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HomeMy WebLinkAbout901 US 70 HwyAmp �� NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment andNatural 'Resources. Pat'MdCrory Governor - May 9, 2014 BSS Properties LLC Magdy Y. ,Saad 364 Briarhaven ^Court Garner, NC' 27529 John• E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter NBRRO# 14 -142 Wake County Determination Type - 'Buffer Call isolatedor'EIP Call 0,Neuse (15A�NCAC 2B '0233) Start@ ❑ Tar - Pamlico (15A NCAC -2B 0259)' ❑ Ephemeral lntermittent /,Perennlal'Determihation USG_ S To o ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination ❑,Jordan (15A NCAC 2B'.0267) Project,Name: 'Location/Directions: Subject Stream: 901 ,US 70'Highway West, Garner r Subject property ista privately owned tract located at pfoject address ;,no site plam currently available; "Anfesas" Project, UT to Lake Benson Determination Date: 518/2014 Staff: 'Sara Kies Stream E/1/P* Not;Subject to,,Buffers Subject to Buffers Start@ Stop@ Soil Survey USG_ S To o A P X Downstream Throughout X X, side of,double _ culvert _ B Not X X Present (piped), *EIIIP = Ephemeral /Intermittent /PerenntaG Explanation: The feature(s)'listed above has or have been located,,on the,Soil,Suryey of'Wake,County,,North Carolina or the mos"t;recent copy of the, USGS Topographic map at, a 1,:24,000 scale., Each feature�that is checked "Not Subject' "hasabeen determined noVto be a- stream or is not present +on the property: Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on,the property, an0possess characteri`stics that qualify it to be' a stream: There maybe other streams located on your property up on-tlfe maps�referenced above +but,, still maybe, considered jurisdictional according to the US Army, Corps,ofEngirieers and/or, to the Division of Water Resources - Oue No Carolina ,aturallrk" North,Carolina Division, ofWater Resources 1628 Mail Service Center 'Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628, Phone (949) 791 -4200 ' Internet vAm ricwaterguality org . Location 3800'Barrett,'Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (9,19) 788 -7159 An Equal,Opportunity /Affirmative Achon'Employer- 50 %Recycled /10 %,Post'Consumer Paper 901 US 70 Highway West, Garner- Wake 'County 5/9/2014 'Page 2 oft This on -site determination shall' expire five.(5) years from "the, date, of this, letter. Landowners or affected "parties that' dispute,a,d'etermination made by'the DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by,the Director. An appeal.request must be madewithin sixty (60) days of date of this letter or,from.the date the affected party, (including,downstream and /or adjacent owners), is,motified ofthfs letter. A request'for a,determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director`in,weiting,c /o Karen Higgins,.DWR WeBSCaVe Unit, 1650'Mail'eService Center, Raleigh,;NC' 27699.. This deter,mination'is final and, binding;uniess „as detailed above, you ask,for, a hearing;or appeal within.sixty (60) days: The owner /future, owners' should notify 1he Division of Water Resources (including any,other'Local,,State,.and Federal Agencies) ofthis decision concerning any future correspondences regarding, the subject,property (stated `above). This project,may require a Section 404/401 Permit, for the proposed activity. Any;inquiriesTshould, be directed to the Division of Water., Resources (Central Office) at,(919) -807 -6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers, (Raleigh'Regulatory Field Office) at (919) -554 -4884. If you have questions reg mg thXs determination, please feel free}to contact Sara Knies at (919) 791 -4258: Sir re y, �,� Danny Smit / Supervisor, Water Quality Regional,Operations,Center cc: RRO,DWR File,Copy Lv� C 'A&R. hIL P! AP - M sue-• � � ��� 1 -ice W r'►� A� l 200 m I Lt 51 Anfesas PIN: 1701945854 000 Real Estate ID: 0363107 Map Name: 1701 16 Owner: BSS PROPERTIES LLC Mailing Address 1: PO BOX 847 Mailing Address 2: GARNER NC 27529 -0847 Deed Book: 012765 Deed Page: 01308 Deed Date: 09/25/2007 Deeded Acreage: 2 Assessed Building Value: $0 Assessed Land Value: $784,080 Total Assessed Value: $784,080 Billing Class: Business Property Description: L03 FIDELITY BUSINESS PARK BM2008 -00441 Heated Area: 0 Site Address: 901 US 70 HWY W City: GARNER Township: ST. MARY'S Year Built: 0 Total Sale Price: $0 Land Class: VACANT Old Parcel Number: -- 0 50 100 200 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Disclaimer Maps makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. However, the maps are produced for information purposes, and are NOT surveys. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data therein, its use, or its interpretation. 4 6*o, � 0 a Anfesas PIN: 1701945854 000 Real Estate ID: 0363107 Map Name: 1701 16 Owner: BSS PROPERTIES LLC Mailing Address 1: PO BOX 847 Mailing Address 2: GARNER NC 27529 -0847 Deed Book: 012765 Deed Page: 01308 Deed Date: 09/25/2007 Deeded Acreage: 2 Assessed Building Value: $0 Assessed Land Value: $784,080 Total Assessed Value: $784,080 Billing Class: Business Property Description: L03 FIDELITY BUSINESS PARK BM2008 -00441 Heated Area: 0 Site Address: 901 US 70 H WY W City: GARNER /N Township: MARY'S 0 ,\ Year Built: 0 W N Total Sale Price: $0 'r Land Class: VACANT Old Parcel Number: -- 0 50 100 200 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Disclaimer Maps makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. However, the maps are produced for information purposes, and are NOT surveys. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data therein, its use, or its interpretation. G � � @ 2 @ � �z co CD CD a!zgy } \ } \ {$ \ \ \ \\ t6;a2 CD %:3 CL ƒ \ \ \// k,)� )E§