HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2553 Kinston Bypass (4) SNC TATE OF ORTH AROLINA DT EPARTMENTOFRANSPORTATION PMCAJ.T AT CRORYNTHONY ATA GS OVERNORECRETARY MINUTES FROM THE BRIDGING DECISIONS AND ALIGNMENT REVIEW(CP2A)FIELD MEETING FOLLOW-UPON APRIL 17,2014 To:Interagency Merger Process Team & Other Meeting Attendees From:BobDeaton, AICP Date:May 5, 2014 Subject:STIP Number R-2553,CP2A Field Meeting follow-up,KinstonBypass, Lenoir County, North Carolina, WBS 34460 A Section 404/NEPA Interagency Merger Process Team (Merger Team) Meeting was held at 1:00 PM,on Thursday, April 17, 2014, in the NCDOT Century Center Complex Structure Design Conference Room. Those in attendance are shown on the attached sign-in sheet. Purpose of Meeting The purpose of the meeting was to present and review additional information requested for two of the crossings visited during the March 12, 2014 CP2A field meeting. Outcome of the field meeting included acceptance of the minimum hydraulically required structures; however, additional information was requested for crossings 121 and 149. Merger Meeting Summary Tom Steffens (USACE) called the meeting to order and completed introductions.Mr.Steffensthen reviewed the purpose of today’s meeting and turned it over to Chris Werner (URSCorporation). Chris Wernerrevieweda slideshow presentation that provided an overview of the CP2A approach for this GIS pilot project, and continued on to review each of the CP2A-related meetings held to date. Mr. Werner then explained that prior to today’s meeting Mr. Steffens submitteda request for additional evaluation for Crossing 121 which would further minimizewetland impacts. Mr. Werner explained to the attendees that during the CP2A field meeting, concern over impacts to wetlands was briefly discussed; however, it was misunderstoodthat the main issue with Crossing 121was thelack of adequate clearance for potential wildlife crossing. The original informational packet distributed onApril 14, 2014 to attendees for today’s meeting addressed providing a minimum of 8–10 feet MAILING ADDRESS:T: 919-707-6000LOCATION: ELEPHONE NCDOTFAX: 919-250-4224CC,BA EPARTMENT FRANSPORTATIONENTURY ENTERUILDING PDEA1000BRD ROJECT EVELOPMENT AND NVIRONMENTAL NALYSISIRCH IDGE RIVE W: EBSITE 1548MSCRNC 27610 AIL ERVICE ENTERALEIGH ://..//E CONNECTNCDOTGOVRESOURCESNVIRON HTTPS RNC 27699-1548 ALEIGH /P/. MENTALAGESDEFAULTASPX R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING FOLLOW-UPMEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 2of 3 clearance for potential wildlife crossing, as requested by Travis Wilson (NCWRC) and Gary Jordan (USFWS). Mr. Werner explained that the informational packet has been revised to evaluate the ability to minimize wetland impacts at Crossing 121. Updated packets were distributedto meeting attendees, and prior to today’s meeting a link to an electronic version was added to the original meeting invitation forthose not in attendance.Mr. Werner reviewed the format of the revised package, the scenarios evaluatedand the corresponding tabular information.The following is a summary of the major discussion points for each crossing. Crossing 121 is a proposed crossing of Southwest Creek with wetland limits extending just beyond theproposed bridge limits. There was concern over impacts to wetlands and the current height of the proposed 945 foot long bridgeas there is a large riparian corridor along Southwest Creek. The corridor would function better forwildlife if the height of the proposed bridge were raised. Additional evaluation was prepared and reviewed including the following scenarios: Raising the proposed profile to provide a minimum of eight to ten feet of vertical clearance to allow for wildlife crossing. Extending the proposed bridge presented and reviewed at previous CP2A meetings by 1 span. Extending the proposed bridge presented and reviewed at previous CP2A meetings by 2 spans. It was notedthat impacts to the wetlands at this crossing would not have an impact on the overall wetland system; however, by not providing potential for wildlife crossing at this site would impact In this situation, wildlife continuity is more the overall system from a wildlife perspective. important than the wetland impacts. It was discussedthat raising the grade of the bridge would allow for habitat to extend beneath the bridge and encourage vegetation growth, etc. Conclusion: The Merger Team agreed the proposed profile will be raised to provide 8-10 feet clearance to low chord of proposed bridgeto better accommodate wildlife crossing. Crossing 149 is a proposed crossing of Southwest Creek with wetlands extending approximately 400 feet east of the proposed bridge limits. There were concerns over wetland impacts that would remain evenwith the proposed 1,025 foot long bridge. Additional evaluation was prepared and reviewed including the following scenarios: Shifting the proposed bridgepresented and reviewed at previous CP2A meetingsto the east approximately 125 feet +/-to minimizewetland impacts. Extending the proposed bridge presented and reviewed at previous CP2A meetings by 1 span. Extending the proposed bridge presented and reviewed at previous CP2A meetings by 2 spans. It was noted that aConditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)would need to be completed for impacts to the floodway. Conclusion: The Merger Team agreedto shift the proposed bridge length of 1,025 feet to the east approximately 125’+/-to the edge of the western wetland limits, which also reduce impacts tothe wetlands on the eastern side of the proposed bridge. R-2553: CP2A FIELD MEETING FOLLOW-UPMEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 3of 3 Ted Devens reminded the Merger Team of the GIS Pilot approach and the probability that corridor alignments may shift during refined alternative development. Thus, a CP2A revisit would necessarily occur where alignment shifts affect hydraulic crossing decisions. The CP2A Concurrence Agreement was reviewedand distributed for signature by the Merger Team. It was reiterated, as noted on the agreement,that revisiting CP2A decisions may occur if needed during the normalCP4A Avoidance and Minimization Merger Team Meeting. Minutes Prepared by Susan Westberry, URS. If there are any questions or edits, please contact Chris Werner, URS Project Manager, at (919) 461-1470 or christopher.werner@urs.com. Participant comments or edits on these draft minutes are welcome untilMay 12, 2014,at which time final minutes will be prepared and distributed.