.0Mitigation Options The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. 11.1Avoidance and Minimization All jurisdictional features were delineated, field verified and surveyed within the corridor forR- 4903. Using these surveyed features, preliminary designs were adjusted to avoid and/or minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. NCDOT employs many strategies to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas in all of its designs. Many of these strategies have been incorporated into BMP documents that have been reviewed and approved by the resource agencies and which will be followed throughout construction. All wetland areas not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. Individual avoidance and minimization items are as follows: 6 No staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or near surface waters. The project was designed to avoid or minimize disturbance to aquatic life movements. NCDOT and its contractors will not excavate, fill, or perform land clearing activities within Waters of the U.S. or any areas under the jurisdiction of the USACE, except as authorized by the USACE. To ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground, except as authorized by permit, the NCDOT shall require its contractors to identify all areas to be used to borrow material, or to dispose of dredged, fill or waste material. Documentation of the location and characteristics of all borrow and disposal sites associated with the project will be available to the USACE on request. Grass Swale treatmentshave been incorporatedin areas where flat slopes can be maintained. Proposed culverts will be buried 1 ft.to provide for fish passage. Cross pipes in jurisdictional streams will be buried 1ft.for all pipes. All wetlands will receive diffused flow . Special Sediment Control Fence will be used were applicable. The use of hand clearing rather thanmechanized clearingwhere possible. Bank stabilization at outletsof culverts willnot impact the stream bed. Considering environmental, hydraulic, and roadway perspectives,3:1 slopes are proposed within the wetlands where most practical. 11.2Compensation The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described above. The unavoidable impacts to Waters of the U.S.will be offset by compensatory mitigation provided by Privateer Farms Restoration Site. 12.0Indirect and Cumulative Effects Project construction is expected to result in minimal indirect and cumulative growth-related effects. It is expected that growth will occur in the area irrespective of the proposed project. Development activity is already occurring in the vicinity due to Elizabethtown’s planning efforts to direct new growth along the NC 87 Bypass. Land is available, access is good and thereis a high level of visibility at the existing intersections. In addition, the intersection’s proximity to downtown Elizabethtown and the adjacent Bladen County Industrial Park is a factor in the ongoing modest rate of development. Due to its proximity toElizabethtown, land availability and high level of visibility,development is anticipated to continue in the along the NC 87 Bypass. This growth would likely occur with or without the project. Consequently, STIP Project R-4903will not markedly contribute further to the actions and potential effects cited above. Direct environmental will be evaluated and addressed by programmatic agreements with the permitting agencies. Additionally, based on the analysis contained within this report, STIP Project R-4903will not likely result in cumulative effects on notable features of the human and/or natural environment. 7 Privateer WM 026-005 The Privateer Farms Restoration Site (Site) is located in Bladen and Cumberland Counties, North Carolina, approximately fourteen miles southeast of Fayetteville. Prior to restoration, land use on the Site over the past 20 years had been primarily row crop agriculture. Stream and riparian functions on the Site had been severely impacted as a result of agricultural conversion. Harrison Creek had historically meandered through the Site, but was channelized in the early 1980s to reduce flooding and provide a drainage outlet for the extensive network of ditches excavated across the Site. Subsequent to channelization, Harrison Creek existed as a large canal running straight through the Site. Restoration activities for the Site involved moving the stream channel back to its historic location and elevation, and filling drainage ditches to raise the local water table and restore wetland and stream hydrology. The plan also included scarification of the fields and breaking of the local plow pan to increase surface water storage and provide a range of hydrologic conditions suitable for a variety of native wetland plant species. The restoration plan for the Site predicted the restoration of 405 acres of riverine wetlands, 25 acres of riverine wetland enhancement, and 33,985 linear feet (LF) of stream restoration. Following construction, the as-built data indicated that the total area of restored riverine wetlands was 402.5 acres (excluding 2.5 acres for road accesses), with 25 acres of enhanced riverine wetlands, and 34,005 LF of restored stream channel. As of fall 2009, the Site has met all prescribed hydrologic and vegetative monitoring criteria and been recommended for closeout. According to the May 2014 permit application; there are 0.60 acres of wetland impacts and 1,054 linear feet of stream impacts associated to T.I.P. R-4903. To offset the 0.60 acres of unavoidable wetland impacts, the Privateer Farms Mitigation Site will be debited at a 3:1 ratio, totaling 1.8 acres of wetland debits. To offset the 1,054 linear feet of stream impacts, the Privateer Farms Mitigation Site will be debited at a 1.5:1 ratio, totaling 1,581 linear feet of stream. These debits are reflected in the ledger below. HUCTYPEStarting AmountAdditional Notes 3030004Stream 25676**Out of service area ratios: 1.5:1 ratio for Restorationstream impacts 3:1 for wetland impacts 3030004Riparian Wetland 185.58**Outof service area ratios: 1.5:1 ratio for Restorationstream impacts 3:1 for wetland impacts Privateer WM 026-005 DEBIT Action Mitigation TypeAMOUNT StatusSite TIPNOTES ID# (Ln.Ft.) Stream 19759.5Close U-25192008-01413Debit amount includes all RestorationOutmodification request including U-2519CB(4/29/14) Stream 615Close U-2519 2008-01413 OutMod Restoration Stream 1,581Close R-4903Out of HUC Ratio (1.5:1) Out Restoration DEBIT Mitigation TypeAMOUNT StatusSite TIPAction ID#NOTES (ac) Riparian Wetland 153.78Close U-25192008-01413Debit amount includes all RestorationOutmodification request including U-2519CB(4/29/14) Riparian Wetland 1.29Close U-2519 2008-01413 OutMod Restoration Riparian Wetland 7.38Close R-2303A1992-03237 Out Restoration Riparian Wetland 1.8Close R-4903Out of HUC Ratio (3:1) The .19 Outacres of Non Riparian impacts Restoration were debited from the riparian credits totaling 0.60 acres Subject: Minutes from Interagency Hydraulic Design 4B Review Meeting onNovember 17, 2011for R-4903 in BladenCounty Team Members: Participants: Ronnie Smith-USACE (present) Galen Cail, NCDOT Hydraulics Gary Jordan-USFWS (present) Bill Elam, NCDOT Hydraulics Travis Wilson-NCWRC(absent) Anthony West, NCDOT Roadway Mason Herndon-NCDWQ (present) Barry Smith,NCDOT Roadway Chris Militscher-EPA (present) John Merritt, NCDOT NEU Ron Lucas-FHWA(present) Leilani Paugh, NCDOT NEU Chris Rivenbark-NCDOT-NEU(present) Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT NEU Jay McInnis -PDEA (present) Amy Simes, DENR Tracey Pittman-DIV 6 Constr(present) Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Jim Rerko, NCDOT-DEO Kim Gillespie, NCDOT PDEA Mack Bailey, NCDOT Structures GENERAL NOTES: For ditches draining to wetlands will investigate use of preformed scour holes or rip rap ditch liningsto maintain non-erosive velocitiesat wetland boundary. Site 6: Proposing excavation in Quad B and “waste” in Quad D. Site 7: Investigate spanning stream to eliminate bents in channel. May require a 3 span bridge. Site 10: It was questioned,why not steepen fill slope to avoid covering existing ditch –RMPB- RT. This was investigated but rip rap would still be required in ditch dueto steep grade/topo. Leilani presented proposed project mitigation. The offsite mitigation is from Privateer Farms. Meeting adjourned. Subject: Minutes from Interagency Permit4CReview Meeting onNovember 21, 2013for R-4903 in BladenCounty Team Members: Participants: Ronnie Smith-USACE (by phone) Galen Cail, NCDOT Hydraulics Liz Haire-USACE (by phone) Bill Elam, NCDOT Hydraulics Gary Jordan-USFWS (absent) Gary Lovering, NCDOT Roadway Travis Wilson-NCWRC(present) Susan Lancaster, NCDOT Roadway Mason Herndon-NCDWQ (present) Travis Potts, NCDOT Roadway Chris Militscher-EPA (absent) John Merritt, NCDOT NES Ron Lucas-FHWA(present) Byron Moore, NCDOT NES Chris Rivenbark-NCDOT-NES(present) Joe Bailey, NCDOT DIV 6 Jay McInnis -PDEA (present) Jim Rerko, NCDOT-DIV 6 DEO Tracey Pittman-DIV 6 Constr(present) Andre Davenport, NCDOT Structures Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental GENERAL NOTES: -Check matchlines throughout permit. Some full size sheets do not show matchline. -Provide more detail in SMP including whether deck drains are proposed for bridge. If deck drains proposed provide stationing. -Provide 2 yr and 10 yr discharges and velocities at outfalls at wetlands. -Make sure throughout project any rip rap along jurisdictional streams is labeled as “Banks Only”, if applicable. Site 2: Can fill impacts be avoided at this location? It appears that the slopes can tie into the existingslope with slight modification. Existing slopeappearsto be at or near 4:1. -Roadway will investigate steepening slope enough to avoid impact. Also, there is proposedgrading in this gore area. Gradingplan will be coordinated between Hydraulics and Roadway. Avoid wetland impacts with proposed grading to extent practical. Site 3: Impacts at the outlet of the proposed culvertshow rip rap in the base of the stream. -This is not shown correctlyand will be updated by Hydraulics. Should be rip rap on banks only and will be shown and labeled correctly on updated plans/permit. Site 5: Site is located outside of original jurisdictional determination. The USACE and NES have coordinated review. Site 7: Slopes thru wetland are flatter than 3:1. Investigate steepening slopes to 3:1 to minimize wetland impacts. Roadway to investigate using 3:1 and possiblyextending guardrail. Provide outlet velocity of proposed 18” pipe in wetland.Hydraulics to provide info on permit. Site 11: Check length of permanent impact and update summary as needed. Hydraulics to review info on permit. Site 12: USACE asked whether mitigation credit will be requested at bridgere-location where existing road fill isproposed to be removed. This area is close to an existing wetland. Since the amount of potential wetland mitigation is small (0.09 ac) and the area is located in the vicinity of overhead power lines/easement, the department does not anticipate requesting credit at this location. Meeting adjourned. North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 1.2; Released July 2012)FOR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECTS Project/TIP No.: R-4903 (40226.1.1)County(ies):Bladen Page 1of 1 General Project Information Project No.:Project Type:Date: R-4903 (40226.1.1)Roadway Relocation9/16/2013 NCDOT Contact:Contractor / Designer: Bill Elam Address:Address: 1020 Birch Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27610 Phone:Phone: 919-707-6718 Email:Email: belam@ncdot.gov City/Town:County(ies): ElizabethtownBladen River Basin(s): CAMA County? Cape FearNo Primary Receiving Water: NCDWQ Stream Index No.: Browns Creek18-45 Primary: Class C NCDWQ Surface Water Classification for Primary Receiving Water Supplemental: Other Stream Classification: 303(d) Impairments: None Buffer Rules in Effect N/A Project Description Rural farmland Some urban development Project Length (lin. Miles or feet): Surrounding Land Use: 1.108 miles Proposed ProjectExisting Site Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) 18.52ac.10.16ac. Typical Cross Section Description: NC 87 Bypass will have two 12' lanes with a 4' paved shoulder. US 701 will have NC 87 Bypass is a four lane facility with 12' lanes and 56' wide median. US 701 has three 12' lanes or two 12' lanes with a 17.5 raised median and 4' paved shoulders. two 12' lanes. Average Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future:2014/2034 11700/17600Existing:9400 General Project Narrative:This project involves making an at grade interchange between NC 87 Bypass and US 701 and interchange. The project also replaces an existing 47' bridge with a three span 105' prestressed girder bridge over Browns Creek. Grass shoulders and the grass median will provide infiltration. The side slopes of the ditches are 4:1 or flatter for most of the ditches. Replacing the existing bridge with a larger bridge will result in lower velocities. Deck drains will be utilized at Sta. 66+64 to 66+90-L-rt and Sta. 67+46 to 67+69-L- rt. Deck drains will be 6" scuppers placed at 12' centers. References 31 31 2 3 31 31 4 5 31 31 6 31 7 31 8 9 31 1031 1131 31 12 13 31 31 14 31 15 31 16 31 17 18 31 31 19 31 20 21 31 31 22 31 23 31 24 2531 26 31 27 31 28 31 31 29 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTSSURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing PermanentTemp. ExcavationMechanized ClearingPermanent Temp. ChannelChannelNatural SiteStationStructureFill InFill Inin Clearingin SW SWImpactsImpactsStream No.(From/To)Size / TypeWetlandsWetlands Wetlandsin Wetlands WetlandsimpactsimpactsPermanentTemp.Design (ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1FILL0.110.04 20+61 to 23+57-L-RT 3FILL0.32<0.01 18+00-RMPD 36" RCP0.02279 20+61 to 23+57-L-RT <0.01<0.011210 20+61 to 23+57-L-RTBANK STABLIZATION 0.06 4RCP<0.0170910 57+20 to 62+51-L- <0.01<0.011210 BANK STABLIZATION 566" RCP<0.01<0.01108 11+40-DRV1 <0.01<0.01105 BANK STABLIZATION 6FILL0.050.01 67+63 to 68+83 -L-RT 7FILL0.050.030.02 12+41 to 13+24-RMPB 815" RCP<0.017 299+77 to 299+91-Y02-LT <0.01<0.011010 BANK STABLIZATION FILL 9< 10+00-RMPB-RT FILL 100.01 41+35 TO 41+50-Y01-RT 0.540.050.100.08<0.01104953 SITE 2 HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PLANS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0.03 acres of Temporary Fill in Wetlands in the Hand Clearing areas DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS for erosion control measures. BLADEN COUNTY WBS - 40226.1.1 (R-4903) SHEET 30 of 31 ######### ATN Revised 3/31/05 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTSSURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing PermanentTemp. ExcavationMechanized ClearingPermanent Temp. ChannelChannelNatural SiteStationStructureFill InFill IninClearinginSW SWImpactsImpactsStream No.(From/To)Size / TypeWetlandsWetlands Wetlandsin Wetlands WetlandsimpactsimpactsPermanentTemp.Design (ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ft)(ft)(ft) 11<0.01<0.01515 67+16 to 67+23-L-RTBANK STABLIZATION 12FILL0.010.01 67+46 TO 68+35-L-LT<0.01515 GRAND TOTAL0.540.060.110.08<0.01105468 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BLADEN COUNTY WBS - 40226.1.1 (R-4903) SHEET 31 of 31 2/17/2014 ATN Revised 3/31/05