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NC0003719_Monitoring Report_19950210
NPDES DOCUMENT !;CANNING COVER SHEET NC0003719 Cedar Creek site WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change ' Monitoring Report N Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: February 10, 1995 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reirerse side State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A7A Fayetteville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E I -I NIF- Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Andrew McCall, Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 10, 1995 Mr. Manhar Patel Monsanto P.O. Box 2307 Fayetteville, N.0 28302 SUBJECT: Total Phosphorous Discharge Data Review Monsanto Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0003719 Cumberland County Dear Mr. Patel: At the request of our staff in Raleigh, the Fayetteville Regional Office has conducted a review of Monsanto's Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data for Total Phosphorous (see attachment). The data reviewed appears to show high levels of Total Phosphorous being discharged from Monsanto. As I stated in the December 13, 1994 phone conversation and per this letter, the Fayetteville Regional Office is requesting that Monsanto evaluate the constituents of it's discharge and inform this office what the components of Monsanto's discharge are that contibute to the effluent discharge of Total Phosphorous. Discharges of high levels of Phosphorous can have an adverse effects on the water quality of the Cape Fear River and which can result in permit limitations being imposed on dischargers in this basin to prevent water quality problems. Our staff in Raleigh obtained a sampled of Monsanto's Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent on October 20, 1994 and the results of their analysis for Total Phosphorous was 150 MG/L. If you have any questions or requires further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (919) 486-1541. Sincerely LC. L Kitty A.K. Kramer Environmental Technician cc: Jay Sauber Ruth Swanek Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Telephone 910-486-1541 FAX 910-486-0707 An Eaual O000rtunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper GKEX78/MY i2/i3/94 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS. REPORT PERM IT--NC0003719 PIPE--W02 REPORT PERIOD: 93i1 -9410 LOC--- ---- -E FACILITY--MON%ANTO DESIGN FLOW-- ^8890 CLA%%--2 LOCAT%ON--PAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY----- 06 CUMBERLAND 50050 00600 00665 3994i MONTH Q/M�D TOTAL N PHO%-TOT ROUNDUP 1 ^4534 5.400 93/12 .4627 7.i00 94/91 .405i i8.400 i22.0000 i2.000 94/02 .491O 27.000 94/03 .4677 3^4000 94/04 .4278 8.O000 94/05 .48i4 .2500 94/06 .5952 i^3500 94/07 .54i0 i4.5000 94/08 ^5853 29.i00 i22.0000 .0000 94/09 .5047 .0000 94/10 ^4919 .0000 AVERA�E .4922 23.750 122.0000 2.7208 MAXIMUM .921O 29.i00 i22.0000 29.0000 MINIMUM .0860 i8.400 i22.0000 ^0000 UNIT MGD MG,/L MG/L MG/L i2/i3/94 GKEX78/MY COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT PERMIT--NC00037i9 PIPE--002 REPORT PERIOD` 921i -9310 FACILITY--HONS'ANTO DE%IGN FLOW-- .8890 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY.... .... 06 CUMBERLAND 50050 00600 00665 3994i MONTH Q/MGD TOTAL N PHO%-TOT ROUNDUP 92/11 .4757 8i.000 92/12 .46i7 101^000 93/0i .5i93 32.800 63^0000 8i^000 93/02 .4466 62.000 93/03 ^4808 66.000 9.... ... 04 .4920 35^800 i08.000O 5.300 93/05 .38i3 .O00 93/06 .4243 . 93/07 .4062 34^000 93/08 .3563 45.300 65^0000 i^400 93/09 .5273 3.000 93/i0 .4086 26.600 134^0000 2.900 AVERAGE .4483 35.i25 92.5000 36.808 MAXIMUM 4.0400 45^300 i34.0000 i0i.00O MINIMUM .0000 26.600 63^0000 ^000 UNIT MGD MG./L. MG/L M�/L i2/i /M3/94 �KEX78Y COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT 11ERMI1"--NC0003719 PIPE--002 REPQRT PERIOD: 91i1 —92i0 LOC---E Foil: ILITY--MON%ANTO FLOW-- .889O 13LA%%~-2 LOCATION—_FAYETTEVILLE REG IOM/COUNTY--06 CUMBERLAND � ' 50050 00600 00665 39941 MONTH Q/MGD TOTAL N PHO%—TOT ROUNDUP 9i/ii .3995 7.000 9i/i2 .38i9 60^000 92/0i .4027 i8^800 30.5000 27.000 92/02 ^3286 38.000 92/03 ^3790 13.i00 92/O4 .3074 5.000 12.000W 16^100 92/05 .4344 22.500 92/06 ^4359 3.500 92/07 .49i5 73.400 i0.0000 47.000 92/08 '56O2 .900 92/09 ^4567 24.'D00 92/10 .3467 66.900 131.000W 39'500 AVERAGE ^4iO3 4i.025 45.8750 24.883 MAXIMUM .7650 73..400 i31.0000 60.000 MINIMUM ^0336 ��.000 i0.0000 .000 UNIT MGD MG/L MG/L MO/L GKEX78/MY i2/i3/94 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT PERMIT--NC00037i9 PIPE--002 REPORT PERIOD� 901i -9ii0 LOC---E FACILITY--MONSANTO DE%IGN FLOW-- ..8898 CLA%%--- -2 LOCATION--�AYETTEVILLE RE�ION/COUNTY--W6 CUMBERLAND 50W50 00600 00665 3994i MONTH Q/MGD TOTAL N PHO%--- TOT ROUNDUP 90/ii .4669 34.000 90/12 .5i05 �9.000 9i/0i .5006 29.2500 91/02 .5497 38^000 03 .5610 32."DO0 9i/04 .5i33 8.800 30.8000 34^800 9i/05 .5i42 10.i00 9i/06 .5524 25.000 9i/07 ..5226 9.i00 i7.5O00 47.000 91/08 .5120 29.000 91/09 .4504 28.000 91/10 .3432 i5.500 3^0000 69.000 AVERAGE .4997 ii.i33 20^1375 34^i72 MAXIMUM .7220 i5.500 30.8000 69^000 MINIMUM ^04-13 8.800 3.0000 i0.i00 UNIT MGD MG/L MG./L. MG/L. GKEX78/MY i2/13/94 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT PERMIT .... .... NC00037i9 PIPE--002 REPORT PERIOD` 89ii .... 9010 LOC.... .... .... E FACILITY--MONIS, ANTO DE%IGN FLOW-- .8890 CLA%%--2 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 CUMBERLAND , 50050 00600 00665 39941 MONTH Q/MGfD TOTAL N PHO%-TOT ROUNDUP 89/1i .5448 39.200 4.300 89/i2 ^49ii .000 90/01 .5316 32.800 31.0000 75.000 90/02 ^5262 29.0000 .800 90/03 .5i47 49.000 90/04 ^5539 39.3O0 i4.0000 i.950 90/05 .5823 .000 90/06 ^6029 94.800 90/07 ^60i7 38.900 i6.0000 64.000 90/08 .4005 40.700 90/09 ^4099 6.400 90/10 .5i57 2^600 10.300 AVERA�E .5229 30.560 22.5000 28.937 MAXIMUM .9i20 39.300 3i.0000 94.800 MINIMUM .2180 2^600 i4^0000 .000 UNIT MCD MG* /L MG*/L MG/L . GKEX78/MY i2/i3/94 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS* REPORT PERMIT--NCO0037i9 PIPE--002 REPORT PERIOD� 881i -8910 LOC.... -.... E FACILITY~~MON%ANTO DE%IGN FLOW-- .8890 CLA%%.... ... 2 LOCATION ------ FAYE. TTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--O6 CUMBERLAND , 50050 00600 00665 39941 MONTH Q/MGrD TOTAL N PHO%-TOT ROUNDUP 88/ii ^5137 45.460 6.079 88/12 ^4617 39.300 9.196 89/01 ^5215 1i.575 4^0000 3.53i 89/42 ^50i3 8^525 11.875 89/03 ^6065 28.733 36.325 89/04 .6359 42.900 48.0000 .800 a/05 .5578 .000 89/06 ^5384 79.200 .00O 89/07 .66i9 .000 89/08 .6370 .700 89/09 .6074 i.600 89/10 .6200 41.iO0 ii9.008III) 5.500 AVERAGE .57i9 37.099 57.0000 6.233 MAXIMUM .9210 82.9OO ii9^0O00 48.400 MINIMUM .i1i0 3.800 4.0000 .O00 UNIT M�D M�/L ML MG/L GKEX78/MY , i2/i3/94 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALY%I% REPORT PERMIT--NC(OD 837i9 PIPE--002 REPORT PERIOD: 8711 -8810 FACILITY-~MON%ANTO DE%IGN FLOW-- .8890 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 CUMBERLAND ^ 50050 00680 00665 3994i MONTH Q/MGD TOTAL N PHO%-TOT ROUNDUP i .43i7 55.800 3.346 2 .4484 4i^960 .790 88/01 .50i5 45.350 5^677 88/02 ^4702 34^875 9.i41 88/03 .5234 41.300 20.836 88/04 .4484 49.250 116.0000- 36.034 88/85 ^4434 45^075 28.296 88/06 .5193 26.920 38.393 88/07 .5300 48.450 i22^5000 29^806 88/08 .4230 39.90O 10^677 a .4897 28.900 7.320 88/i0 .3998 36.050 93.0000 4.99O AVERAGE .4690 4i.i52 ii0.5080 16.275 MAXIMUM .7190 7i.300 122.5000 56.0O0 MINIMUM .0670 i6.500 93.00W0 .0O0 UNIT MGD MG /L MG/L M�/L