HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0073181_Fact Sheet_20220511Fact Sheet NPDES Permit No. NC0073181 Permit Writer/Email Contact: Derek Denard / derek.denard@ncdenr.gov Date: 11May2022 Division/Branch: NC Division of Water Resources/Water Quality Permitting Section Compliance & Expediated Permitting Branch Permitting Action: ❑x Renewal ❑ Renewal with Expansion ❑ New Discharge ❑ Modification (Fact Sheet should be tailored to mod request) See Permit Application Attachments A NC0073181_Renewal (Application)_20210709_120p Complete applicable sections below. If not applicable, enter NA. 1. Basic Facility Information Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC Wilmington River Road Terminal Applicant Address: 1710 Woodbine St., Wilmington, NC 28401 Facility Address: 3340 River Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 Permitted Flow: Not limited Facility Type/Waste: 100% Industrial, fuel (bulk storage) Facility Class: Grade I Physical Chemical WPCS Treatment Units: See below Pretreatment Program (Y/N) N County: New Hanover Region Wilmington Briefly describe the proposed permitting action and facility background: This facility is an industrial (flow <1 MGD) Surface -Water Pollution Control System for stormwater in proximity to above -ground storage tanks (ASTs) for the surface bulk -storage of petroleum hydrocarbon fuels in excess of one million gallons, utilizing: • Oil / water separator(s) • Waste holding tank(s) • Wastewater holding pond. Page 1 of 8 Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC has requested renewal of permit NC0073181 for its Wilmington River Road Terminal in New Hanover County. This permitted facility discharges treated stormwater to the Caper Fear River in the Cape Fear River Basin. Some parameters are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this segment of the Caper Fear River. 2. Receiving Waterbodv Information: Receiving Waterbody Information Outfalls/Receiving Stream(s): Outfalls 001 / UT to Cape Fear River Stream Segment: 18-(71)a3 Stream Classification: SC Drainage Area (mi2): -- Summer 7Q10 (cfs) Tidal Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Tidal 30Q2 (cfs): Tidal Average Flow (cfs): Tidal IWC (% effluent): Tidal 303(d) listed/parameter: The 18-(71)a3 segment is impaired for DO. Data is inconclusive for Copper. See Attachment B_NC_2020_Category5_303dlist 20 and Attachment C NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 191-194 Subject to TMDL/parameter: No Basin/Sub-basin/HUC: Cape Fear / 03-06-17 / 030300050504 USGS Topo Quad: Wilmington, NC 3. Effluent Data Summary The facility has not discharged since April 2012. 4. Instream Data Summary Instream monitoring may be required in certain situations, for example: 1) to verify model predictions when model results for instream DO are within 1 mg/1 of instream standard at full permitted flow; 2) to verify model predictions for outfall diffuser; 3) to provide data for future TMDL; 4) based on other instream concerns. Instream monitoring may be conducted by the Permittee, and there are also Monitoring Coalitions established in several basins that conduct instream sampling for the Permittee (in which case instream monitoring is waived in the permit as long as coalition membership is maintained). If applicable, summarize any instream data and what instream monitoring will be proposed for this permit action: There is no instream monitoring required. No changes are proposed. Page 2 of 8 Is this facility a member of a Monitoring Coalition with waived instream monitoring (Y/N): No. Name of Monitoring Coalition: NA. 5. Compliance Summary Summarize the compliance record with permit effluent limits (past 5 years): The facility has not discharged since April 2012. Summarize the compliance record with aquatic toxicity test limits and any second species test results (past 5 years): The facility has not discharged since April 2012. Summarize the results from the most recent compliance inspection: See Attachment D NC0073181_Compliance Evaluation Inspection _20210722_6p. 6. Water Quality -Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Dilution and Mixing Zones In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0206, the following streamflows are used for dilution considerations for development of WQBELs: 1Q10 streamflow (acute Aquatic Life); 7Q10 streamflow (chronic Aquatic Life; non -carcinogen HH); 30Q2 streamflow (aesthetics); annual average flow (carcinogen, HH). If applicable, describe any other dilution factors considered (e.g., based on CORMIX model results): Not modeled. If applicable, describe any mixing zones established in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B. 0204(b): NA. Oxygen -Consuming Waste Limitations Limitations for oxygen -consuming waste (e.g., BOD) are generally based on water quality modeling to ensure protection of the instream dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality standard. Secondary TBEL limits (e.g., BOD= 30 mg/1 for Municipals) may be appropriate if deemed more stringent based on dilution and model results. If permit limits are more stringent than TBELs, describe how limits were developed: NA. Ammonia and Total Residual Chlorine Limitations Limitations for ammonia are based on protection of aquatic life utilizing an ammonia chronic criterion of 1.0 mg/1 (summer) and 1.8 mg/1 (winter). Acute ammonia limits are derived from chronic criteria, utilizing a multiplication factor of 3 for Municipals and a multiplication factor of 5 for Non -Municipals. Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) are based on the NC water quality standard for protection of aquatic life (17 ug/1) and capped at 28 ug/1(acute impacts). Due to analytical issues, all TRC values reported below 50 ug/1 are considered compliant with their permit limit. Describe any proposed changes to ammonia and/or TRC limits for this permit renewal: NA. Page 3 of 8 Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) for Toxicants The facility has not discharged since April 2012. No data was available for the RPA. Toxicity Testing Limitations Permit limits and monitoring requirements for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) have been established in accordance with Division guidance (per WET Memo, 8/2/1999). Per WET guidance, all NPDES permits issued to Major facilities or any facility discharging "complex" wastewater (contains anything other than domestic waste) will contain appropriate WET limits and monitoring requirements, with several exceptions. The State has received prior EPA approval to use an Alternative WET Test Procedure in NPDES permits, using single concentration screening tests, with multiple dilution follow-up upon a test failure. Describe proposed toxicity test requirement: If Acute WET -test fails [TGE3E], Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia), the Permittee shall test each subsequent discharge event until testing indicates "pass," after which Quarterly monitoring shall resume in accord with Section A. (3). If after a subsequent five (5) consecutive Quarterly events, WET results demonstrate no toxicity (i.e., "pass"), the Permittee may petition the Division to relax monitoring, as data may warrant. Mercury Statewide TMDL Evaluation There is a statewide TMDL for mercury approved by EPA in 2012. The TMDL target was to comply with EPA's mercury fish tissue criteria (0.3 mg/kg) for human health protection. The TMDL established a wasteload allocation for point sources of 37 kg/year (81 lb/year), and is applicable to municipals and industrial facilities with known mercury discharges. Given the small contribution of mercury from point sources (-2% of total load), the TMDL emphasizes mercury minimization plans (MVPs) for point source control. Municipal facilities > 2 MGD and discharging quantifiable levels of mercury (>1 ng/1) will receive an MMP requirement. Industrials are evaluated on a case -by -case basis, depending if mercury is a pollutant of concern. Effluent limits may also be added if annual average effluent concentrations exceed the WQBEL value (based on the NC WQS of 12 ng/1) and/or if any individual value exceeds a TBEL value of 47 ng/1 Describe proposed permit actions based on mercury evaluation: NA. Other TMDL/Nutrient Management Strategy Considerations If applicable, describe any other TMDLs/Nutrient Management Strategies and their implementation within this permit: NA. Other WQBEL Considerations If applicable, describe any other parameters of concern evaluated for WQBELs: NA. If applicable, describe any special actions (HQW or ORW) this receiving stream and classification shall comply with in order to protect the designated waterbody: NA. Page 4 of 8 If applicable, describe any compliance schedules proposed for this permit renewal in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0107(c) (2) (B), 40CFR 122.47, and EPA May 2007 Memo: NA. If applicable, describe any water quality standards variances proposed in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.3(e) and 15A NCAC 2B. 0226 for this permit renewal: NA. 7. Technology -Based Effluent Limitations (TBELs) Secondary treatment requirements for TSS (30 mg/1 Monthly Average and 45 mg/1 for Daily Maximum Limit). See Oil &Grease fact sheet section 12. 8. Antidegradation Review (New/Expanding Discharge): The objective of an antidegradation review is to ensure that a new or increased pollutant loading will not degrade water quality. Permitting actions for new or expanding discharges require an antidegradation review in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0201. Each applicant for a new/expanding NPDES permit must document an effort to consider non -discharge alternatives per 15A NCAC 2H.0105( c)(2). In all cases, existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing use is maintained and protected. If applicable, describe the results of the antidegradation review, including the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) and any water quality modeling results: NA. 9. Antibacksliding Review: Sections 402(o)(2) and 303(d)(4) of the CWA and federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.44(1) prohibit backsliding of effluent limitations in NPDES permits. These provisions require effluent limitations in a reissued permit to be as stringent as those in the previous permit, with some exceptions where limitations may be relaxed (e.g., based on new information, increases in production may warrant less stringent TBEL limits, or WQBELs may be less stringent based on updated RPA or dilution). Are any effluent limitations less stringent than previous permit (YES/NO): Yes. If YES, confirm that antibacksliding provisions are not violated: Turbidity limits were removed from the effluent because the water quality standard is a narrative standard based on instream conditions. 10. Monitoring Requirements Monitoring frequencies for NPDES permitting are established in accordance with the following regulations and guidance: 1) State Regulation for Surface Water Monitoring, 15A NCAC 2B.0500; 2) NPDES Guidance, Monitoring Frequency for Toxic Substances (7/15/2010 Memo); 3) NPDES Guidance, Reduced Monitoring Frequencies for Facilities with Superior Compliance (10/22/2012 Memo); 4) Best Professional Judgement (BPJ). Per US EPA (Interim Guidance, 1996), monitoring requirements are not considered effluent limitations under Section 402(o) of the Clean Water Act, and therefore anti - backsliding prohibitions would not be triggered by reductions in monitoring frequencies. Page 5 of 8 For instream monitoring, refer to Section 4. 11. Electronic Reporting Requirements The US EPA NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was finalized on December 21, 2015. Effective December 21, 2016, NPDES regulated facilities are required to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically. Effective December 21, 2020, NPDES regulated facilities will be required to submit additional NPDES reports electronically. This permit contains the requirements for electronic reporting, consistent with Federal requirements. 12. Summary of Proposed Permitting Actions: A. Table. Current Permit Conditions and Proposed Changes — Outfall 001. Parameter Current Permit Proposed Change Basis for Condition/Change Flow Monitor Only No change 15A NCAC 2B .0505 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) MA 30 mg/1 DM 45 mg/1 No change TBEL. Secondary treatment standards/40 CFR 133 / 15A NCAC 2B .0406 Turbidity MA 25 NTU. DM 25 NTU Footnote: Effluent shall not cause receiving stream turbidity to exceed 50 NTU. If receiving -stream background exceeds 50 NTU, the effluent shall not increase background levels. Non-compliance with this Standard may require additional stream monitoring and a Turbidity Corrective Action Plan (TCAP). The Turbidity limits and footnote were removed from the effluent. The Turbidity water quality standard will be maintained in the permit as a narrative condition for instream monitoring WQBEL. State WQ narrative standard, 15A NCAC 02B. 0220(19)] Oil and Grease (mg/L) [EPA Method 1664 SGT- HEM] MA 30 mg/1 DM 45 mg/1 No change WQBEL. State WQ narrative standard, 15A NCAC 02B .0220 (10); 40 CFR 110.3; EPA QCW 1976 BPJ for TBEL. 40 CFR 125.3(c)(2) on a case -by -case basis under section 402(a)(1)(B) CWA. Page 6 of 8 Organics, Total Purgeables (VOCs) (EPA Method 624.1) Monitor & Report No change 40 CFR 122 Base Neutrals & Acids (Semi- VOCs) (EPA Method 625.1) Monitor & Report No change 40 CFR 122 Flow Measurement Rational Condition Required No change G.S. 143-215.1(b) Acute Toxicity Acute Toxicity monitoring Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia), Annual Updated condition WQBEL. No toxics in toxic amounts. 15A NCAC 2B.0200 and 15A NCAC 2B.0500 eDMR Condition Required Updated condition In accordance with EPA Electronic Reporting Rule 2015. MGD — Million gallons per day, MA - Monthly Average, WA — Weekly Average, DM — Daily Max The draft permit includes the following significant changes from the existing permit: 1. The facility classification Grade I Physical Chemical Water Pollution Control System (WPCS) was added to the effluent page. 2. The Turbidity limits were removed from the effluent table. The Turbidity water quality standard will be maintained in the permit as a footnote narrative condition for instream. 3. The flow monitoring Footnote 3 has been updated. 4. Concurrent sampling with WET testing is no longer required. 5. The Acute WET test condition was updated. See Condition A. (3.). 6. The electronic reporting permit special condition A. (5.) was updated. Footnote 1 for electronic reporting was updated for Condition A. (1.). 13. Public Notice Schedule: Permit to Public Notice: 02/05/2022 [See Attachment G NC0073181 Affidavit 20220308lp] Per 15A NCAC 2H .0109 & .0111, The Division will receive comments for a period of 30 days following the publication date of the public notice. Any request for a public hearing shall be submitted to the Director within the 30 days comment period indicating the interest of the party filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. Page 7 of 8 14. Fact Sheet Addendum (if applicable): Were there any changes made since the Draft Permit was public noticed (Yes/No): Yes. If Yes, list changes and their basis below: This final permit includes the following changes from the draft permit sent on February 22, 2022: • Language was added to the Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing Footnote 7 and Condition A.(3.) to clarify that Acute WET testing has been relaxed from Quarterly to Annually based on past compliance. • A citation in Section A. (1.) Footnote 6 was corrected for the Turbidity saltwater standard [NCAC 02B. 0220(19)] instead of the citation for freshwater. • Special Condition A. (6.) was inserted to provide updated reporting guidance for EPA Methods 624.1 and 625.1. Footnote 5 in Section A. (1) was updated to reference to Special Condition A. (6.). 15. Fact Sheet Attachments (list in order of reference): A. NC0073181_Renewal (Application)_20210709 120p B. NC 2020 Category5_303dlist 20 C. NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 191-194 D. NC0073181_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20210722_6p E. Peer Review _20220222_2p F. Maureen Kinney _20220222_2p G. NC0073181_Affidavit _20220308_1p H. NC0073181_Affidavit _20220308_1p I. Permittee Receipt _20220510_2p J. QAQC202205112p Page 8 of 8 ROY COOPER Governor JOHN NICHOLSON Interim Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC. Attn: Troy Sturtz, Terminal Manager 1710 Woodbine St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Permit Renewal Application No. NC0073181 Wilmington River Road Terminal New Hanover County NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality July 12, 2021 Dear Applicant: The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges the July 9, 2021 receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to allow a complete review of the application and renewal of the permit. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: httos://deq.nc.gov/permits-regulations/permit-guidance/environmental-application-tracker If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. cc: Jon Booth, EHS Supervisor ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application Sincerely Wren Thedford Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 KINDER'''MORGAN July 2nd, 2021 Ms. Wren Thedford North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division 1617 Mail Service Center 2600 Bull Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 RECEIVED JUL 0 9 2021 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Re: NPDES Permit Renewal Application — NC0073181 Kinder Morgan Terminal Wilmington, LLC — River Road Terminal Ms. Thedford, Please find enclosed one signed original and two copies of the NPDES Permit renewal application for Kinder Morgan Wilmington River Rd. Terminal. This submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division includes the following information: > NPDES Permit Application — Form 1 w/ Site Map > Form 2 w/ Flow Map If you have any questions concerning our application, please do not hesitate to contact me at (727) 420-5426 or by e-mail at Jon_booth@kindermorgan.com. Since el Booth S/EHS Supervisor Kinder Morgan Wilmington Terminals (Woodbine Street and River Road Terminals) EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form NPDES \-/EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 1. ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT (40 CFR 122.21(f) and (f)(1)) Form 1 iI Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly treatment works? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Complete Form 2A. owned 12 1.. Is the facility a new treating domestic If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Form 2S. or existing treatment works sewage? No ✓ No Complete 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal operation or a concentrated aquatic production facility? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2B. feeding animal 1.2.2 Is the facility an commercial, mining, currently discharging existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that is process wastewater? Form ❑ No and Form 2C. ✓ No ✓ Yes 4 Complete 1 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that has commenced to discharge? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2D. not yet 1.2.4 Is the facility a new commercial, mining, discharges only nonprocess Yes 4 Complete 1 and or existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that wastewater? p No Form p No Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a discharge is composed associated with discharge is composed non-stormwater? new or existing facility entirely of stormwater industrial activity of both stormwater Complete Form 1 and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15 . whose or whose and Yes 4 / No 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) Name, Mailing Address, and Location 2.1 Facility Name Kinder Morgan River Rd. Terminal 2.2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 2.3 Facility Contact Name (first and last) Jon Booth Title EHS/OPS Supervisor Phone number (727) 420-5426 Email address Jon_booth@kindermorgan.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O. box 3340 River Rd. City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 cn Operator Information m SIC and NAICS Codes Name, Mailing Address, and Location Continued 0 2.5 N 3. SIC 3.1 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier 3340 RiverRd. County name New Hanover County code (if known) City or town Wilmington AND NAICS CODES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) SIC Code(s) State North Carolina Description (optional) ZIP code 28412 4226 3.2 N 4. OPERATOR 4.1 NAICS Code(s) Description (optional) INFORMATION (40 CFR Name of Operator 122.21(f)(4)) Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ❑ Yes ✓ No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state ❑ Other public (specify) ✓ Private ❑ Other (specify) Phone Number of Operator 4.4 (910) 763-0104 Indian Operator Information Land Continued 4.5 Operator Address Street or P.O. Box 1710 Woodbine St. City or town Wilmington State Northa Carolina ZIP code 28401 Email address of operator troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com 5. INDIAN LAND (40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? ❑ Yes ✓ No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(6)) 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits (check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) ❑ NPDES (discharges to surface water) NC0073181 ❑✓ PSD (air emissions) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) LQG-no permit ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑✓ Dredge or fill (CWA Section 404) 172-05 ❑ UIC (underground injection of fluids) ❑✓ NESHAPs (CAA) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑ Other (specify) SECTION 7. MAP (40 CFR 122.21(f)(7)) 7.1 c. 10 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for specific requirements.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8. NATURE OF BUSINESS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Nature of Business Describe the nature of your business. The River Rd. Terminal is a bulk storage terminal that stores bulk liquid products. The wastewater treatment system consists of an oil water separator, waste holding tank, and a wastewater holding pond. the only type of wastewater discharged is stormwater. There have been no discharges over the last 3 years, because there have been no discharges we have not conducted analytical testing but estimated stormwater that would be discharged if an event occurred is between 0 & 4,300,000 gallons per day. SECTION 9. COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 9.2 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) SECTION 10. VARIANCE REQUESTS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) 0 Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑✓ Not applicable ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Checklist and Certification Statement ►GGR•s:fah: ;i.'i%1;{:Iy�;�rlyr itrrt r[-�r_�r�iii�;ricf Zs 4P4'.�Yf6111Trr�1 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ea Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 4: Operator Information ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 7: Mapw/ ✓ topographic map ❑ w/ additional attachments 1 Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/ attachments 11.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Troy Sturtz Official title Terminal Manager Signature Date signed /7../1...Z.X7C71(--- 7-1-2/ EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 ti �� �{ 1 .�.,tlinigi �(� of "nrhlaginfAiiii I..,.� ,;:;`i> n , MittSwaddty ! . �I 1"'•" !�f �� �(;) ,,o 1 , `1 111 J '.tom+� = 1� ��,' ,. 2 ....11911.111111 f, ___1„) D GFAIIIIRILIIIIMiN lill% 1 \\. .../ . / •!o ' , • • .• RUILEDGE : I��PIRIESW ' A • 6 PR 111, S 6, 1111r. • ! 1 OUTFACE Lk1 Tan . o' ..:, ! 1 f7'.+ t ;;.�, f • `° L- ��r t• .. `ii;:F: i;;E�.,l.::a:;t:::•• •' 1:7:':ti i�;• :i s:: �:—•ier::::•;ie,'•i y . S �:};r:?'''-ri••'•7..t•+: 1.• 1•i SITE o _ i� .� 14 +mow• �'",/� I .1 .�• i}i •' !•''.� YJ 1 i 1 . i rF t U t `�, $ 1� Ali,� 1 ?, �� , y.�/ ) ,^` .. iJL__ Imo/ yam..?.' ♦may,' < .. * LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: _ :.�i }- 34.10' 43` N 77* 67' 15' W APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1"= 2000 \ 0 v1 ` ‘ 0' ' f_ •Ili .. - _ �_ 3 O -se jam ,�,� - — '. y,..'x '- ..� �• ✓r` - '` _— 1 ; • o� Y ti t • 0' 1000' 2000' 4000' ) "DRAWING TAKEN FROM USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP (WILMINGTON, NC QUADRANGLE)" - -!•:t,;. V." U) aclr�.r'>> —1--- Jll%\LtL-1` .7 PROJECT: shIp01110 GEL jEngineering of NC INC RIVER ROAD TERMINAL FIGURE an affiliate of THE GEL GROUP INC ENVIRONMENTAL ■ ENGINEERING ■ SURVEYING 6541 Madden ()Ave, Sulu, 101 Raleigh, NC 27616 919,544.1100 WILMINGTON 3340 RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA FACLITY LOCATION MAP 1 problem solved VA wi.Uct.sc DATE: Jun 16, 2016 DRAWN BY:TJP IAPPRV, BY:KDM For each outfall identified under Item 1.1, provide average flow and treatment information. Add additional sheets if necessary. "Outfall Number** 001 Operations Contributing to Flow Operation stormwater is collected in pond Average Flow Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc. o mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D�..... Del T..-...�..,I Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form 2C NPDES =EPA U.S Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING, AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTION 1.OUTFALL LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Outfall Location Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below. Outfall Number 001 Receiving Water Name Cape Fear River Latitude Longitude 34° 10' 43" N 77' 57 15° 11 11 11 SECTION 2. LINE DRAWING (40 CFR 122.21(g)(2)) rn 3 J ` 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water balance? (See instructions for drawing requirements. See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No SECTION 3. AVERAGE FLOWS AND TREATMENT (40 CFR 122.21(g)(3)) 3.1 N/A Code from Table 2C-1 mgd Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than b Dischar. e EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Average Flows and Treatment Continued 3.1 **Outfall Number** cont. Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge **Outfall Number** Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge System Users 3.2 Are ■ you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned treatment works? Yes ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 4. 3.3 Have ■ you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment Yes IN works? No EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 4. INTERMITTENT FLOWS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(4)) 4.1 Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any discharges described ❑ Yes ✓ in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each applicable outfall. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Frec uency Flow Rate Outfall Number Operation (list) Average DayslWeek Average MonthslYear Long -Term Average Maximum Daily Duration days/week months/year mgd mgd days o days/week months/year mgd mgd days LL c d days/week months/year mgd mgd days P E m days/week months/year mgd mgd days 4-0 days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days SECTION 5. PROOUCTION f40 CFR 122.21(g)(5)) 5.1 Do • any effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) promulgated by EPA Yes ✓ under Section 304 of the CWA apply to your facility? No 4 SKIP to Section 6. en 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. (.9 ELG Category ELG Subcategory Regulatory Citation d XI Co u .Q Cl. Q I Production -Based Limitations 5.3 Are any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑ Yes ❑ No -i SKIP to Section 6. 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Outfall Number Operation, Product, or Material Quantity per Day Unit of Measure EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number NCR000146969 NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D ..... D.J T...m..�l Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. IMPROVEMENTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) 6.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ✓ to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, or any other environmental programs that could No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. in 6.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. v Brief Identification and Description of Affected Outfalls Source(s) Final Compliance Dates d o EL Project (list outfall number) of Discharge Required Projected as R 0 d CO 0 Cl 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (optional ❑ Yes ❑ No item) ✓ (or other environmental projects Not applicable 0) m Effluent and Intake Characteristics -4 0 i 1 ■ . - See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A. Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.1 Are you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority your outfalls? ❑ Yes ✓ for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of No -4 SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes, indicate the applicable outfalls below. Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number 7.3 Have requested NI you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been and attached the results to this application package? Yes ❑ No; a waiver has been requested from my NPDES permitting authority for all pollutants at all outfalls. Table B. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, Total Phenols, and Organic Toxic Pollutants 7.4 Do any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall listed in Exhibit 2C-3? (See end of instructions for exhibit.) ❑ Yes ✓ into one or more of the primary industry categories No 4 SKIP to hem 7.8. 7.5 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all toxic metals, cyanide, and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GC/MS fraction(s) identified in Exhibit 2C-3. Primary Industry Category Required GC/MS Fraction(s) (Check applicable boxes.) ❑ Volatile ❑ Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide 0 Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide 0 Volatile ❑ Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 7.7 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all required pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the GC/MS fractions checked in Item 7.6? • Yes • No 7.8 Have you checked "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? ✓ Yes ■ No 7.9 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or (2) quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? ■ Yes 0 No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? Note that you qualify at the top of Table B,51 Yes 4 No -o a then SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.11 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants for which you have o determined testing is required or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, N pollutants you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? :a ■ Yes 51 No d Table C. Certain Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.12 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed on Table C s for all outfalls? us ✓ Yes ■ No 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing (1) quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated cu "Believed Present"? ❑ Yes ✓ No w Table D. Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7.14 Have you indicated all outfalls? whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Table D for ❑ No p Yes 7.15 Have you completed Table D by (1) describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and (2) by providing quantitative data, if available? ❑ Yes ✓ No Table E. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions, or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Table E. ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 8. USED OR MANUFACTURED TOXICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(9)) 8.1 Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as d an intermediate or final product or byproduct? `_ ❑ Yes ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. U 8.2 List the pollutants below. co m 0 1. 4. 7. 0 2. 5. 8. U) 3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA SECTION H u) Identification NCR000146969 9. BIOLOGICAL 9.1 Number TOXICITY Do you have within the last ❑ Yes NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 TESTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) any knowledge or reason to believe that three years on (1) any of your discharges any biological or (2) Facility Kinder on ✓ Name Morgan test for acute or chronic a receiving water in No 4 SKIP to Section Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 toxicity has been made relation to your discharge? 10. cu 9.2 Identify the tests and their Jurposes below. 0 Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Permitting Authority? Date Submitted I — To 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 0 'm ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 10. CONTRACT ANALYSES (40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) 10.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by ❑ Yes a ✓ contract laboratory or consulting firm? No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 0) Name of laboratory/firm U, 7a c a U co C 0 Laboratory address c..) Phone number Pollutant(s) analyzed SECTION 11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(13)) c 0 11.1 Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional ❑ Yes information? ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 12. 1 0 o 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. 1. 4. c 0 :0 73 a 2. 5. 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D 1..... D.� T.. r...n-.1 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 12. CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) Checklist and Certification Statement 12.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2C that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ✓ Section 1: Outfall Location 0 w/ attachments ✓ Section 2: Line Drawing ❑ w/ line drawing ✓ w/ additional attachments ✓ Section 3: Average Flows and Treatment ❑ wl attachments ❑ w/ list of each user of privately owned treatment works ✓ Section 4: Intermittent Flows ■ w/ attachments ✓ Section 5: Production ❑ wl attachments ✓ Section 6: Improvements ❑ w/ attachments ❑ wl optional additional sheets describing any additional pollution control plans ✓ Section 7: Effluent and Intake Characteristics ❑ ❑ ✓ ✓ • w/ request for a waiver and ❑ supporting information wl small business exemption ❑ request w/ Table A ✓ w/ Table C ✓ w/ Table E ❑ wl explanation for identical outfalls w/ other attachments wl Table B w/ Table D w/ analytical results as an attachment ✓ Section 8: Used or Manufactured Toxics ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 9: Biological Toxicity Tests • w/ attachments ✓ Section 10: Contract Analyses ❑ w/ attachments • Section 11: Additional Information ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 12: Checklist and Certification Statement • w/ attachments 12,2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Tay -o zrz Official title --11_9—AA%tatL MANAL4-2_ Signature Date signed 77 Page 7 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE A. CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(iii))1 Intake (Optional) Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses Effluent Pollutant Waiver Requested (if applicable ) Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses ❑ Check here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. 1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) ❑ Concentration Mass 2' Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ❑ Concentration Mass 3. Total organic carbon (TOC) ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) ❑ Concentration Mass 5. Ammonia (as N) ❑ Concentration Mass 6. Flow ❑ Rate 7. Temperature (winter) ❑ °C °C Temperature (summer) ❑ °C °C 8. pH (minimum) ❑ Standard units s.u. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units s.u. 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 9 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D i.... D.1 T...w.i..-.I 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly f available) ( ) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term AverageValue Number of Analyses Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and, therefore, do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note, however, that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, and Total Phenols 1.1 Antimony, total (7440-36-0) Concentration Mass 1'2 Arsenic, total (7440-38-2) ❑ � Concentration ✓ Mass 1.3 Beryllium, total (7440-41-7) � Concentration � Mass 1.4 Cadmium, total (7440-43-9) Concentration Mass 1,5 Chromium, total (7440-47-3) Concentration Mass 1.6 Copper, total (7440-50-8) Concentration Mass 1.7 Lead, total (7439-92-1) Concentration 1 Mass 1 8 Mercury, total (7439-97-6) Concentration Mass 1 9 Nickel, total (7440-02-0) Concentration 1 Mass 1.10 Selenium, total (7782-49-2) Concentration Mass 1.11 Silver, total (7440-22-4) Concentration 1 Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, Pollutant/Parameter (and (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC Presence or Absence (check one) OXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v)p Effluent Intake (optional) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value of Analyses 1.12 Thallium, total (7440-28-0) Concentration Mass 1.13 Zinc,total (7440-66-6) Concentration Mass 1.14 Cyanide, total (57-12-5) � � Concentration Mass 1.15 Phenols, total 1 Concentration Mass Section 2. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Volatile Compounds) 2,1 Acrolein Concentration (107-02-8) Mass 2 2 Acrylonitrile Concentration (107-13-1) Mass 2 3 Benzene Concentration (71-43-2) Mass 2 4 Bromoform Concentration (75-25-2) Mass 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride Concentration (56-23-5) Mass 2 6 Chlorobenzene Concentration (108-90-7) Mass 2 7 Chlorodibromomethane Concentration (124-48-1) Mass 2.8 Chloroethane Concentration (75-00-3) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2'9 2-chloroethylvinyl ether (110-75-8) ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.11 Dichlorobromomethane (75-27-4) Concentration Mass 2.12 1,1-dichloroethane (75-34-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.13 1,2-dichloroethane (107-06-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.14 1,1-dichloroethylene (75-35-4) Concentration Mass 2.15 1,2-dichloropropane (78-87-5) ❑ Concentration •✓ Mass 2.16 1,3-dichloropropylene (542-75-6) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.17 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.18 Methyl bromide (74-83-9) Concentration • ✓ Mass 2.19 Methyl chloride (74-87-3) ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.20 Methylene chloride (75-09-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.21 1 1,2 2- tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))l Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2.22 Tetrachloroethylene Concentration (127-18-4) Mass 2 23 Toluene Concentration (108-88-3) Mass 2 24 1 2-trans-dichloroethylene � ❑ Concentration (156-60-5) Mass 2 25 1,1,1-trichloroethane Concentration (71-55-6) Mass 2 26 1 1,2-trichloroethane Concentration (79-00-5) Mass 2.27 Trichloroethylene � � Concentration (79-01-6) Mass 2 28 Vinyl chloride Concentration (75-01-4) Mass Section 3. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Acid Compounds) 3.1 2-chlorophenol (95-57-8) � Concentration Mass 3 2 2,4-dichlorophenol (120-83-2) � Concentration Mass 3.3 2,4-dimethylphenol (105-67-9) � Concentration Mass 3.4 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol (534-52-1) Concentration Mass 3.5 2 4-dinitrophenol (51-28-5) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 14 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge {if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2-nitrophenol Concentration 3.6 (88-75-5) ✓ Mass 4-nitrophenol Concentration 3 7 (100-02-7) � ✓ Mass p-chloro-m-cresol Concentration 3.8 (59-50-7) Igl Mass Pentachlorophenol Concentration 3 9 (87-86-5) ✓ Mass Phenol Concentration 3.10 (108-95-2) ✓ Mass 2,4,6-trichlorophenol Concentration 3.11 (88-05-2) ✓ Mass _ Section 4. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GCIMS Fraction —Base (Neutral Compounds) 4.1 Acenaphthene (83 32 9) � ✓ Concentration Mass 4'2 Acenaphthylene (208-96-8) ✓ Concentration Mass 4'3 Anthracene (120-12-7) � ✓ Concentration Mass 4.4 Benzidine (92-87-5) Concentration Mass 4'5 Benzo (a) anthracene (56-55-3) ✓ Concentration Mass 4.6 Benzo (a) pyrene (50-32-8) � ✓ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum DailyMonthly Discharge (required) Maximum Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily DischargeAnalyses (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of yses 4.7 3,4-benzofluoranthene Concentration (205-99-2) Mass 4 8 Benzo (ghi) perylene Concentration (191-24-2) Mass 4.9 Benzo (k) fluoranthene ❑ Concentration (207-08-9) Mass 4.10 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane Concentration (111-91-1) Mass 4.11 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether � Concentration (111 44 4) Mass 4.12 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether Concentration (102-80-1) Mass 4.13 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate � Concentration (117-81-7) Mass 4.14 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether Concentration (101-55-3) Mass 4.15 Butyl benzyl phthalate Concentration (85-68-7) Mass 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene � Concentration (91-58-7) Mass 4.17 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether � � Concentration (7005-72-3) Mass 4.18 Chrysene Concentration (218-01-9) Mass 4.19 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene � ❑ Concentration (53-70-3) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 16 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D .,... D.J T... . .-.-.I Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge i Maximum Monthly (iischarge f available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term AverageValue Number of Analyses 4.20 1,2-dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 4.21 1,3-dichlorobenzene (541-73-1) Concentration Mass 4.22 1,4-dichlorobenzene (106-46-7) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.23 3,3-dichlorobenzidine (91-94-1) Concentration El Mass 4.24 Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 4.27 2,4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 4.28 2,6-dinitrotoluene Concentration •(606-20-2) ✓ Mass 4.29 Di-n-octyl phthalate (117-84-0) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.30 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as azobenzene) (122-66-7) � Concentration ✓ Mass 4.31 Fluoranthene (206-44-0) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.32 Fluorene (86-73-7) � � Concentration ✓ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 17 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES NC00073181 Permit Number Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required q AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))l Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Dail Y Discharge e(required) re uired Maximum MonthlyAverage (if available) Long -Term Discharge i Daily Discharge (if available) Number Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number Analyses 4.33 Hexachlorobenzene (118-74-1) Concentration Mass 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene (87-68-3) Concentration Mass 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (77-47-4) Concentration Mass 4.36 Hexachloroethane (67-72-1) Concentration Mass 4.37 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene (193-39-5) � Concentration Mass 4.38 Isophorone (78-59-1) Concentration Igl Mass 4.39 Naphthalene (91-20-3) Concentration Mass 4.40 Nitrobenzene (98-95-3) Concentration Mass 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine (62-75-9) Concentration Mass 4.42 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine (621-64-7) Concentration Mass 4.43 N-nitrosodiphenylamine (86-30-6) Concentration Mass 4.44 Phenanthrene (85-01-8) Concentration Mass 4.45 Pyrene (129-00-0) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 18 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 4.46 (120-82-1) ✓ Concentration Mass Section 5. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Pesticides) 5.1 Aldrin (309-00-2) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.2 a-BHC (319-84-6) Concentration Mass 5.3 R-BHC (319-85-7) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.4 y-BHC (58-89-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.5 5-BHC (319-86-8) Concentration Mass 5.6 Chlordane (57-74-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.7 4 4'-DDT (50-29-3) � � ✓ Concentration Mass 5.8 4,4'-DDE (72-55-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.9 4,4'-DDD (72-54-8) Concentration Mass 5.10 Dieldrin (60-57-1) Concentration Mass 5.11 a-endosulfan (115-29-7) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE 5.12 B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND Presence (check ORGANIC or Absence one) OXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses R-endosulfan (115-29-7) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.13 Endosulfan sulfate (1031-07-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.14 Endrin (72-20-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.15 Endrin aldehyde (7421-93-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.16 Heptachlor (76-44-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.17 Heptachlor epoxide (1024-57-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.18 PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.19 PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) ❑ Concentration ■ ✓ Mass 5.20 PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.21 PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.22 PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) ❑ ❑ Concentration II Mass 5,23 PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 5.24 PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page:: EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses Toxaphene 5.25 (8001-35-2) Concentration Mass I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (Le., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 21 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Intake (Optional) Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. 1 Bromide (24959-67-9) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2 Chlorine, total residual • ❑ Concentration Mass 3. Color ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Fecal coliform • ❑ Concentration Mass 6 Fluoride (16984.48-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 6 Nitrate -nitrite ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 7 Nitrogen, total organic (as N) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 8. Oil and grease ❑ ■ Concentration Mass 9 Phosphorus (as P), total (7723-14-0) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 10. Sulfate (as SO4) (14808-79-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 11. Sulfide (as S) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 23 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE 12.Sulfite C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL Pollutant Presence or (check AND NON CONVENTIONAL Absence one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi)p Effluent Intake (Optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum DailyLong-Term Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Avera a g Velue Number of Analyses (as S03) (14265-45-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 13. Surfactants ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 14, Aluminum, total (7429-90-5) � ❑ Concentration Mass 15. Barium, total (7440-39-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 16. Boron, total (7440-42-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 17 Cobalt, total (7440-48-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 18 Iron total (7439-89-6) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 19 Magnesium, total (7439-95-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 20. Molybdenum, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 21 Manganese, total (7439-96-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 22 • Tin, total (7440-31-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 23 Titanium, total (7440-32-6) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 24 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Intake (Optional) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Effluent Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Lon Term g' Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses 24. Radioactivity Alpha, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Beta, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Radium, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Radium 226, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i,e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 25 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 Facility Kinder CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Name Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Reason Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent 1. Asbestos ❑ ✓ 2. Acetaldehyde ❑ ✓ 3. Ally! alcohol ❑ ✓ 4. Ally' chloride ❑ ✓ 5. Amyl acetate ❑ ✓ 6. Aniline ❑ ✓ 7. Benzonitrile ❑ ✓ 8. Benzyl chloride ❑ ✓ 9. Butyl acetate ❑ ✓ 10. Butylamine ❑ ✓ 11. Captan ❑ ✓ 12. Carbaryl ❑ ✓ 13. Carbofuran ❑ ✓ 14. Carbon disulfide ❑ ✓ 15. Chlorpyrifos ❑ ✓ 16. Coumaphos ❑ ✓ 17. Cresol ❑ ✓ 18. Crotonaldehyde ❑ ✓ 19. Cyclohexane ■ ✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 27 TABLE 20. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant NPDES SUBSTANCES Permit Number NC00073181 Kinder AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))l Presence or Absence (check one) Facility Name Morgan Reason Pollutant 0utfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Present Believed Absent 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) ❑ ✓ 21. Diazinon ❑ ✓ 22. Dicamba ❑ ✓ 23, Dichlobenil ❑ ✓ 24. Dichlone ❑ ✓ 25. 2,2-dichloropropionic acid ❑ ✓ 26. Dichlorvos ❑ ✓ 27. Diethyl amine ❑ ✓ 28. Dimethyl amine ❑ ✓ 29. Dintrobenzene ❑ ✓ 30. Diquat ❑ ✓ 31. Disulfoton ❑ ✓ 32. Diuron ❑ ✓ 33. Epichlorohydrin ❑ ✓ 34. Ethion ❑ ✓ 35. Ethylene diamine ❑ ✓ 36. Ethylene dibromide ❑ ✓ 37. Formaldehyde ❑ ✓ 38. Furfural • ✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 28 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS Kinder Di.— (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Absence Facility Name Morgan D.J T, .-..1,-.I 0utfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Pollutant Presence or (check one) Reason Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent 39. Guthion ❑ ✓ 40. Isoprene ❑ ✓ 41. Isopropanolamine ■ ✓ 42. Kelthane ■ o 43. Kepone ❑ ✓ 44. Malathion ❑ ✓ 45. Mercaptodimethur ❑ ✓ 46. Methoxychlor ❑ 12 47. Methyl mercaptan ❑ ✓ 48. Methyl methacrylate ❑ ✓ 49. Methyl parathion ❑ ✓ 50. Mevinphos ❑ ✓ 51. Mexacarbate ❑ ✓ 52. Monoethyl amine ❑ ✓ 53. Monomethyl amine ❑ ✓ 54. Naled ❑ ✓ 55. Naphthenic acid ■ ✓ 56. Nitrotoluene ❑ ✓ 57. Parathion ■ 19 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 29 TABLE 58. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant NPDES NC00073181 SUBSTANCES Permit Number AND ASBESTOS (40 Presence or Absence (check one) Kinder CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan Reason Pollutant Outfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Present Believed Absent Phenolsulfonate ❑ ✓ 59. Phosgene ❑ ✓ 60. Propargite ❑ ✓ 61. Propylene oxide ❑ i 62. Pyrethrins ❑ ✓ 63. Quinoline ❑ ✓ 64. Resorcinol ❑ ✓ 65. Strontium ❑ ✓ 66. Strychnine ❑ ✓ 67, Styrene ❑ ✓ 68 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic ❑ ✓ 69. TDE (tetrachlorodiphenyl ethane) ❑ ✓ 70 2,4,5-TP [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) ❑ ✓ 71. Trichlorofon ❑ ✓ 72. Triethanolamine ❑ ✓ 73. Triethylamine ❑ ✓ 74. Trimethylamine ❑ ✓ 75. Uranium ❑ ✓ 76. Vanadium ❑ ✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 30 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 Kinder CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Available Quantitative Data Believed Present Believed Absent Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge (specify units) 77. Vinyl acetate ❑ ✓ 78. Xylene ❑ ✓ 79. Xylenol ❑ ✓ 80. Zirconium ❑ ✓ 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 31 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Di. TABLE E. 2,3,7,8 TETRACHLORODIBENZO P DIOXIN (2,3,7,8 TCDD) (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(viii)) Pollutant 2,3,7,8-TCDD EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) TCDD Congeners Used or Manufactured Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Believed Present Absent Results of Screening Procedure 0 Page 33 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form 1 NPDES \%EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater GENERAL INFORMATION Name, Mailing Address, and Location Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit 1. ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT (40 CFR 122.21(f) and (f)(1)) 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly treatment works? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Complete Form 2A. owned 12 1.. Is the facility a new treating domestic If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Form 2S. or existing treatment works sewage? ✓ No ✓ No Complete 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal operation or a concentrated aquatic production facility? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2B. feeding animal 1.2.2 Is the facility an commercial, mining, currently discharging existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that is process wastewater? Complete Form ❑ No and Form 2C. ✓ No ✓ Yes 4 1 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that has commenced to discharge? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2D. not yet 1.2.4 Is the facility a new commercial, mining, discharges only nonprocess ❑ Yes 4 Complete 1 and or existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that wastewater? ✓ No Form ✓ No Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity discharge is composed of both stormwater non-stormwater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15 . whose or whose and ✓ No 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) 2.1 Facility Name Kinder Morgan River Rd. Terminal 2.2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 2.3 Facility Contact Name (first and last) Jon Booth Title EHS/OPS Supervisor Phone number (727) 420-5426 Email address Jon_booth@kindermorgan.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O. box 3340 River Rd. City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 RName, Mailing Address, and Location Continued 2.5 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier 3340 RiverRd. County name New Hanover County code (if known) City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 3. SIC 3.1 AND NAICS CODES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) SIC Code(s) Description (optional) SIC and NAILS Codes 4226 3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description (optional) 4. OPERATOR 4.1 INFORMATION (40 CFR Name of Operator 122.21(f)(4)) Operator Information Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC 4.2 Is the name ❑ Yes you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ✓ No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public —federal • Public —state • Other public (specify) ✓ Private ❑ Other (specify) Phone Number of Operator 4.4 (910) 763-0104 Indian Operator Information Land Continued 4.5 Operator Address Street or P.O. Box 1710 Woodbine St. City or town Wilmington State Northa Carolina ZIP code 28401 Email address of operator troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com 5. INDIAN LAND (40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) 5.1 is the facility ❑ Yes located on Indian Land? ✓ No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 tHA Identification Number NCR000146969 NI'UES Hermit Number NC00073181 vacuity Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/0/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(6)) a E u) > E w CL .N w 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits (check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) m NPDES (discharges to surface water) NC0073181 ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) LQG-no permit ❑ UIC (underground injection of fluids) ❑✓ PSD (air emissions) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑✓ NESHAPs (CAA) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) ❑✓ Dredge or fill (CWA Section 404) 172-05 0 Other (specify) SECTION 7. MAP (40 CFR 122.21(f)(7)) 7.1 n ro Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for specific requirements.) ❑✓ Yes 0 No 0 CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8. NATURE OF BUSINESS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. The River Rd. Terminal is a bulk storage terminal that stores bulk liquid products. The wastewater treatment system consists of an oil water separator, waste holding tank, and a wastewater holding pond. the only type of wastewater discharged is stormwater. There have been no discharges over the last 3 years, because there have been no discharges we have not conducted analytical testing but estimated stormwater that would be discharged if an event occurred is between 0 & 4,300,000 gallons per day. SECTION 9. COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? 0 Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) SECTION 10. VARIANCE REQUESTS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Variance Requests Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑✓ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Checklist and Certification Statement 11. CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ wl attachments ✓ Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ w/ attachments ID Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ wl attachments ✓ Section 4: Operator Information ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section ❑ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/ attachments 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 7: Mapwl topographic ❑ w/ additional attachments ✓ Section ✓ map 8: Nature of Business ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section ❑ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ w/ attachments 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 11.2 __,77../1.4,\ Certification Statement 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Troy Sturtz Official title Terminal Manager Signature Z-X></il Date signed 7— / — 21 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 -,, V:1 ‘1---•:: , ) 1 C' _ A ...\,..„...v •-ioeft -.0.,ot . • kt\.\db iti 11554 el . • °I, ail\A - - _____,\ ,, e el to- is / ,....,_ .. O 1 f I Aulh ddty Ali2i \� fly' ,�,J ►,�, of . f • • 1 2.1411111IMMIIILISIV 1 till % ../ TM. cc -al•.i a • , �1 `'_,` . • ,-, v--A ( �� — 13 Illi J 1 f a -ter / - =l / _ n OUTFALL r" • ,� \t ••+��• •Tan :�rr`�K .� ©�� f�/�rt c5 L _ • 411 ?:ii atiii .i :r::� 4?�1:::�S;aCti''}ti';,•f{a };•1•r:ii.-{:; `ri=jai:;: e:;::3? .; ��t.•, s .--R_Vii4stuy t . l5 2 0,„ 10 _ - 10 1_ I, / i r j : 'lily., ` • C rl �`� S 4• J .� A *LATITUDE LONGITUDE 0 34 10 43 N 77 57 15' W APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1"= 2000' 0,Oj %vo `--'s O, ]"b I. Q -as- •W !`•� r� - �J�„V C ,' --r o $- ��\ =��j _ c r.t'-$ '• 0' 000' 2000' 4000' "DRAWING TAKEN FROM USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP (WILMINGTON, NC QUADRANGLE)" - J PROJECT: shlp01116 GEL Engineering of NC INC en affiliate of THE GEL GROUP INC ■ ENGINEERING • SURVEYING 6541 Merldien 0r&ve, Sulle 101 Raleigh, NC 27616 919.544.1100 WILMINGTON RIVER ROAD TERMINAL 3340 RENVIRONMENTAL. WILMINGTON, N,NORTHH OR CD CAROLINA FACILITY LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1 problem solved vnvW.gel.core DATE: Jun 16, 2016 DRAWN BY: TJP (APPRV. BY: KDM EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form 2C NPDES EPA U.S Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING, AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTION 1. OUTFALL LOCAT ON (40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Number 001 Receiving Water Name Cape Fear River Latitude 34` 10' 43" N Longitude 77° 57' 15' W SECTION 2. LINE DRAWING (40 CFR 122.21(g)(2)) 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water balance? (See instructions for drawing requirements. See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No SECTION 3. AVERAGE FLOWS AND TREATMENT (40 CFR 122.21(g)(3)) 3.1 For each outfall identified under Item 1.1, provide average flow and treatment information. Add additional sheets if necessary. **Outfall Number** 001 Operations Contributing to Flow Operation stormwater is collected in pond Average Flow o mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) N/A Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Rage 1 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number I Facility Name NC0073181 Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Average Flows and Treatment Continued 3.1 cont. **Outfall Number** Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge **Outfall Number** Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge System Users 3.2 Are • you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned treatment works? Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 4. 3.3 Have ■ you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment Yes • works? No EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 4. INTERMITTENT FLOWS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(4)) 4.1 Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any discharges described ❑ Yes 0 in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? No -4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each applicable outfall. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Outfall Operation Frecuency Flow Rate Number (list) Average DayslWeek Average MonthslYear Long -Term Average Maximum Daily Duration days/week months/year mgd mgd days H o days/week months/year mgd mgd days LL m P days/week months/year mgd mgd days E a days/week months/year mgd mgd days c days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days SECTION 5. PRODUCTION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(5)) 5.1 Do any effluent ❑ Yes limitation guidelines (ELGs) promulgated by EPA ✓ under Section No 4 304 of the CWA apply to your SKIP to Section 6. facility? 0 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. ELG Category ELG Subcategory Regulatory Citation d -o co 0. a. Q Production -Based Limitations 5.3 Are ■ any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Outfall Number Operation, Product, or Material Quantity per Day Unit of Measure EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCR000146969 NC0073181 Kinder Morgan OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. IMPROVEMENTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) 6.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. 6.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. dAffected Final Compliance Dates E Brief Identification and Description of Project Outfalls (list outfall number) Source(s) of Discharge Required Projected E c A co cu a1 Q 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (optional item) ❑ Yes ❑ No ✓ Not applicable SECTION 7. EFFLUENT AND INTAKE CHARACTERISTICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)) Effluent and Intake Characteristics See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A. Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.1 Are your ■ you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of outfalls? Yes 61 No 4 SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes, indicate the applicable outfalls below. Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number 7.3 Have requested 51 you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each and attached the results to this application package? Yes • of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been No; a waiver has been requested from my NPDES permitting authority for all pollutants at all outfalls. Table B. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, Total Phenols, and Organic Toxic Pollutants 7.4 listed Do • any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall in Exhibit 2C-3? (See end of instructions for exhibit.) Yes 0 into one or more of the primary industry categories No -4 SKIP to Item 7.8. 7.5 Have • you checked "Testing Required" for all toxic metals, cyanide, Yes • and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GC/MS fraction(s) identified in Exhibit 2C-3. Primary Industry Category Required GC/MS Fraction(s) (Check applicable boxes.) ❑ Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide 0 Volatile 0 Acid ❑ Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide ❑ Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D i..... D.1 T...... t..-.I Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Effluent and Intake Characteristics Continued 7.7 Have you checked GC/MS fractions "Testing Required" for all required checked in Item 7.6? pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the ■ Yes • No 7.8 Have you checked `Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? 0 Yes • No 7.9 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or (2) quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? ■ Yes III No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? Yes 4 Note that you qualify at the top of Table then SKIP to Item 7.12. B,51 No 7.11 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants for which you have determined testing is required or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? ■ Yes SI No Table C. Certain Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.12 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for at pollutants listed on Table C for all outfalls? ✓ Yes ❑ No 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing (1) quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated "Believed Present"? ❑ Yes ✓ No Table D. Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7.14 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Table D for all outfalls? 0 Yes ❑ No 7.15 Have you completed Table D by (1) describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and (2) by providing quantitative data, if available? ❑ Yes ✓ No Table E. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions, or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? ■ Yes 3 Complete Table E. ✓ No + SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. USED OR MANUFACTURED TOXICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(9)) Used or Manufactured Toxics 8.1 Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 8.2 List the pollutants below. 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number Facility Name NC0073181 Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 9. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY Do you have within the last ❑ Yes TESTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological three years on (1) any of your discharges or (2) on ✓ test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made a receiving water in relation to your discharge? No 4 SKIP to Section 10. y y 9.1 1- 0 1-- 7 0) 0 0 00 9.2 Identify the tests and their Durposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Permitting Submitted to NPDES Authority? Date Submitted ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 10. CONTRACT ANALYSES (40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) 10.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by ❑ Yes a ✓ contract laboratory or consulting firm? No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 0) T c Q U f6 0 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Laboratory address Phone number Pollutant(s) analyzed SECTION 11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(13)) c 0 11.1 Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional ❑ Yes information? ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 12. 1-4 E 0 d c 0 a a 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 co m Checklist and Certification Statement o 0 z N N N iv n ECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) In Column 1 below, mark the sections of For each section, specify in Column 2 any that not all applicants are required to complete Form 2C that you have completed and are submitting with your application. attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ✓ Section 1: Outfall Location 151 w/ attachments 0 Section 2: Line Drawing ❑ w/ line drawing ✓ w/ additional attachments ✓ Section 3: Average Flows and Treatment w/ list of each user of ❑ wl attachments ❑ privately owned treatment works 12 Section 4: Intermittent Flows ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 5: Production ■ w/ attachments ✓ Section 6: Improvements ❑ w/ optional additional w/ attachments ❑ sheets describing any additional pollution control plans 0 Section 7: Effluent and Intake Characteristics ✓ ❑ w/ request for a waiver and supporting information w/ small business exemption• • request w/ Table A ✓ w/ Table C ✓ w/ Table E ❑ w/ explanation for identical outfalls w/ other attachments w/ Table B w/ Table D w/ analytical results as an attachment ✓ Section 8: Used or Manufactured Toxics ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 9: Biological Toxicity Tests • w/ attachments A Section 10: Contract Analyses • w/ attachments ✓ Section 11: Additional Information ■ w/ attachments ✓ Section 12: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/ attachments Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) I r2.61 -f-c)123---z._ Official title —11-g-m%K1kL MANAGf.iL.-. Date signed 2Signature /i4,1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan ill Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE A. CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(iii))1 Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Waiver Requested Units (if applicable ) (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses ■ Check here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. 1' Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) ❑ Concentration Mass 2' Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ❑ Concentration Mass 3. Total organic carbon (TOC) ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) ■ Concentration Mass 5. Ammonia (as N) ❑ Concentration Mass 6. Flow ❑ Rate 7. Temperature (winter) ■ °C °C Temperature (summer) ❑ °C °C 8. pH (minimum) ❑ Standard units s.u. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units s.u. I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 9 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))l Effluent Intake (op tonal) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily D(required) Maximum Monthly Dfacalablischarge ge) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number Analyses Long- Term AValuee Number Analyses Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and, therefore, do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note, however, that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, and Total Phenols 1.1 Antimony, total (7440-36-0) Concentration I NI Mass 1.2 Arsenic, total (7440-38-2) Concentration Mass 1.3 Beryllium, total (7440-41-7) Concentration Mass 1.4 Cadmium, total (7440-43-9) � Concentration • 51 Mass 1.5 Chromium, total (7440-47-3) � Concentration Mass 1.6 Copper, total (7440-50-8) Concentration Mass 1.7 Lead, total (7439-92-1) � � Concentration Mass 1.8 Mercury, total (7439-97-6) Concentration Mass 1.9 Nickel, total (7440-02-0) Concentration Mass 1.10 Selenium, total (7782-49-2) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 1.11 Silver, total (7440-22-4) � � Concentration ✓ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (ui(if Maximum Monthly ischarge (ifavalablle) Long -Term Average aily Discharge available) Number of Analyses Long- Term AValuee Number of Analyses 1.12 Thallium, total (7440-28-0) Concentration Mass 1.13 Zinc, total (7440-66-6) Concentration Mass 1.14 Cyanide, total (57-12-5) � � Concentration Mass 1.15 Phenols, total Concentration Mass Section 2. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Volatile Compounds) 2.1 Acrolein (107-02-8) 0 0 Concentration Mass 2.2 Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) Concentration Mass 2.3 Benzene (71-43-2) Concentration Mass 2.4 Bromoform (75-25-2) Concentration Mass 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride (56-23-5) � � Concentration Mass 2.6 Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) Concentration Mass 2.7 Chlorodibromomethane (124-48-1) � � Concentration Mass 2.8 Chloroethane (75-00-3) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v)p Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average ailyf Di D har a gValue (if available) Number oDischarge Analyses Long- Term Average Number Analyses y 2.9 2-chloroethylvinyl ether (110-75-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) ❑ Concentration • Mass 2.11 Dichlorobromomethane (75-27-4) Concentration II Mass 212 11-dichloroethane (75-34-3) Concentration Mass 2.13 1,2-dichloroethane (107-06-2) Concentration Mass 2.14 1,1-dichloroethylene (75-35-4) Concentration Mass 2.15 12-dichloropropane (78-87-5) Concentration Mass 2.16 1,3-dichloropropylene (542-75-6) Concentration Mass 2.17 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) Concentration Mass 2.18 Methyl bromide (74-83-9) ❑ Concentration 0 Mass 219 Methyl chloride (74-87-3) Concentration ✓ Mass 2 20 Methylene chloride (75-09-2) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.21 1 1,2,2- tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 13 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily ischarge Dreq(required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Averageaily Value Number of Analyses 2.22 Tetrachloroethylene (127-18-4) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.23 Toluene (108-88-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 2 24 1 2-trans-dichloroethylene (156-60-5) ❑ � Concentration Mass 2 25 • 1 1,1-trichloroethane (71-55-6) Concentration Mass 2 26 1 1,2-trichloroethane (79-00-5) Concentration Mass 2 27 Trichloroethylene (79-01-6) � ❑ Concentration Mass 2 28 Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) Concentration Mass Section 3. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Acid Compounds) 3.1 2-chlorophenol (95 57 8) Concentration Mass 3.2 2 4-dichlorophenol (120-83-2) Concentration Mass 3.3 2 4-dimethylphenol (105-67-9) Concentration Mass 3.4 4 6-dinitro-o-cresol (534-52-1) Concentration Mass 3.5 2 4-dinitrophenol (51-28-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 14 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))l Intake (optional) Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily D(reghargred a Maximum Monthly (ifavailabe) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number Analyses Long- Term Averageischarge value Number Analyses 3.6 2-nitrophenol (88-75-5) Concentration Mass 3.7 4-nitrophenol (100-02-7) Concentration Mass 3.8 p-chloro-m-cresol (59-50-7) � 0 Concentration Mass 3.9 Pentachlorophenol (87-86-5) Concentration Mass 3.10 Phenol (108-95-2) MI i Concentration Mass 3.11 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (88-05-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Section 4. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Base /Neutral Compounds) 41 Acenaphthene (83-32-9) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 4.2 Acenaphthylene (208-96-8) Concentration Mass 4.3 Anthracene (120-12-7) Concentration Mass 4.4 Benzidine (92-87-5) Concentration Mass 4.5 Benzo (a) anthracene (56-55-3) ❑ � Concentration Mass 4.6 Benzo (a) pyrene (50-32-8) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Dreq ied) Maximum Monthly ifavalabe) Long -Term Average aily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long• Term AValuee Number of Analyses 4.7 3,4-benzofluoranthene (205-99-2) ❑ Concentration Mass 4.8 Benzo (ghi) perylene (191-24-2) Concentration Mass 4.9 Benzo (k) fluoranthene (207-08-9) Concentration Mass 4.10 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane (111-91-1) ❑ Concentration Mass 4.11 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether (111-44-4) Concentration Mass 4.12 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether (102-80-1) ❑ � Concentration Mass 4.13 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate ❑ Concentration •(117-81-7) Mass 4.14 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether (101-55-3) � Concentration Mass 4.15 Butyl benzyl phthalate (85-68-7) � Concentration Mass 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene (91-58-7) Concentration Mass 4.17 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether (7005-72-3) Concentration Mass 418 Chrysene (218-01-9) Concentration Mass 4.19 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene (53-70-3) � Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 16 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter (and ) and CAS Number, if available Testing Required q Units (specify) Effluent Intake (op onal) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum DailyMonthlyAverage Discharge harge reeuired Maximum Discharge available) f labl Long -Term Di Daily Discharge (if available) Number Analyses Long - Term Average Number Analyses 4.20 1,2-dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) Concentration Mass 4.21 1,3-dichlorobenzene (541-73-1) Concentration Mass 4.22 1,4-dichlorobenzene (106-46-7) Concentration Mass 4.23 3,3-dichlorobenzidine (91-94-1) Concentration 0 Mass 4.24 Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) Concentration Mass 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) Concentration Mass 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) Concentration 12 Mass 4.27 2,4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) Concentration Mass 4.28 2,6-dinitrotoluene (606-20-2) Concentration Mass 4.29 Di-n-octyl phthalate (117-84-0) � ❑ Concentration Mass 4.30 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as azobenzene) (122-66-7) Concentration Mass 4.31 Fluoranthene (206-44-0) Concentration Mass 4.32 Fluorene (86-73-7) Concentration III i Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 17 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge Maximum Monthly D(if ava labs) ischarg Long -Term Average Dail De i scharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long• Term A Value Number of Analyses 4.33 Hexachlorobenzene (118-74-1) Concentration Mass 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene (87-68-3) Concentration Mass 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (77-47-4) Concentration Mass 4.36 Hexachloroethane (67-72-1) Concentration 0 Mass 4.37 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene (193-39-5) Concentration Mass 4.38 Isophorone (78-59-1) Concentration Mass 4.39 Naphthalene (91-20-3) Concentration Mass 4.40 Nitrobenzene (98-95-3) Concentration Mass 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine (62-75-9) � ❑ Concentration Mass 4.42 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine (621-64-7) Concentration Mass 4.43 N-nitrosodiphenylamine (86-30-6) Concentration Mass 4.44 Phenanthrene (85-01-8) Concentration Mass 4.45 Pyrene (129-00-0) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 18 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name 0utfall Number Kinder Morgan 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily (of Drequired) re uired Maximum Monthly Discharge availablge) Long.Term Average aily DisDcharge (if available) Number Analyses Long. Term Average Number of Analyses 4.46 1 2 4-trichlorobenzene (120-82-1) Concentration Mass Section 5. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Pesticides) 5.1 Aldrin (309-00-2) � Concentration Mass 5'2 a-BHC (319-84-6) � Concentration ✓ Mass 5.3 R-BHC (319-85-7) Concentration Mass 5.4 y-BHC (58-89-9) Concentration Mass 5'5 5-BHC (319-86-8) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 5.6 Chlordane (57-74-9) Concentration Mass 5.7 4,4'-DDT (50-29-3) Concentration Mass 5 8 4 4'-DDE (72-55-9) Concentration Mass 5 9 4,4'-DDD (72-54-8) Concentration tgl Mass 5.10 Dieldrin (60-57-1) Concentration Mass 5.11 a-endosulfan (115-29-7) � Concentration ✓ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge req fired) Maximum Monthly (ifavalabllee) Long -Term Average De iDaily harge (if available) Number of Analyses Long- Term AValuee Number of Analyses 5.12 R-endosulfan (115-29-7) Concentration Mass 5.13 Endosulfan sulfate (1031-07-8) � � Concentration Mass 5.14 Endrin (72-20-8) Concentration Mass 5.15 Endrin aldehyde (7421-93-4) Concentration Mass 5.16 Heptachlor (76-44-8) � � Concentration ✓ Mass 5.17 Heptachlor epoxide (1024-57-3) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.18 PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.19 PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.20 PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.21 PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.22 PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.23 PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) Concentration ✓ Mass 5.24 PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) Concentration i Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 20 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR Units (specify) 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Intake (op onal) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily D(ischare eg fired) Maximum Monthly Dfavailablge) Long -Term Average DischargeD (if available) Number of Analyses Long• Term Averageaily Value Number Analyses of Toxaphene 5.25 (8001-35-2) Concentration ✓ Mass I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficient y sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 21 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))' Pollutant Units (specify) Effluent Intake (Optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. 1 Bromide (24959-67-9) ❑ Concentration • Mass 2 Chlorine, total residual ❑ Concentration • Mass 3. Color ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Fecal coliform ❑ Concentration ■ Mass 5 Fluoride (16984-48-8) Concentration • • Mass 6 Nitrate -nitrite ❑ Concentration ■ Mass 7' Nitrogen, total organic (as N) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 8. Oil and grease ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 9' Phosphorus (as P), total (7723-14-0) ❑ Concentration Mass 10. Sulfate (as SO4) (14808-79-8) ❑ Concentration • Mass 11. Sulfide (as S) ❑ Concentration ■ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 23 TABLE EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL Pollutant Presence or (check NPDES Permit NC00073181 AND NON CONVENTIONAL Absence one) Number POLLUTANTS Kinder Facility Name Morgan (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Outfall Number 001 Effluent Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Units (specify) Intake (Optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily D� equi ha 9e Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term AValuee Number of Analyses 12.Sulfite (as SO3) (14265-45-3) � Concentration Mass 13. Surfactants Concentration • • Mass 14.Aluminum, total (7429-90-5) Concentration Mass 15. Barium, total (7440-39-3) Concentration • Mass 16. Boron, total (7440-42-8) Concentration Mass 17.Cobalt, total (7440-48-4) Concentration Mass 18 Iron, total (7439-89-6) Concentration • Mass 19 Magnesium, total (7439-95-4) Concentration • • Mass 20. Molybdenum, total (7439-98-7) � ❑ Concentration Mass 21 Manganese, total (7439-96-5) � Concentration Mass 22 Tin, total (7440-31-5) Concentration • Mass 23.Titanium, total (7440-32-0) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 24 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL Pollutant AND NON CONVENTIONAL Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS Units (specify) (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))l Effluent Intake (Optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses 24. Radioactivity Alpha, total ❑ Concentration Mass Beta, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass Radium, total ❑ Concentration ■ Mass Radium 226, total ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 25 This page intentionally left blank. TABLE EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant NPDES NC00073181 SUBSTANCES Permit Number AND ASBESTOS (40 Presence or Absence (check one) Kinder CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan Reason Pollutant Outfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Present Believed Absent 1. Asbestos ❑ ✓ 2. Acetaldehyde ❑ ✓ 3. Ally' alcohol ❑ ✓ 4. Ally] chloride ❑III 5. Amyl acetate ❑ ✓ 6. Aniline ■ ✓ 7. Benzonitrile ■ ✓ 8. Benzyl chloride ■ ✓ 9. Butyl acetate ■ ✓ 10. Butylamine ■ ✓ 11. Captan ■ ✓ 12. Carbaryl ■ ✓ 13. Carbofuran ■ ✓ 14. Carbon disulfide ■ ✓ 15. Chlorpyrifos ■ ✓ 16. Coumaphos ■ ✓ 17. Cresol ■ ✓ 18. Crotonaldehyde ❑151 19. Cyclohexane ❑151 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 27 TABLE EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Kinder SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Reason Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent 20. 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) ❑ ✓ 21. Diazinon ❑ ✓ 22. Dicamba ❑ ✓ 23. Dichlobenil ❑ ✓ 24. Dichlone ❑ ✓ 25. 2,2-dichloropropionic acid ❑ ✓ 26. Dichlorvos ❑ ✓ 27. Diethyl amine ❑ ✓ 28. Dimethyl amine ❑ ✓ 29. Dintrobenzene ❑ ✓ 30. Diquat ❑ ✓ 31. Disulfoton ■ I9 32. Diuron ❑ ✓ 33. Epichlorohydrin ❑ ✓ 34. Ethion ❑ ✓ 35. Ethylene diamine ❑ ✓ 36. Ethylene dibromide ❑ ✓ 37. Formaldehyde ❑ ✓ 38. Furfural ❑ ✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 28 TABLE EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant NPDES NC00073181 SUBSTANCES Permit Number Kinder D i. ,... AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))l Presence or Absence (check one) Facility Name Morgan D.J T....... ir.-.I Reason Pollutant Outfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Believed Present Believed Absent 39. Guthion ❑ ✓ 40. Isoprene ❑ ✓ 41. Isopropanolamine ❑ ✓ 42. Kelthane ❑ ✓ 43. Kepone ❑ ✓ 44. Malathion ❑ ✓ 45. Mercaptodimethur ❑ ✓ 46. Methoxychlor ■ ✓ 47. Methyl mercaptan ■ ✓ 48. Methyl methacrylate ■ ✓ 49. Methyl parathion ■ ✓ 50. Mevinphos ■ ✓ 51. Mexacarbate ■ ✓ 52. Monoethyl amine ■ ✓ 53. Monomethyl amine ■ ✓ 54. Naled ■ ✓ 55. Naphthenic acid ■ ✓ 56. Nitrotoluene ■ ✓ 57. Parathion ■ ID EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 29 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 Kinder CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Reason Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent 58. Phenolsulfonate ❑ ✓ 59. Phosgene ❑ ✓ 60. Propargite ❑ ✓ 61. Propylene oxide ❑ ✓ 62. Pyrethrins ❑ ✓ 63. Quinoline ❑ ✓ 64. Resorcinol ❑ ✓ 65. Strontium ❑ ✓ 66. Strychnine ❑ ✓ 67. Styrene ❑ ✓ 68. 2,4 5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid) ❑ ✓ 69. TDE (tetrachlorodiphenyl ethane) ❑ ✓ 70. 2,4,5-TP [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid] • ✓ 71. Trichlorofon ❑ ✓ 72. Triethanolamine ■ ✓ 73. Triethylamine ❑ ✓ 74. Trimethylamine ❑ ✓ 75. Uranium ❑ ✓ 76. Vanadium ❑ ✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 30 TABLE EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant NPDES NC00073181 SUBSTANCES Permit Number AND ASBESTOS (40 Presence or Absence (check one) Kinder CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data Believed Present Believed Absent Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge (specify units) 77. Vinyl acetate ❑ 0 78. Xylene ❑ 0 79. Xylenol ❑ ✓ 80. Zirconium ❑ ✓ 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 31 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE E. 2,3,7,8 TETRACHLORODIBENZO P DIOXIN (2,3,7,8 TCDD) (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(viii)) Pollutant TCDD Congeners Used or Manufactured Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present Believed Absent Results of Screening Procedure 2,3,7,8-TCDD EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 33 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form 1 NPDES :—kEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater GENERAL INFORMATION Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit 1. ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT (40 CFR 122.21(f) and (f)(1)) 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly treatment works? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Complete Form 2A. owned 1 1 2 Is the facility a new treating domestic If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Form 2S. or existing treatment works sewage? ✓ No ✓ No Complete 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal operation or a concentrated aquatic production facility? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2B. feeding animal 1.2.2 Is the facility an commercial, mining, currently discharging existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that is process wastewater? Complete Form No and Form 2C. ✓ No ✓ Yes 4 1 1.2.3 Is the facility a mining, or silvicultural commenced to new manufacturing, commercial, facility that has discharge? Complete Form 1 and Form 2D. not yet 1.2.4 Is the facility a new commercial, mining, discharges only nonprocess ❑ Yes 4 Complete 1 and or existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that wastewater? • Yes 4 4 No Form ✓ No Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity discharge is composed of both stormwater non-stormwater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15. whose or whose and ✓ No 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) Name, Mailing Address, and Location 2.1 Facility Name Kinder Morgan River Rd. Terminal 2.2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 2.3 Facility Contact Name (first and last) Jon Booth Title EHS/OPS Supervisor Phone number (727) 420-5426 Email address Jon_booth@kindermorgan.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O. box 3340 River Rd. City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Pagel EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Operator Information SIC and NAILS Codes Name, Mailing Address, and Location Continued 2.5 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier 3340 RiverRd. County name New Hanover County code (if known) City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 N 3. SIC AND NAICS CODES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description (optional) 4226 NAICS Code(s) Description (optional) 3.2 N 4. OPERATOR INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(4)) 4.1 Name of Operator Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ■ Yes 0 No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state • Other public (specify) 1 Private ❑ Other (specify) Phone Number of Operator 4.4 (910) 763-0104 Indian 1 Operator Information Land Continued 4.5 Operator Address Street or P.O. Box 1710 Woodbine St. City or town Wilmington State Northa Carolina ZIP code 28401 Email address of operator troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com 5. INDIAN LAND (40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) 5.1 Is the facility ❑ Yes located ✓ on Indian Land? No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(6)) 6.1 E C N o •E w co N w Existing Environmental Permits (check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each ❑ NPDES (discharges to surface water) NC0073181 ❑✓ PSD (air emissions) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) LQG-no permit ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑ UIC (underground injection of fluids) ❑✓ NESHAPs (CAA) Synthetic minor 01429R23 ❑✓ Dredge or fill (CWA Section 404) 172-05 ❑ Other (specify) SECTION 7. MAP (40 CFR 122.21(f)(7)) 7.1 o. co Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for specific requirements.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8. NATURE OF BUSINESS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. The River Rd. Terminal is a bulk storage terminal that stores bulk liquid products. The wastewater treatment system consists of an oil water separator, waste holding tank, and a wastewater holding pond. the only type of wastewater discharged is stormwater. There have been no discharges over the last 3 years, because there have been no discharges we have not conducted analytical testing but estimated stormwater that would be discharged if an event occurred is between 0 & 4,300,000 gallons per day. SECTION 9. COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) SECTION 10. VARIANCE REQUESTS (40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Variance Requests Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA Section 301(n)) 0 Non -conventional pollutants (CWA Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑✓ Not applicable ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section 302(b)(2)) ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Checklist and Certification Statement :�irri+f:G\1[�1�1.fI=51a1'lla►l�Lirld�ali'�'�'i'iF1�TTir 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 1 Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ wl attachments ✓ Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 4: Operator Information ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits • w/ attachments 1 Section 7: Mapw/ ✓ topographic map ❑ w/ additional attachments 1 Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments 1 Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ wl attachments 11.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Troy Sturtz Official title Terminal Manager Signature Date signed ,...„/7/1.-€1Z-S761---- 2— / — 21 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 ! I i \ \ y li) 411"7. ilik a, tillep,,a)1 latllU v II 1 A..' o ' : r --://' 0 -"Thrt(--- l - 1111111 -- -. 1 ! ti � I MU", I • iiir IIII � I �) Pilk 4, (/ 1 •p iitt Pf.y Will II EXMINPAQIWY1 .1. wimm.m.,.... , j___2_, „v." am • ° , AUIIf00E is�� •+ 1 • • • • _ - r. 7 - ---1- --_. 0 OUTFALL 1) •001* � . Tan mot � _ yCrl - 04f) , � . , , omr. `,)' ''h: •phi°: 4, .••-'• yriti'' ::::'.•:ii:r :r •tit, :;: i•::^• '•:\.!_: ::tip �:?c:i}7 `icfr i:ti't• :lr � .�.° �'r� :: •^:;''`•.;, l r l ID l e 1 � • • . fv �/ .:\ 1 ti�,F � SITE I �f �D '1 / (� �'' � * V _ • ', \ �� .� ee ,.-,J \) 1 l � 1 A ' to i / . , r.•.1-, - ! . . 'cam..• + "' L),. *LATITUDE LONGITUDE: 34. 10 43• N 77.67' 15" W� 7. APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1"= 2000' w d . y_ y� ' o = - l y ., +o - .-- � IINN MI A‘ l / - ,c�.c�1 Al A.•i` 0' 1000' 2000' 4000'; "DRAWING TAKEN FROM USOS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC �) Fif �r�--. MAP (WILMINGTON, NC QUADRANGLE)" � ,ark et-L + , 7 ro l �� yam',, :•::'.--''.:.:: \� I _ .: PROJECT: shIp01116 GEL lEngineering of NC INC RIVER ROAD TERMINAL FIGURE an affiliate of THE GEL GROUP INC ENVIRONMENTAL ■ ENGINEERING ■ SURVEYING 6541 Meddcn Drive. Shce 101 Raleigh, NC 27616 916.544.1100 WILMINGTON 3340 RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA FACILITY LOCATION MAP 1 problem solved vnw•gel•cn DATE: Jun 16, 2016 DRAWN BY:TJP IAPPRV. BY:KDM EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form NPDES fay U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 1. ACTIVITIES REQUIRING Applicants Not AN NPDES PERMIT (40 CFR 122.21(f) and (f)(1)) Required to Submit Form 1 Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit 1.1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly treatment works? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Complete Form 2A. owned 1.. 12 Is the facility a new treating domestic If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete Form 1. Form 2S. or existing treatment works sewage? ✓ No / No Complete 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal operation or a concentrated aquatic production facility? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2B. feeding animal 1.2.2 Is the facility an commercial, mining, currently discharging existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that is process wastewater? Complete Form ❑ No and Form 2C. ✓ No ✓ Yes 4 1 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that has commenced to discharge? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2D. not yet 1.2.4 Is the facility a new commercial, mining, discharges only nonprocess Yes 4 Complete 1 and or existing manufacturing, or silvicultural facility that wastewater? i No Form i No Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility discharge is composed entirely of stormwater associated with industrial activity discharge is composed of both stormwater non-stormwater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15 . whose or whose and ✓ No 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) Name, Mailing Address, and Location 2.1 Facility Name Kinder Morgan River Rd. Terminal 2.2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 2.3 Facility Contact Name (first and last) Jon Booth Title EHS/OPS Supervisor Phone number (727) 420-5426 Email address Jon_booth@kindermorgan.com 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O. box 3340 River Rd. City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Pagel EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Operator Information SIC and NAICS Codes Name, Mailing Address, and Location Continued 2.5 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier 3340 RiverRd. County name New Hanover County code (if known) City or town Wilmington State North Carolina ZIP code 28412 N 3. SIC AND NAICS CODES (40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description (optional) 4226 3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description (optional) N 4. OPERATOR INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(4)) 4.1 Name of Operator Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ❑ Yes 0 No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state • Other public (specify) ✓ Private ❑ Other (specify) Phone Number of Operator 4.4 (910) 763-0104 Indian Operator Information Land Continued 4.5 Operator Address Street or P.O. Box 1710 Woodbine St. City or town Wilmington State Northa Carolina ZIP code 28401 Email address of operator troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com 5. INDIAN LAND (40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) 5.1 Is the facility ❑ Yes located on Indian Land? ✓ No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Form 2C NPDES foEPA Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 U.S Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING, AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS SECTION 1. OUTFALL LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Outfall Location Provide information on each of the facility's outfalls in the table below. Outfall Number 001 Receiving Water Name Cape Fear River 11 11 11 SECTION 2. LINE DRAWING (40 CFR 122.21(g)(2)) c c 3 0 2.1 Have you attached a line drawing to this application that shows the water flow through your facility with a water balance? (See instructions for drawing requirements. See Exhibit 2C-1 at end of instructions for example.) ❑✓ Yes ❑ No SECTION 3. AVERAGE FLOWS AND TREATMENT (40 CFR 122.21(g)(3)) Average Flows and Treatment 3.1 For each outfall identified under Item 1.1, provide average flow and treatment information. Add additional sheets if necessary. **Outfall Number** 001 Operations Contributing to Flow Operation stormwater is collected in pond Average Flow o mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc. N/A Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than b Discharge EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Average Flows and Treatment Continued 3.1 **Outfall Number** cont. Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C-1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge **Outfall Number** Operations Contributing to Flow Operation Average Flow mgd mgd mgd mgd Treatment Units Description (include size, flow rate through each treatment unit, retention time, etc.) Code from Table 2C 1 Final Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes Other Than by Discharge System Users 3.2 Are you applying for an NPDES permit to operate a privately owned ❑ Yes ✓ treatment works? No 4 SKIP to Section 4. 3.3 Have ■ you attached a list that identifies each user of the treatment Yes ■ works? No EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 4. INTERMITTENT FLOWS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(4)) 4.1 Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any discharges described ❑ Yes ✓ in Sections 1 and 3 intermittent or seasonal? No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide information on intermittent or seasonal flows for each applicable ou fall. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Frecuency Flow Rate Outfall Number Operation (list) Average DayslWeek Average MonthslYear Long -Term Average Maximum Daily Duration days/week months/year mgd mgd days odays/week months/year mgd mgd days LL days/week months/year mgd mgd days E m days/week months/year mgd mgd days c days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days days/week months/year mgd mgd days SECTION 5. PRODUCTION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(5)) 5.1 Do any effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) promulgated by EPA ❑ Yes ✓ under Section 304 of the CWA apply to your facility? No 4 SKIP to Section 6. co 5.2 Provide the following information on applicable ELGs. w ELG Category ELG Subcategory Regulatory Citation d .a co .Q a Q Production -Based Limitations 5.3 Are any of the applicable ELGs expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 6. 5.4 Provide an actual measure of daily production expressed in terms and units of applicable ELGs. Outfall Number Operation, Product, or Material Quantity per Day Unit of Measure EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number NCR000146969 NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 6. IMPROVEMENTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) 6.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ✓ to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, or any other environmental programs that could No 4 SKIP to Item 6.3. N 6.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. ..... Brief Identification and Description Affected Outfalls Source(s) Final Compliance Dates d o of Project (list outfall number) of Discharge Required Projected c Co CO N -C CO 6. CO Q 6.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (optional ❑ Yes ❑ No item) ✓ (or other environmental projects Not applicable SECTION 7. EFFLUENT AND INTAKE CHARACTERISTICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)) See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. Table A. Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants 7.1 Are your • you requesting a waiver from your NPDES permitting authority outfalls? Yes ✓ for one or more of the Table A pollutants for any of No 4 SKIP to Item 7.3. 7.2 If yes, indicate the applicable outfalls below. Attach waiver request and other required information to the application. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number 0 u) CO R 7.3 Have requested 0 you completed monitoring for all Table A pollutants at each and attached the results to this application package? Yes •No; of your outfalls for which a waiver has not been a waiver has been requested from my NPDES permitting authority for all pollutants at all outfalls. iS Table B. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, Total Phenols, and Organic Toxic Pollutants CU co 7.4 Do listed ■ any of the facility's processes that contribute wastewater fall in Exhibit 2C-3? (See end of instructions for exhibit.) Yes ICJ into one or more of the primary industry categories No 4 SKIP to Item 7.8. u) w 7.5 Have you checked "Testing Required" for all toxic metals, cyanide, ❑ Yes ■ and total phenols in Section 1 of Table B? No 7.6 List the applicable primary industry categories and check the boxes indicating the required GC/MS fraction(s) identified in Exhibit 2C-3. Primary Industry Category Required GC/MS Fraction(s) (Check applicable boxes.) ❑ Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide ❑ Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral 0 Pesticide ❑ Volatile 0 Acid 0 Base/Neutral ❑ Pesticide EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D i..... D.d T... w... •.I Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 7.7 Have you checked GC/MS fractions "Testing Required" for all required checked in Item 7.6? pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of Table B for each of the • Yes ■ No 7.8 Have you checked "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Table B where testing is not required? 0 Yes • No 7.9 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants for which you have indicated testing is required or (2) quantitative data or other required information for those Section 1, Table B, pollutants that you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? • Yes FA No 7.10 Does the applicant qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the instructions? Yes Note that you qualify at the top of Table then SKIP to Item 7.12. B, -4 p No 7.11 Have you provided (1) quantitative data for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, pollutants for which you have o determined testing is required or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those Sections 2 through 5, Table B, c' pollutants you have indicated are "Believed Present" in your discharge? ■ Yes 151 No Table C. Certain Conventional and Non -Conventional Pollutants E r U N 7.12 Have you indicated for all outfalls? whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed on Table C ❑ No 151 Yes 0 7.13 Have you completed Table C by providing (1) quantitative data for those pollutants that are limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants for which you have indicated m c N 0 "Believed Present"? • Yes ✓ No ,L Table D. Certain Hazardous Substances and Asbestos 7.14 Have you indicated whether pollutants are "Believed Present" or "Believed Absent" for all pollutants listed in Table D for all outfalls? ✓ Yes ❑ No 7.15 Have you completed Table D by (1) describing the reasons the applicable pollutants are expected to be discharged and (2) by providing quantitative data, if available? ❑ Yes ✓ No Table E. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 7.16 Does the facility use or manufacture one or more of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD congeners listed in the instructions, or do you know or have reason to believe that TCDD is or may be present in the effluent? • Yes 4 Complete Table E. ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.17 Have you completed Table E by reporting qualitative data for TCDD? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 8. USED OR MANUFACTURED TOXICS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(9)) 8.1 Is any pollutant listed in Table B a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured at your facility as - an intermediate or final product or byproduct? U • Yes ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 8.2 List the pollutants below. II 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC0073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 9. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) H w i- 0 I— u 9.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological within the last three years on (1) any of your discharges or (2) ❑ Yes on ✓ test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made a receiving water in relation to your discharge? No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Permitting Authority? Date Submitted ❑ Yes ;:: es ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 10. CONTRACT ANALYSES (40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) u) cu u. c a t as c 0 ci 10.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 performed by ❑ Yes a ✓ contract laboratory or consulting firm? No 4 SKIP to Section 11. 10.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm Laboratory address Phone number Pollutant(s) analyzed SECTION 11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(13)) c 0 E E O Tri 0 a a 11.1 Has the NPDES permitting authority requested additional ❑ Yes information? ✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 12. 11.2 List the information requested and attach it to this application. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 12. CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) are submitting with your application. to alert the permitting authority. Note Checklist and Certification Statement 12.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2C that you have completed and For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 1: Outfall Location wl attachments 1 Section ✓ 2: Line Drawing ❑ w/ line drawing ✓ Section 1 w/ additional attachments Section 3: Average Flows and w/ list of each user of ❑ w/ attachments ❑ privately owned treatment works ✓ Treatment 4: Intermittent Flows ❑ wl attachments 1 Section 5: Production ❑ w/ attachments 1 Section 6: Improvements w/ optional additional ❑ w/ attachments ❑ sheets describing any additional pollution control plans 1 Section Section 7: Effluent and Intake ❑ supporting ❑ request wl request for a waiver and information w/ small business exemption w/ Table A w/ Table C w/ Table E ❑ w/ explanation for identical outfalls ❑ w/ other attachments 1 1 1 w/ Table B Characteristics FA 1 w/ Table D ❑ w/ analytical results as an ❑ attachment Section 8: Used or Manufactured ❑ w/ attachments 0 Toxics Section 9: Biological Toxicity ❑ wl attachments ✓ Tests 10: Contract Analyses w/ attachments 1 Section • 11: Additional Information ❑ w/ attachments ✓ Section Section 12: Checklist and Statement w/ attachments ✓ • Certification 12.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) T2oy TCUfZ'`Z Official title TE -M►I AL. MANA(,f.t2 . Signature 7,7 Date signed Page 7 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE A. CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(iii))1 Intake (optional) Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses Pollutant Waiver Requested (if applicable) Units (specify) Effluent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses ❑ Check here if you have applied to your NPDES permitting authority for a waiver for all of the pollutants listed on this table for the noted outfall. 1' Biochemical oxygen demand (B0D5) ❑ Concentration Mass 2' Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ❑ Concentration Mass 3. Total organic carbon (TOC) ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) Concentration ■ Mass 5. Ammonia (as N) ❑ Concentration Mass 6. Flow ❑ Rate 7. Temperature (winter) ❑ °C °C Temperature (summer) ❑ °C °C 8. pH (minimum) ❑ Standard units s.u. pH (maximum) ❑ Standard units s.u. 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 9 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily D(required) Maximum Monthly (if aischarge cailabharge) v(if Long -Term Average Daily De ischarge available) Number of Analyses Long- Term Average Number of Analyses Check here if you qualify as a small business per the instructions to Form 2C and, therefore, do not need to submit quantitative data for any of the organic toxic pollutants in Sections 2 through 5 of this table. Note, however, that you must still indicate in the appropriate column of this table if you believe any of the pollutants listed are present in your discharge. Section 1. Toxic Metals, Cyanide, and Total Phenols 1'1 Antimony, total (7440-36-0) Concentration Mass 1 2 Arsenic, total (7440-38-2) Concentration Mass 1.3 Beryllium, total (7440-41-7) � Concentration i Mass 1.4 Cadmium, total (7440-43-9) � ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 1,5 Chromium, total (7440-47-3) Concentration Mass 1.6 Copper, total (7440-50-8) � Concentration Mass 1 7 Lead,total (7439-92-1) Concentration Mass 1 8 Mercury, total (7439-97-6) Concentration Mass 1 •9 Nickel, total (7440-02-0) Concentration • 0 Mass 1.10 Selenium, total (7782-49-2) Concentration Mass 1.11 Silver, total (7440-22-4) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) TOTAL PHENOLS, Testing Required AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v)p Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily (of re cared Drequired) Maximum Monthly f available) Long -Term Average aily DisDcharge (if available) Number Analyses Long- Term Average Value Number of Analyses 1.12 Thallium, total (7440-28-0) Concentration Mass 1.13 Zinc, total (7440-66-6) Concentration Mass 1.14 Cyanide, total (57-12-5) � ❑ Concentration Mass 1.15 Phenols, total Concentration Mass Section 2. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Volatile Compounds) 21 Acrolein (107-02-8) Concentration Mass 2.2 Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) Concentration Mass 2 3 Benzene (71-43-2) Concentration Mass 2•4 Bromoform (75-25-2) Concentration Mass 2.5 Carbon tetrachloride (56-23-5) Concentration Mass 2.6 Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) ✓ Concentration Mass 2 7 Chlorodibromomethane (124-48-1) Concentration Mass 2.8 Chloroethane (75-00-3) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 12 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available ) Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Testing Required q Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2'9 2-chloroethylvinyl ether (110-75-8) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.10 Chloroform (67-66-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.11 Dichlorobromomethane (75-27-4) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.12 1 1-dickloroethane (75-34-3) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.13 1 2-dichloroethane (107-06-2) ❑ Concentration Mass 2.14 11-dichloroethylene (75-35-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2.15 12-dichloropropane (78-87-5) Concentration ✓ Mass 2.16 1 3-dichloropropylene (542-75-6) Concentration • ✓ Mass 217 Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 218 Methyl bromide (74-83-9) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 219 Methyl chloride (74-87-3) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 2'20 Methylene chloride (75-09-2) ❑ ❑ Concentration ✓ Mass 221 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 13 Facility Name Kinder Morgan TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence (check one) 2.22 rrH iaennricanon Number NCR000146969 Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Effluent Intake (opbonal) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Tetrachloroethylene (127-18-4) Concentration Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses Mass 2.23 Toluene (108-88-3) El Concentration Mass 2.24 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene (156-60-5) El Concentration Mass 2.25 1,1,1-trichloroethane (71-55-6) El Concentration Mass 2.26 1,1,2-trichloroethane (79-00-5) Concentration Mass 2.27 Trichloroethylene (79-01-6) Concentration Mass 2.28 Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) Section 3. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction —Acid Compounds) 3.1 2-chlorophenol (95-57-8) El El Concentration Mass Concentration Mass 3.2 2,4-dichlorophenol (120-83-2) 0 El Concentration Mass 3.3 2,4-dimethylphenol (105-67-9) El ❑✓ Concentration Mass 3.4 4, 6-d i n i t ro-o-c re s o l (534-52-1) ❑✓ Concentration Mass 3.5 2,4-dinitrophenol (51-28-5) El ❑✓ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 14 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved Ui/U5/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYANIDE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available ) Testing Required q Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses 2-nitrophenol Concentration 3.6 (88-75-5) ✓ Mass 4-nitrophenol Concentration 3 7 (100-02-7) ✓ Mass Concentration 3'8 p-chloro-m-cresol (59-50-7) • ✓ Mass Pentachlorophenol Concentration 3 9 (87-86-5) � ✓ Mass Phenol Concentration 3.10 (108-95-2) ✓ Mass 2 4,6-trichlorophenol Concentration 3.11 (88-05-2) � ✓ Mass Section 4. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GCIMS Fraction —Base /Neutral Compounds) 4'1 Acenaphthene (83-32-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 4'2 Acenaphthylene (208-96-8) ✓ Concentration Mass 4.3 Anthracene (120-12-7) ✓ Concentration Mass 4.4 Benzidine (92-87-5) Concentration Mass 4.5 Benzo (a) anthracene (56-55-3) Concentration Mass 4,6 Benzo (a) pyrene (50-32-8) ✓ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES NC00073181 Permit Number Facility Name Kinder Morgan 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC Presence or Absence (check one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake Pollutant/Parameter (optional) (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term g a Daily Discharge (if Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number Number of Analyses available) 4.7 3,4-benzofluoranthene Concentration (205-99-2) Mass 4.8 Benzo (ghi) perylene (191-24-2) 0 Concentration Mass 4.9 Benzo (k) fluoranthene (207-08-9) Concentration Mass 4.10 Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane (111-91-1) Concentration Mass 4.11 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether (111-44-4) Concentration Mass 4.12 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether (102-80-1) Concentration Mass 4.13 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (117-81-7) � Concentration Mass 4.14 4-bromophenyl phenyl ether (101-55-3) Concentration Mass 4.15 Butyl benzyl phthalate (85-68-7) Concentration Mass 4.16 2-chloronaphthalene (91-58-7) Concentration Mass 4.17 4-chlorophenyl phenyl ether (7005-72-3) Concentration Mass Chrysene 4.18 (218-01-9) Concentration Mass 4.19 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene (53-70-3) Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 16 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Pollutant/Parameter CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily a Discharge Maximum Monthly (ifavalabe) Long -Term Average Daily De ischarge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - g Term AverageValue Number of Analyses 4.20 1 2-dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) Concentration Mass 4.21 1,3-dichlorobenzene (541-73-1) Concentration Mass 4'22 14-dichlorobenzene (106-46-7) � Concentration 0 ✓ Mass 4.23 3 3-dichlorobenzidine (91-94-1) Concentration Mass 4.24 Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.25 Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) Concentration Mass 4.26 Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) � Concentration Ig Mass 4 27 2 4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) • Concentration ✓ Mass 4 28 2,6-dinitrotoluene (606-20-2) Concentration • ✓ Mass 4 29 Di-n-octyl phthalate (117-84-0) Concentration ✓ Mass 4.30 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as azobenzene) (122-66-7) � Concentration ✓ Mass 4.31 Fluoranthene (206-44-0) Concentration Mass 4.32 Fluorene (86-73-7) Concentration ✓ Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 17 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES NC00073181 Permit Number Facility Name Kinder Morgan D i. ... D.1 T...m....I 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND Presence (check ORGANIC TOXIC or Absence one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Discharge a g (if available) Number Analysesaily f Long - Term Average Value Number Analysesf 4.33 Hexachlorobenzene Concentration (118-74-1) Mass 4.34 Hexachlorobutadiene Concentration (87-68-3) Mass 4.35 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene � Concentration (77-47-4) Mass 4.36 Hexachloroethane Concentration (67-72-1) Mass 4.37 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene Concentration (193-39-5) Mass 4.38 Isophorone Concentration (78-59-1) Mass 4.39 Naphthalene Concentration (91-20-3) Mass 4.40 Nitrobenzene Concentration (98-95-3) Mass 4.41 N-nitrosodimethylamine Concentration (62-75-9) Mass 4.42 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine � Concentration (621-64-7) Mass 4.43 N-nitrosodiphenylamine ❑ � Concentration (86-30-6) Mass 4.44 Phenanthrene Concentration (85-01-8) Mass 4.45 Pyrene ✓ Concentration (129-00-0) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 18 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/0b/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (optional) Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses 1 2 4-trichlorobenzene Concentration 4'46 (120-82-1) ❑ ✓ Mass Section 5. Organic Toxic Pollutants (GC/MS Fraction—Pestic des) 5.1 Aldrin (309-00-2) ✓ Concentration Mass 5 2 a-BHC (319-84-6) Concentration Mass 5'3 R-BHC (319-85-7) ✓ Concentration Mass 5'4 y-BHC (58-89-9) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.5 6-BHC (319-86-8) Concentration Mass 5.6 Chlordane (57-74-9) Concentration Mass 5.7 4 4'-DDT (50-29-3) ✓ Concentration Mass 5.8 4,4'-DDE (72-55-9) Concentration Mass 5'9 4 4'-DDD (72-54-8) Concentration Mass 5.10 Dieldrin (60-57-1) Concentration Mass 5.11 a-endosulfan (115-29-7) � Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 19 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES NC00073181 Permit Number Facility Name Kinder Morgan D ..... D.1 T.........,I Duffel! Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC Presence or Absence (check one) OXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v))1 Effluent Intake Pollutant/Parameter (optional) (and CAS Number, if available) Testing Required Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify)Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term g a Daily Discharge g (if available) Number of Analyses y Long - Term Average Value Number Number of Analyses 5.12 R-endosulfan ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration (115-29-7) Mass 5.13 Endosulfan sulfate ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration (1031-07-8) Mass 5.14 Endrin ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration (72-20-8) Mass 5.15 Endrin aldehyde ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration (7421-93-4) Mass 5.16 Heptachlor ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration (76-44-8) Mass 5.17 Heptachlor epoxide (1024-57-3) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.18 PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.19 PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.20 PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.21 PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.22 PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.23 PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass 5.24 PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) ❑ ❑ ✓ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 20 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 TABLE B. TOXIC METALS, CYAN DE, TOTAL PHENOLS, AND ORGANIC TOXIC POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(v)p Pollutant/Parameter (and CAS Number, if available) 5.25 Toxaphene (8001-35-2) Testing Required El Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present El Believed Absent El Units (specify) Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Effluent Intake (optional) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long - Term Average Value Number of Analyses Concentration Mass 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 21 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Presence or Absence (check one) Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent Units (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Long -Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses LAveragrm Average Value Number of Analyses ❑ Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be present in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. Check here if you believe all pollutants on Table C to be absent in your discharge from the noted outfall. You need not complete the "Presence or Absence" column of Table C for each pollutant. 1 Bromide (24959-67-9) ❑ Concentration Mass 2 Chlorine, total residual ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 3. Color ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 4. Fecal coliform ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 5' Fluoride (16984-48-8) M ❑ Concentration Mass 6 Nitrate -nitrite M ❑ Concentration Mass 7 Nitrogen, total organic (as N) ❑ • Concentration Mass 8. Oil and grease ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 9 Phosphorus (as P), total (7723-14-0) Concentration Mass 10. Sulfate (as SO4) (14808-79-8) • Concentration Mass 11. Sulfide (as S) ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 23 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE C. CERTAIN NPDES Permit NC00073181 Number Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 CONVENTIONAL. Presence or (check AND NON CONVENTIONAL Absence one) POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Effluent Intake Pollutant Units (Optional) Believed Present Believed Absent (specify) Maximum Daily Discharge (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Lon g-Term Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Velua Number of Analyses 12.Sulfite (as S03) ❑ ❑ Concentration (14265-45-3) Mass 13. Surfactants ❑ ❑ Concentration Mass 14. Aluminum, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7429-90-5) Mass 15. Barium, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7440-39-3) Mass 16. Boron, total M M Concentration (7440-42-8) Mass 17. Cobalt, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7440-48-4) Mass 18. Iron total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7439-89-6) Mass 19 Magnesium, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7439-95-4) Mass 20. Molybdenum, total ❑ ❑ Concentration ( (7439-98-7) Mass 21 Manganese, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7439-96-5) Mass 22.Tin, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7440-31-5) Mass 23.Titanium, total ❑ ❑ Concentration (7440-32-6) Mass EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 24 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number 181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi))1 Effluent Intake (Optional) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Units (specify) Believed Present Believed Absent Maximum Daily ischar a (required) Maximum Monthly Discharge (if available) Lon Term g- Average Daily Discharge (if available) Number of Analyses Long -Term Average Value Number of Analyses 24. Radioactivity Alpha, total ❑ Concentration E Mass Beta, total ❑ � Concentration Mass Radium, total M � Concentration Mass Radium 226, total ■ � Concentration Mass 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the ana required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 25 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))1 Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present in Discharge Available Quantitative Data Believed Present Believed Absent Reason Pollutant (specify units) 1. Asbestos ■ ✓ 2. Acetaldehyde ■ ✓ 3. Allyl alcohol ❑ ✓ 4. Ally! chloride ❑ ✓ 5. Amyl acetate ❑ ✓ 6. Aniline ■ ✓ 7. Benzonitrile ■ ✓ 8. Benzyl chloride ❑ ✓ 9. Butyl acetate ❑ 10. Butylamine ■ ✓ 11. Captan ❑ ✓ 12. Carbaryl ❑ ✓ 13. Carbofuran ❑ ✓ 14. Carbon disulfide ■ ✓ 15. Chlorpyrifos ■ 16. Coumaphos ■ 17. Cresol IN 18. Crotonaldehyde ❑ ✓ 19. Cyclohexane ■ El EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 27 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 20. Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present Believed Absent Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 0 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) 21. Diazinon 0 22. Dicamba 0 ❑✓ 23, Dichlobenil 0 0 24, Dichlone ❑✓ 25. 2,2-dichloropropionic acid 0 26. Dichlorvos El 0 27. Diethyl amine El 0 28. Dimethyl amine 0 El 29. Dintrobenzene 30. Diquat 0 31. Disulfoton 0 El 32. Diuron 0 0 33. Epichlorohydrin El 34. Ethion 35. Ethylene diamine 0 ❑✓ 36. Ethylene dibromide 0 ID 37. Formaldehyde 0 38. Furfural 0 EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 28 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 Facility Kinder CFR 12221(g)(7)(vii))1 Name Morgan Outfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge corm Approves Us/U5/1 s OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Reason Pollutant Believed Present Believed Absent 39. Guthion ■ ✓ 40. Isoprene ■ ✓ 41. Isopropanolamine ❑ ✓ 42. Kelthane ❑ ✓ 43. Kepone ❑ ✓ 44. Malathion ❑ ✓ 45. Mercaptodimethur ❑ ✓ 46. Methoxychior ❑ ✓ 47. Methyl mercaptan ❑ ✓ 48. Methyl methacrylate ❑ ✓ 49. Methyl parathion ❑ ✓ 50. Mevinphos ❑ ✓ 51. Mexacarbate ❑ ✓ 52. Monoethyl amine ❑ ✓ 53. Monomethyl amine ❑ ✓ 54. Naled ❑ ✓ 55. Naphthenic acid ❑ SI 56. Nitrotoluene ❑ ✓ 57. Parathion ■ IM EPA Form 3510-20 (Revised 3-19) Page 29 crrl iuenuricauon Number NCR000146969 NPUbS Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 58. Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present Believed Absent Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/1 OMB No. 2040-0004 Reason Pollutant Believed Present in Discharge Phenolsulfonate Available Quantitative Data (specify units) 59. Phosgene 0 60. Propargite 0 ❑✓ 61. Propylene oxide ✓❑ 62. Pyrethrins 0 63. Quinoline 0 0 64. Resorcinol El 0 65. Strontium ❑✓ 66. Strychnine 0 ❑✓ 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. Styrene 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid) TDE (tetrachlorodiphenyl ethane) 2,4,5-TP [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid] Trichlorofon 0 ❑✓ a ❑✓ El 0 ❑✓ ❑✓ 72. Triethanolamine 0 ❑✓ 73. Triethylamine 0 74. Trimethylamine 0 0 75. Uranium ❑✓ 76. Vanadium ❑✓ EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 30 EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS (40 Kinder CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vii))1 Facility Name Morgan Reason Pollutant Outfall Number 001 Believed Present in Discharge Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Available Quantitative Data (specify units) TABLE D. CERTAIN HAZARDOUS Pollutant Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Present Believed Absent 77. Vinyl acetate ■ ✓ 78. Xylene ❑ ✓ 79. Xylenol ■ ✓ 80. Zirconium ❑ ✓ 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Page 31 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NCR000146969 NPDES Permit Number NC00073181 Facility Name Kinder Morgan D�. D.4 TABLE E. 2,3,7,8 TETRACHLORODIBENZO P DIOXIN (2,3,7,8 TCDD) (40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(viii)) Pollutant TCDD Congeners Used or Manufactured Presence or Absence (check one) Believed Believed Present Absent 2,3,7,8-TCDD EPA Form 3510-2C (Revised 3-19) Outfall Number Results of Screening Procedure Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Page 33 AU Name AU ID Description NORTH CAROLINA 2020 303(D) LIST Lower Cape Fear Cape Fear River Basin AU Number Classification Length or Area Units CAPE FEAR RIVER 4387 18-(63)a C;Sw 3.8 FW Miles From raw water supply intake at Federal Paper Board corporation (Riegelwood) to Bryant Mill Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR 1 Benthos (Nar, AL, FW) 5 Exceeding Criteria Fair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 1998 CAPE FEAR RIVER 1350J 18-(71)a1 SC From upstream mouth of Toomers Cr. To Railroad bridge at Navassa 10.6 S Acres PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS = REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Confidence Jei CAPE FEAR RIVER 1399 From Railroad bridge to Hwy 17 bridge. 18-(71)a2a SC 290.0 S Acres PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS Mi. REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Hexavalent Chromium Fish Tissue Advisory (Advisory, FC, NC) Arsenic Fish Tissue Advisory (Advisory, FC, NC) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 5 5 Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria DHHS Fish Consumption Advisory 2020 DHHS Fish Consumption Advisory Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Confidence 2020 1998 CAPE FEAR RIVER 13995 PARAMETER From Hwy 17 bridge to Greenfield Creek 18-(71)a2b SC 149.8 S Acres IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATOW REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR A Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Confidence 1998 CAPE FEAR RIVER 13732 18-(71)a3 SC 1,274.9 S Acres From Greenfield Creek to Barnards Creek PARAMETER 'CRITERIA STATUS' M REASON FOR RATING 30 Copper (3 µg/I, AL, SW) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 Data Inconclusive 5 Exceeding Criteria Legacy Category 5 Total Metals Assessment Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Confidence 2008 1994 CAPE FEAR RIVER 13733 18-(71)a4 SC From Barnards Creek to 0.6 miles downstream of Barnards Creek 372.9 PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS = REASON FOR RATING Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 Exceeding Criteria S Acres 303D YEAR l 1998 Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Confidence 7/21/2021 NC 2020 303d List- Approved by EPA June 23,2021 Page 20 of 188 Lower Cape Fear AU Name AU ID Description NORTH CAROLINA 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Cape Fear River Basin AU Number Classification AU LengthArea AU Units Fecal Coliform (GM 200/400, REC, FW) 1 Meeting Criteria Pathogen Indicator Meeting Criteria CAPE FEAR RIVER 13506 18-(71)a1 SC From upstream mouth of Toomers Cr. To Railroad bridge at Navassa 10.6 S Acres 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) pH (8.5, AL, SW) Arsenic Dissolved Chronic (36 µg/I, AL, SW) Cadmium Dissolved Chronic (8.8, AL, SW) Chromium Dissolved Chronic (Calcuated, A Copper Dissolved Acute (4.8 µg/I, AL, SW) Copper Dissolved Chronic (3.1 µg/I, AL, SW) Lead Dissolved Chronic (8.1, AL, SW) Nickel Dissolved Chronic (8.2, AL, SW) Silver Dissolved Chronic (0.1 µg/I, AL, SW) Zinc Dissolved Chronic (81 µg/I, AL, SW) Turbidity (25 NTU, AL, FW acres & SW) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) Fecal Coliform (GM 200/400, REC, FW) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con [Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria [Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Exceeding Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc Pathogen Indicator Meeting Criteria 7/21/2021 NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Category 5 assessments approved by EPA June 23,2021 Page 191 of 1334 Lower Cape Fear AU Name AU ID Description NORTH CAROLINA 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Cape Fear River Basin AU Number Classification AU LengthArea AU Units CAPE FEAR RIVER 13994 18-(71)a2a SC 290.0 S Acres From Railroad bridge to Hwy 17 bridge. 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Hexavalent Chromium Fish Tissue Advisory Arsenic Fish Tissue Advisory (Advisory, FC, N Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) pH (8.5, AL, SW) Turbidity (25 NTU, AL, FW acres & SW) Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria Exceeding Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria DHHS Fish Consumption Advisory DHHS Fish Consumption Advisory Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con CAPE FEAR RIVER 13995 18-(71)a2b SC 149.8 S Acres From Hwy 17 bridge to Greenfield Creek 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) pH (8.5, AL, SW) Turbidity (25 NTU, AL, FW acres & SW) Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) 15 1 1 1 1 (Exceeding Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con 7/21/2021 NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Category 5 assessments approved by EPA June 23,2021 Page 192 of 1334 Lower Cape Fear AU Name AU ID Description NORTH CAROLINA 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Cape Fear River Basin AU Number Classification AU LengthArea AU Units CAPE FEAR RIVER 13732 From Greenfield Creek to Barnards Creek 18-(71)a3 SC 1,274.9 S Acres 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Copper (3 µg/I, AL, SW) Chlorophyll a (40 µg/I, AL, NC) Turbidity (25 NTU, AL, FW acres & SW) Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) '5 '1 I1 '1 '1 pH (8.5, AL, SW) Cyanide (5 mg/L, AL, FW) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) Fecal Coliform (GM 200/400, REC, FW) Fecal Coliform (GM 200/400, REC, FW) '3a '5 '1 Data Inconclusive Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Legacy Category 5 Total Metals Ass€ Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con 'Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con 'Data Inconclusive Exceeding Criteria 'Meeting Criteria 'Data Assessment Inconclusive Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc Pathogen Indicator Meeting Criteria 'Meeting Criteria 'Pathogen Indicator Meeting Criteria CAPE FEAR RIVER 13733 18-(71)a4 SC From Barnards Creek to 0.6 miles downstream of Barnards Creek 372.9 S Acres 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) pH (8.5, AL, SW) Turbidity (25 NTU, AL, FW acres & SW) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) Fecal Coliform (GM 200/400, REC, FW) 1 1 1 1 5 1 Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Exceeding Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc Pathogen Indicator Meeting Criteria 7/21/2021 NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Category 5 assessments approved by EPA June 23,2021 Page 193 of 1334 Lower Cape Fear AU Name AU ID Description NORTH CAROLINA 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Cape Fear River Basin AU Number Classification AU LengthArea AU Units CAPE FEAR RIVER 13734 18-(71)a5 SC 2,183.7 S Acres From 0.6 miles downstream of Barnards Creek to 1.9 miles downstream of Mott Creek 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Copper (3 µg/I, AL, SW) Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) pH (4.3 su, AL, Sw) pH (8.5, AL, SW) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) 5 1 1 1 5 Data Inconclusive Meeting Criteria Legacy Category 5 Total Metals Ass€ Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria Exceeding Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Exceeding Criteria with Statistical Cc CAPE FEAR RIVER 13735 18-(71)a6 SC 1,394.1 S Acres From 1.9 miles downstream of Mott Creek to a line across the river Between Lilliput Creek and Snows Cut 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Copper (3 µg/I, AL, SW) Data Inconclusive Legacy Category 5 Total Metals Ass€ CAPE FEAR RIVER 4389 18-(71)b SC 7,855.1 S Acres From a line across the river between Lilliput Creek and Snows Cut to a line across the river from Walden Creek to the Basin 2020 Draft Water Quality Assessments PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING Water Temperature (322C, AL, LP&CP) Dissolved Oxygen (5 mg/I, AL, SW) pH (6.8 su, AL, SW) pH (8.5, AL, SW) 1 I1 1 1 Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria 'Meeting Criteria Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con Meeting Criteria with Statistical Con 7/21/2021 NC 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT Category 5 assessments approved by EPA June 23,2021 Page 194 of 1334 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretory 5. DAN I EL SMITH Do -rev -or Margaret Sembos Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington LLC 1500 Greenleaf St Charleston, SC 29405 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality July 26, 2021 SUBJECT: Compliance Inspection Report Wilmington River Road Terminal NPDES WW Permit No. NC0073181 New Hanover County Dear Permittee: The North Carolina Division of Water Resources conducted an inspection of the Wilmington River Road Terminal on July 22, 2021. This inspection was conducted to verify that the facility is operating in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in NPDES WW Permit No. NC0073181. The findings and comments noted during this inspection are provided in the enclosed copy of the inspection report entitled "Compliance Inspection Report". There were no significant issues or findings noted during the inspection and therefore, a response to this inspection report is not required. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dean Hunkele with the Water Quality Regional Operations Section in the Wilmington Regional Office at 910-796-7215 or via email at dean.hunkele@ncdenr.gov. ATTACHMENT Cc: Upload to Laserfiche Sincerely, DocuSigned by: 14441.11A $Msd E3ABA14AC7DC434... Morella Sanchez -King, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ M th Cerdlw Dep.rtn.m of£nvtronm..n.alQ Rty Dlvlzlon afW.[er Resources �f Q�� aIntrpton Peg' li}CaNInIDrIre EntenNonl H9mlrpNn NMhCerdma 28.05 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 United States Environmental Protection Agency E PA Washington, D.C. 20460 Water Compliance Inspection Report Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code 1 IN I 2 [5 21IIIIII NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection J 3 I NC0073181 111 121 21/07/22 117 Type 181 �, I IIIIIII Inspector Fac Type 191 S I 201 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHim IIIII IIII 166 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA Reserved 6717° I5 I 71 IDI 72 I N I 73I74 71 11 I I I I I _I I80 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES Dermit Number) Wilmington River Road Terminal 3340 River Rd Wilmington NC 28402 Entry Time/Date 02:15PM 21/07/22 Permit Effective Date 17/08/01 Exit Time/Date 03:30PM 21/07/22 Permit Expiration Date 21/12/31 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) /// Benjamin A Horrell/ORC/910-763-0104/ Jon Booth//727-420-5426 / Michael B Alexander/ORC/910-763-0104/ Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Christopher Vogler,3340 River Rd Wilmington NC 28402/Compliance Assurance Manager -Eastern Area/843-853-0453/ Yes Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit Flow Measurement Operations & Maintenar Records/Reports Self -Monitoring Progran Facility Site Review Compliance Schedules Effluent/Receiving Wate Laboratory Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) Dean Hunkele of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date �Docu� DWR/WIRO WQ/910-796-7215/ 7/26/2021 -E1D9294C4D3746E... Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Morella Sanchez -King DWR/WIRO WQ/910-796-7218/ DocuSigned by: 7/27/2021 1 HindHind& 544.c K;is EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. E3ABA14AC7DC434 Page# 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 31 NPDES yr/mo/day NC0073181 111 121 21/07/22 I17 Inspection Type 18 [j 1 Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Permit was transferred to current Permittee in June 2016. Facility has not had a discharge from its pond/lagoon for more than 10 years. The structure receives flow from two areas of the facility -- one from the oil & water separator that serves the material transfer system and one for stormwater from the tank farm. Page# 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 Permit: NC0073181 Inspection Date: 07/22/2021 Owner - Facility: Wilmington River Road Terminal Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new ME100 application? Is the facility as described in the permit? • ❑ ❑ ❑ # Are there any special conditions for the permit? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Record Keeping Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit? Is all required information readily available, complete and current? Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)? Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? Is the chain -of -custody complete? Dates, times and location of sampling Name of individual performing the sampling Results of analysis and calibration Dates of analysis Name of person performing analyses Transported COCs Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters? Has the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ? (If the facility is = or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified operator on each shift? Is the ORC visitation log available and current? Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site? Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ • ❑ Comment: No discharge in current cycle. Current designated back-up ORC, Mike Alexander, is invalid and he retired from company a year or more ago. Thus, at least a back-up needs to be designated ASAP or submittal of a complete update for designations. Information will be sent with report to assist with this issue. Page# 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 Permit: NC0073181 Inspection Date: 07/22/2021 Owner - Facility: Wilmington River Road Terminal Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Laboratory Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory? Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab? # Is the facility using a contract lab? # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? Incubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius+/- 0.2 degrees? Incubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/- 1.0 degrees? Comment: No discharge in current cycle Compliance Schedules Is there a compliance schedule for this facility? Is the facility compliant with the permit and conditions for the review period? Comment: Flow Measurement - Effluent # Is flow meter used for reporting? Is flow meter calibrated annually? Is the flow meter operational? (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter? Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ • ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ MI Cl ❑ ❑ • ❑ Comment: If they were to discharge, then facility would calculate the effluent flow using the Flow Measurement Rational listed in permit.. Lagoons Yes No NA NE Type of lagoons? Facultative # Number of lagoons in operation at time of visit? 1 Are lagoons operated in? # Is a re -circulation line present? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is lagoon free of excessive floating materials? • ❑ ❑ ❑ # Are baffles between ponds or effluent baffles adjustable? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Are dike slopes clear of woody vegetation? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Are weeds controlled around the edge of the lagoon? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Are dikes free of seepage? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Are dikes free of erosion? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Are dikes free of burrowing animals? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Page# 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9296C8AA-EF4D-4209-91 F4-11693DAF3EB3 Permit: NC0073181 Inspection Date: 07/22/2021 Owner - Facility: Wilmington River Road Terminal Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Lagoons Yes No NA NE # Has the sludge blanket in the lagoon (s) been measured periodically in multiple ❑ ❑ • ❑ locations? # If excessive algae is present, has barley straw been used to help control the growth? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the lagoon surface free of weeds? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the lagoon free of short circuiting? ❑ ❑ ❑ • Comment: Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE Is composite sampling flow proportional? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is sample collected below all treatment units? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is proper volume collected? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Is the tubing clean? ❑ ❑ • ❑ # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 ❑ ❑ • ❑ degrees Celsius)? Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type ❑ ❑ • ❑ representative)? Comment: No discharge this cycle Upstream / Downstream Sampling Yes No NA NE Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type, ❑ ❑ ❑ and sampling location)? Comment: No discharge this cycle Effluent Pipe Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained? Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? Comment: Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable ❑ ❑ • ❑ Solids, pH, DO, Sludge Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: Page# 5 2/24/22, 4:24 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook Re: Peer Review - Draft NC0073181 Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Tue 2/22/2022 9:33 AM To: Phillips, Emily <Emily.Phillips@ncdenr.gov> Thank you! Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Phillips, Emily <Emily.Phillips@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 9:23 AM To: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Peer Review - Draft NC0073181 Looks good from here.... But you prob already sent to PN. From: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 4:05 PM To: Phillips, Emily <Emily.Phillips@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Peer Review - Draft NC0073181 Emily, Here is another for peer review. No data, no RPA. Don't have a factsheet yet but it wouldn't say more than the cover letter. Thanks, https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAlietsA316RDjdiOj%2Bxjcx0%3D 1/2 2/24/22, 4:24 PM Derek Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAlietsA316RDjdiOj%2Bxjcx0%3D 2/2 2/24/22, 5:01 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook RE: Draft NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov> /22/2022 2:2 To: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov>; Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com>; troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com <troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com> Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov> Thank you Derek, I've reviewed the draft and noticed that their backup ORC is INVALID. I attempted to contact him and the ORC but the emails on record are no longer correct. I copied the contact person so hopefully they will forward the information. Maureen From: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 4:13 PM To: Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com>; troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>; Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov>; Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Dear Mr. Sturtz: The Division has reviewed your request to renew the attached draft permit. Please review this draft carefully to ensure a thorough understanding of the information, conditions, and requirements it contains. In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their transactions, the Division of Water Resources is currently transitioning towards electronic correspondence. This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other partners and will allow us to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format. Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is acceptable to you. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document(s), were able to open and view the document(s) and have saved/printed a copy for your records. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Derek Denard Environmental Specialist https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNG15MC04Zj1iLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQACom0%2BIsZ%2FhBu89530i2Kgk... 1/2 2/24/22, 5:01 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBI LTESZDctN G15MC04ZjIi LWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQACom0%2BIsZ%2Fh Bu89530i2Kgk... 2/2 LOCALiQ StarNews ( The Dispatch Times -News PROOF OF PUBLICATION Deq-Division Of Water Res Wren Thedford Deq-Division Of Water Res 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Raleigh NC 27699 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER The Wilmington Star -News, a newspaper printed and published in the city of Wilmington, and of general circulation in the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, and personal knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: 02/25/2022 and that the fees charged are legal. Sworn to and subscribed before on 02/25/2022 Legal Clerk Notary, State of WI, County of Brown My commision expires Publication Cost: $234.30 Order No: 6961362 Customer No: 512930 PO #: TI-IIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! 1 Please do not use this form for payment remittance. # of Copies: 1 VICKY FELTY Notary Public State of Wisconsin PO Box 631245 Cincinnati, OH 45263-1245 Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commis- sion/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit NC0073181 Wilmington River Road Terminal, and NC0089613 H2G0 The North Carolina Environmen- tal Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Writ- ten comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public inter- est. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DWR at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/ water-resources/water-resources- permits/wastewater- branch/npdes-wa stewater/pu bl ic- notices,or by calling (919) 707- 3601. Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC [3340 River Rd, Wilmington, NC 28401] has requested renewal of permit NC0073181 for its Wilmington River Road Terminal in New Hanover County. This permitted facility discharges treated stormwater t0 the Caper Fear River in the Cape Fear River Basin. Some parameters are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allo- cations in this segment of the Caper Fear River. NPDES permit number NC0089613: Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2G0 1 P.O. Box 2230, Leland, NC 284511 has requested a new permit, NC0089613, for a wastewater discharge from a proposed Reverse Osmosis water purification system in Brunswick County. This proposed Reverse Osmosis water purification system will discharge membrane concentrate wastewaters to Brunswick River in the Cape Fear River Basin. Currently, Total Residual Chlorine is water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this segment of the Brunswick River. Page 1 of 1 3/16/22, 9:49 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook Re: Draft NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> 3/16/2022 9: To: Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov> Zach, The facility has not discharged since April 2012. The discharge is under tidal conditions and to salt water class SC. Thanks, Derek Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 10:52 AM To: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Draft NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal ni uereK, ATB has not received test results for this facility since —2013 and we have them in our database as fathead minnow 24Ac. I was able to do some digging and I think ATB did not receive the previous permit from 2017. Do https://outlook.office365.com/mail/sentitems/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQACom0%2BIsZ%2FhBu89... 1/3 3/16/22, 9:49 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook you know if they have had discharge since then? The eDMR is blank and BIMs has suspended reporting since 2017, so just wanted to confirm. I will update our database accordingly to accurately reflect what the requirements (have been) and will be when this new permit is issued, annual mysid @ 90%. Thank you, Zach Thomas Environmental Specialist II Aquatic Toxicology Branch, Compliance and Enforcement Officer NCDEQ— Division of Water Resources — Water Sciences Section Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQ office locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. 919.743.8439 Office 919.743.8517 Fax zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit ATForms electronically to: ATForms.ATB@ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Denard, Derek Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 4:13 PM To: Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com>; troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>; Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov>; Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Draft NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Dear Mr. Sturtz: The Division has reviewed your request to renew the attached draft permit. Please review this draft carefully to ensure a thorough understanding of the information, conditions, and requirements it contains. In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their transactions, the Division of Water Resources is currently transitioning towards electronic correspondence. This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other https://outlook.office365.com/mail/sentitems/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBI LTESZDctNGI5MC04Zjli LWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQACom0%2BIsZ%2Fh Bu89... 2/3 3/16/22, 9:49 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook partners and will allow us to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format. Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is acceptable to you. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document(s), were able to open and view the document(s) and have saved/printed a copy for your records. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/sentitems/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBI LTESZDctNGI5MC04Zjli LWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQACom0%2BIsZ%2Fh Bu89... 3/3 5/11/22, 3:05 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook [External] RE: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Sturtz, Troy <troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com> Tue 5/10/2022 8:3 To: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov>;Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com> Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>;Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>;Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov>;Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov>;Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Derek, I have received the permit and will have my team review. Receiving it electronically is acceptable. Thanks, Troy Sturtz Terminal Manager Woodbine Street, 6th Street & River Rd. Terminals KinderAlMorgan 1710 Woodbine St. Wilmington, NC 28401 O:(910)-218-7450 C:(910)-599-1377 Do The Right Thing Every Day 1) Safety Will Not Be Compromised 2) Environmentally Compliant and Responsible Operator 3) Ethics and Integrity 4) Commitment to Employees and Resources 5) Customer Service and Fiscal Responsibility 6) Quality Focus From: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 5:21 PM To: Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com>; Sturtz, Troy <troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com> Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>; Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov>; Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal [This email message was received from the Internet and came from outside of Kinder Morgan.] WARNING: EXTERNAL EMAIL: PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Do not respond, click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender or know the content is safe. Dear Mr. Sturtz: https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAHBaLjb18CxOjCgbwON9PgQ%3D 1/2 5/11/22, 3:05 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook Please find the attached issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 for Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal. In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their transactions, the Division of Water Resources is currently transitioning towards electronic correspondence. This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other partners and will allow us to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format. Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is acceptable to you. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document(s), were able to open and view the document(s) and have saved/printed a copy for your records. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAHBaLjb18CxOjCgbwON9PgQ%3D 2/2 5/11/22, 3:20 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook Re: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> 1/2022 3:19 PM To: Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hennessy, John <john.hennessy@ncdenr.gov> Charles, QA/QC looks good. I will process a technical correction for John. Thanks, Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:27 AM To: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hennessy, John <john.hennessy@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal The permit has been issued in BIMS. You can QA/QC at your discretion. NOTE: The signature and effective dates are reversed on the permit cover page. A correction should be sent. CHW https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAHBaLjb18CxOjCgbwON9PgQ%3D 1/2 5/11/22, 3:20 PM Mail - Denard, Derek - Outlook From: Denard, Derek <derek.denard@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 5:21 PM To: Booth, Jon <Jon_Booth@kindermorgan.com>; troy_sturtz@kindermorgan.com Cc: King, Morella s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov>; Moore, Cindy <cindy.a.moore@ncdenr.gov>; Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 - Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal Dear Mr. Sturtz: Please find the attached issuance of NPDES Permit NC0073181 for Kinder Morgan Terminals Wilmington, LLC - Wilmington River Road Terminal. In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their transactions, the Division of Water Resources is currently transitioning towards electronic correspondence. This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other partners and will allow us to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format. Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is acceptable to you. Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document(s), were able to open and view the document(s) and have saved/printed a copy for your records. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Derek Denard Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3618 office 919 707 9000 main DWR derek.denard©ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/id/AAQkADdhYTVmZDBILTESZDctNGI5MC04ZjliLWU4MjVhZTBhMmJkMgAQAHBaLjb18CxOjCgbwON9PgQ%3D 2/2