HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220060 Ver 1_USACE Permit_20220316Strickland, Bev From: Norton, April R CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <April.R.Norton@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:39 PM To: Camden Brunick Cc: Deborah Shirley; Cohn, Colleen M Subject: [External] Nationwide Permit 29 Verification (Comet Raleigh Apartments) SAW-2021-02531 Attachments: Nationwide Permit 29 Verification (Comet Raleigh Apartments) SAW-2021-02531 _Signed.pdf; NWP29.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Dear Camden Brunick, Attached to this message is your requested Section 404 permit authorization for the following project: Comet Raleigh Apartments in Wake Forest, Wake County, North Carolina Also, attached are the corresponding regional and general conditions and a copy of the permit compliance certification. A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination is included. Please note that the attached conditions must be strictly adhered to in order for this permit authorization to remain valid and that the compliance certification must be returned to this office when the work is completed. This electronic copy is your official Department of the Army Notification; no paper copy will be mailed, unless specifically requested. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this permit verification. Thanks. April R. Norton Regulatory Division US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 441-3637 Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: April.R.Norton@usace.army.mil 1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2021-02531 County: Wake U.S.G.S. Quad: NC -Wake Forest GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Address: Telephone Number: E-mail: Size (acres) Nearest Waterway USGS HUC Comet Development, LLC. Attn: Seth Coker PO Box 116 Colfax, North Carolina 27235 336.362.3070 scoker@cometdev.com —21.61 Neuse River 03020201 Nearest Town Raleigh River Basin Neuse Coordinates Latitude: 35.8981 Longitude: -78.5027 Location description: The project area is located at 8705 Louisburg Road in Wake Forest, Wake County, North Carolina. Description of projects area and activity: This verification authorizes the permanent discharge of fill material into 197 linear feet (0.20 acre) of stream channel and 93 linear feet (0.012 acre) of stream channel resulting in permanent impacts with no net loss of waters to the United States due to riprap pads. This verification also authorizes the temporary discharge of fill material into 67 linear feet (0.015 acre) of stream channel due to construction access and a utility crossing. These impacts are necessary for the Comet Raleigh Apartments development. Applicable Law(s): © Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Nationwide Permit 29. Residential Development SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached Conditions, your application signed and dated 1/10/2022, and the enclosed plans entitled, "Comet Raleigh Apartments" dated 1/3/2022. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide and/or regional general permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide and/or regional general permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case -by -case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact April Norton at 919-441-3637or April.R.Norton(c,usace.armv.mil. Digitally signed by April R. April R. Norton "°rt°" h' Date: 2022.03.16 15:08:02 Corps Regulatory Official:-04'00' Date: 03/16/2022 Expiration Date of Verification: 3/14/2026 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished: Agent: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA. Attn: Camden Brunick Address: 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone Number: 919.846.5900 E-mail: cbrunick@sandec.com Property Owner: Perry Farm, LLC. Address: 404 Emerson Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Telephone Number: 336.362.3070 E-mail: scokerAcometdev.com Action ID Number: SAW-2021-02531 County: Wake Permittee: Comet Development, LLC., Attn: Seth Coker Project Name: Comet Raleigh Apartments Date Verification Issued: 03/16/2022 Project Manager: April Norton Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: April Norton Raleigh Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 or April.R.Norton@usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date SAW-2021-02531 A. Determination of Jurisdiction: 1. There are waters, including wetlands on the above -described project area that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Please note, if work is authorized by either a general or nationwide permit, and you wish to request an appeal of an approved JD, the appeal must be received by the Corps and the appeal process concluded prior to the commencement of any work in waters of the United States and prior to any work that could alter the hydrology of waters of the United States. 2. ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). This determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification, provided there is no change in law or our published regulations or new information that warrants revision of this determination. 3. ❑ There are waters, including wetlands within the above described project area that are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). This determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification, provided there is no change in law or our published regulations or new information that warrants revision of this determination. 4. A jurisdiction determination was not completed with this request. Therefore, this is not an appealable action. However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps for further instruction. 5. ❑ The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference jurisdictional determination issued . Action ID: . B. Basis For Determination: See the preliminary jurisdictional determination form dated 03/16/2022. C. Remarks: None. D. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. E. Appeals Information for Approved Jurisdiction Determinations (as indicated in A2 and A3 above). If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Philip Shannin, Appeal Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 AND PHILIP.A. SHANNIN@USACE.ARMY. MIL In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by Not applicable . SAW-2021-02531 It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. April R. Digitally signed by April p R.Norton Norton Date: 2022.03.16 Corps Regulatory Official: 15:11:38-04'00' April Norton Date of JD: 03/16/2022 Expiration Date of JD: Not applicable The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/. NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: Comet Development, LLC., Attn: Seth Coker File Number: SAW-2021-02531 Date: 03/16/2022 Attached is: See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E x SECTION Additional or the I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. information may be found at or http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.aspx Corp&regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT a REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn: April Norton Raleigh Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: MR. PHILIP A. SHANNIN ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REVIEW OFFICER CESAD-PDS-O 60 FORSYTH STREET SOUTHWEST, FLOOR M9 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8803 PHONE: (404) 562-5136; FAX (404) 562-5138 EMAIL: PHILIP.A.SHANNIN@USACE.ARMY.MIL RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investi and any government You will be provided a 15-day ations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: April Norton, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Philip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 3/16/2022 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Joshua Harvey - 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Raleigh NC 27615 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Raleigh, Comet, SAW-2021-02531 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Wake City: Wake Forest Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat.: 35.898788 Long.: -78.502196 Universal Transverse Mercator: NAD 83 Name of nearest waterbody: Toms Creek (C;NSW) E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: 3/16/2022 Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Site number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable) Type of aquatic resource (i.e., wetland vs. non -wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) B 35.898840 -78.505500 70 ft. Perennial Stream Section 404 D 35.898409 -78.503841 1000 ft. Perennial Stream Section 404 E - p 35.898668 -78.501713 380 ft. Perennial Stream Section 404 E - i 35.899025 -78.500619 390 ft. Intermittent Stream Section 404 LW1 35.898427 -78.502362 0.010 ac. Linear Wetland Section 404 W6 35.898260 -78.501909 0.038 ac. Wetland Section 404 Pond 1 35.897821 -78.504211 0.054 ac. Pond Section 404 1) The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2) In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre - construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be"waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: 0 Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: S&EC Map: Wetland Sketch Map n Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. n Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: X ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ❑ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Wake County Soil Survey Sheets 22 & 31 Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ■ 1 "=1000' & 2019 Wake Forest & Rolesville Quads National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: .(National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): n Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. April R. Digitally signed by April R. Norton Date: 2022.03.16 Norton 15:16:40 -04'00' -05'00' Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD Digitally signed by Joshua Joshua Harvey DateHarvey : 2021.11.22 15:43:13 Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)' 1 Districts may establish timeframes for requestor to return signed PJD forms. If the requestor does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. i 6 o 2 3 O w m O m w rpalEINtrr10141KOTTM FAFr ui 0 0 0 CO 0 v O O N O N � II N � 0 0 STREAM C - IMPACT #4 HARTHAM PARK AVE lrr - COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 259,606 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE = 29.14% RESTORATION NOTES FOR TEMPORARY IMPACTS: WETLANDS ARE TO BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL GRADE AND SEED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. STREAMS SHOULD BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL CONTOURS AND CORE FIBER MAT EMBANKMENTS AS NEEDED. IMPACT TOTAL ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT 19,378 SF ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT 10,470 SF ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT 1,898 SF ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT 1,902 SF ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE BUFFER IMPACT 714 SF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 860 SF 197 LF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - NO LOSS(RIP RAP) 520 SF 93 LF TEMPORARY IMPACT TOTAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT I 641 SF 167 LF SHEET 1 CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 250' 0 NORTH 0 250' 500' SCALE: 1" = 250' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS OVERALL KEY MAP 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC i II, //I/ \'\\�\\\ / s \\\ \ I) 2 / J / \ \ A A VAS 1EnE l \\\ \\SN, VA \ \PERRY FARM LLC/ ) \ ---/�— 7' — 7/ 1 :V. \PIN 1748- 73-3146 I \ 1/ ? �-i r r vAA �\A,DBM122080479PPGG11491985\' �. j �<// IA,AVA BZONED CX-3-CU '--,�V-''' -�� � ‘�\ V iJ( r7 Ja we 1'A\\AVM<hI1-' \AVAAVA�jV/-,n/r R\V\ 401 S COTa6ueD/ \�/� \ V �ACb SS RI6HW-W(CY _\\` \ k \ \ r iI)ATAAs VDUv�i :\ 7/ d// i ..2.2 /i i o- ZO ia,/ its ,— J //(I 7// 1/ f BE UEMUI E�1`i \1 - .. EXISTI \ \ \ I\ I I 1I / ( / y /il..' •j /j-i '-��31° _��^ �\`\\\\\\\\\\l�\\�1\\\i .(\ yam/ �' �% ���--,��v\ /i`— A��VA\vvvvv v�_—��c"� ---r"V ;::1---: -1 �_ ti W — di ii// / � r 1 r \ ( .J '� / — i ,AA\�\\ VAS '�.._ 3,3 ��\l�sl=�✓�>z� \ ��\ �� �� -/ \\am, 1 \ -� \ �,. � `— �\ y\tip `\\ \ o\ \ l ` \ ? J :7 • /o�=o� ��A, Z`v 1 /' y /."' �-:r ���� �ti(,`�\\•��`Iz(\? \)�/IJ3j„/i'�/ \\ L\ C h L �v A V A l}' 9 A 1- o \VA �AQ �A ,�I Ij( � / � \\\'L\\\mil\'�\\��\1)\� \/�\�^ \ `� �ti✓ram- (\l A °� i ( 'Y\\ vA \\ vv CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 180' NORTH 180' SCALE: 1" = 180' 360' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS EXISTING CONDITIONS 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC \ \ ,\V AVA \ //l \\1�� V -� V A \\ �t/A/ AVJ AA \ \ V A \ \ STREAM B / A \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ i vv v vv vv 1 v \ vA \ 96 \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ l \ \ `\ \ V ' ,. \\ \\ \ \ 1 \- - A \ %� 1 \`\`. \ \ \�\ \\^` \\ \ \ \\\ \\\\\\\\ \`\\\\\`\ \ \\�\ \\ \\ \' ,,- e- \\`\\ `\\\`\\\ \\\\\\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ , 4 �� \ \\\�\A A\`\\\`V \ \`\\\ `V V ` \ °��Q� \ vyvvvv v v vv V`vvv w vv v vv v y: A\ \ \\\ \�`\ \ \\\\\\\ \ `\ ` \ V \ V \ V A ram. \ \ \ �-� \ \ ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT 5,515 SF \ ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT 2,624 SF CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 / 1 / / / / / / I I, PROPOSED TREELINE STREAM PERMANENT ‘\ /\ / DISTURBED LIMIT IMPACT NO LOSS \ \ \ LINE (TYP.) I '(RIP RAP). 55 LF, 240 SF \ \dddd \ \ \ \ \ \ 30' 0 NORTH 30' 60' SCALE: 1" = 30' ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT 2,749 SF ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT 5,774 SF STREAM PERMANENT IMPACT 140 LF, 653 SF \ \ ZONE1 IMPACT FOR \ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ,I / BY-PASS BERM** \� STREAM TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION / BY-PASS BERM IMPACT 36 LF, 96 SF ORDINARY HIGH \\ WATER MARK (TYP) EXISTING TOP OF BANK (TYP) REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 IMPACT TOTAL ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT 11,288 SF ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT 5,373 SF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 653 SF 140 LF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT — NO LOSS(RIP RAP) 240 SF 55 LF *RIP RAP TO MATCH EXISTING CHANNEL GEOMETRY **TEMPORARY BY—PASS BERM WITH TEMPORARY BY—PASS PUMPING FOR PIPE INSTALLATION. COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #1 ROAD CROSSING 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC 28 28 27 27 26 36" MIe COVER —'`` SIN PROPOSED G /TCH DE 12' WATER MAIN /LIN P% \ CLEAR — — -- - > 66" RCP IDUAL DUAL 66" RCP IIi 54 L x 16'W x 24"D D (M -10" D-15" •TCH EXISTING - (1) 66" RCP BURIED 12" TO ALLOW AQUATIC PASSAGE — — — — — — r..` RI'RAP I I I1V7I I aVleI - • RY) — ENDWALL SW .-hU INVIN=269.50 UMiiiiiiiiii W65 •••••••••••••••••••' ii STREAM BCTTOM NDWALL NV OUT=268.75 CHANNEL CROSS SECTION A� IMPACT ROADWAY CROSS S CTION ALLOWAQUATCPASSAGE • 1z TO RETAINING WALL 0 R N 0 0 r 0 r- n N N N- u) 0 Lri N- n N N o � n In 0 n N N co O ro o 0 r- r N N coo_ N o 0 N- r N N co 0 p N r N N v c0 0 6 N co N N .1-Lo 7 r') m 6 CO co N N N a) N 285 280 275 270 265 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 SHEET 4 CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 30' 0 30' 60' SCALE: 1" = 30' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #1 ROAD CROSSING PROFILE 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC / // 11+08.36 / ) / STREAM PERMANENT / IMPACT NO LOSS / '(RIP RAP)= 38 LF, 280 SF EXISTING TOP OF BANK (TYP.) STREAM D ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (TYP.) ova rr / N C j i / / / / / 7 90 / / / / / zLLa / / / PROPOSEDTREELINELIMIT� / DISTURBED LIMIT LINE (TYP.) CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 20' 0 NORTH 20' SCALE: 1" = 20' 40' PROPOSED TREELINE / DISTURBED LIMIT \ - ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT \ \ 7 2,465 SF ZONE1 ROAD IMPACT - �, \ - 3,789 SF LINE (TYP.) 7 STREAM PERMANENT IMPACT 57 LF, 207 SF STREAM TEMPORARY EXISTING TOP CONSTRUCTION / BY-PASS OF BANK (TYP.) IMPACT 15 LF, 41 SF - — ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (TYP.) REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 ZONE 1 IMPACT FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION / BY-PASS BERM** ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT _ 4,301 SF ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT 2,632 SF —295 — IMPACT TOTAL ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - NO LOSS(RIP RAP) 8,090 SF 5,097 SF 207 SF 280 SF 57 LF 38 LF *RIP RAP TO MATCH EXISTING CHANNEL GEOMETRY **TEMPORARY BY-PASS BERM WITH TEMPORARY BY-PASS PUMPING FOR PIPE INSTALLATION. TEMPORARY IMPACT TOTAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 41 SF I 15 LF ZONE 1 ROAD IMPACT ZONE 2 ROAD IMPACT STREAM IMPACT STREAM IMPACT NO LOSS (RIP RAP) TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT SHEET 5 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #2 ROAD CROSSING 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC 305 300 295 290 285 283 PROPOSED GRADE \ \11 36" MIN OVER 8" WATER LINE SEGMENTAL RETAINING PLAN VIEW LOCATION BLOCK WALL SEE FOR WALL & DETAILS. _ /' -- -- �� N— 8" RCP 8" PVC GRAVITY SEWER 24" MIN 24" MIN CLEAR CLEAR — UAL 48" RCP �— _ (1) 48" RCP BURIED 12" TO S !REAM ks01 I OM - ALLOW AQUATIC PASSAGE 1 ENDWALL DUAL " INV OUT=284.9C --�i§.____ (1)48"RCP BURIED 12"TO AQUATIC f — _ _ RIPRAP _ _ _ GLASS "3" 38'L x 12'W KII'KAF' PAD�, x 24"D ALLOW ASSACE U5o=1D" UMAx=1b" (MATCH EXISTING IMPACT ROADWAY CROSS SEC 6N NN CV o 6N g o m 6N coN m CHANNEL CROSS SECTION AT RETAINING WALL 305 300 295 290 285 283 10+00 11+00 12+00 SHEET 6 CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 30' 0 30' 60' SCALE: 1" = 30' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #2 ROAD CROSSING PROFILE 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC e Ar vallW t1/40 I I 1 I 11"01 War/ - vpv O 6 / ///r — i// / /- --� - / 305' / �/ / / / / /, / / i — _ — — — EXISTING TOP / % _ -- -- . OF BANK (TYP.) 7 ZONE2ALLOWABLE i /- UTILITY IMPACT 669 SF — — — — / / ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE / UTILITY IMPACT 946 SF / / / _ // / / / / EXISTING TOP / / / / /r /// / / OF BANK (TYP.) •/ / / / / / \ / / / �/ c— / / / r—�� // / ,1/. —h\ / / / /./— // --- — — ,I \ --\ // ) / // STREAM 0 /7 I/ /, -N// // 1 i/—///7— :// / J / I / TEMPORARY \ / / IMPACT 31 LF, 504 SF ( / I I / .1� v v / / / l ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE l UTILITY IMPACT 953 SF - �'� / / . j� r / / STREAM E / I � N • N ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE ( UTILITY IMPACT 632 SF \ ) 7 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPOSED TREELINE / DISTURBED LIMIT LINE (TYP.) / / 1 IMPACT TOTAL ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT 1,898 SF ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT 1,301 SF *RIP RAP TO MATCH EXISTING CHANNEL GEOMETRY TEMPORARY IMPACT TOTAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT I 504 SF I 31 LF 111 -"O000Q0'0— 000D�OOC p000000 0000pOr ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE UTILITY IMPACT TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT SHEET 7 CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 o NORTH 30' 30' 60' SCALE: 1" = 30' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #3 UTILITY CROSSING 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC 310 305 300 295 290 287 \ )1\ \ FASTING GRADE N \ \ / / N N I - / \ \ \ /� / \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / STREAM BCTTOM- 36" MIN COVER m 0 JH I 7 Qr' 'Amom.Lyj tQF 0) V z0 2»> coRKZ Z iA N 'LU0 r�> NK? o 0 r0 00), N 0) 0 0 co M N N N- v 0 0 co M r uO v 0 0 r) r') uM), 0 ro 0 m M N U) N (0 r6 0) 0 N r7 0 ri vi 0 0 CO 0'J 00)), N v o 0 r) to N y 6 vi 0 0 M r) co ui 0 co 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 310 305 300 295 290 287 SHEET 8 CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 30' 0 30' 60' SCALE: 1" = 30' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER SBEC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #3 UTILITY CROSSING PROFILE 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 ZONE2 ALLO ABLE UTILITY IMPACT 601 SF CLASS "1" RIPRAP PAD 8'L x 6'W x 24"D D5o'4" ,6" • ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE BUFFER IMPACT 713SF PROPOS D TREELINE / DISTUR ED LIMIT LINE (TYP.) ORDINARY ,. — — HIGH WATER / MARK (TYP.) / / / // 7 // ,J A / 20' 0 NORTH 20' 40' SCALE: 1" = 20' REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS IMPACT #4 UTILITY CROSSING 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC PUMP -AROUND PRACTICE Silt Bag os shown in detail 3.25. pumps should discharge onto a stable velocity dissipotor de of rip rap PLAN VIEW WORK AREA LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED THAT WHICH CAN BE COMPLETED IN ONE DAY SECTION A —A sump -hole or pool (12" 0 1E" deep w/ 2 diameter) base flow + 1 foot (2 foot minimum) cross section of sandbag dike PUMP -AROUND PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: The work should consist of installing a temporary pump around and supporting measures to divert flow around in -stream construction sites. IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE: Sediment control measures. s s, pump -around practices, and associated channel and bank construction should ebecompleted in the following sequence(refer to Detail 2/SEI): 1 Construction should not begin until all sediment and erosion control measures have been installed and approved by the engineer and the sediment control inspector. The contractor should stay within the limits of the disturbance as shown on the plans and minimize disturbance within the work area whenever possible. 2 Upon installation of all sediment control ma and approval by the sediment control inspector. the contractor should begin work sat the upstream section and proceed downstream beginning with the establishment of stabilized construction entrances. Ins work may begin downstream if appropriate. The sequence of construction must a befollowed unless the contractor gets written approval for deviations from the engineer or local authority. Work should not be conducted in the channel during ram events. 3 Sandbag dikes should be situated at the upstream and downstream ends of the work area as shown on the plans, and stream flow should be pumped around the work area. The pump should discharge onto a stable velocity dissipater made of riprap. 4 Excavated topsoil and subsoil should be kept separate. placed on the upland side of the excavation, and replaced in their natural order. 5 All construction should take place during stream low flows. The length of construction Lime should be limited to a maximum of 2 days for each crossing. 6 Water from the work area should be pumped to a dewatering bag as shown in detail 3.25. The measure should be located such thatthe water drains back into the channel below the downstream sandbag dike. 7 Traversing a channel reach with equipment within the work area where no work is proposed should be avoided. If equipment has to traverse such a reach fora s to another area, then timber mats orsimilar measuresn should be used to minimize disturbance to the channel. Temporary stream crossings should be used only when necessary and only where noted on the plans or specified. 8 All stream restoration measures s s should be installed a indicated by the plans and all banks graded in accordance with the grading plans andtypical cross -sections. A11 grading must be stabilized at the end of each day with seed and mulch or seed and matting as specified on the plans. 9 After anarea is completed and stabilized, the clean water dike should be removed. After the first sediment flush. e new clean water dike should be established upstream from the old sediment dike. Finally, upon establishment of a new sediment dike below the old one, the old sediment dike should be removed. 10 The contractor is responsible for providing access to and maintaining all erosion :knd sediment control devices until the sediment control inspector approves their removal. PUMP AROUND PRACTICE CE GROUP 301 GLENWOOD AVE. SUITE 220 RALEIGH,NC 27603 PHONE: 919-367-8790 FAX: 919-322-0032 REVISIONS: (1) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 12/13/2021 (2) REVISED PER S&EC COMMENTS. 01/03/2022 SHEET 10 COMET RALEIGH APARTMENTS DETAI LS 2801 FORESTIVILLE RD RALEIGH, NC