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NC0020354_Instream Assessment_19880812
NPDES DOCYHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0020354 Pittsboro WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Approval LInstream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: August 12, 1988 This document is printed on reuse paper - igiu re any content on the reYerse side MEMORANDUM TO: THRU: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Robert Van Tilburg David Vogt l� Trevor Clejn Steve Tedder August 12, 1988 FROM: Mike Scoville AVS - SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for the Town of Pittsboro WWTP NPDES No. NC0020354 Chatham County Summary The Town of Pittsboro has requested a first-time SOC to increase their waste - flow during the upgrade of their facility. The SOC has been requested because the average monthly wasteflow from the WWTP has exceeded its NPDES permit limita- tions for six of the last twelve months. The plant is currently on moratorium for additional flow. Large amounts of infiltration and inflow (I&I) have been experienced during rainfall events, leading to excessive flows in the winter and spring months. i&I problems should be reduced during the upgrade through the sewer renovation program required by the SOC. The facility is permitted for a design capacity of 0.25 MGD and is expanding to 0.75 MGD. The SOC request is for a 0.1224 MGD increase of domestic wastewater flow that warrants the facility expansion. Pittsboro discharges to Roberson Creek, a stream with a zero 7Q10. There- fore, the impact of additional wastewater can not be reliably predicted since the model results for zero flow streams are dependent on effluent concentration only (i.e. identical results are produced for all wasteflows with the same wastewater characteristics). Accordingly, no recommendation of SOC approval or denial can be made by Technical Support. The assessment of instream impacts from any addi- tional wastewater with the proposed limits will have to be based on best profes- sional judgement. A Level-B analysis was performed, however, to determine if the proposed waste concentration; is likely to impact the aquatic biota of the receiving stream. The results of the analysis indicated that the EPA suggested lower threshold of 3.0 mg/1 DO for fish propagation and survival would be violated at the waste con- centration recommended in the SOC. However, at reduced effluent limits (B0D5=8 mg/1, NH3-N=2 mg/1> it is not expected that the 3.0 mg/1 threshold will be viol- ated. A change to seasonal limits is recommended as a result of this analysis. Toxic impacts were not assessed since the additional wastewater is of domestic composition. Analysis and Discussion ;' The Pittsboro WWTP discharges into Roberson Creek (Class C) about 6.75 miles from it's mouth at Jordan Lake. At the point of discharge, the average flow is 11.0 cfs, the summer 7Q10 is zero, and the 3002 is positive. Since the discharge is greater than 0.1 MGD, it is assumed that the facility has a continuous dis- charge that results in constant flow instream. Therefore, the model's steady- state assumption should not be violated. Also, because the stream is being modeled with no natural flow, the predicted impact to the stream is expected to be approximately equal for different volumes of wastewater with equal waste con- centrations. The instream assessment request from the Raleigh Regional Office suggests using the average flow for the past 12 months to arrive at an interim flow limit for this facility. However, it appears inappropriate to use a 12 month average when the infiltration and inflow problems are clearly seasonal. During the hot, dry part of the year that is most critical to water quality (July - September), infiltration and inflow are negligible. During the wet winter season, however, the problem is somewhat severe. It is necessary to consider the two seasons sep- arately and to evaluate the different conditions with seasonal models. Separate sets of limits should be given for summer and winter based on past facility per- formance, past monthly average flows, and the degree of impact to Roberson Creek. The maximum wasteflow discharged by the Pittsboro WWTP during the summer months (April - October) was 0.3694 MGD in April 1987. While the maximum observed wasteflow provides a useful basis for interim flow limits by accounting for excessive infiltration and inflow, in determining the effects of additional waste on Roberson Creek the maximum flow should be compared with the average dis- charge which occurs during critical low flow periods. The average discharge of the Pittsboro WWTP from July through September for the last three summers is 0.2025 MGD. For the winter months (November - March) the maximum discharge was 0.4042 MGD in November 1985. The average winter discharge for the last three winters is 0.3139 MGD. Level-B analyses were performed to evaluate impacts under maximum and average wasteflow conditions. These analyses compared the mean July - September dis- charge at a design temperature that represents the 75th percentile of summer monthly average temperatures with corresponding conditions for the maximum flow month (April, 1987). The headwater DO concentration is based on the average DO saturation at the facility's upstream monitoring site. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of wasteflow assumptions and model inputs. The model was run using the limits suggested in the SOC request (BOD5=8.0 mg/1, NH3-N=4.0 mg/1, D0=6.0 mg/1). The predicted instream DO for the critical summer months sagged to 2.7 mg/1, violating EPA criteria (3.0 for warm waters) for minimum DO to protect for fish survival. Based on treatment performance, however, it appears unnecessary to give an NH3-N limit of 4.0 mg/1 since the effluent NH3-N concentration has not exceeded 1.0 mg/1 for the past 3 years. A 2.0 mg/1 NH3-N limit, as opposed to the 4.0 mg/1 recommended, results in a pre- dicted minimum DO of 3.8 mg/1. Actual DO minimum values are expected to be higher. Using the highest NH3-N value in the past 3 years, the model predicted a minimum DO of 4.2 mg/1. The summer effluent limitations recommended for incorpo- ration with the SOC are listed in Table 1. It should be noted that a recent WLA performed for the expanded permit wasteflow of 0.75 MGD resulted in final NPDES limits of 5 and 2 mg/1 for GODS and NH3-N, respectively. The Level-B analysis of winter conditions predicted no DO problems and no violations of EMC criteria. The sum of the observed maximum winter flow and the additional 0.1224 MGD was used as the model wasteflow and accounts for substan- tial infiltration and inflow. The design temperature is the highest consecutive seven day average temperature for November (1985-1987). The headwater DO concen- tration is according to the facility's upstream monitoring data. Although no water quality problems are predicted, it is unnecessary to assign a winter NH3-N limit more than twice the summer NH3-N limit, especially if treatment capabili- ties are not a limiting factor. Therefore, a 4.0 mg/1 NH3-N interim wintertime effluent limit is recommended, for which the Level-B model predicts a DO minimum of 6.0 mg/l. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of model inputs and results. cc: Chuck Wakild Kent Wiggins Steve Reid Bill Kreutzberger TABLE 1. Instream Assessment Summary for the Town of Pittsboro Wasteflow Assumptions Design Capacity Average Flow (6/85 - 5/88) Maximum Flow (6/85 - 5/88) Additional SOC Flow Requested Average Flow + SOC Flow Maximum Flow + SOC Flow Summer 0.2500 MGD 0.2025 MGD 0.3694 MGD 0.1224 MGD 0.3249 MGD 0.4918 MGD Model Input Summary Headwater Conditions: Winter 0.2500 MGD 0.3139 MGD 0.4042 MGD 0.1224 MGD 0.4363 MGD 0.5266 MGD Summer Winter Drainage Area (sq. mi.) 10.30 10.30 7Q10 (cfs) 0.0 0.4 Qavg (cfs) 11.0 11.0 Design Temperature (C) 25.0 19.0 CBOD (mg/1) 2.0 2.0 NBOD (mg/1) 1.0 1.0 DO (mg/1) 5.52 7.79 Wastewater Inputs: Summer Winter Flow (MGD) 0.3249 0.5266 CBOD (1.5*BOD5) (mg/1) 12.0 24.0 NBOD (4.5*NH3-N) (mg/1) 9.0 18.0 DO (mg/1) 6.0 6.0 Recommended Seasonal SOC Limits Summer Winter Flow (MGD) 0.5000 0.5500 BODS (mg/1) 8.0 16.0 NH3-N (mg/1) 2.0 4.0 DO (mg/1) 6.0 6.0 Model Output Summary • Average Flow (July -September) Mean Flow + SOC Flow Max. Winter Flow + SOC Flow Flow (MGD) 0.2025 0.3249 0.5266 DO min. (mg/1) 3.8 3.g 6.00 i, _Erbco G (S LrSvr1 nee_ ( f , fivi 60) , 364L 37111 w!'AC< 144),; odri,,t+ S3G _ j1�►- Gin aat t7[s�4�c.L SO' 'J �kn�{ 0 1\14- O0 .A3 �o rS a� Cret. 9M QW (MO) 101 oG En _�o end. c51* Fn. 40 GBa -12 nob - Ik 16.'33 9.36 3.28 Ll,52 038 ,earn, Nees 4 (' 464- -'fin D. < 5.0 fr))/Q . `YiP M3/4 1 u1 Qss , 321/9 ZS 3.15 8,20 I.8c) 2,1't 0,78 ..go25 _ZS 3,)2 8,03 7,80 2,70 638 WO 50C wuori> 30 c ci30D = 2q N-6ob 36 co. 6,0 // 14 0./2 , s24 tI 86 6,01 s, 92. 9,65- 11 OZ 12.117 i4,Lf , 5,25- 5,27 0.76 0,7g 46tAi- soc 1100 \i/S'oc 3 19, 0 6,2‘ fr,93 Ic.S sq2 0,7g PelDi 2 izi et o,7g .104 S DC --VSOG DOStA i'llseS I'LL TL .Vtz (ertio 51(\caei. s el A 42 0 1k st_ +(i& DO • pm/ Mv1.0.1 1'5 s.S . fribt 7f 25'r T%ifShar0 kj JrI — SoL JKo(oe tee ZI 12Z R Ry tS ; R� t tn)i-h (,) ,3a ,y7 ,I1 , j •zo (G3 50 (CTAIr I0,526 21,2_77 17,g57 17.s7I.?g57/Is,&7S G?4Ro (dk,;) 3, IZS 3,+2,s 3.z.s 1,24c 1,266 'I,2“. I 1 70loS20 (54M) 0,0 0.0 0,o tio32 ,o3Z .03Z :.7Q1awRn(Gk.) 0.0 0,0 0,0 ,016 ,016 ,O , .2S6G V61). , 37q0 3o) (4') $,0 I6,0 t,o IL. U Dc) (1(1) 6.0 6. o 6, 0 6,0 RCo R I1 ego 1,10 .22. ,31 .17 C 3 11.111 12.1g2 LmLis- 32,2.0 71,22 �1.7yG iNsborb Sor So n Ctrc(< Af' Mo tn- 1 Ci0/87 1 M Z7, y Q/h- 29,0 ?c.1los= 4).2 c15 70(ow= 0,i( cf.) 3£)Q2 = j, 6 CCS ^ocF Fr�M c�� .Le"cc vF i��k-may (�o sum ks 1,3 /you h a Ro LtrsOyk L i- 7QLb5tko c 3.2 cf5 - 12, C r5 r-� 4.32 ridEZ- p . Z cf, --- C7 . C' D$ p32 — U,y c& ),IS cis - 0, (S cis r.26C .PS Ro tr o r Creak (Arnwu. r _ Apo ocf-t) e r 119 kl inr -s for L hoc t4ug,. M utM Su. /n,i & e Tt-✓yl et rot l►L . = = , 3 4 t4 1.4 1- 7-c�wc/ a nS,Gc.ti•(�✓C aye . 12Z Y M G D _ ,'y qi 7 t16D wOS ritiek lgrl Li/r7 = tG, 33 DC i M €st r a�++t`c = 1�; hat- 7 -day c) nucd i uc a vc my. r Y/ r7 = 46.31 Z o- Sur,ra-r av�rale. Rt 0J l r4, -Set+) tirS Z-S NI CD j n, IN,r_o-ore = 7570. cenc% �fr� pF (/ nv.,,,s - ZS.O y) Ave«y-e ?wl lc ntr.cr,.� = gang �S & �� ' < lCU tns (MO D = 7,S ND° D = Ito D0 = 6.0 I12.4 .3241 MO oc ZS,O 141D3 Ffifyg Pi11.56,0 ez, soc 706e.X.,0 rea...1( 4, rol id:Pit r — NotieriLc- k. M.,,c. CI -hz Ate.rAA-Ltre. riole-t . c4..) Mwirar egot,/ :-. AYA oil, I (.1 ,110147 PI 61) ) „Nei I I ll'eS- ..,6. "Teftlett-A4Art . -.: rNsii ke-Vi 747 roAstc.,.4-s've _ ..Le...rAlt Por Nov, =-: 1 gi. I q, ,14042. MGD 4- ,122)./ MG D Te." rt.r11.4141V. Vti 1,4st jay Ceetra fA.4; _ -e r 43)1). Z 17. fr6 2,• 61) tv; 4-kr /lye_ ra..1 Plow (Wt. (lfd- 87) = 751k ra 4e r ?q.v. WI ')ke•ve (Yob./ 7 Eth - 3`t M gp • = 0,0 °(... 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L �J, Ikg oC MI5 bory '"Ro6ecSa n Cie 1 - 3 f) 1 Stim/htr Mojejs 7S �LCLAM 1- I L o� r►, s r.` 1 A-./_ru5, 7' r y - �('�' / �q r'6- 7 Q Z3.If 6) 23,13 :23,S0 oG 22 Ii.sO a c oc. oL oG { dot s 7 7 /o (fc w�� �� I,‘ .�.1R{•t +e/��ta.i-t&r . tor lu.o nL 16,0 `°C 41211 11,0 'C mean = l,31 C. `f(.z7 16.0 1-1129 1G,0 9/30 itv, 3 on (y 1.,1 (0. yS so r . oG OC 12 ,1- cave rr I Town o c ! 445o r .5OG Cek DO c.0Ac— 66,71 % ups a' (6, 33 °G F�Lovr tivArc,v\ it to _;- -Ora is a Jujy - S<< Ler Do vig 11/1 cr 7: 7e 174 opt` .4 k • -IA /t r 3/t7 2/81 1/.6-1 iegg tl/g, f '"?‘,5 60 so s oC teen. w �- lire -- 'es Tern rua(te , nG (3, C. s,17 � Ca) Zo 351 0,0 10.34g (0,7 lot 11,7 t2, 65 9.56 11,73 ►o,Z 5,5 lo, 0 'T 0 1t-1, 5 1 z, 1o,l 3 5 10,6 Si2S 11.6 SS, to t 16 c(, 63 11,236 g7, 70 jq, 3`t gg,71 To.4.6 - 5?,6C 0,5it5 tt2 11,63 91,11 I ), 37 Io 2, 02 • • 1), 721 St, 4.7 cf7 Aatel erDS -7/acdre- GS Ito vi,.J 7 SOC (IC00 203:9 oLie-cso , CceJ2_ 4� 'Q s incs � � L C"3t. 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