HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210502 Ver 1_20220513_Response to 3rd RAI, Part 2_20220513Staff Review Form NORTH CAROLINA Envlronm¢ntcl Qvofiry Updated September 4, 2020 Staff Review Does this application have all the attachments needed to accept it into the review process?* Yes No ID# * 20210502 Version* 1 Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes • No Reviewer List: * Stephanie Goss:eads\szgoss Select Reviewing Office: * Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Does this project require a request for payment to be sent?* Yes No Project Submittal Form Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk * below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Project Type: * For the Record Only (Courtesy Copy) New Project Modification/New Project with Existing ID More Information Response Other Agency Comments Pre -Application Submittal Re-Issuance\Renewal Request Stream or Buffer Appeal Pre -Filing Meeting Date Request was submitted on: 3/4/2021 Is this supplemental information that needs to be sent to the Corps?* Yes No Project Contact Information Name: Lauren Norris -Heflin Who is submitting the information? Email Address: lauren.norris-heflin@timmons.com Project Information Existing ID #: 20210502 20170001 (no dashes) Project Name: Ferguson Property Is this a public transportation project? Yes No Existing Version: 1 Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? Yes No Unknown County (ies) Wake Please upload all files that need to be submited. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document 2022.05.13_Response to 3rd RAI, Part 2.pdf 19.23MB Only pdf or kmz files are accepted. Describe the attachments or comments: This request for additional information response includes: • Updated forcemain location delineation map • Updated impact maps for new forcemain route • Response to USFWS' comments regarding sediment & erosion control Sign and Submit By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that: • I, the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. • I, the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I agree that submission of this online form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the online form. Signature: Submittal Date: Is filled in automatically. E . 'li c e • TIMMONS GROUP May 13, 2022 David Bailey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Stephanie Goss 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Kathryn Matthews Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Dear Mr. Bailey, Ms. Goss, and Ms. Matthews, 5410 Trinity Road P 919.866.4951 Suite 102 F 919.859.5663 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.timmons.com Re: Response to Third Request for Additional Information — Updated Forcemain Ferguson Property SAW-2018-01947 (Approx. 167.5 acres) Wake County, North Carolina On behalf of Meritage Homes (the Applicant), Timmons Group (the Agent) is providing a response to a third Request for Additional Information (RAI) email received on December 30, 2021 for the Ferguson Property, an approximately 167.5-acre site located at approximately 1900 New Bethel Church Road in Garner, Wake County, North Carolina (the Site). The first RAI was sent on June 30, 2021 and a response to the June RAI was submitted on July 28, 2021. The second RAI was sent on August 18, 2021 and a response to the August RAI was submitted on December 16, 2021. A partial response was provided for this third RAI on April 15, 2022 in order to allow for review of all feasible items while additional forcemain data was obtained. This letter repeats the previously provided information from April 15, 2022 and adds in the awaited forcemain data for a complete response to the third RAI. A delineation of the updated forcemain route (Attachment 1) and revised Impact Maps have been attached (see Attachment 2) depicting the requested revisions. As discussed during the meeting held on March 9, 2022, the forcemain has been shifted as far up -slope as possible, taking into account long term function as well as areas where easements could be obtained. It is not feasible to shift the forcemain further. The shift in forcemain location has ensured the maximum amount of the proposed corridor is located outside or on the outer edge of the 100-year floodplain, and those unavoidable impacts remaining within the floodplain are located a significant distance from Swift Creek. Due to cost constraints, directional drilling is only proposed in areas which are relatively undisturbed and include streams, thereby avoiding impacts to streams and their adjacent wetlands within the 100-year floodplain. The remaining forcemain-related ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY impacts are Permanent Conversion to PEM impacts, consisting of Impact 6, 2,710 square feet (0.0622 acres) of impact for the segment requiring aerial sewer, and Impacts 7 and 8, temporary impact for installation via trenching, totaling 1,214 square feet (0.0279 acres) and 2,515 square feet (0.0577 acres), respectively. Wetland impacts 7 (wetland G) and 8 (two wetlands E and F) consist of permanent conversion forcemain impacts located within the 100-year floodplain but are located approximately 506-ft, 324-ft, and 305-ft, respectively, from Swift Creek. Further, the forcemain location in these areas is immediately adjacent to an existing residential neighborhood, overlaps with a previously disturbed area from apparent four -wheeler activities, and stringent sedimentation and erosion control plans are proposed. For Riparian Buffer impacts, Temporary Zone 1 impacts have been reduced from 2,243 square feet (0.0515 acres) to 2,220 square feet (0.0510 acres) and Temporary Zone 2 impacts have decreased from 5,020 square feet (0.1152 acres) to 2,374 square feet (0.0545 acres). For compensatory mitigation, the applicant proposes to mitigate the 0.144 acres of permanent wetland impact (from Impact Location 1) at a 2:1 ratio, the 0.030 acres of indirect potential wetland impact (from Impact Location 1) at a 1:1 ratio, and the 0.148 acres of permanent conversion of PFO to PEM wetlands (from Impact Location 6, 7, and 8) at a 1:1 ratio. Thus, the total amount of proposed wetland credits is 0.466. Since the only impacts to streams are temporary, no stream mitigation credits are proposed. For buffer impacts, the applicant proposes to mitigate the 83 square feet of Zone 1 buffer impact and 2,029 square feet of Zone 2 buffer impact from Impact Location #2 at a 3:1 and 1.5:1 ratio, respectively. Mitigation is not required for any other buffer impact. Thus, the total amount of buffer credits needed remains 249 for Zone 1 and 3,044 for Zone 2. The comments provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) are outlined below in italics and are grouped by question. Our response is below each comment. Questions previously answered contain blue text, while newly answered questions are in green. 1) Boardwalks proposed to cross wetlands just south of Wetland Impact 1, and to cross a stream at previously proposed Impact 4, are stated as requiring no stream/wetland impacts. However, the updated Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Sheet C5.1 shows temporary pump arounds and/or temporary gravel crossings in these locations. Please clarify, update the PCN as necessary (including all proposed temporary impacts), and ensure all plan sets are consistent. The temporary pump arounds for both boardwalk crossings mentioned above have been removed from the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. Additionally, both the gravel crossing and temporary culvert have also been removed from the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. No updates to the PCN or impact maps are necessary. 2) Impact 6 includes an aerial sewer line with pilings (including footers) to be installed across wetlands. Based on recent aerial photography this wetland area is at least partially forested. With the understanding that this corridor would be permanently maintained, the Corps will require compensatory mitigation at 1:1 for partial loss of wetland function (permanent conversion from forested to herbaceous wetlands) within the wetland footprint at this impact location. This maintenance corridor will be permanently maintained. Impact Location #6 (shown on Sheet CWI- 1.5 of the Impact Maps) has been revised to label the wetland impact as a Permanent Conversion to PEM wetland. The compensatory mitigation plan (see above) has been revised to include the 0.062- acres of Permanent Conversion impacts to be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio. 3) For the proposed boardwalk crossing through wetlands on Sheet CWI-1.6, please provide details on how this boardwalk will be constructed (access and piling installation), as no impacts are currently proposed for this area. A detail on boardwalk construction has been included as Sheet S1 (see Attachment 1). Temporary impacts to wetlands will be restored to pre -construction conditions. 4) Thank you for the additional information on the proposed horizontal directional drill (HDDO for the sewer force main. Please note that I have Cc'd Kathy Matthews (USFWS) on this email as well, as this portion of the project pertains directly to the Corps ongoing Section 7 consultation. I have included additional questions/clarifications pertaining to the sewer force main below.: a. Please provide additional information regarding the proposed depths of the HDD under wetlands and streams; a profile detail is preferred. Our experience is that deeper depths under these resources reduces the likelihood of inadvertent above -ground releases of drilling fluid; Three locations are proposed for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). These locations were chosen based on feasibility and the presence of streams within the 100-year floodplain. Sheets C8.5 through C8.11 of the attached Impacts Map show a profile detail of the forcemain. In areas where HDD is proposed, the forcemain is proposed to be installed at a minimum of 6-feet below land surface under stream and wetland areas. b. It is noted that permanent maintenance of above -ground vegetation is not proposed within the force main corridor. Has this detail been agreed to be the City of Raleigh, who presumably would be responsible for the long-term maintenance of this facility? Further, how would the responsible entity access pressure release valves and other aspects of the facility for future maintenance needs if no maintained corridor exists? The updated impact maps show that in all the areas in which HDD is proposed, there will be no clearing performed within the easement area. In all other areas in which the forcemain is proposed to be installed via an open -cut trench method, a permanent easement will be maintained. Please note that pressure release valves are not proposed to be installed within stream or wetland areas. The permittee does not have control over the City of Raleigh's future plans for the forcemain once ownership is transferred. Final permits and associated requirements and limitations will be provided to the City of Raleigh upon transfer. City of Raleigh will be notified that any deviations from approved plans must first obtain agency approval. Please show the entirety of the access paths, to allow confirmation that these paths do not encroach into wetlands or other waters of the US. The updated impact maps depict all access paths. All access paths are located within previously delineated areas except the one connecting to Oregon Trail (see Sheet CWI-1.11). d. In the HDD staging area proposed in wetlands on Sheets CWI-1.8 and 1.9, you state that the scour holes will be "backfilled with a mix of drill returns and minor excavate material." Please specify that suitable topsoil will be segregated and used as the final soil layer in this location to restore this area to pre -construction conditions. Also, please specify the seed mix to be used to revegetate this temporary impact area. This detail has been added to Sheet CWI-1.8 of the Impacts Maps. The seed mix used to revegetate this temporary impact area is the NC Piedmont FACW Mix from Ernst Seeds. e. Please note that the Corps awaits comments from USFWS on the proposed sediment and erosion control plan, as well as other aspects of the force main proposal, for our consideration as the Section 7 consultation proceeds. Acknowledged and understood. We confirm receipt of a list of project recommendations received from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on May 3, 2022. This list has been reviewed and deemed feasible if required except for the fifth bullet point regarding stormwater infrastructure discharge. SCMs 2 and 3 have been designed to allow for the smallest impact possible and therefore must discharge treated stormwater into the riparian buffer (see CWI-1.4). Both will utilize a dissipator pad to avoid erosion. In response to the USFWS' question, the stormwater plan was designed for the 10 and 25 year storm event, with additional checks for the 100 year event to ensure the system could sustain. ePCN Section D-2, updated Wetland Impacts Table: 2. Wetland Impacts 2a. Site # 2a1. Reason 2b. Impact type 2c. Type of W. 2d. W. name 2e. Fnrpsted 2ft. Type of Jurisdiction 2g. Impact Area (ac.) 1 Road fill and greenway P Headwater Forest A and B Yes Both 0.144 1 Road fill and greenway P (Indirect Impact) Headwater Forest A Yes Both 0.030 6 Aerial Sanitary Sewer T Headwater Forest A Yes Both 0.062 7 Sanitary Forcemain T Bottomland Hardwood Forest G Yes Both 0.028 8 Sanitary Forcemain T Bottomland Hardwood Forest E & F Yes Both 0.058 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact: 0.148 acres 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact: 0.144 acres 2g. Total Wetland Impact: 0.292 acres 2h. Comments: Impact 1 consists of 0.144 acres of permanent direct impacts due to road and greenway fill and 0.030 acres of potential permanent indirect impacts due to a loss of hydrology to portions of the wetland. Impact 6 consists of 0.062 acres of permanent conversion of PFO to PEM wetlands due to the installation of an aboveground sanitary sewer to connect the proposed utilities to an existing pump station. Impacts 7 and 8 consists of 0.028 acres and 0.058-acres, respectively of temporary impact resulting in permanent conversion of PFO to PEM wetlands due to the installation of the forcemain. The temporary impacts will consist of clearing vegetation and grubbing roots if necessary as well as the excavation of a trench for burial of the proposed line. Temporary matting will be used to minimize disturbance to soils within the staging areas. The staging areas will be re -seeded as necessary using the NC Piedmont FACW Mix from Ernst Seeds and restored to pre -construction conditions. The trench will be backfilled with excavated material removed during excavation and/or suitable topsoil to restore to pre -construction contours. ePCN Section D-6, updated Buffer Impacts Table: Project is in which protected basin(s)? Neuse 6b. Impact Type 6c. P or T 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact (sq.ft.) 6g. Zone 2 impact (sq.ft.) (Impact 2) Greenway Construction (allowable with mitigation) P A Yes 83 2,029 (Impact 3) SCM Outfall (allowable upon authorization) P A No 0 22 (Impact 3) SCM Outfall (allowable upon authorization) T A No 0 130 (Impact 4) Greenway Construction (allowable upon authorization) P A No 0 484 (Impact 5) SCM Outfall (allowable upon authorization) P A No 164 0 (Impact 5) SCM Outfall (allowable upon authorization) T A No 320 264 (Impact 6) Sanitary Sewer — New Line (deemed allowable) T E No 1,900 1,681 (Impact 9) Forcemain — New Line, non- perpendicular (allowable upon authorization) T Unnamed, off -site stream No 0 299 6h. Total buffer impacts: Total Temporary Impacts: Zone 1: 2,220 Zone 2: 2,374 Total Permanent Impacts: Zone 1: 247 Zone 2: 2,535 Total Combined buffer impacts Zone 1: 2,467 Zone 2: 4,909 Please review the updated Impact Maps and contact Lauren Norris -Heflin at (919) 607-1723 or lauren.norris-heflin©timmons.com if additional information is required. Sincerely, Timmons Group Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager Enclosures: ATTACHMENT 1 Forcemain Delineation Map ATTACHMENT 2 Updated Impact Maps ATTACHMENT 3 S1: Boardwalk Detail ATTACHMENT 4 USFWS Erosion & Sediment Control Recommendations ATTACHMENT 1 FORCEMAIN DELINEATION MAP 2 perty\GIS0.MTDM Resource Identification Confirmation Resource Description Notes' PFO (sq fi) PSS (sq fi) PEM (sq fi) POW (sq fi) R3 (It) R4 (It) R6 (It) Ditch (It) Stream (sq fi) A 30 471 NT/NV B 31 94 NT/NV C 854 NT/V D 632 NT/V E 612 NT/V F 1,837 NT/V G 1,212 NT/V H 4,639 NT/V Total 8,932 0 854 0 30 31 0 0 565 Total Wetland Area= 9,78 sq ft 0.22 ac Total Stream Area = 565 q ft 0.013 a Tot I Stream Length = 611f 'T=Tidal; NT=Nan-tidal; V=Vegeta Scrub -Shrub Wetland, PEM=Palustn Wetlands; R3= ed; NV=Nan-Veg tated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland, PSS Palustrine e Emergent Wetl nd; POW= Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estu nne Intertidal Upper Perennia Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Eph meral Streams Legend 1..1 Project Study Limits - 6.2 Acres Stream Buffer © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Flag - Field Data Station )Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) ] Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Previously Confirmed by S&EC ® Stream Wetland Topographic Contours Major - 10ft Minor- 1ft 1. Preliminary waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 0 350 700 Feet 1,400 •U✓t.i s'Z~ %J y jlr• Nrft Yr'�/jjlt �' ��•rc'� 'i p�'�' �4j J• y�l�f_ • y ,� i' -�. 'a` -Tx »♦ f. .:� •p7r �* •h.- •yy Jt��• �fa Lll • .'I�w•�iih�i�•rr7� 1\' t\��S.J•,(i.•J }0.e ti r �r ��i`:\ \..�.�„ r� f� \h, a •", I ;S + _ ' `i' •'�'.''C ��_' 4 '�„•�.x '''.' `, �dJN Yam: ..1 _v►�= ZOLIV "V-'IG' r 1� �_r:, �:�[[\�fl.lt.. .h`Kl'y B�;� ,*.'r��r t�'Zr \ 1 %^� r. {J�'i 11 1 `• �- rl _ : .L_ c7. 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Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; RE = Ephemeral Streams Legend C ,1 Project Study Limits - 6.2 Acres Stream Buffer © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier d Flag $ Field Data Station )Perennial Stream (R3) -.Intermittent Stream (R4) ] Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands ] Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Previously Confirmed by S&EC ® Stream Wetland Topographic Contours Major - 10ft - - - Minor - 1 ft 1. Preliminary waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. r d01.11Ullummr nfmcaar • T=Ttlal; Nr=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustnre Forested Wetland; PSS Palustn, Scrub -Shrub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW- Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams Rd Intermittent Streams; R6 Ephemeral Streams Legend 1. ,1 Project Study Limits - 6.2 Acres Stream Buffer © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier a Flag $ Field Data Station )Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) ] Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Previously Confirmed by S&EC ® Stream ®Wetland Topographic Contours — Major - 10ft - - - Minor - 1ft 1. Preliminary waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. III 111 1is 4,111 t/(11I11If/11/, 1 r, t , I 1-1 1 \/ \ 1 111I1f11f/Ill II11111' 111.11111` 1 Il- \ III /// / 11! I I l \ 111 -‘l% .A. : . f1.‘I sA II,1 rr/ r r r l/ l- 1 1 j \+ I I::':1 1`Igll/1-11iIr//•1_r 1^l;It1\,♦.r\\•, I ,1 f;In11R1,I1,)ll I IIII��\\`�\ l ';:1/1tI 11) C (IIII I / 1 > 1 I \ _ 1 ,t• \ } \ \=,_ .l '/ .0 / I-1{111 111 j11 I L�11 1 1 1 `. 44\t t , • 1 '' '. I, 1 1 , I/ 111 j 1 1 1 15.,. 'I. 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Preliminary waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 50 100 200 Feet \ \ \• -__ 1 / , ! _ le `• ` \• V.. \ /// / 1 1 / ` en/ 1 f yy,��y� 1 f — _ \ ..tit / }J�' 1 /'.{ �• Y / (�t� \ /T \ I 43•0; 1 1 ` \ I ` ♦ -~ Y' _' ` — I 1 _ .1 \ 1. \ / \ •' • 1 F+ r 1. r ♦ ♦ ` 1 �* / "_" \ :3� \ • /;. ; f• // , ,r •1 ,_ 1 \K 1' " ✓\`. N. 1 7�__ k \1 t yyr :1:4 t!�\♦ t:••:‘'.1:\‘: • • • :V% . . " : 4' [/ 9' f --^•'/ / /— - `, //;: 11 t '\ '1„\.. ll`I per-\ / ,. \ ♦ 8, / `f 1,-\Y: f __—__ d // / / /^/ • / \/ i A.�. t 1 t. Is \ -� 1'14. p I �. 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I • f\• '.4t.. r `1—\ • `i \'ice \`\`\\\`/// r�``ys;f ,'e` =` ram 41; ;\• X1 \ \ 1 • '\\;l\ J, /r\•r/s /'ram.`-/�\\ -•• • IJ 1 1 ' • _ _• \' t -....1 / �, 1 / /� / �/ `R l\I 't` ~ !/ t— • \•• /\ /t •1 / / 9 1 v • —' �/ * ) / / a. � ; I y�� _ _ _ /\ 1^ �.- �r, ' ". r'i�1" / 1 � 0 �--��� � 1.1 • „holt\L�/i� - / y/ / � +'"ry•N J \ l•J \� I^� y1 S :�.,i- I _ � _.�/• r. S�*,. r '4 rt' ;.h' ,\- _ V 1-\/ /. ♦ \1 \--/1 /\ `t / �\j\� •� •1 \ /, 'r\ ♦' \ ' ♦ L• o • • 110 • • • • a 41 • • • 0 (,) 0 O[illRIUFICX[amOuniritU 011111 DATE 04/04/2022 DRAWN BY C. LEATON DESIGNED BY C. LEATON CHECKED BY M. GILBERT SCALE ce 0 ce 8 g z ce JOB NUMBER 41804 SHEET NO. 4 of 5 2 r d01.11Ullummr nfmcaar ' T=Ttlal; Nr=Non-tidal; V=Vegetated; NV=Non-Vegetated; PFO=Palustrine Forested Wetland; PSS=Palustrine Scrub-Strub Wetland; PEM=Palustrine Emergent Wetland; POW- Palustrine Open Water, EIW= Estuarine Intertidal Wetlands; R3= Upper Perennial Streams; R4=Intermittent Streams; R6 = Ephemeral Streams Legend 1. ,1 Project Study Limits - 6.2 Acres Stream Buffer © Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier a Flag $ Field Data Station )Perennial Stream (R3) Intermittent Stream (R4) ] Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetlands Palustrine Forested (PFO) Wetlands Previously Confirmed by S&EC ® Stream ®Wetland Topographic Contours — Major - 10ft - - - Minor - 1ft 1. Preliminary waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2. Preliminary waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DWQ Stream Identification form version 4.11. 1, I" 1 1 1 I 1r" (I I r 11111rV'1 1 1 1 1 `1 1 1 1 1j1 1111 1 I 111,I „ 1 111111 I111111111.1 JI IJf1\,1 / 1! 1 r.M 1'1'1yJ J/! J11 1s1 / / .J!/i i // 1 11 \ 1 / //r1I ! \ 1 / 1 '1.1_I11 111 fIj1.1 'I". 111jIli- . 1' 11 % 1 t11' 11 I 1 \\ 1 , .1, J `%1 �l�a 11"trl i 1%1 i 111 \1 1 1\1 111 1 1 1 a \�h\�11l ! 111 11f/` "�1111.11 .10111%' at • — —: ''tee y U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET— Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) Project/Site: Ferguson Property - FM Corridor Applicant/Owner: Meritage Homes City/County: Garner/Wake Investigator(s): M. Gilbert, S. Law Landform (hillside, terrace, etc.): Crenulation Subregion (LRR or MLRA): LRR P, MLRA 136 Lat: 35.654859 Section, Township, Range: n/a Sampling Date: 03-29-2022 State: NC Sampling Point: FDS-33Z4-1 Local relief (concave, convex, none): Concave Slope (%): 5-8 Long: -78.606348 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: ChA: Chewacla and Wehadkee soils, 0-2% slopes, frequently flooded NWI classification: Upland Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes X No (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes X No Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No X Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Yes No X Remarks: This point was taken in a bowl at the top of a crenulation. According to the USAGE Antecedent Precipitation Tool, conditions onsite were normal with a moderate drougth index. HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required: check all that apply) Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Surface (B8) (C2) Imagery (C9) (D1) (D4) _ Water (A1) Aquatic Plants (B14) Sparsely Vegetated Concave _Surface _True High Water Table (A2) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Drainage Patterns (B10) _ _ _ Saturation (A3) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Moss Trim Lines (B16) _ _ _ Water Marks (B1) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Dry -Season Water Table _ _ _ Deposits (B2) Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) Burrows (C8) _Sediment _Recent _Crayfish Drift Deposits (B3) Muck Surface (C7) Saturation Visible on Aerial _ _Thin _ Algal Mat or Crust (B4) (Explain in Remarks) or Stressed Plants _Other _Stunted Iron Deposits (B5) X Geomorphic Position (D2) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ _ Water -Stained Leaves (B9) Microtopographic Relief _ _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No X Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Water Table Present? Yes No X Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes No X Depth (inches): (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: ENG FORM 6116-4-SG, JUL 2018 Eastern Mountains and Piedmont — Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata) - Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: FDS-33Z4-1 Tree Stratum (Plot size: 1. Liriodendron tulipifera 30 ft 2. Quercus falcate 3. Platanus occidentalis 4. Acer rubrum 5. Betula nigra 6. Absolute % Cover Dominant Indicator Species? Status 20 Yes FACU 15 Yes FACU 12 Yes FACW 8 5 No FAC No FACW 60 =Total Cover 50% of total cover: 30 20% of total cover: 12 Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 15 ft ) 1. Ilex opaca 2. Cornus florida 3. Acer rubrum 4. Liriodendron tulipifera 5. Fagus grandifolia 6. 50% of total cover: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 15 ft ) 1. Ligustrum sinense 20 Yes FACU 15 Yes FACU 12 No FAC 10 No FACU 5 No FACU 62 =Total Cover 31 20% of total cover: 13 2. Acer rubrum 3. Elaeagnus umbellate 4. Ilex opaca 5. Fagus grandifolia 6. 15 10 10 8 8 Yes Yes Yes No No 51 =Total Cover FACU FAC UPL FACU FACU 50% of total cover: 26 20% of total cover: 11 Herb Stratum (Plot size: 5 ft 1. Ligustrum sinense 2. Viola sororia 3. Lonicera japonica 4. Toxicodendron radicans 5. Carex blanda 6. Polystichum acrostichoides 7. 8. 9. 10. 15 Yes FACU 12 Yes FAC 10 Yes FACU 10 Yes FAC 8 No FAC 5 No FACU 60 =Total Cover 50% of total cover: 30 20% of total cover: 12 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft 1. Lonicera japonica 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover: 2 No 2 =Total Cover FACU 1 20% of total cover: 1 Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 4 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: 12 (B) Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 33.3% (A/B) Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Cover of: Multiply by: OBL species FACW species FAC species FACU species UPL species Column Totals: 0 x 1 = 0 17 60 148 10 235 x2= 34 x3= 180 x 4 = 592 x5= 50 (A) 856 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = 3.64 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 3 - Prevalence Index is <_3.01 4 - Morphological Adaptations (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody Plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in height. Herb - All herbaceous (non -woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody Vine - All woody vines, regardless of height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No X Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) ENG FORM 6116-4-SG, JUL 2018 Eastern Mountains and Piedmont - Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: FDS-33Z4-1 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture 0-2 10YR 4/3 100 2-8 10YR 4/4 100 8-18 10YR 5/6 100 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. Loamy/Clayey Loamy/Clayey Loamy/Clayey Remarks 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol (A1) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stratified Layers (A5) 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) _Thick Dark Surface (Al2) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Sandy Redox (S5) _ Stripped Matrix (S6) Dark Surface (S7) Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (MLRA 147, 148) _Thin Dark Surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 148) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (MLRA 136) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Depleted Matrix (F3) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) _ Redox Depressions (F8) Iron -Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR N, MLRA 136) Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 122, 136) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147, 148) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (MLRA 147, 148) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) _ Red Parent Material (F21) (outside MLRA 127, 147, 148) _Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Other (Explain in Remarks) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Remarks: ENG FORM 6116-4-SG, JUL 2018 Eastern Mountains and Piedmont — Version 2.0 ATTACHMENT 2 UPDATED IMPACT MAPS THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION N B L GARNER, ENVIRONMENTAL WAKE COUNTY, NORTH IMPACTS CAROLINA Sheet List Table I►►II►II I II' ►►\�� Sheet Number Sheet Title YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. "11-1 $;I ; ��� -- COVER SHEET �4 i. CWI-1.1 WETLAND IMPACT OVERALL PLAN itt, CWI-1.2 WETLAND IMPACT INSET PLANo �� , ��' lift CWI-1.3 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN DATE o5/04/E �� ‘Oreei CWI-1.4 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN DRAWN BY 331 TIMMONS GROUP .•. 1 �� 4�`,,''14 ' ' left . ,, ,, CWI-1.5 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN DESIGNED BY 331 Liiius CWI-1.6 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN CHECKED BY 331 �` ; CWI-1.7 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN 1 SCALE 1000 v. �r ♦ RR ai f CWI-1.8 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COVER SHEET ,• ,,` ,,, 1 1111 /111 CWI-1.9 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN •ami 411414111 ♦ i CWI-1.10 DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN �•' / CWI-1.11 BORE PIT ACCESS PATH DETAIL ����,� / ,,,� f C8.5 OFFSITE FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE �I� Allo ell or. , C8.6 OFFSITE FORCEMAIN PLANB & PROFILE it i I� • ,` 44 C8.7 OFFSIGHT FORCE MAIN PLAN & PROFILE 11 1;;� . /• C8.8 OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE , ) ;,��� ��;�i# /ir..a.#4 ,' C8.9 OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE ���� �- 4 C8.10 OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE �I -Ailit-' C8.11 OFFSITE FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE 44 1104 bAildiA. "t 141 4� �/ O4 4 , ilk VICINITY MAP SITE DATA TABLE: 1KHOWWhat'sbelOW. ..-....k r#0, 1" = 1000' Callboreyou C1�I6eforeyoudig. TOTAL AREA: 167.53 ACRES TOTAL WETLANDS: 6.41 ACRES (279,032 SF) TOTAL STREAMS: 3,257 LF ]BB NOiloli 4 SHEET1804 NB. THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION .1 ' • o / — EXISTING PUMP STATION FOR FORCE MAIN TIE Ai II. • I0 /-N -> o,, ` 44( YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. mei wow* ill y,z ..� 1S 1 CLIFFORD ROAD SCALE 1 "=500' � � W it �. Ti ` P it,' ��= EXISTING WETLANDS iti� q% /'� W `�'� A A -� 6 0 •00.`• Elt 1°011?tfte to: STREAM AND WETLAND LOCATIONS, �.', ✓� TAKEN FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS, / 0 500' 1000' o z DAIt 05/04/2022 DR 331BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 1 TIMMONS GROUP SURVEY, AND ' !'►� `��;.. PROPERTY BOUNDARY TIMMONS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL ' � � iN / / CHECKED BY 0 ar c_rjr......4M„,.....Hb„,*, „,,,A, /Art, 1.77 24/ ',,---,.--14011p- Pf litPROPOSED FORCE R1 `rI� I,,,',1�'��;,� 4\ 18 j', Ty . SCALE 1„ - soo A/i / fir/ 1/ MAIN EASEMENT r.� �` -��, ♦- / , vu,_F� OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND IMPACT OVERALL PLAN , �i� :.. Ati. ./ .ilice` 6, ' f �' .= R°,� LEGEND (0,- �,� ♦14 m / r I- j ,0L' . or'�401- ' "' - l '�� �'� NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER // /1 o S l ,� .N. �' �'� �''II�� `` _.'�I (milfti _� ` �� \ �� �' f WETLANDS TIMMONS GROU , ,t _-. 1/ii /�' �/ OVERHEAD POWER EASEMENT ��) EXISTING WETLANDS 14 �_ i t. x •• ,w n" `I zi i / ,'. /' ram/ �� - / EXISTING WETLANDS 1 /4*,- (\. * /�,,///• �/�, ,r'' 50' STREAM BUFFER ,``y 0 'ft jIII _ ft/�%�Mk IkW" ti 4 Hilhfire 4 ! �f '� : ;r EXISTING STREAM SITE DATA TABLE: ��. i►�Ali.do 1 �;I;'� 'Willi1 '�� .1.�:1,41'l44j� � ;�:! , �.,� ►,- i,t$'; � `_✓ TOTAL AREA: 167.53 ACRES , Ns ro : i%A EXISTING PUMP STATION : rb/s/J,,/ " - STREAM i / , �V i ■ �!'' \ . � _/`�`,,,,, � � _ ,_' i EXISTING STREAM ' `� !weal � I /� \` �. / TOTAL WETLANDS: 6.41 ACRES (279,032 SF) TOTAL STREAMS: 3 257 LF /v4r�/ \ \ PROPERTY LINE 411,1V ‘..ii/._ (/ Ia� 4417/4 �� .114 $1 2- 0 ' •A i' a itil� Irl �� 4 vie �' EXISTING WETLANDS ll, 50' STREAM BUFFER -, ice}- -";;PROPOSED PUMP STATION --s »> »»»> '«zz�zzzzz: 'FOR FORCE MAIN BEGINNING Ili Ajjjjjjjjjjjjj; i / 41804 SHEET NO. ' MT EXISTING PUMP STATION � /' WN SCALE 1 "=1,000' * FOR FORCEMAIN TIE IN THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION '' 0 1,000' 2,000' �'.����'%' CLIFFORD ��iIIi II -\V/ ___ ♦ ♦ / ♦♦ /. •,.,�_ _ �� ROAD - WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: ��j ;, ,lg , �ill CWI-1.10 • 4 _ •• Illii \ - milky- ' ♦ ri_ � �(�"%� PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS -GREEN � utu ��♦ 1 / � ��;' �1 �1j11 f`• :EFL TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN fp, / /� _fi / \ �� \� ��C ea ,� = P PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK �; , \�• Ij.. - 'IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS DARK GREEN i♦ i� 'all l0 PROPOSEDis OFF -SITE FORCEMAIN d � �, \ ` �11at/i47/IIJ" .IIIIIIpIIII TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. - =-IIIIII IIII TEMPORARY POW WETLAND S DARKBLUE Aj • PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE l�l-a Q ffri km Afir oagionSTREAMS TAKEN FROM !NEW PERMANENT STREAM RED ' �• ET HEL z ���1 l00)- WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA, ROA, ik.! --_-t-�--- TEMPORARY STREAM NAVY �/� �, TIMMONS GROUP SURVEY, AND �!`.`����, �\�1.7 _``` sink 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK DA, 05/C4/2022 % 10 �44 '''OI4r TIMMONS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL i �,� • N: �� "#� � - /� A ��� 7 sink 3 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN DRAWN BY 331 IfII���;1t,%� ( ��i�i i � -,��• CWI-1.4 4t CWI- 1.8 ; 1%I1//��it ��,'�S�✓ ���' --I /11 ��� 4'7 2 DESIGNED BY 331 :' 41)1 � i ♦ e��; Oat 111 r/ ,'/ ♦ �, ;���I� . %' CWI 1.3 ,,� f kFFFFF'rd 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN 16 III 1!! I� ,, ft� ��, i�l . � BBA CHECKED ,i 1 h/jijjj PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10', ,��� �!":+6 I/ BORE PIT ACCESS �� s PATH dill/ '�'?oiriiil ,' . ° , LEGEND SCALE 1„= 1000 a �c �� ,� VI �,; ���%I, EXISTING PUMP STATION ljlfi,� , NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER j/ OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND IMPACT INSET PLAN 1 / �,'/n� •-i� t1i��, SWIFT CREEK CWI-1.5 )�� ��, t ♦����������� v o';' ► 1$,'� • ��% 1 � �� / .. ♦ SITE DATA TABLE: WETLANDS " W� W" W� W" �����j� �1������1�`� CWI-1.7 � a.., :. /�� ■.� �• I. 11♦ �� aft'. �� �� iik�,�'i �, r ,,�1����I� � 1 ��;, • �� ,���; TOTAL AREA: 167.53 ACRES 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 111111��� =Imo .. \ \dr \�, TIMMONS GROLJ �# �� ��111111 ♦,- •.� �� ���, ���. TOTAL WETLANDS: 6.41 ACRES (279 032 SF) ���� �� �,1 ��3. �i 1��p�!���o\\ �OJ TOTAL STREAMS: 3,257 LF STREAM 1,... .gr-- EXISTING ,..4-.��1.,, ,...,e Are 1111 11110F 4(0 CWI-1.6 0 ,1 WETLANDS ` /4 $° g % ' P 'a,kb / I WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS sue .............. , o/ PFO WETLAND IMPACT POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS STREAM IMPACT 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT MAP SHEET IMPACT NUMBER IMPACT SPECIFICATION PERMANENT PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM TEMPORARY INDIRECT , TEMPORARY PERMANENT PERMANENT TEMPORARY (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (LF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) I (AC) (SF) (AC) CWI-1.3 CWI-1.4 CWI-1.4 CWI-1.4 CWI-1.4 CWI-1.5 CWI-1.8 CWI-1.9 CWI-1.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ROAD FILL&GREENWAY GREENWAY CONSTRUCTION SCM OUTFALL GREENWAY CONSTRUCTION SCM OUTFALL SAN. SEWER OUTFALL SANITARY FORCEMAIN SANITARY FORCEMAIN SANITARY FORCEMAIN 6259 0.1437 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2710 0.0622 1214 0.0279 2515 0.0577 - - - - - - - - 1316 0.0302 - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 221 0.0051 83 0.0019 - - 164 0.0038 - - - - - - 320 0.0073 1900 0.0436 2029 0.0466 22 0.0005 484 0.0111 - - - - - - 130 0.0030 - - 264 0.0061 1681 0.0386 299 0.0069 JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. CWI-1.2 TOTAL 6259 10.1437 6439 10.1478 0 10.0000 1316 10.0302 31 1221 10.0051 247 10.0057 222010.0510 253510.0582 237410.0545 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION c f f-/ /jam J/ / ./ -1 ^�! Z �.. v /. \ - - - -Q > 1 of ��-/11\v�� /k� /Ji^I—ill\,-/� r ..) -- / \ MH 23 5' DIA / V CB 310 .. • % ._ -/ �-,11\\\� � � � `\ ��� �� � �� v CB 309, , \ _ •/ / -�� � ^ _ `)� l ��,��<� \ � N' % — \_ N - _--„,,,,. ��=-� • \' -. _yam-\ \ \\ � �'\\\ �\ \ \ �\'—.\�\\ N. N, N , \ \ \ \ • A , �< A A °"k�\ \ \\ v \ \ 1 ( \ Z SCALE - 0 50' 100' WETLAND &STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN / , , _ r v �r _ / CB 312 Q� - '�; Il.Ji� -/ ,. �s�.�, './ ���\ - �` �r �`_-,�-\`�- .�:._ \ \ \� \� \ �/ \ \ \ I 1 `' I TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS LIGHT PINK YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. f, l��i�� / �� ��,� I \ JI a:Eiwl! \ 1 \ I I ,' / ►Tiligl .�, III v V ;;= / I -1 I:t: DARKGREEN VIOLET � lY. — 4\ / / \I. •\\ - ' `• Ir - \ \ \ \ 1 1 \ .MII�� - - CB 311� © �1�!e_..: r/ IiII , \ `\ \ 1 vl!/��• - \\ I \ \ 1 (` IIIIII1111 — TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE - /150(B) I / iji�lii Il=-,----.1,ig r / ' ` / 1 I 1 1 / I \ - - r \ 1 ; -, �% i iil ►� --�.rr - - w=:;� \ ( ` , \ J r� ;\ / ', \ [ \ �,�,� N. POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS A t 05/04/2022 I- _ ;�i �I�-�'°= IP� --n 11 ; , \ , _ 1� \ I t --� PERMANENT LOSS) STREAM ORANGE ,I,_ , III ; (NO - 1 11- = a,' °'"`: ''I;.a:`���t� \ 1 I ~ DRAWNe 331 ^ � ' , I IIL�j1 i C/�. �. I r \ ' -. -� l i6 21 0 11_11:.7� ,� I�� ! " n n PERMANENT STREAM - RED i / C / `• .Ilia'!—: t / -` — \ / — e_ / � , li I� © _ / II! '� - - Ili1... r �A �"CB ,.. .0:4141 """- TEMPORARY STREAM NAVY DESIGNED BY 331 \ ! I B 308 / / -'u �` �N��-� //- i// / `� 207-` ,. / -.. .. IIIV �, ally M 4`^� - I -� / 1\� dimik 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT PINK CHECKED BY 331 / .� � " CB 209, �= I:,1 % / / 1 •� ,s= ..ji—H PERMANENT PFO WETLAND IMPACT 1 / - `+_ L, 1� / / \\ �IYI� 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN Ji! PERMANENT ROAD FILL AND GREENWAY = 4,781 SF \ 'Till •J'FES 208 >CN921 • / i'� .; /0i FL►,'ice'`SCALE ' /h % i 30:__.;a ;. �� dip r `'•.� 1' 1C �_© ( 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT YELLOW 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN r = so OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN { \ / / /.- i1i%! / �i:_! �` FES 212, N MH 25�' ��'. POI/�/ / ( - - -.:, w it j1, ` -.. r� , . ` PRE -CONSTRUCTION I / /i / DRAINAGE AREA: i✓ //„ay POST -CONSTRUCTION / �Po DRAINAGE AREA: 0.84 AC / 9 I. /' " 1/ 1 BOARDWALK ' ( , .,`�/ 1 1 \ I I J t */ l / \ \-, / / / \ / - / _ _ �/ '_\ U \( ` / . // ^" _ _ f �� �� PERMANENT PFO L :•.:•l► X/ �✓CB J.-.� j41 / / ^ J� ,� / f n� , WETLAND IMPACT 1 ,.1/,-)K 204`~ ,/ . //i/ 4 r TIMMONS GROU DESIGNED BY / \ '- / I OTHERS Y / / / / J ,'r _ j i \ / / / / — - / / 1 i �_��.,��/ 11 /j// PERMANENT ROAD FILL r' f / / -7_ / / _ 1,478 SF /,/ /V v. - / ; f f ( ( �/ 1 1> A I / 1 [� / POTENTIAL INDIRECT WETLAND LOSS IMPACT 1v ( ��1��h,. \�!���� ` I I 1 �/ - I I / /,) / / � �/ / 1 ' / ✓ �// / // / /////,-\�,I'- / / / / 7 //� / / , / / / l - / / - / — ) / N/ )� // / / / / / / // "\-, i / / - / - V / _ / / �- i //i� I J.i ( / r/ / //' i / / 1 1 I i r // I / 1 / I% \ / / / - // . —\ _ . 1- /f \r \ ( \ v � � , / � \ , /S /� =JJ__,IIII 1,� / f _ // 1 / // / / ` 0 ) l �S ) 1 [ /l ,\ \\ \ / .- ) CB203 vac 1 I ( I ` 1� - i PROPOSED 10 GREENWAY - ,,1 WITH 20 EASEMENT , ( / -�_ ,- / / / /' � D1 202 _„ / / p- Z /..." / / _ / 1 / ' / / / / / / f 1,316 SF �d" I1 •H/l ,l.� / / / � / / r f � // \ / / /\ i �/ ��, ,� / ,•r / ��,►i�� 1 V A 1 � �d I 1 /I 1111 fI �1 111�\ II1 / // ;/' I I� ) J / / / / l I 1 [ / / (/ / / Il ? l/ / ) / /, /I / / JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. CWI-1.3 r1 �/ ��\\�l /-- ) / / r/ _� I / ,/ 1 l r�r' / " ' �\�� v 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 2 .) / f 1 > / A 5 WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION � 4PERMANENT / I / \�\` \\ ) ) r\ , FOR GREENWAY CONSTRUCTION ')1 / f �) / - > 1\ \ 1C J I I) 2,029 SF ' ,, / r I \ �\ \- PERMANENT 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 2 , / / l /) ` % / / I ;j'' r/ •' ", / / / I > /I / /1(`I\ ` \ FOR GREENWAY CONSTRUCTION '// ( \ . ) I 1145/(Bh II _\ �.-- 83 SF �. 1 11! I ` / / r i 1 TEMPORARY 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 3 11 / s \ / I I r I )- / 1 / / ) / / r / •.'„ -Q / J frv, \ / FOR SCM OUTFACE ,/ ,1�'- /!y v II 130 SF �•l R / ,-' ,/I <'r� \, '\ `�MI , / !�)) / ( 14i5(IB % I < PERMANENT 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 3 / �!1 / y �r '� 1 i �r'::`1. f- ' \ ,` / I / YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 1 ' - �' FOR \ l r ti 7 B I _ / �/ — i / I ( — ! SCM OUTFALL / , / 1 <Ii111 22 SF I / J , 1 \ \ / �, / I / 1 1 ) , 1 / I t r -� 1 ♦ 1 \ \ DA, osvao/zozz \ / ^ . f) / / 1 1" J/! F S-SCM 2 I /� l r `I \ 1 ( r I \ l`r r 1� - 1 // / / , i -/ -SCM / 1 \ 1 l f ) r/ I \ \ I � / ) 1 r/ ^/ I\r / 1\ .fj _i /, / /l ) \ ((( 1�� I �1 I^ 1/ / J/ �� / l 1 ` I ) r\ (p) r ! I \ /1 / / )� , 1 I \ 1 ! 1 J \ A I \ r ( 1 - / \ / 1 (� �/ll (r l r I 1 , / ! ( I / / / V fi'l //! 1%/ / 1 /j2'— \ ^� / \ 1 ,,/ / J 1411 'II\`4\( \\\\ �Ii ) lIS (B)l _� ,r / !S, ,\N. .� A� /1 rJ) j \ J / / //-/ /41 1l 1 J ,� �S' . / J 1 r / ) Il AI l ,. -' y� P` ., ' 2 36 V PROPOSED WITH , \ x 36 inch RISER_ . \ l , L„ p �� f�\ n� n \ J./ - .'' ...../ (- �. ,. 1 r/, \ \ >� � ) IV 10 GREENWAY 20' EASEMENT DRAWN By 331 DESIGNED By 331 CHECKED BY 331 SCALE 1"=50' OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN TIMMONS GROU r I ! / 1 io`-. // ) / 1 VAV��aA���jy� I \���\, �IiG ��ti \\\\ ������\ • i\ �� v '- - \ K \\ \ r l - 1 \ \ �.� ✓ \ \\ / I / _ 1 V - ' _ / \ \ I PERMANENT 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 4 > — . �� i / I I I I FOR GREENWAY CONSTRUCTION SCM 3 48 X , 8 inch RIS• _ \ 1 .l' \ \ l 484 SF - 1 / . ! i !j `�� (�� 1 1 I ` \ \ FES-SCM 3 1 ��I )11� \' \ \ �%\ I \ l \ lG \ _ / , ' - ' r ) �1 ) 111 j%mil \ 1\ I I I 1 L \ \� \ \ i, (� I 30' RCP ,-; is ,. • ,", l 1 / �� 1 / \ 1 i I - _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 - ,,,,,,,,,/,..."���__:--/� �_ 1/ \ \ \ 1 l ` — — 1" PVC r / \ \� i • I \ l 8" PVC / , , / /'III \ \ ' \ TEMPORARY 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 5 _ !� g PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN =ERE TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN L I PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN = TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET . IIIIII„-1111 TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE I, I / / `.%� ) /• _, /• 'r1 ) \ S r ' / /\\\ ( \ (I � ^ \IA1 \� / --ii�11\ Il A , 1 1 \ \ �1)\)? \ L PERMANENT l 1_ FOR SCM OUTFALL \ \~ 320 SF \ i 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 5 . SRC._ POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE �.4 ,l , 1 /7' f // i• / I ) / l 1 (% / .�' 1 • ( ( l\ N. / I / .•� 1 / I j/ 1 ) - ,, / // ^ / ill/ FOR SCM OUTFALL — / I f/ / ��l 164 SF \ \\ \ \ " \ TEMPORARY 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 5 X X PERMANENT STREAM - RED ra"# Imo' TEMPORARY STREAM NAVY SCALE 1 "=50' diii% 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK �IYI% 3 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT BROWN •' /� /// I I / FOR SCM OUTFALL \ ,'•. / N / //, / / / /�� • 264 SF \ \ / \ 1 \� \ p (� / / / ' \ \ \ — / \ -- \\ _� 1 l •- / 1 \ \ \ /\ \ \ _/� l� _ / - / 1 �� is \ ` \ 0 50' 100' VrrrrF 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW JOB NO. 41804 ki+ rit 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN SHEET NO. CWI-1.4 / \ ��� /,��/ / / / ,// -, / /.-I-•'• THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION �, , / / / / //,/ /� , , ,�!/ / /,/,/� ,///// �- r / •--// i / / / // /© / / / / / / / / , \ / / / / 4/ / / / / �', � / / .1/ / / / / / / / / / PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS IMPACT 6 o / / / / / / / , / / ���� / / / / / // FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION // /`. , / / / /' / ��//' // // / / // / U 2,710SF / / / / / • /fix / // ��/ / r\ - r /// / / / /// // /� 75� 6� �\ri // / /J/ 1 f� _ --- \/'' /', - //,r�,f�/!/�r / / / / / /\. / // / /� / ��. x / t , /� n/\� ' ) TEMPORARY 30' ZONE 1 STREAM IMPACT 6 SCALE 1"=50' / / / // /\ _ I / 1�J DIP �OTECTO, / �. / // \ / / / / / / / / / , / , _ _ _ _ I -. d,._ / // // //// /, -// >/ ff //L / // 30 UTILITY EASEMENT J/ i .I..,. L.L.L; I' i'� / FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION _ 1 1,900 SF 1 / // / rJ / / /, -- /\/ / / // _ /, ^ -- J _ / -- / / / > 11. YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 0 50 100 / / / / o / / / / / \�� i °.j1-:1. // / /// // / / , , / /v i\ / / /// //// //// I/ A � J \� / // / / �— \lip \ /, )_ / �%/ 1_\% /I$ ////, / / / i / /TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 6 ' / / / / \ , / — i \ j.'.j'.19:' 4' , :'11• •IIr •I• •� ire 4I+III' ,,I^,%i\ .L.l...i..:ir �!g!'. ..a . i . '. •'••• , I I i ,.° , / /o /�l/ r / r c i / / /// l / / / �, r , / (�MH 4 r / / ( J / / — �\I I/ 1I / / / / / / I / / / } A t os oa zozz I / // //// / / / / (�// FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION . �� I 1 1 ' /// / / // / / I // 31 LF/221 SF; ( r1 I I... [ /\ 1 148/ \ ,/r ( / / / i \l Z. r" 1 ( :/.lam -.21 I > / —) ( ( DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 230 230 ..; I I i` I I I i v \°i i� \/ �1 \/ r J 1 \ 1 / / / \ CHECKED BY 331 225 \-\\ � RIMS MUST OR 12" VENT EXISTING BE RAISED ABOVE GRADE, STACK TO GRADE 3' ABOVE Q100 SEAL -TIGHT &%�/ 3 ABOVE Q100 MH 74 TOP 227.60 I / / 1 225 !� p / -s( / I I l I I I l\ / .r/ ,/� / l IVIf j / , 1/ 1 ./ / / 1 1I 1 / r tr \I l\ 1 J /fS�� f�/ JI0�� 7 �/ \/, ',// \ , , �/ / // I / 12 PVC - SDR 35 / / / / /// ) /1 � l I / �/ 1 / / 1 ( l ,i �/� -!/ i ( 1 // (/ 7/if/ 1 1 _> y i I ( t 1 / o • � /' 4 / / / / / // 1 / / \. J $p( I CALE i - so OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN 220 " RJ j�j 268 DIP 401 PROTECTO 1.02% ��� �i-• ...��/ LF 20" THICK �_ INV OUT 218.06 STEEL 0.375" CASING PIPE - (104-103) / 220 // h^ / �/r �� �✓, \� \ // ( / / / / / / / I \ / / '/: / / r / •r11 / / / / / // ) - / I / i ` / / ( `, / / v / ) ✓ r ( / / ( / r - 1 7r, i / / - 7Jt / I l / j / ��/�/I/�,// l((/,'."l'/ ,�-( `1'X -r 3$1(�) I '4 / ' / / / I// , TEMPORARY 20' ZONE 2 STREAM IMPACT 6� /it TIMMONS GROU T �6e-r /ce.„ _ _ _ / / / / // ........................ �� �� � „,,,�j�- / /' �( ,/ ,' - / //�' / / % 4 FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 1 SF , -14IN i_ \ \1.681 \ I '' r /i( ' 1 1' 1 / ,, / / // / \) ! / 82(IB) // / EMBEDMENT 37 // /'/ / / ,, / • -1 — 10' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: 215 —MH 75 1 ^` EMBEDMENT 215 Wk PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS GREEN TOP 227.78 INV OUT 221.00 (SE) BMW TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN DEPTH 6.78 -50' MAX SPAN CLASS 1 RIP PROTECTION, RAP SLOPE TYP. . JIIIII1111 PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN STREAM LOCATION IIIIII„=1111 TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET 210 210 IIIIII-1111 """ TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE -0+50 0+00 K N cV 1+00 K 2+00 cc; �,� ai 3+00 3+50 I POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE N N N N N ' ' 1 PERMANENT STREAM - RED `'"" TEMPORARY STREAM NAVY - -0+50 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 3+50 di'•1'•i'dl 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT -PINK IMPACT 6 PROFILE diMik 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN JOB NO 41804 HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW "=5 SHEET NO. CWI-1.5 VERT SCALE: 1 krri+ 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' STAGING AREA ACCESS PATH \ /�_ V� FUTURE LOCATION OF MAGNOLIA 7 177 LF BOARDWALK PARK CRUSHED CONCRETE TRAIL DESIGN 30' FORCEMAIN EASEMENT / �900 0 0 0 0 0 0 o FEMA100j PFO WETLANDS / 50' STREAM BUFFER 20'X40' DIRECTION BORE STAGING AREA �/ I ��i/ / % •/l PROPOSED 10' GREENWAY WITH 20' EASEMENT / -/01'114 DIRECTIONAL BORE 230 LF 12" C-900 % ` /�/1 DR18 o MA100 \ ` NO CLEARING TO BE DONE IN EASEMENT AREA BETWEEN BORE PIT LOCATIONS iN. J r 1 (I< e/ I/ / 20'X40' DIRECTIONAL BORE STAGING AREA - I\� 1I PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' i STAGING AREA ACCESS PATH IV / < C 1 \) 30' UTILITY EASEMENT 220 / / / / 220 215 \ \ BOARDWALK DESIGNED BY OTHERS. 10' PIER SPAN — n.nn°i / / / /2 00° . O°\° q,� 215 210 LIMITS OF 100 YR f 1 ELEV: 1.5' ABOVE YR FLCOD 214.5 100 PLAIN 2�10 205 FLOOD PLAIN ^ \, _1 CENTERLINE OF ELEVATION STREAM LIMITS FLOOD (213') OF 100 YR PLAIN — 205 10" F7F 11+nn 14+nn 1F+nn 1Rf 0 SCALE 1 "=50' 50' 100' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: WOO :IIIIII-1111 aiSS ;IIIIII„„-1111 ;IIIIII„-1111 ;IIIIII„„-1111 vfY4 FAVAVAVAVAVA diMik PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE PERMANENT STREAM - RED TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN • • • • • • • DAIt 05/04/2022 DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 CHECKED BY 331 SCALE WETLAND IMPACT w H 0 ELI JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. CWI-1.6 E V// r \\ \\ \ \\,I I\ \ 7 \\ \\ \ \ \\�\\\ \ I \ 1 \ \\ ' '/ \ 1 1\\ I \ THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION , A /\/ \ I y/ 1/ \ \ /, \ / \ \ I I \ \\ \\ �\\ \ \ J\\�\\\\\ \\ 1 I\�\ \ i11 \i A • A\1.V°� A\ 1V \\\II°III IlI 11 I I fll Jill IPllIl ,I 1 X'yI 17l II II I \ jI I II \i/AX\\ I 1 1 1i188( �\\I 1 I ��\\ \\ 1 \ \\ \ / , I , I I 1 I I \\ \ �, I I I \ \ N \ \/ / I I I \ I I 1 \,l SCALE 1 "=50' .r-- \ \ l I j , /yrI/ II I I I Y �/` I 0 50' 100' \ \ / / % j �/ \\ \ 1 //�/ %// i - I, �/ - / / / / /°//-/ // / /' //, / / 4/ /,^,°! /1/// 1 1 ! /� /I 1 I , i 1 I 1 I I I I I 21 1 I I \ , ' 1 x \ �\ 1 \ 1 / — , / , / i / , / / / , , // / / / / 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I \ \ II WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. / �/ /� / /, ` j / / I //, ,6%/ ///T/ I I I ` \ PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS GREEN / < _ _ _ // / 1! l l ,I I I I \Iw! \ / / /� / ` I / 1/, .../ / 1 / . lII I \ IIIIIIIII TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN STREAM FROM TIMMONS GROUP _ \ / I I I / /° I 1 \ 1 SURVEY AND ENVIRONMENTAL / ��_ �_ — , / I / /�/ ! / / ! /I 1 _ \ r - PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK / • _ _ I /�% /� / I 1 1 I 1 I xl 1 / / / �:� -� / ' 1 1 /!! �e/ I � 1 / I 1 I I I I N I \ 'IIIIII-1111 —, "— TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN C / \ \ I 1 41 ° 1 I 11 10l I I 11 \ / / / `�. \ 11 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I ` IIIIIIIIII TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET / \ 1 �I III 1 1 I I I I 1 \ `� N ,\ / / / / 30 FORCE 1 MAIN EASEMENT �� ° 1 I 11 \ \ \ \ \ IIIIII-111 —,,,,,,— TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS DARK BLUE DA, 05/oa/z0zz 1 1 I d I I 1 / /, / \ I \ `\ I I I 1 I I 1 Io1 N. 1 I \ ` I I` I `\ \ _ :` - — \ \ \ \ L 1 POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS DRAWNBY 331 / / , / \ I I I l I I I I \ '. I I I\ � ` \ ;������1 PERMANENT (NO LOSS)STREAM ORANGE DESIGNED BY 331 / / I _ — 1 I I ' I 1 1 1 1 1 `\� �� \ / 1 I I I / `\ PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE I \ \ 1 • \ \l�' PERMANENT STREAM RED I . , _ \ \ \ `\ \ BY 331 I I / 1 1 1 I //• \ \ I \ C \ \CHECKED 11 I' I I o°l I I \ \ Cam: O TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY I 1 k / I ! / — \ \ .1 I'. , 1 d 1 I \ \ \ \ �\ ��x N \ I / 1 \ \ ; I N I \ \ \ \ - \ \ dlil% 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK SCALE 1 1 I / I / I I I I 1 ei 1 ` N \ �— I �� dlil% 3 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT BROWN OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN / \ 1 \ `_ _ .....\--- 11 I `� �" / / 1 \• 11 I I \ 11\� \ — _ _ — _ \ \.' \ \ VrFFrd 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW // // \ \ \ \ \ \I•I\ / / / I 1 1 i i - - _ - - - ; \ �\ \ I \111\1 °� kF���F� 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT TAN / / 1 I 1 \ — _ �\ \ 1 I\ - 0 — — — �. \ \ // // // I \/ i 1 \ j1 II 1 1 11 I I 1 �\ _ 11\�\`,,�� 0-FEMA700r'°_ \ �\ ,N \\\\\\. \\ \ \/\ \ \ \ ,\ , \\ N N\ LEGEND TIMMONS GROU ,� PROPERTY LINE / / / / / / I \I j \ 11 1 , \__ �\ I I I Il — N., ��-� \ \ \ I � �°\, ` ©\\ \\ \ \ \ \ NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER / j / ! I 1 / 1 I 1 — \ 1 `\ II 1 / / / / 1 1 1 I 1 1 / , i I \ \ \ \ o I I I 1 I 1 —__ \� o I i ,.. ,I I II' 1 I II / WETLANDS �W�W�W�W. / N \ _ _ _ / / / \ / / \ / _ 1 , I \ /1 1 I \ \ 1 I l I I __ NN l \ \ �\ \ \ gel ` \ PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' / / STAGING AREA ACCESS PATH I / / / I 1 /� / �/ // �/! / / / / ! / 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o 0 0 0 STREAM — — • _ _ , — STREAM FROM •\ -`\� WAKE COUNTY �GISDATA \/ � \ \ \\ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ `\ \\ \\ 1 \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ 1 \ \ ----/ / . / 1► 1 \ \ \ \ II / I / / // /:11— 1/ / 1 1 I • `\\ \ �11---�///// I \ I l \ \I'1./ _ •` \ ! • / 1 \ / J. •1 1 `---\ /ii 1,.,,/," 1 1 , °/ / � — // / / / // / �! / / / ✓/ //// / / / 4// — Y/ / / / / 2//// //�//7. / / 77 ./ / // ///2///,.' /i/ / //// / / /// / ///t/// /�/�/ / / / / / / / / / / FUTURE �/ // / ,/ 1/ / �' / //i// / //� PARK GREENWAY / /7 // / / / /// // // / / , °I I/ / / / / / /�, / 1 / 1 1.1/ l / / / / / , / c l / /. / / I //i/i / / , \ ///// / / ////\/I / / �/ / / LOCATION OF MAGNOLIA // / / ��� / / / \\ I , \ \ 1 \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ I \ 1\ 1 1. PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE 1 / 1 / I / / \ \ / I \ 1 I /(� 1 `/ I i I — 1 1 /I / JOB NO. 41804 \ \ 1 \ 1 1 I I 1A 1 `. \ \ I \\ \ ! , 1' \ \D\ \ \ \ 1 I 179(C) / I \ I\ o 1 I �3 hl,, 1 l \\ \I 1/�/ ` / `� 1.` °\ \ \ `. \� ` \�� \. i i _ SHEET NO. CWI 1.7 PFO WETLANDS / / / PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 7 FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION .1214SF 20'X40' DIRECTIONAL BORE STAGING AREA PROPOSED FORCE MAIN 30' FORCE MAIN EASEMENT / / NO CLEARING TO BE DONE IN EASEMENT AREA BETWEEN BORE PIT LOCATIONS DIRECTIONAL BORE 250 LF OF 12" C-900 DR18 PFO WETLANDS 20'X40' DIRECTIONAL BORE STAGING AREA \ '. SCALE 1 "=50' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: :IIIIII1111 IIIIII1111 PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE PERMANENT STREAM - RED TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN LEGEND NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER WETLANDS 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN STREAM EXCAVATION NOTE: BORE PITS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH A MIX OF DRILL RETURNS AND MINOR EXCAVATE MATERIAL. SUITABLE TOPSOIL WILL BE SEGREGATED AND USED AS THE FINAL SOIL LAYER IN THIS LOCATION AND SEEDED TO RESTORE THIS AREA TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS • • • • 0 E f DA, 05/04/2022 DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 CHECKED BY 331 SCALE WETLAND IMPACT JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. CWI-1.8 , \ / \ ge o / i / \ — —/� \/ `�_ / / y \ / / / / / / / , \ / / / / \ \ \ / / /// /// / / / / _ _ — / / \ \ / — — // // / /� / \i / / ,- \ / // \— l // // / __\ / / / / / / ' \ / / / ' / / \ / / / / / / \ / / / / / SCALE 0 1"=50' 50' 100' THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. / / \ \ / / / 1 / / /// / / / l / SEEDING NOTE: RESEEDING SHOULD BE COMPLETED MIX OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. WITH ERNST SEEDS NC PIEDMONT FACW/1:' / / l DAt 05/04/2022 / _ _ / \ WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: DRAWNBY 331 PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 8 / c W g PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN DESIGNED BY 331 FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION / \ _ / ;IIIIII„pIIII TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN CHECKED BY 331 662 SF \ I -' / / EMI PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK 6 •i, o l r =so' � / / / CI €IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS DARK GREEN \i ,� \i M / OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN / / / €IIIIII-IIII TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET — _\ / / ( ni �, • / / / / IIIIII„JIII TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE PFO WETLANDS / PFO WETLANDS l POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS / / / M c�����c���. / 11� �.•.❖. PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM ORANGE ):• 114::74;0.0�tA�_ TIMMONS GROU �� / �� PERMANENT STREAM RED �, r�r�►����� �� / ;2''0'0':: .. TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY I . diMik 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK ` PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLAND IMPACT 8 \ di1�% 3 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION i • -- . FrrrrrP 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - YELLOW 1 1853 SF / . _ — -\ — [IH-H-d 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN / / / / ---.., \ • / / PFOWETLANDS LEGEND �.fr �.fr fr �.fr �s\� / N, \ / / \ 'i. 'i. i, \fr \i, \ NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER / N l \ v v v v v \ — — \ WETLANDS ,,, .. ,,, .. \ \ `f'-^1, `fr A\i, `i' `i' `i' `i' \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ v\\ \ _ \ — .\ .1.\.1, \i. \i. .—�J -- \\ 1 // \ -____ \ / / 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 0 0 0 0 STREAM —...— \ ----, \ \\ v / / \ \ 4. 4. .i `.i, \ — — \ \ / / \ \ - . > / / / // —. \ \ ��a / / / / \ \ \ N�\�� \fr .. / ( N N \ •I. \ e6r .I. / / / / / N N \ \ � fr � I� � � \ � � / / / / / / JOB No. 41804 \ \ \fr .I.` \li \\k li \ \ C / / % / / N \ �\ .\ / SHEET No. CWI-1.9 \ SCALE 0 WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT m Z 1 "=50' 50' 100' LEGEND: THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION \ \ \fr\ \ �. \ \frf� W PFO ETLANDS `\\ \ . \ .i. \ \ CREEK LOCATION BASED ON \ \ .i,\ .i, / \ .i, .i,— - _ _ WAKE COUNTY GIS \ \ \ • \\\ N\\ \___ /� r \ \ \ ��� `, \ \k 4, PSS WETLANDS sk \ � \ \ �\ ` \` \ �`v �\\ �ititi. TEMPORARY 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT 9 \ \ v��m YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. \ \\ `�""",.� FOR SANITARY FORCEMAIN CONSTRUCTION 299 SF \ \�\� ••� • \ \`� �:\\ \ \ �\ \ ' \ ` 4i `�\ / / y . 1 \ �`\ �`� \ i \ \\`�\ \`� \ // / \ \ 71\/ \ / 1 \ DAIL os oa zozz !�&a PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN :IIIIII-1111 — _ TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS CYAN DRAWNBV 331 gfiSS PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK DESIGNED BY 331 ;IIIIII„-1111 TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS - DARK GREEN CHECKED BY 331 €IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET / I / \ 1 \ 20'X40' DIRECTIONAL BORE 1 \/ STAGING AREA -----/ \•\ \ /\ \ \ % -- DIRECTIONAL BORE 172 LF NO CLEARING TO BE DONE IN EASEMENT \ \ / / OF 12" C-900 DR18 SCALE 1"=so' ;IIIIII-1111 TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DETAILED WETLAND IMPACT PLAN Sfe_ PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE bAl-v!Ivi PERMANENT STREAM - RED __;'-"' TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY AREA BETWEEN BORE PIT LOCATIONS \ \ STREAM LOCATION FROM TIMMONS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL \ ---/-_,_,- \ I •''�% i / N i i I \ 1 • i 1 \ , , _ 6i �, , , , / �, ,/ \\ y i i , i ,� �_ \ \ \ I 1 \/i v. v/ .v y / / / � / PFO WETLANDS ��\�\�\ , I % % / ,/ // / / // • /, / � _ ^ \ .�... ; r1l�, . / / /, / \ / / 1' / , - �\ / ,, , `< / / \ \\ I I 1 I I 7 —' i , � 1 . , . -- — �— , / i I.\ \ PROPOSED FORCE MAIN °`'� / / / ' / h \ \\ \ ` \ \ \ ' \ ' I �.�=i ` — _> = / ��, / / \ \ _\��k—� \- I 1 \_-1 og 1— (/ = " 20'X40' DIRECTIONAL BORE .---\-- ___} -- \-11 1 r° 1 1 I STAGING AREA 4 \rit 1 11 1 V. 1 1 I / I diii% 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK TIMMONS GROU diii% 3 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT =YELLOW kr����H 20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT TAN LEGEND NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER j/// WETLANDS �W�W�W�W. W� W� W� W� W 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o 0 0 0 STREAM ......_..... ------------I J / C PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' 1 1 / 1 k \•, STAGING AREA ACCESS PATH I 1, I I \ \ \ • 1 1 • .I '1 1 i1 \o •1 I ' 1 I I EXCAVATION NOTE: BORE PITS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH A MIX OF DRILL RETURNS AND MINOR EXCAVATE MATERIAL. SUITABLE TOPSOIL WILL BE SEGREGATED AND USED AS THE FINAL SOIL LAYER IN THIS LOCATION AND SEEDED TO RESTORE THIS AREA TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS / •/ ' 30' FORCE MAIN EASEMENT i STREAM LOCATION FROM 11 TIMMONS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL I I / �1 k l i \ I 1 I 1 1`.1 11 \p 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I \ \� — \ I I) I P I 11 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 11 11 1 / • I I-§\ I I I I /\ I / I\I I I of �x I I I I 11 11 / /\ I I I I \. I I I° I I I 1 III / / \ I I I Ni I I I I 1 1 �I // \\ �I 11 1 I I I\fl I I I ^ \ L. I I g`. i I JGB NG. 41804 c SHEET EElO SCALE 0 100' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT o 1"=100' 200' LEGEND: THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I EXISTING PUMP STATION _ono oo�o o°� �o \ Do 0,0 o 1 / ..T _cam ICI / \ • \ \ — �� ��� K 1 CP C N OREGON I— _ TRAIL �FM- YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. • \ \ I .[N(47\\\ I I / o. 1 1 i I / �� 6 i i / / 1 1 11 CO o ' o i i 1 c!� \ 0 Web WcA I I II I \ \ CO`b CO (Y, _ �� � 1 1 \ \ PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' i it �`�' �,\ \ \ BORE PIT ACCESS PATH _ \\. \ \ y ` % i 05704/2022 DRAWNBY 33' DESIGNEDBV CHECKEDBV 331 !Qii1 PERMANENT PFO WETLANDS - GREEN —_ \ \ \ \\ \ — \ • \\\" a ,. / / / - — / / \ \\\\ \\ _ .. / / / / \ ` • \`,\� yy� / % �/ \`\\\�\ y / _ � / / \•\ v :� i / — \\.�\� \ ✓ / PROPOSED TEMPORARY 10' \� \`\\ \� / BORE PIT ACCESS PATH / / \ • \ \�\\\ / / �/ SCALE r" = 50' :IIIIII„=1111 TEMPORARY PFO WETLANDS - CYAN �,*!! PERMANENT CONVERSION TO PEM WETLANDS - LIGHT PINK OAK MANOR TEMP ACCESS PATH EXHIBIT GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BORE PIT ACCESS PATH DETAIL 'IIIIII1111 —_ TEMPORARY PEM WETLANDS DARK GREEN ;IIIIII„„-IIII TEMPORARY PSS WETLANDS - VIOLET 'IIIIII1111 — TEMPORARY POW WETLANDS - DARK BLUE POTENTIAL WETLAND LOSS TIMMONS GROU '.'4'�'4 PERMANENT (NO LOSS) STREAM - ORANGE „' „' PERMANENT STREAM - RED : "" TEMPORARY STREAM - NAVY \ / 20'X40' BORE DIRECTIONAL i BORE STAGING AREA \ `\ / I -- / i \ // / //,� FED'" _ / % ,/,� ° ° 0 ° >. / • ,/ / ° ° o oFEMAlOO . °o _ y 7 — — ` 11,r I�dq; — _ J �,/ _ l ' \ i \� / 1 �' 4141 I // / :-----'---rl - i1'I / / / / // / / '�� �� ,Z \ _ yam__--�_ _e _/�/ ' /--'/ .. _ diMik 3 30' ZONE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT - PINK di'.1'IN 30' ZONE 1 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - BROWN 20' ZONE 2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT YELLOW Vrr20' ZONE 2 TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACT - TAN LEGEND 20'X40' BORE DIRECTIONAL ✓, \�� \ \\ �\� ' ��= __Z_ __ = _ _- �' /•-�_�1." �11I'— _ _%;' —_= =— ' \ �\ 1�1 �P 1 %�2:-...---__%//� % �— _ — — _ __ MOBILE HILL ESTATES (� NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER j 11 BORE STAGING AREA ° \ `�11I I I\11 111 I I 1 /< �j �>% _ _ �� \ 1 1 1 1111°I 11111 30' FORCE MAIN EASEMENT — — — ' /i /— . I 1 , y) �c1 , ,1 1 1 1 1 I 1 j 1 ; , i , , - 1 / — — — - — PROPOSED FORCE MAIN /\ 1 1/ 1 'd I I 1 1 111 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1\ \ t \\ 1 ' 1 1 I �1/ / / \ /1 I �.I 1 1. I 1 11I \1 1 1 \1 1 \ \ \ 1 / 1 1 I I\ :�// / \PHI* II 1�1.11 11\ \ \ \\\\ 1 11/ /` --_ I11111 1j11041 11\\I\11\\\\\\ \ �_ _\ \ �� \\ i 1 / \ / = \ \\ \\ \ ` \\. \ \ \ \ — _ \ \ \ .� , , \ A' \ \ / \\ \ 1 / WETLANDS "�.�.,.".,, �." 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN o 0 0 0 STREAM —...— JOB NO. SHEET No. c wr i . i i \\ �/ \\\ \\ % \ \ \ \ \\\\ \\\.. \ \ \ �\ \ 1 \) \ \ \ \ \ \ // ; / / `',. \ \ \\ \\ \\ r \ \ A\ \ \\ \ \\. \ . \ \ \\ \\ \ . \ ..N.� \ \ \ , \ _ \ _. / , 1 \/JI / 1 "I /I\ / 1 �0 -s , \ /i JJ \/�`f lam\ I \1\_,-. t A - i ' ) \ / ) // 1 (1 J -\ /. \ \ \1 I \ \) \/1\ )1 1 ` a) a) 0 a) m m c 804-331-C6.0-PROF-2.dwg I by Gib co a) -c o_ 0 0 4) a) to 0 a) -C CO a) c1 Ul a) O o7 M 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 rn N N / i '208 / - Z — J ROPOSED TOWN OF GARNER PUBLIC GREENWAY WITH 20' EASEMENT NkN„,414 1)\,, EXISTING WETLANDS _/ r \J 1/ - / v \> �' o l oo/vw3J ° ° 13+00 03, - o °vpFb�v - ------- 222-' ---224- 26--__ i J l / (J / 1 L 1 v 60' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (30' - FORCE MAIN & 30' - SEWER I „\ 0o°o00Ltlw3d 000 °° _\ o 000 bh9y a�� j—oo - . - I1-- \- - oo< o o � 4 226. - - - 228 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 232 \ V � � RRY GUSON, NTON FFALG DEAN UFFALOE : 16 -00-3386 ONING: / 0 PRESSURE RELEASE VALV SCM 4 OUTLET PIPE 149.76' OF 36" RCP @ 3.00% SCM 4 \ - \ (DRY \-DE'TLNTION POND) JI (� J \ r - _ /1 °°0 BORE PIT 1A 1 0 0. NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAI BORE PIT 1 B 0' NEUSE 25' PERIMETER SETBACK NA 30' PUBLIC UTILITY \ \ EASEMENT 20' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 1 oo 0 oo+ewJd 0 12+50- PROPOSED TEMPORARY BORE PIT ACCESS PATH / �— \ ---..--, / -{ EXISTING GRADE PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE \ / i / r \ PROPOSED GRADE 4' MIN \ � — NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN ` \-_ DELINEATED // \ WETALND .---- \ _ _ — _ _ _ — — — — _ _ i / 4' MIN —--- �, �'� T t- -MH STA 2 (5' DIA.) ??? TOP 224.12 6' MIN INV IN 211.40 (68-2) INV IN 209.20 (69-2) INV IN 211.40 (3-2) INV OUT 2D9.00 (2-1) MATCHLINE C8.6 2-1 33.61' OF 15" PVC - SDR 26 © 0.60°/D APPROX. PROPOSED 230 LF OF 12" HDPE DIRECTIONAL BORING -MH 1 (5' DIA.➢ STA ??? TOP 222.00 INV IN 208.80 (2-1) 1 222.00 227.6 222.00 225.3 223.20 224.4 °o N N 221.68 219.5 K ., N co co N N. co N N- N co N N °o N <I- °o N N °o N °o N N °o co N N co N rn N N N <t o N N co 0 N N co 0i N °o N <I- co N °o M N o N a6 o N a6 0 N N °o N N °o 0 N <I- °o 0 N N. °o 0 N <I- o� 0 N Co o� 0 N o o N °o o� o N to o N N ., N o N N M N N N N N N N N to N (\i N r\ N �`� ., �j N 211.71 212.5 N- N N N. N N o M N °o N N °o N N c„ M N <j• <r N M (6 N N N. N N 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 ATTENTION CONTRACTORS The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of this notification failure. Failure to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug, have Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City of Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from future work in the City of Raleigh. 9+50 5- 0 10+00 0 50 PROFILE SCALE 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 Town of Garner Engineering Department APPROVED SIGNED DATE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 13+00 13+50 r3 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 14+00 SCALE 1 "=50' 50' CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION 100' Electronic Approval: This approval is being issued electronically. This approval is valid only upon the signature of a City of Raleigh Review Officer below. The City will retain a copy of the approved plans. Any work authorized by this approval must proceed in accordance with the plans kept on file with the City. This electronic approval may not be edited once issued. Any modification to this approval once issued will invalidate this approval. City of Raleigh Development Approval Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL Water and Sewer Permits (If applicable) The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Sewer System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3833 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # N/A ea - 0 ``lllllCA 111.' ��N RO% n N N U E 0 U to O E E 3 � 3 0, ▪ N —.i 00 N rvj rn CO 7 � fn X rp LL 0 Ln C � L I- W O• d to rn J UJ 1- • • • • • • • • a. V.ZPGG` oft 1st l w 0 DATE 05/04/2022 DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 CHECKED BY MVZ SCALE 1"= 50' 0 z JOB NO. OFFSITE FORCEMAIN 41804 SHEET NO. C8.5 0 c a; N U c O 2- 0_ c (ES -c 0 5) u, c) 0 c u, c (ES Q c 0 5) 0 c - a D O • O O O a) to �Z w 0 m E O Ea (13 a 0 CC cD CO z 0 ss written cons nd/or constructs a) a) a) a) m m c O rn N LL 0 o_ d ai 0 c) C) 0 ao C) a) N as -c o- 0 0 a) a) -c a) t m a) cl a) LL oo a7 co to / / I / SOUTHERN TRACE HOME OWNS A N C 1\ \ \ I I / ` / �•�`�� .\\\ CA Ro' . � O �ti ��� • •�OFESS/O� -9 _ • Q < _ - SEAL -- 'CI FNGINEE� - / I / / _ _ PIN: 1 �18 89 2765 ` I I / (DB/13l801 PG 2216) \ \ - _• / ZONING: R-30 \ \ ^\ \ \ \ . \ / I - 2�2- - - - - , ` \\ \\\ I I ---- 216----- -----/ \ \ \022321 —_— - \ ,// �� \' �- _ / I 1 \. \ J - _ \. \SWIFT CREEK - - _ - - ,/ / / Jl ! \ \ �\ `\ \/ /1 \ ' 1 I 30' PUBLIC UTILITY -216 — — — 26+50 27+00 — — — — t��r —...—...—...—. �. _ //� \\ \�\ \ / i 1 EASEMENT _,= — — — 26+00 —.� 0 0oo001Hw3� o0000o I•,o / /. i \ 1 1 — 5+50 _ — - 0 0 ° o Dctyfy3d o 0 0 ° °C bW3j o 0 0 0 0 0 — THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION SCM FOREBAY - REVISIONS SIGNATURE SET 00 _\ -� _ \ \I aip- - te'\ lir - \\ \ \ �/ �����. ,.- / — 24+p0 — — , , -218 000dw�� ° / - - _ �#�' \ \� _ — \ • it Ito TT iti_lv.1 ;, \.t ,'^ ------ ___ — .�� �, I / I �.� (, N.Alk ' --__ / 0°0 22p / —'� . ,_ \` OW- _ - __,� \ \ t - — 100 R STORM \ _ .. , / / / / . ww3d o ° o ° ° ° a!'t► - _ _ / �� 222/ �r FLOOD PLAIN / i-+ �' - ..(1�_ .. • .� \yir \ // \ �, �° \ \ I •\ I ° 6-0 0 0 �° a 0 0 o o — — _ 0 off / A , / ° o / _ — — / / j / 6j0 n �T"�. ° �\ \ (I ) I dN�� F ‘ - - - -- / , - EW 12 C-900 -'w, %� \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ ` \ / / o / / — ° 0 0 0 oFM \ \ / , , , , �2 ` / �y°� DR18 FORCE MAIN •.� \ \ °o\\\ \\ �� \ / / a / / -- - - -_ / —�� _°°o� \\ \ \) /r — ,�� _/ i� ,_�i °, ' /-� � \ / ° \ \ / / ' / / \ ` 2./ / ° \� �/, 21k '---�� .��_�tli(i.-1 ooww3d o o / ° o �./ o o o �� / �� °0 _ / 0 / F,% / a�,00 0 0 / ,�i 44. °0 m oo\aye �100YEARSTORM /' // / ' ,------- °° FLOOD PLAIN / ' `�\ \ \ \ / / = _ _ _ _ - ��s� / / ' o /' ./� �/ \ \ \ - O 19+ o\ �i _ — '[ — \ ` \\ P _ / P / / X F� \ — . — . �j / °.w. / / _ — - — - \ �t r \ o \ ° t -r ��. ' •i / / / / _ ' \ \ \ \ \ / / f\93 _ \ '� 19'+ \ _= o-j / — i .— \ \!{, \ \ o � �'' / 05C27 - — — — — — — T \ kO— �0 �. ° ' - \ \ / / k0 — q- — _ — = \ \ N. YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. :0,4 \\ \ \ 0 0 c 0° / / �_ \ - — — — - -. — /� _ _ _ _ - PRESSURE \ \ \ \ RELEASE VALV• . •�\ -� _� -- ----\' / �''i��•� / ,; ,�' N. \\ " �` •\\\ \\ \ — / // / // / RESSURE �x — — — — - - \\ \ �. \ / / / + RELEASE VALVE - _ - - - _ _ _ -` - \ •— - _ _ _ _ / / �`� / , OSCzz \ — — — . ,. \ — / / , l _ • \ \ \ ` / — _ — DATE I // / / / \ f / / /// y /' /' - .'- -'/ / — \ \ \ \ , /' /\ / '/ - \\ \\ \ �,\ lam/ /—--/,2f_NN_ DRAWN BY TIMMONS GROUP .••'�'•• NORTH CAROLINA LICENSE NO. C-1652 331 \\ \ \\ // / / // --�/ 0 50' 100' // _\\ - / . / CHECKED BY MVZ SCALE 1 "= 50' 230 230 1 1 —� / \ OAK MANOR (PHASE 3) GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OFFSITE FORCEMAIN PLANB & PROFILE / PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE / / \ / \ \ / / PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE 225 / \ \ \ / \ 225 \ 4' MIN EXISTING GRADE \ 220 \ \ 220 \ �-' / \\�— �/ \-- '�' 215 NEW ----_�/ 215 FORCE MAIN 4' MIN CHLINE C8.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 MATCHLINE C8.7 ' 1 I I 1 u 1 1 I 1 210 210 205 205 I 200 N. (Ni N N N. rh N N rn CO N N rr I\ N N lo l< N N N. Cci N N o C>j N N N t.ci N N lo '1F N N o Cf N N N. rF N N N <h N N N <r N N id N N lo c0 N N o co N N N. cd N N 00 K N N 00 N N N. N N N rr •,- N N M a) N rn c0 N o Eci N Eci N co l< N co l< N w Cp N c0 N Lci N o Eci N N Lri N lo (ES N lo l< N co K N K N o 16 N 16 N o N N rr N co Cf N co Cf N N. rr N oo 16 NP. 0) 16 N rt cD N co cp N 0) cp N rn cp N o N N o N N N K N •st K N lo N N N. N N 00 N N 00 N N 00 N N 0 N N N N K N 200 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 5- 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION ATTENTIONCONTRACTORS Town of Garner Engineering Department Electronic Approval: This approval is being issued electronically. This approval is valid only upon the signature of a City of The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, Raleigh Review Officer below. The City will retain a copy of the approved plans. Any work authorized by this approval must proceed in accordance with the plans kept on file with the City. This electronic approval may not be edited once issued. Any sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at 0 0 50 PROFILE SCALE APPROVED modification to this approval once issued will invalidate this approval. City of Raleigh Development Approval least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL Of this notification (allure. o hays below. SIGNED DATE Water and Sewer Permits Of applicable) Failure to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug,haveCal'befom �E1V ` dig. The CityidRdacbleigh consents to the connFurlon and extension of the City's Publin:::wer System as shown on this plan. The materia1onstructionmethodsusedthis projeashallconformtothPei is::c specificationsoftheity'sPublicPermitted NoutrthUtilities ook. City of Raleigh Publitilities Department Permit # s-48 811 Plans on the Jobsite, or an other Violation of Ci o Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from you r a' I 1 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The Cara material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public JOB NO. 41804 future work in the City of Raleigh. icy Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3833 11111.1101k /0111:::: ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit# WA SHEET NO. C8.6 SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 0 ai N rts c 0 GO u, O Q Q c to 0 GO u, GO 0 c m s ul -o sts sts Q c a) 0 s S D • O 0 Et O O to_• to 0)• O o � E -o • -Ea) a) m c O O D U O c z• N O 2 Q o GO O a) 0 O '§ Q u,(ES • 0 X c a) sts a) a) a) E U 70 0 0) EI-D U o (.(2 .O .) C N t6 � Ul O c • U QO U) nd/or constructs • �.� .�N CAR() •,, • ` 4/ °/ • ♦• i •ct _ _ _ SEAL _ = 022321 _ O - : FN E�` VINE ��I�; V. 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C-1652 331 / 240 PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE \ 240 DESIGNED BY 331 \ / \ / \ CHECKED BY MVZ / \ 235 / \ 235 / \ SCALE 1 "= 50' / \ N N \ OAK MANOR (PHASE 3) GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OFFSIGHT FORCE MAIN PLAN & PROFILE 230 / \ 1230 t / \ \/ / \ PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE 225 / \ // 225 / \ / / \ PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE / / /EXISTING \ 220 GRADE / / 220 �\ / \ --- / — ___ _T _ _ ____ ___ _ ____ ---��_----- 7 , \, —/ 4'MIN // `_ _ _ 215 — — ���/ 215 _— 4' MIN IIIIIIIII NTCHLINE C8.8 1 210 1 205 210 NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 205 1200 200 co K N co K N co K N LC K N •It K ., N N K ., N K ., N o K N o K N 0 cfl N 0 K N 0 K N K ., N co K N Lc) K N co K N N Qo N (a co N (a co N i\ co N (a co N m co N o ai N m Oo N m K N i\ (6 N N (ci N o <r N M <r N N N Lo <r N o L6 ., N o (O ., N Lo K N m ai ., N m (\i N N (o co N N N (d N N N o N N N K N o (6 ., N Lo L6 N Lo L6 N d• Lci ., N N. Lci ., N rn (6 ., N M (6 ., N co K ., N N N (6 N N d- N M N o c6 M N N- (Ni rr N M ai M N d- cLl M N o <r M N co co N N. ai N N ao N N d- c0 N N N (ci N N 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 35+50 36+00 36+50 37+00 37+50 38+00 38+50 39+00 39+50 40+00 40+50 41+00 41+50 42+00 42+50 43+00 Town of Garner Engineering Department CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Electronic Approval: This approval is being issued electronically. This approval is valid only upon the signature of a City of ATTENTIONCONTRACTORS Raleigh Review Officer below. The City will retain a copy of the approved plans. Any work authorized by this approval must proceed in accordance with the plans kept on file with the City. This electronic approval may not be edited once issued. Any The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these is responsible for APPROVED modification to this approval once issued will invalidate this approval. City of Raleigh Development Approval plans, Public Utilities Department 996-4540 5 contacting the at (919) at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL +�{�below.reinstallation construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require of any or sewer facilities not inspected as a result SIGNED DATE Water and Sewer Permits jlfapplitable)ram.Of 81 I Knowh water c il this notification failure. The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension °f the City's Public Sewer System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public North Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 x before you ■InP Failure to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug, have CaraThe City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The 0 I Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City of material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public JOB NO. 41804 0 50iSillp Raleigh Standards in Fine Possible Exclusion from � I�R y l ,- Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W 3833 PROFILE SCALE will result a and future Raleigh. work in the City of ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE I N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. SHEET NO. C8. 7 SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit# N/A 0 c ai • N U .c 0 5) u, O Q Q c 0 -o a) ul a) 0 c u, -o c -c Q • c `O 5) 0 c te) o D • 0 O �Z w 0 o � m E O o 0 c a) m c d O D O c w to Zw O w Q o • o 0 a) 0 O .§ a) u,(a X c a) 112 a) c a) E () U O - 0) 0 to• m U o ww .2 O -o cN W O C U a CO nd/or constructs S:\331\41804-Ferguson_New_Bethel\DWG\Sheet\CD\Phase 3\41804-331-C6.0-PROF-2.dwg I by Gibson Blakeslee — p0 0 Leo 003d o00 o 000OWYV3dyy o o0o op°�`d oab . 43+00 _ 43+50_ — — — 44+00 \ 44 50 I I b°dj 1 1 \ LMJ 11 1 — — — ° -a—o-0 0—e Dot, / / / o0° / / / 0 / / / / / / / / �/ / / / 230 225 220 215 210 205 MATCHLINE C8.7 T 0 0 o 0 / / 1 I:� r / / / / / i i 7 / I PFO WETLAND 46+/0�� . 446+50`' A, 47+ '6 n T 1 / / 47, 50 7 +00 I I — 48+50 49+00 / /4 PFO WETLAND / / NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAI 50+00 50+50 ✓FF NiF P/N F/'/ (6a 7679 NTO Zp�NG PG 7 J 30' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 51+00 51+50 52+00 52+50 1 \ \ 7 1 \ 7 7 7 Z CRpss�/O N/FF10,&FTcp�pkYPiN,7679ei87oPG08)p R Qo 53+00 N%F P/N" <77/N (Oa 7679_7 8S6'S 7� ZONING � Js �� N 53+50 54+00 / N— — 7 PFO WETLAND Dfre-ZOC,o1Z84/6' 7.P1/0/4/0,06, [ -...._ — --, \ _DELINEATED WETLAND WETLAND DELINEATED WETLANDS 0-- PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE [DELINEATED \ EXISTING GRADE / \ _T__ 6' MIN NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN MATCHLINE C8.9 APPROX. 12" HDPE 249 LF OF PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL BORING co 43+00 43+50 44+00 44+50 45+00 45+50 46+00 46+50 47+00 47+50 48+00 48+50 49+00 ATTENTION CONTRACTORS The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at least twenO, four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of this notification failure. Failure to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug, have Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City of Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from future work in the City of Raleigh. 49+50 5- 0 50+00 0 50 PROFILE SCALE 50+50 51+00 51+50 52+00 52+50 53+00 Know what's below. s Call before you dig. 53+50 54+00 54+50 55+00 55+50 Town of Garner Engineering Department APPROVED SIGNED DATE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 56+00 0 co SCALE 1"=50' 50' 100' CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Electronic Approval: This approval is being issued electronically. This approval is valid only upon the signature of a City of Raleigh Review Officer below. The City will retain a copy of the approved plans. Any work authorized by this approval must proceed in accordance with the plans kept on file with the City. This electronic approval may not be edited once issued. Any modification to this approval once issued will invalidate this approval. City of Raleigh Development Approval Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL Water and Sewer Permits Of applicable) The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Sewer System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3833 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # N/A ea • • • • • • • • THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE z. ro 1-1 U. cp cie ka oo Ln Lu YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. REVISION DESCRIPTION SCM FOREBAY - REVISIONS SIGNATURE SET Lu DATE 05/04/2022 • • • • • • • 0 Ln 0 0 DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 CHECKED BY MVZ SCALE 1"= 50' Lu 0 0 8 0 & PROFILE OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. C8.8 ai tts tts tts o ry 0 CO 0 o c 112 tts tts nd/or constructs a) a) N a) m m c O u, (D rn N LL 0 o_ d cm c) M 0 op M a) -c o_ 0 0 a) a) -c t m cl LL O op M 0 0 , . 0° / / 0 n °0 , / / a� 0 / - ° ° / / / - - 0 0 0 , / / / / y °� 0 a /' / /' / / °- 0. 0. / / / / 0 / / / / ° ��� °i / / / / , /- 0 o°a v�� °/ / / / / / / / /' / ' 0 0 / 00°d / / / / / / / / / rrl / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 100 YEAR STORM d��� i / ,' °°° / / / / / ��i f�� / / / oG °°FLOOD PLAIN ° °°°� �' / �/ °a�' �// //' /' ��, anti ry�o� ti�� /� / / / // / /' - --/r/tV.11Z�P��. o 0 0 ° ° / / / 0 0 ° , nf0 (L�/� (y y / / / / / / �m� ° p0 vo� / / /o o n�c / v / / / / / / / / / / oa a / i �%O/ �(V 0 tiV / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0 0 ° '" / aY'� / / / / / / / / O° ° 0 / /�' / °:v / / / / / / / / / / NEW 12" C-9000 /tip / /°0° / / / / / / / /' / / / / / / / DR18 FORCE MAI PRESSURE o / / / o° / / / / / / / / / ' / RELEASE VALV / 20' PUBLIC UTILITY / / / °° / / / / / / / / / / / / / .;) / / / / / / PRESSURE EASEMENT / / / / `01111111/t/// . / .% •, •D1.�N CA Rn"'/ . ��� �oFESS/p,�� ': = SEAL = /J 022321 �7 O , ``` THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION SCM FOREBAY - REVISIONS SIGNATURE SET � ° /' /' / /' / / / / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RELEASE VALV / 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+50 60+00 60+50 61+00 61+50 62+00 62�+0 3+00 63+50 64+0 + / / / / / / / I FM oil- I I r / / 0 64 50 65+00 °° 65+50 / 66+00 / + / / / 67+50 '68+00 I — I !--,r�� —_�_ a 6 50 67�00 " �+r —+r t r -I-=— , 68+54 9+00 69+50 � — —"—"— —" — — — — —"—.—.—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—. / ; w� - �rot.l� - I —� � tM-I.� + °_ I�- 70 00 70+50 71H — -I .F I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ / °°°a / / 7 cf I r�i-� - F Frrot I / / - — / +— / 0Lc)°00 0\ \ / / o / � ', "�.—.7_.—/—._—.—.—. —/—.— / .— .—.L.—.—./.—. f — co o oT co L" co I I I Q b p 0 0c o ^ V N o c.�� `� 0 0 `S���t��• �Q �� VO �^ Q 0 V hCROSS ro 0 1 �b �O• ory Cc �� Q J�o^ o O� ^ �O ��'p pp0 N/F Nfi VELOPME DE Y I O PAN COM g134 1619-63- PIN' PG 808) (DB 4g10 RMH ZONING: / / /o ° ° ° ° N�� y ME N/P°LVE►-OP NT INDS DE CROSSW° NY 04 �� OMPA63 90 v 1619- S IN 10 PG 808) CROSS °/ (00 48 RMH NINE1619- o ZO / / �; / / / LOPMEN N pEVE T WINDS MPANY CO 63 9262 piN:B 4810 PG 81 H (ZONING RM ` 0 \ N ° \ N 0, , ` �9j�o 0 , `` °°°�°o ` ` ` ` \ \ N \ \ �\ \ \ \ �� - - F�A70 a - _ _ ° ° ° ° 0 °° ° °° \ \ \ °°°° , , , \100YEARSTORM �,�,,� FLOOD °° / 0 0° / -. / °,d, . °° - 0 _ _ _ - _' - °°°°° / 'I/ - `,�� / �44 ° o °°d I ° ° ° ° - / 0 - _ �' PLAIN / / / / / / / / /, / / / / / / / / / / ' // / / / / / / / / / / / /, / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /' / / / // / // / / / / / / / //' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / i / i / 7 / / / / / / / //' /// / / / / / / / , / / / / // // / / / — . _ — . — / / / / / // // / / / / / / / / / . — . _ . — ' — ' — . — . — . . — . i NAD 83 SCALE 1 "=50' YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 0 50' 100' 255 255 Lu Q 0 PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE — / ----mbi- - - / / / 250 / / 250 DATE 05/04/2022 / / / DRAWN BY / TIMMONS GROUP .••'�'•• NORTH CAROLINA LICENSE NO. C-1652 331 245 / 245 / DESIGNED BY 331 / / / CHECKED BY MVZ 240 / 240 / / SCALE 1 "= 50' / / 235 / / 235 OAK MANOR (PHASE 3) GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE / / 230 / 230 / / PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE EXISTING GRADE / LINE C8. / 225 / 225 / 4' MIN ___ \ \ / / MATCH _ \ / / .--- \ .---- 220 i 220 -. ► e • . AND — _IIAO l J , . 7LINE C8.8 \ i Il — 215 ! — _ 215 _ _ _ NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN I I I 210 210 205 N <f N N <f N N. ni N o ni N 0) N co o N co ai N N c N 0) 0_6 N 0) 0_6 N co 06 N co 06 N co ai N o N N N Lo N N N. ai N N L6 N co (6 N N. 00 N 0) 0 co co (O co rt (6 N N a5 N Lo N co M N 0) <r N rt (6 N N. K. 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The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, City of Raleigh Development Approval sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require 5- SIGNED DATE Water and Sewer Permits (If applicable) reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of this notification failure. Kri w what's b The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Sewer System as shown on this plan. The Pused ublicortlities jepartmshall conform mtothe standards and specificationsofthe City's Public material and Construction Raleigh Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 lw.Cara North FT Failure to call for Inspection, InstallaDownstream Plug, have Call 9. 'InP The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public JOB NO. 41804 Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City of81 befom you dig. YR I• �' - -: Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3833 +� Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from 0 I g future work in the City of Raleigh. 0 50All" PROFILE SCALE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE I N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit# N/A SHEET NO. C8. 9 SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 0 c a; N U .c 0 O ul io a) ul O 2- 0_ c R) O 0 a) N 5) 0 c m s ul c to t0 0- (7) c U —• • 0 O • u) O 0 O c E • O - c c a) m c o_ O D (-) O c w Z• N Da) Q 0 0 0 0 o_ u,as N U c N a) 5) to c a) E U O 0) -0 io• n U o c Ul • O • U - C N ns� ul O C U tt3 a -c E nd/or constructs a) a) a) a) m c O ul n (D n rn N LL 0 0 d 0 C) ( C) op op V M a) -c 0 0 0 a) a) -c a) _c m a) cl a) L_ op op co to �( I / /' /'// /?.,°;°:34,3-1_,T..„....?/i'/� �oe�o0ootrov o__—_—--_—p00 °/ / / — / -- \ / / / / / ' 5 -- _ — °°0°o — a9o"'1" o00�°00oo/vw3°— r l / \ , , / , /, / / i % ZLLbA / _ _ — — — — _ — / — / — —--$4�5$----- \ ��II)lIl///ii\ .�`'�N CAR �''l. •,``�� *ESS/0 '-'i 44. 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F / \ F ° �� 0 — _ F F F F. / O! � \ FF• D R 8 FORCE MAIN THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION SCM FOREBAY - REVISIONS SIGNATURE SET /1/ —' ///��� \///f - __---oMP��Qp _— \ • F +� Og / �F .\ -- '/' • / //oo///I —_— — 218- —p�N- Yill\ �\ / \ 761g\ I —.,// o°/ / �� _sii ` ./ / / _—_ NH / 0. / ��� /// //'.d��a�''% •�'�/ // / I // /' / ��- ° 222- __ R-4Q \ `�� �.� 7g00 \ F. F �\ \ �,, / / / / 0 / , \ ' / / 00 LVVV33 0 0 o e o 0 o )LdW3= 0 0 '°` I /i — ,/ 7// �°,° — \ //.M/ l --// / / / r0=--------- °°-a224y- --_ \-- \ \ �\N /q$+50 ' 1 F F \ \ / '/ / / / '/ / i°/ / / / / / \ I, / ' / �� °� _ _ _ - - - 226 _ ° 0 °�, . �\ -- $+00 \ \ \ \ F. F ' ' / ooLdya / / ..... \ i / ° �W / / / / / 6 / / / \ U?x \ i _ — — — — — 228 , i \ N. 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C-1652 331 \\ DESIGNED BY 331 240 240 CHECKED BY MVZ 235 \ PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE 235 SCALE \ 230 225 OAK MANOR (PHASE 3) GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OFFSIGHT FORCEMAIN PLAN & PROFILE ,i r NE C8.9 EXISTING GRADE 230 \ / \ / _ \L\ 225 / \ NE C€ / 220 / \1220 \ / \ �1 \,___ L...._, ---\ ���� 215 \ / -- .___ ....__ .........- —� �� 215 4' MIN \ 1 / — T _ _ / / \ \ APPROX. 172 LF OF PROPOSED \ / ` / 12" HDPE DIRECTIONAL BORING 4' MIN 4/ / _ 210 / 210 b Plire- NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 6' MIN 205 205 / 200 200 M 10 N 10 (Ni N M 10 N N �t N N co �t N a0 N a0 id M N Ct oo N N rt N N N N 10 N 10 ai N rt N N N O id' N N 10 I� N N 10 oo N N O N N 00 o M N 00 M N 10 N M N 0D N M N O N M N O M N 10 o M N ao N N N. 16 N N I\ cN N N N. ai N N- N 1- id N id ^ N M 16 N Nf N f\ c N N- N O M N M o N IN. 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The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, City of Raleigh Development Approval sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL 5 Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require willresultre. construction,81 SIGNED DATE Water and Sewer Permits Of applicable) Maim what'sbe' r reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of ti The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension 0f the City's Public Sewer System as shown 0n this plan. The and Construction methods used forthis project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public � h Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 C811 bekore dig. Failure to call for Inspection, InstallaDownstream Plug, have Caromaterial ' The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The ap --. material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public JOB NO. 41804 you Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City ofInP �y 4R l• - -� Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3a33 0 I Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from 0 PROFILE SCALE g future work in the City of Raleigh. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE I N W ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TON OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used forthis project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit# N/A SHEET NO. C8. 10 SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS 0 c ai N U .c a) O Ul R) L a) N O Q ccs Q C as 0 5) u, 5) 0 C u, -o C as as Q C a) 0 C o • 0 O O o_i u) a)• 0 o � (0- m E o o c c w m d o D U O c Z• w O 2 o_ 4 a) o • 0 a) 0 0. we (7 (ES • N C N a) 5) to C a) E U O • - a) o C w - • E NN ,O .) - C O C w O U tt) a N nd/or constructs S:\331\41804-Ferguson_New_Bethel\DWG\Sheet\CD\Phase 3\41804-331-C6.0-PROF-2.dwg I by Gibson Blakeslee ALEIGNB CIt"' 1619-7 G 64 ) SS / �$5 00 I y� J 1►5 150 / / / yQS /x�? // / / / / / / i 255 250 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 / / / / 30' PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT PROPOSED TEMPORARY BORE PIT ACCESS PATH x EXMh TOP 233.00 INV IN 209.90 (EXMH-3) INV IN 207.50 (EXMH-2) INV IN 224.70 (FM1 - EXMH1) INV OUT 207.40 (EXMH-1) r 4' MIN NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN TO TIE TO PROPOSED MANHOLE ELEV INV IN 225.42' PROPOSED 12" INSIDE DROP WITHIN EXISTING MANHOLE / / / / NEW 12" C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN Lj co tt) 86+00 5- 0 86+50 87+00 0 50 PROFILE SCALE 87+50 88+00 88+50 89+00 h i P 255 250 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 89+47.34 Know what's below. Call before you dig. x e 89+47.34 TOPX4,,3F— X INV OUT 210.04 (EXMH-3) i ATTENTION CONTRACTORS The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, sewer, and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the Public Utilities Department at (919) 996-4540 at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. Failure to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of this notification failure. Failure to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug, have Permitted Plans on the Jobsite, or any other Violation of City of Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from future work in the City of Raleigh. Town of Garner Engineering Department APPROVED SIGNED DATE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN OF GARNER, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS NAD 83 0 SCALE 1 "=50' 50' 100' CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Electronic Approval: This approval is being issued electronically. This approval is valid only upon the signature of a City of Raleigh Review Officer below. The City will retain a copy of the approved plans. Any work authorized by this approval must proceed in accordance with the plans kept on file with the City. This electronic approval may not be edited once issued. Any modification to this approval once issued will invalidate this approval. City of Raleigh Development Approval Raleigh Water Review Officer SITE PERMITTING APPROVAL Water and Sewer Permits (If applicable) The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Sewer System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # S-4897 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the City's Public Water System as shown on this plan. The material and Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # W-3833 The City of Raleigh consents to the connection to its public sewer system and extension of the private sewer collection system as shown on this plan. The material and constructions methods used for this project shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # N/A Om • • • .` .t N ti RO :'off -9 o' 9V.Z Ps"' tot tills 10 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. REVISION DESCRIPTION SCM FOREBAY - REVISIONS SIGNATURE SET w 0 DATE 05/04/2022 • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 N O UJ z /Wl Iv-1 J z I1 0 L.L U oC 0 z DRAWN BY 331 DESIGNED BY 331 CHECKED BY MVZ SCALE 1"= 50' emerls z J 0 U 0 z O0 O Zw w C�7 0 w W V/ u_ 0 JOB NO. 41804 SHEET NO. 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SWIFT CREEK IS HABITAT FOR ENDANGERED AND THREATENED MUSSELS • AVOID AREAS OUTSIDE THE SILT FENCE • LIMIT SPILLS OR ACTIVITIES THAT MAY HARM OR POLLUTE THE STREAM •REPORT SPILLS OR OTHER ISSUES IMMEDIATELY Photos by USFWS Lauren Norris -Heflin From: Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn_matthews@fws.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 02:16 PM To: Lauren Norris -Heflin; Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Goss, Stephanie Cc: Nick Tudor; Morgan Gilbert; Ellis, John; Garrison, Gabriela Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Attachments: 20220503_sign_SwiftCr_WakeCo.docx Sorry -forgot the sign example. It is attached. Please note that 1 am teleworking almost exclusively. Email is the best way to reach me. Thanks, Kathy Matthews NC Renewable Energy Coordinator & Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 919-856-4520, x. 27 From: Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn_matthews@fws.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 2:11 PM To: Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com>; Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil>; Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Nick Tudor <Nick.Tudor@timmons.com>; Morgan Gilbert <Morgan.Gilbert@timmons.com>; Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov>; Garrison, Gabriela <gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2018-01947 (Meritage Homes / Ferguson property / New Bethel Church Road / Garner / Wake County / residential) Dear Lauren, I realized that you were waiting on my review of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans that were sent in December. I have reviewed them and am pleased to see the distance from the Neuse River buffers, the size of the BMPs, and the overall plans. I do have some recommendations for Dave for permit conditions, which I will share to see if they can be incorporated now. • Avoid removal of existing vegetation unless absolutely necessary. For example, leave lots wooded as long as possible, preferably until home construction begins. • Educate the construction crew about the presence of sensitive species by providing information or installing signs on the silt fence near Swift Creek. I have attached an example of a sign (Word doc). • Access corridors for construction vehicles in or adjacent to the floodplain of Swift Creek should be minimized as much as possible. • Implement stringent erosion control measures during construction adjacent to the Swift Creek floodplain, including: A double row of silt fence, to ensure that erosion is captured effectively. Silt 1 fence and other erosion control devices should not include outlets that discharge closer than 50 feet to the top of bank of any stream. Silt fence outlets for each row of silt fence should be offset to provide additional retention of water and sediment in the outer row. • The discharge outlets from stormwater infrastructure should be designed to avoid stream buffers, including the dissipator pad or any other structures. • Inspect all vehicles for leaks often. Repair any leaks and clean construction vehicles thoroughly to remove any residual dirt, mud, debris, grease, motor oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, or other hazardous substances from construction vehicles. • Inspections, repairs, cleaning, and/or servicing must be conducted either before the vehicle, equipment, or machinery is transported into the field or at the work site. • All drilling muds, wash -water runoff, and/or other harmful materials must be appropriately controlled to prevent entry into a waterbody or riparian zone. • Fuel and maintain vehicles or equipment and store potentially toxic substances (fuels, paints, solvents, lubricants, etc.) within a containment area in uplands. • Temporary and permanent stabilization measures should include only natural materials that are expected to degrade over time. • Revegetate with native species. Sericea lespedeza is invasive and should not be used for stabilization or revegetation. Portions of ROW that are not intended for long-term maintenance should be revegetated with native trees and shrubs. • • Any spills of motor oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, or similar fluids into the riparian wetlands or floodplain must be reported to the Corps and Service immediately. • Conduct bi-weekly inspections of all erosion and sedimentation controls adjacent to the floodplain of Swift Creek, and in uplands within 100 feet of the riparian zones of all streams. Maintain all controls as necessary to ensure proper installation and function. In addition to bi-weekly inspections, within 24- hours of rain events, inspect all of the erosion and sedimentation controls to ensure the integrity of the devices. Repair and replace sections of controls as needed to minimize the potential for failure. • If erosion and sedimentation controls fail causing sediment or erosion in the floodplain wetlands or stream buffer of Swift Creek, the Corps and Service must be notified within 24 hours to determine if any remediation is required. It wasn't clear to me what the stormwater system is designed for. In sensitive watersheds, we typically recommend designing stormwater systems to attenuate or retain the 1- to 100-year storm. Even if it is not possible to design for the 100-year storm, then we recommend that the system be designed to retain or attenuate the largest storm possible. Thanks. I look forward to seeing the revised alignment for the forcemain, later this month. Please note that 1 am teleworking almost exclusively. Email is the best way to reach me. Thanks, Kathy Matthews NC Renewable Energy Coordinator & Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 919-856-4520, x. 27 2